My Dad Is Vergil (Part Three)
A/N: My examinations are finally over!! Sorry if I've been MIA on replying to any comments anywhere :) Since we are past Nero's period of infatuation, we must introduce the future daughter-in-law into the family, shouldn't we?
[My Dad Is Vergil (Part Three)]
The door opened carefully, and nineteen year old Nero Sparda poked his head through the small gap, looking left and right with the careful hopes of finding the place abandoned and lifeless. When he was younger, he had hoped for some form of sounds whenever he opened the door. But now, Nero prayed for the silence that would signify the complete absence of anyone in the room.
Unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side, because he spotted the lazy figure of his uncle lounging along the length of the couch, head resting on one arm of the couch and magazine held high in the air in front of his eyes. When he had been younger, Vergil had always taught Nero the correct habits to avoid getting myopia –despite the fact that quarter-demons were probably not supposed to get human-conditions –but Dante had always been practicing the exact bad habits that Nero was strictly lectured to not follow. Nero supposed that his uncle probably didn't know exactly how lucky he was to have half-demonic blood; given the way that Dante was constantly exploiting his immunity to human conditions by practicing all sorts of bad health habits.
The long moment of hushed silence that came after the sound of the front door opening gave Dante a short start of surprise, but he kept his attention on his magazine. Still, as a demon hunter who had been in the industry at least 20 years by now, Dante's ears were trained to pick up anomalies in his everyday life, and this time was no different as he picked up something queer –something amusing.
Pretending to still be engrossed in his magazine, Dante allowed his nephew to tip-toe further into the house, closer to the living area where Dante was lounging at, and closer to Nero's room. Dante didn't really understand why nineteen year old Nero was still trying to tiptoe around him. Did his rebellious years never teach the young man that no form of sneaking or tiptoeing could escape the sharp ears of both his father and uncle?
"Nero." Dante called when he heard his nephew almost reaching the door. Of course he wouldn't let his sweet little nephew go. This was a new phase in Nero's life, and Dante wasn't going to let it pass him without him making a comment or giving his expert opinion on things. "My sweet baby Nero, why are you trying to sneak into your room? Didn't you miss your dear uncle Dante?"
"Why would I miss you?" The reply that came was indignant, still trying to come off desperately as normal and natural when every person in the room could hear how forced it was. "You're here 6 days in one week. I wonder why you even still bother paying rent for your own apartment."
"That's because it's a place for my weapon storage. My trophies of achievements are kept there as well. I don't think Verge appreciates me displaying demon bodies, bones and weapons around this place." Dante answered easily because the boy's father had asked the same question countless of times before as well. Nero wasn't the only person to wonder what went through Dante's head on a daily-basis, and Nero's father definitely had much more experience in the sector when it came to dealing with Dante.
"It's just extra costs incurred." Nero answered irritably –in the exact same tone that his father had used not too long ago when the adults had been discussing about the same topic.
"Don't bother lecturing me about it." Dante yawned aloud, stretching his arms and casually tossing his magazine on the low table beside the couch. "Your father tried it, and if I manage to win my case against your lawyer father, you're not going to win."
"You're just being impossible to deal with." Nero answered with an obvious frown in his voice, and Dante silently applauded at how his nephew was slowly becoming more and more natural in his reply. If Dante wasn't a trained and skilled demon hunter –and just a normal human uncle –then maybe he wouldn't have realized that a second pair of footstep was moving towards Nero's door when his nephew's voice still came from the exact same place. "It's impossible to reason with someone like you, Uncle Dante."
"Okay, let's talk reason." Dante put his hands behind his head, in a pose that could easily lull him into sleep. If he was honest, any pose on the couch could lull him to sleep right now. "How about we start with the reason you're trying to bring someone over into your room without letting me or your father know? I thought Verge taught you better?"
Dante didn't have to look to know that his words had caused an effect. The sound of gasps, along with the stopping of the second set of footstep that had been leading towards Nero's bedroom door told him everything.
"I smell something flowery. So it's got to be a girl. And coincidentally, the same scent I've been smelling from you for quite some time now." Dante revealed, grinning to himself as he laid easily on the couch, staring at the ceiling and the overhead fan spinning. "You know, if you want to bring your girlfriend over, an introduction is only necessary."
There was a short moment of tense silence in which Dante waited patiently, but there was really nothing that Nero could say to avoid the situation as the young man sighed heavily, shoulders slumping as he motioned to his girlfriend to come back over to his side. He had tried to have her sneak into his room first –to save himself from the embarrassment at bearing the brunt of his uncle's tease, but it wasn't going to happen with his demon-hunter uncle.
Nero could only imagine what his uncle could say in front of his girlfriend. He had already warned her many times over that his uncle was someone with a very crude mouth and an uncouth nature, but Kyrie, being the most accepting and kind person in the world (at least to , had been completely fine with it. She had been a little wary of meeting Dante at first, but the more stories gave Nero, the more she laughed and commented that those stupid things that Dante did to Nero –they were all strange but interesting acts of love and affection from his uncle.
