Superstar Sparda (Part 2)

A/N: Amazing story ideas won't rest in my head until they are down on paper or written in my computer! Continuing on with Superstar Sparda, where the Dante, Vergil, Nero and Trish are part of a superstar band with their concert :)

If you did not enjoy/are not enjoying this version of Devil May Cry members that I'm creating, I promise this is the last one >.< Hold on for a little more, and we'll go straight back to the Vergil that we relatively know and recognise in the remaining chapters :)

Pic Credits: User pokemonfreak1 on 

[Superstar Sparda: Part 2]

The concert was wild. Their starting act created an explosion of cheers and screams from the fans that took long to calm down. After sharing some introductory speech and making small jokes on stage, they went straight into their second song that had gotten them international success. Their fans were completely supportive and allowed each member their own time doing their own things afterwards.

Trish sang her best, and danced seductively to a song accompanied with her backup dancers.

Nero completely owned the dance floor afterwards with his free-styling, then showed his aptitude at singing a perfect slow love ballad despite the fact that they were a rock band and generally didn't do much slow songs.

Dante came up afterwards and hyped the crowd with his crazy jumping around, dancing, screaming and destroying their barriers completely with a sick electric guitar solo that spanned for so long that Vergil wondered how his brother's fingers were still working. Of course, Dante's act was usually the most sensational, and this performance was no different as he dragged a fan up on stage and did a pseudo-strip tease while singing a cheeky love song. Watching from the side, Vergil had been extremely amused when the fan almost swooned onstage at Dante's moves and eyes on her.

But all good things had to end, and it came in the form of Trish running on stage and giving Dante a mock slap and dragging him off stage by pulling him on his ear. With Dante's act closed on a humorous tone, it was Vergil's turn next and he already had his costume changed. This time it was a slightly classier act –and that meant that he had at least a shirt worn –with his light black suit with humble accessories that set him apart from a normal man. His hair had been styled upwards, curled at the front and once more, his makeup had been redone.

"It was great, Dante." Vergil smiled when he and Trish ran back into the backstage, the crowd still wild and laughing at the funny exit. He cast a quick glance on stage to find that the invited fan had been kindly led off stage to rest and relax from Dante's relentless sexual assault on stage. "They're crazy."

"Then go and make them crazier." Dante laughed, tapping him on his shoulder in encouragement. "Go onstage, and practically do nothing, Verge."

This time, even Vergil had to laugh even as he nodded to the stage director who was signalling that his turn was up. It was always something that Dante had always said about him; the fact that Vergil somehow managed to get fans crazy despite the fact that he had always displayed an attitude of 'I'm-too-cool-for-this-shit'.

It had actually started as a small observation when they were still early in their debut. Vergil was not the main dancer of the group –that was Nero's and Dante's job. Rather, Vergil was not a naturally gifted dancer, and though he tried his best to mimic his brother's suave moves during practices, he had never been able to get the feel right. And thus, at one point of time, Vergil had simply learnt to give up and do the dances his own way –with much less exaggerated effort.

Their fans had picked it up quickly –how Vergil did every dance with much less flair than his band members. They picked up, as well, how Vergil chose to simply maximise his talents and give his free-style rapping and ad-libs  while his band members showed their synchronised dancing. That had been the birth of Vergil's 'I'm-too-cool' attitude on stage, and Dante had affectionately called it the 'doing-nothing' attitude.

But it didn't really matter, because Vergil's 'doing-nothing', rapping, half-hearted dance moves and looking cool on stage was somehow driving his fans crazy, as it was happening now. Vergil could see no end to the audience, simply hundreds and thousands of heads all bouncing and jumping to his manipulation as he let loose on the mic. Then, to fulfil his role as the rapper/visual member of the team, he dedicated a short while to fan service and looking into the cameras, entertaining the fans and simply giving off his mature charms while he could. Dante might be the leader of the band, but he was definitely the most mature of them all.

The time went by like a flash, and they were at their halfway mark of the show. Vergil had already changed costumes the second time, and stood beside Nero for their special time: a special duet that they had co-written a month ago at the start of their tour. Understandably, the crowd was a complete silent hush when they realized that they had been gifted with a song that had yet been recorded or published on radio waves. They were hearing the first of a song that had yet to be included into their next album, featuring only the two of them in the band.

