[130] - Ice Cream And Embarrassment (Part Two)
Warnings: sympathetic deceit (Dee) because I needed a babysitter lmao, slightest hint of insecurity at one point I guess
Summary: they go on the date :), logans point of view this time, mostly
Virgil (08 253 43 53), 6:53pm
Hey, Lo, I'll be about five minutes late since the babysitter wasn't on time, sorry
Logan, 6:55pm
Don't worry about it, and please drive safe.
Logan stared down at his phone with the slightest of smiles.
It had taken almost two weeks, but they had finally been able to decide on when to have their first date. Logan did not know much about being a father, but he supposed Virgil was very busy, having two children to take care of.
Since Logan had met them once, even if briefly, he understood why it might be exhausting to parent them, especially as Virgil was a single parent. Though Logan found them quite endearing, and it was clear from the way Virgil spoke (well, texted) of them that they meant the world to him.
Though Logan had felt bad for Virgil as they met, his kids had clearly dragged him into a situation he was very uncomfortable in, but Logan couldn't help being grateful. He hadn't been this excited for a date in a long time. Then again, neither had he had a date in a long time, what with work and other things taking up most of his time. (Not to mention the fact that perhaps Logan was not the most social of people.)
But he and Virgil had had the time to text a lot these past two weeks, and Logan was thrilled. Virgil seemed like a genuinely pleasant person. It had been easy to keep conversations going over text and Logan hoped it wouldn't be much different in person.
After all it seemed they had many interests in common. They were both fans of tv shows such as Doctor Who, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Supernatural, Sherlock, and Friends. Logan had even found out that Virgil's favorite book series were one of the ones he himself had read several times.
Virgil also said he enjoyed stargazing, and Logan hoped that if they would be going on more dates than this one that he'd be able to take Virgil stargazing. Neither of them seemed to be too fond of crowded events, even though Virgil had mentioned that he'd been going to a lot of concerts a few years ago.
The date they had decided on was to go to the movies. Both had seemed to like that idea and deciding on what movie to see did not take them long. And now he was waiting outside of the movie theatre where they were going to meet.
Logan spotted Virgil a moment later, and he had to take a moment to let his eyes look Virgil up and down, and he decided immediately that he liked the sight. Virgil had dressed up for the occasion, wearing the same hoodie as he seemed to usually wear, yes, but he was also wearing a black button up and a pair of black ripped jeans. If Logan wasn't mistaking himself Virgil also wore black eyeliner.
"Hey." Virgil said, sounding slightly breathless.
"Hello." Logan smiled but was unsure of how else to greet Virgil. Shaking hands seemed a bit too formal. A hug was perhaps a bit too friendly. He settled on gesturing towards the entry and they entered together.
"You look handsome." He said, surprising Logan. He hadn't thought his looks were anything special. He was only wearing a pair of black pants, a new dark blue button up, and a tie in a slightly brighter blue.
"Thank you, so do you." Logan said, hoping he sounded as honest as he was, because Virgil really should know how good looking he was.
The two of them walked together, finding themselves where it was clear that people bought snacks before the movie they were going to see. Logan was slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of different kinds of candy, sodas, chips, and everything that could be bought.
"Do you want to share a box of popcorn?" He asked, and Virgil nodded. They got a soda each too since they were bound to become thirsty. There was an old man who checked their tickets and then pointed towards where their theatre were.
They had had an in depth discussion over text about what seats they should be getting, so they had both gotten to decide where they were going to sit. They found their seats fairly quickly, thankfully not having to climb over any other cinema visitors as their row of seats were still empty. They were sitting far in the front, mostly because when they'd booked their tickets that were where the least people sat, and they didn't want others sitting too close.
Of course there were the fifteen minutes where nothing happened except for people trying to find their seats, and then as the lights turned off there was another long while where commercials were shown. The two of them didn't pay much attention to that and were instead eating their popcorn and talking about several things, their conversation not stopping even once the movie started playing, although their voices grew more hushed.
Logan did notice that Virgil was looking at him a lot throughout the duration of the movie. Then again he only knew that because he was way too focused on Virgil.
He was handsome. Too handsome to go out with someone like Logan, Logan thought, and yet they were here together. Virgil did not seem like he regretted this date at all, and somewhere during the movie the two of them ended up holding hands, Logan isn't sure how it happened.
Then the end credits were rolling and Logan had to admit, at least to himself, that he'd need to watch this movie a second time to be able to recall most of the plot.
They stayed in their seats, talking about the movie, until the credits stopped and Virgil stood up, pulling Logan with him. They made their way out of the cinema, having thrown away their trash, and the topic of conversation had somehow switched to their favorite kinds of snacks.
