Alice Westbrook
It was a sunny day in Tokyo City. Many people living in this city spent time outside their home, making sure to enjoy the good weather as best as they could by either spending time with their friends or family or just going on a long lone walks through the city. Unfortunely not everyone could enjoy it like this as they still had to attend either their work or school. It still wouldn't stop them from enjoying it to the fullest once they will be out of their job or their school, though.
Unfortunely, not everyone in the city could enjoy this good weather as there were some people out there who were doing everything they could to ruin it for them. A black haired young woman with glasses over her nose who happened to be working her shift in a store had found herself in the middle of a crime scene as a masked man entered her store in the middle of a day to perform the kind of activity you'd expect from someone dressed up like him.
It was only a matter of seconds before the young woman found herself at a gunpoint with the man aiming his gun with his right hand at her and demanding all the money she could offer him. He didn't just aim his pistol at her, though. His fingernails on his left hand extended themselves as well, making them look more claws than nails. Needless to say. It made the glasses wearing woman even more terrified. The fact that this man threatened to scratch her face if she won't listen to him didn't help.
The woman wasted no time, feeling terrified in the moment and quickly reached towards the cash register. Just as she began to empty it out of money, she saw the robber's eyes go wide in suprise as something red covered his entire body. The woman stopped what she was doing, finding herself suprised by it as well as the robber tried to wiggle his way out of this strange red prison he had just found himself in. He even tried to fire his gun as an attempt of breaking himself out of it but even that didn't work. Even his fingers became completely motionless.
He looked over his shoulder, wanting to know who was doing this to him and saw a man walking towards him. The man was pretty young and the robber could tell this man was a Pro-Hero straight away. He looked like he had just gotten himself out of a hero school. His hair was blonde and his eyes were blue like an ocean. His hero outfit consisted a red trench coat and top along with black leggings and boats. He had this smug aura around him as well.
"Bothering people with your selfish needs in the middle of a day like this? Just what one would expect from a nuisance to the society like you. People like you just can't stop themselves from ruining someone else's day." The unknown hero uttered, stepping closer to the robber and it was just a matter of seconds before he found himself next to him.
Before the robber could say anything to him, the unknown hero punched him in the face and knocked him out. What caught the glasses wearing woman attention was his fist. It was covered in this strange red energy. The woman watched the robber hit the ground like a sack of bricks, leaving him unconscious as she set her eyes on the unknown hero and saw the red energy vanish from his fist in the blink of an eye.
"Who are you?" The woman asked, her expression filled with awe. She had seen many heroes go pass this area in her life and this man was not among them. He must have been someone new. At the same time she couldn't help but blush a bit. She had to admit. This man was handsome.
The man turned towards the woman with a smug and confident smirk on his face. He winked at the woman, making her blush more as he gave her his answer, "Sweetie. My name is Yoshida Minato. But you can call me the Scarlet Hero."
Y/N shot up from the bed, letting out a starled noise as he had just woken up from his dream. He sat up on the bed, letting out a deep breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose as his mind wasted no time and instantly began to think about the dream he had just experienced. If he could call it a dream. He had never seen all the people who were present in it and he doubted his mind could just make people out of nowhere.
His mind focused itself on the one person from his dream. The said person was the Scarlet Hero. This man was the only thing in his dream which he was familiar in some way with as he knew this is how the hero who originally owned his Quirk came from. He couldn't say anything more about him, though. He never researched him. He wanted to research him as a way of learning more about his Quirk around the time he first received it from All For One but All For One told him not to bother with it as the Scarlet Hero was an arrogant fool and learning about him and from him would be just a waste of time.
The h/c haired boy listened to All For One and gave up on his idea of researching the Scarlet Hero. He never came up in his mind after that as well as he focused himself on his training and later focusing himself on everything else once he completed it and was assigned to the League to work with Shigaraki. It confused him even more. Why would a person he never even bothered to research suddenly appear in his dream?
He pushed himself out his thoughts a second later, having finally brought his focus to where he was right now and realized he was in a room of what appeared to be some apartament building. He recalled what happened to him before passing out as well and his suprise grew from there as his head became filled with questions. How did he found himself here? Did the foreign woman drag him here? If that's the case, then where was Cyborg now?
He knew he won't get his answer if he'll stay on the bed, though. He got up from it a second later and slowly began preparing himself to leave. He allowed himself to take a look at his appearance after leaving his bed as well. His new cloak was taken off, leaving him in his his hoodie and his shoes were taken off as well, leaving him in just his socks. Whoever dragged him here must have undressed him a bit ether before or after they placed him on the bed.
Y/N looked around the room as well, wanting to get to know this new surrounding a bit better and the make-up set showed him this room must have belonged to a woman and it partially confirmed the foreign woman being the one who dragged him here to him. The other notable part of the room was a collection of the records and discs with classical music. The saying this woman must have been into this music if that was her room would be the understatement of the century.
The last notable part of the room was a picture next on the cupboard next to the bed. It fully confirmed to Y/N the woman from the street must have brought him here as the picture showed here. Only she was a bit younger in this picture as it showed her in her middle school years. She wasn't along in this picture, though. A smilling eldery man was next right next to her. Y/N would assume it was her dad if it wasn't for his age. He looked more like he could be her grandpa than her dad if he was honest with himself. His mask was lying next to the picture as well.
He shifted his attention away from the picture and his mask a second later, knowing he should probably leave the room now as he pushed himself into walk and made his way to the exit from the room. He exited the room a second later and walked further into the apartament, looking for the foreign woman. He didn't have to look for long as he found her just a moment later when he entered the part of the apartament where the kitchen was located.
The h/c haired boy saw the woman working on something in the kitchen, probably making food for herself. The woman didn't notice him looking at her right now, though as she had her back turned to him and had her attention on the stove with whatever food she was making right now. Y/N couldn't tell. The foreign woman hummed to herself as Y/N cleared his throat a second later, trying to get her attention.
"...Hello?" He greeted her in a questioning tone as the woman instantly shifted her attention away from what she was doing and shifted it towards Y/N. It was when Y/N got a better look at how she looked like aside from the features of her he had notice earlier. Her eyes were blue. She wore her sleepwear on herself right now as well and was barefooted.
"You're awake!" The woman smiled at the view of him up on his feet as she pushed herself into walk towards him. She stopped in front of Y/N, giving him a hug and taking him by suprise a bit and pulled away from him a second later with her smile and relief still evident on her face, "You have no idea how worried I was when you collapsed in front of me. I genuinely thought something happened to you there for a second. Are you okay, by the way? Something like this doesn't happen everyday to a person."
"Don't worry. I'm fine." Y/N replied, giving her the same answer he gave everyone who asked him the same question earlier. Even if he still looked as well as he did for the last few days. He quickly came up with an explanation of what happened yesterday, wanting to make himself more believable to her, "I don't know what happened yesterday. I just felt weak all of a sudden. But I'm fine now. Really."
The woman looked unconvinced by his answer, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I'm sure." Y/N replied. He quickly tried to change the subject of their conversation by asking her. He did his best to ignore the unconvinced and concerned look on Alice's face, "What's your name? I don't believe I got it last night."
"My name is Alice Westbrook. Or Westbrook Alice. Whatever way of introducing you prefer. You can call me Alice. I don't mind being called by my first name." The foreign woman introduced herself as Alice Westbrook to him. Y/N raised his brow at the name Westbrook. He felt like he had seen it somewhere before earlier. He just couldn't recall where. He didn't focus on it, though and continued to ask her about more important things.
"Alright, Alice. You can call my by first name as well." Y/N nodded in understanding voiced his next question to her a second later, "What about Cyborg, by the way? Where is he?"
Alice raised her brow, "Cyborg?"
"My Nomu." Y/N explained.
"Right him." Alice nodded, cursing herself mentally for not realizing who Y/N meant with his question, "Don't worry about your Nomu. He's on the roof right now. He got really defensive of you when I got my hands on you but he seemed to calm down when I started helping you. He followed us to my apartament and has been staying on the roof ever since. I tried to get him to enter my apartament somehow, but he didn't listen to me. If I were to guess, then he was probably waiting for you to wake up and give him the next order."
"I see." Y/N said in understanding, "For how long was I asleep?"
Alice quickly provided him an answer, "Several hours."
Y/N once again nodded in understanding, cursing himself mentally for wasting so many hours due to his stunt of passing out as he turned away from Alice and began to walk away, "Alright. Listen. Thank you for allowing me to stay in your apartament, but I'm gonna get going. I'm really busy right now and I can't really afford staying here for long.."
Alice quickly followed him and placed her hand on his shoulder, "What? You're leaving?"
Y/N looked over his shoulder at her, "Yes. I'm really busy right now and I can't really afford staying here for long."
Alice looked at him with a worried look on her face, "I understand you have our own business to take care of out there and this is why you are away from the rest of the League right now, but ain't you gonna eat anything before leaving? I already started making enough food for two people."
