My Name Is Vergil, Vergil Sparda (Part One)
A/N: Recently a little too deep into the Kpop scene, so think of the entertainment industry in this mini 2-part story. King was modelled after G-Dragon/Kwon Jiyong and Luminos, after a 4-man version of Big Bang...
[My Name Is Vergil, Vergil Sparda (Part One)]
I woke up feeling completely hammered. It was the hungover type of grogginess that I was unfortunately acquainted with as I rolled off the bed to hard ground. For a moment, I was tempted to just stay lying on the ground, to put off everything that was about to happen for the rest of the day.
But I could not. I had been drinking too much with the stranger with white hair the night before –but that had been my own problem. The guy had been drinking almost as much as I did. It was honestly a wonder how I managed to get back home at all.
Pulling myself up despite the hangover is something I was used to, but my barely-open eyes made me feel around groggily for the bathroom. My brain is still half shut down –as were my eyes –so I found myself miraculously transported to the bathroom, relieving myself off the pressure in my bladder while lazily scratching the back of my neck and waiting for the pee to end. Yawning a loud one, I peek out from beneath the tiny line of sight that my eyelids managed to crack open, watching my hands fumble for the toothbrush, squeezing an unstable line of toothpaste and running it quickly underneath the tap before shoving it into my mouth.
Since there was no need for sight to brush teeth, I stood in front of the sink, eyes closed and struggled to keep my hands and mouth moving while my brain struggled to go back into sleep-mode.
I wasn't sure how long I spent like that, but when I woke up again, I guess that I probably had spent enough time brushing –or pretending to brush –my teeth, spitting out the foam and running my hands to cup some water to gargle. After making sure that my mouth was clean from the minty toothpaste that tasted a little different (perhaps I had left it uncapped for too long and it had changed taste or something), I moved on to splash some of the cold running water onto my face.
The cold water was definitely effective in waking me up, and I blinked a few times, letting my eyes focus on the sink before reaching instinctively to the side for my face towel. The towel was rougher than what I remember it to be, but I made sure that all the moisture is clean from my face before I return the towel to its rack, checking myself in the mirror just to make sure that there was nothing wrong with my face. My face was, after all, a very important tool of my trade and...
It wasn't my face.
"What the f-" I censored myself off unconsciously, watching the guy's mouth move. The voice that sounded in my ears wasn't mine also. It was a tenor to my higher alto speaking voice.
I blinked a few times, and so did the man in the mirror. I raised my right hand and did a few waggles on my fingers; and so did the man in the mirror (except in the mirror opposite direction). I touched my face, neck and chest, feeling my own touch (very sure that I was touching warm flesh), and the man in the mirror did the exact same thing, blue eyes never wavering from mine.
Finally, just to make sure that it was really a mirror that I was looking at, I reached out and touched the glass in front of me, half expecting for my hand to either go through, or touch someone else's finger.
If this was a prank, things had definitely gotten too far.
It wasn't a prank.
"Fuck." I finished my previous curse, confirming once again that the man's mouth had moved, and I heard the same voice repeat again in my ears, bouncing off the walls of the bathroom –which I was not coming to realize was not mine. This bathroom was slightly smaller than mine and though it had similar orientation, the tiles were of different type and size, the shower curtains of different colour, the shower products all different.
I was in a strange place.
And in a strange body.
Leaning closer to the window, I began to realize that I actually recognised this face if I composed myself and took the shock out of this face (I didn't even know if I could consider this my face or not now). It was the same guy with the white hair that I had been drinking buddies with the night before.
I had been drinking alone, because I both needed to unwind from my hectic job alone, and drinking alone sometimes helped me find inspirations for the next big hit. I had started out with the small stuff, but when they didn't work, I slowly progressed to the big ones. This guy with white hair and blue eyes had eventually joined me at the table, and I remembered sharing conversation with him on safe topics; the weather recently, politics of other countries, our thoughts about recent affairs. Neither of us had been very personal –which was a very good thing considering my situation –and we had formed some sort of a nice communicative relationship over the drinks we shared.
The only thing I remembered sharing with him about my personal life was the many businessmen that I had to deal with, complaining that they generally didn't understand what went on behind my line of work, and the divergence of how much effort they thought I needed, and the actual effort I had to put in.
I remembered that to be safe since I was still in my disguise and didn't want to be recognised by fans to be drinking alone in a pub, I hadn't told this man that I was a national superstar.
