[128] - Violinist

human au


lindsey stirling is so cool

Warnings: slight insecurity, but theyre literally just soft and it's not much about the violin thing oops


The two of them having a quiet and calm weekend to themselves was very well deserved, Virgil thought. Especially Logan had had two very hectic and stressful weeks, fixing every last detail of his concert and practicing the songs he was going to play, making sure everything was perfect with the help of everyone else that was involved.

Logan did need every single thing to be perfect and nothing less than that, nothing could be out of place and everything had to be rehearsed a billion times. But now that Logan's big concert was over Virgil finally got the opportunity to spend time with his fiancé. A whole weekend before either of them needed to commit to any responsibilities (aka, Virgil had to go to work).

They weren't planning on even leaving their apartment even once this weekend, mostly because they had no reason to and it was better if people did not see them together since they weren't, as far as everyone else knew, in a relationship.

Sure, gossip papers could speculate about what kind of relationship Logan had with his roommate, but the fact that they were almost never seen together in public did make sure that there was not much to speculate about.

How they had avoided to be found out by the public was beyond Virgil. For over a year they had been together, for only a little while they had been engaged (Logan had proposed last week). But thanks to how careful they were to not be seen together in 'compromising' situations the only people who actually knew of their relationship where their two closest friends and their families.

Virgil was thankful for that, mainly because he did not want anyone to be asking him about their relationship. Especially not a reporter or anything of the likes. Virgil had worked as a reporter for a while a few years ago and knew what they were like.

No, Virgil did not want any attention from either reporters, Logan's fans, or the general public, he only wanted Logan. And he had Logan all to himself this whole weekend. The only other person they would possibly see were the delivery guy if they were too lazy to cook their own meals.

Virgil was happy that the two of them now had some time to relax, god knows Logan deserved it after how stressed he'd been and how hard he'd worked for his concert to be perfect. Virgil had gone to this one, Logan had made sure he'd get one of the seats in the front row of the concert hall, next to Logan's parents.

Music made off of classical instruments such as the violin was not the music genre Virgil usually listened to, but he had definitely gotten a much deeper appreciation for both violinists and the violin during the year they'd known each other and been dating.

Logan was now sat with his back resting against Virgil's chest, curled up with Virgil's arms around him. He was currently occupied with playing a game on Virgil's phone, claiming he'd been too lazy to go get his own.

Virgil didn't mind and had settled on watching Logan play over his shoulder, laughing every time his player died.

That had resolved in Logan swearing at him more than once, but it only made it funnier. Especially if the reason Logan failed the level was because Virgil had pressed kisses to his neck, he loved being a distraction.

Virgil tightened his grip around Logan, burying his face into the crook of Logan's neck and letting his hands sneak in under Logan's shirt. His fiance was so cute, even if he was mumbling swears under his breath as he was playing a mobile phone game.

Logan sighed, Virgil looked up and saw how Logan closed the game down after losing for the billionth time, Virgil now seeing his phone's background and smiling. It was a photo that he'd taken months ago of Logan, he was smiling, eyes closed as he held a coffee cup, steam rising from it and fogging his glasses up.

The photo had been taken during the summer and the bright morning sun had shone in through the window and right at Logan, making him look both stunningly handsome and incredibly adorable. Luckily Logan had not seemed to have any complaints about being Virgil's phone background.

"Can we have some music on?" Virgil asked, fingers drumming against Logan's stomach, his skin so incredibly soft, all Virgil wanted to do was run his fingers over the skin, but he knew it would tickle Logan and end with him being elbowed. It had happened before. More than once.

Logan hummed and Virgil saw how he pressed the spotify icon and then looked through his playlists. Virgil wasn't really paying attention to what Logan was doing, whatever music he chose Virgil would be happy to simply have some background noise.

"What's this?" Logan asked, sounding amused, and Virgil saw that he had found Virgil's playlist with all of Logan's songs that were on spotify. Virgil let out a noise somewhere between annoyance and embarrassment, pressing his face into Logan's shoulder.

"Well, sometimes when you fly to another state to hold a concert, or when I barely see you because you're practicing all day, every day, I miss you." Virgil mumbled into Logan's t-shirt.

"But hearing you play live is better." He then admitted, letting out a displeased whine as Logan pushed Virgil's hands away and crawled out of Virgil's hold. Virgil pouted at Logan as he was now standing up, but Logan only bent down and kissed Virgil's nose before walking out of the room.

Virgil stared after him for a few seconds, then sinking down deeper into the couch cushions, picking his phone up from where it was left where Logan had sat a moment ago. Then he heard the sound of Logan's quiet steps and he let his phone drop to the couch again.

Virgil turned towards where he'd heard Logan, looking over the backrest of the couch (which were placed in the middle of the room, facing the tv) to see Logan standing in the doorway to their bedroom, violin and bow in hand. Virgil moved into a more comfortable position, kneeling on the soft couch, leaning his chest against the backrest.

