Chapter 1 Part 2 - Preparation

A/N - I owned everything in this story, so please credit me before using my characters. Now, enjoy!

PS - Special thanks to my closest friend who is like a brother to me, and my co-writer.

Lexi flies off to the supermarket and lands as she carefully takes out a cart due to her super strength and moves on as she start to go shopping.

She sighs and thinks, ("God... first day of the job and already, I feel like I'm screwing things up, unlike my seemingly perfect brother.")

She never hates her brother... well, besides a few times in a typical brother-sister way. While she does respect and look up to her brother, she couldn't help but feel insecure over her brother being the more charismatic and experienced of the two.

She shakes her head and thinks, ("No! Bad Lexi! Bad! Focus on your brother's birthday tomorrow! Come on!")

Earlier, her dad asked her to pick up some eggs and flour for Ryan's birthday cake. She sighs and mentally wishing she can just go straight home to watch anime while eating some sushi, which reminds her as she spots a small box of sushi, and her mouth starts to drool a bit as she looks around and snatches the box as she puts it on her cart.

("Mmmm, sushi!") Lexi thought happily.

She has always been a massive fan of Japanese cuisines. Katsu chicken, ramen, sushi, anything in mind, albeit she is a bit embarrassed that the reason she loves them is because she loves anime and manga ever since she's seven years old.

Her eyes sparkles as she licks her lips and she continues on her shopping where she looks for the eggs and flour. As she's shopping, she overhears a small boy yelling "Look mama! The Defender's sister!"

"Oh! It would seem she is." The mother agreed. "But you shouldn't be yelling that out loud."

("... Of course I would be just known as his sister... that's it.") Lexi frowned a bit at the thought, than she puts on a small smile at the small boy. "Hello there! And yes, I am the Defender's little sister, also known as Lady Protect!"

"... Lady who?" The boy blurted out in a rather rude tone, "I don't care about that. I wanna see the Defender!"

"Tommy! That is very rude!" The mother lectured him as she pulls his ear, though thankfully not too roughly. "I am so, so so sorry about his comment."

"I-It's okay, miss. I only just started out as a hero." Lexi explained to her, ("I guess it's super obvious since I'm still wearing my costume and my red hair is very unique compared to most other red heads. Still... that comment.")

"Hey hey!" The boy shouted, "Where's Defender? I wanna have his autograph!"

"Say please." The mother told him off.

"... Please." The boy said.

"Of course." Lexi agreed to it, "Just give me the autograph and I will have my brother sign it. Than I'll ask GUARD public section to send it back to you."

"Yay! Thanks Defender's sister!" The boy cheered happily as he conveniently have a photo of her brother standing proudly like a true superhero, and gives it to her. "Here you go."

"You welcome." Lexi replied back, "Now, I should continue on grocery shopping right now."

"Bye Defender's sister!" The boy called out as he runs off, much to his mother's exhaustion.

"Oh no! Not again! T-Thank you, once again!" The mother thanked her before chasing after her son.

Lexi takes a deep breath as she looks at the autograph and her eyes lowers a bit where she's thinking, ("I hope one day... I can finally step out of my brother's shadows and be known as Lady Protect rather than Defender's sister.")

She takes a deep breath and shakes her head again as she wonders if she would ever stand out from her brother. Than again, her brother is the most popular guy of the world as he is considered the number one hero; he's good looking, powerful, and charismatic that she often asks if she's truly his sister since their personalities are rather different despite the fact they're both Ogviks.

From her brother's stories, the Ogviks were once a race of honourable warriors, but was driven to extinction and they are the last ones standing nowadays. She is a bit sad that she would not have a chance to meet her biological family and learn more about her race, but she is decently happy with her life on Earth.

Despite the fact they have the same power set, Ryan is much more experienced in utilising his strengths and good at covering up his weaknesses. Unlike Lexi who only just started out and has no idea how to utilise it properly just yet. She only knows the basics on using her powers, but not the more advanced techniques she could take advantage of.

Than again, her brother is better at everything than her that it makes her feel inadequate compared to him. While she does look up to him, that doesn't mean she couldn't feel insecure over herself. She doesn't understand why GUARD, the organisation that started the whole superhero thing in the first place, would place another Ogvik into Ryan's team.

"Excuse ma'am. You're holding up the line."

"Ah!" Lexi yelped in surprise as she realised that she was so deep in thoughts that she lost track of what she's doing, which was paying. "S-Sorry."

She quickly pays for the groceries to the cashier, puts all of it on a plastic bag and rushes out in a bit of a panic. She sighs out of embarrassment over not paying too much attention to her surroundings. She puts the cart back and holds her bag as she flies off to go back home.