Y/N nodded in confirmation, "Yes. Thank you for thinking about making me some food, but I'm not really hungry..."
"Are you sure? What I saw yesterday showed me something else." Alice reminded Y/N as his stomach made itself known in the worst possible moment and grumbled again, "See? You don't look so good as well. When was the last time you had a proper meal?"
"You don't need to worry about it. I'm gonna get myself something to eat later. I promise." Y/N shook his head, trying to end this conversation but Alice seemed to have different plans for it. What happened yesterday must have been the reason for it "I don't want to abuse your hospitality for any longer as well. You already let me stay in your place. That's more than enough for me. It's more than what I deserve as well."
Alice shook her head, "You didn't abuse my hospitality in any way. It's the least I could do for you for saving me..."
"You don't need to return the favor for what I did yesterday. I did what had to be done and I would still do it even if you wouldn't offer me to stay in your place." Y/N replied. He afterwards uttered something he thought will make Alice allow him to leave. If only he knew how wrong he was,, "If anything, I should be the one doing something to return the favor to you for helping me when I passed out and letting me stay here."
Alice's eyes widened a bit, having just realized what she can do after his choice of words, "If that's the case, then how about you return the favor for me allowing to stay in my place by eating the food I made for you. I worked really hard on it and it would be a shame your portion went to waste."
Y/N sighed, knowing she had him here, "Fine."
"Alright." Alice smiled, happy to see it worked as something in the back of her mind was telling her Y/N was not going to find himself anything to eat if he left her apartament. She turned away from him and moved back towards the stove, "I'll stay here keep an eye on the food until it's finished. You can go and wait for it in the living room. My TV is somehow still working so you can watch whatever you want as well."
"Okay. You'll find me there once you'll be done with the food, then." Y/N once again sighed, cursing himself mentally for this as he turned away from Alice and pushed himself into walk towards the living room. He cursed himself mentally for falling into this. It was just wasting his time. He didn't deserve a meal from Alice as well. She was just wasting her time and effort on hm.
The h/c haired boy left the kitchen a second later, making his way into the living room and reached it a few seconds later. He looked around himself upon entering it and noticed it was connected to the dining room as the dining table was standing in one part of the apartament. He noticed a remote was laying on it as well. He walked over to the table, grabbing one of the chairs and sitting down on it.
He grabbed the remote a second later and turned on the TV. Wanting to know if anything changed since the last time he watched the TV, he flipped through the channels in order to find a TV News station and found what he was looking for a second later as one of the channels which revolved around that. He put the remote down back on the table a second later, setting his eyes on the TV.
"...In other important news, we have finally received statements from U.A and Shiketsu regarding Bakugo Katsuki and Kazari Tomohito." The TV reporter said a few seconds after Y/N left the TV on this channel and Y/N's attention instantly skyrocketed upon hearing this. He set his whole attention on the TV and listened to what the TV reporter had to say as she started with Bakugo, "In his statement regarding Bakugo Katsuki's situation, principal Nezu claimed he and his fellow teachers were aware of his anger issues at the start of the year and were working towards fixing it in order to make sure he will be shaped into a good hero and will reach his potential, pointing out how his behavior had improved in the last few months as an example of it. However, they claimed they were unaware of his bullying and evil doings in the past. He had apologized for it and admitted that he had scheduled a meeting with the staff to decide how they will proceed with him further."
Y/N clenched his hand, letting out a long exhale as he glared at the TV. If he was honest with himself, he expected nothing less from U.A when it came to their statement regarding Bakugo's behavior and why he kept it up even after he started attending their school. Something in the back of his mind was telling him they would try to deflect blame and try to tell everyone they were unaware of his bullying. Even if it was still apparent. It was just easier for them to write him and Izuku off as rivals.
Nezu's words made him ask himself something as well. Nezu said something about them working towards fixing Bakugo into a better hero. Y/N had no idea whether the principal was telling the truth or not here. If that was the case, however, then he had to admit they did a terrible job at it. Bakugo was still the same person he was back in Aldera back in Camino Ward and refused to take any blame, blaming him for his suicide attempt and when he actually apologized to him at the hospital ruins, he made the apology more about himself than the harm he caused.
It made him ask himself something as well. Would Nezu show such patience towards Bakugo and would try to 'fix him' even if he still doubted he made any attempts towards doing it if Bakugo didn't have his flashy power and aspirations to be a hero?
The TV reporter afterwards went further into what she had to say as the matter of Tomohito and Shiketsu was brought up by her, "When it comes to the matter of Kazari Tomohito, the principal of Shiketsu has claimed he and the rest of the staff of his school had no idea about his past and were suprised by it themselves when it was revealed to the world by the Mask as Kazari has been a good student who never caused any trouble ever since he started his education at their school. Just like U.A, he claimed Shiketsu is planning to have a meeting about Kazari and admitted he and the rest of the staff are planning to take both the student he was in Aldera and the student he was in Shiketsu when they will make their choice on what to do with him."
Y/N shook his head at the last part of the statement. Was Shiketsu really going to involve what kind of student Tomohito was in their school when they will make their decision on what to do with him? So what if he was a good student in their school? What about all the harm he did in the past? Did it suddenly excused everything and made it okay? He once again couldn't ask himself if they would act like this if the situation was reversed and Tomohito wasn't being a good hero student.
"A good student who never caused any trouble, huh? Was it really so hard for you to be someone like that back in Aldera?" He thought to himself angrily as he thought further about this subject. Couldn't Tomohito be the good student he was described to by Shiketsu in Aldera? What suddenly made him change? Did he suddenly got bored of being a shithead or did he suddenly thought about keeping up a good appearance? He was certain about one thing, though. He was not happy about it. Not at all. Just like he wasn't happy when Endeavor got off with a slap on his wrist and some bad publicity when Dabi revealed the truth about him.
"I'm here with the food." Alice's words rang through his ears a second later as Y/N shifted his attention away from the TV to her and saw her walking towards him with two plates of food. She placed the plate in front of him, allowing Y/N to see what it was and took her seat across from him, "I know this isn't much, but it's all I have to offer."
Y/N looked up from his plate and nodded, "It's okay. Thanks."
"Let's get to it, then." Alice smiled at him as she grabbed her fork and began to eat her food. She kept her gaze on Y/N as she chewed on her food, wanting for him to start eating as well. Y/N sighed, feeling like he still didn't deserve it, but knew he had to eat something as otherwise Alice won't let him go. He will at least try to eat the amount which won't leave her suspicious. Alice's smile grew a bit when she saw him starting to eat his food. He shifted her attention to her own food a second later, continuing to eat it.
"In other shocking news, L/N Sandra and Ryoma, the parents of the Mask, were found deceased yesterday..." The TV presenter went to the next subject she intended to talk about in this edition of the news. Y/N's eyes snapped open as soon as those words flew through his mind. All the food he had in his mouth right now was swallowed in an instant, almost making him choke and cough in the process.
The h/c haired boy snapped his head towards the TV with a shocked look on his face, forgetting about his food in an instant, "Wait, what?!"
"What?" Alice asked with an equally shocked look on her face, having laid her eyes on the TV as well.
The TV reporter went further into the explanation , "...Their bodies have been found hanging from the telephone poles by the authorities last night. From what we know, it has been confirmed the parents of the Mask were severely beaten to the point of death and their bodies have been afterwards hung from the poles. The identities of their killers are unknown, but they are believed to be the supporters of the Mask who did this as an act of revenge for all the abuse they put the Mask through."
Y/N stared at the TV silently. He didn't do or say anything for a moment as he needed to take a moment to process this information. He came to terms with it a second later. His parents were dead. They were really dead now. He continued to stare at the TV silently, waiting for the shock of this information to wear off to see how he will like about it. He shock of it wore off a few seconds later and afterwards he felt nothing. Just nothing. His body just became filled with nothigness. He just couldn't care less about their deaths.
He went back to his food a second later, going back to eating it as if nothing happened as Alice stared at him for a second before going back to eating her own food as well. As Y/N continued to eat his food all the while still thinking about everything, he realized something else and it didn't have anything to with him not caring about his parents death. It still had to do something with them, but it was something else instead.
"Nothing ties me to the L/N name anymore." He thought to himself, having just realized that as he silently ate his food. It was true. He had no reason to stick with his surname of L/N . The only reason why he kept his surname L/N even when people were starting to call him Shigaraki, despite hating it was because he knew it would make his parents miserable. With them now out of the picture, he knew he had no further reason to keep doing it...
Bakugo couldn't recall the last time when he was so nervous as he stepped into the dorms of U.A. It was the first time he had stepped his foot in those since he left the hospital and he knew his classmates will be there. Today will be the first time he saw many of them since the stuff with the Paranormal Liberation Front went down and he already was expecting they will react to seeing him. The way how Sero, Mineta and Hagakure reacted to him when he had confirmed to them what he had done was more than enough to convince him of his reaction.
