Your Guardian (Part Two)
[Your Guardian – Part 2]
"My Lady, if you do not leave for the carriage now, I fear you will not be able to make it to the ball on time." Cain spoke up politely as I looked up from the diary I had been writing upon, meeting cool green eyes that had become unafraid of meeting mine over the years that we had spent together. Through the mirror, the sight of a well-dressed young man who had grown up very well met me, and I could not help but recall the years that had passed since the first day he arrived at the door of the Danton house.
Cain had looked like a strong gust of wind could easily blow him off his feet back when he had first been introduced to my father by the princes, but he had certainly taken his training very seriously. Of course, a further contributing factor had to be his innate talent and ability at the sword, though I'd like to think that the Danton support also contributed in helping him fit his title and clothes as well. Over the years, I had heard talk from his teachers, my maidservants, and even my parents about how Cain had taken advantage of the classes that my father had assigned to him as part of his training to be my bodyguard knight.
In fact, the boy from back then had fared so well that my father had added on more classes in addition to his role as a bodyguard, and more for Cain's title as the Baron Lander.
"So what if I turn up to the ball late?" I responded with a light scoff, keeping to myself the amusement at his inability to keep his expression from turning dismayed at my dismissal of his suggestion. "Everyone would just be spreading stories about how I was late because I was helping out some poor orphan on the street, or caught up receiving praise for my foresight in investing in the newest trend or something of that sort."
"It will still be prudent for us to at least attempt to make haste, my Lady." Cain answered because the man himself –for all his wits and strategy in sword-fighting –could not come up with an explanation for the strange happenings around the lady he served.
It was certainly a strange phenomenon, and a very large boulder in my self-directed journey towards ruining my own reputation and position as a Crown Princess-to-be in order to avoid death. Ever since I decided to take my own fate into my own hands and avoid being poisoned to death purely because of my position as a Crown Princess-to-be, I had flipped through all my memories about the original storyline of Your Guardian and had exclusively picked out every name and event that was associated with evil, villainy, greed... and basically forced myself to get closer to these people and events.
Take for example Marquis Keifer. Somewhere down the timeline in the original story, Marquis Keifer was set to be executed on orders from Prince Vergil after being discovered to have taken part in the plan that killed Corvina Danton (i.e. me). It was a simple case of a father who had desperately wanted his daughter to become the tool that linked him to the royal family, and Corvina Danton holding on tightly to the Crown Princess-to-be position was basically his biggest road block to that dream.
Naturally, to avoid death thanks to Marquis Keifer's careful planning, trying to avoid him as much as possible was the best strategy... except that I did the opposite. I forced myself to make friends with Kelly Keifer, the lady that Marquis Keifer so desperately wanted to replace me with. At first, I had approached Kelly –a young lady who had created for herself a not-so-stellar reputation because of her tendency to let her emotions dictate her and fly into a temper quickly –with the pure intention of being so close to her that she would eventually dissuade her father from trying to remove me from my (unwilling) position by killing me.
What turned out to happen went a little bit off the mark – it turned out that Kelly's bad temper had been born from her father's lack of attention showered upon her, and that she had always made fusses in public in attempts to get some attention. When I ignored her bad reputation and approached her to be a friend, she turned out to bask in the attention that I tried my best to give her, and her temper eventually calmed. I wasn't sure why the princes always insisted on coming along for the ride whenever I tried to visit my friend, and Kelly greatly enjoyed the company much more. With the princes and the Crown Princess-to-be frequently visiting the Keifer House thanks to our friendship, the Marquis became more and more welcoming of us –especially me –and eventually, the man even pledged himself to be on my father's side in terms of palace factions.
This gave me mixed feelings – I had somehow gotten rid of a person who clearly meant me ill intentions (in the past and in the original story), but this also created rumors of how 'Corvina was such an angel to approach the girl with bad temper and manners', and 'how the Keifer girl had seen the light after being exposed to the Saintess's kindness and had reformed into a better person after receiving grace'. It had essentially been a step forward in avoiding death, but two steps backwards in displaying myself as a lady unbecoming of the position of the Crown Princess-to-be.
"My Lady, please." Cain's words broke through my internal thoughts once more, and I could only sigh. I had only insisted on getting Cain for my own protection, but somehow it seemed as if I had gotten myself a nagging knight instead.
