Ex-Boyfriend - Part One

A/N: Hello. Did you think I have forgotten Vergil's Oneshots?

[Ex-Boyfriend –Part One] 

I will just say it outright: having Vergil Sparda as an ex is never a good idea.

It wasn't even as if we had broken up on bad terms. There had been no abuse, no cheating and no dramatic third-party involved during our break-up at all. No, it had just been a natural fading of passions on both ends: he was busy with his work (or at least, the start of his work), and I was busy with mine.

Perhaps if we hadn't gotten together when we were younger –we were an official couple back in our college days and assumed naturally that jobs were not going to play a big factor in our relationship –we might have lasted longer.

Perhaps if I wasn't so focused on trying to establish myself within my firm –I had great plans to be a self-made woman in the working world –then maybe I would have tried harder to keep our relationship together. But the fault wasn't my own; Vergil himself took some blame for why we drifted apart.

I mean, I knew about his cold and careless personality from the moment I met him. I had been totally fine with his complete self-confidence (people who didn't know him well called him arrogant), and even his apathy towards people outside of his circle (people called that heartless). We complemented each other well when we were in college –we dated at our own leisure time, and we were sensitive to each other's troubles in studies. We were each other's comfort –not that he needed much comforting at all considering how capable he was –when times were hard.

But all of that faded away when we went out to work. The warning signs were already flashing when I joined a prestigious law firm to carry out the practice after I got my Bar, and Vergil diverged from a law degree to be a demon hunter. I didn't have complaints to that –my boyfriend could do whatever he wanted to do as long as it wasn't illegal.

But the problem was how different the nature of our work became. I worked in an office all day, dealing with corporate slaves and cunning businessmen. My weapon of work was my quick thinking, pointed words and sharper wits.

Him? While he -and his brother -was studying to get a demon-hunting licence, he was outside all day, dealing with demonic invasions, disgusting critters from which origin I didn't even want to start thinking about. His weapon of work was his quick reflexes, his pointy summoned swords and the sharper-than-anything-I-have-ever-seen katana that was passed down from his father.

Yeah, go figure what kind of father would give his sons (no, not singular, sons as in the plural form) swords for their fifth birthday? If I was being completely honest, I was constantly appalled at the fact that Vergil's brother hadn't accidentally sliced off his head back when they were younger.

Back to the original point, Vergil and I split up very amicably. We knew that we were busy people, and that we needed a break from being a couple. I had completely no time or interest to go out looking for a new boyfriend after breaking up with Vergil –and I was quite sure that he was the same. Besides, I liked to think that I was one of the rare women who could enter his world, based on basically how accepting of his anti-social behaviors I was.

I have probably made myself sound like a saint for having dated Vergil. But trust me, beneath that seemingly 'very-desirable' bachelor, the man is less of a Pandora Box and more of a can of worms...


"Hello?" I picked up the phone, instantly trapping it between my cheek and one uplifted shoulder while returning my hands to the keyboard, typing furiously. The defense paper was due to be submitted at noon the next day, and I was only halfway through. The new-hire had made a mess of the first draft, and there had been no one else I could have thrown the case to. I had a very long night ahead of me, and the office was already completely dark.

"Hello, Riss. Are you still working?" The evened tone of voice had not changed even after six years.

"I don't think that's a question that needs answering." I answered absently, eyes still completely fixed on the words appearing one by one on the computer screen.

"Right, I can hear the typing in the background." The answer was paired with a light, comfortable chuckle. I hadn't heard that melodious chuckle in six years, but I was too busy to stop and enjoy it. I was also too busy to wonder why I was suddenly receiving a call after six years of silence from my ex-boyfriend, and him pretending that we were still close.

"You know I'm a busy woman, Vergil." I reminded in the nicest way I could while being distracted with the thoughts flying through my head. I didn't need to spell out the words; I was sure my tone spoke my true meaning of 'what the hell do you want from me'.