He clenched his fist a bit as the elevator kept going up to the Class A dorms, leaving himself with his thoughts as he braced himself to enter it. He didn't know why he should be so nervous about seeing them in the first place. He knew he deserved whatever they will throw at him. It's not like they will be his classmates for any longer long as well. He doubted he will be kept at the hero course for long. He knew Y/N's video and him now being Quirkless sealed his fate.
As he left himself with his thoughts, he found himself thinking back on what happened in the last few days and his mind flew back to his parents. He tightened his fist a bit as he recalled how his confrontation with them went the first time he saw them after all of this. He could tell his parents were angry and disappointed with him. He wasn't suprised by it as he kind of expected them to be like this. In fact, he was prepared for his mom to give him an earful of his life.
What took him by suprise, however, was the way his mom acted as she didn't shout at him. She wasn't angry at him or screamed at him like he expected. She was just cold. Her tone was calm and cold with disappointment evident in it as she gave him the longest scolding he ever received in his entire life. His dad was silent throughout it and kept his expression sad and disappointed, looking both sad and disappointed by how his son turned out and what he did.
Not only his parents. His auntie was angry at him as well. He flinched a bit when he recalled how his confrontation with her went. She slapped him across his face the last time he saw her and tried to apologize to her for everything he did, screaming at him how he had no right to call her auntie anymore and asking him how could do all of that to Izuku while all he did was admiring him and wanting to be like him. He could have sworn he saw angry tears in her eyes when she uttered this question to him as well.
The blonde haired boy shook his head, taking himself out of his thoughts when the elevator door in front of him opened a second later and the familiar view of the Class A dorms common area appeared in his view. He saw his classmates were inside as well. Letting out a sigh, he pushed himself into walk and stepped into it. He walked further into the dorms and the conversations between his classmates became more evident to him. He could even hear the TV with the TV news being turned on, letting him know some of them must have been watching the news right now.
All of it suddenly stopped a second later as his presence was noticed by his classmates. All of them dropped what they were doing right now and shifted their attention to him. Bakugo stopped in his tracks, finding himself in the center of the attention in the worst meaning of that as his classmates slowly gathered around him. From the looks on their faces, he could tell he was not welcomed here as many of them glared at him.
"...What are you doing here? You really think you can show yourself here after what you did?" Ochaco broke the silence in the dorms as she came rushing towards him with an angered glare on her face. From the tone of her voice, Bakugo could tell the usually friendly girl was not happy to see him. It felt like kind of off to hear such a tone from her as well.
Momo followed Ochaco, having noticed how angry the other girl became by the view of Bakugo and placed her hand on her shoulder, "Uraraka. I understand you're angry at Bakugo for everything he did to Midoriya, but we shouldn't be fighting right now. The facualty is already taking care of everything and we should let them handle this..."
"I'm sorry Yaomomo. But he needs to hear this." Ochaco shook her head, keeping her glare on Bakugo as she refused to look away from him until he'll hear everything she had to say to him. Iida and Todoroki stood on her sides. Bakugo could see neither of them were happy to see him as well, "You Quirkist piece of shit! How could you do all of this?! How could you treat Deku like this for your whole lives? What did he ever do to you to deserve such treatment from you?!"
Mina nodded in agreement with a hurt and betrayed look on her face, "Exactly! What made you think it was okay to treat someone like that just because they were born Quirkless?! You know people like me who have mutations because of their Quirks are getting discriminated because of our looks! We get bullied too and it hurts! What were you thinking whenever you and me were hanging out together?!"
"Treatment like that stays with you forever. It affects many people for life. You know exactly why I wear my mask!" Shoji added. Even though his opinion regarding Y/N had not changed and will probably always remain the same, it didn't make him any less mad with Bakugo."
"To think we thought you and Midoriya were rivals for all this time and you were doing all of this." Todoroki looked at Bakugo with a cold glare on his face.
Momo sighed, "I feel so terrible for not realizing it sooner. Poor Midoriya..."
Iida shook his head. His gaze was sharp. Bakugo could tell it was seconds away from turning into a full glare, "Bakugo. Even though what L/N has done is unforgivable, it still doesn't excuse your actions and you be ashamed of them. Your actions aren't something which can be forgiven easily as well. You need to face the consequences of your actions as much as he does."
"Does he really need to, though? He is already facing those. I oveheard something about a school facualty meeting regarding what to do with him next after their gave their statement for the public and we all know he got hit by one of those bullets and can't use his Quirk anymore, after all..." Hagakure pointed out.
"Good for him if you ask me. If he thinks you can mistreat other people just because he has a flashy Quirk and they don't, then maybe he shouldn't have one of his own." Tokoyami stated. As someone who had their looks altered by their Quirk, he knew the discrimination people like him went through. Knowing Bakugo was someone who discriminated other people based on the Quirk related stuff filled with him with nothing but disgust.
Ochaco nodded in agreement, "Hopefully you'll get a chance to know how Deku must have felt like whenever you mistreated him. To think you were doing stuff like this and thought you can be a hero while you were nothing but a piece of shit..."
"I already know that! Alright?" Bakugo snapped, having enough of everything as he cut Ochaco off, "I already know what I did was terrible and I know how much I fucked everything up!I know I can't take it back as well even if I apologized for it. If I could, then I would give anything to go back in time and slap the living shit out of my younger self! My Quirk is gone and my life is pretty much ruined! I know I deserve it as well! I know all the bad things which happened to me and will keep happening to me are my own fault! What else do you want from me?"
"Do you want to know what I want from you?" Ochaco glared at him, "I don't want to see you. I just want you to leave and never come back. I don't want to see you around Deku ever again as well. Just leave and don't come back."
Ochaco gave him one last glare as she turned away from him and walked off to go back to whatever she was doing before Bakugo showed himself up at the dorms. She was quickly followed by Iida and Todoroki. The rest of their classmates followed their example and did the same a moment later. All of them made sure to direct one last glance towards Bakugo as well. Some of them looked angry. Some of them looked disappointed. Some of them looked hurt. Some of them looked a mixture of all of those emotions.
Mina, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima were the last classmates to remain with him. They didn't remain there for long, though. Mina was the first one to leave. The last glance she gave Bakugo was the one of disappointment. The blonde haired boy could see tears in her eyes as well. Kaminari and Sero followed her shortly after and the last expression he saw from the were the ones of sadness and disappointment.
Bakugo set his eyes on Kirishima as Kirishima was the last classmate to remain close to him. He stared at the red haired boy and saw him looking at him with a conflicted look on his face. He could tell Kirishima was disappointed in him for everything he did. It looked like something was holding him back from walking away from him with the others. The blonde haired boy knew Kirishima will probably adress whatever he had to say to him and was quickly proven to be right.
"Bakugo." Kirishima called out for him as Bakugo instantly noticed how Kirishima didn't call him "Bakubro" like he always did.
Bakugo sighed, "Yeah?"
"Back when L/N beat up at Camino, did he do it just because of what you did in the past to him or did you gave him a good reason to do so during your time in the League's captivity?" Kirishima voiced his question to him. From the tone of his voice, Kirishima could tell he wished or more like hoped Bakugo would answer with the former.
Bakugo once again sighed, knowing the true answer to this and knew it was going to be something Kirishima won't like. "No. He was patient with me when we had our conversation until he exploded what I told him something."
Kirishima's expression grew into a hurt one at this, "What did you say?"
"I told him it was his own fault for almost killing himself. Even though I was the one who told both him and Midoriya to do jump off the roof on the day he went missing." Bakugo explained, admitting to more of the things he did to him.
"I see." Kirishima said in understanding, growing more hurt by this as it was all he needed to hear from Bakugo. He turned away from him a second later.
"You're leaving too?" Bakugo asked.
"I'm sorry, Bakugo." Kirishima shook his head, looking more sad and disappointed than angry with Bakugo as he slowly began to turn away from Bakugo as well. He could see Bakugo regretted all of it and had changed, but he still didn't feel like he could stay with him. Not now at the moment at least, "I just need think about all of it. My best bud turned out to be someone like that. You know I hate bullies and yet you were doing stuff like this for all those years. You should know how unmanly it is to use your power to bully those weaker than you..."
Bakugo nodded silently, not replying to this as he knew he can't really say anything here to make himself look better or to try to convince Kirishima to stay. He watched him walk away from him, letting out a sigh as he was left all alone. If he was honest with himself, he wasn't suprised by this turn of events as it was exactly what he expected to happen.
He pushed himself into walk a second later, intending to go to his dorm where he will lock himself away and see how things will go from here and how things will continue to go from bad to worse for him. As he continued to make his way towards his dorm, he saw a few of his classmates watching the TV news and allowed himself to see what was the topic they were talking about right now. His eyes widened a bit when he saw was it was.