While flying, she becomes lost in thoughts once again... looking back at Oliver's words.


"So? You expect me to give her special treatment just because of who her brother is?" The man named Oliver complained. "Not going to happen."

"Come on, man." Zac called him out, "She just got here and you're already giving her a hard time!"

"Psst, having a newbie here would only hinder our team!" Oliver argued back, "We need an experienced hero, not someone who had no idea how the hero society works!"

"Hey! What's with the arguments?" Another woman called out as she walked up to the group.

She is a very tall woman who has long, icy blue hair, very pale skin, blue eyes that resemble sapphire crystals, and blue lips. She wears a regal, white dress that blends well with her skin, and blue diamond earrings.

"It's Oliver being an dick again!" Zac told her.

"I am not!" Oliver denied it, "I am simply pointing out that having a newcomer would not benefit us at all."

(Flashback ends)

She sighs at that memory. Even though it was a few hours ago... Oliver is right somewhat. She's a complete newbie, not a veteran superhero like the others since she knows all of the others were superheroes long before the Hero Squad was formed by GUARD where they are considered the best of the best.

She couldn't comprehend on why she was chosen to join Hero Squad. Was it her brother? Very likely, which only upsets her a bit that the only reason she was chosen was because of her brother's influence, not for her skills nor personality.

She struggles to stop thinking about it, even though she should focus on helping their parents on Ryan's birthday. Which reminds her, she decides to look back on fond memories to keep her mind off from Oliver's comment and the little boy.

It's been so many years since she and her brother was adopted by a human couple who loved and cared for them. Even if she is curious about her native planet, she still consider Earth as her home and her adopted parents as her real parents. Though, looking back on her memories, her brother has always been rather vague about their planet and race, than again, it's very likely because their entire race were extinct, so definitely bad memories were involved.

She also remembering that, despite their friendly relationship, they are a bit distant due to Ryan's heavy workload as a superhero, but she smiles, knowing that she can finally work alongside with her brother from now on.

Than again, it isn't like she joined to support her family. Their family is rather well off thanks to her brother's status, but live a modest and stress free lifestyle regardless since their parents are laid back people.

("Oh! There's home!") Lexi realised as she flies down to a big, but simple house as she checks the groceries, where she notices some of the eggs were cracked. ("Oh no! Some of the eggs got destroyed! Crap!")

Lexi panicked a bit as she quickly kneel down and sees some of the yolks were leaking out, which makes her start panicking even more.

"A-AAAAHHHHH!!!" Lexi screamed in panic, which a middle aged man slams the door wide open in a panic.

"Alexandra Glover?! What happened here?!" The man yelled out in shock and panic.

"... I ruined the eggs." Lexi mumbled while getting teary eyed.

The man pauses for a moment and sighs as he facepalms. He says, "Lexi... how many times have your mother told you?"

"Not to fly while carrying delicate things."Lexi paused for a moment and answered his question.

"Than why did you do it?" The man asked her in a strict tone.

"I-I wanted to hurry home for the cake..." Lexi whimpered.

"Luckily, there is grocery shop nearby and I just finished wrapping the presents." The man said. "So, please clean up as I get some eggs and you bring the flour to your mum."

"Y-Yeah, dad. I will." Lexi answered.

"Good." Her dad smiled as he pets her head and went out.

Lexi tries to avoid dropping the yolk filed bag and puts on the sink where she tries to clean up the flour bag where she uses some wet tissues to clean it. She does the same thing for the sushi box and she throws the plastic in the bin while turning on the sink to wash off the leftover yolk.

"Good. It's all done." Lexi smiled proudly.

"Alexandra Glover!"

("Oh no.") Lexi thought in fear as she looks behind her awkwardly where she sees her mum having a rather sinister smile, "M-Mum... I can explain!"

"I hope so because I found droplets of yolk. On. The. Floor!" Her mum said angrily while keeping that smile.

"I-I'm sorry, mum..." Lexi stuttered.

"What did I said about flying while carrying fragile things?!" Her mum lectured her while pinching her ear.

"Ow! Okay, okay. I get it, now." Lexi begged.

"Than why did you do it if you know?" Her mum questioned her.

"I-I'm sorry, mum!"

"You better be young lady!" Her mother called her out as she stops pinching her ear.

"Of course, of course." Lexi responded, "By the way, dad is buying some eggs from nearby."

"Good." Her mum replied. "I'll wait for your father, so just try to do to the placements of the presents to the dinner table. Oh! And don't break them! Be careful with them!"

"I'll be careful, don't worry!" Lexi said as she pick up the presents for Ryan on the dining table. "Heh. Pretty easy."