"Of course, I kept up with news about you." The man answered shortly without offering further explanations. "I have something for you."

"If you need a lawyer, you can call my office to request for something to be drawn up tomorrow. If you want to request my services, then you can leave my name with the receptionist." I answered on automatic. After making my name in a few big-name cases, I have had my fair share of friends, acquaintances and even acquaintances of friends contacting me with requests that I take their cases. While I would like to say that I took it upon my noble self to accept those requests, honesty would drive me to say that I simply referred them to my office, and if those cases were not assigned to me, then I didn't care a hoot about them.

"It is not something that requires your professional services." He said, then paused. "Are you in your office?"

"Yes?" I paused at the question and now that it had gotten into my attention, I heard elevator music through the phone's audio. It was absolutely no coincidence when I heard a ding through the call, and from the loud chime from the elevator lobby outside.

"Very good." The answer came, and was immediately followed by the hanging up of the call. There wasn't much time required to be suspicious or confused at all, I simply hung up the call, left my phone face down on the table and continued focusing on my screen. My ex-boyfriend was calling at the worst time possible, and I had no time to spare to entertain whatever he wanted me to do. Besides, we had nothing to do with each other anymore. All relations between us had stopped six years ago when we agreed to go separate ways.

The knock on the door of my office came minutes later, but I didn't bother to look up.

"I don't know what you want, but I really have no time to deal with you right now, Vergil. Please come back tomorrow, and I'll try to set some time out of my schedule." I raised my voice to be heard through the door, temporarily referring to the file that had been splayed open on my table.

It was not the first time I knew the man to disobey direct instructions: Vergil simply opened the door as if I had not rejected him.

"Friendly as always, Riss."

"Busy as always." I retorted on automatic, not even sparing a single look. Besides, what would looking at him reap? The man still probably looked the same –we were both in our late twenties and way past puberty.

"If you are working on the defense paper for Mico Technical, then you can stop."

At the familiar name, I paused and looked up. The man really hadn't changed: the white hair was still styled the same way. He wore a new coat that I hadn't seen him in before, but his general clothing style hadn't changed at all; soft plain-colored fitting cotton business casual top and tapered trousers that showed only a very slight hint of dull-colored socks that disappeared into oxford brogues.

"Client confidentiality, Vergil." I reminded.

"The other party broke it an hour ago. He went back to hell, so you have no case." My ex took his uninvited seat at the other side of my messy desk, resting his elbows on the edge of my desk and leaning forward slightly. It was a body posture of silent power –I was trained at reading body language through years in my industry –and it completely fit what I remembered of the man's personality.

"I was dealing with a demon?" I couldn't help but ask. Despite Vergil being successful and rather famous at what he did, demon invasions were actually not very common occurrences. While not as rare as natural disasters like earthquakes, demon invasions were still not as common as traffic accidents.

"If Dante has any say, then Mico Technical was the one dealing with a demon writing the defense paper." Vergil answered easily, hand reaching into his pocket and pulling a small folded piece of paper out. He didn't bother trying to find a clean spot on my table and instead simply left it on top of the pile of paper between us. "I managed to get his fingerprint down before I sent him back to hell. I hope the court accepts blood as ink for a termination notice."

The document was exactly just as Vergil described –it was a termination notice printed under the client's letterhead stating that the professional services of my firm were no longer required, and that they were prepared to pay all costs related to such termination. It was signed off with an obvious fingerprint. It was such a proper piece of document that if the man had not made clear that the ink was from a completely organic source, nobody would have been wiser.

"So, you have bought one night of my life." I folded the paper, slipping it in the file in front of me. "I hope you know what you are doing. Six years is not a very short period; I may have changed in ways that even I do not recognize myself yet."

"I am prepared." He said, then brought another piece of paper out from another pocket; this time together with a small box, that looked suspiciously...