"Fine, you win." I found it hard not to give in to such a handsome face giving me such a sincere plead as I finally rested my pen. "In exchange, promise me that you won't argue if I try to leave the ball early."
"But, my Lady, it is rude-" The protest rose again, but I interrupted fluently since we had been through this verbal tango far too many times for me to bother counting.
"My excuse will be that I am not feeling very well." I answered, straightening up in my chair in order to make sure that my appearance was unchanged. One of the very first things I had been quick to give up on when I decided on trying to be disqualified as a Crown Princess was the corset. The torture device was a mandatory fashion piece and my absolute refusal to wear them –choosing to hire designers and seamstresses to make my own unique types of dresses that had absolutely no need for corset to emphasize my body line –had initially been taken as a rebuke to the society.
Yet, to my dismay, the princes had stood up for me in front of the kingdom and applauded me for my bravery, stating that their poor mother the Queen -like the countless other women of the kingdom -had historically been tortured by the corset and that I was paving the way for a future where men and women alike were free –free from restrains in fashion just to please the crowd. Overnight, I became an icon of change and foresight rather than a rude lady unfit for the crown.
"My Lady, you left last week's gathering saying that you were feeling under the weather as well." Cain reminded, falling into step with me as I finally closed the door to my bedroom behind me and made down the corridor to where the carriage had already been waiting for me since half an hour ago. "If you use the same excuse, everyone will think that you have contracted some sort of illness."
"Well, then I hope that that rumored illness is terrible enough that I don't have to go out attending stupid balls and gatherings." My answer was easy and smooth, mood lightening at the thought of being labelled as too sick to be attending events in the position of a Crown Princess, and eventually being too sick to be a proper future-Queen. "Maybe I should get the maids to give me another layer of makeup to look more pallid."
"We will already be late as it is; if you were to request for another round of makeup, we may arrive only as the first guests are retiring for the night!" Cain protested almost immediately at my musings, and I chuckled in response to that. The years had passed, but I still took daily amusement from teasing the poor man.
"Less chances for people to share rumor about me." My answer was careless. "The more time I spend with either of the princes, the more people try to rumor of me being closer to-"
"And is that an issue, my dear Corvy?" The interruption was sudden as both Cain and I came to an abrupt stop to find very familiar individuals making towards us from the other end of the long corridor.
"Your Highnesses! My greetings to the stars of the kingdom." Cain rushed to greet, but my interest was less with greeting the pair of good-looking men strolling casually towards us.
"What are the two of you doing here, your Highnesses? How can the hosts of tonight's ball be missing?" I questioned suspiciously, but was –as usual –answered with a guiltless grin from the younger prince and an imperceptible expression from the older sibling.
"The host is our father, and he is quite busy entertaining the old ones. We slipped out since you weren't there yet." Dante answered without missing a single bit. "We're your escorts for the day."
"Escorts? I already have Cain as my escort as usual." I commented in surprise. I had not heard about needing an escort for the King's ball, but even if there was a requirement for an escort, it had been an established fact that my bodyguard knight would always fill in the role as my escort until either of the princes was chosen as my partner.
"It is fine if you chose to have Cain as your escort this time." Prince Vergil interrupted anything that his brother was ready to say, and I bit back comment about how suspicious this whole affair was suddenly becoming with the unannounced visit of the princes. "We will substitute as your bodyguards instead."
"Bodyguards?" Cain repeated the same time as I did, though he did more than simply try to clarify his confusion. "How can I possibly allow Your Highnesses to serve as my Lady's bodyguards when I am here for the role? Please reconsider, Your Highness."
"You and I both know that I am more than capable to be Corvina's knight and guard." Vergil's answer was evened and full of confidence –with all the right reasons, because I knew that both the prince and my bodyguard knight were rumored to jointly share the title of the Kingdom's best swordsmen. "And rest assured, I am not here to replace you. We are here to supplement the security detail."
"What do you mean 'supplement'? Is the Lady in danger?"
"We heard whispers." Vergil answered vaguely and brushed back his coat just enough to show his trusty sword Yamato strapped at his side.
The sight of the sword meant only 1 thing: the prince was prepared for something very serious.
"Should I bring my sword, Prince Vergil?" Cain understood the same thing that I did, straightening up almost immediately at the prospect of something that could put me in danger.
