Undercover Uncovered

Steven hadn't gotten an undercover mission in five years, and he had not had relations with his wife in the same amount of time.

She visited of course. All the time, actually. But they didn't always have the freedom to speak freely, not when he was faking being paralyzed from head to toe. More often than not he was mute, completely silent and still no matter what happened to him.

Connie wheeled him out to the garden of the nursing home, tucked behind some trees she claimed he twitched to look at to the nurses. They thought she was crazy, it was pretty evident.

Needless to say, both were sociopathically good actors.

"I know you love these trees so we'll set up camp right here," Connie told him with that slightly broken overly cheerful tone. "Would you like that, Biscuit?"

He stared right through her and she grabbed his hand, squeezing three times in rapid succession. He swiveled his head to her and undressed her with his eyes. "Status?"

She smiled and snapped her fingers. "If I could steal your attention from my breasts that'd be swell."

He raised them, baby brown eyes showing a bit of malice for her tone. She was unfazed and he knew that, so he let it go. "You have my attention, dearest."

"They tried to take me out," She told him as she crossed her legs. "I took care of it."

He raised an eyebrow. "How?"

Connie hesitated, sensing his displeasure. "A pair of dice, a container of opioids and a bottle of wine."

Steven was silent for so long she was afraid to look over at him. Eventually she did being a woman of poise and manners and found him, as she suspected, annoyed. "Where did you dispose of it?" He asked tiredly, voice nearly microscopic and ears alert for footsteps.

"Acid. The evidence is gone and so is their leader. She almost killed me," She protested shallowly.

He grunted. "Second question: are you trying to fuck this up, Connie Maheswaren?"

She pursed her lips, wanting to slap him and wanting to cry at the same time. "Don't you  take our married name."

"Earn it," He snarled. "We cannot just go around taking out the tops of the chains. That is how you make a mess, and how you fuck this entire fucking operation into dust!" He sighed and longed to readjust, but that would raise red flags. "You're my wife and I love you. My eyes are always on you, my love. If there was a hit, I had already known about it. And now Jacob is pissed he missed a kill."

She was silent for a bit, trying to dispel the tension and her irritation. "How's the home, Steven?"

He grinned at her for the first time and she grinned right back, enamored with his smile. "There's this nurse that's very involved with washing my dick."

Connie giggled and raised a territorial eyebrow. "Do you think she's trying to get some?"

He gave her a dubious look but smirked. "Dunno, but she's trying awfully hard to get me hard. It's not working, she's not my wife."

Humming her laughter, she glanced over at the door and checked her watch. "It's about time."

"I miss you so much," He lamented, trying not to choke up. She was staring at him, her own eyes already filled with tears. "Please don't cry, things will change very soon. I feel it."

Connie nodded. "Someone's coming."

She felt like she watched her husband come back to life only to die inches from her every time she visited. She cried, she had her moments.

But above all else, she was a king, not a queen, among peasants.

Hazel opened the door for her and she slid into her seat after leaving and making a scene on purpose. A split second of his indecision and she immediately bristled at the disrespect. "Are you going to stand there or get in the fucking car?"

He chuckled and shut the door, settling into the drivers seat. "Don't take out your marital problems on me, Madam. I'm just the muscle."

"I'll take out whatever the hell I so damn please on you, H. On all of my men. Sexual urges, marital problems, spare contempt for humanity..." She pulled out her phone and started texting, messaging the rest of her knights to meet her at the edge of the board, center square.

Hazel smiled to himself, respecting the woman beside him like no one else. "Yes, Ma'am."

When he opened her door again she made a beeline for the kitchen. Adam and Jacob were cooking side by side, arms brushing against each other. She watched for a moment with interest, internally warming a bit.

Adam's head snapped up as she focused her gaze on him. He spun to greet her with his signature scowl. He was quiet, but he knew better than to be too silent around Connie. Silence stunk like brooding, like planning. She was the type to kill first and ask questions later. "Welcome home, Madam."

"Where's the rest of you?" She tugged her hair out of her bun and let it tumble down past her ass. Steven preferred she kept her hair long so he could pull it, so she did.

"The girls and Alex are cleaning up." Jacob grinned at her and tipped his head toward the stairs. He was covered in frosting and hickeys. Clearly he was pretty pleased with himself. "Welcome home, Madam."

She stepped up to him and the rest fell away. Jacob's grin dropped and he stood tall and rigid. Her fingers danced up his chest to turn his head to the side, aware of him watching her warily. She counted the hickeys and checked his back, finding no scratches or signs of a struggle. "You're dismissed after cooking." She turned and the other two clasped their arms in front of them, showing her their hands. "You're all dismissed after cooking. Free time, you've earned it."