Of course the crowd was utterly crazy when they finished, Nero panting at the workout he had of dancing and singing. The same hype maintained within their fans and the crowd throughout the show, and Vergil gave it all alongside his band. Despite all of Nero's protest of him being worn out, none of it shown on his face, or in his moves or dance. All of them killed their performances, giving perfect shots for cameras and videographers. Fireworks and confetti finally shot on point and target, and Vergil's reality crashed down on him as he stood between Trish and his twin brother, panting and sweating, realizing that it was yet another concert down, yet another performance that he had thrown his entire self into.

The crowd was the noisiest, screaming and crying for them even as they gave their last thanks and left the stage in a file. The noise continued to chase them even as they were ushered quickly to their changing rooms to change out of their costumes, forced to change into normal clothes and were sent packing from the venue almost immediately. Leaving the venue was always crucial for stars like them, because they had to leave before the bulk of the crowd left –lest they were caught in the traffic mess.


Vergil blinked, and turned towards the soft pressure that had been on his arm. Dante grinned back at him, and he sat up in his seat on the bus, not even realizing that he had fallen asleep.

"We're here. Our hotel for the night." Dante informed, then turned to escape from the bus. Thrown back to reality, Vergil could only blurrily follow his brother down the bus to the sound of screams. Of course... Vergil forced his most charming smile on his face as he greeted their fans, making sure to keep away from the hands outstretched in hopes to get a hold of him as he made through the doors of the hotel, though. He wasn't surprised to find the rest of his band waiting for him inside with Lady looking expectant.

"First things first: Good job." Lady began, and they spent another short time congratulating each other because they didn't really have the chance to do so before this. "Rest well. Tomorrow we're going for a celebrities variety show, so prepare yourselves."

"That's all?" Nero asked with surprise. "That's all for today?"

Lady sighed obviously. "If you're looking for fan engagement, you can do it. Dante, you're in if Nero wants in. Trish and Vergil, it's optional for you."

Vergil's twin didn't bother complaining; mainly because Dante loved to play around with his fans and tease them until they were on the brink of swooning. Nero, being the youngest of them all, always looked forwards to bonding with the teenaged fans as if it could somehow redeem his youth even though he was only three years younger than Trish, and four younger than Dante and Vergil.

Vergil gave a quick look out the front doors at the fans pressed against the barriers still screaming their names.

"That one." Vergil decided quickly, pointing to a girl with sandy-brown hair, wrapped up tightly in a long white coat and wearing sensible boots in the cold snowy winter. "The one with the brown hair and red beanie. She's probably with the guy standing behind her."

"Oooh..." Dante roused sensationally, sidling up to his side. "What's this? Vergil picking out the first lucky fan for the day? Is he smitten? Love at first sight?"

"No." Vergil answered, watching as Lady moved towards the glass doors of the hotel lobby, speaking to a crowd-control bodyguard and pointing at the selected girl. The fans went crazy, and Vergil was relieved that instead of fighting to take over the selected girl's space, they applauded enthusiastically when Lady was allowed to get out of the lobby to fetch the lucky girl and her partner.

"I'm not the one smitten." Vergil reiterated as they lined up to greet their guest. Trish had not spoken a single word of protest which probably meant that she was still energetic enough for a little fan engagement before she retired for the day. "But one of us is."

"What do you mean?" Dante asked with surprise, still waiting for the slow progress of the selected fan as she and her partner took off their coat at the door and fussed quickly about their appearance. "I'm not smitten with her. She's just ordinary."

"I'm not referring to you." Vergil answered. "Nero is red. He's been looking at her since we arrived."

The truth could never be more obvious when Dante turned to find his youngest band member looking like he had contracted a high fever in a matter of seconds.

"Oh, this is gold. This is real gold." Dante muttered beneath his breath as the pair of fans approached, and Vergil put on his best welcoming smile.

"It's very nice to be able to meet a pair of fans personally." He welcomed as they neared. "We are Devil May Cry."

"H-H-Hello..." The girl started with a rather lyrical voice, looking faint and as if she didn't dare to speak louder.

"Hello. It was really a great surprise for the both of us when we saw you point at us, Mr Sparda." The girl's partner took over, a clean slicked-back brown hair that was stylishly gelled up.

"Please, call us by our given names. There is no need for formalities here. May I know your name?"

"Credo. Credo Sanctus." The man answered with a wide smile. "I am personally a fan of yours, Vergil."

"How about this beauty here?" Dante interrupted, the first one to make a physical move as he slid up beside the still very-shy girl. "What's going to be your beautiful name to fit your beautiful face?"

"Dante, behave yourself!" Nero scolded –probably the first time he had ever tried to appear mature. Vergil definitely didn't miss the cheeky grin of satisfaction on Dante's face as he allowed himself to be pulled back a safe distance away from Nero's eye-candy. Trish, standing beside Vergil, chuckled softly and undetected.

