
A/N: If anyone has read the Korean Webtoon "Trump", this short story was inspired by the partnership between Ran (Penguin) and Ten. Dante = Kasin and well... someone as to be Senika.


"You are telling me that I have to play mentor to a young hunter?" Vergil clarified with disbelief as he walked through the glass doors of the entrance of the building, looking around at the bustling crowd.

"He's not exactly young... but he just joined us last month. He has talent and skills, but someone needs to teach him experience and well... a little bit of manners." Rizet answered as the both of them made towards the elevator at the far end of the lobby, both of them scanning their IDs to gain access into the elevator.

"You want me teaching manners?" Vergil watched with satisfaction as the words 'Welcome, Mr. Vincent' appeared on the display in response to his ID. It would be rather terrible if his real name showed up on the display –the entire building would be on instant lockdown, and the country's elite military force would report within minutes to get a chance to fill his body with bullet holes.

"Maybe not manners." Rizet corrected himself, thumbing the button to their office and stepping back as the elevator doors began closing. "But maybe just a bit of humility. He did well on the physical tests, and it seems to have gone to his head. His records say that he was already doing a bit of hunting by himself outside before he joined us."

"A mercenary joining our ranks isn't a big deal." Vergil looked around to spy the surveillance camera installed on the ceiling of the lift before making sure to lower his voice slightly despite the fact that the surveillance camera could not pick up audio. "A new recruit joining our team is the problem. We had a deal, Rizet."

"Yeah, well, nothing in your deal said that I couldn't accept a new recruit. I am one of the directors leading a team here; I can't reject a new recruit without very good reason for doing so. Besides, all you have to do is to continue keeping your act in the office. It's not that hard; you've been in the shoes of Mr. Vincent for the past five years."

"You're the director; you could have come up with some excuse. We've been closing the most cases here; you get some say in accepting new members on the team or not." Vergil answered, unhappy at the news he had received, but at the same time not completely furious. A new addition in the team had little to do with him, after all. His goal was still the same as it had always been: to find his wife's killer.

"Look, I know you as Vincent are an asset to the team, but you –your real identity as Vergil Sparda –are still a wanted man with a 5 million bounty on your head. If I keep insisting keeping our team exclusive, people are going to ask what it is about you that's so special. We don't want people to dig in further into what we have between us, so just accept the New Guy and treat as if he's like air. If he gets annoyed, then he will request to be transferred." The reminder was convincing, and though Vergil still did not appreciate his reality, it was something he figured that he did have to accept in the end.

"As long as he doesn't interfere with what we're doing." Vergil announced, and was accompanied with a tell-tale ding of the elevator before the doors opened.

Rizet spent the rest of their journey to their office tucked away in the corner of the building in silence, truly hoping that nothing would go wrong with their newest recruit. He had distantly heard about their newest recruit through the talks going on... New Guy was apparently a handful on his own, a solo-player and generally didn't give a damn about hierarchy.

Unfortunately, the very same few characteristics could be applied to Vergil, aka Mr. Vincent. It was really not a very good idea to put two of them with the same characteristics together, but Rizet had honestly been unable to protest against the decision made by his higher-ups.

Rizet wasn't sure what he expected from the New Guy –he had not even managed to see even a single picture or profile of the guy –but he couldn't say that he had any strong impressions about him except for the fact that he had the same white hair that Vincent used to have (before Vergil dyed it red for the sake of disguise). The black eyes and slanted brows gave Rizet the impression that there was much frowning done on that set of admittedly attractive features.

"You must be New Guy." Rizet greeted as he stepped further into the office, allowing Vincent to come in after him. "Rena told me that she sent you up here to wait for us."

"Yeah, and if you were another minute later, I would have just gone home. I didn't come here to sit around waiting for old men like you." The young one sure had the spunk of a rebellious hunter, and Rizet could already begin to see a complicated near future ahead. Then again, Rizet had gone through so much bringing Vincent into the team and keeping the man on the team as well. Dealing with another troublesome one was just going to be yet another Monday for him.

