[124] - School Dance
Human au
Warnings: bit of homophobia I suppose, immature teens mentioning semen in literally the first line
I don't really know what american school dances are like but I tried lol
"Ew, the soap looks like semen!" A guy exclaimed loudly and Logan didn't bother even glancing at the group of guys huddled together in the corner by one of the sinks in the boys bathroom.
"If you use soap you're gay!" Another one immediately yelled, the guys moving away from the sinks quick enough for more than one of them to stumble on their way to safety. They acted as if they were actually afraid that the soap would come alive and attack them, which would obviously mean they would be contaminated with 'gay' and better off dead.
Logan bitterly washed his hands and made his way out of the bathroom, slightly wishing he was deaf, at least then he wouldn't have to hear just how annoying and stupid many people his age were.
He hated being homosexual when so many teens around him made it out to be the most horrible thing. The fact that at least a few of his classmates would look at him in disgust if they knew he was gay... well, there was no use in dwelling on it. Logan just wished that people would shut up. Sometimes he felt as if hearing people speak made him lose brain cells.
Since he still had a considerable amount of time left of his lunch break Logan steered his steps towards the emptiest and quietest place in the school: the library. As always the library was quite empty, Logan greeted the librarian who happily waved back and went to the corner where there was a couch that was partially shielded from the view of others.
He found his friend there, as he always did, today deeply focused on some fantasy book. Logan sat down heavily, slumping against the backrest.
"Virgil, I think you are definitely the only other intelligent being in this whole school." He said. Virgil scoffed but did not lift his eyes from the page.
"My grades doesn't agree, but alright." He mumbled, turning the page. Logan could see his eyes dart over the page, taking in the words. Logan involuntarily smiled at him (not that he actually tried to stop himself from doing it, he just had not planned to, and he was glad Virgil didn't see it).
"You would have hated to be in biology class with me today." Virgil said, his words puncturing the silence around them and bringing Logan back into reality quickly.
"Oh, dare I ask why?" He said, leaning his head in his hand and pretending he hadn't been looking at Virgil this whole time when he looked up.
"Well, for starters one guy said that giraffes did not exist, and then he spent ten minutes explaining how they were fake and invented by the government. I think at least two people actually believed him and I've never before wanted to hit my head against the table so much." He gave Logan a stare that spoke of utter disappointment in humanity.
Logan bit his lip not to smile (again). This was not the first time Virgil had said that. Actually, just earlier this week he'd said the same thing.
Not to mention the time when they had math together and another student asked a dumb enough question for Virgil to actually bang his head down against the table they were sitting at. Virgil had had a bruise on his forehead for days but had still insisted it'd been the only correct response.
Logan probably would've done the same if he hadn't had to take a moment to make sure Virgil hadn't gotten a concussion.
Virgil had now turned his attention back to his book, chewing on his bottom lip as he read, which Logan knew was a tell tale sign that events in the story were not unfolding as Virgil had hoped. Logan, with a sting of regret, thought that leaving his own book in his locker had been an unwise idea.
Logan did know how annoying it was to be interrupted while reading and did not want to get on Virgil's bad side. Not that it was possible, getting on Virgil's bad side. Not for Logan, they'd been friends for far too long for that to happen, unless Logan would do something truly horrible. Though of course Logan would never do anything that could hurt Virgil like that, it was unthinkable, even.
Logan closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, then he opened them again and stood up, his hands falling to his sides. If he wanted something to read he was indeed in the right place.
He ended up finding two books that seemed to be interesting enough and the librarian let him borrow both of them despite him already having borrowed another book earlier this week. She knew Logan would've finished them and returned them all within one or two weeks.
He curled up on the couch where Virgil was sat, tucking his legs under himself and began to read. They spend the next half an hour like that, reading in silence, now and then reading a part out loud if it was particularly funny, clever, or if they knew the other would appreciate hearing it.
Then the bell rang and the both of them reluctantly got to their feet, complaining about the classes they now had until the two of them had to part to leave for their correct classrooms.