"I-I'm K-Kyrie... Kyrie Sanctus."

"Dare I ask how the two of you are related?" Vergil inquired softly, knowing that the question was furiously boiling in Nero's mind, considering both male and female had the same surname. Surely they could not be a married couple? It did not seem very likely so.

"I'm her elder brother. Kyrie has been a fan of you guys since your early works, and she used to drag me with her to your gigs in the past. When she heard that you guys were coming back to Fortuna in the middle of your world tour to give a concert, she went online immediately. She dragged me here, and I'm real glad that you picked us out of so many fans out there..." Credo explained.

"How about we take a seat?" Trish interrupted –this time politely with a smile. "It's no good if we talk while standing. A girl needs to get off her heels after all that jumping and dancing around on stage."

The diva was once more Trish's persona as she led the group towards where a gathering of couches and comfortable chairs were set up, meant for waiting guests.

"What's your favourite song, Kyrie?" Trish asked kindly as a way to settle the girl into ease.

"'O-Out of Darkness' by you guys...."

"Oh? Which part did you like best?"

"N-Nero's... Nero's second verse. It was great. His voice was perfect and the lyrics was heavenly."

Vergil thanked the girl silently about her comment on the lyrics for it had been him who had lyricized most of their songs. The reason why he didn't vocalise his thanks, however, was because of the fact that Nero was currently looking utterly bombed and almost as shy as the girl was. It didn't help that Dante had 'helpfully' forced Nero to sit beside the poor Kyrie.

"Um, is Nero okay? He looks a little red in the face." Credo was definitely the stable one between the siblings.

"Of course! Nero looks like that whenever he's in love. And he's pretty much a man in crazy love right now." Dante answered with a laugh, earning a shocked wide-eyed look from the bewildered Nero.

"I am not!" Nero protested, then choked on his own saliva.

"You're pathetic." Trish scoffed. "You're not impressing anyone."

"Shut up!"

"Oh, how mature." Dante rubbed in.

"Shut up, Dante! You're one to talk about maturity!" Nero protested again, but the funniest thing was; it went completely according to what Vergil had expected.

Kyrie's chuckles brought through the bewildered, helpless protests that Nero made trying to protect his reputation and ego.

"I'm sorry for laughing, everyone... but I'm really happy to be able to witness you guys up close like this... On stage, you are all so different, but from the interviews and shows that you guys turn up in, you act like this. I think the reason I really got into Devil May Cry is because I really admire you guys being able to work so well together with each other and appreciate each other even while you are teasing and making fun." Kyrie explained quickly, taming down her chuckles quickly with a blush as if she was caught embarrassed at allowing that sound to slip from her lips.

That was actually the closest to the truth that Vergil had ever heard from a fan before. He hadn't been sure what he had been expecting from the shy-looking girl when he had invited her for fan engagement, but her words had definitely been unexpected as all four of them shared looks in utter realization that it was their true self that their fans –or at least this particular fan named Kyrie in front of them –enjoyed.

"You know, Kyrie." Dante started with a grin. "I think we will going to be seeing much more of you in the recent future. If you don't tire of Nero, that is."

"W-W-W-What, w-why?"

"Nothing." Dante shrugged. "Just a hunch."

With those words, Dante stood up and made a move to leave their seats, but his cheeky look backwards meant that he was not looking in front of him, and thus despite the warning that they tried to make, Dante still ended up walking into the person that had been crossing in front of him.

"Hey, watch where you're going! Don't get your head so high up in the sky, cocky bastard." The crossed exclamation was made in a familiar voice, and Vergil sighed internally as he jumped to his feet. He had had a feeling that something like this would happen when he heard from Lady that they would be sharing the hotel with another band signed from the same company. Not just any other band, but this particular one.

"Well, at least I know my head can afford to be much higher than yours." Dante's quick retort also meant that he knew clearly well who he had walked into.

"Gloat while you can, Dante Sparda." Mundus spat. "We'll take over you in such a flash that you won't even know we're coming."

"Yeah, right." The sarcasm was heavy in the tone of Vergil's twin. "As if you can even begin to try catching up to us. Face it: you guys suck. The Order of the Sword isn't going to last long. The only thing that's long is your band name, and I bet even your dick is shorter than that."

"Why are you even trying to talk to someone as low-classed as Dante Sparda, Mundus? You should know better." A new voice intruded, and though Vergil had expected it clearly, he still dreaded the sight of Arkham's arrival into the argument. There was no change in the man's evil appearance, and Vergil was could not understand why in the world the company that had signed Devil May Cry would want to sign The Order of the Sword as well.