But we had parted on good terms. The night had gotten old, and I had decided that I should head back home before I did something that would ruin my own reputation. I remembered splitting up the bill evenly with the guy, asking the bartender to kindly call me a cab, then bidding goodbye to my drinking partner when I staggered into the cab. I was a little hazy about the exact travel from the bar back to my own home, but I remembered bits and pieces of me paying the cab driver, staggering past the night security guard post, taking the lift and punching in the security code. Though the details missed me, I remembered lying on my own bed, thinking that I would change out of my alcohol-smelling clothes the next morning.
And then I woke up here.
In this body.
There had to be something in between my falling asleep in my own room, and waking up in a different room. And that wasn't even the worst thing; I was waking up in somebody else's body.
Completely awake now, I rushed out of the bathroom –ignoring the fact that I was topless, and that this guy's body was ripped –and met an unfamiliar bedroom. The room was neat and clean –with the exception of the bedsheets since I had just rolled out of it.
I thankfully found the phone siting innocently on the dresser table, and thanked the heavens over and over again when the unfamiliar phone lit up and showed that there was no password. Going through the gallery on the phone –which didn't have many pictures at all –I saw some pictures of 'myself' smiling back at me, with a hot blonde woman who held guns in her hands in a model-like pose. There was another picture of the same 'me' with another woman who wore shades, her arms crossed under her generous breasts as she half-frowned, face turned towards the camera.
Most of the photos contained these few people, and they were always carrying weapons. Swords, guns, and the lady with the shades always had a mean-looking rocket launcher somewhere around her.
The pictures got me nowhere closer to the truth, and so there was only one thing I could do.
I typed in my own phone number and pressed call, praying that someone would pick it up and explain things to me. And hopefully, the person who would pick the call would be me... or whoever who was inside me.
This was starting to get a little confusing for speech.
The call picked up after a few rings, and my stomach did a flip when I heard my own familiar voice through the phone.
"Who is this speaking to me?" I demanded, even though it might sound a little strange out of context for me to call someone, and ask who it was on the other end of the phone.
"You called me, and you aren't sure who you're talking to?" I heard my voice with an amused inflection. I don't know what was weirder, hearing myself through the phone, or being annoyed at myself for being amused at myself.
Things were really confusing.
"Well, I'm supposed to be King, but apparently I woke up today and I'm not King anymore!" I could barely control my irritation and confusion, feeling completely weird hearing someone else's voice being irritated and frustrated in my place.
I heard a chuckle from my own voice.
"Your name is Vergil. Vergil Sparda." It sounded extremely strange to hear someone telling me my new name, but I guessed that was the identity of the person who was inhabiting my body at the moment.
"What did you do to me? How do I get back my own body?" I didn't bother wasting time to ask 'why'. Given the schedule that I knew I had to stick to religiously if I still wanted food on my plate, still wanted to hold my position in the entertainment industry, I couldn't spent the extra time asking 'why'. I just needed to get back to my own body somehow right now, and ask the important questions later on when I actually had more time to entertain this Vergil individual.
"You can't. It took me months to prepare for the body-swap. Just wait for two weeks; we'll switch back naturally."
"I can't wait two weeks!" I protested immediately, though I supposed there probably wasn't any rightful employed person who could wait for two weeks innocently in a stranger's body just for no reason. Then again, I had work responsibilities bigger than most office workers. "I have two songs to write and produce, one more to lyricise and shoot the concept photos for the upcoming album. Beyond that, I have tons of radio shows and TV variety shows lined up on my schedule. Two weeks is going to cost my job!"
"You probably should have mentioned it yesterday night during our talk. I would have thought twice about switching body with you had I known you were an entertainer. I assumed you were a businessman, since you were wearing a jumper and simple jeans. Businessmen on their off-days usually dress like that." My own voice replied me in an 'I-told-you-so' tone, which sounded completely strange in my ear.
"Of course I couldn't tell you about my job! And of course I dressed like a normal person; I was on my off-day and in disguise! How else can a person like me get a decent drink like a normal person without getting swamped by fans? I needed to watch my image and drinking alone isn't going to cut it." I didn't even know why I was explaining myself to someone who had just innocently switched his body with me after sharing drinks the night before. Did this guy to this to everyone he drank with before? For someone he had changed his body with, he seemed rather calm about it.
"Still, I didn't expect you to be King from the group Luminos. I certainly didn't expect to end up in the body of such a famous individual. I don't often follow popular culture, but my brother has mentioned you once or twice. Apparently the women he likes to flirt with are usually a fan of your band. Their favourite –or bias (is that what they call it these days?) –tend to be you."