"So, what stupid stuff did people do in art class?" Virgil asked as they met by Logan's locker, as they always did after school. Logan tried shutting his locker without it rattling too loud, only succeeding slightly. These lockers were way past functioning correctly and it was incredibly stupid that they has to actually lock them when anyone could open them anyway if they yanked the handles hard enough.
"Ignoring the fact that everyone was, as always, being too loud for me to even think, it was fairly pleasant, actually. Though I am still devastatingly horrible at art and will not receive a particularly good grade on the current project." Logan said with a sigh, locking his locker. They began walking together out of the school, passing several posters shouting about the school dance that was in only a few days.
Logan's heart beat slightly quicker and he wondered whose idea it was to practically cover the walls with the same posters. Did they think the students were blind? Or deaf to the other students talking about it? Or were they simply plastered everywhere simply to taunt Logan and tell him how much of a coward he was?
Everyone knew of the school dance and all day when walking through corridors between classes (and during class) Logan had heard students gossiping in groups about who were going with who.
Logan stared down at the floor, pretending he didn't notice the posters, instead paying close attention to where he was putting his feet. They exited the school, walking over the schoolyard and toward the street that would lead them both home.
Logan actually had bought two tickets to the dance, even had someone in mind that he wanted to bring. Though his problem was with how to ask this person to the dance.
Logan had had many chances to ask, after all he and Virgil spent much of their free time together. Logan really couldn't imagine going with anyone else than Virgil. If he was going with anyone it was him.
Of course he didn't have to bring Virgil as his date, they could go as friends and hopefully too many people wouldn't find it weird. But Logan's small problem was that he really did want Virgil to go, not as his best friend, but as his date. Or even better, as his boyfriend.
Though the dance was in two days and Logan would definitely not be able to ask Virgil to be his boyfriend until then. But he did need to actually ask Virgil to go with him or neither of them would be going, that he knew. Logan chewed on his bottom lip, deciding that he'd just have to say it before he had the time to change his mind.
Honestly, the first time Logan overheard someone talking about the school dance he hadn't seriously expected he'd ever wanted to go, but he had sort of jokingly thought to himself that he could bring Virgil as his date. Which had led to Logan realizing that he actually enjoyed the thought of Virgil being his date. And now he sort of had to ask him or he might regret missing the opportunity.
It was not as if he could postpone it much longer, especially as Virgil lived quite close to the school and he probably should get this simple question out within the next few minutes.
"Virgil, I was just wondering... the school dance," Logan sent a quick glance at Virgil, checking to see if he could read anything off his expressions, "would you like to accompany me to it?"
"I would not want to go with someone else, and it's not like we have to dance or anything as such." He quickly added when seeing Virgil quirk his brow at Logan.
Crap, that might have made it seem like they were just going as friends, had it not? Logan mentally smacked himself but outwardly he only sent Virgil half a smile while awaiting his response.
"Sure, sounds good. Then my mom will stop nagging me about finding a girl to go with." Virgil rolled his eyes, giving Logan a tired glance. Logan understood completely how he felt. Virgil wasn't out as gay yet and therefore he still had to endure his parents defaulting him as straight.
"I don't even know why she wants me to go so bad." Virgil continued, sounding annoyed which Logan thought was justified since this was not the first time he'd heard Virgil complain about how his mother wanted him to go to the dance. Though it stung a bit as Logan wanted Virgil to actually want to go with him.
Perhaps Virgil realized, because he quickly added, "Though I suppose this might even end up being fun if I'm going with you."
"Suppose so." A quick glance at him and Logan found that Virgil was smiling.
"Are we, like, going to be matching?" Virgil said, gesturing up and down his body to make clear that he was talking about clothes. Logan shrugged, trying not to show how much he'd been thinking about this already.
"Perhaps we could wear the same color tie, or button up?" He said casually, observing Virgil out of the corner of his eye, seeing him thinking it over.
"Yeah, good idea, it's not too difficult. Or, I don't know, you wear a blue button up but with a purple tie and I wear a purple button up with a blue tie?" Virgil suggested, getting the choice of color from his knowledge of his own and Logan's favorite color. It was a good idea, Logan would admit that.
