The Disloyal Man

A/N: And without further ado, I start the first story part of Vergil's Oneshots! This one was written with a funny twin idea in mind, but I'm afraid it turned out to be a little too focused on the reader's P.O.V :( 

Pic Credits: User Kuren on

Still, Enjoy!

[The Disloyal Man]

Your boyfriend's name is Vergil Sparda.

Up till this date, it is still hard to believe. The same Vergil that has been rumoured to have inherited his father's legacy, his father's power and strength; that guy was your boyfriend. You were dating the son of a legend.

Too bad that legend wasn't well-known. Not too many people wanted to know about the myths and legends of demon lore. Being superstitious individuals, even your close friends from university had been a little reserved when you changed tracks from being an accountant to becoming a demon huntress. Of course, they had gotten over your dangerous profession quickly, because you were, after all, one part of the important trio. You were glad that your friendship was strong enough that Lani and Kayla had still spent time with you even though you hunted demons for a living.

And it was with the same importance that they held in your heart that you looked forward to introducing your boyfriend to them. They might not know how famous Vergil was in your industry, but you had made sure to describe him like it. Then again, it didn't even need much explaining. You were sure that once Vergil appeared, they would immediately approve of him, because your boyfriend was charming and amazing just like that.

"I can't believe that you didn't tell us about a boyfriend, E." Lani, codename L, shook her head in mock disappointment, taking a sip from the smoking hot coffee. With a degree in literature, Lani was already a partially-successful author with a few books in publication. She was still waiting for her biggest break-through, but her income at the moment was rather stable with her constant ability to churn out manuscripts on time.

"What I can't believe is that she has a boyfriend, L." Kayla answered, popping the end of her breakfast sausage between her cherry red lips. Kayla, codename K, was the daughter of a millionaire, which made her life spent in comfortable luxury. That said no one could ever accuse Kayla of being a trust-fund baby, because Kayla had graduated as the valedictorian of your cohort and gotten herself into the country's top law firm. Kayla had a future laid out of her, and basically had the picture-perfect lifestyle with her equally beautiful boyfriend to hang on her side.

Which made everyone –including you –wonder why Kayla bothered hanging out with you and Lani: an author and a demon huntress.

"Hey, what do you mean by that?" You protest. "I have had boyfriends before!"

At that protest, you briefly run through the list of 'boyfriends' in your mind, and suddenly regret your impulsive protest.

"Right. Because 'Too Much Talk', 'Licking the Wrong Place' and 'Awkward Lips' are complete boyfriend material. You're no better than a hooker, E." Kayla wasn't very kind with her words at all, but both you and Lani are used to it. She uses it for her position as a lawyer, and it is basically Kayla's best trait –the ability to talk and be completely unafraid of pointing out the elephant in the room.

"Don't be so bad, K." Lani rushed to put in, being the nicest girl of your bunch. "E just has had a record of bad luck."

"Yeah. And Vergil is different." You argued, giving Lani a thumbs up to show your appreciation while Kayla only shrugged; completely not impressed at the argument you were trying to make.

"So his name is Vergil?" Lani asked, clearly doing her best to shift the argument away from your horrible past of boyfriends that actually turned out as frequent one-night stands. Your 'boyfriends' in the past were so pathetic that Kayla hadn't bothered to remember their names, but only the complains that you had after experiences with them in bed.

"Yes, Vergil Sparda. He is famous in the industry." You answered. "Have you heard of him?"

"No." Kayla replied nonchalantly. "But I know one Sparda man. He's been charged with twenty counts of unbecoming conduct, ten counts of outrage of modesty, and one hundred and thirty-three counts of destruction of property."

"What?" Lani and you explode in unison.

"That Sparda guy is a demon hunter too. I thought you'd know who he is, but maybe not." Kayla popped another neatly sliced sausage into her mouth, working her teeth delicately. "If it is your boyfriend, I'm going to die of laughter. This guy will determine if you're destined to be a hooker for the rest of your life, E."

"I'm sure it's not Vergil." You promise, glad that you have strength in your heart for your boyfriend this time. "Vergil is completely not like that. He is the sweetest guy I know, and he has never looked at a single girl other than me. Even I have admired the boobs and butt of a few really hot girls when they walk past, but Vergil just treats them like they're flies. Really, I think he is a robot sometimes."

"Don't be so confident, E." Kayla warned. "Men are men, and all men have urges."

"Not my Vergil." You declared proudly. "I'll show you what I mean when he comes."

"If he's coming." Lani corrected, looking at her watch, then looking back at you with judgement clear in her eyes. "He's late."

"I thought I told you that he called to say he would be late? He is still settling some business."

"Don't you know that a man should always please the close friends of his girl like how he should please her family? If you get on the wrong side of your girl's friends, you're on a one-way trip to Hell." Kayla crossed her arms, obviously not used to and disliking the fact that your boyfriend was making someone as important as her wait.

You laugh at her words, unable to help yourself. "K, Vergil has been to Hell and back a few times already. Literally."

"Yeah, right." The scoff was of clear disbelief.