"Can't you just have let us off the hook, Uncle Dante?" Nero asked, holding on to his girlfriend's hand now that she had tiptoed quickly back to his side, looking a little uncertain but also helpless and amused at the same time. "I was hoping that you wouldn't be here."
"And miss the opportunity of meeting your girlfriend?" Dante replied, finally sitting up so that he could see past the back of the couch. "I wouldn't miss this moment for all the money in the world."
Squeezing Kyrie's hand to show that he was on her side no matter what, Nero took a few steps forwards closer to the couch, pulling her along with him until they stood a comfortable distance away from the couch, where Dante leaned lazily against the back of, blue eyes raking through the woman up and down, assessing her in places that only perverts like him were skilled at doing.
Dante appreciated the blush that wore well on her face, and it seemed to only deepen more the longer he looked at her.
"Meet Kyrie Sanctus, Uncle Dante. Kyrie, meet my uncle Dante. He's my dad's twin, but I guess you already know." Nero introduced in something that almost sounded like a sigh of defeat.
"Kyrie Sanctus?" Dante asked in short surprise, digging his ear with his pinkie as if to clear it. "Isn't that the girl whom I saved from kidnapping when you were a kid?"
"Dad saved us." Nero corrected. "But yeah, that's her."
"Wow, she was cute when she was young, but I didn't think she'll grow up to be so hot." Dante's off-handed comment had great impact in the way the shy woman blushed even deeper, and Nero immediately looked flustered –blushing a little bit himself as well.
"Uncle Dante!" The young man scolded –though it was technically not his position to do so. "Can you stop saying these kind of insensitive statements? Kyrie's right in front of you."
"Well, I say what I see, can't I?" Dante answered his nephew, then made eye contact with the blushing lady again. "You're hot."
"Uncle Dante!" Nero yelled again, this time getting more frustrated at how his uncle was making the situation almost impossible to deal with. This was the reason why he had put off getting Kyrie to meet his family for so long. Nero had long visited Kyrie at her temporary apartment and made greetings to her elder brother Credo, asking for his blessing to date Kyrie. Bringing Kyrie to see his father and uncle was only a matter of time –but Nero had liked it to be later rather than sooner.
"Didn't you want me say it to her since she's already here?" Dante asked, the look hung on his face looking so puzzled that if Nero was younger, he would have taken it that his uncle was truly confused.
"You're impossible!" Nero declared, throwing his hands up in defeat, his face positively glowing red. Couldn't his uncle read the atmosphere and the situation better? Couldn't Dante realise that Kyrie wasn't the type of girl who was like Aunt Lady or Aunt Trish? Nero's girlfriend just wasn't the sort of woman with rough beauty –Kyrie was everything gentle, smooth and sweet.
"Nero," Kyrie said softly in her sweet voice that her boyfriend melted on the inside to hear, "It's okay. Your uncle is nice to say what he thinks. I'm honoured that he will think that I'm attractive."
"You're just too nice, Kyrie." Nero shook his head in exasperation. "Let's go into the room. I don't want to deal with him anymore."
"Hey, what do you mean by that?" Dante complained as he watched in amusement while his nephew turned and dragged his flustered girlfriend into his room, looking apologetic as if she still wanted to stick around for a formal introduction of sorts. Chuckling softly to himself, Dante laid back down along the length of the couch again, shaking his head softly to himself.
Vergil had mentioned something about Nero talking to him and saying that his girlfriend was a gentle, kind and caring person. It hadn't been the exact image of Nero's mother in his mind, but Dante had expected for his nephew to be naturally attracted to someone similar to his mother's character. What Nero had come back home with was someone even more than what he had expected. Kyrie was literally a walking woman of grace, flowers and kindness. In fact, from what Dante had gotten from their few moments of interaction, he wouldn't be surprised if he found small animals and flowers following in the wake of the young woman. She was a Disney Princess.
Still, Disney Princess or not, Kyrie was Nero's chosen girlfriend, and so he hadn't anything to complain about. Besides, Nero had inherited a little too much from his father, and Dante knew that Kyrie was probably going to be around for the long term.
Maybe a Disney Princess for long term wasn't going to be that bad.
The house full of male testosterone needed a bit more flowers anyway.
"Are you sure that was okay? I hope we haven't disturbed your uncle or anything." Kyrie asked worriedly as she sat on the edge of her boyfriend's bed, still holding on to a soft blush. Internally, she was desperately distracting herself from the fact that she was in her boyfriend's room. Alone, and behind closed doors.
