Waiting For Him

A/N: And now we welcome the first chapter of non-demonic forms of our favourite characters! The inspiration of this story came from watching television :) It was both exciting and challenging to write about this, because Vergil isn't exactly the type of man who wants to be seen so publicly without a damn good reason D;

Pic Credits: dante-vergil.tumblr.com

[Waiting for Him]

You check your watch, taking the stairs two by two because the lift doors had closed on you when you ran into the building, and you had no time to wait for it to make its journey up and down the building. You have only one minute left, and seven flights of stairs to take.

It's okay, you tell yourself as you begin to get more breathless with more flights of stairs that you took. You're going to make it on time. You simply have to.

You have a good feeling for the day. You know it in your guts that your boss had called you down to the office for something good. It had to be something good. You needed something good right now. The month hadn't been kind on you.

Working as an artiste manager in an entertainment company, you had gone through three years of training before you had been assigned to your first client. The then-rising model Akira had been reliant on you, and you had built a strange sort of relationship with her. Simply put it; Akira had had princess-issues and needed to be coddled into working. But once you had found your way around her, you had managed to get on well with her. Your colleagues had given you pats on your back and said that you had overcome a large hurdle.

Over the past two years, Akira's beauty and ability to sell products had gotten her increasing fame. She was slowly but steadily climbing the ranks, and even though it wasn't you who was getting famous, you had felt completed –because you were the one who had been there with her in her journey throughout.

That being said, Akira didn't exactly show much kindness or generosity towards you. Much often she took you for granted, still persistent with her princess problem. Fame went easily to her head, and she acted every bit the diva that she was supposed to be. And so, when her photographer boyfriend had eventually decided to give up on the camera and take up a new job in the managerial sector, the company had immediately taken you off her case so as to allow the couple to stay together and working together.

Your boss had made it crystal clear to you the day you were taken off Akira: that you had done absolutely nothing wrong, and that the company still valued you. In fact, they thanked you for being able to deal with Akira, to even push her to the success that she achieved now. You had, in your passion and honesty, wanted to be put back on Akira's case for fear that her boyfriend wouldn't know how to deal with her work ethics, but the company had insisted against it. They had insisted that the famous model needed to learn that not everyone in the industry was as nice and easy-going as you were; that not everyone was about to cater to her princess whims.

But it changed no fact that the company had put you out of your job. For the past month, they had assured you that they were looking for a new client to pair you up with, but the silence from their end had made you worried. What if they actually were looking for an appropriate excuse to fire you? What if no one needed you? Your company had a few top models and idols, but they were already aided by their own capable managers. There was no space to put you with the top. You needed to start with the small clients once more.

Workaholic as you were, you didn't mind small clients. As long as you got to do something. Anything.

"I'm here." You burst through the doors to your boss's office, panting. "I'm so sorry. There was a jam down the street. I parked three blocks away and ran here."

"Sky," Your boss exclaimed with surprise, taking a look at the poor you who was completely winded and had your hair clinging all out of place. "Take a seat. You look ready to fall off your feet anytime."

"Thank you." You reply, gratefully taking the invited seat across him at the desk. You thank your boss again when he kindly offers you a bottle of water, allowing you to take a big gulp before he takes out a file from his drawer, and spreads it down flat on the desk between the two of you.

"As we promised you, Sky, we've gotten you a new client. I think he's set and ready to go. He just needs a capable manager to keep up with his fire, and I think you're perfect for the job." Boss starts with a confident smile, and you look into his deep set brown eyes to see nothing but the truth there.

"Really, sir?" You asked, not really ready to believe your ears. Was it going to be so easy just like that? You had been taken out of Akira's case so suddenly that you almost couldn't settle back into a normal life. Now were they going to throw you into another client's case immediately?

You briefly remembered the problems that you had with Akira when the both of you were starting out. Was it going to happen again with this new client?

"Yes. I think you're going to have a lot of fun with him, because he is very different from Akira. It's a new experience that we think you should try."

"Okay." You answered unsurely. Besides, there was no rejecting the offer one way or another when your boss had given you the job. You couldn't exactly chose your own clients; you could only change yourself to suite your clients and be their support to their success. "How is he like?"

"I'd say his character is very strong. When I interviewed him, he left a very strong impression on me. I don't even think he needs words to get his point across. Look at this. This was his entry shot." Your boss explained, drawing the first article out of the file in front of him, helpfully placing it in front of you so you didn't have to squint. It was a colour photograph, and the man who stared back at you took your breath away.