"As long as I don't have to wear a dress." He said with a grin, thinking of all the girls he'd overheard talking about their elaborate and expensive dresses and how it would be matching to their date's clothes. Virgil scoffed.
"But, yes, it is a good idea, especially as I know for a fact we both already have these articles of clothing at home. We'll just have to switch ties." Logan said, looking straight ahead as he spoke and remembering how he'd gotten Virgil the purple tie months ago when they had had to dress a little fancier than they normally did for a party their friend had invited them to.
"Great. I guess I'll text you if I find something else to ask about." Virgil said, meaning Logan was sure to receive many text during the next day or so. Virgil tended to get nervous over most things, and Logan didn't mind being the one to help reassure him that there was nothing to worry about.
Virgil yanked on Logan's hand, both of them coming to a halt just outside of Virgil's house. Logan had almost forgotten where they had been heading. He turned to look at Virgil who had dropped his hand quickly and was now looking at him as if he was slightly nervous to speak his mind.
"Hey, um, this isn't just us going as friends, is it?" Virgil asked with that tone of voice that meant he already knew the answer but still wasn't confident enough to claim he was correct.
"I would not at all mind going as friends, but no, I do want you to come as my... as my date. If that would be alright with you." Logan said, feeling as if there was a high probability that he was nervous enough to decide on never asking anyone something like this ever again.
Virgil just smirked and shoved his hands in his pockets, which Logan knew very well was just him trying to downplay his excitement, but Logan didn't mind. Virgil's smirk sure was... something.
"Yeah, that'd be lovely." He said and Logan wondered how he could seem so collected as he himself felt as if excitement, happiness, and whatnot was flooding his chest and threatening to break through his ribcage to have room enough to exist.
"Perfect." He said, pretending he was calm too but most likely failing because of the uncharacteristic smile showing on his face.
"See you tomorrow, we've got first class together, right?" Logan said. Virgil nodded, still smirking, and then turned around and walked up to his front door as Logan continued down the street, not quite being able to fathom that Virgil had really agreed on being his date.
Logan very nervously, more nervously than ever before, stood outside the door to the house where Virgil lived. Only once before had he been nervous standing here, and then he'd been ten years old and confused as to what it was he had said that had made Virgil angry at him (turned out everyone did not like first being called a coward and then having it explain to them why they were a coward, and how was ten year old Logan supposed to know that?)
He rang the doorbell, feeling as if his intestines had transformed into a bundle of nerves about the evening. There were several reasons for that, but he became much calmer as soon as the door opened and Virgil stepped outside.
Logan had worried slightly that one of his parents would've opened the door, since that might lead to being asked unnecessary questions he could not truthfully answer in a straight way.
"Greetings." Logan said, not being able to help himself and letting his eyes look Virgil up and down. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a purple button up and one of Logan's dark blue ties, and while Logan had already known how Virgil would be dressed he was still taken aback by how handsome he was.
"Hey." Virgil closed the door behind himself, locking it. "Thankfully my parents aren't home, they're away at grandma's and they'll be home on Sunday so they won't be spying on us from behind some curtain."
"Well, that's good I suppose. Won't have to answer any questions then." Logan said, extending his arm out, Virgil taking his hand as they began the short walk to their high school.
"The dance's dress code is pretty boring." Virgil said with a huff, scratching his arm. Logan guessed he perhaps felt a bit left out without his big hoodie he was always hidden away in.
"You could probably bring your hoodie, if that would make you feel more comfortable." Logan said, but Virgil shook his head.
"No, it'd just be really inconvenient if I found out I had to take it off and leave it somewhere. Plus, I can hopefully make it one evening without it on." They could hear music even before they could see the school and Logan felt bad for the people living in the apartments nearby, it could not be much fun for them every time any event was held by the school.
Virgil spent the last few minutes it took them to get to the school to rant about what was going on in a book he was reading and how stupid the characters were being. Logan was terribly confused and had no idea whatsoever what was going on, but he listened regardless.