Knowing better to jump to conclusions, I made sure that I read every single content on the piece of paper before looking back up at my ex-boyfriend, not even bothering to open to take a peek at the contents of the box.

"Is this the part where you are supposed to ask me a question?"

"This is the part where are you supposed to give me a reply." He answered, without a hint of a smile or any joke.

"Take your ring back." I shifted on my rolling chair to the side of my desk and dropped the unsigned marriage application form into the shredder, hearing the loud whirrs of the blade as it chewed the single piece of paper up. "Thank you for buying me one night worth of time, but it isn't enough to buy my hand in marriage. We have been apart for six years. What make you think that I am not already married?"

"Ring." The one-word reply from him was a quick reminder that the man sitting in front of me was very similar in personality to me. If we deemed our conversation partner to be educated enough to understand our thoughts even without additional explanations, we cut out the unneeded words to get our point across.

"Not used to wearing a ring." I retorted shortly, discarding the draft defense paper that I had been working on the past hour, internally a little irritated that Vergil had not appeared with my client's termination notice an hour early to save myself the additional wasted work.

"You're in the office at this hour."

"My husband is easy with timing. We don't see each other for weeks, and we're fine with that." I lied fluently, the confidence I carried from my daily court sessions on my side. Unfortunately, it seemed as if Vergil was equally confident in his conclusions, because he did not even look the slightest bit unsure of himself.

"You drove here. I saw your car in the basement. You hate driving, and if you actually had a husband, you would have him drive you here this morning."

"And how would you know how my car looks like?" I shut my computer down, beginning to arrange the mess on my table and clearly ignoring the box that was still left exactly where Vergil had placed it, completely untouched. "And you forget the fact that I might have changed in the years I spent away from you. I have decided that I come to like driving."

"Even though you had nightmares of your parents' car accident for weeks after you were forced to drive me to the hospital when I had a nosebleed that wouldn't stop." He chose to ignore the question and addressed the problem of my coming to like driving instead.

"I got past that." I answered, and for once in the current conversation with the man, it was not a lie. I had gotten past my nightmares that came from driving in the 6 years I had been away from my ex, but it wasn't exactly because I liked it. I still hated driving from the bottom of my guts, but my hand had been forced. It was not easy to go around on a public transport for a woman in my situation, and a car was unfortunately the most time-effective method of getting things done.

"If you don't have anything else for me, then please leave. I am closing up the office." I didn't leave Vergil any further space for banter as I locked the drawer of my desk with a firm click, grabbing my bag and tossing the key carelessly in. I might have once been an organized woman, but that was another thing that had changed the past 6 years.

"Will you not ask why I am appearing in front of you after 6 years?" The man thankfully did not try to resist my clear indications that I wanted him physically out of the office. That was the only good thing of him standing back up from his seat; the bad thing of that action was that he had been given the signal to follow me while I walked around the office to check and make sure that the relevant switches were turned off.

"No. You and I stopped having any relationship 6 years ago. I don't need to know what went on in your life or what goes on in your life now. If you want to engage my professional services, then come again tomorrow in the day to make a request." I kept my eyes away from him, but made sure that his footsteps followed closely behind him as I stepped out of the office, then turned the lock the doors behind me. I was sorely tempted to accidentally stab his toes with the stem of my heels, but decided against it.

Vergil was a demon hunter, after all. I knew that laws protected demon hunters more than lawyers like me.

"The offer stands, Riss." My ex saved me from having to make things ugly when he did not enter the lift when I did, simply standing in the lobby with his hand still holding onto the box that he had retrieved from my table.

"I'd rather not." I answered shortly, thumbing the button for the lift doors to close.

There was no smile on Vergil's face, but the glint in his eyes was the same as it had been six years ago: determined.


The drive home was thankfully short and quick, and I sighed heavily to relieve the irrational tension that always set in my shoulders whenever I drove. I might have been forced to take up driving due to my current livelihood, but it didn't mean that I liked it at all.