"Hey Lexi. Can you prepare the decorations for tomorrow?" Her mum asked her, "It should be at the basement."

"I will, mum." Lexi responded as she opens the door to the basement and goes downstairs where she switch on the lights and find the box filled with birthday decorations.

Just as she is about to pick it up, her phone suddenly calls and she picks it up. It's from Ryan.

"Hey bro, what's up?" Lexi asked him through the call.

"Well... I'm calling because I'm gonna be extra busy tomorrow." Ryan told her.

"Wha-wait, why?!" Lexi blurted out in a shock and upset tone.

"I have a very important meeting with my team." Ryan explained to her.

"Okay, than I come!" Lexi said.

"Mmm... no. That isn't necessary." Ryan told her.

"Huh? Why?" Lexi asked him in shock. "Aren't we a team?"

Ryan pauses for a moment, and Lexi hears a deep sigh from the other side just as Ryan answers, "Sorry sis. But it's a meeting between veteran superheroes. No novice ranks allowed."

"I see... but did it have to be tomorrow?!" Lexi asked him as she struggles to hold back her emotions, "Can't you just change it to next week?!"

"Sorry, but it's too important to be pushed to next week." Ryan explained to her, "I'm sorry, but maybe next time, sis."

"... Okay..." Lexi mumbled in a sadden tone, ("After all the trouble I went through for picking up a present and us getting the ingredients for the fucking cake!")

"Thanks sis," Ryan thanked her, "I knew you understand. Bye Lexi! I gotta go!"

"Okay... bye, Ryan." Lexi responded back as Ryan calls off. "... Damn it... now I have to tell everyone that the birthday got cancelled... UGH!"

Lexi groaned very loudly as she grumpily puts her phone away. She just goes backstairs and prepare herself to tell her parents the bad news. She gets out of the basement and notices her dad came back from the grocery shopping.

She sighs and mentally prepares herself as she walks up to her parents and tells, "Hey mum and dad. I got some bad news from bro."

"Huh? What happened?" Her mum asked with concern.

"Bro has a super duper important meeting tomorrow and couldn't come home at all tomorrow." Lexi explained to her in a frown expression.

Her parents pauses for a moment, and frowns a bit. Her dad sighs and says, "I'll call the others that the party is cancelled..."

"I will do the same..." Her mum replied, and turns to Lexi, "Dear... do you need to go too?"

"No," Lexi answered back, "Ryan said it's for veteran only."

"I see. In which case, you should rest up dear." Her mum told her, "You must be extremely exhausted after today."

"Yeah... it is a bit exhausting." Lexi admitted and nods as she leaves while she glances back to see her parents calling all of the people who were invited that the party have to be cancelled.

She sighs and groans as she goes to her room, which is filled with anime merchandise, video games on her shelves, and mangas as well. She goes to her bed and takes out her phone as she looks through her 'anime to watch' list.

("Mmm... maybe I'll watch something cute to cheer me up.") Lexi thought, ("Stupid Ryan! Deciding at the last minute to suddenly have a meeting! Ugh! What a dumbass!")

She sighs as she starts watching a cute anime about a fake family of a empath, spy and assassin where she tries to forget the shitty afternoon. Though, she struggles to forget about it and the more she thinks about it, the more she thought it's a bit strange that her brother suddenly had a meeting.

("Nah, those things happened a lot.") Lexi thought, ("Especially since villains have started to have a bit of a rise for some weird reason. I don't know why it happened, especially since my brother is the number one hero after all. You would think that it would decrease rather than increase? So strange. I wish I could think of a reason...")

She felt it might have to do the infamous Shinigami - a very skilled and terrifying mercenary who has a massive kill count that earned him the name of Shinigami, and the only one who could go toe to toe with Ryan because for unknown reasons since whatever he's close to him, Ryan's powers suddenly shuts down. Nobody knows his true name, ethnicity, age and face - he's a complete mystery.

The only fact that they know about him is that he's a guy. That's it. Nothing else except theories. Thinking about that guy gives Lexi the shivers, especially since she knows, from her anime knowledge, that Shinigami is basically the Grim Reaper. Even though he doesn't have the iconic scythe, he has the mask and skills of one that basically earned him that title.

Before Lexi realises, she already finished a episode of the anime, much to her dismay. She sighs and decides to change to a different anime as she just continues as watching like normal.

A/N - Here is Part 2! Finally! I got it done! Tbh, I'm pretty proud of it since I tried to add a lot of depth to Lexi and more details in her views of Ryan.

I hope you all enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a vote and have a good day, my guild! Aqua out!

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