"You..." Rizet's prepared reply to set his boundaries with New Guy was ruined when Mr. Vincent interrupted him sharply. Both of them turned to find with surprise that Vincent had was frozen in something that looked like shock. And shock or extreme surprise was never good for the two of them, because that would make Vincent leak his tightly controlled powers out, and the alarms of the entire building would ring, and Vincent's hair dye would fade away to show...

"What's wrong?" Rizet raised his voice a little, grabbing his partner by the elbow tightly and squeezing hard in warning.

"You don't remember me?" Vincent all but ignored him, sharp blue eyes focusing on the New Guy who clearly looked taken aback at the intense reaction he had gotten.

"Am I supposed to? Look, if I accidentally destroyed your property chasing demons, then my bad. But would you really have rather I let the demons go? You're a hunter too, right? You know how dangerous it is to let them run round doing whatever the heck the want." New Guy's answer was defensive, but Rizet's focus was more on the rising aura of danger that Vincent was exuding.

"Vincent!" Rizet yelled now that he was beginning to see the back of the man's hair turn white. "We need to talk!"

Grabbing a cap off the rack by the door –most likely a property of New Guy since he had never seen it before –Rizet made sure to jam the whole thing on Vincent's head as he all but dragged the shell-shocked man out of the office, slamming the door close. Looking left and right to make sure that there were absolutely no onlookers, Rizet dragged the man down the corridor to the fire escape, slamming the door close immediately behind the both of them.

"Breathe! You're losing yourself!" Rizet shook the man's shoulders as Vincent blinked blankly. "Think about the reason why you're here! Think about Yeni!"

"Yeni... Right... I am here for Yeni's killer..." The name of Rizet's sister finally got through the haze that seemed to have taken over the man, and he breathed a sigh of relief when the threatening aura faded away as sharp blue eyes once more seemed focused and back to reality.

"What is it about New Guy that got you in such a state? Seeing by how shocked you are, it probably has something to do with Yeni?"

"That guy. He's my son."

There was absolutely no bigger bomb dropped than that one single sentence.


"Remember how you fell out of contact with us after Yeni and I married? Yeni gave birth to Nero a year after we married." Vincent sat down on the steps of the fire escape, removing the cap that had been jammed on his head, and threading his fingers through his thankfully-still-red hair.

"Then how did I never know...?"

"I sent him away to an orphanage. He was just a few weeks old when Yeni died, and I... I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready to be a single father. I wasn't ready to live without Yeni, but I couldn't let him die. I didn't want him to grow up with me because all I could focus on was finding out the person responsible for Yeni's death. I would become a father he would hate with all his guts, so I chose to let him be fatherless as well as motherless." The answer was soft.

"Then you asked him if he could remember you...? You've met him after he grew up?"

"Yes, before we made our deal, when you were still chasing after me believing that I was the one responsible for Yeni's death. Dante found him first and told him about me. I didn't stay long enough to acknowledge him – I couldn't because that would mean that he would become the son of a wanted man."

"But he doesn't remember you? How long ago did you meet him?" Rizet's confusion could only deepen with more words that Vincent was saying. Never mind the fact that Rizet turned out to have a nephew that he never knew about, but New Guy had apparently met his father before, but could no longer remember Vergil/Vincent?

"Just a little over five years ago. You always wondered why I suddenly slipped up towards the end when you were chasing after me... it was because I met him and I was all messed up deciding whether I wanted to apologize and go back to his side or continue down on this road I made for myself."

"And you chose Yeni over your own son." Rizet concluded, frowning down at the man he had always thought was his partner-in-crime.

After all, Rizet and Vergil were the only people who could understand each other's strength of feelings and the things they were willing to give up to chase the real reason behind Yeni's death.

