The Adventures Of Chibi Vergil - 1

A/N: In case anyone doesn't know, 'Chibi' is a colloquial term used for the younger self of someone. Therefore, Chibi Vergil is basically Young Vergil. There will be a few parts for 'The Adventures Of Chibi Vergil', all untitled, but they are all one-shots and unrelated to each other. We will start the first one with Chibi Vergil and Chibi Dante on Valentine's Day :)

Try to pretend that the children's speech are all filled with mispronunciations and childish lisps, because I'm really terrible at writing intelligible lisps. For example, words ending with 'st' or 't' usually ends up as 'f'-sounds.

[The Adventures of Chibi Vergil – 1]

"Boys and girls, do you know what we celebrate on February 14?" Alexandra smiled at the class of toddlers sitting in front of her dressed in the uniform issued by the kindergarten. Big bright eyes looked at her in anticipation for the lesson of the day.

"It's the day when Daddy gives Mummy flowers and tells her 'I love you!'" Mindy Annabelle piped up happily, branding a cheap plastic flower up in a prideful show. "I got a flower from Daddy as well!"

"That is correct, Mindy." Alexandra smiled. "That is a pretty flower. Did your daddy give something as pretty to your mummy as well?"

"Mummy got chocolates today morning!" Olivia chipped in. "Mummy loves chocolates."

"That's very good. Does anyone else still remember what their parents might have given each other today morning?"

"Daddy gave Mummy a heart attack." One of the boy piped up now, a clearly delighted grin hanging shamelessly on his face. "She said she almost lost half her life. She said Daddy is crazy. He gave her a chocolate. Right, Vergil?"

"Why is that?" Alexandra asked with soft curiosity.

"Daddy hasn't cooked anything that can be eaten by a human since we were born. He swore that he didn't buy it from anywhere else. But he can't cook." The most obedient boy of the class -incidentally the most well-liked boy despite his coldness and seriousness in all situations -replied duteously.

"Is that so?" Alexandra asked with a laugh. "I didn't think that your father looked like someone who could not cook well."

"He almost killed me when I ate his porridge when Mummy was sick!" Dante volunteered happily, clearly excited to have some personal input in the class despite the fact that he was innocently airing shameful facts of his own father.

"Let us come back to the lesson, shall we? February 14 is Valentine's Day. It is the day that we give chocolates and flowers to the people that we like and tell them we love them. Don't you all have someone you want to give chocolates and flowers to?"

The enthusiastic cheer from the class full of excited energetic children was loud, though an excited hand shot up, waving to get attention while asking for permission to speak.

"Yes, Dante?" Alexandra was a little cautious of the young boy's imminent words. Despite being the twin brother of the most obedient boy in the class, Dante acted like a foil to his brother good deeds. The younger twin was playful and mischievous and tended not to think before speaking –which sometimes had ended up saying insensitive things that made the sensitive young girls of the class cry.

"But Miss Alex, I want chocolates. Can I give myself some? I like myself."

"No, Dante. You should give your chocolates to someone you like. If someone likes you, they will give you their chocolate." Alexandra answered with a laugh at how childishly smart Dante was.

"What if I exchange with Vergil? I like him, and he likes me." Dante pondered.

"Miss Alex," Vergil spoke up, raising his hand to get attention as well. "I plan to give the chocolates to Mummy because she deserves it. I am not giving Dante any, because he will only be getting fatter, and Mummy hates that."

"Oy! Verge!" Dante's affronted yell was combined with a physical threat of a punch, but the older twin was clearly unfazed as Vergil obediently crossed his arms now that his speech was done, attention focused on their teacher.

The rest of the lesson was a messy one for Alexandra as she carefully guided the children through the steps of folding paper boxes to contain the chocolates that she had brought for them. Then because there was still some time left, the children were allowed to colour pencils to decorate their own handmade chocolate boxes –to which the girls did with extra fervour.

"Macy, that's a pretty flower you have there." Alexandra knelt beside one of the low tables, supervising the progress of the girls gathered around the small table. "Who are you giving your chocolate to?"

"It's a secret, Miss Alex!" The little girl grinned happily, though the teacher could already guess –seeing how the alphabets 'V, I, R, G, E, E, L' were already spelt on the side of the box.