"No, I made sure that Dante came packed as well." Vergil gestured to his twin, who pushed his coat back to show a pair of sheathed short swords at his sides. It didn't take long to realize that while Dante's grin had not slid, there was something much more mischievous in that smile this time as if he was terribly looking forward to... to whatever the princes appeared to be privy to while keeping the both of us in the dark.
"But would it not be better if I-"
"The plan is for the two of you to appear as unknowing and vulnerable as possible." Vergil interrupted, a hand reached forth and capturing my free hanging one with genteel. When I offered no protest, he gave a gentle tug in gesture for me to follow behind him as we moved in a group towards the main gates. "Let us talk and move at the same time."
"It is fine if we were to use me as a bait, Your Highness, but if there is going to be danger, would it not be better if Lady Corvina takes a separate carriage?" Cain pursued, but it appeared that neither of the princes were interested to listen.
"Wouldn't it be better if I don't turn up at all?" I suggested with hope; hope that I could be given free pass to stay at home and enjoy myself being alone since my parents had already left for the ball.
"And let our Corvy be accused of being a homebody because she chose to stay at home during the King's ball?" Dante chirped in, nothing in his voice betraying the atmosphere of the supposedly dangerous event that would be happening.
"You could always say I stayed at home in the interest of my safety and security." I suggested, but only watched the back of Prince Vergil's head shake.
"You're assuming that your house a safe place, Lady Corvina." The answer came short as we arrived to where our carriages – mine and the royal princes' -were awaiting. What surprised me was Vergil all but dragging me over to the obviously more opulent one, only stopping to open the door to his carriage and ushering me inside. I rushed to turn around for a protest, but only found my protesting bodyguard knight being pushed in in the same way by the younger prince.
"Your Highnesses! What is the meaning of this?" I tried to demand, ignoring Cain's polite and instinctual apology for having bumped into me after being thrown in by Prince Dante.
Both princes stood at the narrow doorway of the carriage, with their swords unsheathed and palmed carefully in their hands, in a stance that spoke for ready battle.
"Go to ball before us. No matter what happens, don't come out of the carriage until you reach the palace." The instruction was spoken like an order, and there was clearly no doubting the identity of Prince Vergil's father was given how natural he was at issuing orders to the both of us.
"Keep a smile on that pretty face! We'll definitely be fine, just maybe a little bit dirty after this. But blood comes off easily from this coat, so it'll be fine!" Prince Dante's grin did not lose its power even as he flicked his short swords expertly, a hand on the door of the carriage. "Cain, you better keep Corvy safe! If you don't, you'll be in lots of trouble the next time you do sword training with Verge here."
It appeared that neither of the princes were accepting of my protests as the door closed, and an order was given to the coachman to start the carriage rolling. Startled at the speed at which we were lurching forward and steadily out of my family's compound, both Cain and I scrambled to take our seats, watching desperately out of the window as the princes both jumped into the carriage that had been meant for me, drawing the curtains quickly as my family's coachman started the carriage as well –a leisure trot as per the usual etiquette for bringing a noble lady to the King's ball.
"My Lady, please excuse me." Cain must have seen something outside the window that I did not, because a gentle hand on my shoulder pulled me back from the window, and made quick work to pull the blinds of royal carriage down on both sides. "Please do not pull the blinds back."
"What did you see?" I asked, worried because an attack on me like this was not something I remembered in the original story or in my previous life. That was why I had been taking things easily –by this age in my previous life, I had become well-revered enough that even sneaky nobles thought twice of the consequences before trying anything on me. There had been no mention of in the original story of Corvina being ambushed on her way to any ball held in the palace either; the Ducal Family of Danton had always known the danger of Corvina being ambushed on her way to events and had always arranged a tight security for her... except that they no longer did now in this life because I had Cain, and Cain had proven himself very capable in protecting me alone.
Had my insisting on getting Cain on my side and the strange phenomenon of everything I did becoming something to be lauded for –had all those given more reasons for the people who did not like Corvina to take actions earlier?
"There were men dressed in black emerging from the woods making towards the carriages that his highnesses were on." Cain answered, unsheathing his sword and leaving it balanced between his knees as he sat, straight-spined across me. "I believe that they must have known about an ambush on you."
"Then what are we doing still rushing for the Ball? We should be following them to see if we can help them out! What if something happens to them?" My fangirl side –the side that still wished for the general safety and happiness of the twin princes –rose quickly as I stood up, intending to order the coachman to change his destination. I was stalled, however, when Cain leaned forward and grabbed at my hand, stopping my venture.
