[135] - Rainy Day
Warnings: hints once at sexual part of relationship, brief nudity in a non sexual way, slight awkwardness about said nudity
Enjoy, this fic has mostly been written between 12am-3am
134 fics and I haven't written a rainy day fic until now, smh
When hearing from Patton yesterday that it was going to be raining all day Virgil had been delighted. He'd been even more so earlier today when waking up and realizing it was really pouring down outside.
Virgil had only been outside for a few minutes before his hair had been drenched in rain and the droplets were doing their best to soak through his clothes too. Virgil hadn't minded it one bit then and he still didn't mind it now even if he couldn't say he was dry anywhere anymore.
And yes, he's shivering and freezing but he enjoys the cold drops on his face, even if his hair was since long plastered to his forehead and his clothes are heavy with the rain. He's drenched to the skin and yet perfectly content right where he is, at least for now. Admittedly he couldn't stay out here forever, he was going to become too cold after a while, but he didn't have to think about that just yet.
Instead Virgil pushed that thought away and smiled at the sky. He loved spending the rainy days outside like this.
Logan had just made himself a hot cup of tea and he was ready to curl up on the couch with his favorite book (that he'd read countless times before). He seemed to be the only one outside of his room today, and it was nice having some peace and quiet in the living room.
But Logan made the mistake of looking out the window, only wanting to watch the rain for a moment, but he stopped in the middle of the room and stared a bit, because was that not Virgil out there in the rain?
Logan quickly realized that it was indeed Virgil out there on the lawn, standing with his face turned up towards the sky. What was he doing? Logan set his book and cup down on the coffee table, then turning back towards the window to try and see what Virgil was up to.
As far as Logan could tell he was simply standing there, and Logan was at the moment dumbfounded by his boyfriends behaviour. What was the point of standing in the rain? Logan ended up observing him for several minutes, not wanting to simply leave him there but also feeling quite against the idea of going outside himself.
His warm drink and his book were far more tempting than the, surely, cold rain. But eventually Logan had to realize that Virgil didn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon and Logan supposed that if anyone could coax Virgil back inside it was him.
He sent the fluffy blanket on the couch and his tea and his book a last longing glance before sinking out into the garden that Roman and Patton insisted they'd have. As long as they took care of the plants and flowers Logan was fine with it. Plus, he liked the fact that Roman had used the imagination to make an 'outside' in the mind scape.
It made it much easier for them all to have access to the imagination. Much easier for Logan to go outside and stargaze.
Every step he took on the lawn was as if walking in a puddle, as if the ground could not absorb all the rain. Logan crossed his arms around his chest as he made his way to Virgil, very much regretting his choice of not taking the time to put shoes and a jacket on.
"Virgil, what are you doing out here?" Logan asked as soon as he was close enough to talk normally and be heard over the sound of the rain.
"Relaxing." Virgil responded, as if this was how anyone relaxed. And maybe it was true that this was one of his ways of relaxing since he hadn't even jumped at the sound of Logan's voice, or been startled by his presence.
"In the rain?" A small smile graced Virgil's lips and he nodded. Logan took a half of a step forward, reaching a hand out but pausing before he touched Virgil. He still had his face turned up towards the dark grey clouds in the sky, seemingly unbothered by the raindrops hitting his exposed skin, soaking through his clothes.
"You're shivering, please come inside." Logan said.
It was true, Virgil's whole body was trembling in the cold and it made Logan wonder for how long Virgil really had been stood in the rain.
"Not yet." Virgil mumbled. Logan was very confused by now. He did not understand why Virgil was out here. He reached for Virgil's hands, almost shocked at how cold they were, and he grasped them tightly, hoping he could warm Virgil up a bit.
"You're freezing," He exclaimed, letting go of Virgil's hands and pulling him closer and putting his arms around him, trying to share his warmth and not caring that he was getting drenched too, "and your clothes are completely soaked."
"I'm aware." Virgil said, and even if Logan couldn't see his face right now he could've swore Virgil was grinning.
