The Perfect Club

A/N: This oneshot is written from the request of @Phantom-Kunoichi2001 who asked for a oneshot in an Alternate Universe where the Sparda twins are high school students, and Vergil is forced by Dante to join a club that he doesn't like. It did not turn out exactly the way that it was requested, but I hope it is still a good story! Happy reading!

[The Perfect Club]

"Hey Verge. Why haven't you packed your bags yet? Aren't we going?" Dante asked early in the morning, stretching and yawning despite the fact that they had woken up just a few hours ago just to report to school. Vergil had watched his twin brother fall asleep during the entire morning briefing, and even slept through the chaos of students leaving the classrooms to their respective clubs to set up their booths for Club Day.

Dante had only woken up a few minutes ago, only awake enough to grab his bag and drag his ass over to where Vergil was, sitting alone in the back corner of the classroom, reading his self-help book on demon hunting.

"We can't. We talked to the Principal yesterday and promised that we would take a look around at Club Day at least once before submitting our club preference forms before leaving school." Vergil answered, not bringing his eyes away from his book.

"We did?" Dante clearly had troubles remembering anything in relation to the day before. With his twin's memory of a goldfish, Vergil wondered if there was a silent mental illness harbouring in his twin that he was not aware of.

"We did. We're supposed to wait for the Student Council President to come pick us up when Club Day officially starts."

"Why do we need a babysitter?" Dante complained, yawning again and dragging the chair of Vergil's neighbour up to his brother's desk, sitting the opposite direction with his legs spread wide open.

"Because apparently the school highly encourages all of its students to be part of a club at least once in their 3 years in school, and we did not join any the past 2 years. Raiko is here to make sure we try out different clubs to make sure that we have no interest whatsoever to any of them." Vergil answered passively. Truth be told, he liked the situation no better than Dante. He much rather be at home practicing his skills and learning the ropes of demon hunting from his father than sitting here waiting to be babysat to join a club.

"If there was a demon hunting club here, you would be the first one to join, right, Vergil?" Dante mused.

"Unlikely. Demon Hunting is deemed too dangerous for students."

"Then, I want a Sleeping Club. We will just report there every day and sleep the afternoon away." Dante refused to let his imagination be thwarted by Vergil's coldness.

"I would like to see you offer that to the Principal." Vergil replied. "Do keep silent, Dante, and let me read."

"Nerd." Dante retorted, but the effect was completely not felt when there was no reaction from the young man whose eyes were focused sharply on the book. Whenever Vergil read his books on demon hunting, Dante always thought that his brother looked like lasers could shoot out from those piercing sharp eyes to the book.

Dante wasn't aware of falling back asleep until he heard sounds of a door opening. Stirring groggily after his second long nap of the day, Dante blinked his eyes open slowly to see a blurry image of someone approaching him at the table.

"Glad to see that the two of you are still waiting for me. I apologise for the delay, but I had administrative things in relation to the Club Day to do." President Raiko greeted warmly and charmingly. Even though Raiko was third in terms of looks within the school (the first two being Dante and Vergil), the Student Council President was also the first in terms of popularity –mainly because Dante and Vergil were like hermits in their own shells, never interacting with others. The school had unanimously decided that Raiko was the next best thing that the school could offer in terms of a handsome, charming and capable young man. Dante and Vergil certainly filled the criteria for handsome and capable very well, but the two lacked in the 'charming' factor in two very distinct ways.

"We were forced to be here anyway." Vergil answered, not one to mash his words while Dante yawned aloud, stretching hard and feeling his muscles complaining from the lack of movement. Now that their 'babysitter' was here, Vergil closed his book on the techniques to recognise different types of demons and slid it into his bag which was full of books –but not of the conventional academic kind. "We are ready to go if you are."

"Yes, anytime." Raiko answered, feeling a little bit intimidated by Vergil's bossiness, but not willing to show it on the outside. As the Student Council President, Raiko knew many things about the school and its students. One thing that had been made clear to him since Day 1 as a student in this high school was that Vergil and Dante Sparda were two young men that were better off left alone. There were all sorts of rumours being spread around those two and what they did after school every day –that they were trainees to be models or pop stars, that they were hooligans, they were not human and returned to wherever they came from... all sorts of rumours had been afire with regards to those two. Raiko had never been sure which rumour to trust more than the others, but he only knew that this pair of twins were special people.

