[1] - Sleep Deprived And In Love

There is like no fanfics for this ship so I had to write some one shots hahah


Virgil couldn't sleep.

I mean, usually it took a while before he fell asleep, there was always a lot to think about and many posts to reblog on Tumblr. But during the past couple of weeks he stayed awake for longer and it took longer to fall asleep too. So even if he probably got too little sleep before when he went to bed at 3 am it was still much better than now, yesterday Virgil didn't get any sleep at all.

He was used to pulling all-nighters now and then, but not sleeping all night because he was unable to fall asleep? Sleep deprivation, not by a choice? This was new.

The short amount of time he actually managed to sleep he woke up stressed and with a bad feeling creeping at him. He never actually remembered what he was dreaming about, so he couldn't, based of his dreams, figure out what the problem was. So right now Virgil's problem was that he couldn't figure out why it was so hard for him to sleep. And not having gotten enough sleep for about three weeks didn't help at all, his brain was slow and if he concentrated too much he got a headache.

He still usually got about one or two, maybe even three, hours of sleep during the night. And sometimes he fell asleep during the day when he was around the other sides. They had yet to notice that something wasn't right with him, which was good, according to Virgil. If the others knew they would just be worried about him and he didn't need someone to be worried, he needed sleep. If the others were worrying it'd be even harder to fall asleep because he would want to fall asleep more so they wouldn't worry, and everyone knows you can't fall asleep when you really want to.

Now that might not make much sense, but Virgil was tired and didn't have the energy to think straight, not that he ever did.

It is currently 5 am and Virgil huffs and rolls over in bed, this sucks. He keeps thinking about how he need to get some rest and that is stressing him out even more. He knows that after up to 11 days without sleep a human will die, what he doesn't know is what it will do to a side. He just knows that he isn't feeling so good.

Virgil stares out into the darkness, seeing the outline of his room, which he has had way too much time studying lately. Determined to not go another full 24 hours without any sleep Virgil resists the urge to give up and turn on his computer.


Logan was concerned.

Virgil had started to fall asleep around him and the other sides frequently when they were hanging out. Some would probably think it's because Virgil was starting to feel more comfortable around the others but Logan had the feeling that even though Virgil was more comfortable around Logan, Roman and Patton these day, something was a bit off.

Since it took so long to get Virgil to even tell the others his name it seems unlikely that he would suddenly be okay with them seeing him asleep.

Also the fact that Virgil literally told them once that they would "never see him close his eyes longer than while facepalming." Virgil does seem like a person that would never want to be seen when vulnerable. He's also been more moody than usual and, yes, Virgil is very easy to annoy but last Wednesday Patton sneezed three times and he had to leave the room because it frustrated him so much. Logan is pretty sure that Virgil would have cried if Roman had started to sing.

So that is the logic behind Logan's concern about the more mysterious one of the sides. He just didn't really know what to do about it. Should he ask Virgil why he's falling asleep during the day so much? No, he'd refuse to talk about it, especially if it actually was a problem. Should he talk to Patton and Roman about it? No, Logan was sure they would be quite useless on the task off finding out what was up with Virgil. He sighed, emotions are horrible, it would be so much easier to be a side if he hadn't become friends with the others, because that involves emotions and that is something Logan isn't very good at.

Frankly, if this was a few months ago Logan would not have reacted at all like this to the fact that Virgil acted different. If it wasn't for these emotions. His emotions about Virgil are even more complicated to understand, because it differences from the emotions he feels towards Patton and Roman. And he doesn't know how to feel about how he feels. It's all very confusing.

But he does know that he should do something, he must try to make Virgil open up to him about what is going on. He's decided to try today and luckily, he will have a while to figure out the best way to ask him if there is anything that is bothering him, Virgil never leaves his room before 9 am and it's currently 6:36 am.

That's why Logan is confused to run into him. And by that he means Virgil walked right into him, their foreheads even bump into each other.

"Ow." Logan exclaims, rubbing his bruised forehead while Virgil looks up, looking slightly confused.

"Oh, oh I didn't... didn't see you there." He says with a yawn.

Logan looks at him, his eyes taking in every detail of his face. Virgil looks tired, he has dark bags under his eyes and his umber colored eyes are bloodshot.

"Are you okay?" Logan asks carefully. He awkwardly places his hand on Virgil's arm, as if to stabilize him. It wouldn't surprise Logan if Virgil suddenly fell to the ground, though, he looks like he's about to.

"Wha- yeah, I didn't hurt my head. You look like you're going to get a bruise though." He says with a snort.

"That's not what I meant, how are you doing? You look really tired." Virgil looks at him with a blank expression for a second.