"I'd like very much to be of a lower class than you if your idea of class is as shitty as that." Dante retorted, and Vergil was dimly aware that the rest of their band members had come to stand beside their leader, lending support to Dante in this vocal battle.

The Order of the Sword had had many run-ins with each other through the course of time, and though Devil May Cry had found international success, it still remained a fact that the members of The Order of the Sword got on to their nerves. Obviously jealous of their success and enraged that Nero had left them in their early years to form Devil May Cry with Dante and Vergil, The Order of the Sword had always found feud with them whenever they crossed paths. In fact, their band makeup was exactly the same as Devil May Cry, as if copying their band dynamics would get them anywhere.

It was pretty obvious who was up against who within the bands. Devil May Cry had Dante as the leader with strength in stage appearance, and The Order of the Sword had Mundus. Vergil was the main rapper, and the other side had Arkham. They had Nero for the voice and dance, and the other side had Agnes. While the rest could be blamed for pure coincidence, no one could deny the fact that The Order of the Sword had gotten themselves a female simply to match up to Devil May Cry's Trish. Lucia was a woman with strong vocal and a strong female stage presence, but it was always common consensus that Trish still beat the woman in every aspect.

If Lucia had stage presence, then Trish controlled the stage whenever she came up. If Lucia looked pretty, then Trish looked completely stunning. There was simply no comparison that could tilt in Lucia's favour, and everyone knew it.

"Don't bother with them, Mundus, Arkham. It will make me feel dirty." The woman of Vergil's careful thoughts appeared, her flaming red hair attracting the attention.

"How pathetic." Trish was quite like Vergil's twin brother in the way they generally couldn't help themselves whenever they saw their arch enemies. "Trying to sell yourself as a flaming redhead and attracting attention to that so horrible face that you hide behind your hair? I'll be real glad if I'm ever able to wash the sight someone as horrifying as you out of my eyes tonight."

"And just where do you think you're going with those clothes? A whore's house?" Lucia's faint foreign accent could be a way that their band was trying to sell the woman, but all Vergil got was the general sense that she slurred her words a lot.

"At least I get a whore's house to myself." Trish scoffed, crossing her arms in the most diva-like fashion that Vergil had seen in the entire tour so far. It was amazing; how facing down Lucia was bringing out the best characteristic that they were trying to sell of the woman. "What about you? Stay in your alleys and continue waiting for scraps of food to land in your hands."

"Ladies, please." Vergil stepped up between the two because the women had been stepping closer to each other with each statement, ready to cat-fight. And given the fact that most of their fans were still looking through the glass doors of the hotel lobby, it would be very bad paparazzi if the girls were to end up fighting. The Order of the Sword might not suffer that badly, but Devil May Cry did not need the negative news at the moment.

"Step aside, Vergil. Pretending to be the charm-man of the group when all you are is just a dirty-mouth crass who can't dance properly. Please, you're putting us to shame with your half-hearted thing you call a dance. Just stand there rapping and singing and no one would mistake you for a lamp post with your white hair." It was a bad idea for Vergil to have offered himself on the chopping board, because Lucia's words were sharp and unkind in his ears. Even he could not help his own shock at the words spoken completely aloud, turning to give the woman the sternest look that took his face.

Vergil was not sure what appeared on his face, but the quick snarky retort that he had expected from members of both side did not come at all. The words of self-defence that had been rising to his lips were suddenly lost again as he looked around at the shocked expressions, the eyes of surprise (from his side of the argument), disbelief (from the opposing side), awe and admiration (from the fans) all tagged on him.

There was a flash of camera, and Vergil blinked, the expression that had risen to his face leaving in a moment as it was taken by surprise.

"What?" He asked.

"I think you're a little too tired out..." Dante was strangely the mediator this time, and what was even stranger was the fact that the members of The Order of the Sword looked at each other, and didn't bother offering another word of argument at all before backing away quickly as if they had seen the devil himself. "Maybe you should rest, Vergil."

"What happened?" Vergil watched the hasty departure of their rival band, none of them daring a look backwards, then turned towards the din of once-again-excited fans outside the door. What had they seen on his face that he didn't know about? All Vergil remembered was being thoroughly insulted, but guilty at the same time.

"You showed it again." Dante whispered as his twin brother led him towards the lift that would bring them to their rooms. "The Devil's face."

"Again?" Vergil asked, surprised.

The Devil's face.