"Please listen to His Highness Vergil, my Lady. They know and are ready for the ambush. I know best what they are capable of with their swords, and I have little doubts that mere bandits would not be able to take them down." Cain assured.
"Are you sure?" I asked, doing my best to convince myself of the same. Although I knew it to be true –that the princes were very stellar swordsmen who would be hard to beat as long as they were not taken by surprise –there was still uncertainty deep in my heart as took my uneasy seat.
"I'm sure. What I am more worried about is the ambushers having caught sight of you getting into this carriage instead." Cain answered evenly, looking every bit the reliable bodyguard knight that he was supposed to be. Considering how many times he had to put himself on the line for my sake, I guess seeing this reliable and suave side of Cain was really something I was getting used to as I allowed myself to relax into the comfortable cushioning of the princes' carriages.
"Ok fine. But once we reach the Ball, I'll find my parents immediately, so you turn back to find the princes and help them out." I instructed, and it was definitely well-taken as Cain nodded seriously.
Tense silence stewed between us as we waited, keeping careful ears out for any tell-tale sounds of any bandits or anyone chasing behind our carriage as it rushed through in an attempt to escort me to safety. I kept prayers of the well-being of my princes tight in my head and the journey almost felt too long until it jerked to a stop.
Cain, with his sword still unsheathed, carefully peaked out of the blinds, then nodded.
"We're here." He affirmed, then threw the door open, stepping out first. I noted –and kept silent –about how Cain had still refused to sheath his sword even though we were already safely within the imperial palace, taking his offered hand as I descended from the carriage.
"Corvina? Where are the two devils who are so fond of hanging around you?" A familiar voice asked, and I spun around to find the most important man of the kingdom standing a small distance away, the most important woman of the kingdom at his arm and having the same politely curious expression hung on her face.
"Greetings to the Sun and Moon of the Kingdom." Cain and I were quick to bow with reverence, though I imagined the strangeness in picture that we drew –both of us alighting from the carriage meant for the royal princes, and Cain still holding on to his sword; unsheathed.
"It's great to see you once again, Corvina. I thought I would miss you when your parents greeted us saying that you were taking a little longer to dress up for the Ball." Queen Eva greeted back with her gentle smile in response. "But where are Vergil and Dante? They told us that they were going to fetch you and that there was something that they had to do personally. They seemed urgent, so Sparda let them go, but where are the two of them now?"
I hesitated, not sure how to tell the King and Queen that their darling sons had put their lives in danger protecting me.
"If I may, Your Majesties," Cain saved me from being the bearer of bad news as he spoke up briefly, "Both his highnesses may be caught in some trouble at the moment. I will accept any punishment for speaking and acting out of line at a later time, but I ask for leave to return to assist them immediately."
"Oh dear! What sort of trouble have the boys gotten themselves into? Did they trouble you, Corvina? Is that why you have arrived in their carriage instead?" Queen Eva exclaimed worriedly; a delicate hand placed over her lips in the gentlest fashion I had ever seen.
"They did not trouble me! In fact, they were saving me from dangers, so please, Your Majesties, allow Cain to return to aid them." I begged quickly.
"Aid who?" I could hardly believe my ears as I spun around immediately, finding a pair of disheveled-looking young men strolling over to us in leisure, looking as if there was absolutely nothing wrong with their sudden appearance. "You mean have Lousy Little Cain covering our asses? No thanks; I won't like rumors saying how Cain "protected" me, not after how I beat his ass black-and-blue during training the other time."
"Vergil! Dante! Why are the two of you looking so homeless!" I don't know what was more surprising –the fact that King Sparda seemed to completely miss the fact that his sons had obvious splatters of blood on their impressive royal garbs, gloves and swords or the fact that both princes had clearly made it out of a messy battlefield without looking the least bit injured. Besides, how had they caught up with our carriage so quickly? The coachman had been running the horses hard the entire journey.
"There were a few annoying flies hanging around Corvy." Dante answered easily, his iconic grin still hung across his face. "Good riddance."
"Is this part of both your plans again?" King Sparda's frown was one of soft displeasure at the apparently mischievousness of his sons.
"Please don't blame this on them, Your Majesty!" I protested quickly. "They were trying to protect me from people who were trying to ambush me on my way to the Ball!"
"Father, I believe we have talked about this." Prince Vergil spoke up, always the reliable and serious one of the princes if he wasn't so obsessed about swordsmanship.