"Do I?" Virgil replies nervously. It's hard to hold a conversation when he feels like lying down on the floor to take a nap. And Logan is holding his arm with his hand, Virgil can feel the heat from the hand through his hoodie and it's sending tingles through his whole arm, making it hard for Virgil to concentrate on anything else.

Logan has a worried glimpse in his eyes when he looks at Virgil and Virgil curses internally. He didn't want anyone to worry about him. Especially not Logan. He never knows how to act around him. And if Logan is worried he will try to find out how to fix the problem and that will involve talking. Virgil doesn't think that is something he's very good at, it just goes wrong. He just accidentally insults the one he is having a conversation with. And him and Logan have a history of throwing insults at each other quite frequently.

"Really, I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me. I just stayed up a bit too late last night." Virgil smiled at him, as if his smile would have the ability to calm Logan down. It didn't, he could see that on Logan's face, but at least he got a smile back.

After a few seconds of them just standing there, neither knowing what to say Virgil glanced down at Logan's hand, which was still holding his arm. Logan noticed that, and must have realized he was still touching him because he let go quickly, as if he had burned himself. If Virgil didn't mistake his eyesight Logan had a slight blush on his cheeks and he mumbled something that Virgil couldn't hear.

"Uh, right. If you say you are alright then you're alright. You know where I am if you need me!" Logan said hurriedly and gave Virgil a smile that looked like a teacher praising a student, before he walked away.

"Ah shit," Virgil thought to himself. "This could've gone better."


Later that day they were all sitting on the couch watching a Disney movie. It had been Roman's turn to choose the movie, so for the second time this week they were watching Cinderella. When asked why he would want to watch it again Roman had just said he needed all the details because he was writing fanfiction and wanted it to be accurate. That, Logan thought was stupid. If he wanted to write accurate fanfiction, why not just use Google when he had a question about the accuracy of his memory, instead of watching the movie again? But Logan had agreed to watch it, he knew it was a movie that Virgil really liked.

Speaking of Virgil, he was right now asleep on the couch. It's probably not very good for his neck to sleep in a sitting position but it's good that he's getting some rest. Virgil has been walking around like a Zombie all day.

About halfway into the movie Virgil mumbled something in his sleep and moved a bit, so his head fell on Logan's shoulder. His shoulder immediately tensed, thinking that Virgil was going to wake up and move away but the anxious side just continued sleeping. Slowly Logan relaxed and tried to focus on the movie again. It was a bit hard though, his mind kept thinking about the fact that Virgil was leaning against him. Maybe this was a good time to try to understand what he was feeling.

He was not going to ask Roman, whatever you tell him that you feel he will tell you is a crush. Logan once heard Patton ask him what it could mean when he felt weird in his stomach, Roman told him he was in love with someone. Turns out Patton just hadn't eaten any breakfast so after a few cookies he was fine. Yeah, Roman could not help him.

That remains Patton, and even though he always tries to help, Logan doesn't think that he will have any useful information, even though he is the heart and should be good at emotions. No, Logan would rather talk to someone who was logical about it all.

"Well shit, that's me, isn't it..." Logan thought to himself. He decides to just try to figure this out himself, after all no one else knows exactly how he feels.

Virgil moved in his sleep again and somehow he slid down Logan's shoulder and his head ended up on Logan's lap. Patton looked over at them an giggled but Logan gave him a stern glance and he turned his face back towards the screen to focus on, what Logan thought, was the end of the movie.

He looked down at Virgil's face, he looked different when he was asleep. When he was awake he almost always looked disgusted or annoyed. In his sleep he looked more at peace. Looking at a sleeping Virgil made warmth spread through Logan's body and he added that to the list of evidence for what he was feeling for Virgil to be... something he had never felt before. Something that he was almost scared of naming because then he might have to act on it. Logan removed a few strands of hair that had fallen out of place of off Virgil's face.

When the movie ended Patton glanced at Virgil and him. He nudged Roman who also looked over and saw Virgil sleeping with his head on Logan's lap.

"Do you need help with getting him to his room?" Patton asked while Roman was smiling weirdly at them.

"No I think I'll manage it myself." Logan said, and the two other sides left the room. As a matter of fact, Logan hadn't planed on moving Virgil to his room, he didn't want to wake him up. He had looked tired for so long and Logan was not going to deprive him of any of the sleep that he seemed to need so desperately.


Virgil woke up with a start, breathing quickly and looking around the room, which wasn't his room, he saw after a few seconds. Was he still on the couch? Apparently. What was he sleeping on? Virgil looked up and saw a sleeping Logan, with his glasses askew, it looked very cute and Virgil's heart started racing. He didn't remember falling asleep on Logan, and he had no idea how he had ended up sleeping with his head on his lap. It might be dark and he didn't have a mirror but Virgil could feel that he was blushing. He hated blushing. He sat up carefully and froze when Logan moved.