"My favorite is Sweet Chilli Pepper doritos, though a close second are these, you know, animal crackers? I once bought some for the kids because Patton loves animals and he saw them in the store so I had to, and they're delicious, actually." Virgil explained, and Logan wondered for a second how he could find it this interesting to listen to what kind of snacks someone liked, yet here he was, listening attentively.
"Did you tell your sons that we were going on a date?" Logan isn't entirely sure what makes him ask. It doesn't really matter if Virgil did or not, but he wonders slightly what Roman and Patton's reactions had been.
"Yeah, I did. Though they are only five years old so I'm pretty sure they don't actually know what a date is. They only really had two questions. Patton wondered if we would be kissing, a question I did not answer, and Roman wondered if they were allowed to watch a Disney movie after dinner." Virgil said and scoffed.
"They're probably asleep on the couch while Mulan is playing." Virgil continued, smiling. It was so very clear when Virgil was speaking about something or someone he cared about. He looked so... carefree, happy.
"They think we'll kiss?" Logan asked, immediately as he spoke the question realizing that he might not mind kissing Virgil at all.
"Well, you know, they're five, but who knows." Virgil said, smiling. Logan suddenly found himself having to make an effort not to imagine pulling Virgil in and kissing him.
They were walking seemingly aimlessly with each other, hands still clasped together and Logan found that it was a bit difficult to not think of kissing the very handsome guy he was on a date with.
It didn't exactly help that they were walking in silence and he didn't have much to do but think, but it was nice to just enjoy the moment with Virgil, and the silence was not awkward in any way.
"Do you want to get some ice cream? This store has good ice cream for a good price." Virgil said, yanking Logan out of his thoughts and he had to take a moment to chase away the thought of cupping Virgil's face in his hands and leaning in-
"That sound like a wonderful idea. How am I supposed to resist?" Logan said, having looked up and seen what store Virgil had talked about.
"Great." Virgil said, and they steered their steps towards where the ice cream shop were. Logan slowed down his steps though, pulling slightly on Virgil's arm to have him slowing down too. He now had a question and this was perhaps the most appropriate time to ask.
Or not, but he wanted to ask anyway. He might as well ask, there was no point in not. Virgil had after all not shot the idea down.
"Virgil, may I kiss you?" He asked, trying to silent the worry that maybe this was too soon to ask, it was only their first date after all, maybe Virgil did not want to kiss on the first date, maybe this would make Virgil think Logan was moving things too fast.
"Yeah." Virgil sounded surprised. Maybe surprised that Logan had asked such a thing, but apparently not surprised in a bad way because they both stopped walking and Virgil took a step closer.
"I haven't kissed anyone in a while though." He said with a quiet laugh. Logan was almost relieved at that, because neither had he.
"Neither have I." He said, voicing his thoughts, cupping Virgil's cheek with one hand, his other one resting on Virgil's shoulder. He was unsure when Virgil's hands had ended up on his waist, but they were there, and they both leaned in, eyes fluttering closed and lips touching softly. It wasn't a long kiss by any means, but it was careful and gentle and Virgil's lips were warm and when they parted they were both smiling, and slightly flustered too.
"Your lips are even softer than they look." Virgil said as they both took a step back from the other.
"Does that mean you've been looking a lot at my lips?" Logan said, speaking teasingly and making Virgil's blush deepen slightly.
"Maybe so, what about it?" He said, almost giving Logan a challenging look. Logan only shook his head and the two of them walked the short distance to the entry of the shop, Logan holding the door up for Virgil. Logan had been here once before and Virgil was definitely right about them having tasty ice cream.
Thankfully to them the store didn't seem to close until much later and their plans to get ice cream were fulfilled, Virgil getting an ice cream cone with strawberry and mango sorbet and Logan getting one with raspberry and lemon sorbet. Logan tried to object as soon as Virgil fumbled for his wallet, but Virgil wouldn't listen.
"You paid for the movie and the snacks. Let me buy you an ice cream." Virgil said, and it was clear he wouldn't be letting Logan pay for this too.
"Fine then," he said with a small smile, taking Virgil's hand in his and squeezing it thankfully, except not letting go again, "thank you."
The person behind the counter, waiting for them to pay seemed impatient, clicking with their nails against the surface of the counter as they waited. Virgil paid quickly and soon they were out of there, still hand in hand.
The park where very nearby, and they crossed the street to it, both agreeing that a small walk would be a quite adequate end to their date. Logan was actually quite open to any suggestion that meant he had more time to spend with Virgil. He was pleasant to be around and easy to talk to without it getting too awkward (despite how their first meeting had gone), and as a bonus he was very handsome too.
