[10] - Roman And Patton's Take On: Spin The Bottle
Honestly I just wanna write more fanfics where Logan and Virgil makes out. It's the only reason for this fic hahah
So yeah, no smut but heavy making out at the end ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Somehow the other two traits had gotten both Virgil and Logan to participate in a game of Spin The Bottle, but made by Patton and Roman. Virgil had the feeling he'd regret this. Though that's how he felt about a lot of things.
"Okay," Roman said. "The rules were made by me and Patton and they are as following: if the bottle points at you you have to, within five seconds choose either to answer a question truthfully, be dared to do something or you can choose to remove a clothing. You can also choose to remove a piece of clothing if you get a dare/question you really don't want to do/answer." Roman said happily, he and Patton were obviously very excited about the rules they had came up with.
"What happens if you don't choose one within five seconds?" Virgil asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes. Patton just smiled and Roman shook his head.
"I guess you'll find out." He smirked, and Virgil had a slight feeling of doom. He was sure he did not want to find out what would happen if you didn't choose before the five seconds ended.
"Also, you're not allowed to refuse to do it." Roman added quickly. Yeah, Virgil did not want to find out what it was.
Patton placed an empty glass bottle of coca-cola on the floor and gestured to everyone to sit down in a circle around it. Logan sat down with a sigh and a very sceptic look. Virgil suspected that Logan found this game just as stupid as he did. He sat down on the other side of the bottle, opposite of Logan. Patton and Roman sat down on one side each of Virgil.
"Ooh, I'll start!" Patton said, clapping his hands like an overly excited child. He reached his hand out and made the bottle spin a few times. It landed on Logan who looked startled.
"Uh I..." He began. "I chose to remove a piece of clothing!" Logan said, and took off a sock. Virgil smiled to himself, he could use that one three times, he was wearing two socks and a hoodie, and those he could take off without feeling very self conscious.
"You're boring." Roman said and Logan shrugged, leaned in, and made the bottle spin.
"This game is boring." Virgil said, groaning as the bottle pointed at him. Virgil just took a sock off, without saying anything. Roman rolled his eyes, while Patton was still looking excited over the game.
He wished he had stayed in his room, he could be on Tumblr right now, but no, he has to play some silly game with the other sides. If Logan had refused to play Virgil would've easily done so too, but since Logan had agreed to playing he didn't want to be the one ruining their fun, like he always felt like he did.
When Virgil spun the bottle it landed on Roman who loudly said 'Dare' while doing a dramatic gesture. Virgil pondered a while on what he wanted to tell him to do, there was endless possibilities. He could make Roman order him a pizza or prank someone. Anything. But after a while he decided on something less exciting, if it was boring then that'd annoy Roman.
"Go get me a glass of soda, I'm thirsty." Virgil said, pointing to the kitchen. Logan raised his eyebrow.
"Hmm I'm thirsty too." Logan added.
"Me three!" Patton said with a grin.
"Okay, get them a glass each too." He added and Roman stood up and went to do just that. This kept going for a while, Virgil had now taken off both of his socks and his hoodie. Logan had to write a sentence grammatically incorrect (me hated these game), which seemed to pain him greatly.
Patton had had to walk on his hands, which almost ended in disaster. Roman challenged Logan to a sword fight, luckily Logan had the common sense to decide to take something off instead. The only problem was that he had taken his socks and his tie off by now so it was either his shirt or his pants. (Spoilers, he chose to take his shirt off and Virgil was very careful not to look at Logans bare chest.) And after that the bottle pointed at Virgil again.
"Truth." He said quickly. It was Patton who was going to ask him something, and Patton was a nice guy, so he didn't worry too much about it.
"Well, I'm going to ask you the question you refused to answer during the q&a video Thomas made with us." Patton said, smiling while Virgil tried to remember what that question was.
"Which one of the other sides would you rather kiss?" Patton said and giggled as Virgil's eyes widened. He wished he would have worn gloves or something so he could take those off now instead of replying. He was weirdly uncomfortable with the thought of taking anything more off, he already felt too exposed with only pants, boxers and a t-shirt. He'd actually rather put his hoodie back on again. Stupid game.
"Uh." Virgil said and glared at every single one of the others. "Well I'm not gonna kiss Roman." He scoffed. He hated this question with passion.
