Chapter One
Chapter One- 3289 words
Khalix watched as Steven ran about the house, collecting his keys, eating breakfast, grabbing his I.D badge. The man was hopeless, the definition of a disaster. But when it came to his work, he was one of the best in the field. It was like his heart was cut from pure intentions. He would help anyone. Anyone. Khalix had learned that...
He shook his head, dispersing the memories. That was then. This was now. No. There was no time to dwell in the past. Suddenly, he was pulled from his thoughts.
"Well, kiddo," said Steven with a bright smile and finger guns, "I'll see you later, gotta run! Have fun at school! Bye!"
"Bye," Khalix responded with a weak wave. Sometimes Steven's energy was exhausting. He glanced at the clock. It was almost time for school to start. He sat there for a moment, debating if he felt like going today. Why not? He decided.
Khalix headed down to the bus stop and sat on an empty bench. The bus wasn't here yet, so he put in his earbuds and waited. Moments later, the bus showed up. And what do you know? It was practically empty. He found a seat in the back and watched the city flicker by through the windows.
He arrived at his school shortly after and went to his homeroom, which was gym class. Hooray. They were doing the triathlon today. Khalix instantly regretted showing up. Could he leave? He looked around for a way he could get out of class. Honestly, he could probably just leave. He doubted anyone would notice he was gone. But just to be safe... Khalix called for his power. Let's lower the chance of people noticing I'm not here.
But something made him hesitate. Steven. He would be so disappointed. It was like somehow he just knew if Khalix did something against school policy. Sighing, Khalix released his hold on his power. He guessed he would just have to suffer through gym today.
↞☽ ↠
Khalix tapped a pen against his desk impatiently. Just a couple more minutes before school was out. Steven had texted him during lunch and told him he was going to take Khalix somewhere fun. Where? Khalix had no idea. Anything was better than school, though.
The bell rang and Khalix was out of the building as fast as possible. He stopped, only to grab his stuff from his locker. He glanced around the parking lot for Steven's car. There. Khalix made his way to it and climbed into the passenger seat.
"Hey, kiddo!" Steven greeted. "You ready?"
"Uh, where are we going?" Khalix asked.
"You'll see," Steven answered. Khalix stared at him with an un-amused look on his face. Steven pulled out of the school's parking lot and started driving to wherever they were going. As they drove, Steven cranked up the radio and began singing along at the top of his lungs. Khalix took his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through possible places. He doubted they were going to a nearby bookstore, and probably not a restaurant. Steven was more of a grab-and-go type of guy. Khalix had no idea where they were heading. Putting his phone away, he reached over to the radio and turned the volume down.
"I'm going deaf," he said.
"No, you're not," Steven replied.
"Alright, I'm not. But I can barely hear anything." Khalix said. "So we're going to keep it at a reasonable hearing level before I actually do go deaf."
After a half-hour trip, they pulled into a parking lot.
"Here we are," Steven said, shutting the engine off. "Welcome to Silver Towers Amusement Park! It just opened a few weeks ago."
Khalix only gave a melancholy smile in return. The last time he had been to an amusement park was with his parents. But, despite his outward appearance, Khalix was really excited. Steven never had time to do anything fun, being a police officer and all. He always had to be on-call. Khalix wondered how he found the time for today.
Steven started to walk to the ticket booth, and Khalix hurried after him. Everything was spotless. The cement sidewalk was without cracks, every plant vibrant in color, showing off every spectrum of a rainbow. The gates were so white they almost glowed, and not a speck of dirt was to be found outside of its bed. To put it simply, the place was beautiful.
When they reached the booth, Steven handed the clerk their tickets, and they walked through the bag check. After successfully making it through, Steven having to show his badge to explain why he had a gun holstered to his side, they reached the park. Just like the entrance, they noticed, the park looked as if it was cut straight from a myth, the famous silver towers only adding to the majestic feel.
Steven unfolded a map that he had grabbed earlier. After examining it for a few seconds, he turned to Khalix.
