The Adventures Of Chibi Vergil - 5
A/N: Writing Chibi Vergil has been fun, but I think I'll stop here. Still, leaving you guys with one last Chibi Vergil chapter, this time featuring more of Eva's motherly antics!
[The Adventures Of Chibi Vergil – 5]
"Vergil, Dante, come here for a bit." Eva called from the boys' bedroom after clearing up the toys that had been left behind from the night before.
The morning routine had gone on well; Eva's husband had woken up early, had his breakfast early and left house even before the boys were awake. Eva herself had made herself some light breakfast before beginning to prepare a nutritious one for her babies. Then she had gone into their bedroom to wake them up, wash them up while they fought off sleep quickly, playing with each other early in the morning by splashing each other with water from the sink while brushing their teeth. The boys were just being their usual playful selves, and Eva had given them a light scolding before fussing them to get their breakfast, during which they began to play again, making a mess of the table. Then after nagging at them to finish their breakfast, the two had ran off to god-knew-where for their play until Eva had everything cleared up.
"Mummy!" Vergil and Dante exclaimed as they ran back into their bedroom one after another to stand in front of their kneeling mother.
"Come, take off your clothes, boys. We're going out." Eva fussed, reaching for Dante because she knew that the more obedient of both brothers would be able to take off his clothes by himself without making a complete mess of himself. As usual, Dante struggled against her hands, but Eva was too used by now to let Dante bother her progress. She was done removing the boy's pyjamas top in a second, and the pants came off quickly afterwards, leaving him in his diaper in under a minute.
Once undressed, though, the boy was off to the toys corner, grabbing his favourite red car.
"Here, let me help you with that." Eva turned her attention to Vergil, who was still struggling with his top. The older-by-a-minute boy was obedient enough to stand still while Eva worked his clothes off, putting them to one side as well.
"Where are we going today, Mummy?" Vergil asked innocently, curiosity gleaming in his deep blue eyes.
"You and Dante are going to join a contest today." Eva answered.
"Contest?" Dante's ears perked up immediately at the idea of something with the connotation of a competition. As siblings, the two of them were used fighting each other to see who was better at different things, and that had fostered a competitive spirit between them that their father neither encouraged nor discouraged. That spirit, however, made Dante particularly interested in any form of competition. "What contest? Against who?"
"A sibling contest. It will be you and Vergil against everyone else who signs up for the competition."
"Mummy, what's a sibling contest?" Vergil asked like the polite boy that he had been taught to be.
"There will be a few rounds, but you and Dante have to show your individual talents and then a performance to show how close the two of you are. If it's my two beautiful boys, I'm sure we will win something." Eva gave her cute son a hug, then opened her hug to receive more from Dante who refused to be left out.
"You know, the first prize of the contest is an all-expenses paid stay at KiddiLand Hotel. Haven't the two of you always wanted to go there for a day?" She added for extra incentive, earning loud cheers of agreement. "Besides, your father has been very busy with his job recently. Don't the two of you want to do something to let him relax for a day with us?"
There was another round of agreement, though the enthusiasm was remarkably more muted. Eva chuckled, unable to blame the children's simple mindset of having play on higher importance as compared to their father's welfare.
"Then let's go! KiddiLand!" Dante cheered, punching his fists in the air as if his mother had just promised to bring him to KiddiLand instead of a contest.
"Before that, though," Eva maintained a smile despite what was to come, "I need one of you to dress up a little bit more for the contest. It will be a little bit more of a challenge, but I'm sure you guys like a bit of a challenge, right?"
"What's it? What's it? What's it? What's it?" Dante seemed to be unable to contain his excitement now, jumping up and down on the spot.
"Play Rock Paper Scissors with Vergil first. The one who loses gets the challenge." Eva answered secretly, unable to hide her smile.
It took a few short tries, but Vergil won the small game quickly, though the one who seemed more excited about losing was Dante.
"What is the challenge, Mummy? Tell me!" Dante was bursting with excitement by now when Eva searched for something in the chest of drawers beside her.