As they got to the entry of where the dance was held, which was in the biggest gymnastics hall, Logan showed their tickets to a tired looking grown up standing there. He was probably supposed to be keeping out people who did not actually belong to this school, but Logan doubted he did a very good job nor cared.
Inside the hall there was already packed with students, a lot of them were dancing to the music playing from several speakers around the wall. Along one wall there were tables with drinks and snacks.
They were not underdressed, though Logan saw that many people wore clothes that looked more expensive than an eighteen year old should buy, there were a lot of people who, especially guys, simply wearing normal clothes. A pair of jeans or a t-shirt with a faded band logo.
Logan could spot at least three couples making out and he did his best to avoid looking at them. Chances were they were doing such things in public because they were drunk (Logan didn't doubt people were getting alcohol from somewhere) but sadly he knew that wasn't always the case from all the times he'd seen people kissing in plain sight in the school corridors.
Logan could not understand how people were not embarrassed doing such things in public. He shook his head, mostly to himself. This was not near his or Virgil's normal environment. They preferred quiet, or one of their own playlists playing in the background as they read, played games, or simply talked about anything.
Standing near a speaker, as they were right now, the chance was low that Virgil would be able to hear him unless he yelled. He'd rather not exhaust his voice if he didn't have to.
They'd let go of each others hands as they entered the hall and now they walked together, not touching, moving towards the snacks. Virgil grabbed a drink without even looking what it was but Logan took a moment to see what sodas there were to choose between. He settled on a bottle of orange soda. All the glass bottles were already opened and he supposed the two grownups practically standing guard by the table were there to make sure no one put anything in the drinks. He hoped those two took their work seriously.
They hurried towards a more empty space by the wall, there were quite a lot of students gathered by the snacks, of course. It was further from the speakers and they could almost speak at a normal volume. They passed some time by making fun of how people danced. There were certainly a lot of people who hadn't got a clue what they were doing, some looked like they didn't even know they were on the dance floor.
Logan and Virgil could not actually say they knew how to dance any better, but that was not the point. It was even funnier when someone, usually a guy, tried to impress someone with a dance move but instead ended up tripping over their own feet and falling over.
Virgil thrust his drink in Logan's hand and disappeared to the bathroom for a few minutes after a while, leaving Logan to try and not look too awkward as he was stood alone by the wall. Luckily Virgil was back quickly, muttering something about people selling alcohol in the bathrooms.
While they had insisted they wouldn't dance themselves they still ended up on the dancefloor, somehow. Not out in the middle where there were as most people, instead closer to one of the corners of the room, but together on the dance floor nevertheless.
A fairly slow song was playing and it was with a slight hesitation Logan copied all the other pairs who were dancing and put a hand on Virgil's waist, taking one of Virgil's hands with his own. Virgil nervously stared out at the others who were dancing.
"Where should I put my other hand?" Virgil asked quietly, cheeks flushed and he playfully hit Logan's arm when he grinned at him.
"I think you're supposed to put it on my shoulder." Logan replied. It was what he'd gathered from how everyone else was standing.
"Though since neither of us is a girl maybe you could put your hand on my waist too?" He continued. He might not have skipped gym class when they had to dance, like Virgil had, but he couldn't say he'd really paid much attention nor participated much. Something he almost regretted now.
Virgil ended up putting his hand on Logan's waist, claiming that they needed to do it 'the gay way', which Logan saw no use in arguing against. They tried to somewhat move in pace with the music, hopefully not looking as clueless as Logan felt.
They were definitely not standing too close, almost a foot distance between them. If they had been alone Logan might have actually dared to pull him closer, but he preferred not to do so while having an audience (even though that audience was mainly focused on other things than two guys clumsily dancing together).
Logan did note that a lot of people seemed extremely unbothered by the fact that people were most likely seeing them pressed as close to another person as possible or letting their hands wander to places where they definitely should not be. Logan preferred to not look to closely at the other couples.
"A few more months and we're out of here." Logan said, seeing Virgil smile wistfully and close his eyes as if he was imagining a better future. Logan returned the smile even if Virgil wasn't currently looking at him.