If listening to yourself talk through the phone was weird, listening to your own voice talking about being surprised at your own fame was even weirder.
"Now that you know, can you return me my body? It's almost 9am now. I have a radio show to go to with the boys at 10."
"'The boys'?" My voice replied in a completely enquiry tone.
"The others from Luminos. I call them my boys because I'm always looking after them."
"I see..." There was a hesitant pause. "How many of them are there in your group?"
I groaned, putting my face into my new hand.
"There's 4 of us. Besides me, there are Saber, Rory and JD."
"What kind of names are those?" It was unbelieving to hear my voice ask that question in disgust.
"They are stage names, stage names..." I repeated, sighing heavily. "Now can you return me my body? My manager is going to drop by to send me to the station."
"I can't." Vergil –in my body –answered. "There's nothing I can do to change us back. Can't you reschedule this thing?"
"The station has been advertising our attendance since three weeks ago! They held a contest and picked a winner to speak to us on the phone personally on air. Us not turning up is not going to cut it just like that."
There was a heavy, exasperated sigh in my voice; something that I finally found familiar. I had heard my own exasperated sigh many times before this, and while it was weird that the originator isn't me –at least not from this body that I currently wore –the sigh definitely fit my feelings at the moment.
"Fine. What do you want me to say? I'll sub in for you for the radio show somehow."
"You can't sub in for me for two whole weeks. My fans will know the difference in the way you're acting and start flaming me on the net. I'm not going to let you ruin my career." I said firmly.
"Then what do you want me to do? I can't go to the radio show, but I can't turn down the show either."
"Return me my body!" I couldn't believe that I was demanding this through the phone while wearing his body. If I was being truly honest, at least this guy had led a probably decent lifestyle. His room was clean and neat, and he had a good body. Someone with a body like that probably didn't live too hard at all; though I didn't even want to start asking how he could do something like switch bodies with a person he just met in the pub.
"I told you; I can't. There's only 2 choices for you right now: go to the radio show, and I'll somehow salvage whatever I can of your reputation, or reschedule the radio show and let your company suffer losses and complaints from the station."
It was crazy how Vergil was saying that those two were my choices when I couldn't even be the one to carry either of those choices out in my own body.
I was still weighing the pros and cons of each choice when the doorbell rang in the background of the call –a familiar sound because my manager was always punctual in picking me up from my place to wherever I was needed.
"Shit, that's my manager." I cursed. The problem was; my manager only rang the doorbell as a warning that he was coming in since he always let himself in with his own set of the house keys that I had duplicated for him. It had been company policy to let my manager hold a set of my house keys just in case of emergency.
"For the life of the both of us, DO NOT tell him what happened. Pretend that I am a little hungover and not myself. If he gets too suspicious, just say that I had a bad day composing yesterday. He will scold you –or me –for drinking too much yesterday, but it'll probably excuse enough for any small weirdness you act today. I'm usually moodier after heavy drinking. My manager and the boys all know it." I instructed as quickly as I could.
"How moody do you need?"
"On a scale of one to ten, five." I couldn't even begin to understand why I was talking myself through the phone, teaching myself how much moodiness to pretend. "I am- No, YOU are the leader of Luminos now. At the talk show, save the boys on the sensitive questions. They'll most probably ask about JD's recent rumour of dating an actress who appeared on the same drama as him. Distract them. JD is not dating. If they ask about Rory's partying life, protect him. Anyone is allowed to party. Just because Rory is a member of Luminos doesn't make him different from any other 27 year old."
For the first time, I was glad that I –or Vergil –was silently listening at the other end of the phone.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but google us on the ride to the station. Memorize whatever you can, and if they ask anything, just go by those. Deny all rumours about me. Evade the ones concerning my exes. And if you run out of things to say, just promote our upcoming album and tour."
"Right." The short answer of affirmation gave me the slightest amount of hope that it wouldn't go as badly as it would be.
But of course, that hope died one second later when my own voice asked another question through the phone.
"Just a small question: what's the name of the upcoming album?"
I hit my –or Vergil's –head against the wall.
Even after spending a long time rifling through Vergil's wardrobe, frowning at his lack of suitable clothes for my personal style, I found myself dressed a little different from my usual style. Still, I guess the old army jacket that had been thrown in the back of the wardrobe was a plus, paired with a pair of faded jeans ripped at the knees. Vergil had many hunting boots –don't even get me asking why –but I slipped myself the only pair of sneakers that he had.