"It's okay." Nero answered with a sigh, tossing his bag carelessly on the bed before casually removing his arm sling. Kyrie watched the motion silently, still a little bit unused to seeing her boyfriend moving his left arm. In school, Nero had always done everything with his still-normal arm. In fact, he had done every single daily routine with one arm so well that no one in the school ever considered him as disabled anymore. For what he couldn't do with two arms, Nero had made it up with amazing strength on one arm. To everyone in the school, the excuse was that Nero had a birth defect since young that made his left hand useless and forever kept in a sling because amputating it was too cruel.
But Kyrie knew better.
After their third month of dating, Nero had finally showed her the truth and explained his situation to her. She had initially been very afraid of his blue arm and fingers –and Nero had been deathly afraid of his girlfriend being so terrified that she would break up with him. But none of that had happened, and Kyrie had eventually picked up the courage to study his arm, to touch it, and realize that it was harmless against her. Still, she had understood Nero's need of secrecy, and thus had not spilled the secret at all.
Still, seeing it out in the open and in use was a little queer and still something that took getting used to.
Nero self-consciously flexed the fingers on his demonic arm, feeling relieved at finally being able to move it again, but at the same time feeling a little embarrassed at Kyrie's gaze on it.
"Do... Do you want me to wrap it up? Does it disturb you?" Nero asked after short thought. Perhaps he could wear a long sleeve and wear gloves. He was, after all, used to the long-sleeve-and-gloves fashion since he needed to keep his arm hidden in public at all times.
"No." Kyrie smiled beautifully as she shook her head, taking his blue hand in both of hers. She could immediately feel its warmth despite its strange non-human like feel. "This is your home, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in your own home."
"I'm okay with wearing gloves." Nero tried to insist. "If it disturbs you."
"It doesn't." Kyrie shook her head adamantly. "I'm fine with it. It's part of you, and I love that as well."
Again, the blush that appeared on Nero's cheeks gave Kyrie more reasons to fall in love with her boyfriend, and the young man quickly averted his gaze. Turning away in embarrassment, he slipped quickly away from her grasp as he rushed towards his table, arranging the mess of textbooks, papers and pens into something more manageable with a haste that only Kyrie was honoured to be able to see.
The Nero in school, the Nero in public, and the Nero that was at home were three very different individuals –all of which Kyrie admired and loved. The Nero Sparda in their school was a very sociable, kind and welcoming individual who treated everyone fairly regardless of their background, looks and results. Everyone loved Nero Sparda, and even jealous guys had to admit that Nero Sparda was perfect in every way. Because of his perfection, it meant that many girls had confessed to Nero, though they had all been turned down very gently and politely by the guy. The whole school –Kyrie included –had been convinced that Nero already had a girlfriend outside of school, or that he was completely uninterested in love.
That is; until Nero confessed to Kyrie one day, showing her the one important side that Nero Sparda had never shown to anyone else in school –the side that was still a young, shy and uncertain boy.
Yet, seeing that weak side of him somehow made her love him even more. She loved him –all the good and bad sides of him –and it was still amazing how she had managed to attract someone as imperfectly perfect as him.
"A-Alright, let's get on with work." Nero stuttered a little, but Kyrie only smiled at how her boyfriend was being flustered. Her own heartbeat was thundering, but she was relieved to know that she wasn't the only one being aware that the two of them were behind closed doors.
TV dramas had taught her how things would go from here.
But she was here to study, Kyrie convinced herself. She had come here to study, because she found that she was lagging behind a little bit in classes. And because Nero had consecutively been first place in school, it didn't take a genius to think of who could be the best tutor for her when it came to studies. They had normally done their studies together in the school's library, but it had been closed today for renovation. Her place was out of the question because her brother worked night shifts and would be asleep at home at the moment. It was his place left as an option, and so here they were.
It was a little hard to start with the studying, but eventually Kyrie and Nero both got over the fact that they were alone in his room as they discussed over textbooks, solving problems side by side at his table. It was a purely academic atmosphere as Kyrie asked questions, and Nero answered them, teaching her concepts, on how to solve problems and score. Her boyfriend was definitely someone who was great at guidance, because Kyrie found herself lighting lightbulbs ever so often, finding the solutions easily thanks to the help of a great tutor.
In fact, Kyrie had forgotten where they were until polite knocks on the door surprised her. The blank blinking of confusion in Nero's eyes almost meant that he had been as absorbed as she was as well. Kyrie smiled a little bit to herself as her boyfriend came back to reality quickly, calling a quick, "Come in."
The door opened to show the same face that she had seen lazing on the couch previously, but he was dressed differently this time, and held a different composure and atmosphere. His hairstyle was different as well, and for some reason that Kyrie didn't understand herself, she realized quickly that she was looking at her boyfriend's father.
Jumping quickly to her feet respectfully, she watched as Nero's father walked into the room.
"Dante told me about Kyrie coming over." Vergil told his son. "I hope I'm not disturbing."