"I could play some for you, now?" Logan offered, taking a few steps into the room. Virgil smiled and rested his arms on the top of the couch backrest, leaning his chin on them and looking at Logan.

"That would be lovely." Virgil watched as Logan put the bow to the strings of the violin, smiling faintly at Virgil. He loved it when Logan would play for him when they were alone, he was a lot more relaxed then, knowing that it didn't matter if he'd make an error, and hopefully knowing that Virgil would be just as impressed no matter what.

Which he always was.

Virgil never could fathom how Logan could create such music, he was enthralled by how Logan could seemingly effortlessly create these melodies with the instrument.

Hell, Virgil couldn't play any instrument well, even if his parents had pestered him to learn the piano. Music was definitely not his thing.

Logan was barefoot and wearing gray sweatpants and a few numbers too big t-shirt, playing calmly, and Virgil is in awe, not only because if how pretty he looks, he is always just as shaken to realize Logan's talent.

Virgil wished he had his camera in his hands, ready for him to capture this exact moment forever. But Virgil was currently empty handed, and maybe it wouldn't give Logan and his beauty justice if Virgil tried to take a photo.

This was one of those things that should be enjoyed in the moment, Virgil thought, gazing at Logan, noticing the small wrinkle on his forehead and his pressed together lips as he focused, near invisible freckles scattered over his face, soft brown hair that Virgil wanted to run his fingers through, eyelashes a few shades darker, Virgil could stare at him for hours and never get tired of it.

He was too handsome for Virgil to be able to handle, all he wanted to do was to pull Logan into his arms and kiss him, but Virgil stayed where he was and let Logan continue playing. No way Virgil could allow himself to do anything that could disturb Logan.

If Logan had not already proposed, then Virgil would have been down on one knee this very second.

Virgil closed his eyes, letting the music sweep him away. Virgil had no concept of time at all at the moment, but after a while Logan stopped playing, re-entering their bedroom and a second later re-emerging without the instrument in his hands. Virgil had already gotten up from the couch and was walking up to Logan.

"You are so incredibly talented, you know that, right?" Virgil said, hands carefully cupping Logan's face.

"I've been told." Logan replied, hands already on Virgil's waist, keeping him close. Virgil brushed his lips against Logan's, not quite a kiss but enough to awaken the butterflies in Virgil's stomach and to make Logan's eyes slip shut as he stood on his toes to make up for the ten centimeter height difference.

He kissed Logan properly then, their lips and bodies pressed together, Logan's hands clutching to the fabric of Virgil's shirt, pulling him in impossibly closer until they parted the slightest bit to take a moment to breathe, then his mouth was pressed to Logan's again, Logan returning the kiss lazily. There was no need to rush, they had all the time in the world, it felt like. Then they reluctantly parted and Logan allowed Virgil to take a step back.

"Excellent kisser too." Virgil said breathlessly (not that that was a newly discovered fact), his hand finding Logan's and pulling him back towards the couch, only for Logan to stop him.

" What about dinner, love, we haven't had any yet." He said, making Virgil realize that, of course, Logan was right. It was nearing 8 pm and they still hadn't eaten yet. Virgil grimaced.

"Well, do you want to make dinner?" Virgil said, feeling way too lazy to cook anything. That would take too much energy and Virgil's mind was quite one tracked on kissing Logan some more.

"You're right, let's just order some take out. How about pizza?" Logan said thoughtfully.

"Whatever you want, Lo." Virgil said, letting go of his hand and pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. "As long as you're the one to call them."

"Sure." Logan said. He knew Virgil hated calling people, and Virgil was so very thankful that Logan did not much mind making calls.

"You want the same as always, I guess?" Logan said, Virgil nodded and then turned around and made his way back to the couch. He sat down, immediately feeling as if something was missing. Virgil hoped it wouldn't take Logan long to order.

It didn't. Virgil could hear him speak on the phone, even if Logan had had to walk into the kitchen to get his phone, and a minute later he was back on the couch with Virgil, having sat down between Virgil's legs and leaning against his chest once again. Virgil wrapped his arms around Logan and kissed the top of his head.

"Not to sound like a massive sap but, I love having you in my arms." Virgil mumbled into Logan's hair, closing his eyes. He heard Logan breathe out a quiet laugh, feeling Logan's hands grab his left hand.

"Good." Was all Logan said, and Virgil's hand was lifted up, a second later he felt Logan's soft lips pressed to the back of his hand. Virgil was glad Logan couldn't see his face since then he did not have to admit to being flustered. They sat in silence, Logan playing with Virgil fingers, touching the simple gold band on Virgil's ring finger.