Today, Raiko knew that he would get a small glimpse of how special these two young men of his age were.

"Where are we going first?" Vergil was clearly the elder brother given the way the yawning Dante was simply following behind his brother's lead, tired steps plodding behind Vergil.

"I was thinking that we could go by the categories of club we have and try to strike at least one per category. In our high school, we have three categories: Sports, Arts and Interest Groups. Which would you like to try first?" Raiko offered, letting the two out into the corridor before closing the classroom door behind him.

"Dante looks like he's going to fall asleep on me anytime. I think we can start off with sports." Vergil answered, passing a half look to over his shoulder to his twin brother whose eyes were barely open. "I don't know if anyone from our class has told you, but Dante and I have been excused from physical activities for safety reasons with a permission letter written by our parents, so the sport you choose will be up to you, but we won't be participating."

"About that." Raiko paused, digging into his pocket for the piece of paper he had folded upon receiving it from the Principal when he had received this task as well. He had previously heard from his friend in the Student Council who were in the same class as these two that despite how strong and fit the Sparda twins looked, they had never given their athleticism a show ever before since they had turned up for the first physical education class with a written pardon of excuse from their parents, signed with approval by the Principal. "Your parents have given their approval to let the two of you participate in physical activities of any sort today on the condition that the two of you know the difference in limits of yourselves and others around you."

Handing over the letter that had been written by a Mr. Sparda, signed by the man himself, a Mrs. Sparda and the Principal, Raiko watched as Vergil Sparda read through the contents quickly before pocketing the letter himself, nodding in acknowledgement. He didn't look particularly surprised that he was suddenly given authorisation to participate in physical activities today at all.

"Dante." The older twin half-turned to give his attention to the young man nodding off on his feet. "Dad and Mum says we are allowed to play sports today. But you have to tame yourself."

The younger twin was clearly more excited at this news than Vergil, because the sleepy man immediately had his eyes widened in pleasant surprise, glee writing across his face.

"I can play?" Dante grinned happily. "Any sport?"

"As long as you know your limits and control yourself." Vergil reminded, but it was clear that this condition wasn't sinking in when Dante turned to Raiko happily, finally looking enthusiastic for something.

"I want to do basketball. I might accidentally kill someone at soccer or baseball, but hopefully basketball is fine." Dante expressed excitedly. Raiko, never expecting to see a third year high school student suddenly look so happy to be allowed to play basketball, nodded quickly and began leading the way to the gym where the basketball boys were running their booths and having mini impromptu playing sessions.

"I guess you don't play basketball often?" Raiko asked conversationally as they descended the stairs from the third to the first floor, the corridor on the second floor already a mess of students trying to attract curious First Year students.

"Back when Vergil was still fun, it was only him, me and Dad. The other boys in the neighbourhood didn't really play with us." Dante answered nonchalantly, and Raiko noted that the elder brother didn't bother putting up a protest about the 'still fun' comment. Their brotherly relationship certainly went along the lines of Dante speaking whatever he wanted to, and Vergil ignoring parts of it whenever he wanted to.

"The basketball club made it to National Finals last year. Today, the Third Years are helping out in Club Day, so if you get matched to the Captain or Vice-Captain, there is no need to push yourselves too hard." Raiko said, because he had heard of how the two leaders of the club had already been scouted by a college that boasted producing professional basketball players both locally and overseas.

"I hope they don't push themselves too hard as well." Dante answered easily, a light gait in his step as if he was very much looking forward now that he had been given free rein to do whatever he wanted. Raiko was amazed at how news of his parents' approval to let him play a sport could wake up the infamous Dante Sparda who looked lazy and tired at all times of the day.

Since the first floor was a bigger mess of crowds of students flooding doorways and corridors, Raiko found it hard to continue the conversation as the three of them did their best to politely squeeze through. Finally, they turned towards the gym, where Raiko was surprised to see a queue already snaking out of the open doors.