"L/N Sandra and Ryoma found deceased! The supporters of the Mask suspected to be responsible for the murder!"
Grace Okuda looked around herself, having just arrived at the dorm she was assigned to with her family in the safe zone at U.A as she set down her luggage on the floor. Her husband and her son were with her, standing by her side with their own luggages. The family of three had arrived at the safe zone about an hour ago and was told to go to this dorm right after they got assigned to it upon getting checked into the place.
Their family wasn't alone in the dorm, though. They were accompanied by Ectoplasm who went with them after finding who they are and who they were related to under explanation of making sure they will make it to their dorm without any problem. The family of three knew it was just an excuse to hide the real reason for it, though. The real reason for it was because the heroes stationed at this school must have been afraid their family will be recognized and how the civilians who already settled down here will react to them.
"I apologize if it's a bit cramped for your family." Ectoplasm's voice rang through all of their ears a second later, pushing them out of what the family of three were doing right now. Grace, Takuya and Akihiko shifted their attention from the dorm which will be their new home for who knows how long and shifted it to Ectoplasm, "But unfortunely this is all we can offer. Even if the numbers of people who arrived here are much less than what we expected."
"Don't worry. It's okay." Grace shook his concerns off. If she was honest with herself, this dorm had everything they needed right now. She decided it as soon as she saw it had two rooms as she knew this way she and her husband won't be forced to sharing a room with their son. It was still much smaller than their old living headquarters, but wasn't going to complain about it as she knew it all they could ask for in the times like this.
"Yeah. We ain't gonna complain about your hospitality." Takuya added. He afterwards expressed his gratitude to Ectoplasm, "Thank you for letting us stay here, despite knowing who we're related to."
"Don't worry about it. Even if we know who you are related to, we ain't gonna let you rot on the streets. You have nothing to do with your nephew's despicable actions, after all. You are not responsible for his actions." Ectoplasm replied as Akihiko sighed a bit upon hearing his cousin being brought up.
Takuya looked at him gratefully, "Alright. Thanks."
"Words can't describe how grateful we are." Grace added with gratitude evident in her voice.
"No problem. I'm gonna get going now as I'm needed someplace else. Make sure to contact me or anyone else from the facualty if someone will give you a hard time." Ectoplasm replied as he turned away from the family of three and walked out of their dorm. He closed the door behind him a second later, leaving the family of three in their dorm by themselves.
Grace shifted her gaze to Takuya right after Ectoplasm left them and relief was evident in her tone and on her face face when she uttered her words to him, "That went better than expected."
"You're telling me." Takuya nodded in agreement, letting out a sigh. Words couldn't describe how worried he was for his family and himself when the U.A heroes realized all three of them were relatives of the Mask. He was genuinely starting to think they wouldn't accept them into the safe zone. He was glad he was wrong, though. He pushed himself into walk further intot he room and set his luggage on the couch, "We should unpack out stuff."
"Yeah. I was about to say that myself." Grace agreed with her husband as she stepped further into the dorm with her own luggage in order to help her husband with setting everything up.
"Do you want me to help you?" Akihiko asked as he remained where he stood due to him being unsure what to do right now, "I've been wanting to go explore U.A a bit so I kind of want to get this over with it."
Grace glanced back at him and shook her head, "No. You don't need to help us if you don't want."
"Yeah. You and your mom will take care of this." Takuya added, having set his eyes back on his son as well, "If you want to go explore U.A, then go ahead."
Akihiko nodded in understanding as he turned away from his parents and reached out towards the door in front of him, "Alright. I'll be heading out, then."
"Just watch out for yourself. Okay?" Grace expressed her worries for her son as he opened the door, "If anyone will give you any trouble, go straight back to us or go to one of the heroes stationed in this school. We'll take care of this if that happens."
"I will watch out, mom. Don't worry about me." Akihiko replied as he looked over his shoulder to give his mom and dad one last glance and gave them a small reassuring smile. His parents were already dealing with enough right now. He didn't want to add worrying about him to their list of worries.
Akihiko walked out of the dorm a second later, leaving his parents alone with unpacking everything. He glanced between two sides of the hallway, getting a look around as he saw two women standing not too far from his and his parents place. The two women were someone he didn't recognize. The first woman was a chubby green haired woman and the second woman had blonde hair. He pushed himself into walk a second later, making his way towards the exit from the place and walked past the two women in the process.
Grace stared at the door to her and her family dorm for a few seconds after her son left him and her husband there. She shifted his gaze to her husband a second later and asked him with worry in her tone, "How do you think he's doing?"
"I can tell all of it is taking it's toll on him. Even if he is trying to play it off like what's happening right now is not bothering him not to worry us. He's just a teen, after all. Anyone his age would be affected if they found themselves in a situation like this." Takuya gave his wife his answer, letting out a sigh as he unzipped his suitcase and was greeted by the sight of everything he had taken from his family home, "I just wish he wasn't trying to play it off whenever we ask him about it."
Grace nodded in agreement, having just opened her suitcase herself and pulled out the first item out of it, "That's exactly what I'm thinking. I know he is doing this because he's trying not to worry us but to be honest it's just making me more concerned about him. I just wish he acted selfish for once and thought about himself."
"Yeah. Me too." Takuya agreed with his wife as he started take everything out of his suitcase and looked at his wife with a raised brow, "How are we going to handle everything now that we've been accepted into this safe zone? Are we doing what we agreed on when we left our house or did you changed your mind?"
"No. My mind is still the same." Grace shook her head, "For the sake of keeping Akihiko out of danger and from getting judged by the other people, we're doing our best to keep who we are related to away from everyone around here. If people will figure out about our being related to the Mask, then we will do our best to keep Akihiko safe from whatever will come out of it as I can tell some people won't be happy with having us around here..."
"Alri..." Takuya began to voice his answer to his wife with a nod fo his head. He never got a chance to voice what he wanted to say, though as someone cut him off.
"Excuse me..." A female voice rang through their ears a second later, stopping the conversation they were having with each other right now and felt their faces turning pale as they realized someone had just overheard their conversation. Both of them quickly turned towards the source of the voice and saw two women standing in the doorway to their dorm.
"Could we speak for a moment?" The blonde haired woman asked. Her expression seemed to be filled with shame and guilt as she kept her eyes on Grace and Takuya.
Takuya sighed with a slightly nervous look on his face after a moment of silence from him and his wife as they kept their eyes on the the two women, "Gracey. I don't think this will work now..."
"Excuse me." Grace asked in a slighty nervous tone, "Did you two overheard everything we just said?"
The blonde haired woman nodded in confirmation, "Yes. We knew it before we oveheard your conversation as we recognized you from the TV when we saw one of the heroes leading you two and your son to this place."
"You don't need to worry about us judging you or being mad at you, though. You don't have to worry about us telling anyone about who you are if you want to keep it a secret as well." The green haired woman reassured the pair in front of her and her friend in a gentle and comforting tone, "We came here because we want to talk with you."
Grace slightly calmed down at this, "I see."
"What do you want to talk about?" Takuya asked.
The blonde haired woman rubbed the back of her head, "Our families are kind of related each other. You see. Our sons know your nephew."
"My name is Midoriya Inko. Izuku is my son." The green haired woman introduced herself to them a second later as Grace and Takuya's eyes widened a bit in suprise at this revelation. Inko glanced at her friend a second later, silently encouraging her to introduce herself as well as the blonde haired woman bit her lip, swallowing her breath.
"And I'm Bakugo Mitsuki. Katsuki is my son..." She gave them her introduction as well, revealing herself to be Bakugo's mom as Grace and Takuya snapped her head towards her in an instant, acting as if they forgot about Inko being in the room in an instant. Mitsuki took notice of their reaction to this revelation and cringed a bit on the inside.
"Katsuki Bakugo?" Grace asked with a raised brow as her mind quickly connected the dots, "Are you the mom of that Bakugo?"
"Yes. I'm his mom. This is why I wanted to come speak with you in person." Mitsuki confirmed it to them as she got herself on the the floor and bowed to Takuya and Grace in an apologetic manner, "I just want to say that I'm so sorry for everything my son did to your nephew. If I could take back time and stop him from doing all of this, then I would do it in a heartbeat.."
Takuya looked slightly taken aback by her sudden apology, "Hey. It's okay..."
"Yeah." Grace nodded in agreement and knelt down in front of Mitsuki as Mitsuki looked up at her with an apologetic and shameful look on her face, "You don't need to apologize for your sons actions."
Mitsuki kept looking up at Grace, "Even if you feel like it, I still feel like I'm to blame for his behavior and how he treated your nephew. I'm his mother I should have noticed..."