As a manager who had sat through hundreds of photoshoots that included both your client and many other models of all genders and age, you knew the mark of a good photo when you saw one. You could immediately recognise talent whenever you saw a good photo, and this took the cherry on top of the cake. Faces tended to not impress you anymore considering the amount of good-looking people you saw on a daily basis in your job, but the fact that a simple photo of this man could take your breath away.

And he wasn't even trying to pose.

"Did he have his hair and makeup done before the shoot?" Your first question came, as you looked up to see your boss smiling slightly at your reaction.

"That's the damnest thing." Your boss chuckled. "He came in late and couldn't do hair and makeup. He only got on time to change into the outfit, and then he was up. This was what came out of it."

"So... he's a natural?"

"Completely. You understand why I believe he is ready for the top?"

"What about his skills?"

"The photographer on site said he needs a little coaching, but he has the basic down for the count. It isn't going to be hard for him to catapult into success. He will be flying higher than Akira, Sky. I have high hopes for him."

You blinked in surprise. Your boss, the president of Aria Entertainment, was one of the safest person you ever knew. He never made sweeping comments and refused to make any judgements until he was very sure about something. The fact that he was foreseeing such high achievements for this prospective model was speaking a lot.

You look back down at the photo once more, unbelieving that this guy was natural. His deep set eyes were wide with sexy charms that begged 'look at me'. His eyebrows were shaped perfectly to frame mesmerising blue eyes, tilted perfectly to give him an almost permanent stare of sexiness. His high nose and sharply defined cheekbones made you wonder if he really didn't do any contouring prior to the shoot. His jawline was etched in stone, and while he looked seriously into the camera lens during the shoot, there had been a hint of a mischievous smirk at the corner of his lips that made you want to know what had amused him so.

His body was the epitome of relaxation, with his head tilted a little high as if he were issuing a challenge to the camera. That pose, however, flexed enough muscles to fill the biker jacket that had been open at the front. You didn't even have to touch the real thing to know that those abs were rock-solid.

"Are you sure this is not photo shopped?" You asked when your eyes traced his mermaid line from his waist visually, your heart doing a small somersault of disappointment when they disappeared beneath leather pants. His hands tucked nonchalantly in his pockets strained at the material of his pants, and emphasized on the shape of his amazing legs, all the way down to his biker boots.

"I had a sense that you might ask that." Your boss replied with a hint of amusement in his tone. "I've just texted him. He's coming up at the moment."

"What is he doing now?"

"The scout of Junk Magazine caught sight of him when he came in for his entry shot and designated him immediately. He's doing a shoot for their spring collection as last minute entries." Your boss answered, as your eyes grew wide.

"He got a job even before he was official in the company?"

"What can I say? Talents get scouted the moment they show themselves. And this is a real deal. I have faith in you, Sky. Make him big."

"He doesn't need me to make him big. He's going to be big one way or another." You answer honestly. How was it that the company didn't already have a manager for him? You had so much to catch up with now that he had already started a job even before he had his administrations all down for the count.

"Yes, but he will need someone to guide him along. He's a natural, but still new to the industry. You already have five years of experience under your belt. I trust you, Sky."

A knock on the door interrupts you before you can make another comment, and your boss shouts his invitation into the room. You turn around as the door opens, and there appears the very same man who had been staring back at you through the photo. It was the very same man, and the same head of white hair and blue eyes pierce straight through you as he walks in with a politely confused expression.

He was now wearing a pop punk outfit complete with the chain-like accessories and looked completely badass. You would have assumed that he belonged into a punk band if you hadn't met him on such circumstance.

"You called me up here, Mr Aria?"

"Yes. I'd like for you to meet your manager, the person who's going to take care of you throughout your new journey in this industry." Your boss answered the lyrical voice that came from the man who was now increasily becoming too good to be true. Still, your boss had given you a cue, and thus you stood to stand in front of the model, making sure you had your most professional smile pasted on.

"Meet Sky Hayes. She was Akira's manager and has five years of experience under her belt. She saw Akira from her start through her rise to success, and I believe that she will do the same for you." Your boss provided the introduction as you put out your hand for a handshake.

"Sky, meet Vergil Sparda, our newest recruit."


You don't even flinch at the sight of the glorious half-naked body of your client when you walk into the changing room, phone in your hand. Neither does he react to your sudden arrival as well, simply taking a look at the intruder calmly through the mirror while threading his arms through the shirt holes.

The stylist had opted for the suave, sophisticated look for your client this time, and it was definitely already working. You are making that judgement simply by watching him stand regally in his light dress pants, and in in the middle of putting his shirt on.