That excitement, however, died down completely in horror when Eva turned around, and drew out a puffy, flowery pink princess dress, complete with a tiara as accessory.
"The challenge is that you dress up as a girl! The sponsor of the contest is a children's clothing brand, and they only want siblings of different gender to compete so that they can advertise their products for boys and girls." Eva explained, but got the general feeling that explanations were not needed given the way Dante seemed to have stopped listening after the first sentence.
In fact, she wasn't even done before the tears started flooding in the young boy's eyes, his face screwed up in an ugly but familiar expression and began to wail at the top of his voice.
"I don't wanna be a girl!" The loser of the Rock Paper Scissors game wailed, "I don't wanna wear a dress!"
"Be fair, Dante. You lost to Vergil, so you wear the dress." Eva pressed; not only because of the fact that she really wanted to see one of her boys as a girl, but also because she needed to teach Dante the importance of upholding his promise. Even if that 'promise' was actually just a result from having played a mini game.
"I don't wanna!" The boy continued to protest, but this time knew that standing there and screaming his lungs out wasn't going to help his situation. Thus, with all thoughts of going to KiddiLand forgotten, Dante took off from the origins of his horror.
Eva had been ready for the war. It was the same situation as getting Dante to eat his greens; his mother had to literally chase him all around the house to get him to eat his vegetables. Therefore, Eva chasing after Dante was something she was used to as the two of them ran from room to room; young Dante showing off his agility and wits by squeezing into tight corners, jumping up and down to avoid obstacles and taking the safest route away from his mother.
Ten minutes of chasing later, Eva collapsed back on the floor of her son' bedroom, the dress still unsuccessfully gripped in her hands. She didn't even know where Dante was hiding right now, and shuddered to think of starting up Round 2 of Hide-And-Seek with the boy.
"Vergil, I didn't want to ask you this, but it seems like Dante is forcing my hand." Eva panted heavily as she looked to her bemusedly watching obedient son who was still only in his diapers. "Will you wear the dress? I know we should make Dante hold his promise, but you are the older twin; so it would be nice if you were to do it if he doesn't want to."
The little boy took a little while to consider, weighing his pros and cons in his mind before the quick mind came up with a smart bargain.
"If I wear the dress, can I get ice cream? 2 scoops, all mine."
"Deal. But while you wear the dress, you must not tell anyone that you are a boy." Eva bargained back. She had initially been surprised at how witty and smart her boys were when they first started learning to talk and communicate properly, but now she knew clearly that they had only inherited their father's brains. Maybe it was something to do with them being half-demonic, but the boys always had a bargain or two to make to suit their own desires.
"Ok." Vergil stepped forth. "Pinky Promise."
Internally, Eva breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that she didn't have to chase Vergil all over the house as well to get him to wear the dress. In fact, the boy was obedient enough to try wearing the dress himself, though he didn't really seem to know how to put it on since the clothes that he had always worn ever since he was born always came in 2 pieces.
By the time they were done dressing Vergil, Dante had sneaked back into the room –feeling safe upon seeing that his brother had been volunteered for the 'challenge'. Dante was smart enough, though, to stay far away from the drawer as if afraid that his mother would draw out a second dress. Thus, the still-undressed child found himself a seat in the toy corner of the room, and watched as his mother produce her makeup set and began putting her magic on the obedient elder twin who seemed obediently quiet and not exactly bothered by the fact that he was being dressed as a girl.
"There." Eva announced with a heavy sense of pride as she leaned her weight back and closed her makeup set. It was really a piece of artwork; something that she never thought was possible before was suddenly appearing in front of her. Eva had always wished that instead of giving birth to twin boys, she had given birth to at least one girl –one baby for her husband, one for herself –but that reality had never happened.
At least until today; at least temporarily.
"I need to take a picture of this. Stay there, my dear, and don't move." Eva's simple life's excitement now bubbled to the surface as she jumped to her feet and ran to her bedroom to grab her camera. She wasn't going to let this moment pass just like that.