"No, I mean it. You see this?" You explain, pulling the ring you had threaded through the chain on your neck from underneath your shirt. "Touch it."

"Oh my, E! Your boyfriend has already given you a ring? He's proposed?" Lani exclaimed, but you don't bother to explain before you grab her hand, and pull it towards your ring. A squeak of shock escapes your friend before she jerks her hand away, cradling it to her chest as if she had been electrified. "What's that?"

"Touch it, K." You challenge. "I won't explain until you touch it, because it's real."

"What's it going to do? Electrify me like it did to L?" Kayla asked, looking just the littlest bit unsure now.

"Stop dragging, and just touch it." You cut the bickering short when you grab your friend's hand, pulling it to your ring the same way that you had done to Lani. Kayla tries to fight your strength, but you have already spent two years as a demon huntress. Strength is something that you have built up over the years, and you pull her hand straight to touch the ring.

Kayla gives a yell of shock, and only when that happens do you let her hand go, watching as she drop her utensils on the table and cradle her hand the same way Lani was doing.

"What the hell is that? Some kind of demon-ring?" Kayla demands as you grin in victory. While Kayla was the most successful amongst the three of you, you always felt particularly (childishly) accomplished when you manage to throw her off her stride. And things of the demon world tended to do that to Kayla often.

"Vergil gave it to me. It's a ring made from the blood and tears of demons. It wards off low-level demons so that they won't try anything funny on me when I'm sleeping or resting." You answer proudly. "He went down to Hell to harvest them for me. It's hard to get demon tears here because they crumble to dust before they can cry. But there in Hell, Vergil has his ways of getting the tears."

"Well, you're going to be the one in tears the next time you make me touch that horrible thing again." Kayla answers, a particularly dirty look sent over to you, but you laugh at her look of hurt.

"It usually just stings a little. The feeling will go away quickly." You explain.

"Then how do you stand it?" Lani spoke up curiously. "Doesn't it sting you?"

"It doesn't sting anyone with demonic blood."

"And you have demonic blood?" Lani asked, eyes going wide all of a sudden.

"Yeah." You answer with a shrug. "Vergil made me drink a shot of his blood before. It makes me stronger and faster."

"Ewww. That's sick. You vampire." Kayla spoke in disgust, but you simply stuck your tongue out at her.

"Well, that's too bad for you, because Vergil's blood also helps me to maintain my youth." You boast. "I don't mind being a vampire if I can be pretty while being a badass demon huntress at the same time. Besides, I don't have to drink it regularly. It's a one-time thing, and I was rewarded for being obedient."

"I don't want to know what happens between you and him on the bed, for god's sake." Kayla wave you away, making a gagging noise. "You're a whore, E."

"What?" You protest again. "I just have a free sex life! I don't go around hanging off the arms of men with money. I don't flash my boobs and offer blow-jobs for money. Like that skank over there! It's damn obvious that she's going to do a blow-job for some money. It's written all over her face!"

Your short protest takes the attention briefly to the 'skank' in question walking across the street outside the window of the café that you and your friends were at. You weren't really sure why you pointed her out in the first place, but it took you another moment to realize that the reason was rather simple.

The person who was leading the 'skank' away for a supposed blowjob had the same uncanny hair colour as your boyfriend. That was why you were looking in that direction in the first place; because you had seen a head of white hair and thought it was your boyfriend until you saw the skank, and the fact that they were headed towards the hotel opposite the road –which was the famous site for the sexual acts suggested by the girls of the strip club across the road.

"Wow, won't you look at that? That's exactly the 'Sparda'-guy I was talking about." Kayla comment was mildly surprised. "He'd better hope that that girl is over 18, because I'm going to see him again if she isn't."

"That's him, K?" Lani asked with curiosity. "How sure are you from the back view?"

"I recognise him anywhere. White hair; red duster and sword on his back. He's like a wannabe rock star, except that he kills demons and is practically a habitual criminal." Kayla answered with a roll of her eyes, but you don't really care about your friend's comment, because you were staring hard at the man in question.

He had looked down the road to watch out for any cars before crossing the road, and for the shortest moment, you had caught sight of his face.

And your friend had said his name was something 'Sparda'.

With the strongest sense of anger that you have felt in your whole life and the most bitter taste of betrayal that you ever had have on your tongue, you jump out of your seat, not even caring that you were knocking it over. Your friends' protests were completely unheard in your ears as you literally dive through the window of the café, the glass shattering around you. But you don't give a damn as you rolled your landing, then found your feet beneath you.

You don't even look up or down the road for incoming cars as you dash straight towards your target, who is presently completely unaware of the apocalyptic force that is tearing straight for him. He even turns to give the skank on his arm a kiss on her cheek, his hand roaming freely over her curvy rump and from the side profile of his face, you make no mistake at all.

"YOU BASTARD!" You scream, launching into a flying kick the moment you were in range.

He definitely didn't expect anyone to be crash-landing into him, because he falls and slides on the pavement with you on top of him, wrenched from the skank's side. The skank screams in shock at your sudden attack, but your focus at the moment isn't the skank, but the man who had paid for the skank.