"Captain Namba." Raiko brought his wards past the queue to reach to the front, where the captain of the basketball club was currently scanning through the queue of boys waiting to try facing down any member of the club with hopes of passing the small scouting session.

"Raiko, it's nice to see you here." Namba answered. "Checking up on us? We're doing everything nice and clean here; nothing to worry about."

"If you are running things, I have nothing to worry about." Raiko answered with a smile since the two of them were friends. "But I'm not here to check on you guys. I'm bringing these two to try out basketball. Maybe they could be the next two additions in the club."

The confused look that hung on Namba's face was understandable when he looked past Raiko's shoulders to see the Sparda twins.

"Those two? Aren't they the same year as us?"

"They are on special considerations." Raiko answered. "If they join the club this year, they don't have to retire along with the Third Years."

"I think my question was more in relation to the fact that they are not allowed to do sports for safety or health reasons or something." Namba answered, lowering his voice slightly to not be overheard by the young men of topic.

"They have permission today. Dante said he wanted to try basketball. He seemed excited." Raiko explained, gesturing towards the still-grinning twin who was nonchalantly looking out at the court where mini-trials was going on. The sound of basketballs hitting the floor or the board ever so often echoed all around them.

"Well, I'm never one to turn away someone with enthusiasm." Namba shrugged. "But if the boys want to try, they're going to have to wait at the end of the queue."

"Yes, about that..." Raiko leaned in to whisper. "I was hoping that you could pull some strings to let them go first. They only promised to stay for 2 hours during Club Day, and the Principal wants them to try as many clubs as possible."

"I'm sorry, my friend. I would like to help you out, but as you can see, we're really tied. The only people who are not on the court right now are the Manager, vice-captain and me. We're being quarantined because they don't want us to hurt the First Years on accident." Namba answered sheepishly.

"Alright, I understand your situation as well." Raiko answered with a sigh, turning back to Dante who had been waiting eagerly for the go-ahead.

"I'm sorry, Dante, but the basketball club is short of people right now. Do you want to try some other sport?"

"I don't think any other sport is safe for us, though." Dante answered, an obvious crestfallen look on his face now. "I really can't try it now?"

"Stop making that face, Dante, you're embarrassing me." Vergil said sharply, surprising everyone with his sudden words. "And isn't he a basketball club member?"

The words were said with a finger rudely pointed at Captain Namba.

"Yes, he is the basketball club captain. He's busy at the moment..." Raiko's excuse was ignored given the way Vergil snapped his eye contact to Namba instead.

"Are you busy, Captain?"

"No, but you don't want your brother to be playing with me. I get real serious on the court and I don't even let newbies off the hook. Many members have quit because of me." Namba answered honestly, surprised at the sound of Vergil Sparda's voice. It was common news that it was already hard to hear Vergil's voice as his classmate, and if you were not the same class as him, hearing his voice was almost impossible.

"I don't care what happens to him. Just play with the idiot so that he doesn't keep this face and embarrass me." Vergil answered, grabbing his brother by the collar and shoving Dante forward. "We didn't know we would be allow to play sports today, so we didn't bring any gym clothes. Dante's just going to play in his school uniform, and I assume the Principal won't mind that."

"Okay, if you say so." Captain Namba answered with a shrug, not really sure what to make out of the situation. Usually, the newbies would be fighting to not get paired up with him, and yet Vergil Sparda was throwing his brother to the front, demanding to pair him up with Dante. "Let's go."

"Wait!" Dante's exclamation put everyone on pause for a moment as Dante turned around, his shirt half unbuttoned. "Aren't you playing, Verge?"

"I never said I wanted to try basketball." Vergil answered.

"But you said you promised the Principal that you would try whatever club you are introduced to. You've been introduced to basketball." Dante answered, the grin drawing back on his face. Raiko watched as the younger twin –the one who seemed to have been the one bullied thus far –jump forward and grab his brother by the arm, dragging Vergil to the court with him.

"Mr. Captain!" Dante called, dragging his brother by one hand, waving to catch attention with the other. "I've got Vergil in my team, so let's play two-on-two! We'll play against you and Vice-Captain!"

