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06-20-2011, 02:52 PM

1. Thiết kế và mô phỏng Flip-Flop RSFF đồng bộ tín hiệu reset

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity DFF is

d : in STD_LOGIC;

clk : in STD_LOGIC;

rst : in STD_LOGIC;

q : out STD_LOGIC

end DFF;

architecture DFF of DFF is


if(clk'event and clk='1') then

if(rst='1') then




end if;

end if; 

end process;

end DFF;

4. Thiết kế và mô phỏng Flip-Flop JKFF không đồng bộ tín hiệu reset

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity JKFF is

j : in STD_LOGIC;

k : in STD_LOGIC;

clk : in STD_LOGIC;

rst : in STD_LOGIC;

q : out STD_LOGIC

end JKFF;

architecture JKFF of JKFF is 

signal q0: std_logic;


variable jk: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);

if(rst='1') then


else if(clk'event and clk='1') then


case jk is

when "00" =>q0<=q0;

when "01" =>q0<='0';

when "10" =>q0<='1';

when others =>q0<=not(q0);

end case;

end if;

end if; 

end process;


end JKFF;

6. Thiết kế và mô phỏng Flip-Flop RSFF không đồng bộ tín hiệu reset

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity RSFF is

r : in STD_LOGIC;

s : in STD_LOGIC;

clk : in STD_LOGIC;

rst : in STD_LOGIC;

q : out STD_LOGIC

end RSFF;

architecture RSFF of RSFF is 

signal q0: std_logic;

process (clk,rst,r,s)

variable rs:std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);


if (rst='1') then


else if (clk'event and clk='1') then

case rs is

when "00"=>q0<=q0;

when "01"=>q0<='1';

when "10"=>q0<='0';

when others=>q0<='X';

end case;

end if;

end if;

end process;


end RSFF;

7. Mạch 3 đầu vào, 2 trong 3 đầu vào bằng 1 thì đầu ra bằng 1

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity \3dauvao\ is

sel: in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);

q: out STD_LOGIC

end \3dauvao\;

architecture \3dauvao\ of \3dauvao\ is

with sel select

q<='1' when "011",

'1' when "110",

'1' when "101",

'X' when others;

end \3dauvao\;

8. Mạch 3 trạng thái

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity mach3trangthai is

input : in STD_LOGIC;

ena : in STD_LOGIC;

output : out STD_LOGIC

end mach3trangthai;

architecture mach3trangthai of mach3trangthai is

output<=input when ena='0' else


end mach3trangthai;

9. IC 74139 lệnh song song

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity IC74139 is

sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);

output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)

end IC74139;

architecture IC74139 of IC74139 is 

with sel select

output<="1110" when "000",

"1101" when "001",

"1011" when "010",

"0111" when "011",

"1111" when others;

end IC74139;

10. IC 74139 lệnh nối tiếp

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity IC74139 is

sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);

output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)

end IC74139;

architecture IC74139 of IC74139 is 

process (sel)

case sel is

when "000"=>output<="1110";

when "001"=>output<="1101";

when "010"=>output<="1011";

when "011"=>output<="0111";

when others=>output<="1111";

end case; 

end process;

end IC74139;

11. IC 74138 lệnh song song

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity IC74138 is

sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0);

output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)

end IC74138;

architecture IC74138 of IC74138 is

with sel select

output<="11111110" when "001000",

"11111101" when "001001",

"11111011" when "001010",

"11110111" when "001011",

"11101111" when "001100",

"11011111" when "001101",

"10111111" when "001110",

"01111111" when "001111",

"11111111" when others;

end IC74138;

12. IC 74138 lệnh nối tiếp

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity ic74138nt is

sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0);

output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)

end ic74138nt;

architecture ic74138nt of ic74138nt is


case sel is

when "001000"=>output<="11111110";

when "001001"=>output<="11111101";

when "001010"=>output<="11111011";

when "001011"=>output<="11110111";

when "001100"=>output<="11101111";

when "001101"=>output<="11011111";

when "001110"=>output<="10111111";

when "001111"=>output<="01111111";

when others =>output<="11111111";

end case;

end process;

end ic74138nt;

13. Đếm tiến với Kd bất kỳ

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity demtien is


clk : in STD_LOGIC;

q : out integer range 0 to n-1

end demtien;

architecture demtien of demtien is


variable temp: integer range 0 to n;

if(clk'event and clk='1') then


if(temp=10) then


end if;

end if;


end process;

end demtien;

