[133] - Party
Human au, college au
Warnings: alcohol, bit of underage drinking I suppose, swearing
The loud music is near deafening and Logan is standing pushed into a corner, tightly holding on to a still unopened bottle of beer that he'd been offered by his friend before he'd disappeared into the crowd of lightly dressed bodies that were moving along to the beat of the music as if one.
One beer. Is that enough to get drunk? Probably not, but Logan has no idea, no matter how little he wants to admit his lacking knowledge of these sorts of things. He is not going to find out either, how much alcohol it takes until it affects him.
It is, most likely, to no one's surprise that these kinds of social situations makes Logan nervous. He is unsure what he's doing here. Unsure how his friend managed to make him agree to come. A college party, this is the last place where Logan expected to find himself. He's that almost stereotypically straight A student who never goes to parties and instead prefer to stay in his dorm, a good book for company. He's a nerd.
The thought of sitting curled up on his bed with a cup of tea, re-reading his favorite book for the hundredth time lingers in his mind. The calm and quiet surely waiting for him is near calling for Logan to leave.
But what if Roman would get mad if he left? Or got really drunk and needed Logan's help getting back home? Or what if that boy he came here to openly pine over would reject Roman's advances rudely?
No, sadly Logan is a good friend (to the one friend he has) and he's going to be staying until Roman is done trying to impress his crush.
Logan started to slowly make his way along the wall, trying to see if he could make it into another room. He thought Roman had disappeared that way. If he was lucky then he would find him. And if the universe aligned his way then Roman would be ready to leave this horrid place.
This next room was almost as full of people, some dancing, some holding loud, near yelling, conversations over the music. The room led to two other rooms, but Logan spotted a staircase and made his way to it as quickly as he could.
As suspected the music wasn't as loud upstairs, and Logan thought that he might as well hide up here, away from the most crowded parts of the party, until Roman was done doing whatever it was he was doing. He'd gone over his plan to woo that boy for Logan at least once, but he had already forgotten it.
The hallways he was now standing in had four doors, and he opened one that apparently led to a bedroom. It had the insipid look that must mean that it was a guest room. It was clean but had no hints of someone actually living in it. There was a boy sitting on the bed, he seemed to be Logan's age and he was definitely dressed in a way that hinted that he was there for the party.
Logan was just going to take a step back and close the door when a group of excitedly screaming girls rushed past, and he stepped into the room and closed the door out of sheer fright of being trampled into the floor.
The slightly muffled yelling that could be heard through the door slowly died away as Logan and the boy were staring at each other.
"Hey." The boy said, putting his book down.
"Greetings." Logan said, wondering if he should simply leave this person alone again or not. He didn't want to be a bother.
"That's a good book." Logan said, pointing to the book that was lying opened, upside down with the covers up, on the bed. Logan almost sighed at himself. What a stupid start of conversation, and why was he attempting to start a conversation anyway?
"Yeah, it is. You read more than this one?" He asked, seemingly not minding a conversation.
"I've read all of them, I love Sherlock Holmes." Logan hoped he didn't sound too excited. Roman had advised him to not reveal what a massive fanboy he was the first thing he did when meeting new people.
"Cool, me too." He said, eyes falling on the bottle of beer that Logan had, until now, forgotten he had in his hand.
"You going to drink that?" The boy asked. Logan saw no use in answering and instead wordlessly took a few steps away from the door and towards the boy, handed him the bottle.
"Thanks. My name is Virgil. Want to join me in my escaping of all the extroverts?" He said, uncapping the bottle with the help of one of his keys, a trick that Logan.surely could not copy. He took a swig, raising his brows.
"I might as well." Logan said, sitting down on the bed, facing the boy.
"So, Virgil. You go to parties often?" It's a stupid question, Logan realizes. Not because he can tell if Virgil is the person to go to many parties or not (even though his comment about escaping the extroverts were telling), but because it was such a lousy conversation starter.
"More often than you, I guess." He said with a grin, taking another sip. He lowers the bottle then, looking thoughtful. "I mean. Now and then I do but, honestly I prefer to stay home. Just tonight the people and the music got a little bit too overwhelming."
"I get what you mean. The amount of people all pressed into a not so big room… accompanied by the far too loud music, it makes me feel quite unsettled." Logan said and Virgil nodded.
"I'm Logan, by the way." He said, realizing he hadn't introduced himself yet and feeling slightly embarrassed to have forgotten such a thing.
"Nice meeting you." Virgil said.
"So, Logan. You here with a date? Though maybe not, since you're hiding here with me. I suppose if you had a date you'd be downstairs and making out with her like all the other couples." Virgil said. Logan ignored the fact that Virgil seemed to think he was straight.
