I was going to storm out that room but I didn't. He stared at me emotionlessly before leaving the room, closing the door gently behind him.
As soon as he did that, my knees buckled and I fell to the ground, crying hysterically. I couldn't stop and soon I was having a panic attack, gasping for air and panicking badly inside.
My vision was going fuzzy and I felt lightheaded, as though I was going to pass out when suddenly someone came and held me, telling me to breathe and saying soothing words to me.
I soon started breathing normally, my vision coming back clearly and I saw that it was Maria with a concerned look on her face.
Tears streamed down my face and she tutted a little, hugging me as I cried silently. She held me for a long time and let me cry it all out.
I sniffed, pulling away and wiping my eyes. "Why do I keep loving him when he keeps hurting me?" She sighed, shaking her head. "You love him."
I wiped my sore eyes, sighing. "We were going good!" I said, my voice teary. "And then he throws this baby - mafia crap on me and makes me angry!"
"Baby?" She asked in surprise, her eyes glancing down to my stomach. "No, no," I said, sniffing, "I'm not pregnant."
"Mia, what's going on?"
I explained to her what happened and there were mixtures of gasps and shocked expressions as well as concerned ones.
"Mia, I can't believe you had to go through that."
"What do I do?" I asked, nervous and confused. "What do I do?" I whispered more to myself.
"What do you want?" Maria asked, her eyes curiously staring at me as I pondered.
What did I want?
"I-I don't know if I want to be with him."
"Mia. .let's not jump so far. ." Maria told me softly as I sniffed again, wiping my eyes. "I can't be with someone who wants control over me like that. He has daddy issues. I get that he wants to love me and protect me but he needs to give me freedom. I can't be in a relationship like I was with James - my ex. He was controlling and horrible to me," I said, shuddering slightly at his name.
"He should know that I won't stand for having a baby in the mafia - if we do end up having children. I want to be able to have a family somewhere safe and this . ." I shook my head, glancing around. "This isn't the place. No child of mine with be in the mafia. Period."
Maria nodded, "you go girl." A small smile crept on my face and she smiled at me. "That's why Leo and I left. I think Dante was going to leave as well, I heard part of their argument."
"Who would take over the mafia if all of them left?" I asked, a little confused in this business.
"A cousin - some of relative or maybe Cristiano."
I raised a eyebrow, unfamiliar with the name. "Who's Cristiano?" She stared at me in shock. "Vincenzo didn't tell you?" I shook my head, now desperately wanting to know who Cristiano was.
"Their other brother."
My eyes widened, "another Rossi brother?" She nodded, "yeah. He was a bad brother. He betrayed them - stole thousands from them then left out of the blue. They don't really consider him a brother after he hurt them so many times."
I nodded, still shocked. "Wow. . I didn't know. ."
"Yeah," she said, with a sigh and she rested her hand on her bulging stomach. "It's no surprise that he didn't mention him to you."
I was about to reply until Maria unexpectedly winced, squeezing her eyes closed, her hand rubbing her stomach. "What's wrong?" I asked softly as she shook her head.
"The baby. .just some braxton hicks, I think. ."
"Do you want me to get Leo?" I asked, concerned. I didn't know much about pregnancy beside a few movies or books mentioning it and school. She shook her head before letting out a small cry. "Yes, I need him. ."
I quickly ran downstairs, not actually knowing where Leonardo was. Crap.
Liliana walked down not long after with a smile. "Hey, have you seen Leonardo?" She nodded, "yeah, I think he's in the gym."
Liliana nodded slowly, "haven't you seen it? This place is amazing. There's movie rooms - but yeah, he's in the gym, not far from the fourth bathroom."
I quickly thanked her before running along to the fourth bathroom, quite shocked that there were more rooms in this house than I initially thought.
Just as she said, Leonardo was in the gym, gulping down water. "Leo!" I said, breathless a little.
Wow, I really need to work out. .
He looked at me in surprise, wiping his sweaty forehead. "Maria. .she's got these. .what are they called?" I asked, more of myself as I couldn't remember what she had told me.
"There like pre kicks from the baby," I said and he caught on saying, "braxton hicks?"
"Yes, them! She's got them really bad."
"Okay," he said, swiftly grabbing a towel and patting himself down before following me out of the gym, and into the bedroom where Maria was now on the bed and groaning loudly, a small tear coming out of her eyes.
