Chapter Two
Chapter Two- 2021 words
In hindsight, it was a stupid, god-awful, absolutely terrible plan, and on the way down, Khalix got to think about it for a fair amount of time, considering he was falling to his self-driven demise. There was a 20% chance that the Heroes wouldn't arrive in time. An even higher percent change when you factored in them only getting to the park, much less reaching Khalix in time.
Khalix could have pulled that whole, "life flashing before your eyes" cliché, but no. Instead, he watched as the ground spiraled closer and closer. Then, all of a sudden his world flashed gold. He had a moment to think "What the--" before he crashed into the ground.
And then, he was weightless. He looked down to see he had bounced, however that happened. Then gravity grabbed him and he fell to the ground, only to bounce again, although not as high this time. I'm not sure if this is better or worse than any rides Steven dragged me on. He thought. Wait-- Steven-- He tried to look by the edge of the ruined tower, but he couldn't make out any shapes.
The gold shimmer around him disappeared, and Khalix was left hanging maybe ten, fifteen feet above the ground. Goddamnit gravity. He didn't hit the rough, brutal sheet of concrete, however. A pair of hands caught him before he could embarrass himself more. Or so he thought.
"Wow, guess I really fell for you, huh?" He looked up at his rescuer. The man chuckled at his statement.
"Are you okay to walk?" he asked.
"Uhhh... Nope. The world's spinning. S'not normal, right?" Khalix answered. The man frowned and walked him over to an ambulance that had come screeching into the park minutes before. He set Khalix down on the edge of the ambulance then turned to the paramedics.
"Keep an eye on this kid. He might have a concussion, and he definitely has a head wound." The man, obviously a Hero by the looks of his outfit, turned back to Khalix.
"If you have any other injuries tell these guys." With that, the Hero turned and ran back to the towers.
As soon as he left, a doctor took his place, asking how he was, shining light in his eyes, etc. It was very annoying, but Khalix decided he could deal with it. He felt like he was forgetting something, however. Then it hit him like a brick in the face. Steven.
"Hey, I'm good. I'm sure you have a lot more patients to deal with, ones with more serious injuries," Khalix says, "I promise to go see a doctor and such later, so don't worry."
The doctor looked lost for a moment before saying, "But.... Aegis told us--"
Khalix cut him off.
"Aegis probably hasn't seen the bigger picture yet. Stop wasting your time on me and help the people who need it."
Khalix left the doctor there, speechless. He walked away from the wreckage, but as soon as no one was looking, he ran straight to the base of the towers.
Khalix stopped and looked around frantically, searching for his father-figure. The world tipped in and out of view, but Khalix shook it off. He was in about the same place as before, so Steven should be trapped somewhere near.
He started to walk around the rubble, looking for any sign that someone was alive. Khalix heard a low groan. There. It was Steven it had to be! He ran over to the noise, hoping to whatever deities exist that it was him. But when Khalix got there, it was just a stranger.
Sighing, Khalix walked over and shook the man gently, trying to make him regain consciousness. He didn't. Khalix sighed and bent down in front of the man. He draped the skinny man over his shoulder and started back towards the ambulance, hoping to find Steven there or on the way. Khalix continued walking, and a bit later he was back to where he started.
"Hey," he called out to the paramedics, "this man won't wake up. Imma just going to leave him right here. Maybe take a look at him when you get a chance. "
Before the paramedics could ask any questions, Khalix was on his way back to the destruction zone. He hadn't seen Steven at the ambulances, and he didn't want to waste any more time. Khalix hadn't even walk for two minutes before he started hearing explosions. Khalix started running to the noise, knowing that it had to be Detonation going kamikaze.
As he grew closer it only got louder, before suddenly, the sound ceased. Either Detonation had been defeated, or he had defeated everyone else.
Khalix reached the clearing and saw what was happening. Aegis had wrapped shields around Detonations hands, a smart move, but there was a problem. Aegis's fatal flaw. He couldn't make any more shields, or Detonation's explosions would break through the ones on his hands. They were at a stalemate. Detonation could try and fight without his powers, and have a chance of winning, he was a big guy and could easily overwhelm Aegis, but Aegis was strong too. Not enough to ensure victory, but enough for a chance. The other option was for Aegis to convince Detonation to surrender, that if he gave up now the punishment would be less, and he had no chance of winning anyways, so why even try, which would just ultimately add on a couple more years in prison.
Right now, though, Aegis was trying the second option.
"Just give up Detonation. You gave it your best shot, and you failed." Aegis said, "You have no chance of victory. If you come with us quietly, your sentence will be kind. If you resist, though... I wouldn't mind seeing you behind bars for a couple more years. What do you think?"
Detonation growled. He obviously didn't like what he was hearing.
Detonation cut off with a grunt, and fell forwards. Everyone was confused, Khalix could tell. Then, Detonation finished falling to the ground, and Khalix saw something he never thought he would in his life. Steven was standing over Detonation, the butt of his pistol right where the Villains head had just been.