"Okay, but remember to give him or her the chocolate politely and with a smile. What do you say when you give them the box?"

"'I want to give you this chocolate because I like you!'" The happy girl answered with a bright smile, and Alexandra decided quickly that there would be nothing wrong with Macy as she turned her attention to the other girls at the table.

She supposed she wasn't surprised to see stick-figures of a boy with white-coloured hair drawn on some of the boxes, and heart-shape drawn for that same boy on many other girls' boxes. Alexandra felt a little sorry for the other boys in the class, but this was something she was helpless with since the girls of the class were all clearly smitten with only one boy.

The school bell chimed shortly after, and Alexandra clapped her hands to get the attention of everyone in the class.

"Children, finish up your boxes quickly and put your colour pencils aside. Come and line up in front of me with your boxes when you are done, and I will put the chocolate inside the boxes for you. You can give them to the person you like as soon as I am done putting the chocolate in!" Alexandra announced, smiling to herself as she saw the flurry and chaos of movements in the classroom. Trusting her children to know what to do –since clean-up was a routine for them after every class –Alexandra retrieved the chocolates she had bought just a day ago.

"Wow, Vergil, you are amazing! You managed to make two boxes in such a short time by yourself?" Alexandra could not help but exclaim when the queue reached the boy. The 4 year old nodded with his clear blue eyes glinting with pride, a hint of a blush highlighting his cheek.

"Miss Alex, can I...have 2 chocolates?" The young boy asked in a voice so soft that it was almost drowned by the sounds of the other children chattering in the classroom.

"Do you want one for yourself as well?" She asked in curiosity, because she knew that it was usually his twin that tried his hand at such shamelessly brave questions.

"No... But I like Daddy as well as Mummy. I feel bad if I only give Mummy chocolates."

The boy's concern for his father was touching, though Alexandra was rather sure that Vergil's father didn't have much interest in receiving chocolates at all.

"I don't know if I brought enough chocolates to give you 2, Vergil." She answered with a pitying expression. "How about you give Mummy your chocolate, and ask Dante to give Daddy his chocolate?"

"Dante is going to eat his own chocolate." The older twin answered honestly. "But I understand, Miss Alex. I will have 1 then."

The young boy's mature understanding was so startling that Alexandra could not help herself but want to give the boy some hope –even in the face of being accused of giving preferential treatment.

"I will give you 1 now, but if you can wait until I finish giving everyone, I can give you any leftovers if I happen to have an extra chocolate." Alexandra promised, and the effect was immediate as the small disappointment on Vergil's face cleared away quickly, thanking her happily when she transferred one chocolate into one of the boxes he had in his hands.

Next in line was his twin brother.

"Miss Alex! I want 2 chocolates!" The difference in manners between the twins could not be starker as Dante brandished his plain (undecorated) white box proudly to the teacher and demanded for his chocolates.

"Why do you want 2 chocolates?" Alexandra asked, though she more or less could guess the answer that was about to spew forth from Dante's daring lips.

"Because I want to eat both!"

"I said that the chocolates are meant for someone you like, Dante. They are not for yourself." She frowned, but she had learnt over time that Dante got himself into trouble so often that he no longer bothered to read the facial cues of displeasure on the adults around him. The boys' poor parents must have frowned at him so often that Dante was now immune to the frowns of adults.

"I know! That's why I made a deal with Terry! He will give me his chocolate, and I'm going to give him mine! But if I get 2, then I can exchange with Jon also!" Dante announced gleefully.

"No, you're only going to get one." Alexandra supposed that there was nothing she could do if the boys planned to exchange their chocolates on the basis that they 'liked each other'. Though she couldn't expect 4 year olds to understand the true meaning behind Valentine's Day, taking advantage of the occasion to exchange chocolates for each other's consumption was probably something Dante Sparda championed in coming up.

Soon they reached the end of the queue and Vergil was lucky enough to receive his extra chocolate, though the boy was smartly careful to hide his second one just in case his twin brother found out about the extra. It was soon after that the class was once more in chaos as the children began giving each other their chocolates before their parents came to collect them, chatting happily.

