Say "I do" (Part Two)

A/N: Part Two as promised.

[Say 'I do' (Part Two)]

I doubt that five minutes had passed at all when I returned to answer the door after having put some water to boil. Since I was not expecting any deliveries, and my husband had left the door just a few minutes ago, my assumption was utterly natural when I opened the door, fully expecting to see Vergil standing there expressing that he had forgotten to bring some document from his study.

Who I saw was someone who was distantly familiar, and as I startled a little to see a small crowd at the other side of the door, my brain began to run through the list of names associated to the faces that I remembered being introduced to by my husband during our wedding day.

"Good evening, Mrs. Sparda. It's nice to see you again after the wedding." The one standing directly in front of the door was probably the highest ranking of all the other men dressed in ready-made suits. I immediately knew better than to trust the polite smiles hanging on their faces.

"Hello. It's nice to see you again, Mr..." I trailed off with an apologetic expression, the arm that was hiding behind the door reaching into my pockets for my phone. I wasn't sure who the last person I had called was, but I prayed it was someone useful when I blindly operated the device in the hopes that I was thumbing the controls for the 'redial' option.

"You can call me Wilson. I am your husband's Operations Director, Mrs. Sparda. Is he in?"

I knew thinly veiled threats when I received one, and thus I did my best to keep my composure as I put on my polite smile in reply. "Please give me a moment. Let me call him."

Anyone looking to target Vergil Sparda by targeting his wife had to have done their homework, because Mr. Wilson's hand pressed against the door, preventing me from closing it on the pretext of 'calling my husband'.

"Excuse us, Mrs. Sparda. We actually confirmed that your husband is still on the way back home, so he told us to wait for him at your place since we reached first." The strength holding the door open was definitely something I could not fight, though I struggled.

"I apologise, Mr. Wilson, but it would not be good if I were to allow men into the house when I am alone at home. Think of what the neighbours will say." It was hard keeping the polite tone while fighting the strength of the man by resisting his attempts to open the door. Unfortunately, resisting his strength required more than one hand, and I found myself dropping my phone to the floor instinctively to fight his strength.

The sound of clatter made the both of us look down, and luck was really not on my side, because the phone had slid on the floor where it was clearly visible for both Mr. Wilson and I.

Call Ended: Vergil

Half of me breathed a sigh of relief that I had managed to redial someone who had the means to save me, but the other half of me realised what deep shit I was in when Mr. Wilson dropped his guise and used his whole strength and body weight to throw the door open. I definitely could not fight his strength, and went stumbling back, falling on my butt as his polite smile turned evil.

"I will try my best not to harm you, Mrs. Sparda. All your husband has to do is to surrender the documents he has prepared for tomorrow's meeting. The merger that the Finance and Operations Department has been fighting for so long will not be blocked by your husband." Mr. Wilson declared, and I could not even manage the time to scramble back and out of his reach when his hands clamped over my arms and pulled me up easily.

Like any standard woman about to be kidnapped and used as a collateral against her husband, I struggled and thrashed as much as possible against my captors, but it seemed like Mr. Wilson had considered things carefully. At least two men kept tight, strong hold of my arms behind my back, and a tape had been covered over my mouth to prevent screams. He probably was not very used at this kidnapping thing, because he did not tie my feet together. Instead, he seemed to expect that I follow him obediently down my apartment building, and I did in the hopes of finding the best chance to take off running for my life.

My self-made chance came in the middle of the walk from the ground floor to the parked cars. Pretending to stumble over my own feet, I let my body weight throw off the balance of the two guys holding me. Using my strength and their surprise to my advantage, I jerked my arms free, tackled the guy to my right, shoving him to the ground and then started running like my life depended on it.

"Catch that bitch!"

My bare feet stung as they slapped against the tarred floor, but I didn't dare to look back as I ran as far away from the cars as possible, making for the main road where someone was bound to see a desperately escaping woman and her captors.

Unfortunately, my athleticism could not match up to my hopes.