"So, what would you like to do first, bud? They have all sorts of coasters, shops, rides, a ton of food options, and, of course, the fabled silver towers!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm, "We have all day, so it's not like we're short on time. We can do everything!"
Sometimes Khalix wondered who the real kid was.
"Well, we should save the best for last, I guess. So we'll visit the towers later," Khalix decided, "for now, though, we should check out the coasters. Then the rides, go for food, and then finally see what makes the towers their main attraction."
Steven nodded, "That's good with me. Let's go!"
They started off in the direction of the park's 'Coaster Valley,' which was famous for its plethora of options. Soon enough, they were greeted by a large arch, with the words 'Coaster Valley' written over the bend. They continued walking, eager to find the first ride, 'Shimmering Sharks.' A weird name for a roller coaster, or anything really, but the reviews online said it was the best to start with. Something about 'preparing yourself for the rest.' Whatever that meant.
Khalix followed behind Steven as he excitedly pointed out things that he recognized from the map.
"And here it is! Shimmering Sharks!" Steven exclaimed. "Are you ready to ride it?" Khalix glanced at the coaster. It didn't look too bad. There was a fairly big drop at the beginning, but it looked fairly calm from there. At least, Khalix thought it did. Half of the track was obscured by fake ocean waves. Khalix could even spot a fake shark fin poking out from the top.
Steven grabbed his arm and dragged him into the waiting line. Khalix glanced at the wait time. It said ten minutes. That was pretty short. Some articles online said the rides could get up to a two hundred minute wait on a busy day.
The line moved fairly quickly, and soon, Khalix found himself lowering the safety bar across his lap. The car started forward and onto the belt that pulled it upwards with a click-click-click. Steven flashed him a quick thumbs up. And then, they were falling, G-force tugging at them.
They sped down the first drop and back up the other side. Khalix only had a moment to catch his breath as they made some rickety turns before they dropped again. This time, however, they dropped into the fake ocean waves and into a glass tunnel that revealed that there was a pool of water under the ride, one that they were now zipping through. Khalix watched as multiple species of sharks swam above his head. They made a sharp turn, almost parallel to the floor before exiting the glass tunnel.
Khalix felt his stomach fly into his throat as the car went up and down a series of bumps. And then they were screeching into the boarding zone and the ride was over. Khalix understood it now.
The safety bars unlocked, and they both lifted it up, escaping from the seats. Steven patted Khalix on the shoulder, and said, "Well, wasn't that just splendid? I wonder which roller coaster's next? I hope it's as good or better."
Khalix almost let out a sigh. With Steven's enthusiasm, they would end up visiting every single attraction. Sure, that had been the plan, but Khalix hadn't really believed it until now. They continued down Coaster Valley, to the next coaster. It was labeled 'Calligraphy Curves.' Judging by the name, it would probably be filled with drops and turns. Khalix sighed, it was going to be a long day.
↞☽ ↠
Khalix had to admit, he didn't think he would be having as much fun as he was. He and Steven had just finished all the coasters and rides, now sitting in one of the many areas reserved for eating. They were sitting at one of those picnic bench-tables combos. Except this one was made out of stone, with a glossy finish. Honestly, it probably cost more than he did.
They sat there for a few more minutes finishing off their food. Steven had ordered Ginger Ale, their biggest burger, the 'Man-Killer,' and a side of cheese covered tater tots. Khalix, on the other hand, had ordered a cookies and cream flavored milkshake, nachos, and a side of bacon fries. Apparently, bacon fries were fried in bacon grease. They were expensive and tasted really good, so it was probably true.
Soon, all of the food and drink was gone, consumed by their greedy stomachs. Steven suppressed a burp and turned to Khalix.
"Well, I think we should start heading over to the Silver Towers, don't ya think?"
Khalix nodded his head, "Yeah, let's head over. Imma just go throw this away really quick." He gestured to all the garbage from their feast.
"Good idea! I'll help!"
A few minutes later, they finished cleaning up and started to walk over to the towers. They could see the roof peaks clearly above the mess of the coaster tracks. Even from a distance, they were breathtaking.
