[132] - Sleepover


Warnings: swearing, slight insecurity, tiniest bit of anxiety


Virgil was comfortably sat next to Patton and Logan. Roman was sat on Patton's other side, head leaning on Patton's shoulder as they watched their fifth episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the evening. He was already dressed in his pajamas, just as all the others.

Virgil glanced at Logan for a fraction of a second. They were sitting quite close. Or at least Virgil was closer to Logan than Patton. Was it noticeable to anyone except Virgil? They were not sitting too close. Were they?

Virgil cursed himself internally. He was overthinking, for sure. 

He watched Roman and Patton out of the corner of his eye. It seemed so easy for them. They were sitting closely together, Patton putting an arm around Roman as Virgil watched. Just like that. As if it was nothing.

Maybe it was nothing for them, and Virgil wished he could be as relaxed and confident as they were. But even if he was it would still be considered quite strange for him, Virgil, to be leaning against Logan. It did not align with who he was, to be all touch-y with any of the others, at least not to Roman's or Patton's knowledge.

And Virgil wanted it to remain that way. He was terrified of somehow giving away his and Logan's relationship by glancing at him for too long. Or sitting too close. Or just doing anything at all that could make the others aware of his and Logan's very secret relationship. 

The world might end if they found out. Or maybe not. Perhaps Virgil was overthinking it slightly. That was very possible. Very likely. 

Virgil bit back a sigh and shifted his position slightly, sitting in a more comfortable way. This was all Roman and Patton's fault for suggesting they all had a sleepover in the living room. There hadn't really been any opportunity to say no without upsetting them, so here he was, sitting with the others on the floor of the living room.

Or perhaps Virgil couldn't call it the floor any longer, Roman had transformed it into a comfortable and soft mattress so that they could all sleep and sit comfortably. 

Fine, Virgil would admit, they had had a really nice evening so far. They had all eaten dinner together, played a few board games, watched four and a half episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine (so far) and they had five kinds of snacks. There was nothing to complain about, really. 

Except that Virgil was strangely frustrated by the fact that if he and Logan would be sitting like the other two sides currently were it would be seen as something strange, something special and unlike them. Questions would be asked, assumptions made, maybe there would be some teasing remarks, and Virgil did not have the energy for any of it.

No one ever even batted an eye when Roman or Patton did something like that. Virgil would never be seen in that way, and it was unfair. And it was stupid that it was just this night that all he wanted was to feel Logan's arms around himself. Stupid. Insanely stupid. Virgil was becoming pathetically attached to Logan, to his touch. That was embarrassing to admit to himself.

But, since the two of them had started out their relationship Virgil had really realized how touch starved he'd used to be, and how hard it was to refrain from physical contact when he knew there was now a certain someone who had nothing against letting Virgil sit between his legs. Virgil wish that was him right now, back resting against Logan's chest, Logan resting his head on top of Virgil's, his arms securely around Virgil.

And now that he'd accidentally thought of that he became even more aware of how his skin almost itched for human touch. Too bad the two of them were stuck on this sleepover, and too bad the last thing he and Logan wanted were for the others to know of their relationship.

They had barely figured it out themselves, what their relationship was. Virgil really did not want others to get involved in what he and Logan had together.

It was theirs.

Only theirs.

The loud laughing from Roman (mostly) and Patton awoke Virgil from his thoughts, him almost flinching back into reality. He glanced at Logan, for maybe the fiftieth time this evening, and saw him sitting with the back of his hand pressed to his lips. No doubt he's trying to keep a laugh from escaping, but Virgil wasn't fooled, his eyes were shining with laughter.

It made Virgil remember the very rare times he'd actually heard Logan laugh. It had only happened twice (if he didn't count the times Logan had giggled at what was going on in all his books he was reading), but that was twice more than anyone else had ever heard him laugh. Genuinely laugh.

The first time had been accidental, and slightly forced by Virgil who hadn't been able to help it. They'd just been watching a movie in Logan's room and Virgil had finally gathered the courage to put his arm around Logan, something that had taken embarrassingly long.