It might've been evening but the park was still full of people, some kids playing in the playground, a group of teens by the swings, people walking their dogs.
The evening were warm and they dragged out on their date for as long as they could, Logan wishing that he did not have to wake up at 6am to go to work in the morning, and that Virgil wouldn't have to do the same, because it would have been really nice if they could spend a few more hours together.
Sadly all good things came to an end far too soon.
Virgil unlocked the apartment door, trying to force away a very persistent grin from his face. He wondered briefly if it'd been too long since he'd been out with anyone if some hand holding and two kisses made him this full of excitement. (Virgil had kissed Logan goodbye as they parted for the evening, partly as a thank you for the date, partly because he liked the feeling of kissing Logan.)
"Hey, Dee. Have the kids been behaving?" Virgil asked as soon as he came through the door, kicking his shoes off. Dee, his friend who had agreed on babysitting, was already standing in the hallway waiting for him.
"Small angels, as always." They said and Virgil snorted. He didn't doubt Dee was being sarcastic. He loved his sons dearly but they could probably tear down buildings if they wanted to, the amount of energy they had. If they were to be likened with any angel the most fitting one were Gabriel from the show Supernatural, Virgil thought. Both Roman and Patton did enjoy pranking everyone, which could be tedious.
"They were wonderful though, watched two disney movies, fell asleep during the second one which just finished. So, how'd the date go?" They continued, wiggling their eyebrows. Virgil rolled his eyes, not succeeding at seeming as annoyed as he'd wanted to. He was in too good of a mood.
"The date was good. Really good. He's sweet and I hope we'll be able to go on a second date soon." Virgil said, smiling again even if he tried not to.
"Aw, well, If I'll be babysitting a lot then I want to be paid." Dee said while grabbing their jacket, probably only half joking.
"Of course you do." Virgil said, promising nothing.
"Hang out soon for some video games?" Dee asked while tying their shoelaces. Virgil nodded.
"Yeah, sounds good." Virgil said, then bidding them goodbye when they opened the door. He turned around, walking into the living room, hearing the door close. As he had suspected Roman and Patton were both asleep, the end credits, of what he thought was Beauty And The Beast, playing on the tv.
Patton was wearing his cat onesie and hugging one of his many stuffed toys. Roman was wearing both his red sash and his crown, and instead of a stuffed toy he was hugging his toy sword. He was in a phase where he loved Disney and princes, and Virgil wasn't going to do anything but support him in his obsession, just as he bought Patton children's books about dogs and cats and all other animals he decided were adorable.
Now came the difficult part, as he was done lovingly gazing at them. He needed to move them both from the couch and to their bed. And get them into their pyjamas. Shit, he needed to brush their teeth too.
Virgil sighed, grabbing the remote off the coffee table, which was currently carrying the weight of every Disney movie they owned (Roman and Patton must've had a hard time choosing the movie), and several toys, and cups which probably held water or juice. He turned the tv off, putting the remote back down on top of the mountain of dvd's.
Virgil walked around the table, standing in front of Patton where he was curled up on the couch, and Virgil carefully picked him up, somehow not waking him. There wasn't any point in trying to carry them both at the same time when they were asleep so Virgil carried Patton to the twins room and laid him down on his bed.
Maybe he could just brush their teeth extra well in the morning instead of waking them now? And Patton's cat onesie was like a pajamas anyway, right?
He silently made his way back out to the living room, now picking Roman up, then carrying him too to his and Patton's room, laying him on his bed and then taking away his toy sword as it surely was not the best thing to have in bed. Virgil pulled the covers up over Roman and then kissed his forehead, then doing the same to Patton, whispering a goodnight to the both of them as he turned the light off in their room.
Virgil made it back into the living room again, beginning to stack all the Disney dvd's in his arms. They did not really have a good place for all these movies and Virgil simply put the stack down on the furniture that the tv was stood on. It was as good a place as any.
Virgil threw himself onto the couch, lying down with a sigh. It was ten in the evening, perhaps he should be getting to bed too since it was Monday tomorrow and he had to get the kids to daycare and himself to work.
Virgil let his eyes slip shut, thinking back to the date. It had been wonderful to be out with someone again, to hold hands, to kiss. Of course it made it better that this guy was incredibly handsome too.
It had really been nice, Virgil couldn't wait to go out with Logan again. He hoped this would work out between them. It was not as if he could do whatever he wanted with this beginning of a relationship, his first concern would always be Roman and Patton.
But, he had a good feeling about Logan.
Written: 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th July 2019
Published: 15th August 2019
Words: 3086
Yeah Dee goes by they/them, because I can
I love single parent virgil uwu
So much to write about single parent virgil and his twins roman and patton but that should not be the focus of this fic
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