Khalix stared at the scene in shock. There was no way that had just happened. The big, bad Villain taken down, not by a Hero with all their fancy powers, but by some dude with a gun. Khalix would have sprinted over there if he wasn't so exhausted. He settled for a light jog instead. Steven was talking to Aegis and some other authorities, holding one of his arms against his side when Khalix arrived. His attention quickly shifted away from the Heroes and latched on to Khalix.
Khalix waited for him to make the first move, expecting to get the scolding of a lifetime for that stupid stunt he pulled in the tower.
After a few moments of awkward silence, Khalix spoke up. "Hey, uh, good to see you're doing okay. Okay-ish, at least."
"Young man," Steven started. Khalix gulped. Whenever Steven started something with "Young man," you knew you were in big-time trouble. "Why the hell would you fight that guy one on one." Steven never swore. Even minor curses. There's no mano-a-mano here. It's just some kid getting blown up by a Villian." He rubbed his forehead with his good hand. "But," he said reluctantly. "you did manage to keep him distracted while the Heroes were on their way. But what made you think it was a good idea to jump off the flipping tower?!" Khalix opened his mouth to say that it had seemed like a good idea at the time, but Steven cut him off.
"But, kiddo, I'm proud of you. You did good. But you truly are the world's biggest idiot."
Khalix stared at him for a second, dumbfounded. He had expected a scolding, but this? This was a nice surprise. "Aw... thanks Steven. I... I did kind of know what I was doing at the tower, though. There was like a.... 80% chance I would be okay?" he paused for a moment. "Yeah, an 80% chance."
Steven facepalmed. "An 80... an 80% chance you'd be fine. You jumped with an 80% CHANCE YOU WOULD BE FINE. Khalix... my God." his face seemed to relax a little. "I mean it is better than I thought. I thought you were all like," his voice went up an octave, "ooooh Imma go jump off the top of this tower! It'll be soooo much fun! Let's scare the crap out of Steven for the fun of it 'cause I can. Weeeeeeee!" he mocked.
Khalix's face warmed up a bit. "At least it turned out ok?"
"Yeah, at least it turned out ok." Steven said, returning to his normal voice.
That's when Khalix felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, staring straight up at Aegis.
"Aren't you that kid that I put on the ambulance?"
Khalix blinked. "No?"
Aegis just looked confused. "Are you sure, because you look at lot like the guy that fell out of the tower-"
Khalix shushed him. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just trying to enjoy my day here with my father. That dumbass kid was 10/10 not me."
What's the probability that he will believe me?
The probability that Aegis will believe your lie is 5%
Oh shit. Please make that 60%.
Of course. The probability that Aegis will believe your lie is now 60%.
"Are you sure-"
Damn. You're needy today.
Just do it.
Fine. The probability that Aegis will believe your lie is now 80%
As always.
Khalix zoned back in to the conversation. Steven, please go along with me here, He tried mentally transmitting.
"Hmm," said Aegis, "you're probably right. I must have just gotten you mixed up sorry." He still looked a little unsure, but nevertheless, he turned around and started walking towards the small crowd of police ushering him over.
"Wait..." Khalix said. "How did you get out? I thought you were stuck?"
Steven blushed slightly at the question. "Well... so you know how I had my phone on my and all? Well, I kind of just said, 'Hey, Jarbi, call 911,' and then I talked to the police and they arrived super fast and helped me out as soon as they found me. You don't happen to know why they got here so fast, do you?"
Steven raised an eyebrow.
What's the probability that he believes me?
Nope, nope, nopity, nope. Solve your own problems and stop being a bitch.
Come onnnnn. Pleaseeeeee.
Fine. I can do this without you. I didn't need you anyways. God, this is exhausting.
"I absolutely had nothing to do with it."
Steven just sighed and said, "Well, let's just finish answering questions then we'll go home."
Khalix just nodded and followed Steven over to the area they had set up for witness accounts.
↞☽ ↠
It was 11:37 P.M. and they had finally gotten home. Khalix and Steven both were exhausted. They had to get a ride from someone to the hospital and home because of Steven's arm, which was a nightmare, seeing as how the hospitals were super busy from all the other injured citizens. Besides that, questioning had taken just over an hour. So, by the time they got home, they were physically and mentally exhausted.
For this reason, they both went straight to their rooms. Khalix heard the springs on Steven's bed squeak as he laid down in the other room. Even though he was tired, he couldn't rest. Khalix had to know if anyone had videotaped his jump from the tower. So onto WeTube he went. Khalix searched for just over 30 minutes and found nothing.
Feeling satisfied that he could catch any late videos in the morning, he rolled over into his bed and fell asleep.
Heyyyyyyy! Another chapter! This one has the normal level of swearing. (I think.) Also, I use the word counter on google docs, not Wattpad's. Also, Wattpad does not take kindly to the special fonts we use, (which is very sad. They add a nice dynamic.) As always, if you see any mistakes, comment on them. See ya next time!
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