Class Reunion

A/N: This one falls below my usual expected standards, but since it is already written, I will just upload it.

[Class Reunion]

The small hall was filled with chatters of both genders when national TV Star Rei Matsunaga appeared at the open double-door entrance.

A short hush covered over the event as everyone turned to get a glimpse of the nationally-famous man, most disbelieving of their eyes. Everyone in attendance knew of the superstar that their ex-schoolmate had become, but his attendance to the Alumni Reunion had been a big question mark due to his busy schedule. Everyone had been cautiously hopeful, but ready for disappointment.

It was paying off now that Rei was standing just outside the hall, talking to someone who was most probably his manager. A friendly short conversation seemed to be passed between the two men outside the door, then Rei waved goodbye to his manager, a charming smile hanging on his lips as he stepped in bravely. Chatter once more began within the hall, but this time the topic was much more similar as the people already in attendance began to talk about the different aspects of what they knew about the national TV star.

Rei was pleasantly surprised to find that even though the crowd looked obviously excited to see him here, none of them had done anything too crazy to him. They were obviously respectful of his presence and personal space, and some only met his eyes timidly, exchanging smiles and nods with a super star like him.

Rei waved when he saw a table with many familiar faces, but gave them a quick gesture towards the front in wordless explanation that he had to greet the host of the event first.

He was quick to reach the ex-Student Council President who stood in front of the stage, waiting to receive him at the end of the aisle.

"President, it's great to see you again. Thank you for inviting me to this event." Rei greeted politely with a handshake. "Also, thank you very much for keeping my attendance a secret. It was a smooth journey here, mostly because no one knew that I would be attending."

"I should be the one to thank you." The President answered with an answering bright smile. "I didn't expect you to reply me, much less say that you are attending. I'm sure a star like you has your schedule packed to the brim."

"I definitely had to come." Rei answered. "My High School days were my happiest days, and I won't miss this chance to meet old friends for anything."

"Thank you once again for coming. If it's okay with you, will you oblige to give a welcome speech to everyone in attendance?" The President asked boldly –as Rei remembered the president to be. In their high school days, the President had always been a bold guy who was unafraid to say things that went against the norm. Rei did not have much interactions with the President during their schooling days since they were of different classes, but both of them had always had impressions of each other –the President being a public figure in school, and Rei being a popular guy in his class.

"I have nothing prepared, but if you will accept an impromptu speech, I am honoured to help you out." Rei answered charmingly.

He was quickly ushered up on stage, where he casted his eyes over the entire hall. It was sectioned very well with tables for different classes. From where he stood on stage, he saw his class's table clearly, and a few familiar faces that he remembered from the other classes.

The power of his fame worked for him, because he did not need to clear his throat through the mic to get the attention of the hall; they simply turned to him naturally.

"Welcome every one of the 49th batch of Kamon High to this Alumni Reunion. I am Rei Matsunaga from Class B, and I think most of you have seen or heard of me before. I'll just like to take this opportunity today that thank you all for attending today's event, and please reminisce about the memories that you have all shared in your high school days! Do stay in contact with each other even after today's meet so that we may be able to hold more reunions like these from time to time." Rei expressed sincerely, accepting the thunderous applause that came with his short speech before coming down calmly from the stage.

Rei was very glad that this crowd of his ex-schoolmates was a very controlled one. Though he had seen some clear fans from the stage, none of them had tried to approach him with requests of autographs, pictures or handshakes yet. All of them had understood thus far that Rei was attending this event as a private matter and probably wanted to spend some time with his old friends easily first.

His return to class B's table was very well-celebrated as Rei found some trouble recognising some of the people who had changed very much after graduating from High School. The girls were much prettier than they had been with their now-mature charms, and the guys looked much more suave and sure with their well-pressed business suits.

Everyone had gone on different paths on their lives. The class rep that Rei used to always help out was now a capable secretary to the big boss of a large conglomerate. The friendly girl that sat beside Rei in his last year was now a happily married housewife with three young children. The baseball star in his class was now a baseball professional in a regional championing team. The girl who used to follow him around everywhere was now working in artiste management of a company that Rei was rather familiar with. Everyone had gone on very different paths, and Rei was glad to see that none of them had changed too much from how he remembered them.

Expectedly, everyone had excitement to see how much Rei had changed –which in all sense, was not much at all. Rei had always been a people-person, and he knew himself that he was in the popular group in his class. There had always been girls confessing to him, girls giving him things and boys trying their best to talk to him. The teachers had always been forgiving of him when he charmed them with sweet words and even sweeter smiles.

It had only been a matter of fact for Rei to enter the entertainment industry. The only thing that was different from his High-school self was that Rei had struck much higher than what he and his ex-classmates thought that he could go.

