[118] - Bedtime Stories And A Shitty Date

Fuck spn is a scary show, why do i love it dshsksdbn

Warnings: none

Summary: Virgil attempts in getting Logan's 5 year old daughter to go to bed, then consoles Logan after a less than good date


"Maia, no, come back here." Virgil said dejectedly, hearing her giggle as she locked herself in the bathroom. Virgil slowly walked up to the door, knocking on it. "You better be getting your toothbrush ready."

The only response he got was another series of giggles, and had this been the first time he'd been left in charge of getting Logan's daughter to go to bed then he might've sent him a text asking for assistance. But this was probably closer to the hundredth time he'd 'babysat' for Logan, if he still could call it that since he and Logan were roommates and had been for many years.

Maybe it should actually be called parenting since Maia had persisted in calling Virgil her 'dada' since she'd learnt to talk.

Not that he was her legal parent, Maia was the product of an old relationship Logan had had around five-six years ago, and Virgil was not together with Logan, they were only roommates and Maia wasn't actually his in any way.

Though they were a little family of their own, Virgil supposed, and Maia was wonderful and Virgil didn't mind her insisting he was her dad too (even if it made things slightly awkward or at least prompted unnecessary explanations when she told preschool teachers and strangers in the grocery store that they were her dads).

Both Virgil and Logan honestly just went with it many times. At least when it came to the people they'd never see again. Why bother?

There was a click as the door was unlocked and it opened a smidge, Virgil could see her peek out. "I don't want to go to bed."

"Well, small girls like you needs to go to bed now, or-" Virgil began, immediately being interrupted.

"I'm not small! Look, I'm five years old." She held her hand out through the crack in the door and held up five fingers while pouting angrily. Virgil smiled at her.

"Good, if you're a big girl you'll do as I say and be in bed before half past eight, because your dad told both of us that that's your bedtime, didn't he?" Virgil said which made her fall quiet as she most likely tried to find any loophole in what he had said.

"...Help me brush my teeth." She said, apparently having found that she did have to go to bed or Virgil would surely be telling her dad that she hadn't been on her best behaviour.

"Of course." Virgil said, opening the door and lifting her up in his arms, taking her into the bathroom where he clumsily put toothpaste on her toothbrush, it being slightly difficult when not really having full use of both hands and arms.

He put her back down on the floor, as gently as he could, then poking at her lips with the toothbrush until she got the point and opened her mouth.

Brushing a small child's teeth was not always very easy, and she apparently decided this was the perfect time to start telling him what she'd done at daycare today, which certainly didn't make it any less difficult.

Virgil decided that was good enough a minute later, and she ran out of the bathroom as soon as she could. How small kids had the energy to run everywhere Virgil never thought he'd understand. He followed her in his own pace, which was considerably slower despite the fact that he had got much longer legs than the five year old who had already gotten to her room.

He found her sitting on the floor and playing with some toys, obviously having already forgotten that she was supposed to be getting ready for bed. Kids, easily distracted. Though then again Virgil was easily distracted too.

"Maia, if you put your pajamas on without struggle I'll read you a bedtime story." Virgil proposed. Her face lit up and she bounded over to where her pajamas was thrown on the floor. Virgil sat down on the chair by Maia's bed.

Virgil absolutely loved small kids, bribing them always worked.

"Get into bed now, hun. It's late." Virgil said. He really wanted her to be asleep when Logan got home, and he'd be home in around forty minutes. Not that he really needed to prove himself as a good babysitter, since he'd helped take care of her since she was practically newborn Logan was bound to already know he was responsible.

"Alright, choose a story." Virgil said, making a small hand gesture towards Maia's bookshelf since he had promised to read for her. Luckily for Virgil all her books were easy to read, and he'd gotten a lot better at reading out loud since Logan started letting him babysit.

Maia absolutely loved being read to, and she was slowly but surely getting better at reading herself since Logan (and sometimes Virgil) had been teaching her since she was four years old.

"Dad started reading this one yesterday!" She said excitedly (it didn't bode well how far from tired she seemed), holding up a book called Prince & Knight that seemed to be about a prince and a knight finding unexpected love. Virgil's lips curled into a smile.

The lgbt+ theme of Maia's books was quite endearing, Logan really did his best to find children's books that had characters with all sorts of identities. Virgil wished all parents did this, it'd make the world a much kinder place.