Raiko wasn't sure how suicidal this pair of twins were, but the strange situation had come out with two top-half naked young men standing square against the Captain and Vice-Captain of the basketball club, a ball in between them.

"I will respect your confidence. Our rules will be as such: 5 minutes cap, with unlimited number of scores. No half-time, no breaks. The last ball that goes in after the whistle is not counted. All professional rules apply. We'll go easy on you." Captain Namba announced.

"Don't." Dante's wide smile did not disappear. "I want to play a proper one."

Neither men from the basketball club knew what to say in response to a player who had never been seen nor heard playing before. The whistle blew, and the ball was thrown high.

5 minutes later, the ball bounced on the floor, making the only sound that anyone could hear in the entire gym. The pin-drop silence permeated the atmosphere as everyone stared, stone-shocked to see the captain and vice-captain of the basketball club reduced to taking their rest and catching their breaths on their hands and knees, the sweat constantly dripping from their skin.

The other side of the match was sweating too, but only minimally. Dante and Vergil both stood upright with a thin sheen of sweat dotting their faces, barely panting.

"Hey, guys!" Dante's enthusiastic, energetic yell broke the revelation-filled silence. "What's the score? Did we win?"

Winning was an understatement.

As Dante and Vergil lightly clapped the back of their opponents to thank them for a game well played, Raiko was suddenly aware of why the two needed prior approval to do physical activities. The official reason had been for health and safety concerns.

Now it was clear: it was the health and safety concerns of the school students, rather than those two.


"Drama Club?" Dante wrinkled his nose. "Ew."

"Drama Club is the only place where you get to keep moving around, Dante." Raiko reminded. It had taken him a long while to shake his head off the realisation that the Sparda twins were the two sportiest persons in the school –and they were banned from doing physical activities by their own parents because their capabilities were more or less inhumane. No wondered their parents wanted their talents hidden; the two would definitely have no end to scouts of all sorts of sports trying to chase them down.

"Then can I request to get the role of someone who sleeps throughout the play?" Dante asked with a wide yawn. It seemed as if after playing basketball, the young man had reverted back to his usual lazy and tired form.

"They have a role like that in one of the plays." Vergil answered his brother. By now, Raiko had realised that Vergil didn't generally have nice things to say or do to his brother –not that it bothered Dante a single bit. This type of interaction was rather mutual, after all. "The name of the character is called 'Sleeping Beauty'."

"Cool." Dante seemed to completely miss the 'beauty' part as they made their way to the auditorium. "Do you think I can play that part?"

"Of course. All you need to do is practice kissing."

"Wow, this part is getting better and better. I get to sleep, and kiss a girl?"

"Nobody said about kissing a girl." Vergil answered, and despite all of his sudden revelations about the Sparda twins, Raiko could not help but be amused at this conversation going on between the brothers. "You're going to kiss a prince."

"And turn into a frog?" Dante looked horrified now.

"I think you're mixing up your childhood tales, Dante." Raiko laughed lightly to break in between the conversation. "We're here. I think they are playing Romeo and Juliet today."

True to Raiko's words, a few young men stood on the stage –some in half-costumes, and some in school uniform –holding scripts and reading aloud. The number of First Years here were significantly much lesser than those at the basketball club, but there was still a good number for the year as Raiko brought his wards to the stage, where he recognised the President of the Drama Club watching the progress with a critical eye.

"Kitahara." Raiko greeted softly to get the attention of the no-nonsense young lady. "I hope you are not too swamped with the First Years."

"Not at the moment; no. To what pleasure do I owe you to have the Student Council President himself come check on us?"

"I'm not here for a check." Raiko smiled. "I would like to see if there are any spaces on the stage for these two to simply just try how it feels like to be on the stage."

"These two? Aren't they just pretty faces?" Kitahara was one known to never mash her words, but her heart was as soft as her words were hard.

"They are just trying out different clubs today." Raiko answered.

"If they're not seriously auditioning, they can be the background. We're doing the fight scene between Tybalt and Mercutio now, so they can just get a sword each and stand at the back. Just follow everyone else around them and pretend to fight when everyone is doing so. Don't get in anyone's way." Kitahara dismissed, waving them away as she turned back towards the stage.