Rizet had always doted on his little sister, and his biggest regret had always been never being able to keep in contact with his little sister after her marriage. When he had received news of her death, and the fact that Vergil had gone missing and popped up at places being described to have murdered and threatened many, Rizet had been completely convinced that the murderer was his sister's husband. It had not helped that Vergil never slowed down to explain his actions, and his crimes accumulated from the ignorance of the laws in his search for answers had made Rizet swore that he would take Vergil down. Yet, when Rizet actually managed to catch up with Vergil, his truth had been turned upside down; Vergil was innocent for most of the murders he was accused to have committed, and all he had been trying to do was the find out the real reason behind Yeni's murder.

Both of them were driven by the need to find out the motive and the culprit responsible for Yeni's murder, and it had been on that very premise that Rizet agreed to bring Vergil into the Police Force.

"You and I both know that I am not a good father to anyone, especially not in my current state. And you've seen Nero yourself and heard of all the things he can do; he's all grown up. He can take care of himself."

"Yes, but he will be too close to us while he's working on the team with us while we're looking for Yeni's killers." Rizet answered. "How much does he know about his parents at all? What did Dante tell him? In fact, where did Dante go since?"

"I don't know exactly how much he knows, but it looks as if he doesn't remember anything. The last time I saw him, he was quite furious, and I regretted letting him know about me instantly." Vergil answered. "As for Dante... I haven't seen him in a long time. He was trying to catch me like you, but he had less reasons for doing so."

Rizet looked down at the man still seated on the steps, staring at his hands while he answered questions and gave a heavy sigh. Back when Rizet had first been introduced to Vergil, he had been impressed by the catch that Yeni had brought along with him. Vergil was one of the most talented man Rizet had ever met, and his only weakness –that streak of anti-sociality –had been curbed by Yeni.

Now, Vergil was a Pandora Box of issues that Rizet wasn't even sure he wanted to open. The man was full of mistakes ever since Rizet's sister passed on, but if there was only one thing admirable he could ever say about his brother-in-law, then it had to be the fact that Vergil was one-mindedly, whole-heartedly fixated on his goal and absolutely did not care about what he had to give up to reach it.

"Why did I ever let Yeni marry you..." Rizet's question came out as a sigh as he shook his head, grabbing the cap off the floor and stuffing it on Vergil's head once more. "Calm yourself down and come back to the office in a few minutes. New Guy... Nero... my nephew... ugh. New Guy is here to stay, so if you still want to find Yeni's killers, you're going to figure out how you're going to deal with your new reality while he's still here on the team."

As he closed the door to the fire escape behind him, Rizet could not help but let out another sigh as he shook his head again. This was an action becoming far more common to him ever since he started working with Vincent.

"Yeni......" He muttered to himself under his own breath as he made back to the office where the New Guy, his nephew awaited. "Why did you leave two strange ones behind for me to deal with..."


"You have power beyond most scale measurements, all you need to do is focus on where you are placing your emotions and adjust accordingly." Rizet walked into the training room to find the father-son duo discussing. Rather, it was a surprising view of Vincent sincerely explaining to the actually-eager-to-learn Nero about how to best harness his power.

"Vincent." He called to get their attention, ignoring the gazes of the other officers there to train as well. "We have a case. Let's go."

"Give me a moment." Vincent turned his back to Rizet. "Let me finish teaching Nero."

"Vincent." Rizet frowned, stepping further into the training room. "We have to go. Now."

"Yeah, if you have to go then go, old man. Director Rizet can't survive without his gay buddy. Besides, I'm okay on my own. I've survived by myself until now; the lesson can wait." Nero added, to which Rizet could not help to give a stern glare at. Nero might not be aware of his position as Rizet's nephew, but the young officer had too often made comments about how he and Vincent were 'gay buddies' given how close they were stuck together.

"One more gay buddy joke, and your ass is getting kicked back to Recruitment Camp." Rizet threatened, reaching the side of the father-son duo and grabbing Vincent's elbow. "We have work to do."

"What's so important?" Vincent shook off the elbow. "Didn't you tell me that nurturing the future officers is also important?"

That damned... Rizet had said that to Vincent in front of the other teams because everyone had been pointing fingers about how their team had been neglecting Nero by being busy on missions without bringing him along. Vincent had taken that as a free-pass to do whatever he wanted to spend some alone-time with his son, and the two had been inseparable since.