Grace looked at the woman below her pitfully, seeing how much she was blaming herself for everything. She and Takuya exchanged glances with each other and Grace saw her husband having the same look on her face. She turned back to Mitsuki a second later. Letting out a sigh, she decided what she should say to say to her next even if she didn't blame Mitsuki for what her son did, "Listen. You don't need to feel terrible for what happened. You have our forgiveness for what happened between your son and our nephew."
"Listen to my wife, because she's correct. You don't need to feel sorry and remorseful about something you didn't do. Me and my wife don't hold it against you." Takuya nodded in agreement as Mitsuki shifted her gaze between them with a suprised look on her face. She saw Takuya and Grace exchanging glances with each other a second later, seeing the coming to a mutual agreement with each other before Takuya spoke to her again, "However, your son is a different case. We ain't gonna forgive your son for what he did."
Grace nodded in understanding, "Exactly. What your son did to our nephew was horrible and I don't think neither me or my husband have it in us to forgive him. Especially when we think what we would do if it was our son in our nephew's place. We know what we would do if that was the case and it just reassures us to stick with our decision of not forgiving your son.I hope you'll understand it."
Mitsuki let out a saddened sigh, knowing she can't be angry at them for blaming and not forgiving her son for what he did. If she was honest with herself, she wasn't suprised by it as well. She gave the pair in front of her a look of understanding as she gave them her answer, "It's alright. I understand. I can't blame force you forgive him. It wasn't my intention when I came here to talk with you as well. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for how everything turned out."
Grace smiled slightly at Mitsuki, gladdened and relieved by her being understanding of them as she held her out towards her, "Now. Let me help you get up."
"Thank you." Mitsuki replied as she took Grace's hand and got up from the floor with her help.
Takuya shifted her gaze between Inko and Mitsuki, "Do you need anything else from us or did you just came here to talk about it?"
"We actually want to ask if you need any help with unpacking your luggage." Inko suggested as Mitsuki nodded in agreement. Grace and Takuya exchanged glances with each other at the offer, silently discussing it before coming to a mutual conclusion.
Grace smiled at them gratefully, "Sure."
"That would be great." Takuya gave the two women the same grateful smile.
Inko smiled at them and asked, "What do you need our help with?"
Takuya pointed towards the luggage left behind by Akihiko before he left the dorm to have his walk, "You can unpack this luggage. Our son left it before he left shortly before you made yourself known to me and my wife."
"Okay." Inko said in understanding as she set her eyes on Akihiko's luggage and grabbed it. She and Mitsuki afterwards stepped closer to Grace and Takuya and began to help them a second later.
As they started to help them, Grace glanced at Inko questioningly, "Inko, right? Can I ask you something."
Inko nodded in confirmation, "Of course."
"Is your son at U.A right now?" Grace asked as Inko got slightly uncomfortable at it while Mitsuki glanced at her friend with a sympathetic look on her face, "I'm interesting in meeting him and having a conversation about him. From what I know, he and my nephew have always been great friends from long before he became the Mask. Maybe this way I would finally learn something about him. The parts of him which don't include his villainy."
Inko kept her uncomfortable look on her face when she explained to Grace, "M-My son isn't at U.A right now as he is taking care of some business right now. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm allowed to talk about it."
"I see." Grace nodded in understanding, knowing it must have been something important from Inko's voice and deciding not to push it to respect her boundaries, "Alright. I'm not going to force you to talk about it if you don't want to or aren't allowed to talk about it."
"Thank you." Inko smiled at her gratefully, becoming more comfortable again, "However, I can tell you about your nephew from everything he and Izuku were doing when they were younger whenever he came over at our house." She sighed sadly, "They always seemed so happy to be around each other. To think things between them are now the way they are."
Mitsuki raised her brow in concern, "What do you mean?"
"Is everything alright?" Grace took notice of Inko's tone, "You seem sad."
"Right. You don't know about it. Y/N and Izuku had a conversation when their all this Paranormal Liberation Front stuff went down a few days and let's just say everything went wrong during it. Izuku is convinced Y/N hates him now." Inko explained with as saddened look on her face as Mitsuki, Grace and Takuya looked suprised by. All three of them exchanged glances with each other as Inko added, "I just wish he'd start believing that it's not the case here. I saw them being friends over the years since they were little boys to their teenage years. A friendship like that is not something which can be destroyed with a disagreement. I know deep down they still deeply care for each other. Just something needs to happen for it resurface."
As Inko and Mitsuki continued to help Grace and Takuya with unpacking their stuff, Akihiko continued his trip around U.A as he had entered the more common part of it a moment ago. If he was honest with himself, he wasn't really interested in getting to know his surroundings a bit better and him leaving his parents to have this trip was just a way of excusing him wanting to be alone right now with his thoughts.
He couldn't find a good way to describe how hard the last few days have been for him. In fact. Those thoughts could be attached to how he was feeling like since the last summer when his cousin was revealed to be the Mask. This news hit him and his school like a truck and the saying it got quite a negative reaction from his schoolmates was quite the understatement. Some of his schoolmates began seeing him as the cousin of the member of the League of Villains and it took many talks from the teachers to make it stop.
It wasn't over, though. The truth about his aunt and uncle came out shortly after due to his mother recording the conversation between them where the truth about his cousin's homelife was revealed and the fallout of it was massive for him. He and his parents were excommunicated from the rest of their family for it as his mom refused to undo the damage she did to them with this video and to be honest Akihiko wasn't really bothered by it right now.
He was bothered by at first as anyone his age would have been affected by most of his family suddenly going no contact with them but looking at right now, he wasn't really bothered by it anymore. He always felt around the rest of his family if he was honest with himself. They always gave him vibes of people who always thought they were better than anyone and acting differently than how his parents raised him to act.
The way how they apparently cut off his aunt Sandra and his uncle Ryoma, despite being them being the main reason why he and his parents were excommunicated in the first place really spoke for itself. It really made him wonder what was happening with Sandra and Ryoma right now as well as they literally had no one right now and the whole country hated them because of his cousin and his doings as their neglect and abuse was one of the main factors in him turning out the way he did.
He often found himself thinking about his cousin as well. If he was honest with himself, he had no idea what to think about him. He felt bad for him for having such a terrible life, but at the same time he felt angry and disgusted by him because of everything he did. Even though all of those things which happened to him were horrible and he felt horrible for him when he watched his video once it saw the light of day, it still didn't excuse all of the terrible things he did.
He could understand his cousin wanted to create a new world as he made it clear to the world in his video, but there must have been a better of approaching it. All those deaths and all the destruction in their country couldn't have been the price of achieving it. Akihiko didn't felt like he could preach about there being a better way of approaching it, despite him knowing there must have been one as he personally had no idea how he would approach an issue like this. No matter how many times he tried to think about it after watching his cousin's video.
How would he react if he ever met his cousin face to face if that meeting will ever happen, though? It was another one of the questions he often asked himself nowadays. If he was honest with himself, it was another question he had no answer to. He just had so many conflicted feelings regarding him inside of him that he didn't knew if he would be happy or angry or sad or would feel nothing when he would first met him. His lack of answers to his own questions was making him feel slightly stupid as well.
He worried a lot about his parents as well. He could see how much all of this was affecting them even if they wanted to hide it from him. He knew how much his mom was blaming herself for his cousin never getting the help he needed due to her failing to notice all the red flags regarding him until it was too late to do anything and he could tell his dad felt the same about it as he often attended the family gatherings as well and often asked Sandra and Ryoma about Y/N. This is why he was hiding how he was really feeling away from them for now. They already had enough on their plate and he didn't want to bother them with this...
Akihiko was suddenly pushed out his thoughts a second later as he bumped into someone on his way. He must have focused himself too much in his thoughts and didn't notice this person because of it. He backed away a bit, looking at the person in front of him with a starled and apologetic look on his face as he saw the person he had just bumped into. It was a girl. She was a bit strange from his first impression of her. Her hairstyle was dreadlocks and her hair color was pink. Her clothes and skin were all dirtied up in oil as well.
"Whoops! Sorry! I was looking where I was going!" The pink haired girl apologized to him in a sheepish manner as she composed herself after bumping into him. Takuya could feel the energy in her voice even if she looked tired, "I just was so pumped out after trying out my new baby in the woods that I couldn't contain my excitement and lost the track of my surroundings."
Akihiko raised his brow at her choice of words, "Baby?"
"Yup! My inventions are my babies." The pink haired girl nodded in confirmation, chuckling a bit at his reaction as she noticed there was something off about Akihiko's looks. Her mind clicked what it was a second later and her eyes lit up with an interested excitement at this, "Are you a foreigner? I don't met those everyday!"
Akihiko shook his head, "No. I'm not. I'm just Half-American on my moms side. I was raised in this country as well."
"Oh! I see. Cool." The pink haired girl nodded in understanding, keeping her smile on her face, "I haven't seen you around here before. Are you here to stay in the safe zone?"
Akihiko nodded in confirmation, "Yes. Me and my parents just arrived here and I left to get to know the place a bit more."