"Fine." I wasn't sure if there was some sort of arrangement within the royal family, but it appeared that there seemed to be some form of agreement between the princes and their parents as King Sparda huffed his grudging acceptance to the current state of affairs, and Queen Eva only looked helplessly amused at messy state of her sons. "Go clean up and come back as soon as possible. Come with us back into the ballroom, Corvina. Our little break out in the gardens have run a little too long, and you coming back into the ballroom with us will take some attention off our disappearance. You come too, Cain Lander."
The directive tone of the King was not something anyone could ignore; I did a quick check to make sure that my appearance had not been spoilt. Cain himself sheathed his sword, retaining his humble silence as both of us started trailing carefully behind the royal couple.
"Remember to draw a smile on that beautiful face!" Prince Dante bade in excitement as I rushed to fall into step behind the royal pair who had turned and started back to the ballroom, leaving not a single care for their disheveled and bloodied sons. Was this a common sight for the King and Queen? Did the Princes always get themselves bloodied during balls and parties? I didn't remember this strange habit of the princes back in my previous life, but that had also been back during a time when I hadn't gone out trying to destroy the original plotline.
Was my deviation from the plotline somehow making the princes change personalities?
"Do not think too much of things, Lady Corvina. We are fine, and we will always protect you; come what may." The promise from Prince Vergil was serious and sincere –and had absolutely zero context in which I could understand.
Hence, with a confused expression threatening the politically-gentle smile that I had learnt to draw on my face, I turned my back on the bloody pair of princes to chase after their parents back to the Ballroom.
We are fine, and we will always protect you.
The princes certainly took that sentence very seriously, and very far. Far enough, at least, to demand an emergency meeting of the Nobles Court at the Imperial Hall, and stand me at the very front.
At this point, 14 years after I reincarnated for a second time into the body of Corvina Danton, I no longer had any idea what to expect.
My plans to become a lady unworthy of the Crown Princess title had become thwarted to thoroughly that I was very sure that someone out there knew about my plan and had actively gone out to reverse everything I tried to do. The only problem was that regardless how much I tried, I had failed to find my enemy. Eventually, I had simply learnt to give up trying to find out who it was ruining my plans for my own future, and had simply moved on to doing whatever I wanted, and allowed my enemy to 'help' me from the curtains behind which he/she was hiding.
However, back to the current point in time, I barely understood the chain of events that had me standing in front of the Royal Dais in the Imperial Hall, facing the hall full of Nobles looking up at us in confusion at the show that the princes were cooking up. Today itself marked an unforgettable day; it was the day after the princes' 24th birthday, and also the same day that my first life as Corvina had ended.
On the same day in my past life, I had been in the princes' study helping them arrange their attendance when a maid had come in with poisoned tea which had basically killed me almost instantaneously.
But today, I had woken up safely at home, had gone through my usual routine of lazing around the bed for a good part of the morning, then gone down for breakfast/lunch when I had received a message from the Imperial Palace that the princes had requested that I visit them. I had not sensed anything amiss –perhaps just the strange absence of my parents around the house waiting to nag the life out of me when I had gone downstairs for my first meal of the day –when I got off the carriage at the Palace. Cain and I even shared casual talk until a pair of palace maids had approached us and informed us that the princes were waiting at the Imperial Hall, and that they had also requested for Cain to take part in an emergency meeting in his capacity as Baron Lander.
We had separated on the way to the Imperial Hall, where I had strangely been led to enter by the side door instead of the main double-doors. Then, the side door had opened to the strangest sight of practically everyone in the Nobles Court –including a Cain who looked equally confused at the far end –assembled there.
"Our guest of Honor has arrived. We shall start." Prince Vergil announced loudly, clearly having trained very well in his public-speaking skills. That in itself was a strange observation to make; I had not recollected having seen or heard either of the princes attending any public-speaking classes during this life, but yet it seemed like both of them were doing very well carrying themselves in front of the crowd.
"The reason why I have called for this emergency meeting is to make two very important announcements." Prince Vergil began, totally at home with the confused attention placed upon him. "Firstly, I call to the front a particular palace maid who goes by the name of Bixie. Guards, escort her in."
The confusion that hung in the air only got heavier as the double-doors to the end of the large hall opened and a pair of guards escorted a palace maid who looked terrified. As the maid named Bixie came closer, I realized why I suddenly found her so familiar –it was the very same maid who had served me the poisoned tea on this very day in my previous life.