Logan had flinched and let out an almost surprised giggle at the touch, and Virgil had almost thought he'd done something wrong at first, ready to retract his arm when he'd realized that the touch hadn't made him uncomfortable, but it had tickled him.

How was Virgil supposed to resist the temptation? It had been so easy to make Logan laugh. Loudly, too. Apparently Logan had very ticklish sides. Virgil had had to take advantage of it, especially as Logan's laugh had turned out to be the most beautiful and adorable sound that Virgil had ever heard.

Eventually he had reluctantly pulled his hands back from where he'd been wiggling his fingers into Logan's sides when Logan had breathlessly shouted at Virgil to stop between the laughing. He'd been flustered and with tears in his eyes and a huge, bright smile on his face, and it had been the first time Virgil kissed him. 

He had not been able to resist that temptation either.

Logan's lips had been soft and warm and had made Virgil feel as if his heart made somersaults in his chest, and since then there had been a lot of kissing.

The second time Virgil had tried some awful nerdy pickup line on Logan. He couldn't remember why, or what it was he'd said anymore, but it had had something to do with space and math and he hadn't actually fully understood what it meant, but clearly Logan had. And clearly it'd been hilarious as he'd first stared at Virgil as if he'd grown a second head and then burst out laughing.

Virgil had been standing there, slightly confused, but pleasantly surprised to have made Logan laugh, even if he did not understand why. Eventually Logan had calmed and while suppressing giggles he'd kissed Virgil and told him not to say such silly things again.

...And now he'd completely forgotten about his surroundings again, too lost in thoughts of Logan. How he could take over Virgil's thoughts like that…

It was not always convenient.

Now Virgil was not only dying to be in Logan's arms, or have Logan in his arms, now he also felt a stupidly strong urge to kiss Logan until they were both breathless.

Wait, when had they switched Brooklyn Nine-Nine to Friends? Virgil stared in confusion at the screen where Joey was saying something funny and the fake laughter was now mixing with Roman's. Virgil sighed, checking his phone. It was only 11pm. This night would never end if the clock kept moving this slowly.

Virgil pulled the bowl of Sweet Chilli Pepper Doritos closer, they were his favorite snacks and he might as well eat all of them before the others did if he was going to be stuck here until the morning. 

He had the time to eat all the doritos and also glance some more at Logan, meeting his eyes a few times which ended in them both averting their gazes quickly, until Patton paused the episode they were on and turned to them.

"Guys, how about we play some more games? Maybe UNO!" Patton said, his excitement showing on his face in the form of the brightest of smiles. Virgil grimaced.

"Yeah, come on gays, let's play some UNO. Or are you afraid of losing?" Roman said with a grin, already having conjured the game up. He started shuffling the cards without waiting for a response. Virgil and Logan exchanged a glance. They knew very well that every time Roman lost he would be pouting and accusing the others of cheating.

"Fine." Virgil said, immediately being met with an excited squeal from Patton. They others moved closer to Virgil until they were sat in a circle.

"I guess I will have to join in too, then." Logan said, not sounding too amused by the idea. Patton clapped his hands together as Roman started mixing the cards and dealing them out.

They played several times, Logan winning most of the times to the horror of Roman who seemed very unhappy about that fact and said he only wanted to play one more time. Which obviously meant 'I don't want to lose any more'.

Though surprisingly enough it was going quite well for Roman so far this time. He'd proudly declared 'UNO!' only ten seconds ago, which Virgil was quietly stressing over as he still had at least fifteen cards in his hands. It was all Logan's fault as he seemed to have been dealt every +2 card in the deck, and he'd made Virgil pick up card after card with a hint of a smirk ever since Virgil had placed the reverse card a couple of rounds ago.

Now they were just waiting for Patton who was looking at his cards, worrying his lip s if he was faced with a terribly hard decision.