And since Alexandra had already guessed things out beforehand during lesson time, she kept a careful eye out for Vergil Sparda, as well as the girls that she knew had been targeting their chocolates for him. At the moment, the innocent boy was reading a book obediently beside the bookshelf in the corner of the classroom –his twin brother nearby playing with the boys with chocolate already smudged all over his face. The peace that Vergil was currently enjoying was not going to last for long, however. The girls were already approaching the quiet boy together in a group -since it appeared that giving the chocolate alone was something too embarrassing for the girls to manage.

Just in case something happened to the girls or Vergil, Alexandra quietly shifted herself close into hearing range so that she could do any possible damage control, pretending to be cleaning up the colour pencils on the table nearby that had been left behind by neglectful children.

"U-Uhm, Vergil?" Mindy Anabelle, the bravest and most outspoken girl of the lot was now a stuttering ball of nerves as Alexandra watched the girl hold her chocolate box so tightly that it was now almost crushed between her fingers.

"Can I help you, Mindy?" The young boy had been taught from young to be always cordial and polite around the fairer gender, and Vergil had obviously taken the teaching very carefully since Alexandra could not remember when the boy had ever been even slightly rude to the girls of his class. It was also this politeness in which Vergil always carried himself around the girls that earned him his popularity since the other boys of the class were generally rougher in their innocent treatment of the girls -particularly in Dante's case.

"Do... D-Do you think my box is nice?" Mindy was quickly losing her guts to give the chocolate, but Alexandra didn't try to step in because this was something the girl had to do herself. Confessions were also an important part in any girl's Valentine's Day, and this was probably going to be Mindy's first try ever in her life.

"It is very pretty." Vergil answered with a quick glance at the carefully-drawn-and-coloured box. "You draw well."

Alexandra was not sure if the boy was being completely honest, but if he was, Vergil was clearly a natural flirt. The blush on Mindy's face was as bright as a tomato currently, and her eyes were only stuck on the floor now as the little girl no longer dared to look up at the boy who looked unsure whether the conversation was over.

"Uh... What about Macy's box?" The desperate Mindy asked, dragging the very shy and reluctant girl up to her side and forcing the smaller-sized girl to show off her box. Alexandra noted that young Macy was desperately doing her best to hide the misspelled name of Vergil's with her hands.

"I like the colour that Macy used. It's nice." Vergil's charming answer came again.

"What about mine?" Olivia could not bear to be left behind as she burst forth, brandishing her box. "I drew a boy with white hair!"

"Very nice." The 4 year old boy's limited vocabulary probably only consisted of 'pretty' and 'nice' when it came to describing the artwork of the poor girls. "Who did you want to give the chocolate to?"

Alexandra quietly watched with a growing smile as the three girls looked at each other nervously as if to reassure each other that confessing together was going to be okay.

"IS THAT FOR ME? Thanks, Liv!" The shout -accompanied with someone intruding into the conversation with the speed of a cannonball -shocked all 4 children. There was a flurry of motions, and Alexandra scolded herself for not looking out for the boy's twin brother, because Dante was now standing between Vergil and the girls, the chocolate boxes that had been proudly presented to Vergil now tucked under his arms.

"Dante!" The girls squealed in unison. The faces that had been initially red with embarrassment and shyness were now red with anger –though Alexandra was suspicious that Dante was too young and oblivious to know the difference given the way the boy was still grinning from ear to ear as if he had won a lifetime's worth of chocolates.

"You don't have to be shy! You can give the chocolates straight to me. Vergil won't pass me the chocolates if you give it to him." Dante declared happily –and rather delusionally. "I don't have chocolates to give you, because I exchanged mine with Terry and ate the one he gave me and Miss Alex didn't give me one more."

"Give it back!" Mindy stomped her foot. "I'm not going to give my chocolate to you, Dante!"

"Liar! You drew me on your box, didn't you? I'm the only one with white hair in class!" Dante smartly remarked –and this would have been true if not for the fact that his twin brother was also in the same class as he. Alexandra immediately decided that Dante was a special type of boy –alike in the way that Vergil was also a special type of boy, but just in a very different way. Alexandra had met the boys' parents before, and besides the fact that they were a very good-looking couple, she hadn't thought that they were any special.