Scrambling back to her sons' bedroom, she was glad to find that the female version of Vergil had not moved an inch, but the same could not be said for Dante. The boy who was only dressed in his diapers stood in front of his brother, staring at what his twin had become with a little bit of Eva's magic. Eva could not help but hide in a corner, aiming her camera lenses on the situation and taking a quick snap at the sight of Dante's myriad of expressions –caution, confusion, admiration, disgust and many other emotions that Eva could not put a name to.
"Look here, Vergil. Give me a smile; the sweetest you can make." Eva urged as she tapped furiously on the shutter button, changing the angle with every photograph like a professional. There was a slight look of discomfort hanging on the young girl's face, but it changed no fact that 'she' still looked towards the camera and gave the cutest uncertain smile ever.
Right there and then, Eva felt like she might have accidentally melted into a pool of joy at the cuteness that she could not believe was exuding from her son.
One hour later, Eva Sparda reached the front of the registration counter at the park with her two children, one on each side. The boy was dressed smartly in his Sunday's Best, and the girl was dressed sweetly with a pink fluffy dress with two tiny ponytails on each side. The tiara that had come with the dress had not been able to stay on the girl's head, and thus Eva had to improvise and tie up the short hair in the cutest fashion possible.
"Hello, is this where we register for the contest?" Eva asked the poor receptionist who looked to be sweating badly under the hot sun. She did not doubt that this young woman sitting in front of her was a student part-time worker, dragged to be here for money for extra expenses.
"Yes. Fill up this form for your children, and attach a picture of both of them here before submitting it back to me. Registration closes in another 25 minutes." The heavy sigh of a tired part-timer came along with the form, and Eva gave her light thanks as she received the materials, beginning to fill up form.
She, however, paused at the first blank on the sheet of paper.
Name... What should she name her cute princess?
She turned to give a look at her princess, watching as the little girl looked around with clear blue eyes, slight discomfort written on her face. Clearly she was not very happy to be here, but not all children had to be happy at everywhere their mother brought them.
With a Eureka moment, a grin drew across Eva's face as she filled in the names quickly, and did not have much problems with the rest of the blanks. Then, attaching the photo of her children that she had taken right before they left the house, Eva found her way back to the counter to hand the completed form back.
"Dante and Vigilia Sparda?" The part-timer read, looking up for confirmation. Eva nodded.
"Both 3 and a half years old... Twins?" The question came again, but this time, eyes moved quickly to the two children standing side by side now and holding hands. The boy looked more uncomfortable than the girl, though they really looked as if they were printed from the same mould –only with different genders.
"Favourite hobbies... fighting?" This time, the look of questioning was directed at Eva again.
"Twins are always competitive." Eva answered. "Dante takes her toys, and she takes his. It's pretty much a cycle; really."
It was a legit answer, and so the weird response on the form was shrugged off. The rest of the form seemed to be answered well, and Eva watched with increasing satisfaction as an 'approved' stamp was inked on her form, then kept away on a small pile at a corner of the desk. In return for the form, however, was a pair of small number tags '7' on them.
"Pin these on their clothes and wait in that room over there. If the little ones want the toilet, the male toilet is to the right; the female to the left. There is some refreshment in the waiting room. We will give more instructions when registration closes. Any guests should be seated in another forty minutes." The instructions given were bland and plain, but Eva did not let the apparent lethargy of the part-timer affect her mood. Nodding her thanks with a huge smile at getting past Round 1 without suspicion at all, Eva held the hands of her children firmly and brought them into the waiting room, where a small site of chaos was currently happening.
Because they were numbered '7', there were 6 pairs of siblings with their parents already in the small room. And since the age range of the contestants had been from 2 to 5, it quickly clear to Eva that the waiting room was going to be the site of a battlefield given at how noisy the place was. Children were running around with their toys, playing with each other, eating and doing all sorts of things while their parents fussed over them.