"Alrighty." The pink haired girl voiced her understanding of his words, looking like she was a feeling a bit sorry for him having to be relocated to the safe zone and asked him. She leaned closer to him with a welcoming and offering smile on her face, "Hey. Since you're new here and all, I could show you around a bit."
"Really?" Akihiko's eyes widened a bit at this offer.
The pink hared girl nodded in confirmation, "Yup. You said it yourself you're new here and I can tell you doesn't really know anyone around here. We could get to know each other a bit better as well if you want to. I could introduce you to some of my friends from my class as well. This way you'll have some friends around your age you could hang around with during your stay here. You could use it as well as it is unknown how long you will stay here."
"Alright. Sounds good to me." Akihiko smiled at the eccentric girl in a grateful manner. Despite having just met her, he could already feel himself taking a liking in her. He looked at her questioningly a second later, "What's your name, by the way?"
"Right. I haven't given you my name. The Support Course student Hatsume Mei at your service! Nice to meetcha!" Hatsume introduced herself to him with a bright tired smile on her face as she held her hand out to him for a handshake.
"My name is Okuda Akihiko. It's nice to meet you too." Akihiko introduced himself in return to her, his smile growing a bit as he grabbed her hand into hers and gave it af firm shake. Perharps his stay at this zone won't be so bad. Or at least he hoped that would be the case here...
Toga stared sadly at the pink handkerchief in her hand, leaving herself with her thoughts as she sat all by herself outside the cave where she and everyone else have taken shelter in yesterday. She left the cave by herself some time ago, wanting to be left alone with her thoughts and remained there for a while now. The view from the place she was in right now on the forest around the cave was really beautiful as well. She had to admit this to herself even if she wasn't paying attention to it right now.
The blonde haired girl let out a sigh, finding herself thinking about Twice once again as she clutched the handkerchief tightly and hugged it again. If she was honest with herself, she lost the count of how many times she did this by this point. She still couldn't believe Twice was gone and didn't want to accept this. She just couldn't. She would give anything to hear his voice again and to hear him contradict himself again. The thought of Twice was making her slightly angry at the same time as she couldn't help but think of Haws whenever it came up in her mind. Words couldn't describe how much she wanted to gut Hawks right now.
She pulled the handkerchief away from her a second later, setting her eyes on it again as she found herself thinking about someone else. The said person was Mustard. Just like with Twice, she couldn't believe Mustard was gone. The only bright side in all of this was Mustard being still alive. It was making her feel slightly better about it. Just slightly, though as it didn't change the fact that Mustard was locked up somewhere and wasn't with her right now.
Toga sighed sadly, finding herself thinking about Mustard more right after her thoughts brought him up to her. Twice's death was already hard for her to deal with, but Mustard's capture just made everything even worse for her. The knowledge of her losing both Twice and Mustard on the same day made her feel absolutely crushed on the inside and she didn't feel so bad even when she was still living with her parents. Her conversation with Ochaco didn't help
She pulled her handkerchief aside and reached into her pocket where she kept a small piece of paper hidden. The paper was folded, hiding from her what it was showing. She unfolded it a second later. It was a drawing of her made by Mustard. He made it for her on the Valentine's Day after she bothered him how no one gave her anything on the said day while Y/N and Origami were out having their wedding fun. Mustard got tired of her constantly bringing this up around her and told her he'll draw her if she'll shut up.
Needless to say. Toga happily accepted her offer and happily posed for him when he worked on his drawing of her. When he was done with it and showed it to her, Toga loved it so much and decided to keep it close to herself. In fact She actually came close to confessing to him when he made her the said drawing but stopped herself in the last moment as she recalled how Mustard reacted when they almost kissed during their pool fun with Y/N and Origami.
Looking back at it right now, she really wished she said how she felt about himself back then. At least this way he would know she feels about him. Now she had no idea when she'll get a chance to do it. If she'll get a chance to do it again. She had no idea what the future had in store for her. With the heroes showing how they are ready to kill them by going against them like what happene with Twice and Tengai, then they probably would be willing to do the same with her for all she knew.
She didn't talk with anyone from the League about it for now as all of them were busy with their own stuff right now. She wasn't exactly sure what the others were doing right now but she was certain what some of them were doing and it was enough for her to keep to herself for now. Y/N was the best example of it left on his mission to come into contact with the remaining members of the Paranormal Liberation Front. He was dealing with his own stuff as well as Toga could see how badly her friend was affected by everything even if he was trying to brush this off. A single glance at him told him everything she had to know.
Dabi was a good example of it as well. Despite her wanting to talk with him and express her gratitude for taking her handkerchief from Dabi's body, the scarred villain kept to himself since yesterday. If Toga was honest with herself, him discovering he's related with Geten probably had something to do with it. She overheard Geten talking with Skeptic and Kizuki how he needs to talk with Dabi about his family history this morning and it was probably why Dabi was keeping to himself.
The third and the last good example she could think of right now was Spinner. His video and interview gathered lots of attention from the heteromorph community in their country and many of them were openly voicing their support of him. as Skeptic, Kizuki, Kitagawa and Narukami instantly used this to their advantage by spreading the heteromorph rights message across the country, using Spinner as the face for it.
Spinner himself didn't know how to deal with this right now as all he seemed to think about at the moment was Shigaraki who remained in his sleepy state for now. He had shown himself to be constantly annoyed with whatever All For One was doing as well, just like he did this morning when the Nomus brought All For One a seat which seemed more like a throne than a normal seat. She couldn't blame him for this, though. She found this annoying as well.
"Himiko-chan. There you are...!" She was pushed out of her thoughts by Origami's voice. Toga shifted her gaze away from the drawing of her and the handkerchief and shifted it to the source of the voice. She saw her best friend walking towards her. She wasn't alone, though. She was accompanied by Magne, Minene and Slice.
Magne smiled at Toga in a slightly relieved manner, "We've been looking everywhere for you."
"I see." Toga replied replied as he turned away from all of them and looked ahead of herat the forest in front of them Her voice lacked any emotion. Just like it did ever since she reunited with the rest. She kept her gaze ahead of herself as Origami, Magne, Minene and Slice got closer to her.
"What are you doing here all by herself? You didn't tell us you'll be going somewhere as well?" Origami asked with worry for her best friend evident in her voice as she sat down on the ground next to Toga. Magne, Slice and Minene wasted no time and sat down on the ground as well, taking their seats close to Toga.
"I just wanted to be alone for a bit with my thoughts." Toga gave her an honest answer.
Origami looked at her with a worried look on her face, "Himiko-chan..."
"You know you wouldn't bother us if you stopped by and talked with us for a bit, right?" Magne added with a worried look on her face, wanting to make sure Toga knew about it and knew she could count on them in her grief as she moved her arm towards Toga and wrapped it around her. She brought Toga a bit closer to her and Toga didn't push her away, not minding it, "You know we're all here for you, right? We know how close you were to Twice, after all."
"I know. I just felt like being alone for a moment." Toga replied, pressing her head against Magne's body to show she appreciated her being there for her. The same went for everyone else around her. The fact that all of them went looking for her to see how she was doing really made her happy on the inside. Even if she didn't show it to them.
Origami smiled slightly at the moment between Magne and Toga and shifted her attention away from them a second later and saw a piece of paper with a drawing of Toga. She raised her brow in interest at the view of it, "What is this?"
"It's a drawing Hiroto-kun made for me on the Valentine's Day." Toga explained, pulling her head away from Toga to look at the drawing as Origami grabbed the drawing and lifted it up to her face to take a good look at it.
Magne looked pleasantly suprised by it "Really? He made it for you without anyone forcing him to do it?"
Toga shook her head, "No. Let's just say I bugged him a bit to the point he annoyed enough to make me shush down a bit by drawing it."
Origami smiled slightly, "I see."
"Sounds more like him." Magne added, smilling a bit herself.
Toga nodded in agreement, knowing it was exactly how Mustard would act, "I just wish I could tell him that I love him in that moment. Maybe things would be slightly different now if I did..."
"You love him, Toga-chan?" Magne asked with a gentle look on her face. Even though Toga had just admitted to something like this, her face showed no suprise as it was something she saw coming a long time ago.
"Yes. I do. I know it's not the way I thought I loved Izuku and Ochaco. I know it's a normal type of love. Like the one people who don't have my struggles feel." Toga confirmed it to her friends, knowing there's no need in hiding this from them as Origami, Magne, Minene and Slice all exchanged smiles with each other. None of them seemed suprised by this, though. Something Toga quickly took notice of, "You don't seem suprised by it."
Slice's smile grew slightly, "You made it quite obvious to us with how you acted around him."
"You and Origami-chan have something in common. Both of you are not good at hiding your feelings towards someone." Magne added with a smile on her face as Origami blushed slightly upon being brought up here. Magne shifted her gaze between them and smiled, "You two really are besties."