"I'm so sorry, Roman." Patton said a moment later, just before Virgil had the time to tell him to hurry up, and he placed a draw-four card onto the pile of played cards. For some reason he felt the need to apologize every time he made one of the others draw more cards. Virgil usually just laughed at the other.

"Betrayed by my closest friend! I am surrounded by traitors. There's no one I can trust." Roman cried out and gave Patton a look of pure heartbreak. 

"I said I'm sorry!" Patton said, looking just as distraught and heartbroken. Virgil turned to Logan and rolled his eyes, receiving a tired nod as a response.

"How could you do this to me?" Roman continued, looking as if he might actually cry.

"Just pick your four cards up so we can keep playing." Logan said, and Roman did so, but while pouting.

"What color is it?" He asked quietly.

"Red." Patton announced and Roman threw three cards onto the pile. Two red and one blue hard, all with the number two on. Logan smirked, and Virgil knew exactly what that meant. He threw his cards down in front of himself as Logan played his last two cards, both blue sixes, and won.

"Come on!" Virgil said. He wasn't an as sore loser as Roman, but this was still annoying. Logan just shrugged and Patton began putting all the cards back into the packaging. Patton then yawned, checking his watch.

"Kiddos, it's almost midnight. No wonder I'm tired. Well, I suppose I'm going to sleep now." He said and untied his cardigan that he'd tied over his pajamas. Roman yawned too, pressing a hand over his mouth quickly.

"Curse you, yawns are contagious." He said. Virgil saw as Logan turned his head away, surely to hide that he was yawning too. Virgil kept his lips persistently pressed together, he wasn't going to yawn.

It didn't take long until both Patton, Roman, and Logan had chosen places on the mattress-floor to sleep. Patton had for some reason chosen to curl up with his covers and a pillow under the coffee table, while Roman was sleeping right in front of the tv, headphones on, probably playing his sleep playlist consisting on Disney songs.

Logan was sleeping right by the wall, lying on his side with his back pressed against the wall, as he usually slept. Virgil would know. Which was also the reason why, in Logan's room, his bed was stood in a corner so Logan could sleep with his back pressed to the wall. Virgil didn't mind, it just meant he could lie cuddled up to Logan's chest when they shared a bed.

Virgil stayed where he had been sat the whole time, playing a game on his phone. He wasn't tired at all and wasn't going to follow the others advice to sleep he too. He could feel himself being observed, not by Logan, he noticed as he glanced at him, Logan was already asleep. Patton was the one giving him a look that obviously meant 'you should go to sleep too'.

"Thirsty." Virgil said and stood up, walking away into the kitchen, away from anyone's eyes. It wasn't a lie, not after eating a whole bag of doritos himself.

Virgil got himself a glass of water, congratulating himself at the healthy choice of drink as he could've drank chocolate milk or soda instead, and sat down by the kitchen table. Virgil unlocked his phone again, searching for ao3 and then quickly finding a 40k word fanfic to read. The tags sounded promising and he started to read, sitting there in the dark, kind of forgetting where he was.

At least until someone spoke.

"What are you doing up?" Logan asked. Virgil simply shrugged, put his phone down, and stood up. He didn't know if there was anything to say, really.

"How about you? You were asleep the last time I saw you." Virgil said. Logan stepped closer, putting his hands on Virgil's waist.

"Woke up and realized I was thirsty." Logan said. Virgil hummed, eyes trailing down to Logan's lips.

He grabbed Logan's shoulders and pulled him closer, finally letting their lips meet, maybe not entirely in a kiss but more for the comfort in the gesture of having their mouths pressed together. Then Virgil pulled back a little bit, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of Logan's mouth before taking a small step back, just standing in Logan's arms.

"I'm tired." He said, mostly to break the silence but also because he really was tired. Even if it was only one in the morning. Logan raised his brows, an almost-smile on his lips.

"Perhaps you should be getting some rest then?" Logan said, his hands under Virgil's sleep shirt, a warm touch against his back. Damn, skin on skin contact was addictive. Stupidly so. 