Raiko was rather surprised that Vergil –the one of the two that he assumed would not stand for such manners –remained silently obedient as the Sparda brothers collected umbrellas from the side of the stage as makeshift swords like the rest of the backgrounders. With nothing left to do except for judge the acting skills of the Sparda brothers quietly, Raiko stood beside Kitahara and watched as the scene started with her cue.

The lines were spoken with power and dignity and though Raiko had never been much of a fan of dramas and plays, he was willing to admit that the students playing the roles of Tybalt and Mercutio were doing it well. Soon, swords were readied and the clash begun. A little bit concerned for his ward, Raiko allowed his eyes to stray away from the main character's staged clash towards the background, looking for the inexperienced duo amongst the mock-fighting crowd.

It did not take long to find two silver-white haired young men within the crowd. Raiko watched as Dante lunged in a surprisingly genuine move to strike at his brother, at which Vergil fluidly dodged and raised his umbrella-sword to make a counter. Dante, however, seemed to have pre-empted this strike and spun around with a fake slice that was rather convincing.

"Good fighters you have there, Raiko." Kitahara commented, and he knew that she was also monitoring the backgrounders doing their job.

Raiko didn't answer, because he got a distant feeling that things were not as they seem. Back in the foreground, Romeo had come into the scene and started spouting his lines, but Raiko's attention were adamantly on his wards; a feeling in his stomach he could not shake that told him that the Sparda twins were acting up again the same way they had back in the basketball club.

His thoughts were confirmed when he saw Vergil swing his umbrella sword down on his brother's back, and a loud 'thwack' echoed. Any normal young man would have collapsed on the floor groaning and complaining about taking the act so seriously, but Dante was apparently equally as abnormal as his brother in the way he jumped up immediately and swung back a counter-move.

"Kitahara, get your guys off the stage!" Raiko exclaimed immediately, the realisation that the acting had become real with the Sparda twins.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Your guys on stage; they are in danger!" Raiko exclaimed, turning back to the stage, shouting. "Get off the stage, now!"

The play interrupted by the Student Council President's shout, there was a moment of confused silence in which everyone either looked around for the danger, or at Raiko in confusion.

The confusion, however, was solved quickly when Dante's counter-move caught Vergil by surprise, and the young man backtracked, stumbling until he crashed through the cheap tree-prop.

"An eye for an eye, Vergil!" Dante declared happily, and Raiko could once again see the excited grin on the young man's face. After what happened in the basketball court, Raiko knew better than to trust that face.

"Hey, watch the props!" Kitahara yelled in frustration, but neither one showed any reaction to the yell.

"You're rusty. You haven't been training with Dad, have you?" Vergil climbed out of the pile of cardboard and plaster, gripping tightly onto his umbrella sword, branding it expertly in front of him. "Come at me; let me see how far you have fallen!'

This time, the speed at which Vergil launched himself at his brother was the same speed that Raiko had seen in the basketball court.

"Get off the stage, it's dangerous for the rest of you!" Raiko yelled and this time, more encouragement was not needed as the students began to realise the dangers of being near the fighting brothers who were clearly using a speed and strength that nobody realised they had –because they had been excused from physical activities all this while.

The only reaction to their surrounding that either of the Sparda twins gave was them opening up their fighting arena, covering the entire stage as they jumped, dodged, swung and hit. The acrobatics of the fighting honestly kept Raiko's admiring eyes despite how dangerous all of it was, and he was sure he was not the only one captivated by the fight going on.

Raiko wasn't sure how long the fight took, but it felt long enough for his legs to feel numb when Dante fell back on the floor with his twin stepping one foot on his chest, umbrella-sword-tip resting on the floor beside his neck.

"Yield." Vergil announced, victorious.

The Drama Club members burst into applause.


"I'm hungry. Is there a club where I can go to eat something?" Dante complained, plodding footsteps walking beside him. Lazy, tired Dante was back again, though Raiko still could not understand how the young man could alternate between being lazy and excited at moving his body so easily. Was he a guy that lived only on two extreme states of mind? Were there any in-between ground?

"You are in luck." Raiko answered with a smile. "The Cooking Club is showing off their creations today and offering free samples."