"I suppose." Toga replied. Her blank tone always showed emotion here. It was enough to make all of her friends, even Origami in her blushing state, smile.
Origami pushed herself out of her blushy state and placed her hand on Toga's shoulder in a warm comforting manner, "Don't worry. We'll get him back soon enough. You'll see. Soon enough. He'll be back with us and you'll tell him how you feel. Just like I did with Y/N."
"That's what I'm planning to do." Toga nodded, making it her first intention when she'll see Mustard again. Whenever it will happen again, she was not going to miss out on her chance like she did on the Valentine's day, "What about you, Origami-chan? How are you feeling with Y/N being out there all by himself?"
Origami tried to brush her concerns off, "Don't worry. Even if I'm worried about Y/N being there all by himself, I know he can handle himself. I just wish he stopped blaming himself about everything that went wrong for in the last few days as I can tell it's killing him on the inside. The only person who is to blame for that is Hawks."
"I know." Toga nodded in agreement as her face darkened a bit at the mention of Hawks.
"Your men are really going to be the death for you two, huh?" Magne tried to joke a bit to lit up the atmosphere between them. It worked a bit as Minene and Slice couldn't help themselves and chuckled. Origami smiled a bit and Toga even had a hint of a smile on her face. It was the closest all of them saw her to smilling ever since she rejoined them.
"I tried talking with Geten about it this morning. He told me we can talk about it later, though as he wants to talk with Dabi about it before anyone else." Slice explained. She took a brief pause and asked the others once the said pause was done, "Should we even keep calling him Dabi if we know his real name?"
Magne rubbed the back of her head, "I think we should stick with Dabi for now. I wouldn't be suprised if he'll feel uncomfortable if we'll start calling him Toya all of a sudden."
"We should wait until he'll want us to call him by his real name. If that day ever comes of course. If it will never come, then we'll stick to calling him Dabi. We're not forcing people to do stuff they don't want in our organization." Origami replied. She kept her mouth open, looking like she wanted to add something. Her words died in her throat all of a sudden, though and she placed her hand over her mouth as if she was trying to hold back a vomit. Everyone instantly took notice of her behavior and looked at her in concern.
Toga raised her brow, "Origami-chan?"
"You okay?" Minene asked.
Origami pulled her hand away from her mouth and nodded in an assuring manner, "Yeah. For a moment I felt like something in my stomach like I was going to puke. It was false alarm, though."
"You vomited again this morning. Maybe it can be something serious." Magne pointed out in concern as Slice looked at her lieutenant and friend with a suspicious look on her face.
Origami shook her head, "I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's probably due to the stress of the last few days."
"If you say so." Magne replied with her concern still evident in her voice.
"Do you want me to give you a massage?" Minene offered a second later, "Maybe it would help you relax a bit."
"Thank you. I wouldn't that." Origami smiled gratefully at the offer as Minene smiled back at her and got up from her sitting spot. She stopped behind Origami and got herself on her knees before placing her hands on her back. Not wasting any time, she started massaging the younger girl and Origami smiled at the feeling, loving it like she always did when Minene massaged her, "I don't think I'll ever stop loving your massages."
"Glad to know my services are still up to your liking." Minene smiled at Origami's compliment, "Daiki-kun and Yumiko-chan really made the right choice by talking me out of my original job choice."
Origami looked over her shoulder with a curious look on her face, "You know. You actually never told us what was your original job choice."
Minene raised her brow in confusion, "I didn't? I'm sure I did tell you what my original job choice was a while ago."
Origami shook her head, "No. If you did, then I wasn't present for it."
"I can't recall you ever telling me or the others about it as well." Magne added as Toga and Slice silently nodded in agreement.
"I see. Then, I suppose I can tell you what it was then. Especially since all of you seem so curious about it." Minene told them as Origami, Toga, Magne and Slice stare at her with their faces showing curiosity and interest in a smaller or bigger way. The purple haired woman gave them her answer a second later, "You see. My original job choice was an adult film actress. I was planning to move to the US as I'm fluent in this in their language and start my career there."
Origami, Toga, Magne and Slice smiled at her answer, nodding in understanding as their minds didn't process what Minene just said and took it as a normal answer from her. They glanced away from Minene, focusing themselves on something else now. It wasn't too long before their minds processed what they've been just told by Minene, though. All of them snapped their heads back towards her in an instant with their faces showing their reactions in their own ways.
Origami blushed slightly as she stuttered out, "...W-What?"
"You heard me right." Minene nodded in confirmation.
Magne pinched the bridge of her nose, "I don't know what I'm more disappointed by. By the fact that I didn't saw it coming or the fact that I'm not suprised by it."
"Are you you serious right now?" Slice asked, having no idea whether Minene was messing with them to lit up the mood a bit or not.
"Yup." Minene once again nodded in confirmation as Origami, Toga, Magne and Slice stared at her like they didn't know what to make of this. She raised her brow in confusion at Slice's question, "Why do you need to ask me if I'm serious or not, though? You already know I'm a pretty open and sexual person when it comes to both men and women. When I was thinking of my future career when I was a few years ago, I thought it would be perfect for me as it would allow me to explore myself."
"...I see." Slice replied, unusure how else she should respond to this. Now that she thought about this, she had to agree with Magne here. She hated the fact that she wasn't really suprised by this now that she thought about. It sounded like something Minene would absolutely be interested in.
"A-Arasaka-san and Takeuchi-san talked you out of this, right?" Origami asked, her blush still evident on her face. Even if Minene couldn't see it as Origami continued to face her with her back.
"Yup. They did." Minene chuckled a bit at Origami's blushing, finding it amusing how it was embarassing for her even if her and Y/N being at this stage of their relationship at this point was pretty obvious to her, "It took them a while to talk me out of this but they managed to do so. They raised a few valid points to me as well when they convinced so I ultimately settled down for a massager in beauty salon."
"Thank God they did if you ask me..." Magne muttered under her breath.
Slice nodded in agreement, "You're telling me..."
Not much happened for Y/N after his breakfast with Alice where they watched the morning news together and found out some new information regarding the situation in their country. He excused himself right after he was done with his food, having ate the amount which wouldn't make Alice worried and went to the couch in the living where he left himself with his thoughts. What he saw in the TV when he had his breakfast was a lot and he wanted to process everything.
He mostly thought about this parents and what happened to them. He wanted to see if his feelings their deaths will change once he will shake himself off the "just watched' feeling and nothing changed this regard. He still felt nothing about their deaths. For him, it was like finding out some strangers had died. There was something he was sure about when it came to their deaths. He hoped in their final moments they felt the same fear he felt whenever they mistreated him.
The only small emotion he could sense in himself regarding their deaths was disappointment. He wanted them to stay alive and have to life out their consequnces by having their lives destroyed and having to live the rest of their lives with their precious reputations destroyed for raising someone like him. The feeling of disappointment was quickly destroyed, leaving him feeling unbothered by their deaths, though. He got what he wanted in the end, though. His parents lives were destroyed and they died knowing their reputation is destroyed and died knowing they will be remembered as the parents of the Mask.
"...Y/N." He was pushed out of this thoughts by Alice a second later. Y/N shook his head a bit, leaving himself away from his thoughts and looked up at her. He saw the blonde haired woman looking down at him with a slightly concerned look on her face.
The h/c haired boy looked at her questioningly, "Yes?"
Alice wasted no time and quickly voiced what , "Are you okay? You've been laying like this for about an hour now. I was starting to get concerned as you almost looked like you were in trance whenever I went to check on you and didn't even notice me."
"Yes.I just needed to think for a bit after I saw the news regarding my parents." Y/N nodded in confirmation as he hid some parts of the truth from her. He was fine on the part where his parents had died. When it came to everyone else, however, he remained the same. She didn't knew about it and he intended to keep it that way, "You don't need to worry about anything. I'm fine. Really."
Alice eyed Y/N once he replied to her, wanting to know if he was telling the truth or not. She could say he was being truthful about his parents. She saw there was something else about him, though. She didn't push it, though as she knew probably nothing would come out of it, "Alright. I already suspected that would be the case as I don't think you would be affected by your parents death due to all the obvious reasons. I just wanted to make sure."
"Alright. Thank you your concern." Y/N nodded in understanding, "Do you need anything else?"
"Yes. I do." Alice nodded in confirmation, "I'm sorry if I'll anger you a bit, but you need to take a shower."
Y/N raised his brow, "A shower?"
"Yeah. No offense to you, but you look like you could use." Alice nodded in confirmation as she crossed her arms. Before Y/N could object it in any way, she used the same tactic on him that she used when he was insisting he didn't need her food, "You can call it as another way of returning the favor for allowing you to stay in my apartament."
"Alright." Y/N replied, not wanting to abuse her hospitality further, but he doubted she would take no for an answer here.
