[108] - Hypothetically
Let's pretend I follow my posting schedule
So many of my classmates pull allnighters, come to school looking like death and then sleeps through class???
It was quite calm and quiet in the mindscape in the morning. No one was blasting music, the tv wasn't playing anything. Patton and Logan were the only two awake yet, though the others would surely join them soon.
Patton was quietly humming on a song that Thomas had had stuck in his head for two days while flipping a pancake. Roman was nowhere to be seen, but in the corner of his eye Logan saw how Virgil stomped into the kitchen.
Virgil was now standing there in his slightly too big pajamas, giving everyone and everything glares as he poured himself a cup of coffee. And Logan didn't understand why the sight of the grumpy, half asleep, anxious side made him feel a flutter in his chest. Logan shook his head to himself, watching as Virgil trudged up to the table, putting his cup down with a loud thunk.
He sat down and immediately rested his head in his arms, a hand around the cup but not looking like he was going to drink it. Logan took a sip from his own half empty cup of coffee, hoping that the caffeine would kick in soon. He had gotten his recommended eight hours of sleep, but he was still tired. As always. Though Virgil who was sitting in front of him looked to be much worse off than Logan. Virgil slowly sat up again, resting his head in his hand.
"Have you not gotten a sufficient amount of sleep, Virgil?" Logan questioned, and judging by the stare he received instead of an answer he could tell that whatever rest Virgil had gotten, if any, had not lasted long nor been anywhere near enough.
"Did we not discuss the importance of a consistent sleep schedule?" Logan said, because he and Virgil had had a long conversation a few weeks ago about Virgil's habits of staying up late and how that affected the amount of anxiety that he felt. Logan could not understand why he would've disregarded all they had talked about when he'd seemed so willing to listen to Logan then.
"Here's breakfast." Patton interrupted, smiling and setting them each a plate of pancakes. Virgil gave Logan another stare, standing up.
"I'm not hungry, Pat." And with that he left the room, leaving Logan feeling guilty and not understanding why. He had not said anything that should have upset Virgil, had he?
Logan proceeded to eat his breakfast in silence, listening to Patton excitedly talk. Maybe it was rude, but Logan could not concentrate on what he was saying. Luckily Roman joined them at the table and he and Patton held a lively discussion that Logan did not have to take part in.
He told Patton thanks for the breakfast and put away his dirty dishes, then leaving Patton and Roman to continue their discussion.
Logan had almost gotten to his room, hand hovering by the door handle before he stopped. He looked down the hallway, eyes lingering by Virgil's door. The black door was closed, as always.
Logan lowered his hand, turning away from his door and walking to the end of the hallway. He did not know what came over him, but he found himself carefully knocking on Virgil's door. He wanted to make sure Virgil was okay, especially if he had been the reason Virgil got upset, even if he did not understand how that had happened.
"Virgil?" Logan asked. There was no reply and Logan stood outside of Virgil's room for a few monents, trying to decide if he should just leave Virgil be or enter uninvited, internally weighing pros and cons for either decision. It only took him a moment to decide on the latter, deciding that checking to see if Virgil was alright was worth possibly being yelled at.
"I'm entering, Virgil." Logan said before he opened the door, wanting to give him a moment of warning simply to lower the chance of frightening him. Virgil was always a bit jumpy, for obvious reasons as he was the embodiment of anxiety.
It was dark, and Logan had to turn the light on to see properly. He found Virgil curled up in a ball on his bed, hoodie on now and hood pulled down to cover his face, still wearing pajamas beneath.
"Virgil? Are you conscious?" Logan asked, not being able to rule out the option that Virgil had fallen asleep since the other side wasn't moving nor acknowledged Logan in any way. Well, he might as well try and talk just in case Virgil was listening.
"I sincerely apologize if I upset you earlier. It was not my intentions, I was- am, merely worried for your and Thomas' wellbeing." He continued, trying to use a softer tone of voice than he normally did, hoping that Virgil was hearing him. He got an answer to his wondering when Virgil shifted slightly, then sighed deeply and rolled over onto his back.
"I didn't mean to stay up all night." He said quietly, not peeking out from under his hood that was still hiding his face. Oh. Possibly he had upset Virgil by making him feel as if he thought Virgil had chosen to stay up when this was not the case.
"I believe you. I didn't mean to make you feel as though I was blaming you. Would you mind telling me what kept you from a peaceful night's sleep?" Logan said. If he knew what problem it was Virgil was facing then the possibility of him being of any help increased considerably.
"I ...had too much on my mind." Virgil dragged himself up into a sitting position, the hood falling down. Virgil wasn't looking like he was one second from committing murder anymore, but he did look exhausted. "It's not my fault."
"Then who's is it?" Logan asked, only getting a low mumble in response. It was impossible to hear what Virgil had said, if he had even spoken words, it could've just been a groan in annoyance or frustration.
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that, louder this time? I could not hear you." Logan said. Virgil let out a miserable sigh, pulling his hood up again and crossed his arms tightly over his chest. Virgil very persistently did not look at him.