"Come with Mummy." Eva urged her children, keeping tight hold on their hands because she could feel their excitement rising. Children always had their infectious auras around them that attracted others to them as long as playing together was an option, and her sons were no exception to that rule.
Dragging them to a relatively deserted corner of the waiting room, Eva was thankful that she didn't see anyone familiar from the neighbourhood who knew that she had twin sons instead of different-gendered twins.
"Listen to me, then I will let the two of you play with the other children." Eva said sternly with her disciplinarian tone –one that both she and Sparda had trained the boys to heed. This tone had been very useful in bringing the boys to heel, though Dante tended to get distracted faster. For the moment, however, both sons were seriously waiting for her instructions.
"From now until we leave this place, Vergil's name is Vigilia. Dante, Vigilia is your twin sister, not your brother. Don't tell anyone else that Vigilia is actually a boy. Also, Vergil, when you play with the other children, make sure you don't accidentally show them that you are a boy. And when you want to go to the toilet, you come to me; I will bring you to the girls' toilet."
"But Mummy," Vergil frowned a little in confusion. "Daddy says boys cannot go to the girls' toilet. They don't want to see our pee-pee."
"I know. I will make sure they don't see your pee-pee." Eva answered. "Also, don't tell anyone that you have a pee-pee. You are a girl from now onwards. Girls don't have pee-pee."
It seemed like a tall order for a child to lie to everyone around him, but if there was any child she really trusted to be able to do it somehow, it was her Vergil. Dante and Vergil might come from the same mother and father, but Dante was clearly the more forgetful but enthusiastic and cheerful one of the twins. If Dante had been the one dressed in a dress, Eva might have been rather worried about Dante blurting out the secret to others. But the sturdy seriousness of Vergil was comforting now as she watched her 'princess' son nod in promise.
"Promise me, Dante, that you won't tell anyone."
"I won't." Dante nodded with a grin. "I don't want to tell anyone that my brother turned into a girl. They might think that I will become a girl also and don't play with me."
"Just because I'm a girl now doesn't mean I can't find anyone to play with me." Vergil answered with a frown. "I'll show you."
Once more the competitive spirit was alive, and Eva watched helplessly as her two children –one boy and one girl –bound off to the group of other contestants, playing over a pile of shared toys. Slightly worried, she made sure to eavesdrop on her sons introducing themselves, making sure that Vigilia hadn't forgotten her cover. Being kids, a change in gender definitely could not change Vergil's personality, and it was soon that Eva found her new-daughter surrounded by girls with 'her' natural charm.
"Mrs Sparda? Eva Sparda?" Eva was startled half an hour later when someone tapped her shoulder. Spinning around, her eyes widened at the sight of a familiar face; someone that she remembered talking to in the neighbourhood, but temporarily forgot the name off.
"Yes, it's me." Eva said, a face full of embarrassment. "I'm sorry, but I forgot your name."
"Millian. Kelly Millian. We live three streets away, but I met you and your boys at the supermarket near our house." The woman who Eva remembered to be the same age as her replied. "Are you here for the contest as well?"
"Yes. I have nothing to do with them at home anyway."
Kelly looked slightly confused as she deposited her bag on the bench beside Eva, taking a seat beside her since they were familiar only with each other. The waiting room had seen a steady increase of contestants, but Eva had not been able to recognise anyone from the neighbourhood and had thus eventually given up looking for someone familiar before Kelly had come surprising her.
"But isn't one of the rules in the contest to register different genders..." The soft voice of confusion was paired well with a look of curiosity, as Eva finally caught up with herself.
"Oh, I registered Dante with their cousin. Vigilia is just visiting, and the three of them look completely alike, so I registered Dante and Vigilia as twins." Eva excused, leaning towards Kelly. "Don't tell anyone."
"Ahh, that explains it." Kelly leaned back with an understanding smile. "I was wondering how Vergil had suddenly turned into such a beautiful perfect girl. Your niece is really beautiful; just like a female version of your boys. Her parents are your sibling?"