They had not started planning their wedding yet, after all they had only been engaged for a week. Though Virgil was fairly sure that they both wanted it to be quite small, not too many people, just their closest family and friends. Virgil wasn't going to gush about it, but he couldn't wait until he could call Logan his husband.

"I've been thinking, will our relationship be a secret much longer?" Virgil asked, watching over Logan's shoulder as the tips of Logan's fingers traced the lines on the palm of Virgil's hand. It tickled, but Logan seemed amused and Virgil didn't want to pull his hand back anyway.

"What do you mean?" Logan asked, hands stilling and instead simply holding onto Virgil's.

"Well, after we get married someone is gonna end up seeing your ring, right, and then there will be loads of questions, won't there? Unless you plan on taking it off every time there's a risk that someone will see it and spread it around." Virgil said, Logan leaning his head on Virgil's shoulder.

"Ah, yes. I had not given that much thought. But I suppose that, yes, people will be finding out about it. When I have something symbolizing the fact that you are my husband and that I love you I'd rather not take it off, ever. Though of course I don't have to wear it around other people if you'd rather avoid the public eye. Your comfort comes first." He said, pressing another kiss to the back of Virgil's hand, then his wrist.

"You know what... It would be nice to go out for dinner sometimes without having to bring Roman and Patton to make it seem like four friends hanging out. And I wouldn't mind kissing you wherever I want and not have to worry about anyone seeing us." Virgil said and ignored Logan's attempts at making him even more flustered by continuously pressing kisses down his wrist (not that that really were Logan's plan, but it was the outcome of his actions regardless).

Virgil would definitely be lying if he would try and say he didn't want to be able to do simple things like holding hands while grocery shopping, kissing Logan good luck right before holding a concert, telling the people who tried asking Logan out that he was his and that they needed to back off.

He hated it when other people came up to Logan and tried to flirt with him when they were out, it was not like Virgil could tell them that Logan was taken, not without outing them both and their relationship. And a little part of him, that he always tried to ignore, feared that Logan would find someone better than him. Even if Logan had told Virgil many times that he wouldn't ever leave him, that he wanted to live the rest of his life with Virgil by his side.

Virgil held Logan slightly tighter, breathing in the familiar scent that he only really could describe as Logan.

"Then perhaps it is time for us to be out and proud." Logan said.

"Yeah." The doorbell rang before he had the time to say anything else, both disturbing the almost quiet and also making Virgil jump slightly. It was most likely their pizza, which meant one of them would have to get up.

"I'll go get it." Logan said, moving away from Virgil's embrace for the second time this evening. Virgil had to admit that Logan did have a reason to leave him on the couch, but he still considered it a great offense. How dare he leave when Virgil was finally getting all the physical contact he'd missed out on lately?

He heard Logan open the door, converse politely with the delivery man, then bidding them (because Virgil was not going to assume any pronouns) a lovely evening before closing the door again.

Logan came back into the room a moment later, bringing two boxes and the wonderful smell of their favorite pizzas. He set them down on the coffee table by the couch, disappearing into the kitchen and then re-entering the living room holding two wine glasses in one hand and a bottle of red wine in the other.

The only reason they had red wine instead of white at home was because Virgil had been to the one grocery shopping last, and he just thought the red color was neat. He and Logan were sophisticated adults who knew what wine went with what food and based their purchases off of that. Definitely.

Logan set it all down on the table, sitting back down on the couch after having pushed Virgil's legs away, and then poured them each a drink. Virgil sat properly, turned towards the table and opened the pizza boxes, scooting Logan's box towards Logan and then taking a slice of his own.

If you'd have asked Virgil a few minutes ago he'd have said he wasn't hungry, but now he concluded that he was indeed starving and might actually die if he did not devour this entire pizza in the next twenty minutes.

Logan gave him an amused glance as he took a sip of his wine. Virgil would've stuck his tongue out at him if his he hadn't got half a slice of pizza in his mouth at the moment. He swallowed his food, only almost choking.

"What, I'm hungry." He said defensively. Logan only smiled at him, small soft smile and Virgil turned back to his pizza. Logan had no business looking at Virgil in such a loving way while he was eating like he hadn't seen food in weeks (while Virgil actually had had half a bag of chips as a snack only two hours ago).

"Nothing." Logan said, still smiling but at least turning his attention to his food. After a few more slices of pizza Virgil took the time to turn the tv on, finding netflix on his phone and casting season five of Brookly Nine-Nine as it was finally available.

He leaned back against the couches backrest, moving the pizza box into his lap. Virgil smiled as he felt Logan's head resting against his shoulder.

This weekend to themselves is what they deserved.


Written: 28th, 29th & 30th June & 2nd July 2019
Published: 8th August 2019
Words: 3139

Look, I literally know nothing about violins or what it's like to play an instrument (heck i dont know anything about music) so I just avoided really writing anything about it lol

just needed to introduce you all to the thought of violinist logan

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