"I'm actually here with a friend who convinced me to come, though now he's gone, probably hanging after that guy he's in love with and trying to ask him out. Or something along those lines." Logan shrugged. What Roman was up to was not too interesting to him. He might as well hang out here with Virgil until Roman was ready to leave.
"So, are you here with a date?" He asked, mostly jokingly as Virgil too was hiding in a room and currently hanging with a stranger instead of making out downstairs.
"Nah, why would anyone date me?" Virgil said, sounding oddly genuine.
"Because you're hot." Logan said before he really had the time to think. He was ready to die the death of shame and embarrassment, but Virgil just laughed, so obviously thinking he's joking, or just saying it to be nice.
"I am being serious." Logan said, feeling how his face was getting warmer. Virgil stopped laughing, now silent for a moment and staring at Logan almost as if trying to read on him if he was being serious.
"Why?" Virgil said, and Logan found himself not knowing what to say. Why what? Why he was serious? Why he thought Virgil was good looking? Either way Logan didn't have a good answer.
"I don't know how to answer that." He said.
"Yeah, makes sense." Virgil said, seemingly understanding how his question might not have been too clear nor easily answered.
"I just think you're good looking." Logan said, aware that he should probably stop speaking since he was definitely risking to make things more awkward.
"Thank you… I'm surprised you'd think so because you're really handsome, and cute guys usually don't think my looks are anything special." Virgil said. Logan blinked. He had not at all thought Virgil would have found him handsome. Logan supposed he never really considered that other people would look at him and like what they were seeing.
Though he did note that Virgil had talked of other guys this whole time, and concluded (or hoped) that that meant that Virgil was not straight. Maybe because Logan liked meeting other non-straight people. Maybe because Virgil was so cute.
"You sure you don't want to share this with me? I promise it won't make you drunk. Maybe it'll relax you a little." Virgil said with a broad grin, perhaps thinking that was exactly what Logan needed. Roman always seemed to think that was what Logan needed.
Logan thought he was pretty relaxed already, but he shrugged and grabbed the bottle anyway. It was slightly harder to refuse when someone so pretty was offering him to share it. He took a careful sip and grimaced, which made Virgil laugh.
"That tastes awful." He said, taking another sip before handing it back to Virgil. This beer did not taste better than any other he'd tasted, another reason why getting drunk just was not tempting in the least.
"You get used to it."
"Yes, everyone keeps saying that." He said and tried to hand the bottle back to Virgil. He shook his head, holding his hand up.
"Keep it. I'll go get more drinks. Be right back." He said and stood up, leaving the room. Logan was left to slightly awkwardly doing nothing. He put the bottle, which was still half full with that gross drink, between his thighs since if he put it down anywhere else he could reach then it'd surely end up being spilled.
Virgil was probably only gone for two minutes or so, but it felt much longer since Logan hadn't really got anything to do except waiting for Virgil to return. Eventually he did, and as Virgil sat back down (considerably closer to Logan than he'd been sat before) Logan tried not to look like he'd only been stiffly sat there the whole time.
"Have you missed me? Been bored while I was gone?" Virgil said jokingly, and Logan said nothing because, well, yes.
Virgil looked at Logan, biting his lip as he looked to be attempting to make a decision.
"Okay so, need to make something clear. Okay?" Virgil gently placed his hand on Logan's knee, and he hoped Virgil hadn't noticed how his breath had hitched in surprise at the touch. Virgil stared at him, taking a deep breath before speaking.
"You've understood that I'm gay, right?" Virgil asked, and Logan allowed himself to laugh at that. He hoped that didn't make him sound rude and he quickly shut himself up.
"Yes. Have you understood that I'm gay, too?" Logan said with a small smile.
"Oh... Good." Virgil said, apparently not having pieces that together yet. Well, it was not as if Logan had really given him any clues.
"I'm not disagreeing, but why is that good?" Logan asked, still smiling. This coming out had gone quite well. He hadn't got much other coming out experiences to compare to, but he imagined that his parents, as an example, would not exactly be overjoyed.
"What's not good about the fact that I'm talking to a cute, gay guy, who's hopefully single?" Virgil asked, and Logan flustered slightly and wondered how Virgil was so bold. Then again Virgil's hand that held his bottle of beer was shaking slightly, which of course perhaps didn't need to mean he was nervous but...
"I am single. And gathering from your self deprecating comment earlier I am going to guess you are, too?" Logan said and Virgil nodded.
"Very." He said.
"Yeah." Logan said. He did indeed consider himself very single too. Especially as he hadn't ever had a boyfriend. Or a crush on anyone. It wasn't easy forming relationships as such when there were only two people he was out to. Roman, and this stranger.