"I can't wait." Virgil mumbled. Then he opened his eyes again and immediately averted them from Logan when seeing him smiling at him.
"You know, this is not that bad, even if there are a few people staring at us." He said a second later, eyes back on Logan. He could see that Virgil was right, some of the people stood by the walls had their eyes on them and despite Logan not being able to tell if they were staring in a bad way or not it still made him feel a bit uneasy.
Neither of them were really people who enjoyed attention and Logan pulled Virgil in a bit closer as they swayed together, blocking his view of the others with Virgil's pretty face.
"Are you wearing eyeliner?" Logan said, making Virgil dramatically roll his eyes at him.
"You haven't noticed that yet? Here I've been making myself look pretty and you're not even appreciating it. Pay more attention to me, bastard." Virgil said with a wide grin and amusement in his voice. Logan tilted his head to the side, eyes fixed on Virgil as a beat of silence passed between them.
"You are always pretty." Was all he said, mostly because it was true but partly because he knew it'd make Virgil flustered, and most likely make him deny it too.
Just as he'd thought Virgil scoffed and shook his head at him, with pink dusted on his cheeks. "Shut up, you know I was joking."
"Well, I wasn't."
Virgil shook his head again, now adorably flustered and with a small smile that he seemed unable to force away. The music playing through the speakers changed to a much faster song and people all around them made their way too and from the dance floor. The ones that stayed started jumping around and dancing much more violently.
Logan reluctantly let go of Virgil and took a step back, immediately missing having him as close. They had danced together for the duration of two songs, maybe more, time kind of passed differently when Logan was with Virgil.
"Want to go get something more to drink?" Virgil asked, already dragging Logan towards the drinks table. He handed him an already opened glass bottle of Sprite which Logan gratefully took.
"You know, this isn't as horrible as I'd thought it'd be. No drunk people are fighting yet. The guys selling alcohol or drugs or whatever in the bathroom didn't even try to make me buy anything when I went there. We get kind of free snacks. No one harassed us while dancing." Virgil said, munching on a handful of popcorn which Logan hadn't noticed him grab.
"Yes, I have to admit that so far it has been nice. Though the music is terribly loud." Logan said. Virgil hummed as a response and let his eyes sweep over the room. Logan took a sip from his bottle, eyes roaming over Virgil now that he was distracted.
Logan took a step closer to Virgil, putting an arm around his shoulders. It made Virgil turn his focus back onto Logan.
"You look pulchritudinous." Logan said, receiving a puzzled look from Virgil.
"I'm assuming that's a good thing?" He said with a short, nervous laugh.
"It's another word for beautiful." Logan said.
"Oh..." Virgil perhaps hadn't expected that, because there was a soft expression of surprise showing on his face. Then he seemed to catch himself and he shook his head.
"You're so sappy." Virgil said, giving Logan a playful shove that didn't even move him. Logan shrugged.
"I am merely speaking the truth." He said and Virgil most likely would've argued against that if he hadn't been distracted a moment later.
They heard someone yell loudly and Logan turned towards the commotion at the same time as Virgil did and they saw two guys trying to punch the guts out of each other. Logan almost hoped they were drunk, that they weren't dumb enough to start a fight while sober. People gathered around them in a ring, a few looking concerned but most chanting at them to continue the fight or trying to direct where they punched or kicked.
"Well, okay, people are now fighting, so scratch that off the list." Virgil said with a sigh.
"Hey, want to go get some fresh air with me?" Virgil then said. Logan followed him without asking any questions, as he always did. It was quite easy to slip outside, everyone had gathered around the fighting guys and moving along the walls were easy.
The night air was cool and it was almost dark outside, as dark as it got at ten in the evening in the summer. Logan took a few deep breaths, first now realizing how warm it had been in there. Virgil's hand was warm as it squeezed Logan's, and it was first now he realized they were holding hands.
Logan didn't let go, instead followed Virgil as they made their way through the half dark schoolyard, careful not to accidentally kick any soda or beer cans or step in something gross (who knew what unpleasant things might lie on the old and cracked asphalt).