"Yes but that doesn't mean you get to skip out on your actual work, you lazy-ass." Rizet grabbed the man's arm again. "Get your ass moving, or I'm going to start using some magic."

The both of them knew that the level of magic that Rizet was actually capable of did not even come close to Vincent's real capability, but not everybody in audience knew about that. Rizet himself was known within the Force to have quite an impressive magic capability –one of the reasons why he managed to achieve the title of director at his relatively young age –and it also did help that Vincent had to keep his magic-using to a bare minimum to avoid anyone recognising him as the top wanted man of the country.

"I'd like to see you try making me." Vincent was clearly out to make Rizet's life a living hell, and there was seriously no way he could avoid making a fuss if he intended to get the man out of the training room.

"Does your ass ever get jealous of the amount of shit that's spewing from your mouth?" Rizet slapped the man across his back. "Get your ass moving, or everyone's going to think that I'm a part-time asshole working as a full-time sleaze."

"You've got it all wrong. Everyone thinks you're a full-time asshole and part-time slave driver. And they're mostly right." Nero cut in, and despite all Rizet's affection to his late younger sister, he still felt the strongest urge to land a punch across her offspring. The young man had definitely inherited too much from his equally-annoying father because Rizet never remembered his sister being so rebellious and snappy even in her teenage years.

"I'm going to pretend you never said that." Rizet warned against his nephew's guiltless grin, turning to glare at Vincent. "You. Come with me. If you know what this mission is all about, you'd be the one rushing to get me out of here."

"What's so important?" Vincent was finally curious enough to ask –something that Rizet would have appreciated right from the very start.

"We'll talk on our way to the car. Leave Nero behind."

"Why can't I come along? Isn't it time I joined in on all your top-secret operations that the two of you keep going for? Rena said she gave up long ago trying to find out what the two of you are scheming behind everyone's back, but I'm still curious." The young man in question blinked, looking between the two fully-fledged officers as they conversed through gaze alone.

"It's not happening." Rizet gave up trying to grab Vincent, and instead turned to make for the door. "Vincent, you better get your ass moving. We're going to a place where signs of your favourite person has been spotted."

"My favourite person?" Vincent repeated in confusion. "Yeni?"

Rizet had a hard time resisting the urge to apply his palm to his face. The man was a wanted man with 5 million on his head, had managed to evade the law with his wits and skills for the past 10 years, was a certified genius with a terrifying potential to be one of the strongest, most intelligent hunter in the country......and he couldn't even connect the dots.

"Do I have to spell it out for you? D-A-N-T..."

"Oh, that idiot." Vincent patted Nero on his shoulder. "I apologize to you in my dreams sometimes for connecting you to him."

"What? Who?"

"Let's go." Vincent ignored the predictable questions of confusion, finally joining Rizet as they made towards the door. "We have a trap to set and an idiot to catch."

An hour later, Rizet found himself sitting alone in his car, nursing a terrible headache and a bloody head from having his head smashed into a wall at high speeds. If he was not as skilled with his magic at keeping himself alive, Rizet was very sure he would already be on the way in an ambulance to the nearest hospital for his wound.

But he couldn't leave the scene; he had to stick around to wipe the mess that his idiot brother-in-law had done.

The fight out in the street hadn't ended at all. Rizet had been forced to admit that he absolutely stood no chance interfering in a brotherly fight between the Spardas –he had tried to do it early on when they had just started flying, but a stray blast of energy from either Dante or Vergil (Rizet had no idea) had sent him flying down the street crashing into a wall.

The sound of melody drifting through the silence of the car marred by sounds of explosions and metal clashing against each other surprised Rizet and he scrambled for his phone to find someone he really didn't wish to be calling. He let the call fall through, but it didn't take a few minutes longer before a second call came again from the very same person.

Obliged to pick up the call as the director of their team, Rizet did so reluctantly.

"Why did you ignore my first call?" Nero's rude question came in demand, and Rizet leaned against the window, ignoring how he was probably smudging his blood on the glass.