Internally, he sighed in relief as well, since Dante wouldn't be doing much at all there except for taste-testing. After the first two trial runs for the Sparda twins, Raiko wanted them away from anything physical as much as possible. He was convinced by now that the Sparda parents' decision to stop their sons from conducting any physical activities was an ingenious move, because the two of them were practically dangerous to everyone around them.

"Anything goes as long as I don't have to cook or clean the food that I eat." Dante declared proudly.

"You should do your part, Dante." Vergil said in a disciplinarian tone beside his brother.

"It's fine. The cooking club members like to cook for other's pleasures." Raiko cut in before either of the brothers had the proper intention to get some cooking done. For some reason, Raiko didn't think that they would be very helpful in the kitchen, but rather more helpful outside doing the hard labour.

"Then it will be good for Dante. He won't be able to do as much damage as he did in the past two clubs." Vergil announced. Raiko was silently astonished at how the fact that Vergil had almost equally contributed into the mess completely missed the person himself. Still, he didn't want to risk anything pointing things out for Vergil. "Is there any club that exercises a little more brain power than just pure brute strength?"

Raiko did not comment on how strange Vergil's wording was.

"We have the Chess Club. It's actually more of a board-game club, but the primary game played there is Chess." Raiko suggested. "We can go after we visit the Cooking Club."

"No need." Vergil answered shortly. "Just point it out to me; I will go alone. I have no desire to have food made by others, and I doubt that Dante would want to come see Chess."

The doubt was very well placed, because Raiko could already see the disgusted expression that the younger Sparda twin had on his face on the topic of Chess Club. And though Raiko was now a little bit worried that Vergil might end up doing something dangerous again –even though he had never had this worry prior to meeting these two young men today –there was nothing he could do except give Vergil the directions to the Chess Club Room, leading Dante towards the kitchen himself.

With only one last club category to cover –the interest group category –Vergil decided to make things quick as much as possible as he opened the door to the room quickly, not surprised to see only a sparse scatter of students huddled at tables, facing each other down with board games in between them.

A silence fell over the room as all pairs of eyes stared at Vergil, clearly wondering where this student had come from. Vergil recognised a student from his class, standing beside a table in the far corner, where an intense game of chess seemed to be going on.

"This is the Chess Club?" Vergil made his intentions known without clearing his throat. His reply came in nods.

"Are you here to join?" A young man closest to the door and closest to Vergil asked.

"Spectating." Vergil answered shortly. "Go on."

It was as if a cue had been given, and thus the students shrugged off the weirdness of the school's Number 1 most handsome student entering the Chess Club Room without too convincing a reason. Since his classmate was the only person he recognised in the room, Vergil made for the table.

"Kubota, I didn't know you were in this club." Vergil said.

"I didn't know you were interested in Chess."

"I wasn't." Vergil answered shortly, turning his eyes coolly to the board. "But this was the only club that requires higher brain power."

A comfortable silence fell in the conversation for the next few minutes as the players at the table continued playing, and Vergil and Kubota continued spectating the match until it eventually ended.

"Have you played Chess before?" Kubota started the conversation again as the players at the table returned their pieces back to where they belonged to, moving out of their seats and gesturing for Vergil and Kubota to take their places.

"Once. With my father." Vergil answered, taking the offered seat. "Am I going against you?"

"One match?" Kubota offered. "I'm actually the President of the Chess Club. I don't really want to brag, but I got 7th in the National Competition last year. I'll try to go easy on you."

"Don't bother with going easy." Vergil answered, reaching forward and making his first move.

For a long while, no conversation was held as the players made their moves in pondering silence, Kubota's hands slowly getting slower and slower; his moves more and more uncertain. Vergil's pose in his seat, however, remained completely relaxed, cool blue eyes watching his opponent with an eagle-like gaze. No expression whatsoever appeared on Vergil's face even as Kubota began to sweat from nervousness, hand trembling a little as he moved the pieces over the board uncertainly.

The silence became tense as Vergil made one move after another confidently, barely aware of the crowd that had gathered around their table –filled with curious souls to see who could unnerve the National Number 7 so easily.

