Wedgies part 1
He was just hanging out with a few of his villain pals. Until a hero cup bursted into his apartment. Pierto Maximoff aka Quicksilver, the villinouse equal to his sergeant sister Karai, was in the middle of playing cards with Harley quinn, Zim, Duncan, dr. Colosso and Tom. In a flash he zoomed his friends out the apartment before the heroes could spot them. In that time he put on some normal clothes. He now wore a blue shirt, blue jeans and white sneekiers.
The inturders where Thunderman and Phobe thunderman, aka his crush.
"May I help you heroes ?" Pierto asks in his thick Scovia accent.
"Don't act so innocent Pierto, we know you invited Dr. Colosso here" Phobe said.
"Colosso ? Who is this Colosso fellow you speak of ?" Quicksilver asks so innocently.
"Oh so we're doing this are we ? You forced my hand, you are under arrest !" Thunderman boomed.
"What ? For what ?!" Quicksilver demands.
"Hands on the wall and I'll tell you them !" Thunderman snares.
"Yeah right you'll have to catch me first" Quicksilver smirks.
Before he could run away however, Phobe throws a collar damping around his arm forcing his powers to stop working.
"What ?! How ?!' Pierto exclaimes.
"That collar damps your powers" Phobe smirks.
"Now hands on the wall !" Thunder man snares.
Quicksilver complies and puts his hands against the wall while thunder man goes behind him.
"Your under arrest for stealing, grand theft auto and dating my daughter !" Thunderman grabs the back of Pitro's tightly whites and yanks them.
"Ahhhhh, hey no !!!!!!!!"
Phobe whines as her crush gets the worst wedgie by her dad.
Karai couldn't believe she was doing this. Right now She and her best friend Shinigami where heading to the thunderman house hold, the place where Leo told her to meet him at so they could make a trade. In a bag pack held Dr. Colosso. She was going to trade him for Quicksilver who was arrested by thunderman. They told Colosso they where going to the beach.
"Were so dead if the league of villains find out" Karai mutters.
"Relaxe Sempi, they'll appreciate that we getting the most valuable member back" Shinigami said.
"I still can't believe he got arrested in such an humiliating way" Karai said.
Shinigami giggles as the two girls aproch the thunderman house hold. Karai knocks on the door. The door opens to revale Leo.
"You actually came !" Leo said sounding happy.
"I'll only came for my brother where is he ?" Karai asks.
"I'll go get him" Leo said as he goes gets Quicksilver.
Leo returned with Quicksilver, Who was handcuffed and his underwear was still hanging lose from his pants. Shinigami starts laughing at him causing the speedster to blush.
"Okay let's get this over with" Karai said as she takes out Colosso from the bag.
"I'm ready for the beach !" Colosso cheers. The evil bunny wore a grass skirt, a lay and coconut bra. Shinigami and Quicksilver started laughing thire butts off.
"Hey this isn't the beach !" Colosso whines. Leo unhandcuffs Quicksilver who runs up next to Karai.
"No isn't" Karai smirks as she shoves the evil bunny into Leo's hands.
"Awww" Colosso whines dreading being back at the thunderman house hold.
"Okay let's go" Karai said. Quicksilver speeds up to Shinigami and gives her a wedgie getting her mad.
"Jerk !" Shinigami shouts chasing after the speedster. Karai shakes her head and turns around to leave but Leo stops her.
"Wait Karai is this means you believe me... about Splinter being your father ?" Leo asks.
Karai stands there in silents.
"I don't know" Karai whispers.
"If you decide to come back there's always a place for you here" Leo smiles.
"I'll keep that in mind" Karai said before leaving to separate Shinigami and Quicksilver. Shinigami was yanking Quicksilver's tightly whites up his back.
"Owwwww uncle !!!!" Quicksilver begs.
"Not until you say your a dork !" Shinigami smirks.
"Owwwww ! I'm a dork" Quicksilver whines.
Shinigami laughs. Karai grabs Shinigami's arm. "Come on Shini, we have to go" Karai said.
"Oh alright" Shinigami sighs as she gets off of Quicksilver. Quicksilver fixs his underwear.
"I'll see you at base sis" Quicksilver grins speeding away.
Karai and Shinigami head back to HQ.
"Harley ! How many times have I told you not to feed the Porgs cake ?" Karai groans.
When they got back they found Harley's annoying little porgs eating frosting cake.
"Once ?" Harley said sheepishly.
"You know they get hyper when they eat cake !" Karai snares as she shoos the annoying little pests away. "Shoo you little pests! Get !" Karai snares causing the little porgs to fly away.
"Don't get mad at them Karai, they love cake" Harley said.
"We told you to feed them angel food cake, it's fat free" Shinigami said.
"It still contains sugar, sugar makes theses pests hyper" Karai mutters.
Plakten entered the room.
"Karai, Witch girl !" The bosses want to see you !" Plakten shouts.
"Okay Sheldon will be right there" Shinigami said.
"Will talk about this later Harley" Karai said as she leaves to the meeting room with Shinigami.
The little Porgs waddle behind them. Once they entered, they noticed Pierto was there seating in one of the seats,looking nervous. Joker, Lord Dominator, Shredder, Bill Cipher, Plakten,Tigerclaw and Yzma was there. The only person that wasn't there was Dr. Colosso.
"Karai, Shinigami I'm glad your here take a seat" Bill Cipher said.
The two girls take a seat next to Quicksilver, who was sweating.
"What's this about ?" Karai asks.
"Well we all know that your brother being arrsted by thunderman a few days ago" Bill Cipher said.
"Who can forget it was on the news" Shinigami gigles.
"But now your brother is here, and we doubt he could of escape on his own" Shredder explains.
"And Dr. Colosso is now missing since Quicksilver returns..."
"Oh for blah sacks, stop dropping hits we know you traded Dr. Colosso for Quicksilver !" Dominator snares.
"What !" I've been loyal to you !" Karai shouts.
"Yeah !" Shinigami shouts defending her friend.
"We thought you two might say that, so we had plankent record the whole thing" Dominator smirks.
A vidoe screen apprears and shows Karai and Leos trade. When the vidoe ends Karai's face turns pale.
"I can explain" Karai stummers.
"Oh really would you MIWA" Dominator smirks.
Karai's eyes widen in susprise.
"Oh yeah we know who you really are and we know you been giving our enemies info about out plan"
Bane grabs Quicksilver by his underwear. Karai whimpers dreading what was going to happen next.
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