Looking at their sons now, Alexandra was willing to reconsider her opinions.

"Give us our boxes back!" Olivia yelled, trying to snatch back her chocolate but Dante only moved them out of reach. "I wasn't going to give it to you!"

Alexandra decided quickly that it was time for her to use her authority as the teacher to step in before the situation got messier than it already was. Yet, regardless at how quick her decision, the decision of a young boy with the chocolates that he had always been harping on about was faster.

"Finders keepers! Catch me if you can!" Dante announced victoriously, and immediately dashed off. And because Dante and Vergil were the fastest and most agile children in the class, the ensuing chase to contain the crazy devil spirit that was named Dante Sparda ended in chaos.

Alexandra once more solidified her annoyance at dealing with naughty children like Dante as she panted, watching Dante dance his victory dance at the other side of the classroom tauntingly at the girls who were also winded and crying their eyes out by now.

"Dante, come back here and give the girls their chocolate back!" Alexandra tried her best to use her authority, though she knew from experience that when the boy didn't give a damn about rules, there was almost nobody who could control him.

Almost; because the only person in the world who could actually force some sense into Dante suddenly appeared to Alexandra's aid.

The original intended recipient of the chocolates pounced on his twin brother so suddenly that even Alexandra was taken by surprise. There was a short scuffle, but it was clear that the pair of brothers had gone through this brotherly brawl a few times before, because the end result was Vergil sitting victorious on his tired brother's chest, holding the chocolate boxes high up in the air out of Dante's reach.

"Verge!" Dante whined, but the elder twin was gave a stern shake of his head in warning before wordlessly climbing off his brother, still carefully holding the boxes away from Dante's reach.

"I'm sorry Dante stole your boxes." Vergil stood in front of the girls who were beginning to calm down now that their chocolates' saviour had appeared. With a conciliatory smile, the young charming (that Alexandra now decided must be natural because there hadn't been a single inch of pretence) boy extended the boxes in his hand back to the owners. "Don't cry."

It was a strange situation to see the person who was the original intended recipient return the boxes meant for him back to the owners, but innocent Vergil was clearly unaware of the young girls' intentions as they all took their boxes back, hugging their precious tightly as if afraid that Dante would come swooping in again.

"We wanted to give the chocolates..." Mindy Annabelle sniffled as she wiped away her tears and snot away with one hand, the other holding on to her chocolate for dear life as if afraid that something untoward would happen towards it. There was an unintelligible mumble that followed Mindy's faded sentence in which Alexandra assumed that the girl was doing her best to confess to the real intended recipient of the chocolates.

Apparently the girls were on the same wavelength as Mindy Annabelle, because they nodded while sniffling, doing their best to keep the tears away now that they were standing in front of their 'crush'. Unfortunately, Mindy's words seemed only understandable to all 3 of them –and Alexandra as the spectator who knew the whole story –because a politely curious expression appeared on Vergil's face as he tilted his head to ponder. Alexandra assumed that he was trying to decipher the girl's speech as he stood there staring at the chocolate boxes.

She hoped –for the shy girls' sake –that Vergil understood Mindy's weird mumble.

Vergil reached forth and collected the boxes back into his arms with a bright smile, finally comprehending. Alexandra breathed a quiet sigh of relief at a disaster averted, glad for a happy ending to the 3 girls' first effort-filled confession.

"Don't worry." Vergil assured with a smile. "I won't tell Dante that you actually wanted to give the chocolates to him. I understand that girls will be shy at times as well."

Then, leaving the girls in dumbfounded confusion, Alexandra watched, frozen with disbelief, as Vergil walked back to his brother (who had returned back to play with his friends in defeat) with the chocolates under his arms. She wasn't sure what one twin whispered to another, but the message was clearly mistaken when she watched Dante's eyes light up immediately, snatch the boxes away from Vergil's grasp, opened all of them and stuffed all 3 chocolates into his mouth at once.

The girls erupted into screams, and Alexandra immediately learnt that trying to teach a class of 4 year olds about Valentine's Day was probably a tad bit too early.

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