Steven watched from the glass over his eyes as the nurse wheeled him into his room for his second bath of the day. He smirked internally, curious where this was going.

The young nurse undressed him, taking her gaze over his body. The sponge she washed him with was always too cool; he ran hot and liked to shower in hellfire. He never complained. In a matter of time she was between his legs and he then noticed the lack of soap. He already smelled like flowers from his earlier bathing, he wasn't quite sure what she was doing before she dropped the sponge altogether.

Her name was Louise, she was 24 with brunette hair that hit her shoulders. She had a slender frame and bright eyes, bright eyes that were now locked between his legs. "You're a very handsome man, Mr. De Mayo-Maheswaren," She murmured. A towel being rubbed between his legs always made him have to fight the urge to giggle. He wasn't a giggly person, but it almost made him want to.

Now he was propped up on his bed after she had manhandled him onto it with his legs spread. "I've seen pictures of you with your wife before you were paralyzed, you held yourself so well." She crawled over him and tittered softly. "I bet you miss having sex as a man." Her eyes traveled to his cock and she licked her lips. "You know they took the cameras out of here, they thought you were faking it."

Faking it?! Steven was owning it. The urge to tell her that was strong, but he was unbreakable. He was not, however, unbreakable enough to not get hard when a warm mouth wrapped around his touch starved cock. He watched the eager way she bobbed her head and giggled at his "blessing".

Faking it. They had thought he was faking it. He had not moved an inch by himself in five fucking years but somehow he was being watched. He'd known about the cameras but that's not why he stayed in character. The man was damn good at his job and had worked from nothing to be as powerful as he was today.

He would prove his case, but he would also make it worth his time.

She practically purred up at him, eyes glazed over with lust for the rod in her hands. "Do I have your attention now, Mr. De Mayo?"

"You sure fucking do, Louise." Steven grabbed her head and guided her movements, moaning under his breath before he let her up for air.

She looked terrified, eyes wide and drool dripping down her chin that she wiped away with a trembling hand. "M-M-Mr. De M-Mayo–,"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked softly, dipping his head to catch her eyes. She stayed silent and his lip curled with his temper. He grabbed her wrist and squeezed, yanking her closer. "When I ask you a fucking question, you answer me. Do you understand?"

She whimpered frantically and nodded. But stars, she was being so fucking loud. "Y-yes, I-I'm s-sorry!"

He growled. "Shut the fuck up. Quit your whining and do what I tell you to." Another round of whimpering and he slapped her clean across the face. "Didn't I tell you to stop whining?" He settled back into his propped up position and yanked her closer again to stare into her soul. "The first thing you're going to do is finish what you started, and then we get to talk on business terms." He smiled in a friendly way. "Isn't that fun?"

She glanced down, her lip quivering.

He scoffed at her. "What? Are you turned off now that I'm aware?" She shook her head frantically and he raised his hand to slap her again, but didn't. She cowered and he leaned closer. "How many other people are you doing this to, huh? How many unsuspecting sick people are you assaulting when the cameras aren't watching?"

"No one, I swear!" She whispered.

He shook his head and let her go. She wouldn't go anywhere, and he already had control over her. Louise grabbed his cock and started to bob her head again but he pushed her hands away. "I'm The Boss of every motherfucker I see. Including you. You're going to learn how to fuck The Boss right."

She choked and he forced her to do it again. There was potential in her, though now he didn't need her so much as he was being a petty asshole and enjoyed getting a blowjob after so long with nothing. "By the way," He murmured, patting her head. "Watch your teeth. Cause if I feel one of them, I'm going to rip all of them out one by one and make you swallow them."


Connie's desk was as immaculate as she was. Her hair was up in a bun, her makeup was done as always, and her pantsuit was worth more than her office cost to furnish.

Unfortunately she had no time to indulge in being rich. Her door opened and she pursed her lips to see Jacob peeking in. He saw her and tried to shut the door.

"Trigger." It reopened and he looked nervous, but stood at attention. "Why the fuck are you coming into my office at 2:30 in the morning?"

He smiled. "My apologies, Miss. I was just doing my job."

She tossed a dismissive hand through the air. "Right. Any eyes?"

"Nothing yet, but it's being handled."

He had to duck when she threw a stapler at him. "I swear to god the next one of you that tells me that without elaborating is going to get got! Do not leave me hanging!" She sat and motioned for him to close the door behind him and sit in front of her.

Jacob was a very handsome man, so she admired that as he sat in front of her and leaned forward. They stared at each other for a moment, the twinkle of interest in his eye only being dulled by his devotion.