"What do you want?" Rizet sighed heavily because his vision was honestly still spinning and his head was still throbbing. "I'm busy."

"What are you and Vincent up to? I tried calling him and he didn't pick up his phone either. You with him?"

"He's..." Rizet briefly paused to focus on the scene of ongoing destruction outside his car, "Busy. Really busy."

"Look, I don't want to know what you guys like to do to each other behind closed doors, but since you've picked up the phone, help me tell him he had a female visitor today –she didn't leave a name. I'm not sure what's up with her, but she looked really out of it and was looking for a Vergil Sparda. The only Vergil Sparda I know is that guy who disappeared years ago with a 5 million dollar bounty on his head. When I told her that, she corrected herself and said she was looking for Vincent. When I said he wasn't in, she changed her mind and looked for you. I'm guessing you two know her?"

"Someone that looks for Vergil Sparda, then Vincent then me?" Rizet sat up straighter. "A woman? Can you describe how does she look like?"

"Uhm... Brown hair, messy, shoulder length. Black eyes, high nose. Looks like Vincent's age, but I can't ever be sure with women."

"What was she wearing? Any accessory or...?"

"I remember a simple ring and a necklace. The jem was big –ruby red –looked expensive. Oh, she was wearing a long blue coat. It was weird because it's summer now."

Blue coat. It couldn't be...

But who else would know to ask for Vergil Sparda in the Police Force?

"Where is she now? How long ago was this?"

"Uh...we talked five minutes ago in the lobby? Security wouldn't clear her up because she couldn't prove her identity, and Rena was out so they called me and told me to come down. I called Vincent when I came back up to the office, then I tried you because he didn't pick."

Rizet fumbled his fingers on the door handle, forgot that he was still leaning his weak and sore body against the door, and almost fell out of the chair when the door swung open.

"Ah shit." He cursed, but dragged his feet out, stumbling when his sense of balance refused to cooperate. "Nero, you chase after that woman and make her stay. Keep her comfortable and check if she's alright. We're coming back right away. And maybe while you're getting someone from the infirmary to check her, you might want to keep someone around for me."

"What happened?" Rizet couldn't believe that he actually heard his nephew sounding worried about him. "You sound thick."

"Vincent or his brother –I don't know who –blasted me against the wall and now my head is bleeding like an open tap." He answered, staggering his way out. Maybe taking refuge and sitting in the car wasn't such a great idea. "Go after the woman, Nero. If she's who I think she is, many things are going to change around here."

"What do you mean-"

"Just listen to your director's orders and go." Rizet didn't like to use his authority as a director often, but at the moment he just didn't want to care about manners at the moment. Hanging up the phone before a protest could be made, Rizet focused on walking on two feet to the scene of the battle happening fiercely in front of him.

Dante Sparda was still in his full glory, but Vergil was no slack. The young brother had easily forced Vergil to release all of his powers and the man's red hair dye had completely faded away now. Despite being years out of practice, Vergil was still holding his own against Dante –another certified genius that was only comparable to his brother.

"Oi!" Rizet wasn't very sure if he could stay on his feet for long given how badly his word was spinning, but at least there was reprieve to be taken from leaning against a streetlamp that had somehow –against all odds –survived the chaos that had taken to the streets. "You two idiots! Stop fighting!"

Clearly, his words weren't heard but it had been worth a try. Sighing and holding his head with one hand as if that action could keep it from falling apart to pieces, Rizet dared himself to remove the magic he had been using to keep his head wound small. A sudden rush of blood that he felt seeping through his fingers was a good indicator of his magic no longer focused on the wound, and he figured that he didn't have much time left if he didn't return his magic to the wound soon.

The seconds were precious as he focused on fixing his magic at one point on the floor, and it wasn't long at all before either of the Sparda brothers stepped on that one point.

Rizet had never been a true believer of Gods, but at that very moment, he thanked all of them when his trap activated and both Sparda brothers stilled in the movements momentarily, realizing that they had been caught unaware in an immobility spell that could honestly only hold them for a few seconds at most.

