
Shifting gears to the alternate universe, the boys were on the rooftop, building and deciding on how they were going to turn parts into a bunch of weapons. The tech was all laid out in front of them.

"Hand me that wrench," The duplicate ordered. He was given just that and twisted the bolt in, "ok...hammer."

Morris handed over the tool. Once he did, he took a peek at what his partner was creating. His eyebrow went up.

"What are you even making?" Morris asked.

"Who knows?" The clone rhetorically questioned, not even sure himself, "Unfortunately my brother was the only one lucky enough to get the mechanic gene. Long as this thing doesn't kill somebody it should be fine."

"I thought that was the whole point th-"

"You wanna cause an accidental hit that wipes us out and every dimension afterwards?" The doppelganger inquired.

Morris nodded.

"Got it." He understood.

Getting back to work, the guys went on to make sure their weapons were effective. Although, something was bugging the adult. He looked over at the kid, who was fixated on his choice of defense. Sensing the staring, he continued to build his creation while speaking.

"Yes?" The child asked.

"Are you really mad at me and Seth or just at everything that happened?" Morris popped the question.

The teenage boy picked up a screwdriver.

"Care to clarify?" He quizzed.

"Ok so yeah we might've messed with your life-"

"You ruined my life." The duplicate snapped a bit, "not that it was great in the beginning anyway."

"Yeah," Morris agreed, "and we might've caused you to have to fight monsters, fight your principal and your father who you didn't know was your father, defeat an oozed crazy person, blow up your school, seperate you from your birth parents, and basically ripped you away from high school all together-"

"You don't get credit for that one. I left school because I wanted to. Not because of Harper's bullcrap. Never looked back and I like it that way," the alternate clone shot back. He screwed in one of his loose screws, "and what's your point?"

"Point is...what you said back there at the sounds like you just want to have justice for yourself," Morris told him. The fifteen year old picked up his weapon and looked to see what could be changed, "for all the times that you felt like you couldn't."

The former pilot grabbed the wrench again and took out some of the bolts.

"So what?" He asked as he went on to do just that, "you think you understand me now? You know everything and know why I'm doing this?"

"No, but you did find me and capture me to make sure I worked with you," Morris answered back, "which I'm still not sure about since we could, oh I don't know, have our heads blown off my millions of guardians?! Are you insane? Seriously, sometimes you're more crazy than Seth-"

Immediately stopping his work and putting down the wrench, the minor had electricity coming from his hands. He glared at the adult with no hatred in his eyes. Instead, he was just triggered. Morris flinched, but didn't back away.

"First off, I'd rather be called insane than crazy," the duplicate said. The older human gave him a weird expression, "and second, don't try and convert me or something. I'm not an enemy."

Holding back, the younger alternate version of the Walker brother looked back at his weapon. He shook his head in frustration and turned to face Morris again.

"I should hate you," the doppelganger stated, "I really should. You helped the man that hurt so many people and had no intentions of disobeying you're just...I don't know. I don't know!"

Throwing his tool on the ground, the weapon broke into tiny pieces. Shattered glass and metal parts covered the rooftop floor. Morris watched it break and quickly looked at the child, who seemed more confused than anything.

"And you're not wrong either," the kid didn't object to his earlier theories. He rolled his eyes and shrugged, "I want justice. I want to die remembering how everybody felt when I turned everything around. So, why not be risky than play it safe?"

He walked to take the hammer back.

"Everybody got what they wanted, now it's my turn," the child continued as he picked up the hammer, "simple as that."

No more was said as the fifteen year old crouched down to the ground and cleaned up the mess he made. Morris pressed his lips together a little bit, not knowing how to feel about this. He walked up and lowered himself to the floor. Assisting the former pilot, the older human removed some of the broken pieces. The duplicate looked over his shoulder to see who was helping him. He looked away after a few seconds, but a tiny smile found a way to appear on his face.


Veracity never could understand how someone could build such a robot out of thin air. True it takes time to create a machine to fight weird, ooze filled beasts that want to destroy everything in sight, but still. The kind of tech needed for that is highly advanced. Even for a scientist standards. However, that wasn't what she needed to discuss with him. She had other things in mind.

"Leo?" V called.

The 30 year old turned to face her.

"What?" He asked.

"I know that Mack said she was Ryan's cousin and that Randall and Liam were brothers," Veracity began, "and at first I bought it. But then, it had me thinking how that was possible since we found about Seth and Ryan's history."

Leo crossed his arms.

"If Seth is Ryan's dad and Randall was the one who helped protect him, wouldn't that mean Kenzie isn't related to Ryan since Liam is her father?" V inquired.