"Yeah, but I just… It sucks because I know I'll be lying awake for ages, unable to fall asleep." Virgil said with a small pout. He hated lying awake. It was such a waste of time.

Logan hummed, his lips brushing along Virgil's jaw, a light kiss being pressed right below his ear. Virgil knew he probably should be taking another step back, anyone could walk in on them, there was no guarantee that the others would stay asleep. Yet Virgil found himself pressing his body closer to Logan's, just praying that they'd remain the only ones awake. 

Virgil sighed and squeezed his eyes shut and held Logan tighter. Logan was certainly not making it any easier to let go of him. Virgil felt Logan's lips against his neck, soft kisses being pressed to his skin, and if Logan didn't stop soon then Virgil would not have enough self restraint not to abandon this sleepover and let Logan and himself have some damn well deserved time to themselves.

It baffled Virgil how he couldn't get enough of Logan's touch, it seemed to be addictive and Virgil couldn't imagine going back to the time before they got comfortable enough to touch each other. It took them about as long as you'd suspect it'd take for the embodiment of logic and anxiety to be okay with touching the other and letting themselves enjoy such things as physical closeness.

Virgil gave himself a minute to gather up the strength to step back, spending that little time allowing himself to focus on how good it felt to simply be near Logan and feel his body against his own. He regretfully backed out of Logan's embrace.

"We shouldn't…" Virgil didn't bother finishing the sentence and instead sighed. There were too big of a risk that one of the others would wake up and pass by the doorway or walk into the kitchen and see them.

"You're right." He said and turned around towards the cupboard with glasses.

"Just think of it this way, we're technically at least sleeping in the same bed since Roman transformed the entire floor into one big mattress." Logan said quietly, opening the cupboard and grabbing a glass as Virgil looked at him in silence. He was correct, of course.

Though it still wasn't the same as lying close enough to Logan for either of them to be able to throw an arm around the other with ease.

Virgil sat back down on the chair which he'd been sitting on as Logan had entered the kitchen. He bit his bottom lip, looking down at the floor. This did not seem to be bothering Logan as much as it bothered him. Maybe Logan just didn't need him like Virgil needed Logan. Or maybe Logan was getting tired of how clingy Virgil was being all the time, always needing Logan so close. 

Of course he was. Anyone would be annoyed by that.

His thoughts were interrupted as Logan carefully cupped his face in his hands and brushed his lips against Virgil's in a soft kiss before pulling back and letting go of him, hands having lingered for a second or two longer than needed.

"Make sure to get enough sleep. Wake me if you need me, okay?" Logan said, and Virgil flustered slightly.

"Okay. Night." Virgil said as Logan left the kitchen. 

Okay, so he was clearly overthinking again. Virgil took a deep breath and told his mind to shut the fuck up. Logan would tell him if he needed some time for himself or some personal space, he'd promised he would and Virgil would simply have to trust him.

He knew Logan cared for him, he kept showing it to Virgil in his own small ways. By telling him that he was always there for Virgil if he'd need him, and by always making sure Virgil wasn't uncomfortable by a situation. Virgil loved him for that, and for all the other small things that made their friendship and relationship such a safe place for Virgil.

Virgil stood back up after having sat and stared at nothing for several minutes. There was no point in sitting awake for ages, it'll only end with his thoughts once again turning into an anxious mess, which was the last thing he wanted now that he felt calm. He rejoined the others in the living room, walking silently over the mattress floor to the corner of the room where he'd dumped his duvet and five of his pillows into a soft pile. This was about as far as he could get from the others.

He lifted his covers up and pulled them around himself tightly, then practically falling face first into the mattress-floor and all his pillows. When passing by the others it'd been easy to see that Logan had already fallen asleep again, somehow. 

How Logan always fell asleep as soon as he put his head on his pillow was beyond Virgil. He himself always found himself lying awake for at least an hour before his body and mind seemed to realize that it was time to sleep. Though lately as he and Logan had disregarded their awkwardness and began sleeping in the same bed he hadn't been lying awake as long as usual.