The apartment was dark and quiet when I opened the door, but everything was neat, prim and proper. The housekeeper had swung by recently and done a good job answering to my requests, and I made a mental note to leave a larger tip for the next cleaning session. I dropped my bag on the couch, draping my coat and scarf along the back of a nearby chair before sitting down with another loud sigh for a long day burnt just like that.

Without a single light turned on in the apartment and in the dead silence in which I sat, dark thoughts slowly started to slither into my mind. And since Vergil had appeared before me just very recently, the dark thoughts surrounding the man were on the forefront of my mind.

There had been once in the past six years that I almost hunted the man down myself. There had been a phase where I wanted to kill the man with my bare hands for almost ruining my life.

Then, there had also been a time when I, in tears, really wished he was still beside me with his expressionless stare, with his soft white hair and aura of complete confidence and capability. I had been so desperate for him to suddenly pop up and surprise me and say that he wanted to come back to my life. If what Vergil had done what he did to me tonight a few years ago, I would have taken him back without him having to utter a single word.

But what he had done tonight; the marriage certificate and the ring... actually popping up in front of me in real life –he was too late for all that.

With another sigh, I finally started to move toward my room to change out of the day-old clothes. I was still in my late twenties, which meant that I was supposed to still be at the peak of my health. Unfortunately, with the crazy hectic lifestyle that I had been leading, I wasn't exactly sure how long it would last.

What met me in my bedroom surprised me temporarily, and the dark thoughts and instincts to sigh immediately faded away. The tension of the day immediately left my whole body, and my soul instantly felt lighter as I tapped my way lightly over to my bed, climbing carefully onto the soft material so that the weight disturbance would not startle the angel awake.

"Little Devil," I called affectionately as I placed my gentle hand on his small head of soft hair, stroking slowly so that the angel would slide back to reality slowly. "Little Devil, what are you doing on my bed on top of the covers? You will catch a cold."

"Mama..." The 5-year-old rolled around to face me, lazily stretching before cracking beautiful eyes open by a little to make sure he hadn't acknowledged the wrong person. The cutest little dimple appeared on his right cheek when he smiled with his eyes half-closed, then reached his arms towards me in demand for a hug.

No mother in the world would dare to reject the cutest little thing's demand, and I rested him against my chest as he snuggled and rubbed his face against my shoulder in an effort to find the most comfortable crevice.

"Mama, you're home..." My baby boy said sleepily. "I missed you..."

"I missed you too, Little Devil." I answered, carefully standing slowly to make sure he was still comfortable in my embrace. "But you shouldn't be sleeping on top of the covers. Didn't Sister Yenny put you to bed today?"

"She did." My baby boy yawned, then pawed one hand lightly against my breast. "But I woke up to pee pee after Sister Yenny left... Then I wanted to smell Mama, so I came to your room to sleep on your bed. Is that okay?"

See what I meant by the cutest little thing? He could literally say the most adorable things to make my entire day feel completely worth it. None of the thoughts of his father remained as I gently made my way from my room to his, depositing the sleepy boy back to his bed and pulling the covers over his cold body.

"Mama." I was surprised that he was still awake and grabbing on to the end of my blouse when I tried to leave him to his peaceful sleep. "Nero loves you, Mama."

The third-person reference was still something the child hadn't yet grown out of, but it only added to the innocence factor that half of me didn't want him to lose. Still, my baby boy was only 5 years old and still had much growing to do. If I wanted him to be anything like me, or his father, then there was still a lot of growing to be done.

"Mama loves you too, Little Devil. Go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow morning." I pressed a soft kiss on his forehead and tucked his tiny arms back under the covers, watching as the sleepy smile quickly fade away to nonchalant sleep.

With the feeling as if my reality had somehow righted itself, and charged with enough energy to feel as if I could face the entire world –and even the boy's father again –just to protect my baby boy, I quietly closed the door to Nero's room and continued on my routine for the night. 

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