"Show starts in thirty minutes." You announce.

"Plenty of time to spare." He answered, checking his watch before moving to button himself up in front of the mirror.

"I've prepared some questions that might come up for the interviews later." You start, taking a seat a safe distance away on the couch, glad that you had taken the time Vergil took for his makeup to do your homework on what the host of this variety show tended to ask other idols and artistes. "It isn't everything, but just some questions that he usually asks, as well as some that I think will be pretty application in your case."

"I did not realise that 'my case' is much different from anyone else." Your client replied. "But do go on."

"First question: You have enjoyed raging success since your entrance to the industry less than half a year ago, Mr. Sparda. How does it feel?"

"Quite surreal." Your client has no hesitation in his answer, and once more you admire his quick thinking. In your five and a half years of experience working as a manager, you have watched many celebrities go for interviews with varying degree of success. You have witnessed poor idols taken completely aback and speechless on set, and you have also seen idols practice their skills of diversion smoothly in the face of difficult questions.

But every time Vergil goes on set to answer questions, you are always amazed at his answers. Your client is honest, straight to the point, and have very little to hide. For questions very obviously made to throw him off his stride, your client has always been calm and composed, giving his answer so naturally as if he had already expected them.

"Would you like to explain yourself, Mr Sparda? Which part of this is so surreal?" You clarify, knowing that any host worth his salt would not be satisfied with his short answer.

"The fact that I am standing here, accomplished and successful in ways that I would never have imagined for myself in my younger years."

"I'm sure you have worked very hard to get to where you are now, Mr Sparda. What is the reason for your success?" You move on quickly to the next question, settled to know that your client is ready and prepared for the previous question.

"My manager. You should see how hard she works. If I have the week lined up, she basically will sleep less than two hours every night to get everything arranged perfectly. Seeing her work so hard makes me work hard as well, because I have no desire to lose to her." Vergil's confident reply shocks you into looking up from your phone and though his back is to you, you meet his eyes through the mirror in front of him. His intense gaze on you through the mirror is exactly what he has constantly done to camera lenses, and though you have been there for almost fifty photoshoots already, that look still gives you a cold chill down your spine.

"P-Perhaps you should talk about something else other than your manager. Maybe a particular song that you listen to before every shoot or something." You rush to say, hoping that your sudden short fluster was not complemented with a blush. "It isn't very advisable to always be talking about your manager. I know a few examples where fans got unhappy when their idols and their idols' managers got a little too close with each other. We want to avoid any bad press for you at this crucial moment."

"Is it not bad press if I lie, then?" Your client answered without missing a single beat, somehow able to button his own sleeves while holding straight eye contact with you through the mirror. "You asked a question, and I will give my honest reply; there is nothing to hide about."

"Okay..."You answer uncertainly, knowing that you couldn't really change your client's mind. In the past half a year or so that you have worked with him, Vergil has always been easily suiting your instructions, trusting you to know what it best for him. However, whenever he puts his foot down, you have never really been able to go against his wants.

"Next question: what is your motivation to get up every day? I am sure you don't simply get up prepared for your day's work like that every day."

"My manager's daily text every morning. Seeing my schedule lined up neatly for the day gets me going. She does the planning so perfectly that there isn't even an extra minute to spare. When I see that careful planning, I just want to go all out and complete every task to the best of my abilities."

Again, you pause but you don't speak up this time. In technicalities, his answer was mostly geared towards his own self-motivation to get things down rather than saying your effort was the one that got him going. Even though your professional side is a little worried at how your client is adamantly answering every question with unfaltering honesty, you are also secretly happy that your client has acknowledged and appreciated the hard work that you have done for his sake. Compared to Akira, your previous client, Vergil was giving you a much easier time at your job.

"Next," you say, deciding to move on. "Where do you see yourself in a year's time?"

The surprised pause from your client makes you glad that you have asked the question, because it meant that Vergil would not be dealing with the same surprise on set, on national television in thirty minutes' time.

"In a year's time..." Your client repeats pensively, walking over to the clothes rack where the blazer of his light suit hung. The blazer was the only thing relatively eye-catching out of the entire outfit assembled; it was in a cool mint-blue shade that matched very well with the colour of your client's eyes.

"I see myself retired with international fame, having achieved what I set out on this industry for, and perhaps having my girlfriend by my side." The honest answer makes your eyes go wide as your finger froze hovering above the screen. Immediately, a million question blows through your mind as you stare at your client checking his appearance out in the mirror nonchalantly, buttoning up the second button of his blazer.