The two of them soon reached the base, noticing how the crowd thickened as they drew nearer. They were a few feet from the door now, so close to entering the first tower. The line shuffled forwards and Khalix followed the crowd only to get blown back by a fiery explosion. Chunks of the tower's support followed them. Khalix looked around frantically, ears ringing, looking for Steven.
He lay a few feet away, and Khalix noticed that the side of his head was bleeding. Khalix touched his own, and when he pulled back his hand, he saw blood. That would explain the pain. Khalix started trying to move towards his adoptive father. Steven noticed this, and shook his head, gesturing to his legs.
A part of the scaffolding had fallen on Steven. Even if Khalix got to him, there was no way he would be able to help. Khalix simply wasn't strong enough. At a loss of what to do, Khalix and Steven laid where they were, watching the dust settle.
Only but a few moments later, they heard a booming voice resonate throughout the area.
"It is I, Detonation!" A hulking shape stepped out of the rubble, casting an impressive shadow of what used to be the Silver Tower.
Khalix heard sirens screeching in the far distance. They might not get here in time. Khalix had to do something. What, he didn't know. But he would have to figure it out fast before it was too late. He could use his powers, but in this situation, with dust in his eyes, and a burning in his lungs, there wasn't much he could think it would do. There was always a chance that he would fail. He could fail them again.
Khalix shook his head, now was not the time to be indecisive. But what could he do? By the time Khalix found out, it would probably be too late. The Villain would get away, and the Heroes would arrive at a desolate place, countless casualties, injuries, and destruction all around. It would be an abandoned battlefield, left to rot. But only one side would have fought.
So Khalix did the only thing he knew how. He stalled.
"Why. Why did you do it? What do you gain?" Khalix called out, voice scratchy from the dust he had inhaled, "You just beat a couple of six-year-olds and a bunch of defenseless families. Wow. So impressive. I tremble in fear."
Khalix heard a sharp intake of breath as footsteps approached him. He was so royally screwed. But, at least he earned more time for the Heroes.
"What did you just say to me?"
Detonation reached Khalix and knelt down to look him in the eyes. He grabbed a fistful of Khalix's hair and slapped him across the face, before letting him drop to the ground once again. Khalix instantly put a hand to his face. Damn, that stung. The Heroes better get here fast, or the Villain won't be the only one they're at odds with, Khalix thought to himself.
Time to stall again.
"My God, you just hit a child. I could claim assault," Khalix gave him a playful smirk, "but that would be the least of your worries, now wouldn't it?"
"You should have shut up, kid," Detonation replied, the anger evident in his voice, "I was going to let you go, but you just had to run your mouth and make me angry."
Khalix prepared himself. This next statement was going to cost him, but, you know, the look on Detonation's face would be worth it. Or so he hoped.
"Well, then, buddy, it looks like we were thinking the same things about each other. How sweet. You free later this week? 'Cuz I'm free whenever if it's for you." Khalix threw the Villain a wink.
Detonation growled. "You need to learn how to keep your trap shut." Bright sparks began to crackle at his fingertips. Khalix barely had time to see the attack coming before he was forced to jump out of the way. He tumbled to the ground, looking back at the burning fire that he had dodged. The area where he had been standing a second ago wasn't so lucky. Khalix could see the concrete start to steam. Where are the Heroes? Shouldn't they be here by now?
Then it clicked. The Heroes would never get there on time. I mean, the park was in the middle of nowhere, and, I mean, who would have Heroes guard a new park, right? He would be by himself for a while longer then.
Khalix risked a glance to Steven. He didn't look all that great. It might have been the fact that he was being crushed by some of the towers remains, or the blood running down the side of his face, possibly both. But the look in his eyes clearly said, 'be careful.'
But what was Khalix going to do? It's not like--Khalix smacked a hand against his forehead. Duh. I have fricking superpowers.
Now, what's the probability the Heroes get here in 5 minutes?
There is a 50% chance of the Heroes arriving in 5 minutes.