"And Patton, you keep calling me 'son' so that'd just be weird... I guess I'd kiss the nerd." Virgil continued, gesturing towards the logical side before crossing his arms and looking as annoyed as he possibly could while not looking at Logan. Patton only smiled, which for some reason made Virgil feel uneasy. Maybe he should've just taken his shirt off...
After that Virgil made him pay for that by making Patton tell them three off his most embarrassing moments. Sadly he didn't seem to dislike talking about them very much, which puzzled Virgil. He would not like to have to tell the others even one secret. But maybe he was just being silly and anxious like usually.
While Patton talked Virgil glanced over at Logan. He seemed completely calm, just like he had been during this whole game. Except for when Roman tried to fight him, but that's understandable.
Roman was dared by Patton to balance as many cups as possible on his arms while standing on one leg. That only resulted in 7 broken cups, he'd have thought more would break. While Virgil had covered his face with his hands to protect himself from pieces of porcelain some small pieces did fall down from his hair when he shook his head.
After that Roman dared Logan to clean the mess up and Virgil smiled at how annoyed he looked while picking broken cups off of the floor. At least he wasn't alone in finding this game stupid and unnecessary.
Logan made the bottle spin yet again and when it slowed down and stopped it was pointing at Virgil who groaned internally. But when he looked up at the other side Logan smiled and Virgil's brain had to turn itself off and on again to remember how to think.
"Uh... I- I-" Virgil stuttered, not being able to form a whole sentence. He cursed internally for maybe the 11th time this day and flinched when Roman suddenly screeched.
"You haven't answered and 7 seconds has passed!" Roman yelled and Patton covered his mouth with his hands in thrill.
"NO- FUCK." Virgil yelled back. This is the one thing he already knew he wasn't going to like. Logan held a hand on his chest, startled by all the screaming.
"Don't use those kind of words in front of Patton!" Roman gasped. Virgil put his head in his hands, waiting for Roman to reveal whatever horrible thing he'd have to do now.
"Well, that means you and the one who spun the bottle have to do 7 Minutes Of Heaven. But instead of seven Patton and I decided on 10 minutes." Roman said, trying to hide that he was laughing by holding a hand up in front of his mouth. Virgil just stared at him in horror.
"What is Seven, or as Roman and Patton changed it to, Ten Minutes Of Heaven?" Logan asked, looking confused. Patton giggled and started explaining it to him.
"Well it means that you and the other person has to be locked in a closet for ten minutes. And while in there you're supposed to kiss." He said with a smug look on his face. Logan's face remained emotionless and Virgil hated himself for wanting a different reaction from him.
Roman opened the door to the closet and gestures at Logan and Virgil and back to the closet. Virgil walked into the closet first, still glaring angrily and with his arms crossed. Logan followed him slowly and Roman shut the door after them, locking it from the outside.
Not that that actually did something. Virgil could literally just sink out and go to his room and refuse to play their stupid game, but ...he didn't want the others to see him as someone who's just boring and ruins the fun. And a small voice in Virgil's head tried to tell him that maybe Virgil also kind off wanted to kiss Logan? Virgil denied everything his mind was telling him right now.
He looked up at Logan who was standing rather awkwardly in front of him. Shit, he was still shirtless, Virgil realised and paled a bit. It was thankfully pretty dark in the closet so Logan probably didn't notice it. But the closet was also pretty small, Virgil usually preferred having some more space between himself and all other people.
"Uh, we don't have to kiss if you don't want too... they wouldn't know, I mean." Logan looked up at Virgil and their eyes met. He looked away again and Virgil realised that Logan looked nervous. Why would Logan be nervous?
Was it because he didn't want to kiss Virgil? Was it because he actually did want to kiss Virgil? (Virgil ignored the tingling feeling in his stomach that he got from that thought) Was he uncomfortable by being forced to stand so closely to someone else?
"Well... maybe we should at least kiss once so we won't have to lie...?" He said, letting out a shaky breath that he hadn't realised he had been holding. Logan nodded in agreement.
"I am indeed not very good at lying, so that would be for the best." He said and Virgil could feel his heart starting to beat faster. It almost felt like Logan would be able to hear it, even though Virgil knew that was unlikely. How was Logan so calm?
They both stood awkwardly still and looked at each other for a second or two before both leaning in and closing the small distance between them. Logan's lips brushed against Virgil's and the tingling feeling he felt spread to his arms and chest.