"Err, yes." Eva could not help her smile of secret pride at her makeup skills. Of course, her son's natural charm had something to do with the overall effect, but the makeup definitely lent much more authenticity. "My sister's daughter."
"Then where is Vergil? I thought your twins were inseparable." Kelly smiled, finding nothing wrong with the situation. It was probably not surprising to find a few parents technically cheating by registering different-gendered cousins. Some cousins could be closer than siblings, after all –particularly for families with only one child.
"Vergil is sick at home today. If it was possible, I would have made them come down as triplets." Eva didn't know when she got this good at lying, but suspected that this was a trait that she had learnt from being around her sons.
Dear Gods, her sons were being a bad influence on her instead of the other way around.
Meanwhile, a shy 3 year old girl approached the boy that she recognised, who was apparently friends with the other person that she thought she recognised. Pandora sneaked up behind the backs of the two child, then tugged the shirt of the white-haired boy.
"Dante?" Pandora Millian asked carefully, afraid of mistaking. Her mother had already pointed out the boy to him as a familiar face, but she had thought that the girl sitting beside him was Vergil. But Vergil was a boy, and the one sitting beside Dante was a girl in a pretty dress.
"Pandy!" The reply came with elation, as Dante brightened to see someone familiar. "You are here to compete also?"
"Yup. With my brother."
"Pascal?" Dante looked around quickly to see the boy emerging from the toilet. Pandora was the same age as Dante, but Pascal was 2 year older than they were. Dante and Vergil remembered having lots of fun with the older boy back when they first met because Pascal always had lots of interesting things to show them. Age had given Pascal more experience, and the older boy had showed Dante and Vergil different bugs and insects along the road.
"Where is Vergil?" Pandora asked, casting a careful look at the girl who was still silently sitting beside Dante, looking strangely happy to hear that Pascal had arrived as well.
"He's just right-"Dante said, then slapped his hand over his own mouth with wide eyes for a second before shaking his head. "Vergil's sick today. Today my cousin is with me. This is Vigilia."
"Hello Pandy." Vigilia smiled. "You look very pretty."
None of the children thought over about how Vigilia seemed to know Pandora's name even without introduction.
"Hello Vigilia." Pandora blushed at the compliment. She remembered Vergil saying the same things to her when they first met at the supermarket with their mothers, and Pandora had liked Vergil ever since. "You look very pretty also."
"I am?" Vigilia seemed surprised at the compliment, though she looked down at her own dress, then back at Pandora with a beautiful smile that Pandora could not help but want to reciprocate without knowing the reason why. "I am."
"Did your Mommy do your hair for you? Mommy did mine for me." Pandora decided that she liked talking to this girl who looked a lot like Dante and Vergil, but was their cousin. Pandora didn't know that cousins could look so alike because she did not look like her cousin at all.
"Yup. My hair was very short, but Mummy was able to tie it up." Vigilia answered, then their conversation halted when Pascal finally joined them.
"Dante? Where is Vergil? Who is this?" Pascal's confusion was completely easy to understand.
"Big Brother, this is Vigilia, their cousin! Vergil is sick at home!"
"What a pity." Pascal grinned at Dante, pulling his hand from his pocket and brandishing it between them, fingers still covered over item. "I have goodies."
"What is it?" Dante was once more brimming with excitement of the unknown.
"Come here. Vigilia might scream if she sees it. The girls always scream." Pascal said, using his free hand to drag Dante forth and keeping them a good distance away from the girls.
Pandora, already knowing her brother's 'goody', wrinkled her nose at the memory of how she had been completely terrorised when her brother had dropped the beetle shell on her hand proudly.
"Come, Pascal is showing Dante something scary." Reaching forwards, she tried to catch Vigilia's hand, but was surprised when the girl swung it out of her reach.
"I want to see it!" Vigilia declared with a grin, bounding over where the boy were. By now, Dante had the beetle shell pinched between his fingers carefully, admiring it with wide eyes when Vigilia sidled up to his side, the same blue eyes glittering with fascination. "Cool."