'Damn. 8 minutes?'
'There is a 55% chance of the Heroes arriving in 8 minutes.'
'I can't risk any later. Let's make that 80%.'
'There is an 80% chance of the Heroes arriving in 8 minutes.'
Khalix felt his energy deplete almost instantly. He might not last 8 minutes. He checked the time on his watch. This is going to be a long 8 minutes. Khalix was ripped from his thoughts when Detonation threw another blast his way. Khalix dodged to the side and looked for some form of shelter. Preferably something that wouldn't catch on fire. He spotted a row of carnival booths. Those would work, right? He dove over the counter and ducked behind a row of prize-filled crates. There was a whooshing noise and the back wall exploded. A charcoaled milk can clattered to the ground in front of Khalix.
"Nice one buddy. You managed to knock down all the cans in the booth with one throw!" The sarcastic remark slipped out of his mouth before he had even realized it.
Another explosion went off, punching a hole through the back of the booth. Khalix needed a distraction desperately. He grabbed the closest and biggest item he could reach. It was a giant stuffed panda. This'll work... Hopefully...
"Congratulations!" Khalix shouted, standing up. "You win a prize!" He chucked the stuffed panda at Detonation and bolted.
How much time had he wasted? People had to start showing up soon. He could feel the exhaustion setting in, and it was hitting him hard. It felt like he was getting hit with a moving train. And there was no point in trying to use his powers. If he tried, he was pretty sure he'd pass out right there on the spot. So he kept running. He ran towards the other Silver Tower. That was more durable than a carnival booth. He ducked inside and prayed that Detonation hadn't seen him.
Surveying the bottom floor of the tower, Khalix began to form a plan. One that the authorities would definitely not approve of, but a plan nonetheless.
Khalix ran to the elevator.
He sprinted past the ticket booth and spiraling staircase, only stopping to frantically pound on the open button. Once the elevator doors finally opened, Khalix started to rapidly press the button for the top floor. In hindsight, Khalix thought, this plan was really bad. He was going to die.
He reached the top and looked around. If the park hadn't been in ruins, it would have been a beautiful view. The tower had little telescope viewing stations and parapets that the guests could look down from. The whole package was enclosed with the classic pointed cone roof, textured to look like bricks.
Khalix looked down at the wreckage, anxious to see any sign of Steven or the Heroes. How much longer until they get here? He looked down at his watch. Khalix only had to survive for about two minutes longer. Harder than it sounds, especially when you have a P-Oed Villain on your heels.
Khalix was brought back to reality by the sound of grunting.
He turned around, and Khalix saw that the Villain had taken the stairs. Idiot. He shouldn't be criticizing, though. He was the one who decided to fight an experienced criminal head-on.
"I've got you cornered now, brat." Detonation growled while catching his breath.
"Kinky," came Khalix's reply, "but I'm not into that sorta thing. Sorry."
With a yell, Detonation came charging straight at Khalix. He moved to the side, and the Villain barged straight past him.
"You're like a bull," Khalix exclaimed, "and dumb as a rock!"
That did the trick, and this time Khalix couldn't dodge in time. Detonation rammed straight into him, knocking Khalix's head directly into the wall. Sparks flew in front of his eyes, but this time, they weren't coming from Detonation. I am so going to feel that tomorrow, he thought.
Detonation slowly rose and looked down at Khalix, a grin plastered on his face.
"Looks like it's over for you, you little brat. It wasn't nice knowing you."
With that, Detonation readied his explosions, sparks flickering to life in his hands. Khalix saw this, and in his haze of pain, his brain formed a plan. Looking at his watch, he saw that the Heroes would arrive in 5 seconds. Or was it 50? With the last of his energy, Khalix threw himself out of the tower and hurling towards the street.
Hey there again! Glad you stayed after the prologue. You just met a couple more characters, congratz! Also, this was some pretty light swearing/inappropriateness, so like... Prepare yourself if that bothers you. As always, please comment on any mistakes you find. See ya next time!
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