"Listen to me you idiots!" Rizet took his chance to say as both men turned to him curiously at his interference. "Nero just called, and there's a woman who came to the Force to ask about you."

"Nero?" Dante repeated. "That sniveling son of his guy?"

Clearly, Vergil had not enlightened his younger brother on his current situation before the both of them had started fighting previously.

"There's a woman asking about me. Big deal." Vergil brushed Rizet's words away, raising his sword again –finding it completely easy to shake off the immobility spell. "Go get yourself into a hospital. Yeni will kill me if you join her side before I do."

"The woman was looking for you. Vergil Sparda. At my office. With your amulet around her neck." Rizet clarified, grabbing onto the streetlamp now that his world was seriously threatening to tilt itself out of balance. He couldn't actually be sure if Vergil's visitor was who he thought it was, but he was glad for any excuse to stop the fight.

"Somebody stole Yeni's amulet?" The katana lowered.

"You haven't told me about Nero. Why would Nero call Rizet? He knows about his uncle?" Dante tried to threaten an answer, but clearly the older brother had more things to worry about than answering Dante's questions.

"I don't know, but we'd better go back to the office. I told Nero to catch up with her and hold her." Rizet answered, returning his magic to his wound now that he had perked the interest of both Sparda brothers to stop them from continuing their fight.

"You've got many things to explain to me, Verge. I didn't question it when we met, but why are you with Rizet? Wasn't he trying to kill you the same way I do? And what's up with Nero? I thought he lost his memory after your last meeting? I made sure to clean everything about you because he refused to accept a murderer for a father."

"I work with Vergil now, and we are working together to find Yeni's killers and the reason why she was killed. Vergil was set up for all the crimes that he's been alleged to have committed, so he's working undercover at the Police Force with me while we investigate. Nero joined us a few years ago but he lost all memories. You had something to do with his lost memories?" Rizet could sense that if nobody started giving questions, Dante would start creating more troubles. He had only met the younger son of Sparda in person once during Vergil and Yeni's wedding, and despite all that the brothers tried to deny, Rizet could not deny how alike the two of them were in character. They were truly brothers in appearance, twins in character (except perhaps that Dante was a slightly less dangerous personality than Vergil).

"Of course I did. That kid was hysterical after finding out about Verge here. He doesn't get the 'Worst Father of the Year' Award for no reason. I felt sorry for the kid so I wiped his memories. Better let the kid believe that his parents died than having a serial murderer for a dad." Dante answered, turning to follow after Vergil who had sheathed his sword and making towards the car. "I hope Verge's driving because you're coloring the floor."

Rizet looked down at the pool of blood that he had created on the floor and gave a heavy sigh.

"Please don't say you're coming with us back to the office. I already have trouble keeping Vergil's identity a secret. Not you too." Rizet begged, hearing as the car started up behind him. At least Vergil hadn't shown any signs of expecting Rizet to drive.

"Fine." Dante answered, and Rizet was surprised to find a bout of magic covering the both of them. His head throbbing seemed to lax some, and the best part was the fact that Dante's white hair was beginning to change color to...... purple?

"Can you please choose a more normal color for a disguise?" Rizet complained as he climbed into the car that Vergil had guided out of the corner where he had left it.

"I like the attention." Dante's short answer was a basic 'no', and Rizet really could not spare anymore energy as he sank into the soft cushioning of the seat, refusing to think about how he was coloring the material with his blood.

The sound of the doors closing and the soft motion of the car being set in motion lulled Rizet into a wound-induced unconsciousness.


Many minutes later, Rizet opened his eyes to an unfamiliar sight.

"Rizet, you're awake." Someone said, taking his attention. But try as he might, he couldn't make out a name. "Are you feeling fine?"

"Full-time assholes like him will always be fine. They have the luck of the Devil." Someone with white hair and sharp black eyes said, and Rizet blinked to find someone with a very distant sense of familiarity standing at the foot of his bed.