14. Đếm lùi với Kd bất kỳ

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity demlui is 

generic (n:integer:=10);

clk : in STD_LOGIC;

output : out integer range 0 to n-1

end demlui;

architecture demlui of demlui is


variable temp: integer range n downto -1;

if(clk'event and clk='1') then


if(temp=-1) then


end if;

end if;


end process;

end demlui;

15. MUX 4-1

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity mux41 is

a : in STD_LOGIC;

b : in STD_LOGIC;

c : in STD_LOGIC;

d : in STD_LOGIC;

sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);

y : out STD_LOGIC

end mux41;

architecture mux41 of mux41 is


case sel is

when "00"=>y<=a;

when "01"=>y<=b;

when "10"=>y<=c;

when others=>y<=d;

end case;

end process;

end mux41;

18. DEMUX 1-8

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity demux18 is

x : in STD_LOGIC;

sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);

y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)

end demux18;

architecture demux18 of demux18 is

with sel select

y<="ZZZZZZZ"&x when "000",

"ZZZZZZ"&x&'Z' when "001",

"ZZZZZ"&x&"ZZ" when "010",

"ZZZZ"&x&"ZZZ" when "011",

"ZZZ"&x&"ZZZZ" when "100",

"ZZ"&x&"ZZZZZ" when "101",

'Z'&x&"ZZZZZZ" when "110",

x&"ZZZZZZZ" when "111",

unaffected when others;

end demux18;

19. Bộ so sánh 4 bít

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity sosanh4bit is 

generic (n:integer:=4);

a,b : in std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0);

y1 : out STD_LOGIC;

y2 : out STD_LOGIC;

y3 : out STD_LOGIC

end sosanh4bit;

architecture sosanh4bit of sosanh4bit is

y1<='1' when a>b else '0';

y2<='1' when a=b else '0';

y3<='1' when a<b else '0';

end sosanh4bit;

20.Bộ ghi dịch 4 bít

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity ghidich4bit is 

generic (n:integer:=4);

d : in STD_LOGIC;

clk : in STD_LOGIC;

rst : in STD_LOGIC;

output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(n-1 downto 0)

end ghidich4bit;

architecture ghidich4bit of ghidich4bit is

signal temp:std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0);


if (rst='1') then


elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then

temp<=temp((n-2) downto 0)&d;

end if;


end process;

end ghidich4bit;

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

21. Bộ cộng n bít

entity bocongnbit is

generic (n:integer:=4);

a : in STD_LOGIC_vector (n-1 downto 0);

b : in STD_LOGIC_vector (n-1 downto 0);

cin : in STD_LOGIC;

s : out STD_LOGIC_vector (n-1 downto 0);

cout : out STD_LOGIC

end bocongnbit;

architecture bocongnbit of bocongnbit is 


variable c: std_logic_vector (n downto 0);


for i in 0 to n-1 loop

s(i)<=a(i) xor b(i) xor c(i);

c(i+1):=(a(i) and b(i)) or (a(i) and c(i)) or (b(i) and c(i));

end loop;


end process;

end bocongnbit;

22. BCD sang LED 7 thanh

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity bcdsangled7thanh is

input : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);

output : out std_logic_vector (6 downto 0)

end bcdsangled7thanh; 

architecture bcdsangled7thanh of bcdsangled7thanh is

with input select

output<="1111110" when "0000",

"0110000" when "0001",

"1101101" when "0010",

"1111001" when "0011",

"0110011" when "0100",

"1011011" when "0101",

"1011111" when "0110",

"1110000" when "0111",

"1111111" when "1000",

"1111011" when "1001",

(others=>'0') when others;

end bcdsangled7thanh;

23. BCD sang thập phân

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity bcdsangthapphan is

input : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);

output : out integer range 0 to 15

end bcdsangthapphan;

architecture bcdsangthapphan of bcdsangthapphan is


case input is

when "0000"=>output<=0;

when "0001"=>output<=1;

when "0010"=>output<=2;

when "0011"=>output<=3;

when "0100"=>output<=4;

when "0101"=>output<=5;

when "0110"=>output<=6;

when "0111"=>output<=7;

when "1000"=>output<=8;

when "1001"=>output<=9;

when "1010"=>output<=10;

when "1011"=>output<=11;

when "1100"=>output<=12;

when "1101"=>output<=13;

when "1110"=>output<=14;

when others=>output<=15;

end case;

end process;

end bcdsangthapphan;