To any third party watching this scene, it was a simple scene of a bunch of children being fascinated over something that they usually did not meet. To Pascal, however, a small flower was blooming in his heart as a warm heat that he was not used to flushed to his face.
"Stay away! Girls don't like these kinds of things." Pascal gave Vigilia rough push, and the smaller-sized child stumbled, falling to the side. It was the same kind of rough treatment that young boys did to young girls in general to hide their feelings, and Vigilia was no exception from this treatment from Pascal.
There was shocked silence in their immediate surrounding when Vigilia stared at her hands that were now smudged with blood thanks to a chafe she received during the fall. It was definitely a harder shove than expected from the embarrassed boy. The heavy air of expectancy of a girl's cries filling the room hung oppressively as Vigilia looked up from her hands at the boy who had pushed her.
Vigilia was silent as she looked down at her bloodied hand again, as if she couldn't understand the reason for the stinging that she felt. Then, without trying to wipe the blood away on her dress, Vigilia kept her hand out as she turned on her heels, then walked towards their mother.
"Mummy, I need to go to the toilet." Vigilia tugged at the hem of his mother's skirt with his free hand, displaying his bloodied one in an explaining show. "I fell down."
At the other side of the room, chaos had ensued following Vigilia's departure. Instead of the injured girl crying, the perpetrator's little sister had broken out in tears for Vigilia's sake as if Pandora was the one feeling the pain of the chafe herself. Dante had launched himself on the perpetrator, yelling and shouting while he fisted his hands to punish Pascal for bullying his 'cousin'.
"Dear me, my Pascal pushed you down?" Kelly, who had been sitting beside Eva, put two and two together, a look of utter worry and apology written across her face. "I am so sorry, Vigilia! I will punish my son for you."
"For now, I think what is important is to get the boys to stop fighting." Eva answered, taking a quick look at Vigilia's injury before deciding that it was not serious enough to demand immediate attention. "Vigilia, can you help me stop Dante from fighting with Pascal? You know he only listens to you when he's like that."
"Ok." Vigilia answered with an obedient nod, still holding her hand out carefully as if afraid to let her blood touch anyone else. Spinning around, the two woman watched as the young girl slowly walked back to where the mess was still going on; the other children and parents in the room still too confused and unsure to step in to help out.
"Don't you have to clean up her wounds first, Eva?" Kelly asked uncertainly. If it were her darling Pandora hurt and bleeding like that, Kelly would have immediately rushed her baby to the washroom to clean the wound and have it bandaged before doing anything else.
"It's not a serious chafe. Besides, Pascal will be getting worse injuries if we leave them like this. Dante is a scratcher." Eva answered honestly.
"That Pascal..." Kelly shook her head in exasperation. "Boys are really more prone to injuries and whatnot than girls, aren't they? Do your boys always come back in dirt and blood?"
"In my case," Eva could not help but chuckle, "all three boys at my house come back in dirt and blood; Sparda more than the two of them. My husband is seriously a walking terror for all white clothes."
It did not take long for Vigilia to walk back calmly to Eva, her free and uninjured hand pinching Dante's ear and dragging him across the room as well. Behind the both of them trailed a tear-stained Pandora and a tousled up Pascal.
"Mummy, I have Dante." Vigilia reported, ignoring the protests that the young boy was giving at being dragged across the room by his ear. It was certainly a strange sight for everyone else to see; a young girl with blood on one hand dragging her twin across the room by his ear.
"Dante, face the wall and don't you dare make a sound or move an inch from here until I get back with Vigilia from the washroom."
"No buts. Your father taught you to not fight with anyone."
"But Pascal pushed down Ver-" Dante's protest was getting louder.