Going through his wardrobe hadn't given me more clues on what Vergil worked as on a daily basis, but I had no intention of trying to pretend to be him –like what he was currently doing in my place. I needed to get to my office as soon as possible and demand to see the guy –or myself, actually. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that it would be a hard battle to fight; there were tons of fans that had tried to see me at the office and had all been turned away since I couldn't possibly interrupt my working time just for the sake of answering a few fans calls.
Unfortunately for me, Vergil turned out to be living with his twin brother, and both of us got a bad shock when I walked out of my room to find Vergil's doppelganger reading a porn mag in broad daylight. Vergil's brother's eyes almost popped out their sockets when he saw my getup, and it was safe to assume that the man who was currently inhabiting my body wore his boring shirts and pants and three-quarter coats on a daily basis.
Vergil's brother had asked the expected questions: what the hell was wrong with me, had I taken the wrong medicine, why was I acting so weird, and where I was going, etc. Given my natural moodiness that always came after waking up from a night of drinking, paired with the fact that Vergil had made it worse in the morning over the phone, I was positively thunderous when I unleashed a little of my frustration on his brother. His brother was no slack in the insults sector either, and I ended up slamming the door on the way out of the lousy apartment.
Checking Vergil's phone for the time as I stepped onto the subway –there was still a good distance between the office and Vergil's place of residence –I realised that it was already fifteen minutes into the start of the radio show.
Feeling very uncertain, but having no other way to monitor the progress of Vergil's pretence, I plugged in the earpieces and tuned to the station.
There was sound of polite laughter from the female –most probably the host of the radio programme –paired with light background laughter from familiar voices. Thank goodness I heard my own voice as well. At least Vergil had managed to make it to the station in one piece.
"Moving on from Saber's interesting experience with a poor rubber duck and glass bottle, I would like to direct the attention to Rory. Apparently there has been rumours that Rory is so popular in Downtown that he is being nicknamed the 'Master of Downtown'?" The host transitioned from one member to another, bringing up a short fear that I might have missed the part where the questions had been directed at me –I mean, at Vergil.
Still, even if I wasn't there at the radio station in person –at least spiritually –it didn't mean I couldn't be monitoring the questions and answers given at the show.
"'Master of Downtown'?" Rory laughed a laugh that almost sounded natural. Only people who knew him well –his band members –heard the strain behind it. "If I were rich enough, I don't mind being called that. Besides, I just really like to dance. Does it matter where I do it?"
"Of course it doesn't, especially if it's you, Rory. You definitely do not betray your role as the main dancer of your group. Do you dance differently in the club?" The host asked again; another safe topic.
"Differently? I don't know if I dance differently, but it's definitely much more crowded there than on stage. Besides, there is always some booze to help me let loose a little bit more, so I focus less on the moves that I make on the dancefloor anyway."
"Recently some of the netizens went online saying that they saw you entering the club with a woman for a few days in a row. Is she a Miss Special that fans should know about?"
The questions were slowly turning dangerous, and even on the train –a good distance away from the radio station and my office –my heartbeat picked up pace a little.
"Oh no, she's not my girlfriend." Rory laughed –this time the strain a bit more obvious.
"A few of the fans identified her as the actress that appeared on 'Show Me Your Heart' variety show on the same week that Luminos appeared. Was that the first time you two met?"
"Yes. Kathy was a fan of Luminos, so she was a little speechless when we met at makeup room."
My heart pounded a little. Anytime now, Vergil... Come in and save Rory's poor ass saying that everyone in Luminos met Kathy together. Emphasize on the fact that it was TOGETHER!
"Yes, Kathy told us in an interview a few months ago saying that Luminos was her biggest idol group. We asked her who her favourite member amongst all of you were, and she said her bias was you, Rory."
"What..." I heard the disgruntled groans of disappointed JD and Saber in the background, but my blood pressure rose a little. Knowing Rory, I had no doubts that the youngest member of our group had to be giving Vergil –in my body –SOS looks through the eyes. The host was very obviously trying to create another rumour to trip Rory up into saying the wrong things. Someone needed to step in.
"I'm sure she is just a fan." I sagged in my seat on the subway in relief to hear my own voice on air. "Rory's fans always treat him like a childish little boy with his looks anyway. I'm sure Kathy does the same."