Perhaps it is because your client's fan demography largely consisted of females ranging from hormonal fourteen year olds all the way to middle-aged moms in their late thirties. Perhaps it is also because that you yourself are a woman, and also his fan. Whatever the reason, it made the first question pertaining to his answer to be about the last comment of his answer.

"Who is your girlfriend? How come I knew nothing about it?"

"She isn't a girlfriend yet." Your client reassures with a serene smile at your obvious shock. "I understand the need to avoid bad press at the moment. I also don't want to give her trouble at her work at the moment. But perhaps in a year's time, it will be fine by then. Hopefully shorter."

"Do I know her?" You frown. "Is it Yvette from Grace Magazine or Kym from Fast Forward? You were quite close to the both of them during your couple photo shoots."

"Neither." Vergil shakes his head. "If there are no more questions, Sky, I'd like to go to the set early. It would probably be good to catch a few words with the host myself before we go live on air."

Your client's suggestion, paired with his quick strides towards the door stops any imminent protests that you might possibly still have on the topic. You sense that this distraction method might have been cleverly planned by your client beforehand, but could not find the appropriate space to pursue on the topic since it was still private matter that should not be discussed in public.

You almost have the topic forgotten when the filming finally starts, and you stand worried at the side-stage watching over your client as he very polite and charmingly accepts the compliments made at him for his success. The section of the interview is quick to come, and the questions that you had prepared your client in the changing room quickly comes up as expected.

"Now, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have thought that you would be where you are now a year ago, Mr Sparda." The host laughs in transition to the next question. "Where do you see yourself in one year's time?"

The question immediately reminds you of the answer your client had given you in the changing room, and you feel immediately as if cold water had been thrown over you. If Vergil gave the very same reply, you would have your hands full, answering questions even though you had yet to get the real answer from the man himself. The man would be forcing you to lie for the sake of his honesty on television.

"In one year's time, hmm?" Your client repeats once more with his very attractive thinking face. You never noticed it yourself in your worry, but before he answered, he gave you the briefest smile, obviously having caught the sight of your pale face off-stage.

"The only thing I want at the end of the next year is to have my brother back at my side."

"Your brother?" The host repeated as you did the same mentally, your internal panicking stilling into silence.

"He is the reason why I joined this industry in the first place. We separated young, and I want to find him again. I didn't know how to do it, so someone told me that putting my face out on public will make him recognise me. Hopefully he will come find me. I'll be waiting for him until then." Your client answered and though you gave an internal sigh of relief, you also realise as well that you had never given this prior thoughts.

You realise that you actually didn't know much about your client's past, because it has never come to trouble either him or you before. He had never told you about his brother before. What if someone had previously asked to see your client claiming to be a brother and you had turned the man away?

Really, Vergil needed to tell you a few more things if he wanted you to continue being his capable manager.

You pull back to reality as Vergil looks directly into the camera lens, but for the first time, he does not give his sexy 'I-want-you' look. Utter seriousness runs across his face as he speaks, but despite it all, you are mesmerised.

"Dante, if you see this, I beg of you to please come find me. I know I have disappointed you in the past, but I am back. I will be waiting, Dante. Let us forget the past and lay down Rebellion as I have laid down Yamato. Come to me, my brother, and we will talk. Like old times."


"Wow... you've really made it big, haven't you?" He mutters beneath his breath, looking around at the bustling office. Everyone was either on the phone or busy on their personal computers, typing out reports, proposals and administrative what-not.

He didn't even know where he could start. If he was rather honest with himself, he would admit that the expected to be led immediately to his target the moment he stepped through the glass doors.

"You're here." A voice said from behind him, paired by a no-nonsense force pushing him from behind, forcing him to stumble forwards. "There's no time to waste, Mr Sparda. You have three shoots lined up for today. They have all thankfully agreed to do it here at Aria, so it's best for us to rush for them."

"Wait, what?" He shuffled to keep in pace with the feet behind him forcing him to march forth. Trying his best to turn around, he saw the top of a purple-haired member of the company pushing him. "I'm supposed to look for a woman named Sky."

"Whatever you have to say to her, it can wait until you're changed and made up."

"But I-"

"No complaints." The voice answers, pushing him down a corridor.

"Listen to me, I-"

"Your outfit for the first shoot is in there. Change quickly." The woman interrupted again, pushing him into the changing room.

Half an hour later, you burst through the doors of the set, panting heavily because you had run three blocks and five flights of stairs this time.