A pair of very cold hands found their way in under Logan's shirt, pressing against his back. Logan supposed there must be s big difference in temperature, because despite the fact that he felt quite cold Virgil's hands were like ice against his skin and he tried avoiding his touch but all that did was making him push closer to Virgil's body, which was just as cold. Plus the fact that Virgil's clothes were as drenched as clothes could be, it only made Logan's clothes get wet quicker.
"Let's just go- go inside." Logan said, trying to sound as convincing as he could while stuttering. He was getting quite shivery himself. And yet he wasn't as cold as Virgil who was clearly trying to hide that his teeth clattered.
"But I don't want to. Who- who knows when it'll rain like this again." Virgil said, tone of voice going from whiny to amazed. He took a step back, de-tangling himself from Logan and looking far more delighted than any sane person should when looking as if they had just been hoisted out of a lake.
The rain was actually dripping from Virgil's soaked hair, running down his face. His hoodie was no better and Logan didn't doubt that if Virgil walked inside he'd leave puddles of water by every step he took over Patton's newly vacuumed floors.
"Virgil. We're going inside, changing into some dry, warm clothes, and drinking something hot." Logan said, attempting to wipe away the rain and the ruined makeup from Virgil's face, but to no avail since the rain was pouring down as if they were standing in a shower.
Virgil frowned but grabbed ahold of Logan's arm, and they sunk down together into Virgil's room. The sound of the rain became distant, drumming against the roof and the window that quite permanently had the blinds down over it.
Logan glanced down at the floor where pools of water was already gathering. With a sigh he summoned up two big towels as Virgil began pulling his hoodie and shirt off. He threw one of them at Virgil, who caught it and began drying his hair.
"You can borrow some dry clothes from me, Lo." Virgil said, wiping his face into the soft material of the towel. Logan nodded, cold, slow fingers fumbling to untie his tie. He dropped it to the floor, then pulling his shirt off too, drying the top of his body with the towel and avoiding looking at Virgil who was currently stepping out of his underwear.
Logan felt his face flush and turned around, repeatedly telling himself that they were part of the same person, even if there were small differences in their appearance they were essentially the same, and neither of them had anything to be embarrassed about when being nude in front of each other. (And it wasn't as if they had never seen each other in the nude before. They were boyfriends after all, and Logan didn't know why he was still awkward when they changed around each other.)
The fact that it was illogical to feel this way didn't seem to make a difference, as always when feelings or something along those lines were involved. A hand was placed on his lower back and Logan turned around, a pile of clothes being placed in his arms. Virgil gave Logan's flustered face a knowing, amused, look.
"You can wear these." Virgil said, then turning back around and grabbing his towel from where he'd thrown it on his bed, beginning to try and dry the floor. Virgil was wearing a pair of purple sweatpants, a loose, baggy t-shirt, and a pair of fuzzy socks.
Logan held his towel around his waist with one hand, attempting to undo his belt with the other. Virgil glanced at him and let out a small laugh.
"I'll stay turned away until you tell me you're dressed, okay?" He said and turned his head, standing and staring at the wall opposite. Logan dropped the towel and quickly changed into the clothes Virgil had picked for him. A black t-shirt that was actually the right size (Virgil enjoyed baggy t-shirts so they were usually far from Logan's size), a pair of purple fuzzy socks (exactly like Virgil's pair), a similar pair of sweatpants that were black, and underwear, of course.
It was a relief not to be wearing his own drenched clothes. He hated the way wet clothes clung to his body.
"I'm done, it's alright to turn back now." Logan said and Virgil did just that, looking Logan up and down and giving him an encouraging smile.
"You look cute." He said, and Logan had never been able to find a response to such statements so all he did was shrug. He wanted to argue against it and tell Virgil that he certainly was the cute one, but he knew it would be to no avail. Virgil would keep insisting that was in fact Logan who was cute just as Logan would keep insisting it was actually Virgil.
The two of them went and put their clothes in the washing machine, they needed to be washed anyway, and then the two of them made their way to the living room. It was empty, and no one was anywhere to be seen.
"Where are the others?" Virgil asked, sitting down on the couch and resting his feet on the coffee table. A behaviour that Patton especially disliked but Logan couldn't be bothered to care about.