"T-This is a strange strategy..." Kubota commented in an effort to break the weird tension after another uncertainly-made move.

"Is it really?" Vergil questioned, not hesitating when he repositioned his rook, not missing the small jolt of realization made by his opponent.

"I have never seen anyone move the board the way you do..." The poor young man wiped the back of his hand across his forehead, thinking hard before making his next uncertain move.

"Maybe you haven't seen enough." Vergil answered with a counter-move, standing up once he was done. "It was a good game, but unfortunately you're still an amateur."

"Wait." Kubota called, echoing the shock of their onlookers. "The game isn't finished yet."

"Right." Vergil turned back to the table, but didn't sit down. "I forgot that you guys don't end matches two moves before checkmate. I apologise; it has always been a habit I shared with my father."

"You mean the match is ending in two moves?" The member closest to Vergil asked in awe and shock.

Instead of answering, Vergil merely keep his gaze on Kubota. "Make your move, then."

With added pressure now, everyone in the room could see the badly trembling hands of the President of the Chess Club as he lifted a piece, moved it slowly and set it down in a move that almost felt like a wild guess. It was Vergil's move now, the expected ending move.

Vergil reached forwards, and the door slammed open.

"Vergil, let's go home! I think I've made enemies out of the Cooking Club girls, but we're done with Club Day!" Dante yelled happily.

Sighing at how socially inappropriate his twin was acting, Vergil straightened, collecting his bag from his chair, turning to the door to join his twin and the helplessly waiting Raiko.

"Do I dare to ask what happened with you and the Cooking Club girls?" Vergil asked as he shifted his last piece across the board, then turned and made his cool way out of the crowd around the table.

"I ate everything! I didn't know that the cookies at the back were not meant for us." Dante declared, not the slightest bit guilty. "Wow, aren't you popular? You've got a crowd around your table!"

"It has nothing to do with my popularity." Vergil answered, pushing his brother out of the room and stepping out himself. Pausing before he closed the door, Vergil was sure to keep eye contact with the frozen Kubota who had come to the realisation that there was no moves he could possibly make to escape losing the match.



"There is really no need to see us to the gate, Raiko." Vergil said, but it did not change the fact that it was only pleasantries talking, because they were already nearing the school gates.

"I insist. My hospitality will last to the gates. I will not walk the both of you further even if you begged." Raiko answered honestly, feeling as if he had learnt a whole load about this pair of brothers that he had initially only tagged as 'special'. Now, more than just 'special', Raiko was willing to add two more adjectives: 'inhumane' and 'crazy'.

"Thanks for your help, though. It was a lot better than I imagined in my head." Dante said, and despite all the craziness that had happened, Raiko could not help but feel a little bit satisfied that at least someone had enjoyed himself.

"Yes, I concur. It was not as bad as I imagined." Vergil added.

"I was only in charge of bringing the two of you around. Whatever activities the two of you did; they were all organised by each individual club." Raiko answered, distributing the credits where they were due. "I hope the two of you had enough fun to want to join any one of the clubs you have seen today."

"Ah, yes. I understand that we are to submit our club preferences to the student council?" Vergil answered, the three of them coming to a pause at the gates because Raiko had made clear that he was sending them to the gates only.


"Good." Vergil nodded. "It was a pleasant experience, and Dante and I have thought over things seriously, and this is our decision."

Raiko was mildly surprised to see folded papers taken out from Vergil's bag, offered to him. There was no explanation that came with the offer, and thus the student council President accepted the papers, curious.

Upon unfolding, he understood quickly that he was staring at the club preference sheet that all First Years and all students without a registered club had been given. Sure enough, at the top of both pieces of paper wrote Vergil and Dante's name individually.

Looking down its printed contents, Raiko scanned his eyes quickly on the table that ranked the student's preference for a club.

All the rows were blank except for the first. And on the first row wrote three words.

'Go-Home Club'.

Both papers had opinions written under the suggestions column. For Vergil, it was 'make a demon-hunting club'. For Dante, it was 'make a sleeping club'.

Raiko could not help his bark of laughter as he watched the steadily leaving backs of the Sparda twins as they walked away from their first successful Club Day.

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