Virgil hugged one of all his pillows and tried to trick his brain into forgetting that it was in fact a pillow he was hugging, feeling a little more lonely than one should when technically sharing a bed with three others.


Virgil didn't know when he'd fallen asleep, but the last time he'd checked the time it'd been about 2:30am, which mean he slept almost eight hours as he woke up around 10:30. All in all it was a pretty successful night.

Though he was met with laughter from the three others as he joined them for breakfast (even from Logan, that traitor) and it'd taken him awhile to realize what they had found so amusing. Apparently they (presumably Patton or Roman, or both of them) had wanted to test how easily woken up Virgil was and had done so by putting flowers into his hair, something Virgil realized only when shaking his head at the others and a flower fell down on his breakfast.

Virgil had just glared at them and gone to take a shower. At least he was now flower free and wearing his hoodie again. And the living room floor were back to normal. Roman even accidentally tested it by stumbling and dropping his glass. The fact that it shattered proved that the floor was definitely floor again. (Not that there had been any doubt.)

Now Virgil was lying slumped on the couch, phone resting on the cushion next to him. He'd grown bored of tumblr about twenty minutes ago and now he was just doing nothing. Nothing except staring at Logan who was sitting a little bit away on the couch. He was solving a crossword puzzle that were difficult enough for Virgil to not even try and join in. He wouldn't be of any help, and he found it boring anyway.

Instead he watched as Logan's brows furrowed as he was met with clues he did not understand, the small satisfied smile as he wrote words into the puzzle. Virgil wondered if he was weird for being completely content simply watching his lover do something he found that boring. Would any sane person spend as much time staring at their boyfriend as he did? 

Then again that were the most subtle way for Virgil to appreciate Logan without giving anything away. If they had been alone in either of their rooms then Virgil could've been leaning against Logan's shoulders and asked stupid questions about the crossword clues, or he could've simply demanded attention by pressing kisses to any and all of Logan's exposed skin. It was one of the funnier ways of distracting him from boring things such as his work or crossword puzzles.

"Is there something interesting about Logan's face?" Someone asked, and Virgil was pulled back into reality, away from his daydreams. He ignored the fact that his heart was suddenly beating about twice as fast and instead turned towards Roman, looking as bored as possible and staring him down. 

"It's more interesting than yours, at least." He said, immediately being met with an unnecessarily dramatic gasp.

"How dare you! I am definitely much more interesting than both you two." He said with a sour pout. Virgil rolled his eyes and groaned. Sure, they were both exaggerating their annoyance a lot, but it was at least slightly amusing to irritate Roman.

"Oh really? How come I'm now even more bored than I was before you entered the room." He said, grinning to show that he wasn't actually being serious. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally start a real fight.

"How dare you?" Roman pressed a hand over his heart, and another over his mouth as if to hide a shocked expression. Virgil knew very well that he was just trying not to smile.

"Out of us three I'm definitely the most interesting-" Roman started, but was cut off by a loud sigh from Logan

"You're both ridiculous and annoying." Logan spoke, not even looking up from the newspaper in his hand. Virgil heard the rasping of his pen as he scribbled something down.

"Rude." Virgil said, stretching his legs out on the couch and using his feet to try and push Logan away. He received a pouty glare and Logan stood up.

"I am leaving." Logan announced, and then did just that.

"Look at that, you scared away my only entertainment." Virgil said, and Roman scoffed. It was kind of a lie since annoying Roman was quite entertaining too, but he hadn't wanted Logan to leave.

"Me? Clearly you were the one annoying him. You quite literally pushed him away." Roman pouted, as always not being able to take being blamed for anything. Virgil had only been joking with his accusation but Roman's words almost made him worry. What if Logan had left because Virgil were bothering him? He shook his head.

"Whatever, go annoy Patton or something. I'm going to my room." Virgil said. That was a lie. He had to check with Logan to make sure he hadn't been annoying and that Logan wasn't angry with him. 