They ended up in some corner of the schoolyard were a few benches were stood, though he and Virgil remained standing. Logan had learnt not to sit down before checking if anyone had spilled anything sticky on the seat the hard way.
The temperature outside was almost cool, a pleasant change from the heat of loads of high school students dancing in the same hall that were badly air conditioned. Virgil's hand was warm and Logan didn't want to let go, instead he simply stood close to Virgil and tried to read his expression.
Virgil stood with his face towards the breeze, eyes closed. His lips were curved into a small, calm smile. Logan momentarily wondered if they'd kiss, now when far away from other teens prying eyes.
Logan found it an oddly appealing thought, to kiss Virgil. Odd mostly because he'd never before found any reason in kissing anyone. But he wanted to know what it'd feel like, to kiss Virgil, and he wanted to find out if Virgil's lips were as soft as they looked. And Logan realized he was still staring at Virgil's mouth.
Way to be subtle.
Though it seemed Virgil must've been thinking similarly because Logan thought he definitely glanced down at his lips, too. Then his eyes flicked up and met Logan's.
"Since you asked me to come as your date this might be a dumb question but, would it be all right if we kissed?" Virgil said, and Logan felt goosebumps spread down his arms and it had nothing to do with the slight breeze.
"I have no objections at all." Logan said, not moving just in case any sudden movements might cause Virgil to change his mind.
Virgil leaned in and pressed his lips to Logan's, very carefully. Logan found himself kissing back, hands placed on Virgil's waist, and he had to use most of his self restraint not to chase Virgil's lips as he pulled back.
"Oh." Logan honestly could not think of anything more intelligent to say, but it didn't seem to be important to be very articulated right now. Virgil flashed a smirk at him before he was kissing him again and Logan felt Virgil's arms around his neck, holding him close.
Logan's hands slowly moved up Virgil's back and he was unsure how he a moment later had one tangled in Virgil's soft, purple dyed hair.
They slowly parted, almost breathless and flustered and still practically pressed together with their arms around the other. Logan untangled himself from Virgil and took a step back, finding that he didn't actually have a single coherent thought in his head, even less anything smart or smooth to say.
Virgil didn't seem to have much better luck finding his words and instead he just took another step back, almost seeming slightly surprised at how daring he'd been.
"That was- it was... more enjoyable than I had been expecting." Logan managed, feeling his face heat up even more than it already was. His heart was still beating hard in his chest and Logan kind of wished Virgil would kiss him again.
He didn't, but smirked at him instead which did not make Logan any less flustered at all. "Yeah, we should be doing that more often."
"I'll be taking you up on that offer." Logan said, because Virgil had definitely implied that he would not mind kissing Logan again, something Logan would gladly welcome.
"Good." Virgil was grinning brightly.
"You know, we don't actually have to stay until the dance ends and we've already spent almost two hours here." Logan said. It'd been nice, especially as he had Virgil with him, but he wouldn't mind it one bit if they could spend some of the evening somewhere where the music wasn't deafening.
"Oh, yeah," Virgil gave him a hopeful smile, "we could have a sleepover and stay up all night since I'm alone at home."
"Oh, you're inviting me to stay the night, are you?" Logan said with a suggestive tone which earned him a punch on the arm from Virgil, but irritating him was worth it.
"Shut up, be serious, or you'll be sleeping on the floor." Virgil said with a snort.
Logan and Virgil had shared a bed during their sleepovers for years, even when sleeping at Logan's place his parents were not worried even if knowing their son was gay. Virgil wouldn't let him sleep on the floor, Logan knew that.
"So, staying up all night, what will we be occupying ourselves with?" Logan asked, half tempted to wiggle his eyebrows, half worried that if he did that then Virgil would punch him again. Logan was sure he would punch him again. Maybe they'd been hanging out too much with Roman Prince lately, Logan wasn't normally the kind of person to make suggestive jokes.
"Last time you stayed the night we played Mario Kart and you won, so I have a deep need for winning my honor back." Virgil crossed his arms over his chest and bore an expression of dignity. Logan coughed to conceal his laughter, the dignity part was questionable as Virgil had refused to play anymore with him after losing three times in a row.