Virgil placed his hands on Logan's back, pushing him a bit closer to himself, and deepening the kiss. He couldn't help it. Logan's hands rested against Virgil's chest, maybe he put them there at first to be able to push Virgil away if he didn't like the kiss, but now Logan's hands were pressed up against him, not to push him away but rather to just have something to stabilise himself against. Logan sighed into the kiss, not an annoyed sigh like when he had to clean up Roman's mess, a happy sigh and Virgil couldn't help but feeling like he had accomplished something great. He broke the kiss and leaned back, opening his eyes to look at Logan.
Logan's eyes were still closed and he breathed quickly. He opened his eyes slowly, looking at Virgil with dilated pupils. He looked down at his hands, probably realising that he was clutching Virgil's t-shirt tightly, because he released his grip on the soft, black fabric.
"Kiss me again." He breathed. Virgil did that gladly. Feelings may be confusing many times, but every fiber of his being wanted to get closer to Logan and lock lips with him again, so at least that was something that Virgil understood easily. This time Logan kissed back with more force, almost taking the breath away from Virgil.
Virgil couldn't really remember when he had pushed Logan up against the wall of the closet but he must have because Logan was pressed against him and the wooden wall. Not that Logan seemed to have anything against it though, his hands where wandering over Virgil's chest and down his arms. Virgil could feel himself getting goosebumps all over his arms and he let his tongue swipe gently over Logan's lower lip. Logan of course didn't know what that little gesture meant.
Virgil's hand caressed the side of Logan's face, continuing up, tugging slightly on his hair which made Logan gasp slightly. Virgil used that to slip his tongue into Logan's mouth which he responded positively to immediately. They only stopped kissing once they both realised they were forgetting to breathe. Virgil kissed down Logan's jaw and pressing a kiss to his neck. Logan leaned his head to the side so Virgil's lips had better access to the soft skin below Logan's ear. Virgil couldn't help himself, he might have left a hickey or two (or maybe more). But he did not regret it, because it had made Logan almost moan. Almost because he had covered his mouth with his hand, a bit embarrassed over the sound escaping from him.
It didn't bother Virgil at all though, if anything it turned him on and made him want to hear that sound again, so he kept kissing Logan's neck since the logical trait seemed to enjoy it so much. Virgil's left gand was still playing with Logan's hair, tugging in it slightly, sometimes making small gasps come from the logical sides mouth.
Logan pushed Virgil back a bit so he was able to kiss him on his lips again, which made Virgil hum softly. If Virgil had had any idea that kissing Logan would've been this amazing he'd have done it ages ago. Their kiss was this time interrupted by the voice of Roman who must have just opened the door to the closet.
"Aww man, it doesn't look like it was much of a punishment for them." Roman said to Patton who was awing at the sight of the two sides kissing. This made Virgil take a hurried step back, as if it wasn't already too late to cover up what they had been doing.
"Shut up." Virgil said, feeling a bit embarrassed over how easily they had gotten carried away and forgotten the time. How had ten minutes passed so quickly? Logan fixed his glasses. He took Logan's hand and dragged him out from the closet, Logan wiped away some saliva from his lips with his other hand.
"I'm going to put my shirt back on." Logan said when he noticed Roman eyeing the hickeys that Virgil had left, looking both amused and surprised.
"It was obvious to see that you wanted to kiss Logan, Virgil, but damn. You guys went all in on this." Roman smirked at them. Virgil just mumbled 'shut up' again, not knowing what else to say.
"Are we done with this game now?" Logan asked, now wearing his shirt and socks again. Virgil bent down to pick his hoodie up, putting it on again. He was too lazy to put his socks back on though. Those he just put in his pocket.
"I sure am." He said and looked at Roman and Patton.
"Yeah, it sure seems like you two would like to do something else right now." Patton said and Virgil could actually see a faint blush on Logan's face as Roman wiggled his eyebrows.
"...Shut up." Virgil said, for a third time. He took Logan's hand and dragged him out of the room, away from those two very annoying sides. Logan squeezed his hand back and Virgil looked down on the ground, smiling.
Maybe this game wasn't so stupid and silly after all. And maybe it didn't make Virgil feel anxious, but instead made him feel pretty amazing in the end. Virgil glanced over at Logan who was walking right beside him. He was smiling too.
Written: 8th & 9th January 2018
Published: 1st February 2018
Words: 2806
Wow I have 23 reads :D !!! Also while writing this I only have 4 chapters published hahah. But dang, people are actually reading these? Nice.
Btw if y'all actually enjoy reading these crappy fics then pls tell me, I always need encouragement haha :))
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