"I just had a sort of realization, and I got stressed and started overthinking ...it's a bit personal, L." Virgil said. Normally nicknames wasn't anything Logan was on board with, but somehow he didn't mind it when it was Virgil. It made Logan feel that strange fluttering sensation in his chest all over again.
"That's alright. You've got no obligation to tell me anything you're not comfortable with me knowing." Logan said, hoping that that was the right response. He did not want Virgil to feel forced to leave his comfort zone, Logan had no right to demand that. Virgil didn’t respond, but he smiled a little and Logan deemed that to be positive.
"Did you manage to get any sleep at all?" Logan asked. Virgil leaned against him, head on his shoulder, and Logan momentarily froze.
"Like… half an hour, or an hour, or something. I don't know. Probably should've just pulled an all-nighter and I wouldn't feel as dead as I do now." Virgil muttered sleepily. Logan tried to relax and not sit there too stiffly. Virgil was honestly being quite adorable (for a lack of a better word), Logan just had not expected Virgil to lean on him.
"Are you going to attempt getting some rest now, or will you be staying up?" Logan asked, contemplating leaving Virgil alone if he was planning to sleep. Logan did not want to be in the way.
"I think I'm going to try and stay up, because if I sleep now it's just going to screw up my sleeping schedule even more." Virgil said, not looking all too sure if he’d made the right choice.
"In that case, maybe you should eat something. Eating healthy meals will improve your chances of making it through the day without collapsing." Logan said, really hoping Virgil would be living on something else than the little bit of coffee he’d drank earlier this morning.
"I am kind of hungry." Virgil admitted, yawning.
"Well, I'm certain Patton saved some pancakes for you." Logan said. He didn't doubt for a second that a plate of pancakes would be waiting for Virgil in the fridge.
"Yeah, he probably did." Virgil said, sitting back up again, rolling his shoulders and letting a small sigh escape him, eyes closed for a moment.
"Guess I should eat then." Virgil said, reopening his eyes, staring at nothing and looking like he'd already regretted his decision to stay up instead of sleeping.
Then Virgil turned to him, leaning in and softly pressed a quick kiss to Logan's lips, making him feel as if his heart had done a flip in his chest, even if that would be impossible. Virgil had pulled back before Logan's brain caught up with what was happening, and he didn't have the chance to kiss back.
Virgil stood up and walked halfway through his room before he stopped in his tracks, then he turned around and the both of them stared at each other for a good half a minute. Logan didn't know what to say, he still couldn't fully wrap his head around what had happened, but he did know he hadn't minded that one bit.
"...Did I just kiss you?" Virgil asked in a slightly mortified tone of voice, a bright blush creeping up on his cheeks. Logan was no better off himself, judging by how hot his face felt.
"I think you did." Logan said, hoping like he didn't sound like Virgil had just stole his breath, because that was how he felt. Virgil let out a low sound, of acknowledgement or panic Logan did not know.
"Shit. I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that, well, I do, but- I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry." Virgil rambled. Logan stood up he too, carefully making his way over to Virgil who looked like he was on the verge of spiralling. Logan placed a hand on his shoulder, making Virgil look at him.
"Virgil, it's fine," Logan reassured, squeezing his shoulder lightly.
"In fact, I cannot say I would have objected, had you asked before acting." He added, voice having gone the slightest bit quieter and face surely having gone redder. Logan would probably not have admitted that if he hadn't felt the need to ease Virgil's worry. Though it was no less true because of that.
"Oh?" That seemed to be the only response Virgil managed to articulate at this very moment. Logan pulled his hand back, wondering how long he could have his hand on someone else's shoulder before it was considered weird behaviour.
"So… hypothetically, if I'd ask if I could kiss you now, what would your response be?" Virgil asked. Logan's gaze drifted down to Virgil's lips, lingering for a second or two before he caught himself and looked away.
"I'd tell you yes." Logan said, hoping he was looking less flustered. Virgil took half a step closer.
"So, can I kiss you?" Virgil asked, and Logan found it a bit unnecessary to answer a question that he'd practically alreadyt said yes to, therefore he simply leant in the little distance left between them and softly pressed his lips to Virgil’s.
He felt Virgil cup his face in his hands, kissing back. They soon pulled apart, faces flustered and Logan's heart rapidly beating in his chest. Virgil smiled at him, dropping his hands to his sides.
"That was… enjoyable. We should do this more often." Logan said, making Virgil's smile widen.
"Yeah, we should." Virgil turned back towards his door.
"Maybe being this sleep deprived is good, I'd have never kissed you if I was my normal anxious self who thinks before acting." Virgil said, smirking as he walked out of his room. Logan stared after him, letting out a sigh.
"That is not what you should have learnt from this." Logan said, seeing Virgil shrug as he hurried after him.
Written: 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 28th, 29th & 30th April 2019
Published: 13th May 2019
Words: 2133
Also,,,, I've got "praktik" (started today) which is basically when we do actual work but we aren't paid cuz it's part of our education
And since I'm becoming a sailor or whatever our class works at ships. Tho it's far away from where I live and
anyway I have to wake up at 4am now for three weeks to be there in time
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