"G-Greetings to-" The maid had barely begun to bow and stutter her humble greetings to the royals that stood before her, but was almost immediately interrupted by the no-nonsense prince.
"State who it was who instructed you to put poison into Corvina's tea." Prince Vergil demanded strongly to the jolt and collective gasp of everyone in attendance.
"P-P-Prince... I-I cannot... My family... They have my family..." Bixie the maid begged pitifully –though it was not something beyond my expectations. This was the standard way nobles plotted to assassinate each other in the Nobles' Court after all. The easiest way was by holding one of the maids' or attendants' family in custody and have them slip poison in their enemy's drink.
"And you think slipping poison into Corvina's tea would not rob me and Dante of our family? Would it not rob Duke and Duchess Danton from their family?" The tightly-controlled savagery hidden behind the words of Prince Vergil was surprising to me, and shocking to the rest of the Nobles' Court. Surprising for me, because I had read about this savage part of him when I read the novel of how the Princes had struggled to get past the initial prejudice the Nobles Court had against them, and how they had to display a hard-handed approach to instill fear to show that they could not be pushed around.
Unfortunately, this savagery was something that was supposed to have developed further in the timeline after Corvina's death, and the fact that it was showing now meant that the Nobles Court was completely taken aback by the hidden side of a Prince who had been known simply as someone who went along with his little brother's playful tricks and never really took things very seriously.
"T-That's not what I-" Bixie the maid's fear for her own life was completely understandable as she groveled on her knees.
A loud, explosive yawn took the attention of everyone in attendance as he stretched in a dramatic fashion, then pretended to be surprised when all eyes landed on him.
"What? Verge, you're taking your time with all the acts and it's boring the life out of me." Prince Dante addressed his elder brother with a hint of disinterest in his tone, as if the sudden savagery that his twin was displaying was an everyday phenomenon.
"Fine." Prince Vergil answered as his arms crossed. "You take over."
As the usual Dante-grin began to spread like butter over the prince's face, his elder brother seemed to suddenly reconsider.
"Remember: don't terrorize Corvina or her parents." Prince Vergil added in as a quick worried after-thought, stepping until he stood right beside the confused me. Dante was intending to do something that was about to terrorize me?
"I'll try, but if I have too much fun, you can't blame me." The younger brother answered. Without a second warning, the ceremonial sword that always made part of his image as a prince of the kingdom was drawn from its scabbard... and I realized that it was not a ceremonial sword. Dante must have at some point switched the blade of the 'ceremonial sword' to one that he often used, because I saw the many scratches and signs of use even as he held it easy in his grip.
"Prince Dante, what are you intending to do; drawing your sword like that in the Nobles Court!" Marquis Speares demanded from within the crowd.
"How funny you chose to speak up at this moment." Dante's grin –I didn't know how it was possible – only grew at the sight of the only noble in the group who seemed to have plucked the courage to state their demand to the princes. "Are you scared that Bixie will confess your name?"
"My conscience is clear-"
In the span of time it took me to blink, I heard a 'whoosh' in the wind, and then screams came all around. The crowd of nobles opened up, and in the middle of stood Marquis Speares on his knees, Dante's sword buried into his shoulder.
"Dante!" Prince Vergil barked sternly.
"Oops." Prince Dante's grin now held a hint of viciousness as he lifted his sword, bringing a fresh wave of blood as Marquis Speares screamed in pain. "I guess I missed."
I could not help myself from stepping closer to Prince Vergil unconsciously, not sure what had suddenly transpired this change in the princes. What had happened to them all of a sudden? Sure, they had grown up to be slightly different from how I remembered them during my first life as Corvina, but they had not showed a single sign of being... being as if they have gone through years of struggles to stand atop everyone.
"Do not worry, Corvina." Prince Vergil whispered as his arm wrapped around my shoulder. "We will make sure you get to live your full life this time. You will get to survive past today this time."
"What do you mean?" I asked, startled. There was no time for my question to be answered, however, when Prince Dante had stabbed another noble in the shoulder –Count Yeven this time. "W-What are the two of you..." I could not help but ask breathily, terrified at this sudden bloodfest. I watched as the group of fearful nobles began running in all directions, but it appeared that Duke Illian, the Kingdom's General, had been informed of the whole affair beforehand, because his troops came in immediately, blocking the exits.