A rough hand grabbed my hair, and my head snapped back painfully as I was brought back to a rough stop. The hand grabbing a good handful of my hair was not kind on me at all, and I almost suspected that my scalp would be torn away when he dragged me back, then threw me to the floor. Knowing that I would be dragged up anyway, I didn't bother trying to scramble quickly back to my feet, raising my arms up to protect my head just in case any of them decided that I was a hostage that didn't need to be completely unharmed.

What surprised me instead was that other than being pushed down (and getting a few scrapes on my legs) there were no more blows. In fact, I realised that sounds of fight was going on nearby, and forced my eyes open to look around me in the dimly-lit parking lot.

There were two obvious concentrations of fighting, and the closest one was right next to me. It was a good thing that the attention had been taken off me, but I blinked to realise that in the middle of that fighting crowd was someone with very iconic white hair.

Sitting up quickly and ignoring all stings and hurt, I peeled the tape off my mouth quickly, desperate to help my husband somehow. For some reason, however, it seemed like help wasn't needed at all, because I found my husband doing amazing acrobatics, jumping and tackling everyone with absolutely zero effort. In fact, the emotionless look on his face only added to the 'effortless' aura, and despite the danger of the situation, I only managed to make it to my feet at the edge of the dangerous crowd, watching in awe and worry.

"Out of the way, Mi!" The shout made me backtrack quickly on instincts, and it was a good thing that I did, because a moment later I saw a trajectory crash into the crowd that my husband was fighting in.

"Don't bother going easy on them. They ceased to be employees of Sparda the moment they took Mico." My husband's steady voice addressed someone in the crowd. With so many figures in the half-darkness, I wasn't sure what to make out of the two heads of white that stood in the middle. Did someone else have the same iconic hair that my husband –and his father –had?

"I wasn't planning to. They caused Mi trauma, so they're going to have to pay." The reply was made in a voice that sounded very similar to my husband's. And that replying voice was calling me by my nickname...?

"Mi, close your eyes. Don't look!" The voice that had spoken only moment ago said again, raising his voice to be heard above the crowd. I obeyed, because I could only assume that this yet-unnamed person who was calling me by nickname was familiar with, and trusted by, my husband in the fight.

I stood where I was, ignoring the feel of blood slowly running down my legs from the scrape wounds, and clutching my hands together tightly as I heard sounds of combat. With eyes closed, I could only imagine whatever that was happening, and prayed for the safety of my husband and his trusted partner. I had not known anything about Vergil's ability to protect himself, but I guess I should have guessed that the scion of a successful company like Sparda Corporation would definitely know how to protect himself without the presence of bodyguards.

"It's safe to open your eyes now, Mico." Vergil's voice was evened once again, and I obeyed immediately to a strange sight.

A part of me had already expected the ground to be littered with defeated foes, but what struck me speechless was the presence of two identical-looking man standing next to each other, watching me carefully. Both looked a little ruffled, but otherwise unscathed.

But that wasn't the issue. The issue was my eyes; I was seeing double...was I? The Vergil on the left brushed dust off his grey, button-down coat that I had seen on him for the whole day, but the Vergil on the right simply kept his blue eyes steadily on me, his face not betraying a single evidence that he had gone through any tough times.

"Are you well? Did they do anything to you?" The Vergil on the right asked.

"Mi? Are you okay?" The Vergil on the left asked when I didn't reply.

I don't know what made me act the way I did.

I burst into tears even though I was never a cry-baby in the first place and ran to the Vergil on the left –the one who had called me 'Mi' -even though I knew deep down that he was not my husband. I was someone who had lived with the Vergil on the right for the past two months and felt lonely and vulnerable all the time. So, even though I knew deep down that the Vergil on the left –the Vergil that had brought me out on a date today –was not my real husband, I still ran to him crying because he had given me his feelings.

"I was so scared! I thought I was going to die!" I cried like a baby, and though arms were a little bit hesitant to close over me at first, they eventually became a warm, consoling embrace as hands patted me softly on my back.

"It's okay, Mi. You're in safe hands. Vergil will take charge of this personally." The one I was hugging consoled softly. "But once you're calmer, you shouldn't hug me. You've got the wrong guy. Your husband is over there."

There was a limit of how childish I could be, and despite the fact that my insides were still quivering with the delayed realisation that I had narrowly escaped a dangerous situation, I drew back from the warm embrace to look up at the fake Vergil.