The Sparda man that was supposed to have given you a ring from Hell, and promised that he would get you an equally befitting ring in this world the moment he is able to.

"You motherfucking betraying monkey! I trusted you and I loved you, you stupid piece of shit! And now you're going to do it with a skank? And such a lousy, slutty skank at that? Please give me some credit, you fucking son of Sparda! At least cheat on me with someone with more standard!" You scream as you spin him around so that he is lying on his back, and you are straddling him on his stomach. You don't even care to look at the expression that he has hanging on his face before your punch lands heavily on him again and again, hearing satisfying cracks.

In fact, you're happy that blood forms on your knuckles, because no one double-crosses you.

Even if the man in question is the famous son of Sparda. The son of a legend will shake in the marrow of his bones from today onwards at the sound of your name.

"E! Get off him!" Your punch-fest, your red-haze of anger is ruined when you hear Lani begging you, and you feel your friend's puny strength trying to pull you back and off your man.

"Let me go, L! This betraying bastard needs to know what he gets from double-crossing me."

"Double-cross...?" A faint nasal voice struggle to say, but you cut it off with another punch. "Who?"

"YOU STILL DARE TO ASK ME?" Your anger explodes like a volcano, and you regret that you have decided to leave your weapons at home. "L, give me a pair of scissors! I'm going to castrate this motherfucker so that he can never go around spreading his disgusting genes everywhere!"

"Try a pair of shears." Your boyfriend –no, ex-boyfriend –says despite his nasal tone. "Scissors are too small for my little boy."

"Too big for your pants, huh?" You pull back your punch this time, no mercy at all in your knuckles. "Then let me soothe them."

And then you release you punch; this time to the tender regions between his legs.

He curls up in a moment, making the sound of a deflated balloon as his hands cradles his sore family jewels between his legs, and finally you get a stronger sense of satisfaction.

"E, what the hell is going on?" Kayla's authoritative lawyer voice finally shouted in the mess, and you turn to see her stepping up beside Lani, a completely horrified expression on her face as if she hadn't expected her friend to turn into such a demoness.

"Meet Vergil, my friends." You say grimly, pointing to the man who was now rolling on the floor, cursing a million gods and insulting almost every religion at the same time. "But soon he's going to be Virgilia, because he will need a name change for when I cut his dick off."

"Vergil...?" The airy gasp spoke for his pain, and you cannot help you victorious grin. If a punch to his nether regions hurt so much, cutting it off was going to be sweet pleasure. You have never been officially diagnosed as a psychotic woman, but you are sure that after today, you're going to be admitted into a mental hospital.

"You'd better have words to protect yourself, Sparda." Kayla spoke pitifully. "I have never seen E so angry before."

"And you're here too... What the hell is going on...?" He gasped rolling once more as if it was going to help the fiery pain in his balls.

"Yes, what is going on?"

Time stilled for moment, and you turned to look at the newcomer who had entered the mess with a purely curious expression. There was mild surprise written on his face, as well as a good measure of shock when he catches sight of you and your bloody fists.

"What happened? Why is there blood on your knuckles, Ever?" The newcomer doesn't waste a single moment as he rushes up to you, ignoring the man that you had just punched both in the face and in the balls, clutching your hands in both of his. "Is this blood yours?"

"V-Vergil...? What... the fuck?" The gasping man on the floor blinked, still cradling his jewels, but tilting his head up a little to look at his doppelganger.

"Dante? What are you doing-" Your boyfriend cuts himself off, looking at the man's bloodied face, and then your bloodied knuckles. His eyes lands quickly on the hooker who has still remained standing there in complete utter shock and fear of you. And then the clearest, most intelligent blue eyes you have seen in your entire life turns back to you.

And he laughs. Out loud. Clear and distinct, for the first time since you have known him.

Vergil has always been a man who simply expresses his amusement in smiles or at best in chuckles. But this is the first time that you boyfriend lets loose a completely clear, from-the-heart laughter as he lets your hands go, pulling you into a tight hug.

"My dear Ever, you've gotten it wrong. That is my twin brother, Dante. It is in his nature to find hookers because there has been no woman who has been able to withstand him. I am not cheating on you, my love. You are my one and only, and I will only die before I let my eyes fall upon another woman with lust."

You honestly don't know how Vergil does it, but only he can chase away your blinding anger within a matter of seconds, and simply by saying a few words of love. You return the hug to him, squeezing him tightly in utter gratitude that he hasn't betrayed you, and that you have gotten the wrong man.

That was right. Your brain has finally caught up with your emotions, and your rationalities are coming back to you. Of course Vergil wouldn't be cheating on you. Your boyfriend knew you. Even if he wanted to cheat on you, he wouldn't have the guts to do it at a hotel so near to the café that you had told him you would be waiting for him in.

It was impossible. Your Vergil would never be a disloyal man.

"I'm sorry, Vergil. I love you." You apologise in his embrace.

"It's alright." He reassures. "No harm done, Ever."

"Are you kidding me? No harm done?" A third voice struggles to break into your twosome moment, but you refuse to allow it from happening.

Vergil is your love, and he will never be disloyal to you.


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