"Good luck." Was all Logan said, sticking his hand in Virgil's as they walked, now letting the (almost) silence lay undisturbed between them for a moment. It would've been peaceful if it weren't for the never ceasing sound of cars and the fact that there was a high pitched tone ringing in Logan's ears.
"The music was so loud, I've got tinnitus now." He complained, Virgil just scoffed at him.
"I've always got tinnitus." He said. Logan gave him a disapproving glare.
"And whose fault is that? Maybe lower that music you've always got playing in your headphones." He gave him a stare that even Virgil would understand meant he shouldn't be arguing against him.
"I need something to block out the sounds of the other students with." Virgil said and stuck his tongue out at Logan, a glint of amusement in his eyes.
"Very well, suit yourself when you're old and deaf." Logan shook his head, then letting out a yelp as Virgil suddenly dragged him to the side. Then he flustered slightly as he realized they were already at Virgil's house. He really tended to forget about his surroundings when walking with Virgil.
Virgil unlocked the door and pulled Logan inside, then locking it again behind them. Logan kicked his shoes off. Dress shoes might be considered fancier, but they were not much for comfort.
Turning around Logan noticed Virgil was already more than halfway up the stairs, disappearing into his room by the time Logan was going after him. Entering Virgil's room Logan saw that he'd already discarded his tie, button up, and jeans and was now pulling on a pair of grey sweatpants. A purple t-shirt and his hoodie was already on.
Logan loosened his own tie, a few seconds later being hit in the face by something soft. Virgil had thrown another pair of sweatpants and a navy blue sweater at him. It was Logan's own clothes that he had left here once when realizing that most of his and Virgil's sleepovers were spontaneous and he always ended up having to borrow something to sleep in and wear the next day.
"Since we're the only ones home no one will be bothered if we use the tv in the living room." Virgil said. "I'll go turn the game on and make some tea, not necessarily in that particular order."
"Right." Logan said, even though Virgil had already left, and began to change into the comfier clothes.
Five minutes later, give or take, Logan was seated on the couch downstairs, hot cup of tea on the table in front of him. Logan watched the steam rise as Virgil turned the Wii on and got them the controllers.
"Catch." He said, Logan not even registering the meaning of the simple word before a controller and a nun-chuck hit his chest. He looked up at Virgil, seeing him grin widely at him. Virgil knew very well he couldn't catch things.
"Thanks." He said despite all that, taking his cup in his hand, careful not to spill anything as he lifted it. He blew on the hot liquid, then taking a small sip of the tea which burned. How he always managed to burn his tongue was beyond him. Logan set the cup back down.
"Alright, let's play." Virgil said, heavily sitting down next to Logan, giving him a glance and a smile that clearly showed that he thought he'd win. One that faded as soon as he realized Logan was winning over him once again. When crossing the finish line in second place instead of first he frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, not actually angry but just being overly dramatic.
"Verge?" Logan said, making Virgil turn his head at him, which was exactly what he wanted.
Logan shuffled closer, pressing his lips to Virgil's, kissing him as softly as he could, a kiss that lasted longer than he'd thought it would because both of them ended up distracted and neither wanted the kiss to end. Though Logan broke the kiss and momentarily observed Virgil who still had his eyes closed.
"Fine, you're forgiven." Virgil said, failing to look unbothered thanks to his blush and the way he wouldn't look straight into Logan's eyes.
"Want to play again?" He asked, sinking back against the couch cushions and Logan, resting his head on his shoulder.
"Of course."
Written: 21st, 22nd & 23rd June 2019
Published: 24th July 2019
Words: 6301
I've had tinnitus for years lol it's not even that annoying because it's really low pitched
Am at grandpa's vaction house :D
I don't wanna go home but also I wanna hang out with my friends and watch Supernatural and eat doritos (no good doritos in the nearest town), but I don't want to go home :/
Hope y'all enjoyed and have had a wonderful day❤❤ I love you
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