"Bambina. ." {baby} Leonardo said under his breath before quickly going over to her and taking her hand as she opened her eyes. "What's going on?" He asked softly, his face filled with concern as she gazed at him with teary eyes. "It hurts really badly. ." She whispered before letting out a small cry and moving her hand to her lower stomach. "It's never been this bad before."
"Do you feel as though you're in labour?"
She shook her head before raking her hand through her hair then placing it back on her stomach.
"Crap," Maria said, sitting up a little. "What?" Leonardo asked in worry.
She spread her legs a little, "my waters broke." She then let out a loud cry, squeezing Leonardo's hand. "It doesn't feel right!" Leonardo looked panicked as did I. What the hell was I supposed to do?
"Something's wrong!"
I rubbed my eyes as Valentina finished off scolding Alexander. "Go to your father," she sighed and he did as he was told with a moody look on his face. "And take that look of attitude off your face before I smack it off!"
I looked at her in surprise but she shrugged with a small smirk, leaning back and sipping her orange juice.
We had been at the hospital for two hours waiting for Maria and Leonardo's new baby to arrive but it didn't seem to want to come out.
"I hope she's alright. ." I said quietly, glancing at the room she was giving birth in. "So do I. ." Valentina agreed, biting her lip. "So. .I heard your argument. ."
"I heard you're leaving. ."
We finally looked at each other and she sighed a little. "Probably not now." I shook my head, "you have to. Don't care about what Vincenzo says."
"Neither should you," Val said as I bit my lip. "He doesn't have the right to tell you that he's going to plan your child's future." I sighed, running my hand through my long hair. "Why don't I have a normal life?" Valentina chuckled, shaking her head. "I don't think anyone really does."
There was a loud scream coming from Maria's hospital room which must of been incredibly loud since it echoed around the hospital. "Ooh. ." Val said with a slight wince. "It hurt really bad, huh?" I asked and Valentina nodded, "worser than you can imagine but it's worth it in the end."
We then heard a high pitch cry of a baby. "Aww!" We simultaneously said together before chuckling at ourselves.
Unexpectedly, Leonardo was pushed out of the room and the door slammed behind him. He turned, a solemn look on his face as he took a sit beside Val.
"What's. .what's wrong?" Val asked, "why are you here?" He ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "S-she started getting tired and weaker. .something about a tear in her vagina. ." I let out a gasp as Val covered her mouth. "She was losing a lot of blood . . some complications and the doctors shoved me out. .I'm not allowed in."
"There are two. .a girl and a boy. One of them was hiding behind the other so we didn't see them during the scans. ."
"Oh my God. ." Valentina whispered as tears sprang into my eyes. I blinked them away and tried not to cry. Maria was a good friend of mine and there was a high risk that she was going to die.
"Leo?" I asked softly as he stared straight ahead. He wasn't moving and had his eyes fixed on the wall. "I can't lose her. ." I waved my hand over his face but he didn't seem to move.
"Is he in shock?" I asked as Valentina looked at him in concern. "Leo, she's going to be fine," Valentina said soothingly. "Maria's a fighter, you know that. She - and the babies - will be fine - in fact, more than fine."
He shook his head, snapping out of his trance and leaned back on his chair, covering his eyes. He let out a sigh before rubbing his eyes and sniffing. He was trying not to cry. "Leonardo. ." Val asked softly. "It's okay to cry. . you're in shock. ."
He bit his lip before deciding not to act all 'manly' and turned to Val as she pulled him into a hug. He cried silently and I couldn't help but look at him in sympathy.
I rubbed his back before standing and looking through the window of Maria's room. I couldn't see what was going on because so many doctors were around her. I could see that she was passed out with tubes going into her mouth and nose. Her legs were spread and they seemed to be putting needles and medical equipment into her.
I couldn't see the babies. I looked around, finding it hard to see past all the doctors. I was guessing they had been moved through the other door to be checked out and examined.
I sighed, moving away and looking at Leonardo who had stopped crying and wiped his eyes, using a tissue to blow his nose. "She's going to be fine," I said confidentially. "Don't worry about a thing."
But she wasn't fine.
During the next few hours, Maria's condition had gotten worse and she was in surgery. We weren't allowed to see the babies for some reason.
Ada was talking with Leonardo in a different area of the hospital and Liliana had came back from the cafeteria to give everyone drinks. The children were dropped off at a relatives house and Dante came with a bruised nose that seemed to be healing already.