He began to read from in the middle of the book where Logan must've left off when reading it, doing his best to read the rhyming text correctly and not too fast. She listened quietly, not saying word until he'd read the last page. Virgil closed the book and put it down on her nightstand.

She was very much still awake, though luckily looking at least slightly sleepy. Virgil leaned back into his chair, not bothering getting up because he knew she'd just ask him to stay until she had fallen asleep.

"Why are you and dad not married?" The question was very unexpected and it took Virgil completely off guard. He stared at her, giving Maia a look to try and decide if that had been a serious question or not. It was clear that it had, based on how Maia was expecting an answer.

"Well, um, people who get married have usually dated for a long time, and your dad and I aren't dating. We're friends." Virgil said, ignoring a slight feeling of unease that was slowly creeping up on him.

"But you love each other." She insisted. That wasn't even a question, it was a statement and a confident one of that. Virgil didn't respond, he didn't like lying, and telling Maia that he wasn't in love with Logan would definitely be a lie. Though he had no idea if Logan felt the same and therefore it wouldn't be a lie to say they weren't in love, because it was one-sided.

"There are many kinds of love." Virgil instead said. He preferred vague answers like these that didn't actually tell anyone anything important and that didn't really answer any questions.

"Like, I love you and that's not romantic love, it's more like parental love. You love your friends, don't you? That is also different from romantic love. Though all kinds of love are just as important, none is inferior of another." Virgil said, doing his best to explain. He was unsure what to say, no other child had ever asked him something like this, and he hadn't expected it, even if Maia often asked weird questions for a five year old. (Must be because Logan is her father.)

"Do you have romantic love for dad?" Shit. Fuck. What's he even supposed to answer to that if he didn't want to lie? Why was she even asking this? Maybe Logan had said something to make her wonder... Virgil internally told himself to shut up, these thoughts were for later.

"It's... it's kind of complicated." Virgil said nervously. It wasn't, not really. If one didn't count the fact that it was likely that Logan did not return Virgil's feelings as complicated. Maia just stared at him but said nothing. She grabbed her teddy bear and turned over.

"I love you. Good night dada." She mumbled sleepily. Virgil smiled to himself. There was something very nice about being told by a small child that they loved you. It felt like a great accomplishment.

"Love you too, Maia. Good night sweetheart." He mumbled, quietly staying by her side until he was absolutely sure she'd fallen asleep, sitting there a while afterwards too. He didn't want to accidentally wake her up by stumbling on some toy (he had way too much experience with that, once he had accidentally walked into a tower she'd built with kapla, which had fallen and made an awful lot of noise, waking her up and also making her cry because she'd really worked on that tower).

He sat there until he heard keys in the front door. He carefully made his way through the room, out into the hallway just as Logan closed the door behind himself.

Logan gave him a tired glance and kicked his shoes off, hanging his jacket on a hook and walking past Virgil into the kitchen and pouring himself a glass of water before yet again walking past Virgil and going into the living room.

"Hey Lo, how was your date?" Virgil asked, immediately deciding that was a bad idea as Logan gave him a long look before simply sighing and sitting down on the couch and burying his head in his hands.

"Horrible, thanks for asking." He said, the words muffled. He looked up, running a hand through his hair, making it all messy in that way that Virgil secretly loved. Not that that was what he was focusing on at the moment though.

"I don't know why I bother. Clearly I'm not right for anyone, not even the woman I thought I'd spend my life with since she simply left as soon as our daughter was born." Logan said bitterly. Virgil knew Logan was only saying that because of his dejected mood, but he still hated hearing him say anything that brought down his self worth.

"You can't say that Logan, you know it's not true and I hate hearing you putting yourself down. If I'm not allowed to do that then you aren't either." Virgil said and gave him a half hearted glare.

"But my evenings been shitty." Logan said, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the couch cushions.

"Tough shit." Virgil responded, and the two of them stared at each other for a few seconds before they both broke into grins, Logan's maybe not a hundred percent genuine, but it was certainly a start.

"Alright then," Virgil said and sat down next to Logan who still had his arms crossed and who looked like all he wanted to do was to go to bed, "why was your date so horrible?"

Logan let out a frustrated noise as if it was testing his nerves only to have to think about it. He leaned against Virgil with his head on his shoulder, making him sit in a kind of half lying down sort of position. Virgil automatically put an arm around his shoulders.