He sank out of the living room before Roman responded and up in Logan's room. He jumped when seeing Virgil so he mustn't have expected to be followed.

"Hello." He said.

"Hey, I wasn't like… actually annoying you back there? Was I? Because I was just trying to throw off any suspicion since Roman saw me staring at you and…" Virgil let his voice die out and he shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, keeping eye contact with Logan who was looking slightly confused for a mere second.

"Virgil, you were not bothering me. And even if you had annoyed me that would not be anything to worry about." Logan started.

"Annoying me won't stop me from-" there was a second long pause where Logan seemed to decide what words to use, "it won't change my feelings for you. That would take a lot more than annoyance."

Virgil smiled slightly, feeling less insecure but wishing he didn't always need this constant reassurance from Logan. That must certainly be annoying and he didn't know for how long Logan would stand it. Virgil bit his lip. Now he was at it again, immediately.

He ignored his thoughts, as much as that was possible, and instead grabbed Logan's shoulders and pulled him closer. His arms wrapped around Logan's neck and he leaned his forehead against Logan's.

"I care a lot for you. Don't forget that." He mumbled, feeling Logan's arms around him, holding him tightly.

"I promise I won't." Logan said and smiled. One of those genuine smiles of appreciation that always made Virgil's heart flutter. He carefully stepped away from Logan.

"Right, well I'm going to grab something to eat. I'm hungry again." Virgil said. The pancakes Roman and Patton had made for breakfast suddenly seemed much more tempting than earlier today when he'd skipped breakfast.

"I told you you should've eaten something for breakfast." Logan said and gave Virgil an almost disciplinary glance. Virgil shrugged.

"Wasn't hungry then." He said, then turned around and left Logan's room, not sinking out this time, walking instead.

He got as far as to the doorway to the kitchen. Virgil isn't entirely sure why but he stopped, just to see what they were doing and maybe not to interrupt them.

Patton and Roman were having a conversation about something Virgil had a hard time following since he hadn't been there for the whole thing. Patton was simultaneously placing small balls of cookie dough on an oven tray. Roman stood up from the chair he'd been sat on, saying something jokingly that made Patton laugh.

Roman put his arms around Patton, hugging him from behind, and he rested his head on Patton's shoulder to see what he was doing. He then kissed Patton's cheek.

"Stop, Roman. Someone can see." Patton said, grinning and not at all sounding very persuasive. Roman only hummed and tried stealing a piece of cookie dough, failing since Patton slapped his hand away.

"I wanna taste." Roman whined, taking a step back and spinning Patton around so they were facing each other, his hands on Patton's waist. "I know you always eat loads of cookie dough when baking."

"You'll have to wait until they're done." Patton scolded, laughing as Roman pouted.

"They're only in the oven for fifteen minutes, sweetie. I think you can survive that." He said and smiled, looking at Roman with so much love in his eyes that Virgil raised his brows in surprise.

"Yeah and then they have to cool down, too." He said with a scoff and a pout. Patton only leaned closer and kissed Roman's nose, which immediately removed the frown from his face.

"You're the sweetest cookie there is." Roman said, pulling Patton closer and kissing him right on his lips.

"You taste like cookies, see it's unfair that you get to eat of the dough and not me." Roman continued, obviously playfully hurt. Then he leaned in and kissed Patton again, only that it wasn't a quick kiss this time and Patton wrapped his arms around Roman's waist and kissed back.

Virgil really shouldn't be seeing this, didn't want to see his two friends make out. He backed away a few steps, mouth slightly agape, then turned around and almost ran back to Logan's room.

"Logan, you won't ever guess what I just saw!" Virgil said as he barged into Logan's room, breathless and wondering if he'd just hallucinated what he'd seen.

"Virgil, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Logan said slowly, turning around as Virgil closed the door. Virgil took no notice of Logan's slightly shocked expression, there wasn't time.

"I was going to eat, as you know, and I had almost walked into the kitchen when I saw Patton and Roman in there, and Patton was baking and they were joking around but then Roman got up from his chair and hugged Patton and kissed his cheek and then they started kissing and I left because I don't want to see that." Virgil said, all in one breath.