"It was wrong of him to push Vigilia down, but it was doubly wrong of you to pick a fight with him. Now stand here and face the wall. No buts. Do it." Eva said sternly, ignoring the cutely sulking face that her young son did as he complied with her order. Leaving Kelly lecturing her son and wiping up the tears on her daughter, Eva scooped Vigilia up, saving both of them the slow walk to the washroom.
"It was very brave of you, Vigilia, to not cry in front of everyone." Eva praised as she washed her son's hands under the running water at the washbasin.
"It hurt, but Daddy said boys don't cry."
"But you are Vigilia today." Eva answered with a chuckle. "It's okay to cry."
"No," Vigilia answered seriously, washing her hands with the same stern seriousness. "I am still a boy inside. Even Vigilia cannot cry for something so simple."
"Pandora was crying." Eva pointed out.
"Pandora is a girl. I am a boy."
The reply made Eva wonder if her son was truly getting into the act of Vigilia, or if he was just taking the act very seriously –and also very seriously separating Vergil from Vigilia. She guessed that she probably should have expected such seriousness from her son, but to see him putting so much effort into pretending to be a girl was amusement and entertainment in its own right. Thus, Eva didn't say anymore before she led her 'daughter' out of the washroom to find that Dante –though mischievous –had been obedient for at least as long as they took at the washroom.
The scolding that Eva had prepared for her son had to be postponed, however, when the organiser of the contest finally appeared in the waiting room with details of the flow of the contest. Soon, the waiting room became a scramble in which mothers did the last minute makeup patch-up to their children, and Eva was no different as she straightened Dante's clothes that had been messed up while he had been playing and fighting with Pascal, throwing some more makeup to Vigilia to bring out the charm of her children's mesmerising blue eyes.
Thankfully both Vigilia and Dante were obedient throughout the whole process (though Eva suspected that Dante's obedience was born from his desire to evade lecture about his fighting with Pascal). Eva and Kelly had no more chance to share talk, and the children were soon lined up at the side of the stage, waiting their turn to enter.
"Dante, Vigilia," Eva said, bending closer to them to be heard over the loud voice of the emcee speaking through the microphone. "Once you get on stage, you two only have each other. Mummy can't come with you on stage. Listen to the misters on stage and do as they say, alright?"
Dante and Vigilia nodded brightly, but she could never trust Dante's nod fully.
"Vigilia, make sure your brother knows what to do. You might be a girl today, but you are still older than Dante. Don't be afraid to hit him to make him listen." Eva leaned in even closer to Vigilia to say these, ensuring that innocent Dante was still largely ignorant of the instructions given regarding him.
"Ok, Mummy." Vigilia answered with another trustworthy nod.
"You're my pretty little princess today, Vigilia." Eva grinned brightly. "Show them how cute and beautiful you can be and win us the prize with Dante."
"I'll win the prize for us!" Dante declared, punching his fist in the air as if he had already won the contest. "We'll be the best pair!"
"Yes you will." Eva patted both her childrens' head as the cue for the children to start moving on stage was given.
"Go and show the world your twin sister, Dante."
"Whatever are we going to do with these?" Sparda's tone was helplessly amused as he opened the box full of beautiful dresses that were sized perfectly for the average 4 year old girls. The box would have been a very welcome gift, if not for the fact that he didn't remember his wife giving birth to a child of the fairer gender.
"We could sell them at the flea market or donate it to the church." Eva suggested.
"What about the other box?" Sparda answered with a nod, putting down the box he had in his hand on the floor at his side, then picking up the other. This box held clothes that he was more familiar with –fashionable clothes for the average 4 year old boys.
"They fit our boys perfectly. I will get Dante and Vergil to choose the ones they like tomorrow and store them separately so that they won't end up fighting over them." Eva answered, a picture of domesticity as she sat on the armchair across her husband's, the beautiful smile continuously tugging on her lips.
"Couldn't you have explained to the organiser that you want two boxes of male clothes instead?" Sparda asked helplessly. He had gotten a pleasant surprise when he came home to be greeted by a daughter who turned out to be his eldest son, but the ensuing explanation from his wife had made him helplessly amused throughout the rest of the night, even after putting their boys to sleep.