"Virgil why are you awake?" He mumbled sleepily, gazing at Virgil who was internally cursing while turning around so he was sitting face to face with Logan. What was he going to tell him? He didn't want to tell Logan that he had had a bad dream, but what else would he say? He didn't want to lie.

"I had a dream that made me uneasy and unable to continue sleeping." Virgil admitted, embarrassed to have to admit it.

"Oh, what was it about?" Logan pushed his glasses back up on his nose.

"Well you see, I never remember what they're about." Virgil sighs.

"What do you mean? Have you dreamt nightmares several times lately?" He asked and Virgil felt his cheeks turn a bit red.

"Yes. I've had them for about three weeks now." He glanced at his clock. It's 5:43 am.

"This is the longest I have slept since they started. Sleeping for six hours is amazing, I had forgotten it felt so good to get enough with sleep." Virgil said. Logan looked horrified at him.

"Verge, you could've told us. We would have tried to help you sleep if we knew you had trouble with it."

"I didn't want any of you to worry." Virgil admitted.

"I worried anyways." Logan said silently, he sounded nervous.

"Really? Why?"

"I do have emotions." Logan said shyly.

"I didn't think you felt any 'icky' human emotions?" Virgil says while hiding a grin behind his hand.

"I can't... help it." Logan said. "It's extremely confusing with emotions, but I think I'm figuring it out." Logan said optimistically.

"Figuring what out?" Virgil asked and Logan blushed.

"My feelings about- about someone." Logan stuttered and Virgil felt a pang of pain in his chest. Did Logan have a crush on someone? Well then it was completely hopeless for him, he didn't have a chance at all.

"Oh... who are you, um, feeling feelings about?" Virgil asks, trying not to show any emotion in his voice. He's doubtful he succeeded. Logan starts to stutter something while blushing furiously and Virgil has no idea what he's actually saying, so he leans closer and puts his hand on Logan's shoulder.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable with it." Virgil assures him. He looks at his hand on his shoulder, he really hopes his hand isn't shaking. He looks up from his hand and realizes exactly how close they are sitting. Their faces are merely a few inches apart and Virgil is painfully aware of it. Logan seems to be very aware of it too, and Logan's eyes glances at Virgil's lips for a millisecond and before Virgil has a chance to understand Logic pulls him in, closing the gap between them.


They press their lips together and Logan can't think. The only thought he has in his head is 'oh my god I am kissing Virgil' and that is also the only thought that is of any importance to him. After a few seconds, or a few years, Logan doesn't know, they pull apart and stare at each other.

"I'm sorry." Logan says, lacking anything else to say. He's not sure what he's apologizing about. Kissing him? Him not being able to sleep? Him not knowing what to say after they kissed?

"I'm not, do it again." Virgil says, smiling nervously at Logan.

"If you want to." He adds, not wanting to pressure Logan into anything. Logan takes a shaky breath and kisses Virgil again, slowly this time. Not rushed like the kiss they just shared. No, this kiss is careful and slow and sweet and makes Logan's whole body feel warm inside. This time the kiss only ends because they need to breathe.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I kissed you." Logan breathes.

"Twice." Virgil smirks.

"Twice." Logan echoes.

"Do you regret it?" Virgil asks, looking nervous and fiddling with his wristwatch.

"Do I regret it? How could I possibly regret it? I've wanted to do that for months I think." Logan said, his face red. "No I do not regret it. And I'm probably going to do it many more times."

"Good." Virgil smirked, and then yawned.

"You should probably sleep some more." Logan said, now a bit concerned because he remembered what Virgil had said about his nightmares.

"Okay but, uh, could we sleep here? I sleep better when you're near." Virgil admitted and Logan nodded.

"I have no objections." Logan laid down on the couch and reached his arms out towards Virgil, who cuddled close to him.


Virgil has his head on Logan's chest, and he can hear Logan's heartbeats. It's beating fast and he suspects that his does too.

"Your heart is racing." He mumbles, not sure if Logan has fallen asleep or not.

"Yeah, apparently it does that when I kiss you." Logan said, as if it was a fact. "I'd prefer to collect some more data about the subject before establishing it as a fact though." Logan smirked and Virgil snickered.

"I'm okay with that."


My own anxiety tells me my fics are pretty bad right now but I'm gonna write them and publish them anyways because I really like writing and if I don't publish them then anxiety wins sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Written: 29th & 30th December 2017
Published: 1st January 2018
Words: 3106

This fic turned out longer than I thought it'd be.

(All spelling and grammar mistakes are my own fault, either because of lack of knowledge or because of my fast typing on my phone)

By the way, I hope y'all are having a great 2018 so far😏😊

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