24. Hexa sang Led 7 thanh

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity hexasangled is

input : in integer range 0 to 15;

output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0)

end hexasangled; 

architecture hexasangled of hexasangled is

with input select

output<="1111110" when 1,

"1101110" when 2,

"1111001" when 3,

"0110011" when 4,

"1011011" when 5,

"1011111" when 6,

"1110000" when 7,

"1111111" when 8,

"1111011" when 9,

"1111101" when 10,

"0011111" when 11,

"1001110" when 12,

"0111101" when 13,

"1001111" when 14,

"1000111" when 15,

"0000000" when others;

end hexasangled;

25. Kiểm tra tính chẵn lẻ của chuỗi n bít

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity chanlenbit is

generic (n:integer:=4);

input : in STD_LOGIC_vector (n-1 downto 0);

output : out std_logic

end chanlenbit;

architecture chanlenbit of chanlenbit is


variable temp: std_logic;


for i in input'range loop

temp:=temp xor


end loop;


end process;

end chanlenbit;

26. Bộ ALU 8 bít với 2 đầu vào 8 bít và tín hiệu điều khiển có chức năng như sau:

a. Thực hiện phép cộng khi đầu vào điều khiển nhận giá trị “00”

b. Thực hiện phép trừ khi đầu vào điều khiển nhận giá trị “01”

c. Thực hiện cổng AND khi đầu vào điều khiển nhận giá trị “10”

d. Thực hiện cổng OR khi đầu vào điều khiển nhận giá trị “11”

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity alu is

a : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);

b : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);

sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);

q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)

end alu;

architecture alu of alu is 

with sel select

q <= a+b when "00",

a-b when "01",

a and b when "10",

a or b when others;

end alu;

27. Đếm số 1 trong chuỗi đầu vào 8 bít

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity demso1 is

generic (n:integer:=8);

input : in STD_LOGIC_vector(n-1 downto 0);

output : out integer range 0 to n

end demso1;

architecture demso1 of demso1 is


variable temp: integer range 0 to 8;


for i in input'range loop

case input(i) is

when '1'=>temp:=temp+1;

when others=>null;

end case;

end loop;


end process;

end demso1;

28. Đếm số 0 trong chuỗi đầu vào 8 bít

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity demso0 is

generic (n:integer:=8);

input : in STD_LOGIC_vector(n-1 downto 0);

output : out integer range 0 to n

end demso0;

architecture demso0 of demso0 is


variable temp: integer range 0 to 8;


for i in input'range loop

case input(i) is

when '0'=>temp:=temp+1;

when others=>null;

end case;

end loop;


end process;

end demso0;

29. Bộ chia tần số với hệ số bất kỳ

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity chiatan is 

generic (n:integer:=6);

clk : in STD_LOGIC;

output : buffer BIT

end chiatan; 

architecture chiatan of chiatan is


variable dem: integer range 0 to n;

if(clk'event and clk='1') then


if (dem=n) then

output<=not output;


end if;

end if;

end process;

end chiatan;

30. Mã hóa 3-8

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity mahoa38 is

input : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);

output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)

end mahoa38;

architecture mahoa38 of mahoa38 is

with input select

output<="00000001" when "000",

"00000010" when "001",

"00000100" when "010",

"00001000" when "011",

"00010000" when "100",

"00100000" when "101",

"01000000" when "110",

"10000000" when "111",

unaffected when others;

end mahoa38;

31. Giải mã 8-3

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity giaima83 is

input : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);

output : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0)

end giaima83;

architecture giaima83 of giaima83 is


case input is

when "00000001"=>output<="000";

when "00000010"=>output<="001";

when "00000100"=>output<="010";

when "00001000"=>output<="011";

when "00010000"=>output<="100";

when "00100000"=>output<="101";

when "01000000"=>output<="110";

when "10000000"=>output<="111";

when others=>null;

end case;

end process;

end giaima83;

32. Tìm mã bù 2 của 1 số

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_signed.all;

entity timmabu2 is

generic (n:integer:=4);

din : in STD_LOGIC_vector (n downto 0);

dout : out STD_LOGIC_vector (n downto 0)

end timmabu2;

architecture timmabu2 of timmabu2 is


variable temp:std_logic_vector (n downto 0);




end process;

end timmabu2;

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