"Well he seemed decent enough when we were talking online, but he started the dinner off by complaining about the waitresses, and then when he, during our small talk, found out I'm bisexual he revealed himself to be one of these people that thinks bisexual guys are just gay guys too scared to come out." Logan said sharply, scowling.

"Ah, one of those assholes. How wonderful." Virgil said, that last bit sounding sarcastic enough for even Logan to understand.

"Well, maybe you'll find someone if you just stop looking, or start looking for someone that you already know." Virgil said, not meaning himself but also not not meaning himself. He wouldn't mind, of course, he just didn't think it was likely that Logan would like him back.

"What's the point. I mean, I've got Maia and I've got you, why should I need a romantic partner?" Logan said. While that was sweet of him Virgil couldn't help feeling as if he was being seen as someone who was as far away from a romantic partner as he could get.

"Well, you don't. Society does try and tell everyone that a romantic relationship is the whole point of life, though your life would be just as fulfilling and meaningful without one."

"I know. I would still like one though." He said. The two of them fell into silence, Virgil wondered slightly what Logan had on his mind. Virgil let out a small hum, not sure if there was anything to say. He wasn't good at the whole dating thing, hadn't been dating in a few years because what was the point when he was in love with his best friend and roommate anyway?

Apparently Logan had nothing to say now, either, and they stayed quiet for a while, Virgil hearing his most repetitive thoughts of his feelings for Logan. Honestly, Virgil wasn't very inconvenienced by his feelings. He was used to the flutter in his chest when Logan touched him, he was used to the warm feeling when Logan smiled at him. These things were an everyday thing. His normal. Virgil really didn't mind because why should he?

"Was Maia any trouble?" Logan said a minute later, breaking the silence around them.

"No, she was just as wonderful as ever. I finished reading that knight book for her. She did seem reluctant to go to sleep though and ended up asking me difficult questions, but she fell asleep quite quickly anyway." Virgil said, deliberately avoiding to mention what questions it was she had asked.

"What was she asking about?" Logan wondered, making Virgil think that maybe he should've left out the questions part completely.

"Oh, uh, she was just... wondering why we, you and me, aren't married." Virgil said with a small chuckle, tempted to add 'children, they're so silly'.


"I told her about the differences between platonic and romantic love." Virgil said slowly. Logan gave him a nod and Virgil took that as a sign that he'd handled the situation correctly.

"I should probably go to sleep soon." Logan continued. Virgil didn't bother to tell Logan it was really early, Logan for some reason often went to sleep at this time. Perhaps because he got awoken by a hyper five year old at six in the morning every day.

Logan turned his head towards Virgil, mouth opened, he was clearly just about to say something but what must've escaped his mind. They had ended up much closer than either of them must have expected or prepared for. Logan's eyes flicked down, definitely looking at his lips and Virgil's heart kind of did a flip in his chest.

"I, uh..." Virgil said, not even sure what he'd opened his mouth for as he had no plan on what to say. The fact that their faces were close enough for Virgil to feel Logan's warm breath against his lips was not doing anything to help him think coherently.

Logan made an acknowledging sound, then leaning that little bit closer and Virgil felt Logan's lips against his own, all he did was let his eyes slip shut and kiss him back. He used the arm already around Logan to pull him closer, absolutely not minding it when Logan deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around Virgil.

Virgil's brain practically shut off, he couldn't focus on anything else than the fact that he was finally kissing Logan, and when parting they were still close enough for their lips to brush when Logan spoke.

"I apologize if I just stepped over any boundaries, but I've wanted to do that for ages." Logan murmured, not pulling away any more than he already had and Virgil found it slightly hard to concentrate on what he was saying.

"No, uh, do that again- I mean, I didn't... mind. Not at all." Virgil said quietly, still with his eyes closed, trying to reboot his brain into remembering how a normal person held a conversation. Logan made a sort of noise that Virgil supposed meant something along the lines of 'as you wish' as the next moment they were kissing again.

At least until the sound of someone stepping on that one creaky floorboard by the doorway was heard.


They parted quickly, Virgil's arms gone from around Logan in an instant, now instead pushing him away from himself as they both turned their heads towards the source of the voice. Virgil glanced at Logan, seeing his bright pink cheeks, and Virgil most likely didn't look much better himself. Virgil really hoped she hadn't seen them kissing.