"Well, it is only eleven so it is safe to assume Roman is still sleeping, especially as I am certain he stayed up late writing scripts last night. I am uncertain of Patton's whereabouts. Perhaps he is asleep, too, or he is occupying himself with something in his room. I have at least not seen him yet today." Logan rambled as he made his way into the kitchen and began preparing two cups of tea.
Earl Grey Blue Flower, Virgil's favorite tea.
He soon rejoined Virgil in the living room, carefully carrying two cups of tea, really not wanting to spill them as he'd already had to change clothes once today.
"So... standing in the rain, is that something you do often?" Logan asked, handing Virgil his cup of tea. Virgil gratefully took it, blowing on the liquid. Logan took a careful sip of his own drink, fogging up his glasses in mere seconds, and Virgil chuckled at him.
He held his mug out in the general direction of Virgil, him taking it a second later and Logan took his glasses off wiping them clean on his shirt. Then he put them back on, stepped over Virgil's legs and sat down on his right side, taking his cup back from Virgil.
"Yeah. I'm always outside when it's raining. No one ever noticed before though." Virgil said with a nervous laugh. "But it's fine, it's not like it would kill me. Though once I had the sides equivalent of, probably, pneumonia and still sat in the rain for like... four hours. I think I might have died if I was human. Thankfully I'm not human and I was only sick for two more weeks. Worth it."
"Well, let's not tell Patton that. Ever." Logan said and Virgil let out a noise of agreement, taking a big gulp of his tea. Logan hoped he wouldn't burn his mouth.
Virgil set his cup down on the coffee table, then scooting a bit to the side and laying down, head in Logan's lap. He pressed one of his, still far too cold, hands on Logan's stomach, making him jolt slightly. Logan gave him a glare that was met with an innocent smile.
Virgil always seemed to stay cold for several hours after getting cold, whereas Logan regained his normal bodily temperature fairly quickly.
"How are you so warm? This is unfair." Virgil said, grabbing Logan's hand that wasn't holding anything and lacing their fingers together, thumb brushing along Logan's index finger, the gesture and the soft look in Virgil's eyes leaving Logan without words for a moment. Not to mention the fact that the touch was making small tingles run through his whole arm. It was not helping in the least in Logan's search for words.
"Perhaps because I have not spent a majority of my time today doing my best to get hypothermia?" Logan said, attempting to give Virgil a stern look which was quite the challenge when Virgil was looking so cute. His finally dried, fluffy hair was splayed around his head, and the reapplied eyeshadow beneath his eyes made his brown eyes seem brighter.
Logan took a big sip of his tea to avoid letting out a completely smitten sigh.
Logan leaned forward and set his cup down next to Virgil's, then leaning into the couch cushions and letting his hand card through Virgil's hair. Virgil let his eyes slip shut with a pleased hum, their clasped together hands resting on Virgil's stomach.
"So. Why are you always outside in the rain?" Logan asked, because Virgil still had not explained that and Logan was curious.
"Well… I just like it, I suppose. It's calming. Makes me feel a bit more alive. And in control of my life. I guess. It's kind of weird, maybe." Virgil said.
"I suppose I can understand what you mean. Sometimes making decisions as such makes us feel like we have control over our existence." Logan said. Though he still could not exactly agree on standing in the rain being very pleasant.
"I'm going to be outside next time it rains, too." Virgil said with a pleased smile.
"Well, I suppose I can't stop you, can I?" Logan said and Virgil happily shook his head, eyes still closed and he leaned his head into Logan's hand that was still tangled in his hair. It was his way of telling Logan to continue without actually having to ask for it.
Logan obliged, turning his gaze towards the window, watching as the rain continued to pour down outside, seeing the drops running down the window and hearing the sound of it. Logan had to admit he much preferred to spend the rainy days inside. Preferably in Virgil's company, too.
Written: 22nd, 23rd July 2019
Published: 6th September 2019
Words: 2663
I wanna stand in the rain now. It's nice.
Also is anyone else having problems with their comments?? ): Wattpad isn't giving me notifications for all the comments I get
It used to, but not anymore??? I keep finding comments that people left months ago that I've never seen )):
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