"T-Thank you... What's your name?" I asked softly, still slowly letting go of the sobs.

"Dante." The man chuckled. "Did you already know that I wasn't Vergil?"

"I... I could guess." I said, rubbing my eyes in the hopes of drying them. "But I really needed your comfort. I'm sorry I took it from you."

"You could have taken it from Vergil. He has plenty to give you. That brother of mine doesn't show it, but he has lots to give." Dante said, patting me on the top of my head.

"Why did I not see you at the wedding...?" I was still doing my best to stop the tears despite the kind consolation from my husband's brother.

"I'm actually Daddy Sparda's secret shame that he threw abroad in the hopes that I would mature and come back to help Vergil with the company. I was rebellious when I was young, so he exiled me until I agreed to come back to help. I didn't even know about the wedding until the night you two got married. It took two months for Vergil to convince Daddy to let me back and prove my worth." Dante answered with a smile and a helpless shrug.

"But I didn't hear about you at all from Vergil..."

"I took an earlier-than-scheduled flight and came to find you the moment I touched down. Vergil didn't know."

"You came to find me? Why?"

"You're my sister-in-law. Of course, I want to know what you're like. So I pretended that I was Vergil and came to take you out on a date to see if you were married to him just for his money, or if you really wanted to be with him. You and I both know that Vergil isn't the easiest of guys to maintain a marriage with. I don't want a sister-in-law that I would have to visit in the mental hospital in the future."

"Did I look like I was close to visiting the mental hospital?" It was a good thing that most of my tears had dried by now, and I looked around to see my husband –the real one –stepping on the chest of Mr. Wilson and asking something seriously and threateningly. I didn't want to know what words was being exchanged since I wasn't an angel enough to ignore the fact that I had almost been kidnapped to go looking out for Mr. Wilson's welfare.

"Not by living with Vergil, but perhaps by being his wife." Dante's answer came and I looked out of the corner of my eyes that he had turned to the scene like me, watching his brother too. "You said Dad told you to be prepared for the weight of the Sparda name, and you were more or less ready. You didn't think about the people going against Vergil, did you?"

"I'll admit: no. Vergil has been doing so well in the company. Why are people like Mr. Wilson going against him?"

"There will always be some people jealous of my brother, and some who just wish he will make a mistake and get kicked out. Some of them want to control him. But Vergil's been going strong against those. Unfortunately, being a tough nut to crack is going to be something you have to become if you want to avoid landing in a mental hospital." The advice from my husband's brother –a brother-in-law that I had never known existed prior to today –continued as we watched my husband fisted his hand, drawing it back in preparation for a heavy punch. Vergil seemed to hesitate last minute, however, then uncurled his fingers.

"Take her home, Dante. Make sure that she is safe and warm." My husband said, turning to see his brother and me standing and watching him side by side.

"Why aren't you the one making sure she's safe and warm?" My new brother-in-law countered easily. "She's your wife; not mine. Though I'll say that I had a fun time pretending to be her husband today."

"We'll talk about you coming here early and playing tricks on her later. For now, just listen to me and bring her upstairs. It's cold out here and she's not wearing a coat or shoes. Treat her wounds too." Vergil was definitely at home expanding his authority even on his brother, then turned away to draw his phone out of his pocket, beginning to make calls as if Dante had already replied an affirmative.

"I thought getting himself a wife might have changed the bossy attitude, but I see nothing much has changed." Dante's sigh was something that only someone who had known Vergil long enough could give without feeling any insult at all. "You want to ask him to bring you up yourself, Mi? If you ask, he'll listen to you."

"I don't want to bother him or you. I can go up by myself." I answered with a shake of my head. "I'm fine."

"No, you aren't. You're still shivering." Dante's observation was probably very easily made, because my hands were still trembling despite me desperately trying to fist them tightly. "Come on, don't be like Vergil. There isn't any gold in your mouth, Mi. I can't change him, but I can try to change you. Just ask him to bring you."

"It's okay. He must be busy now that Mr. Wilson and these guys are going to get fired. I don't want to get in his way."