Maia walked through the room with her teddy bear in a tight grip and rubbing at her tired eyes with her other hand. She crawled up into Logan's lap and curled up into a small ball. Logan hugged her and mumbled a hello before kissing the top of her head.

"What are you doing awake, hun?" Logan asked softly. Maia mumbled something slightly incoherent about missing him, then closed her eyes and looked like she decided in Logan's arms was the perfect place to sleep.

Logan sighed with a smile and stood up, carrying Maia out of the room and not returning for several minutes. Virgil spent that time burying his flustered face in his hands and grinning to himself. He had a hard time believing that he and Logan had practically been making out a moment ago.

Then it hit Virgil that the two of them probably wouldn't be continuing kissing the moment Logan came back into the room. They'd have to talk this through, this was twenty years of friendship that might change. Not that Virgil thought their relationship would chance by much. They already lived together and he knew Logan better than he knew anyone else.

He didn't think much would change. Their relationship would likely remain the same, just with added kissing and whatever else intimate that they might get into if they pursue a romantic relationship.

Though Virgil reminded himself that he shouldn't get ahead of himself, he didn't know if they both wanted the same thing. Virgil looked up as he heard Logan come back into the room, smiling slightly at him.

Logan sat back down on the couch and it was silent around them, Logan didn't say anything and neither did Virgil at first. He was unsure of how to proceed after their interruption, the moment was no longer right for him to continue their kissing. Virgil sat slightly stiffly and tried to think of what to say.

"So, um, we haven't done that before." Virgil said with a small chuckle, pushing his fringe out of his eyes and not really looking at Logan.

"Do you regret it?" Logan asked and Virgil looked up at him in surprise, meeting Logan's eyes. Of course he didn't regret it, he'd wanted something like this to happen for ages.

Though, Logan's question made Virgil's anxiety awake and he couldn't help wondering if Logan really wanted this or if it had just happened because Logan wanted something to distract himself with after his shitty date. Rationally he knew that wasn't the case, he'd even told Virgil that he had wanted to kiss him for a long time but, what if?

"No, not yet at least. Do you?" He said cautiously, glancing between his hands and Logan. Logan shifted until he was sitting turned toward Virgil on the couch, reaching a hand out and softly cupping Virgil's cheek, making him look at him.

"Verge, I don't regret a thing. Don't you worry about that." Logan said with a smile that very much tempted Virgil to lean in to kiss him again. "As I said, I've wanted this for a long time. I've got actual feelings for you, I didn't just kiss you because it seemed like a fun thing to do."

"Now, am I correct to assume you've had these same kind of feelings for quite some time, too?" Logan continued.

"Yeah. I just... didn't think there was a point in even trying. You've been so insistent of going on dates during the last couple of months, I didn't think I had a chance anyway." Virgil said, shyly smiling at Logan.

He had never thought that with all the people Logan could possibly like he would be anywhere on that list. Not even because he thought bad of himself, not really, it was just obvious to Virgil that there was someone better for Logan out there. Logan let out a quiet laugh.

"Actually, part of the reason I've been so insistent on dating was to try and get over my feelings for you. I worried that I'd be ruining our close friendship if I allowed myself to confess my feelings for you. I'm glad I for some reason decided on not letting that hold me back tonight."

"Can I kiss you again?" Logan continued and Virgil nodded, perhaps a little too eagerly but there wasn't much that was going to stop him from kissing Logan now that he knew he could. Virgil pulled Logan closer by grabbing ahold of the tie he was wearing and yanking him close, smirking at him before they were once again kissing.

They'd talk more later, discuss more closely what it really was they wanted from this relationship. They'd agree that their friendship went before any romantic aspect of their relationship. And they'd reveal just how long they'd been in love with the other, laughing at how dumb they were for not doing something about it sooner.

But for now, this evening at least, they focused on all the kissing they'd missed out on during these past months, maybe even years, of pining.

They definitely had to endure Maia asking when they were getting married during breakfast the next morning, which definitely answered Virgil's wonder if she'd seen them kiss or not, and had also made Logan have to explain how marriage wasn't usually the first step in a relationship.


Written: 29th, 30th, 31st May & 1st June 2019
Published: 28th June 2019
Words: 3812

The daddy kink makes me too uncomfortable to let kids in my fic call their dad 'daddy', which is annoying

Well, I really hope y'all enjoyed, I liked writing this one, but I am unsure of how I like how it turned out

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