"No, we were just studying." Nero answered honestly. "But this is your first meeting. Dad, meet my girlfriend Kyrie Sanctus. Kyrie, meet my Dad, Vergil Sparda."
"It's an honour to meet you in person, sir." Kyrie greeted properly, hoping that her voice didn't tremble as she bowed lowly in respect.
"It's nice to meet you in person as well." Kyrie heard a soft reply, and took it as a cue to straighten up again. "You have grown up quite a fair bit since I last remembered you –which is a long time ago."
Again, she blushed. The last time both Nero's uncle and father had seen her had been when they dropped her six year old self back at the kindergarten. All she remember from that time was that she had cried a lot, and that Nero had always been the one there trying to protect her from the kidnappers the whole time. Even after his uncle and father had saved them, she had been crying from the mix of relief and fear, and then she had fallen asleep from too much crying. It wasn't exactly a very pleasant memory of the first meeting of her boyfriend's family.
"Thank you, Mr Sparda. I'm afraid I don't remember you very well from the last time. I'm sorry." Kyrie admitted with an embarrassed flush, bowing a little again to express her apology.
"It is quite alright. I do not expect you to remember me. I hope my son has been treating you well so far."
"Dad..." Nero complained, but Kyrie shook her head.
"Nero has been treating me far better than anyone so far. I'm really happy to be with him, Mr Sparda."
"Good. If he ever makes you cry, don't hesitate to come to me or his uncle. We will take him to hand."
"I'm sure that will not happen, Mr Sparda, but thank you for your kind assurance." Kyrie said before her boyfriend could make another protest –that she knew was already close at his lips.
"Also, I'll like to first apologise for any insensitivities that he might have. His mother passed on early, and as you can see, neither his uncle nor I have gotten a suitable female replacement for his sake. He's been growing up in a family full of male influence, so if he doesn't understand the signals needed for the fairer gender, please don't be afraid to put things bluntly for him."
"You don't have to worry, Mr Sparda." Kyrie smiled widely at the man who was speaking to her. Despite the poker face that he had, Kyrie could very obviously sense the emotions that came with his words of concern. It was so very obvious that this man cared very very much for her boyfriend, and by extension, her as well. "Nero has been nothing but careful and sensitive towards my needs. I'm afraid that I might be the one insensitive between us."
"Nonsense." Nero cut in this time, stepping up beside her and taking her hand in his again –very much like how he had done outside when they had been talking to his uncle. "Kyrie's the sweetest, most considerate and caring person I know."
"Then you two are suited for each other." Vergil concluded. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Does that mean you approve of us, Dad?"
"If I didn't, I wouldn't have waited so long for you to bring her to see me." Vergil answered with a small smile –a very small smile that Kyrie realised looked a lot like Nero's smile as well. "If you believe that you love her, Nero, then that's all I need. I have no requirements for your girlfriend –all I ask is that you love her, and she loves you back."
"Thanks, Dad." Kyrie could hear the grin in her boyfriend's voice. Nero had always assured her that his father was completely fine with them dating in the past, but now it was finally confirmed in person.
"Well, I'll leave you to your twosome time. I just came in to say that Dante's been called out on a mission, so that will be good riddance for you." Vergil began to turn back for the door, putting his hand casually into his pants pocket. "I'll be working on tomorrow's case downstairs in the café."
"Why?" Nero asked in surprise. His father generally didn't like to work in public places unless he was forced to.
"Dante said it might be better." Vergil answered vaguely, then seemed to remember something. Walking back over to his son's side, he took Nero's demon arm and pressed something into his palm, closing the blue fingers over the item before walking back to the door. "Don't worry about us. We'll both be back late."
"What do you mean worry?" Nero asked, still confused, but his father had already reached the doorway.
"Stay safe and escort her home afterwards like a gentleman no matter what happens." Vergil instructed with a strange knowing look in his eyes before he closed the door behind him.
"What was he talking about?" Kyrie asked curiously, turning towards her boyfriend in confusion as well in hopes that maybe the man's son could understand his cryptic words better.
What she saw instead was her boyfriend who had turned extremely red in the face, a stricken look of shock on his face as his free hand covered his mouth.
"What's wrong?" A shot of concern came over her, as she followed her boyfriend's line of gaze to the item that had been pressed into his palm.
She felt her face heating up immediately as well, as the two 19 year old staring at the small packet in sitting innocently on Nero's palm, knowing exactly how it would be used, but still very embarrassed to talk about.
Nero couldn't believe his father had thought so far. Was it really Vergil's idea? Something like this was more of Dante's line of thought.
Then again, Dante probably liked a little risk and liked to do things bare. His father was a safe player.
Still, Nero couldn't believe that his father would give him a condom when sex hadn't exactly been on his mind when he invited his girlfriend.
No wonder Vergil was going downstairs to work on the case.
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