I sipped my latte, noticing that Liliana's leg was shaking uncontrollably. "Hey," I said, using my other hand to place on her leg, pressing it down gently so it would stop shaking. "I'm sorry," Liliana said as I moved my hand away. She had a worried look on her face. "I'm just nervous. .I hope that Maria will be okay."
I nodded, nervous as well. "She will be, don't worry," I told her kindly.
Vincenzo then came and we locked eyes for a split moment before I moved mine away, looking down at my hands. "How is she?" He asked Valentina as she explained Maria's condition.
I then looked up to see him saying something in Italian to Dante and they left the room.
I hope they don't kill each other.
"So do I," Liliana said as I looked at her in shock. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" She nodded with a small smile.
Leonardo and his mother then came in and took a seat. He had his head his hands and looked up when the doctor came in with a clipboard.
"She's out of surgery-"
"How is she?" Leonardo asked, his eyes filled with hope. "Much better than before. The surgery was a success. She's still heavily sedated and it may take an hour or so before she wakes up."
"The babies?" Leonardo asked, curiously.
"Just a few more tests and you'll be able to see them."
"See?" Ada said to him with a large smile like everyone else's on her face. "We told you they would be fine." Leonardo kissed his mother's cheek before going to me, Valentina and Liliana and giving us each a hug and thanking us.
He then jogged out the room happily to go see Maria. I smiled widely. "Let's celebrate," Valentina said with a happy smile.
"I've got an idea," Liliana said with a cheerful smile of her own.
-Maria- (two hours later)
I opened my heavy eyes, blinking a few times at the sudden bright lights. I felt pain between my legs which felt numb. I turned my head to the side to see my husband and I smiled automatically as did he. "Mia cara," {my dear} he said, taking my hand and kissing me lovingly.
"Hey, you," I said back in a quiet yet happy tone. I caressed his cheek as he kissing my hand. "I thought you were going to die," he admitted with tears in his eyes as I chuckled a little. "You doubted me?" He shook his head with a smile on his face. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," I murmured back, "I love you." He kissed my hand again, "I love you too, Maria."
"The baby?" I asked, hopefully. "Babies," he corrected me as my eyes widened in surprise. "Babies?"
"Yes," he said with a wide smile. "We have twins, a boy and a girl." Two tears slid down my face as I received such happy and wonderful news.
I had twins! Two babies!
"Twins? Oh my goodness!" I cried, laughing a little. "Are they okay? Are they healthy?" He nodded, tears in his eyes also.
The doctor then came in, "would you like to see your new children?"
The nurse passed me my baby girl, wrapped in a baby pink shawl with a small cotton purple hat on her head. I gasped as I saw her beautiful face.
Tears streamed down my face as I cuddled her lovingly, kissing her cheek and telling her she was beautiful. Her eyes then opened and they were sparkling blue - nothing like me and Leonardo's eyes.
I gasped, stroking her cheek with my finger and smiling widely. "You're so beautiful, my baby. I love you so much." She gurgled a little, her eyes staring straight into mine as I gazed at her. "Yes, I do," I said, as the corners of her mouth lifted a she smiled a little before closing her eyes and sleeping.
"Oh," I sniffed, tears of happiness streaming down my face. I held her small hand, kissing it. "Oh, I love you," I whispered, glancing over to Leonardo who stared at us happily.
"You wanna hold her?" I asked and he nodded. I carefully passed my new daughter to him, and he cuddled her, kissing her cheek. I smiled, turning to see my baby boy in a small crib.
I picked him up carefully. He was so handsome. His eyes were wide open and were hazel, just like his father. I choked on a sob as I gazed at him lovingly. I held his small hand, "I love you, my baby boy, I love you so much." He cooed, blinking as he stared into my eyes, wide awake.
The doctor came in again as we embraced our new additions to the family.
"Sorry to disturb but are you thinking of any names now?"
Me and Leonardo glanced at each other, smiling. "I think it's too early," I said, glancing down at my babies. "I want a chance to properly know them. .then I think we'll decide." The doctor nodded, telling us to inform him when we do think of any.
"I can't wait to get to know you and your sister," I murmured to my baby boy. "Your other siblings will be so happy."
"Indeed, they will," Leonardo said as he leaned to me and planted a kiss on my lips.
I couldn't be more happier.
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank to all those still reading Vincenzo's Lover, I really appreciate it!
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