"You idiot. Who do you think he's doing all these for?" The sudden admonishment from my brother-in-law startled me slightly, and I turned from the sight of my reliable husband's figure still on his call to his brother, an expression of impatience written across his face.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you've only been married to him for two months, but there is really a lot for you to learn about my brother over there, Mi, so you better get started fast. I'm only going to teach you this time to get you started, but after today you're going to have to learn more about him by your own effort." Dante crossed his arms across his chest, and for a moment, he looked a lot like my husband in taking that strict, business-presentation-style stance. "Vergil's been working so hard because of you."

"Excuse me?" I wasn't even sure where to start. How could my brother-in-law possibly know exactly how hard his brother was working, much less the motivation behind my husband's hard work? Was it not simply for the betterment of the company? And besides, had Dante not just come back from overseas (wherever that was supposed to be) today?

"You. Mico Sparda. You're the reason why Vergil's been a slave driver in the company. I know because I have spies in there reporting to me so that I can keep track of how he's doing in the company. And even though he has always been a workaholic, he became even crazier when he came back from the wedding."

"Isn't that just how the company goes? There are some peak periods, aren't there?"

"Yes, but Vergil's artificially creating his own peak, so that he can clear some time in his schedule when the actual peak period begins next month."

"But why?"

"What are you doing next month?"

The sudden curve ball made me pause and run through the internal schedules in my head. "Nothing. My exams will have finished and I will be done with this semester."

"Exactly. And even though you are not the one complaining, I heard gossip going around in school while I was waiting for you that your friends were complaining about how Vergil never even bothered to take you on a honeymoon."

A small part of me promised to shut Ellie and Brandon's mouth the next time we met. Liam wasn't that much of a gossipmonger, but Ellie and Brandon definitely got all the juiciest gossips going on around the school.

"I still don't see how that's related to Vergil."

Dante sighed, then a hand on my shoulder turned me 180 degrees so that our backs were towards Vergil now. Bending a little, my brother-in-law whispered softly in my ear.

"He probably didn't look like it, but when I called him on the night of your wedding, he was feeling pretty down. I thought he was depressed about being forced to marry, but it turned out that he was just feeling guilty towards you."

"What? Why?" I jumped in surprised, thinking back quickly on our nuptial night. Vergil certainly hadn't shown anything at all, and now that I was forced to think back on that day, I realised that Dante had indeed been calling his brother. I had been the one to pass Vergil his phone when Dante called that night.

"He's a man with ego, but I managed to piece the clues together. Apparently he didn't say 'I do' loud enough and created some awkward air during the vows, didn't he? He worried the rest of the day wondering whether you thought that he was hesitating to marry you, and if you were insulted. He told me that no woman wants to stand on the altar with an uncertain fiancé, and he put you through that by accident."

"That's nothing to feel guilty about!" I exclaimed, thinking back on the moments we had exchanged our vows. Vergil had made a small blunder, but it hadn't been anything salvageable. In fact, it had only given me reassurance that my fiancé had been actually putting some careful thoughts into the meaning of marriage before he made the vow instead of carelessly saying 'I do' just because we were arranged to marry each other.

"Yeah, well, tell that to my dense brother. The reason he's been a slave driver is also because of you, Mi. You said you wanted to go somewhere far away from many people, where it is beautiful and quiet for a honeymoon, didn't you? Something like that is actually quite hard to come by for someone of Vergil's level in the company. Even if he goes on a honeymoon, he will have to keep himself contactable at all times while the company is setting a new project to motion. He wanted to respect your wish for a quiet getaway, so he's been rushing like hell and pushing all projects he has at hand ahead at breakneck speed so that he will be temporarily free from any major duties by the time you are done with your exams so that the two of you can enjoy your honeymoon."

"H-H-He was doing all that for me...?" My mouth was a little dry by now despite the fact that the one who had done most of the talking had actually been Dante. But, to realise that my husband –who I had assumed didn't really care or bother about my well-being beyond the material need –had actually been keeping me at the forefront of his mind despite the fact that we were basically just an arranged-marriage couple... More than the shock of realisation, I was horrified that I had been close to harbouring negative thoughts against Vergil.