"King is only saying that because he's jealous Kathy likes Rory more than him." JD teased, and I breathed a sigh for a disaster averted as the more playful side of Luminos appeared on air. The interview continued for a short while more, the host staying on safe topics by talking about the songs in our old albums, and begging for a teaser for the new one. I took to note that Vergil spoke quite little –which I guess had to be a good thing because it reduced the chances of him saying anything wrong.
There was an interlude in which the radio station put music back on for a while, and I took the chance to enter the Luminos fan site, monitoring the fan comments that were streaming in steadily, always updating. It wasn't surprising to find many of them complaining that King was being awfully quiet, that King wasn't showing his charms. Some concerned fans asked if King was a little sick since he sounded a little different, while others were just laughing at the group's teases to each other.
I guessed my reputation had to suffer something for a short while. There was nothing I could really help at the moment.
The train ran through a few more stations before the music interlude ended, and the interview section came on again. This time, I wasn't surprised when the first question was directed quickly at me –at Vergil. There wasn't any doubt that the host had been reading through the same fan site as well, doing her best to answer to the demands of our own fans.
"King, besides Luminos, you have had collaborated with many other artists to compose songs as a solo artist. Which song collaboration has created the deepest impression on you?" It was a safe space; if they were going to talk about my producing music and not about other things, then there wasn't much to worry about.
"Erm... My solo songs are..."
Did I just think that there wasn't much to worry about? The sound of my own hesitation through the radio was pure grating in my ears. What was Vergil doing? Was he trying to ruin my image on the radio show?
"You can't really ask these kinds of question, because King loves all of the songs he produces; especially those with us. He writes them all from scratch, you know." Rory –also the most talkative of us all –came in for the save this time and I gave another huge sigh of relief. At least somebody reacted fast.
"Yes, and everyone knows how impressive you are, King. Multiple international awards for both your solo albums and Luminos albums, a record-breaking number of awards at that National Song-writing Festival for the past ten years and an average of 300 million views on your music videos online... you are a legend in this industry, King. How do you do it? Do you wake up some days being surprised at yourself?"
In all honesty, no. I wasn't surprised at my own achievements; mostly because I didn't have time to be surprised. Whenever I woke up, it was always work in my mind. The reality of being the Nation's number 1 group was still a good stone's throw away from my realization, and I wanted to keep it like that for us all. My biggest fear, till today, was having the group lose popularity and break up because we started getting complacent.
"It is really unreal at times." My voice answered –this time there wasn't hesitation. "Just today, I woke up and found myself a completely different person than I was yesterday. I'm changing every day, and I am just very glad that I have so many fans who are still willing to follow us despite all the changes we have gone through since ten years ago."
This bastard; did he know that I was listening to the radio, or was he just trying to be funny on air?
"Trust me, our King is like a chameleon. It isn't only in his voice that change spans such a big range; his personality changes like the wind as well. But the one thing you got to look out is Moody King." JD put in, determined to paint the worst picture of me just for the fun of it. See what I mean when I said I was put in charge of a bunch of playful 27-29 year olds who sometimes acted as if they hadn't passed the 20 mark?
"What do you mean by that?" The host asked as expected.
"When King wakes up hungover from a night's drinking, he is the moodiest. Actually, you've caught him in a moody day today. That's why he isn't talking a lot today." Saber explained. "To all our fans out there, especially King's fan, let us apologise to you in his stead. King was drinking yesterday, so today he's all moody and stuff, so we asked him to say as little as possible to maintain his image."
The honesty in Saber's confession was a good way to save me, and I made a mental note to give the boys a good treat as soon as I got my body back. There was never such thing as showing too much appreciation to these bunch of boys who had stuck with me for the past ten years, putting their trust in me as their leaders, supporting me as much as they could and being the lights of my life. Without the three of them, I would be nowhere with my life at the moment.
"But he is really weird on these days as well." Rory cut in after Saber, and a sinking feeling started at the mischievousness in his tone. I knew that I wouldn't like the next words that would be coming out of that guy's mouth. "During the music interlude just now, I secretly unlocked King's phone, and guess what he was doing?"
My heartbeat picked up pace again. What the hell had Vergil been doing on my phone; so significant that Rory felt the pure need to bring it up at the radio show?
"King was googling us! He was on the Wikipedia page of himself, and the tabs open were about all of us!"
Even though I was just an innocent man on the subway now, I groaned aloud, sliding further down the seat as I covered my face with my hands.
I was never going to live this down.
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