"Do you have something to tell me?" She tipped her head and pointed to his satchel.

He nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. We found more money from Foxes44." With a flick of his wrist he pulled out a IV light and shone it on a ten dollar bill. It illuminated with their logo, an oval with a triangle slashed through it. Usually she saw it in red on the streets, though she was never alone to see them to begin with.

She scoffed and held it closer to her face. "So you mean to tell me we have a rat?"

He sensed his impending ass whoopin and smoothed a hand over the table. "Adam has their scent. Let him track."

Her eye twitched but she nodded. "Fine. Take off your clothes, I'm famished for some dick."

He unbuckled his jeans happily. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Just don't forget," She reminded him as she crawled onto his lap. He was already hard and she smirked, huffing out a laugh. Jacob liked when she threatened and reprimanded him, it made him want her every time. Her lips skimmed over the shell of his ear and he grabbed her ass to grind against himself. "I don't need you, and you can be replaced."

She heard him swallow and his cock twitched. "Yes, Ma'am."


Adam waited until Connie was done speaking before he spoke. "There is a cop on the premises."

A perfectly arched eyebrow raised and she stepped into his personal space. "How do you know?"

He didn't shrug, Connie hated when they shrugged at her. "My phone picked up the wire."

Hazel jogged up to meet them. "The girls are out on the floor, and Alex."

Connie blinked slowly and turned her head to glare at him. "Do you not see that we are having a fucking conversation?"

Hazel smiled wanly, clearly a little flustered he hadn't noticed. "I wasn't finished. Anna found someone snooping in the back. They're in the basement."

She smoothed out her blouse and walked off. Like good guard dogs, they flanked her. As they passed Jacob he followed them with his eyes and then resumed his station answering the untraceable, untappable phone. Even still they replaced it every day and force fed a virus so everything would be wiped. "Welcome to Karma. How can I serve you today?"

The basement was a literal basement under their restaurant and night club. It was dimly lit but Adam illuminated the way with his flashlight until they found the man tied to a chair coughing up blood.

Connie wrinkled her nose. "You stink."

He laughed and shook his head. "How do you know it's not one of your dogs?"

Connie gave him a genuine smile. "Is that what you think? I can check." He frowned in confusion but watched silently as she sniff checked both boys and turned back to sneer at him. "You smell like piss, my boys smell like men the way they're supposed to." She unsheathed her gun and loaded it.

"I have a wife and a daughter," He uttered, staring her in the eye. "Don't do this."

Connie aimed at his head. "Good to know."

He started to struggle and Adam punched him square in the face. Connie held up a hand and motioned to Hazel, who knocked him in the mouth so hard he spat out teeth. "How old is your daughter, Detective Mark?"

"St-stay away from my daughter!" He coughed up more blood and groaned.

"You did a number on him, Pluto," She commented, dipping down to pull the cop up by his hair and peer at his face.

Adam crossed his arms. "I like to play with my food, Miss," He replied gruffly. He pointed to a cut under his eye and chuckled. "He's a fighter."

Connie surveyed it and then him. There were no other further bruises or marks, but one was enough. No one was going to hurt her men, let alone her ladies, and get away with it. "Adam can you tell your friend I don't like to repeat myself?"

Adam slapped him full force. "Speak when you're spoken to."

Breathing heavily with eyes darting around, he mumbled, "She's 21."

Connie's phone rang and she raised her eyebrows at the blocked number. "Adam, make him talk. Hazel, make sure he doesn't die."

She sashayed out the door and put the phone to her ear.

"H-hello, is this M-Mrs. De Mayo-Maheswaren? This is Nurse Louise from your husbands nursing home?"

She glanced through the little window to the cell the boys were in and watched Adam's cold eyes meet hers before he choked the prisoner. "Yes, that's me. Is he okay?"

She hesitated and started blubbering incoherent nonsense that made her heart start to pound. Her voice faded a bit to be replaced with another. "Hello, darling."

She smiled cautiously and glanced around. "Steven. What's going on?"

"Well, I guess you were right," He mused, a bit of shuffling on his end. "As soon as I got naked she started sucking my dick like oxygen."

She scowled. "Ugh, what kind of–? Put her back on the phone." He must have handed her to the nurse again and she heard him tell her to speak up. "You're lucky my husband is protecting you, or I would have walked into that building and blown your fucking brains out."

"I-I-I'm s-sorry, I-I didn't–!"

"Shut the fuck up," She snapped. "Consider yourself warned. Give the phone back to my husband."

"She's secure, has no record and is unnoticed," He reported immediately. "The building has full clearance and full security."