Clearly, he was not the only one entertained by the day's happening, because the smile hadn't budged from Eva's face since he came home.
"I think I explained a little bit too much." Eva answered with a laugh. "He looked a little pale when we left. I think if the wind was stronger today, he might have just crumbled into dust."
"Was he that shocked?"
"He said he had never seen a better specimen of a beautiful girl who was destined to be at least a top model once our Vigilia grows up. I can imagine him swallowing his words right now." Eva answered, still scrolling through the flood of pictures that she had taken of her children in their best clothes today. "Look at these, Dear."
Moving to seat herself on the arm of her husband's armchair, she leaned towards Sparda as they scrolled through the pictures she took for the day, eliciting light laughter from time to time from her husband.
While Vergil and Dante might not have won the all-expenses-paid holiday at KiddiLand to give their father a breather like what Eva had hoped, the two had given their father a night's worth of unwinding as he looked through the journey of the day documented by Eva and her photography skills.
"This boy," Sparda pointed at a taller boy holding on to his little sister's hand but extending the arm as if he couldn't stand to be close to his sister at all, "he looks familiar. I think I've seen him around before."
"That is Pascal and Pandora Millian. Their mother is Kelly Millian. They live a few streets down." Eva answered, earning an acknowledging nod in reply. "And you know, I think Pascal fell in love today."
"Young puppy love." Sparda chuckled. "Who is the lucky lady?"
"Our Vigilia. How would you like to walk our Vigilia down the aisle on her wedding day, Dear?" Eva replied the chuckle when her husband turned to look at her with utter surprise.
"What... Our Vigilia is such a man magnet!"
"Are you saying that our daughter's mother is not as attractive?"
"I would never! Vigilia has to get her charms from somewhere, Dear, and I cannot think it coming from anyone but you." Sparda was clever at twisting the words into compliments, and though Eva was already used to her husband's honeyed words, she always felt a little more beautiful whenever he said it.
"It is really unfortunate that we don't have a real Vigilia." Eva sighed after another short while of scrolling through the pictures and showing them to her husband. "I would really have liked a girl to play with."
"You know why we can't have any more kids, Dear." Sparda's amusement temporarily changed to apology and sadness. "I can't risk losing you. I almost lost you while you carried Dante and Vergil; I don't want the two of us to go through the same thing again. I don't want Dante and Vergil to risk growing up without their mother."
"I know that, Dear." Eva answered with a sigh. "It's just my luck that my body is not strong enough to carry your demonic babies. I guess I will just have to make Vigilia appear more now that we know how beautiful and charming Vigilia can be."
"Maybe one day we can capture Dante and make him into a girl." Sparda suggested with a growing mischievous grin. "Instead of two boys, we can have two girls."
"I'll name her Denna." Eva's grin recovered as fast as her husband's. "Denna and Vigilia; our two baby girls."
"Our baby girls who have the potential to be children's clothes models." Sparda corrected with another laugh. "I still cannot get over the fact that you were approached by the organiser to let our children be models for their clothes. I can imagine Dante in some of those clothes I see in the magazines sometimes, but Vergil..."
"Not Vergil," Eva corrected softly. "Vigilia."
"Yes, right. Vigilia." Sparda, who was now holding the camera between his hands and in charge of scrolling through the pictures, stopped at one. "Oh my. This shot is beautifully taken. You must print this, Dear."
"Of course. I have every intention to print every picture here just to create a memory book for the birth of Vigilia."
"You know what?" Sparda had come home tired after another day's work, but these photos were making him cheer up faster than anything anyone could do. And, as he and his dear wife sat close to each other going through the photos of his charming son turned into a beautiful daughter, he decided that maybe seeing Vigilia –and Denna –in real life a few times more wasn't going to hurt.
"Yes, Dear?"
"You don't have to sell the dresses in that box." Sparda answered with a grin that was sly now. "We can keep it for Vigilia and Denna."
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