"Well, cheers, I'll drink to that." Virgil said not so jokingly and clinked his bottle against Logan's before taking a big gulp. Logan took a very small sip of his own beer. The taste was… not as awful now, but still not near good.
No, Logan would never be getting drunk, it was still not appealing in any way. The thought of saying anything and everything without a second thought was quite scary to Logan.
"So, you're a Sherlock Holmes fan. Seen BBC Sherlock?" Virgil asked, and Logan wondered if he should still try to conceal his fanboy tendencies when he was practically invited to ramble about his fandoms.
"I have! I love the show, it is written in such a clever way, even if there are a few things that could be better. More than a few in season four, I'll admit, but-" Logan rambled, Virgil smiling almost encouragingly as he spoke. Logan wasn't used to someone being interested in listening to him talking about one of his fandoms. Roman was too easily distracted to really listen.
Logan took this as an invitation to keep on speaking, hoping he wasn't being boring, and not because Logan wanted to sound gay or anything, but they had maintained eye contact for a quite long time. Virgil's eyes were a pretty, dark brown color.
And then Logan saw how Virgil's gaze flicked down to his lips, lingered slightly before he met Logan's eyes again, and Logan stumbled on his words, failing to finish his sentence. His mouth suddenly felt strangely dry and he found himself almost feeling where this might be going. Maybe.
A beat of silence passed between them, until Virgil spoke.
"Would it maybe be alright if I kissed you?" Virgil asked, and normally Logan would have said no simply because he hadn't ever kissed before and didn't ...know how to, but now he found himself nodding because the thought of kissing Virgil was oddly appealing. Maybe more so than it should be to kiss someone he did not actually know.
Then Virgil was kissing him and Logan sort of stopped thinking. Instead he closed his eyes and kissed back, something that was not at all as difficult as he had imagined it to be, and he felt Virgil's hands coming to rest on his shoulders. Virgil pulls back a little bit, enough for them to stop kissing and Virgil keeps his hands on Logan.
Virgil's eyes searched Logan's, and maybe he found what he was looking for, or maybe he didn't. Either way he leaned in again and pressed their mouths together, kissing Logan softly.
Many, many small, soft kisses.
Until Virgil pulled him in even closer, deepening the kiss. Logan leaned into it, wrapping his arms around Virgil, and parting his lips as he felt Virgil's tongue dragging against his lower lip.
Suddenly it were making a little more sense to Logan why people enjoyed kissing so much. Logan got it now. He didn't at all mind Virgil's mouth on his and his hands in his hair. Even if Virgil was surely making his hair a mess.
Logan let his hands wander up Virgil's back, keeping the two of them close together. Logan found he really enjoyed prolonged physical contact with another human. And he enjoyed the feeling of running a hand through Virgil's soft hair. Logan was also hit with several more realizations, such as that after a while he really had no idea how much time had passed, and neither did he care in the least.
Logan sort of forgot about such things as his surroundings or the fact that he'd wished to go back home to their dorm earlier this evening. It was safe to say he was quite distracted by Virgil and the ...activity they were engaged in. At least until they were interrupted, because of course someone ended up interrupting them.
"Logan!" Someone whined loudly, or kind of yelled, forcing Logan's attention towards the source of the sound. Of course it was Roman, somehow having found him and decided now was the perfect time to interrupt. Logan hadn't even noticed the door had been opened.
"Logan I got Patton's number! And he said he'd liked me too for a while, and then we kissed, and-" Roman half yelled excitedly, looking as if he could start jumping up and down at any moment. Though he abruptly quieted when actually took a proper look at Logan, likely only now realizing that there was someone else with him.
"Oh wow, looks like I wasn't the only one here to get a kiss." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. Logan refused to be embarrassed and only glared halfheartedly at him, and Roman turned his attention to Virgil. He and Virgil detached themselves from the other, Logan straightening his tie and turning a bit towards Roman.
"Hey, Logan, who is this you're making out with?" Roman said with a smirk. Logan glanced between the two, really hoping Roman wouldn't be rude. He didn't mean to, but Roman didn't always think before speaking. Especially not when so very excited.
"He who Logan is making out with can speak for himself. And his name is Virgil." Virgil said, looking very doubtfully at Roman as if he was unsure what to think of him.
"Cool name! Glad Logan's finally found someone to kiss." Roman said brightly. Logan thought that maybe it had not been necessary for Roman to bring up the fact that this was the first time he'd been kissed.
He was 19, was it strange that he hadn't ever kissed anyone until now? Honestly, Logan didn't know, but Roman had kissed a lot of people, and Logan did not really have anyone else to compare to.