"Vergil is smart where it really counts, but he's a dense one when it comes to expressing himself. I kind of grew up with him, so I know how he operates when he wants to treat someone nicely. Most times, though, his nice intentions get covered by his absolute lack of expressions. It's okay if it's towards colleagues and maybe some friends, but you're his wife, Mi. If you don't understand him too, then Vergil's going to be leading a really sad life."

"I can't believe that I had no idea..." I could not help but turn back to see my husband squatting down beside an unconscious man, using his own tie to help wipe off the blood trail from the man's nose.

"Not surprising. He couldn't even open up his mouth to tell you that he felt guilty and wanted to apologise for the 'I do' thing during the marriage. I think it might kill him to tell you that he's been working hard -to the extent of making you feel lonely enough to want to go on a date with me even though you could guess that I wasn't him –because he wanted to bring you out for a honeymoon. You need to learn how to read him, Mi. But first, maybe tell him you're sorry for hugging me in front of him. He's jealous, by the way. His left fist clenches and unclenches unconsciously when he's irritated at something. And he definitely looked like he was going to punch me in the face when you came to me crying."

"Dante, what are the two of you still doing down here? Mico will get a cold if she stands here any longer. And do be a decent man and lend her your coat." The stern, disciplinarian voice interrupted our conversation, and the both of us spun back around to see Vergil still a safe distance away, eyes of piercing blue looking at us.

"I don't want to. It's cold. Besides, she's your wife. Lend her your coat and show off your toned body you have hiding beneath the coat." As if a switch had been flipped, Dante's serious tone fell away almost immediately to a light-hearted one in reply to his brother. I quietly marvelled at Dante's acting skills, silently charting to myself that I should never get on Dante's bad side for whatever reasons.

"Don't argue with me while Mico is still trembling. She's still scared, and you're forcing her to stay and listen to your ramblings?"

"I do not ramble." Dante protested hotly. "Of all people, you are the last person who can accuse me of rambling."

"We can keep arguments like these for later. Bring Mico-" Vergil's words stopped abruptly, and I blinked to see his left hand curling up into a fist. For the first time since marrying him, I suddenly saw the small changes on his usual expressionless face, and immediately understood what all of these minute changes meant. "Did you just make my wife cry?"

"What? I didn't- Mi, are you- What the heck, why are you crying?" My brother-in-law spluttered beside me, but I was too busy sobbing to care.

Then, in the same way that I had been in tears and acting like a complete child just mere minutes ago, I did it all again. This time, however, I was very sure to run into the shocked embrace of someone who truly and utterly honestly loved me in his own very-silent and a little bit confusing way.

"What did Dante say to you, Mico?" My husband didn't hesitate like how Dante had done, his arms closing around me tight and providing me with a very comfortable warmth. They might be brothers, but my husband's chest was sturdier, stronger.

"He told me about everything that you did!" I sobbed, clutching tightly to the front of his coat and refusing to let go while burying my face in his chest. "I am so sorry, Vergil!"

"Sorry? About what?"

"I'm sorry I thought you didn't love me! I'm sorry I didn't try to understand you because you didn't show any expressions. I'm sorry I was disappointed when you didn't try to make any moves on me! I'm sorry for everything, Vergil! Forgive me; I'll be a better wife from today onwards!"

"What are you talking about? What did Dante tell you to make you think like that?"

I drew out from his embrace forcefully, though keeping my hands clutched very tightly in his coat. All the snot and tears and basically ugly face of me crying could be seen as I finally looked at my husband very closely. We hadn't been this physically close since the wedding.

We had been a bad couple.

"If you can't say 'I do', then don't. I'll say it twice as loud for the both of us. I made a vow to be your wife and love you, Vergil. Even though we don't know each other well enough, I'm going to fall in love with you so hard that I won't be able to think about anything except for you. Wait for me. I'll be the wife that you won't have to keep your expressions neutral too. I will think of you every day and every night until I reach the same level as you. But until I do so, are you sure... do... do you still want to be married to me?"

I might have seen Dante's smiles many times for the whole of today, but his brother's smile was a hundred times better.

"I do." Vergil vowed, loud and clear.

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