Alice smiled at him, gladdened to see Y/N understood she would have him take a shower no matter what she would say as Y/N got up from the couch. She motioned with her hand to follow him and went to the other part of her apartament with Y/N following her. After getting a clean towel out of the closet, the blonde haired young woman took him to the bathroom and handed him the towel to him before ushering him inside.
"I'll be in the living room if you'll need anything." Alice smiled at him as she closed the bathroom door and left him inside all by himself.
Y/N stared over his shoulder, watching how Alice closed the door to the bathroom. He turned away from the door a second later and looked at his refiection in the mirror. He sighed. If he was honest with himself, he couln't blame Alice for thinking he needed a shower. A person would be able to tell he didn't wash himself for days from a mile away. His lack of food and lack of sleep state was not helping him with his looks as well.
He shifted his attention away from the mirror a second later, deciding to get this over with as he knew Alice won't leave him alone until he'll have his shower. He began undressing himself by taking off his hoodie. Just as he took off his hoodie and threw it on the floor, something fell out of one it's pockets. Y/N heard it hitting the floor and glanced down where he saw what it was. It was Eri's letter.
The h/c haired boy kept his eyes on the latter, finding himself forgetting about the shower he was about to take as he found himself thinking about it. The letter kept coming up to him ever since he received if from Izuku after their conversation and he always brushed this off by finding some excuse to why he couldn't read it in the moment. He let out a sigh as he found himself thinking he really couldn't read it in those moments or if it was just an excuse to keep postponing it.
Y/N sighed, finding himself thinking about it until finally getting the answer to it. He knew the latter was the case and he just kept postponing it as in reality he was probably too afraid to read it. Why? He had no idea. Maybe he was too nervous to see what Eri had to say him. He knew he won't get the answer to it if he'll keep postponing, though. He knew he had to read it if he wanted to get rid of all the feelings he had about this letter.
Letting out a sigh, Y/N decided to finally read this letter. Wanting to get this letter and whatever it contained over with, he picked the envelope up from the ground and opened it. He pulled the letter out of the envelope and took a look at it. What instantly caught his attention about it was Eri's handwriting. It was much better than it was when he first started teaching her and he could see how much she had improved since then. Y/N smiled at this. He had to admit. It made him feel proud of Eri.
His smile faded away a second later as he got to reading her letter and saw what she had to say to him
To my hero,
Thank you for being there for me when I was all alone and had no one else.
Thank you for offering me your kind hands.
Thank you for saving me from Kai.
Thank you for showing me I'm not a curse.
I just want you to know that you will always be my hero for what you did for me and I can't wait to see you again. Izuku and Mirio promised me that it will happen soon and I hope it will happen. I only wish you were there when I'll smile for the first time. No matter what happens, I hope you will do what's right and will continue to do amazing things. Just like you did when you protected me and saved me from Kai.
Eri :)
Y/N stared at the letter silently upon finishing it, allowing himself to think about everything Eri had to say to him and to process all of this. She clutched it with his hands, almost tearing it apart in the process as he focused on the part of it where Eri brought him doing amazing things. This part was more than enough to make him understand how much she was in into Izuku's idea of saving him and how hopeful she must have been when it came to that.
The h/c haired boy shook his head. He could only imagine how hurt she must have been when she found out what choice he made. He imagined the hurt look on her face when she was told about about his choice. It made him feel hurt on the inside even if it was something he did not regret and something he was not going to back away from. He meant what he said to Izuku earlier and he intended to stick towards his goal.
"I'm sorry, Eri, but that's not gonna happen. I can't abandon my friends and my goal. Even if I wanted to, It's already too late for me." He thought to himself. Even if he wanted to leave, he doubted he could do it right now due to everything he did. What would even happen if he suddenly changed to switch sides. He would instantly get jailed for life and he was not going to let that happene. It would stop him from achieving his goal.
He pushed himself away from those thoughts a second later as his thoughts flew back to Eri. He thought to the tone of her letter. He could see how it was filled with hope and trust she had in him. The hope and trust which must have been gone now when he made his decision. He completely broke the trust she must have had with him and he wouldn't be suprised if what she thought about him had changed. He was suprised how hurt he felt by the thought of her hating him...
What made everything worse for him was him realizing Eri wasn't the only one whose trust he broke. Shigaraki's trust in him keeping everything in check during his absence. Twice's trust. Tengai's trust. Mr. Compress trust. Rappa's trust. Mustard's trust. Eri's trust in seeing him again soon. Even Re-Destro's trust in him being a good co-commander of their army. Simply the trust of everyone. So many people had put their trust in him and he failed each one of them. All of them trusted him and most of them were now captured. With Twice and Tengai paying the worst price by trusting him as they lost their lives.
It was when all the negative emotions he had pilled in himself over the course of the last few days had exploded and it wasn't long before tears came into his ears. He tried to blink them away. He wasn't going to cry. He had no cry in this situation. This situation was his own fault and he had no right being sad about it. He should just suck it up and work towards fixing everything he had ruined with his poor decisions.
However, it was easier said than done. His tears didn't vanish. In fact, they only intensified. It was just a matter of seconds before his tears turned into a full crying. If someone would see him right now, then they would think he is about to have an emotional breakdown. He couldn't stop himself. All the boiled up feelings of hate and anger he had towards himself just exploded. He failed everyone and now everyone he cared about was suffering consequences of it and was hurting.
"Y/N. You okay? I'm not hearing the water." Alice's voice rang through his ears a moment later as she knocked on the door to the bathroom was few times. When she receinved no answer from Y/N who continued to sob to himself, she warned him about coming in and opened the bathroom door. Her face instantly became concerned when she saw Y/N crying his eyes out, "...Y/N? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
Y/N slowly turned towards Alice, throwing the letter on the floor and saw Alice looking at him with a concerned filled expression on her face. He tried to brush her off. Like he always did wth anyone who displayed concern towards him. No words came out of his mouth, though. He couldn't get anything out of himself right now. All He just stared at her while crying as it was all he was capable of doing in the moment.
Alice stared at Y/N, seeing him having a breakdown in front of her as her concern for him grew once she didn't gave her any answer. She gently pushed herself into walk towards him, seeing he was in pain right now and needed someone to be there for him. She stopped in front of him a second later and gently wrapped her arms around him as she gave him a comforting hug. Y/N instantly reacted to her hug and pressed his body against hers, all but crumbling into a tight embrace
"Shh. It's okay. I'm here for you. It's gonna be alright. Just let it all out." She told him, restying her head on top of his as she lighty patted his upper back. She squeezed Y/N tightly, intending to keep holding him for as long as she'll have to. No matter if it will lasts a couple of minutes or a couple of hours. She was going to keep doing it until he'll calm down.
Finally watched Murder Drones. V is my favourite character. If you watched the show, then I think you will know why, lol.
We got the confirmation MHA will be ending on August 5. I'm a bit sad about it ending as well as I've been following the story for about three years now. Neverthless. I'm glad to have been on the board of this story for the last three years, no matter how it will end. I just hope Horikoshi will take a break once he'll finish the story in August due to his health problems as well.
We'll be getting a new Regular Show show and I'm super excited for it. Since Quintel is developing this, I have high hopes.
Replayed Half Life 2 with both episodes and Entropy Zero 2 (words can't describe how much I wish this mod was canon) and had tons of fun with them. Now I really wish I had a VR so I could play Half Life Alyx...Now I'm thinking about replaying Mass Effect. Time to romance Liara and be bros with Garrus again, lol.
I saw the new Helluva Boss episode and I liked it. I really felt bad for Blitzo here as you could see how much the poor guy hates himself. I really wanted to give him a hug when he admitted to Verosika how he doesn't want to be like this anymore. Seeing Verosika again after all this time was great and seeing this episode made me like her character more. I love that we found out Verosika is genuinely such a nice and vulnerable character when she is being herself and not the bitchy diva persona. Her hosting these parties not to shame any of Blitzo's exes, but to reassure them that they're not alone in what they're going through was super nice of her. Her being so nice to Stolas the entire nice was great of her as well.
Seeing Martha and Mrs. Mayberry together was probably the least thing I expected to see in this episode. I literally went "Wait. What?" and paused the video when the scene with both of them came up, lol. However, I'm still waiting for them to address Stolas' faults and how he wasn't completely blameless in what went down between him and Blitzo. It was nice seeing him having fun for once, though.
I saw the new episode with Dabi vs Shoto stuff and I loved it. Bones did a great job with their fight. They handled the the final part of his backstory really well as well. It was more heartbreaking than seeing it on the paper. The look in Toya's face when he found out he was asleep for three years was just so heartbreaking and I know I'm repeating myself at this point, I really wanted to give him a hug there...
Alice's info card:
Alice Westbrook
Quirk: None
Affiliation: None. Is a supporter of the Mask, though.
Birthday: 24th Novermber
Height: 170 cm
Blood Type: A
Likes: Sudoku, Classical Music
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