"Oh… guess we're all hiding relationships then." Logan said after a few moments of him staring at Virgil as if he'd thought he was joking.

"Yeah. That was not what I expected to see… I just wanted some of the leftover pancakes." Virgil said, now realizing that he couldn't get something to eat now as he'd have to enter the kitchen for food. He did not want to walk in on the two other sides kissing, he didn't want them to know that he knew about them.

"Ugh, and now I can't eat because they're in the kitchen." He said with a look of disappointment. His stomach growled loudly as if to agree that this was indeed inconvenient. He sat down on the couch in Logan's room, feeling Logan's eyes on him the whole time.

"I suppose… I do have a jar of crofters and some biscuits in here." Logan said, opening a desk drawer and pulling out just that. Virgil stared at him, piecing together the meaning of his words and actions.

"I'm really allowed to eat your crofters?" Virgil asked. That was definitely Logan's crofters. And he did not share it with anyone. Not until now, apparently.

"Don't be silly, of course you can have some crofters. It isn't only mine." He said, walking across the room and handing the package of biscuits and the jar of crofters to Virgil. He conjured up a spoon and handed him that too.

"If it's everyone's then why do you have a hidden jar in your room?" He said with a grin.

"That's irrelevant. Be careful so I don't take my crofters back." He threatened. Virgil knew it was an empty threat.

"I thought it was everyone's?" He said with a laugh and Logan scoffed.

"You're lucky I love you." Logan said jokingly, and half a second passed before they both kind of froze in the middle of what they'd been doing, and Virgil slowly looked up at Logan who was already adorable flustered because of the words that had slipped from his lips.

"You… you love me?" Virgil said, lowering the spoon that had been halfway between the jar and his mouth. 

"I guess I do." He said, seemingly a bit surprised at the realization, and Virgil almost thought he looked a bit pale, but it was hard to tell as Logan was still flustered. He stared at Logan who looked slightly uneasy and Virgil realized he really should say something, and that the holy-shit-he-really-loves-me freak out could wait until later.

"I guess ...I love you too." Virgil said, suspecting he'd just blushed a shade darker than Logan had. He could see how Logan's previously tense shoulders relaxed and how he almost smiled.

"I'm glad." He said, making Virgil laugh quietly.

"Come here, nerd." Virgil mumbled, and Logan seemed confused but said nothing and instead sat down next to Virgil. At least until Virgil had thrown an arm around his shoulders, then he seemed to get the gist, and he leaned in at the same time as Virgil did. 

They both kept smiling into the kiss, so it didn't last very long. Virgil couldn't help it. He'd known he loved Logan for a while now, but he hadn't been sure he expected Logan to ever love him back.

"We are still going to keep our relationship between us, right? Patton and Roman don't need to know, even if they are hiding a relationship, too." Logan said as they parted, and was met with Virgil shaking his head.

"God no, they don't need to know anything." Virgil said, relieved that they were both still agreeing about that part.

"Good." Logan said, pressing a chaste kiss to Virgil's cheek. Then he conjured up his crossword puzzle and pen, continuing to solve it. 

Virgil did as he had wished he could have earlier, he leaned his head on Logan's shoulder and watched what he was doing, eating his 'breakfast' and now and then asking stupid questions just to hear Logan explain it for him. Even if he didn't really care for the things he was asking about he just liked hearing Logan's voice.

He liked the time they spent like this. When they were alone and everything was calm and no one would judge them. He supposed Patton and Roman might feel the same way about their own relationship, and that was why they were also keeping quiet about it.

Well, Virgil didn't mind that one bit, especially as it meant he and Logan would probably have loads of time just the two of them.


Written: 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th July 2019
Published: 23rd August 2019
Words: 5875

So apparently you poor bastards can't eat raw cookie dough?

Sucks to be you, sweden has barely had salmonella in raw eggs since like 2004 apparently

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