Leo took a moment to think. He didn't think much of it to be honest. With Seth being the bad guy again, he dismissed him as a dad completely and put Randall in that position. It hadn't dawned on him about how Mackenzie fit into all of this.

"That...makes sense," Leo agreed with her, "wow, I guess they aren't related then since Seth doesn't have any siblings."

Veracity sighed. Poor Mack. What is she going to tell her? What is she gonna tell Ryan? I mean he had to have known about this...well...since she missed it, unless he talked to Randall, he couldn't of known about it either.

"But while we're on the subject...," Leo started speaking again, "there is something I have to tell you."

Veracity raised an eyebrow as the male, older scientist pulled her arm and led her into the lounge. He sat her down, readying himself for this news.

"What is it?" V questioned.

Sighing, Leo knew the time had come to tell her.

"You have two dads," he started to tell her, "I know that. And you told me that your mother died before you turned 7."

"Yeah," Veracity replied. She looked to the floor for a second before saying, "yeah I...I miss her a lot sometimes. She never wanted me to be alone and she always knew what I was feeling before I could tell her. It's like she was psychic, but in a good way...god I hope she's in Heaven."

Leo placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort. V raised her head up.

"Me too," he sided with her. He removed his hand from her shoulder, "um...there's a reason why she died."

"Yeah, my dads told me it was because she got into a really bad car accident." V told him.

Leo shook his head.

"No um, that was a cover up," he retorted. Veracity shifted in her spot as she became suspicious, "did your mom tell you where she worked?"

"Some big name office building. She never went into it much." V replied.

"Well, she actually worked for Seth," he slowly revealed, "I know because we used to be friends when I was testing the experiments and we stayed in touch since then."

Veracity looked up and down a little.

"Once I got captured, I lost contact with her. It wasn't until after I got out, I could try reaching her. I never found her." Leo continued.

Staying silent, the dirty blonde haired child didn't know what to make of this.

"But way before the guys came to get me, I heard an argument between Harper and one of his workers. It sounded like a woman. It had to be your mom. I know what her voice sounds like," Leo remembered, "I can't remember everything they said, but it was pretty heated..."


Confined and chained against his will, the adult scientist couldn't get free. He was absolutely certain that if he was released, Harper would pay. Why his now former best friend would do this is a reason handled horribly. He only prayed that Mech X would be able to hold up and defeat the crazy tech enthusiast. Knowing that was all the satisfaction he needed.

"You're insane!" A woman shouted.

That jolted Leo from his thoughts.

"Now you're saying it's insane?! I told you this plan months ago." A man retaliated.


"You didn't say monsters, people possibly getting hurt, or trying to 'reform' the planet! Where was that in the conversation?!"

"I promise this is for the best-"

"The best my butt! You can't do this to people!" The woman disagreed.

Leo chuckled to himself. He knew that voice and sass all too well.

"And why not?!" Seth asked as if he was right.

"Because it's wrong!" the worker argued, "I know you wanna fix things, but this isn't the way to do it!"

"People are ruining everything they were given! They deserve payback for mishandling this world!" Seth shot back.

Leo shook his head.

"You've lost what's left of your mind!" the woman yelled at him, "and for someone so smart, that's pretty sad."

Harper shrugged.

"Well just because you think that doesn't mean it's true!" He hollered, "and if you didn't want any part of it, you should've quit a long time ago!"

"Okay, I quit!" The woman screamed, "good luck finding your new assistant manager!"

"Good thing your best friend J.J. has been working hard! Can't wait to tell her about the promotion!" Seth retorted loudly.

Leo raised an eyebrow while the employee shook her head in disbelief.

"You know what?!" She yelled, "don't think your business will last any longer! When Godfrey hears about this, you're finished!"

Leo heard her footsteps run down the halls. It sounded like her boss went after her. They were still screaming at each other, but he couldn't make out what it was. Gulping, he hoped that she could expose him in time.

(End Of Flashback)

"Harper killed my mom?!" Veracity roared in anger as she rose from the couch.

"I don't know if that's what-"

"That phony little wazzbag has some nerve!" Veracity barked, "he's going to pay for this and I'm gonna make sure he goes down in ashes!"


"NO!" Veracity cut him off. The scientist shut his mouth, "I lost my MOTHER because of him. He plays Mr. Nice Guy one minute and then acts the like devil incarnate the next. I'm tired of his lying and head games! He's going down and he's not leaving alive!"

Now fuming, the teenage girl walked out of the lounge. She picked up speed and ran to the elevator. It shot her down quick. The adult rubbed the back of his neck and left his hand there, sighing and shutting his eyes tight.

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