Today, I went to beach with my sister. We ate something and told together. She said she fall in love with a boy, but she can't talk to him. She haven't been able to say about her feeling because she've been afraid of refusing from him. And after that she don't know how to face to him. But, she don't understand that the shy when she's refused is even better than the feeling when she has to see him together another girl. If it happens, I believe that she will regret. Cause she have not tried yet. The last and best trying is confession. That is standing in front of him, looking him and saying everything. May be, they start being in a relationship or not. But, at least he can know about her love. And she also can decide to stop or go on. Even they can't be friend, that will be ok. There are over 8 billion people in the world, there are someone belongs to her, someone loves her and she loves him too.
"My girl, love is the sky, love is the ocean, love is the sun, love is the moon, love is flowers, love is wind, love is around you and you deserve to have a beautiful love."
(Tiếng Anh của mình rất tệ, nên mình đang tập viết từ những điều đơn giản diễn ra trong 1 ngày, nếu các bạn có thể đọc và sửa lỗi cho mình thì thật cảm ơn.)
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