"Who... are you?" He addressed the woman with brown hair, eyes full of worry pegged on him. Somewhere deep inside him, Rizet felt a sourness in his heart, a squeezing of his chest that was bringing a stinging feeling to his eyes.

"Rizet... I can't believe it..." She said, the tears spilling from her eyes as she covered her mouth in her shock. The man with red hair standing beside her quickly pulled her into his embrace, but his icy blue eyes issued him a glare as if it was somehow his fault for making the woman cry.

"And who the fuck are you?" Rizet asked again, this time more rebelliously at the man who had glared at him.

"According to the two idiot who brought you in, he's supposed to be my dad, that woman is supposed to be my mum, and you're supposed to be my uncle. Oh, and Purple Hair over there is my other uncle too." The one with white hair answered, sounding as if everything was a sarcastic joke.

"And who are you?" Rizet held his head lightly because now that his body was waking up, his brain was also realising that it was in a whole load of throbbing pain. "Is somebody going to make sense for once?"

"Rizet... I'm Yeni. Your sister..." The woman seemed to have gained some sort of courage after being coddled in her lover's embrace.

"Sister? I don't have a..." Rizet's rejection stalled when he felt moisture leaking from the corner of his eyes. The hand that had been holding his head confirmed the moisture that running down his cheek as he blinked at the couple again. "Wait... I can't deal with this."

Turning his eyes to Purple Hair who was standing beside him, Rizet was glad that his head throbbed slightly less when he didn't try to force himself to think.

"You? I'm the one who can't deal with this. You slam the phone on me asking me to drag her back, then Vincent and this Purple Hair comes back and Vincent goes all weird and mushy with her, and Purple Hair declares himself as my uncle and that Vincent is my father, and this woman is my mother and you are my uncle too... The world is going mad, Rizet, and you're not helping by acting all dumb here." The guy with the white hair –the only one visible younger than his other three audience –put in with a look of disgust and annoyance.

"I'm not acting dumb. I really cannot remember anything." Rizet confessed. "It's a blank in my head. I know my name is Rizet, but I can't remember anything of how I got here and who you guys are."

"But you've forgotten about me! I know I was gone for so long, but Ver... I mean, Vincent told me how the both of you were convinced that I was dead and had been selling your lives trying to find my killers." The woman spoke again, the tears still falling from her eyes as Rizet instinctively turned his eyes back to her. If anything, the lover still holding her lightly in his embrace glared harder.

"Your killers? Someone tried to kill you?" Rizet squeezed his eyes and brows, hoping that the action could somehow relieve the tension in his forehead. "Yeni, Yeni...... Yeni's my sister and her husband is..."

Repeating the name was somehow helping him jolt some feelings deep inside him.

"Vergil." Red Hair answered, introducing his name in an icy tone as if Rizet was somehow to blame for coming down with amnesia.

"Wait, you're Vergil? The Vergil Sparda that she was looking for? The Wanted Man Vergil?" White Hair asked, clearly horrified. "Can somebody just stop dropping the bombs?"

"I was framed, and I couldn't be bothered to clear my name because I was busy looking for Yeni's killers." Red Hair answered his alleged son.

"Well, if that's an excuse, it's a shitty one because she looks alive and well to me." White Hair answered. "I don't know what game you're playing here, but I'll be damned if I accept a serial murderer for a fath- Wait... have I said something like this before? It sounds familiar..."

Purple Hair sighed heavily, taking the attention of everyone in attendance.

He put out a hand, and Rizet was instantly cautious when he felt a large ball of magic gathering.

"I tried to make things easier for you, Verge." Purple Hair warned. "But Yeni is back now, so you have no more excuses."

There was a blinding flash that came with that warning, and a few seconds of silence stewed between all of them as Rizet began to realize that his amnesia had not been injury induced at all, but the result of a certain Sparda man having removed them while he was unconscious. But now that Dante was returning the memories...

"Vincent, you major mother-fu-" Rizet blinked as his nephew reacted, and watched as the punch hit his father square in the face, memories all returned. 

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