
I'm half-asleep on the living room couch when Victor finally returns with ragged and sleepy Elkena. He was given a duffel bag of Elkena's things, it slung over one shoulder and her sleeping form held securely above the opposite hip. We acknowledge each other groggily and silently with an exchange of short nods. We understand a number of true things including: Valkyrie is asleep, I'm ready to go to bed, Elkena is okay, and Victor will come to bed after he settles her in. I smile at the moment.

We do pretty alright as husbands, and at least passable as fathers, I think. Still pleased by the idea, I rise from the couch and stretch, beginning to move toward the master suite. I've just taken my first step after an enormous yawn when Elkena's tired voice drifts into my ears from the guest room.

"Papa?" She addresses Victor timidly. My heart melts at the shy lilt to her question. "Where are we?"

"Елкена (Elkena), sweetheart," he murmurs soothingly. "You're in Poppa's and my house, don't worry," Victor adds softly.

I move closer to better hear, but don't open the door and intrude.

"How long am I staying?" she asks, worry evident in her tone. "Am I leaving in the morning?"

"Нет, мой маленький (nyet, moy malen'kiy/no, my little one)," Victor replies. You can stay with us for as long as you want."

A moment passes, a moment in which I guess Elkena rolls over or yawns. Then she says, worldweary, "I wish I could stay forever."

Even from the other side of the door, I can feel the dagger of pain rip through Victor's heart. Another moment passes. My mind is alight, tempted to intrude after all. I'd make her promises I likely couldn't keep, though. Kena-chan doesn't need any more empty promises in her life.

"We'll find a way soon, Elka," Victor says slowly. "But for now, it's late— isn't it, darling?— it's bedtime. Would you like a story?"

"Yes, please, Papa."

And with that, I begin to back away. I remember the night I found her, Yurio's anger like static in the background. I didn't know her as a tiny toddler, but in all of my memories she's always been both small and afraid. She's unafraid, however, to speak her mind, give voice to all her many fears. This isn't the first time she's showed an interest in choosing Victor and I for her family.

I was warned many times by St. Anne's to stand back during this time. I'm supposed to let her grandmother take care of Kena-chan to the best of her abilities. I can't say I've ever successfully stood back unless it was to take Elkena with me from a line of fire, but I like to believe I've been at least helpful in my intrusions lately. A bolder play has recently nestled in the back of mind, however. And tonight, I think, I'll run it by Victor.

When he comes to bed I will ask his opinion. But for the moment, I want to know that Elkena is falling asleep.

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