"I am so sorry for being this horribly late." You pant, legs feeling jelly. You were, in fact, feeling a little clammy and weak, but a little sickness wasn't going to help you do your job so you have made sure to ignore this weakness. "There was a horrible jam, and Vergil was badly snowed in his house. My phone died halfway. I'm really sorry, but Vergil is in the changing room now."

"What do you mean?" Your client's stylist in her new hairstyle of shocking purple asked. "Mr Sparda just stepped out a few minutes ago for a drink. We're done with the first shoot."

"He was what?" You repeat in disbelief. It wasn't possible for your client to have finished the shoot; you had been with him stuck in your car for the past hour and a half. You had only just left Vergil in the changing room while you came to apologise.

"He's done." The photographer sidled up to the stylist's side. "It's a little strange; Mr Sparda seems a little different in his charms today. There is less of the usual sexy sophistication and more of the mischievous playfulness. I never really pegged him down for that type, but I guess after one year in the industry, you've got to change yourself a little to keep yourself on top."

"What are the two of you talking about?" You demand thickly, bracing your hands against the doorframe when dizziness strikes you. "I just arrived at the company with Vergil five minutes ago."

"Sky, you look pale. Are you okay?" Your client's stylist asks in concern, but you wave her away. You admit silently that you might have been overworked a little.

Then again, this strange hot feeling could probably be attributed to the fact that your client Vergil Sparda had confessed to you in the car an hour ago. You remember giving him the excuse that as his manager you could not be romantically involved with him, but inside you had been deliriously happy. The candle you had held for him secretly had finally turned out to not just be a one-sided affair from you.

"Where is this Vergil guy you said that completed the shoot?" You wave the concerned question away. It wasn't appropriate to go remembering the romantic scene in the car with Vergil just yet.

"He said he wanted a drink and went for the vending machine around that corner." The stylist replied, and you nod in quick thanks before dashing towards that direction.

And found Vergil Sparda in a completely different outfit and hairstyle, taking a long drink from a can of iced coffee.

"Vergil?" You cannot help but ask in your utter surprise to see him teleported there and looking so relaxed. "I thought I left you in the changing room."

Your client pauses in the act of taking his drink, an inexplicable expression of sheepish surrender on his face.

"I don't understand." You put a hand on your forehead, alarmed at how feverish it felt. Your whole body felt extremely weak, and you are honestly unsure of how much longer you can hold up. "What are you doing here, Vergil?"

"I am here, Sky. Who are you talking to?" Your client answers you, and you turn back with shock to see him in a completely different outfit, walking towards you. "They said my first shoot was done. I don't understand. Have they fired me from the job?"

You spin around to make sure the other 'Vergil' is still sitting on the bench against the wall, and spin again to check that Vergil is also walking towards you from the direction that you came from. That moment of hysterics strike you and your body loses strength, falling to the floor like a rag doll.

"Sky!" The exclamation is loud in your ears, and you gratefully find yourself saved by your handsome client, propped in his arms as he presses you against his chest instinctively. "You are so hot. Why didn't you tell me you were nursing a fever?"

"More than that, Vergil..." You said weakly, pointing to the other man that had jumped to his feet when you started falling. "Why am I seeing two of you?"

Your client looks up, then freezes in shock. You can feel the tensing up of muscles that is pressed against you, but Vergil doesn't let you go.

"Hello, Vergil." The man says with a playfully charming smile. "Quite a life you are leading here."

"Dante." Your client breaths. "It really is you!"

"Who else could it be?" The man grins. "When I saw your poster, I knew I had to come find you. I didn't think you'd be alive."

"I came back to find you!" Vergil declared, and this is the first time you have heard such elation in normally-composed voice. "Dante, you don't know how happy I am to see you. I've been waiting for so long."

"Well, the waiting's going to drag a little longer, because your woman is passing out." The person whom you have now connected mentally to be Vergil's brother answered, gesturing to you.

"Vergil..." You grasp him weakly on the forearm, refusing to be pulled into the blackness of unconsciousness. "Congratulations... you've waiting for him for so long..."

"I was waiting for him, Sky," your client answers, sweeping you up in his arms bridal-style easily.

"But my waiting paid off because not only did I get him back, I also have you now."

A/N: Below are a few pics that I based our Model Vergil on, because these pics really flatter Vergil :D I would have liked to put them on top, but I don't know how to do a slideshow D: Can someone teach me???

Pic Credits: Users Pokemonfreak1 & Alice on Zerochan.net

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