"Nice to meet you." Virgil said, using his fingers to try and comb through his hair. It had been looking much neater before they'd gotten distracted with all that kissing.
"Oh yeah, I'm ready to go home now, if you'd like. Patton wasn't going to stay any longer so what's the point in staying?" Roman said joyfully, having turned back to Logan. Logan glanced at Virgil again, hoping neither of the others noticed how his gaze slipped down to Virgil's lips.
"Uh..." Logan said, probably sounding very intelligent and well spoken. To be completely honestly he wouldn't mind kissing Virgil some more. It had been a very pleasant experience so far.
Roman glanced between the two of them.
"I'll wait outside. Tell me what you decide " He said and left, leaving Logan and Virgil alone. They looked at the now closed door for a moment, then turned to each other. Logan had to admit that he isn't quite sure where they should pick up from.
"I… well, I really should get home, but…" Virgil said slowly, hesitating for a moment. Logan doesn't know if he was actually that courageous or if the beer he'd drank earlier had helped, but he leaned in this time and he kissed Virgil. He didn't seem to mind one bit, but of course they couldn't be kissing for too long, not with Roman waiting.
Virgil gently detached himself from Logan, and Logan momentarily chased his lips before catching himself.
"Okay, I do have to leave soon." Virgil said, both sounding and looking reluctant.
"Yeah, okay, me too." Logan said, trying to hide his disappointment.
"Your arm?" Virgil asked, and Logan blinked in confusion while Virgil dug in one of his pockets. Virgil looked back up on Logan, saw his confusion and chuckled. He held up a black marker in one hand, the other reaching for Logan's arm, pulling his sleeve up.
Logan didn't really realize what he was doing until Virgil had scribbled down several numbers, then it finally clicked that Virgil was writing down his phone number.
"Text me." Virgil said with a smile. "Maybe we could… go on a date, or just hang out, or just something."
"Yes." Logan said, feeling a small flutter in his chest. That actually sounded like a good plan. Seeing Virgil again. He liked that thought.
"See ya." Virgil said, standing up and leaving, Logan watched him as he left. He looked down at his arm, a smile tugging at his lips. A cute boy had kissed him. A cute boy had given him his number and told him to text him.
Logan had never felt gayer.
He stood up and made his way out of the room too, meeting Roman in the hallway. They started walking down the stairs together, then fighting their way through the rooms full of people until they found the front door and they slipped out into the cool evening air. A lovely change after the very warm rooms inside.
It only took them a few minutes to get back to their dorm, and when inside Roman was glancing at Logan with a clearly held back smile.
"So, Logan, you think you got yourself a boyfriend?" Roman teased, grabbing Logan arm and shaking it, the phone number looked like a gray blur. Logan felt his face grow hot, pulling his arm free.
"Roman, I've only met him once and we didn't exactly spend a majority of that time talking. I barely know him yet." Logan said. There was no need for Roman to get all excited already.
"Oh, but you like him. I can see it on you." Roman half sang, and Logan rolled his eyes. Roman liked to believe Logan fell in love with most people he met. Yet he'd never fallen in love yet.
"He's… very handsome, I'll admit. And a great kisser." Logan said and had to make an effort not to think back too much just right now.
"Well, you haven't been kissed by me yet, so you wouldn't know." Roman said, confidently as ever. Logan scoffed.
"Thanks, but no thanks." He said. Roman shook his head.
"Your loss."
"Whatever. How about you go text Patton, I know you're dying to." Logan said, remembering how Roman had once said that he wished he'd got Patton's number so he could text him all day. Now he got Patton's number and he might as well use it.
"Yeah, well… Yes, I am. But mind your business." Roman said, sticking his tongue out.
"How about you text that Virgil guy? You didn't seem to mind having his tongue down your throat." Roman said. Logan felt the blush appear again and he rolled his eyes to try and seem a bit less affected by Roman's words.
"No. I'm going to sleep. I can text him tomorrow." He said, immediately finding himself trying to construct the text message in his head already. What was he going to say? A date didn't sound so bad. But Logan wasn't exactly sure what to do on a date, he'd never been on one before.
Maybe they should start out with just hanging out, see where things goes from there? Or perhaps Logan should not worry about all that yet.
"Okay, night Lo."
"Night Ro." Logan said, copying Roman's way of giving him a nickname.
Unsurprisingly, it took a while before Logan actually managed to get to sleep after getting into bed. His thoughts were very occupied by a certain someone, and maybe Logan didn't even mind.
Written: 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th & 20th July 2019
Published: 28th August 2019
Words: 3933
I know,,,,,absolutely nothing about drinking
or parties...
Also it's been three days of real school with classes and I already feel doubtful if I'm gonna make it through this year :/ yay
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