"Today, we have a purge." A new voice that accompanied a new pair of attendees to the bloodbath rang loud and impressive in the hall. Some terrified yet loyal nobles attempted to bow to the sight of the King and Queen strolling into the hall from the side-door, a look of slight disdain at their blood-splattered son, but otherwise looking calm.
"Your Majesties; what is the meaning of this!" Marquis Speares seemed to have gotten past the worst of the pain to demand, but received another slash on his uninjured shoulder from Dante in response.
I unconsciously averted my gaze at the screams of a few of the weak-hearted ladies in attendance.
"It seems that some of you have taken full advantage of my best efforts in forgiving and overlooking some of the more questionable things that you have done. I never wished for a repeat of the bloodbath when I wrenched the throne from Mundus, but that never meant that I will remain blind in the face of evidence." King Sparda answered as he reached where Prince Vergil and I stood, a comforting pat on his son's shoulder as if to show support.
"On the night of my sons' 24th birthday, your Princes both came into my office and told me that if I did not give them leave to conduct a purge, then their most beloved Corvina would fall prey to the schemes of the Court. They gave me evidence –undisputable evidence –of the things that I have closed my eyes to in hopes of giving everyone a fair chance at forgiveness." King Sparda continued, and Queen Eva was clearly in on the whole affair as she drew out a stack of papers from her sleeves –proof of the evidences that her sons had brought to their father.
"Thanks to many of you here today, I did not get a chance to sleep a single wink yesterday night. I thought of the sufferings my people had to go through serving people like you. I was disgusted at the fact that my people had to work hard to give you money, to sponsor your petty games." King Sparda left his wife by our side as he stepped forth closer to the scene of carnage.
"Dante, I see you have already started your purge with Speares and Yeven. I give you leave; drag them all before me as I call their names. If they try to run... you do as you deem fit." King Sparda's instruction was stern and strong, and left absolutely no doubt for questions.
I startled when my vision blacked out at the warm feel fingers pressed lightly over my eyes.
"I apologize for not having enough hands to block your ears from the sound as well." Prince Vergil spoke lowly close to my ears –even as King Sparda began to call names and screams and chaos erupted in the background. "If you cannot bear the sounds, focus on my voice and my words."
Vergil must have felt my shiver of fear when someone's shriek rose particularly loud, as he stepped closer behind me, providing me a warmth along my back.
"When you died the first time, Dante and I were absolutely torn apart. We struggled the same way as you had read in your 'story'. I don't know how much you know of our struggles, but we were only able to get past because we held you in our heart. After Dante and I became the co-kings, after everything settled, we visited your room and we found your diary by accident. That was when we found out about everything –how you knew your fate after recollecting memories of another life, and how you –knowing your end –bravely went ahead to face it for our sakes. You were the Guardian of Dante and my childhood, and we could not forgive ourselves for being blinded to your sacrifices."
"Y-You knew all along?" I could not help but stutter. How was it that Vergil knew everything...?
"You wrote in your diary that you never understood the ending of that novel 'Your Guardian', because the main characters disappeared all of a sudden, spelling the end of the story. That was because Dante and I; we gave passed the throne down to someone we trusted and we went out looking for a way to give you the life you deserved. While we could not find a way to revive you from the dead, we found the next-best solution."
"Is that how I woke up a second time?"
"Yes. We rewinded time for this reality. Dante and I retained our memories, but both of us had also reverted to our 10-year-old selves. The first thing we did was to come find you, to see you again and to thank you for all that you had done for our sakes. Unfortunately, the first thing you did upon seeing us again was to fall unconscious again. Afterwards, you seemed to wanted to avoid us, so we thought that you regretted giving up your first life for us. We wanted to be sure so we kept chasing after you, and you took another strategy –you seemed to want to go against the fate you experienced in your first life. But we couldn't let you do that; if you got yourself disqualified as a Crown Princess, then we would not be able to watch you and guard you."
"So all those things that I did... and how they all became good things instead..."
"I apologize, but they were all Dante and me. We could not afford you to stray too far from us, but we still did our best to let you do as you wished. Did you not learn eventually to give up on your initial goal? Did you not enjoy your second life?"
"I...I did."
"Then that's good." I felt a nod from the man who had been speaking close behind me all this while. "Because this time, Dante and I are Your Guardians."
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