It was basically a face that Vergil apparently made on occasions when he wasn't aware of it. It was a face that supposedly made him look a hundred times more charming than he usually was, and it would 'spontaneously make all panties in a five hundred metre radius wet' (according to Dante). Vergil wasn't sure why only he had what they called the Devil's face when Dante was his identical twin and technically should be able to make the same look.

"I wish you had a warning for that face, Verge." Dante continued as they waited for the lift, adamantly not looking behind. "Because whenever you do, the world just stops and looks at you. Even those guy; they were completely taken away by your charm. That's why they beat such a quick, sorry-ass defeat. You completely blew them away; and you didn't even speak."

"I don't even know how it happens." Vergil admitted. "And you guys always say it like it's a bad thing."

"There's a reason why we call it the 'Devil's face'." Dante explained, pulling them into the lift when the doors opened. "When you have that face on, even men want to turn gay for you. You can literally rule the world with that look. We'd like to use that face when we can, but you don't have a switch to turn it on and off. Or rather, I guess you haven't found that switch yet."

"But I don't even know what face you're talking about."

"I don't know how to describe it to you, but I was close to tackling you and kissing you when I saw your expression just now. Trust me when I say you can make people crazy about you with just that look. I'm your twin brother; I see your face in my mirror every day, and still I wanted to kiss you."

"Please don't." Vergil could not help but say. "It is disgusting enough that you had the thought of wanting to kiss me."

"That's why that face is dangerous to us. Anyway, we're here." Dante concluded, and Vergil was surprised to find that he had been led by his brother to their shared room when the conversation stopped. "I'm going to go back downstairs to pick a few more fans for engagement, but I think you've had enough for the day. You're tired; I can see it on your face. Just rest."

"Alright." Vergil sighed as he stepped into the room, holding the door to see Dante gesturing for him to go further into the room. "Don't go too crazy. We have work tomorrow."

"Of course." Dante's assurance was not very convincing given the way the cheeky grin still hung on his face.

"Then if you don't come back before I sleep, goodnight." Vergil said, beginning to close the door on his brother, looking forward to a good dip in the hot tub before running through his mails, texts and getting back on his phone calls.

"Wait, Vergil." Dante's worried tone before he closed the door made him open it again, and Dante's grin was gone now, a look of concern showing.


"What Lucia said; don't put it to heart."

"I know." Vergil lied, but of course it took his twin brother to recognise a bad lie.

"I'm serious. Your 'Devil face' only comes out at crucial timings. When Lucia said those things, your face just changed. I know that it hit straight into you. But don't. What the bitch says; it's her own biased thinking. She doesn't know how hard you practice. She doesn't know the effort you have."

"But it's a fact, Dante. I can't dance well."

"Are you kidding me, Vergil?" Dante's chortle of disbelief surprised him. "Verge, you're not a bad dancer. You're in fact the best dancer in a dance-type that I haven't seen in a damn long time."

"What's that?" Vergil entertained, not really willing to believe his twin at the moment though.

"The effortless dance. Really, watch the videos of our performances. In fact, watch our music videos. When the three of us dance our heart out to make that effect, you just blow through it with your 'I-don't-care' moves. You effortlessly make our steps look good, Verge."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"Then ask yourself." Dante begin to regain his grin. "What is your soul telling you?"

Vergil sighed. His twin brother was literally using his own words against him.

"There is no Devil May Cry without you, Verge. No DMC without Sparda brothers. That's why we came in as twins. We're a package deal. Dante's not going to be awesome if he doesn't have Vergil for comparison. Vergil is not going to anybody if he doesn't have Dante. You and I; we need each other. To look good. To sell our shit. To make everyone remember DMC. I know it sounds bad, but whenever someone talks about Devil May Cry, who do they remember the most? Dante and Vergil. We're their top 2 picks for a reason, Verge. We're here for them."

"It might not last, Dante." Vergil didn't want to dampen his brother's spirit, but he couldn't exactly just jump on the band wagon like that.

"Are you kidding me? Even if the company repackages us, even if we get complete image change, we are still the Sparda brothers. We are still sons of Sparda. That isn't going to change, Vergil. Even if I wake up tomorrow, and my hair is black; even if I suddenly become a filthy dirty-mouthed scum of society... you're still going to be my brother. You're stuck with me, man. We're DMC."

Vergil couldn't help it. His brother sounded so completely honest and convincing.

"I guess you're right, Dante. We make Devil May Cry what it is now. That's what the fans are looking for."

"And that's what we'll always give." Dante grinned.

Devil May Cry might have changed over the years, but one thing was for certain. As long as Dante was there to lead the pack, nothing would change.

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