"Are you sure that dirty ass bitch won't snitch?" She watched as Hazel flipped the seat Mark was on and frowned. "You know how I feel about snitches."

"Oh, she won't be making any complaints," He crooned with amusement. "She knows I own her time now. She's clean, and I have a surprise for you."


She could hear him smile. "Daddy's coming home. Bring the team."


Adam and Hazel backed off Mark when she walked in again, and Adam observed her face. "He says they're onto us, he's here to get something to take to court."

She aimed her gun at him and pulled the trigger three times. "These bullets will hit every organ, and he will bleed out internally first. Wrap him up and get some rest. I love you."

"We love you too, Madam," They chorused. Mark groaned and she could tell Adam wanted to kick him right in the chest.

She had told them all to get sleep, but now she had to round up the girls and Alex.

Anna's blue eyes went shiny when she saw Connie and she held out her tips for the day. "I'd like to put this back into the restaurant."

Connie grabbed the envelope and quickly guesstimated the amount. "Busy day?"

"Hectic." She glanced around and found Jasmin with her eyes. "Jazz has been hitting it off with Jacob lately."

"My time is very important, Anna. I don't care," Connie sighed with a small smile.

Anna grinned. "You're in a good mood."

"Get some sleep. Tell Jasmin and Alex I love them too." She almost walked off but noticed Anna's sigh. "What?"

"You didn't say you loved me," She pointed out with a small coy smile.

Connie kissed her before she could continue and patted her cheek. "Consider it said."

The next morning and afternoon consisted of chaos that Connie handled just fine. Her team in scrubs and proper medical certificates were able to relocate her husband after their "favorite nurse" had gone missing.

Their favorite nurse was actually already being handled by the girls, she'd been kidnapped in her own home in the slums. She had no family and no friends, she'd never be noticed to be missing until it was too late.

Connie had refused to speak with anyone about changing her mind as they enjoyed Steven's company, they swore he had a sense of humor.

The paperwork was finished and signed again, and she wheeled her husband out and assigned Hazel to lift him into the passenger seat so she could buckle his seatbelt. "How very clever of you."

They pulled away and after a block he stretched and let out a beastly sound that nearly rattled the entire van.

Jacob nodded his respect, fascinated with Steven's ability to act for 5 years straight. He couldn't have, he had too much energy. Truthfully, besides being an old friend and companion, they were all very afraid of Steven. He suspected even his own wife was eager to please and not displease. "Welcome home, Boss."

"Do not address me until I have had a boiling hot shower and have fucked my wife senseless," He replied coolly, cracking his neck with a smile. "...It's good to see you guys too."

He showered and the second he was done, Connie found herself slammed against a wall while he towered above her hungrily. "Mine. I intend to explore every inch of your body. You will let me."

She stayed still but tipped her head to look up at him. "My husband can have me as he pleases."

He rumbled deep in his chest and shoved up her skirt. "I don't even have the patience to undress you," He murmured, yanking down her panties and his sweat pants. "It'll happen eventually. Somewhere between round two and seven." He leaned down to kiss her and the feeling of their lips connecting again for the first time in five years felt so good he grabbed her neck to hold her in place and deepen it. "Mine, you've made me so proud. Who do you belong to?"

Connie bit her lip and ran her hands over his bare chest. How he'd managed to keep most of his muscle mass was beyond her, though he'd lost a bit. No matter, he was a chronic workaholic, it'd be back in no time. He was so sexy she wanted to rake her nails down his back and eat him alive. "I belong to no one."

He groaned and pushed his way inside her. His stoic expression tightened a bit and he grabbed her hips to begin fucking her against the wall. "Oh, good girl."

She sucked in a breath and whined, pulling him closer to feel his breath against her lips. "I fucking missed you."

Steven slammed into her hard enough that she got a head rush. "I missed you too. Someone tells me there's a cop downstairs?"

She nodded and moaned into his cheek, littering kisses there like she knew he must have missed. "Y-yes~, Sec Chief and Captain tore him a new one."

"Good men we have." He tilted her chin up far and buried his face in her hair to murmur in her ear, "Have you rewarded them?"

"N-No Sir, not yet." She gave him a drunken smile and gasped as his strokes became indulgent.

He lost his words and held her against himself, thinking as he made her cry out his name. His cock was already full to bursting, but he wouldn't be done after one. They'd smoke and hit a few lines and really let loose, he'd fuck her so hard she'd be bruised between her legs and gasping for air for hours after he was done. The strong woman image she had built would be a little shaky for the next few days while she recovered.

As he'd learned in The Home from being put in front of the television: psychopaths had a very high sex drive.

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