A pause in the conversation allowed Rei to take stock of everyone in attendance. A strange sense of shame sank in his stomach when he turned to his ex-class rep.

"Where are Dante and Vergil? Aren't they coming?"

At the mention of those two names, the light of familiar remembrance of the two used-to-be-boys appeared on many faces.

"They replied to say that they were attending, but something last minute must have happened." The class rep explained with a regretful expression.

There was a reason why the two men were the reason of such a strange mix of expression.

Dante and Vergil Sparda were a pair of twins who had transferred to their school and class shortly after their second year started. As the only foreigners with naturally coloured hair and naturally coloured eyes and English-sounding names, the two of them had stood out very well amongst everyone else in school. Perhaps it had been a result of their 'foreignness', the two of them had initially been cautiously approached. It had not helped that both of them had very unconventional characteristic traits, and that made them much more inaccessible than usual. Thus, the two had been living in their own world until Rei started talking to them.

It was a very homosexual thing to say that Rei fell in love with them, but the type of 'love' was not romantic. The attraction that Rei felt towards the two boys had nothing to do with sexuality or romance; it was simply the discovery of a whole new world with the two of them, and how Rei enjoyed their company so much that his time simply flew by whenever he was with them.

The three of them had been completely inseparable since Rei approached them, and it had also been through Rei that the class began to understand the two foreign boys better, to find the attraction in their characters as well. They had all separated on good terms upon graduation, and Rei's biggest regret was that he had not been able to keep contact with them for long afterwards.

"I can't believe I almost forgot about them." Mihara Takeguchi said with a helpless smile. "It's really a pity that they are not here. I'm sure if they came, we wouldn't be able to recognise them."

"Does anyone know what they are up to now?" Rei asked around, surprised to find completely dumbfounded faces. While it was hard to keep in perfect contact with each other, Rei had assumed that at least one person would have heard what the twins were up to, or at least have bumped into them on the streets. It was appearing, however, that the two men had just suddenly dropped off from the surface of the earth.

"When I contacted them, I sent a letter to the address that they were listed under in their High School days. It came back from the same address." The ex-class rep explained. "Are they still living in their parents' house?"

"I don't know if it's them or not." Sayuka Nichiyou spoke up quietly. "My friend recently had some bad run-ins with demons, and she said she went to this pair of foreign twins with white hair to solve her problem. She said she asked around, and they were the best of that industry. I assume they were really good, because my friend hasn't talked about the demon problem since."

"You didn't ask for their names?" Someone –Rei temporarily forgot his name –asked.

"I wasn't thinking so far at that time. I didn't even think about Vergil and Dante." Sayuka answered. "But I remember our younger days where we girls used to have a monthly poll across the classes."

"A poll?" Rei repeated with curiosity. "What for?"

"To see who won the months' popularity." Mihara admitted with an embarrassed giggle that seemed to be shared amongst the other women in the class. It was as if the women's secret were now finally revealed to the men who –including Rei –had never known that they were being ranked by their gender counterparts while they were younger.

"Dare I ask who the top few were?" Rei asked, knowing that his name had to be in the list somewhere, but just not sure which position he usually took.

"It was always a fight between you, Dante and Vergil. You three were the perfect story-book group of men that every girl in their high school days wanted." Mihara could not help her laugh, exchanging a look of helplessness with their fellow female classmates. "Dante was the rebellious wild child that someone like Sayuka wanted. Vergil was the serious, straight laced and cool type that Amada was completely weak for, and you... you were the gentlemanly, friendly and easy-going type that I –and many others –went for."

"So... you're saying that we were like some school idol group... without my knowing? Did Dante or Vergil know about this?" Rei asked, not sure whether to be horrified or very proud that he had been admired since long ago. He knew that he used to be popular, but to be fighting for the top spot in the school girls' monthly popularity poll? That was a charm that he himself did not know his young self possessed.

"I'm not sure if Vergil knew anything, but you and Dante sure didn't. The three of you were in your own bubble most times."

That was something that Rei could not deny. While he had made the pair of twins that were his previous friends open up to their classmates when they were younger, it still remained a fact that Rei's youthful days had been spent every day with them. They went for classes, lunch, break times and spent after-school days together as well. Having a fourth person in their small group did not appear much in his memories at all.

A video montage put together by the hardworking ex-student council members interrupted their conversation, and Rei found himself smiling along with everyone else at their goofy photos of younger days. Now that he had grown up and moved on from those days as depicted in the pictures, Rei was overcome with the sensation that he was really old and much changed now.

He didn't even want to imagine his thoughts would be ten more years down the road, where he looked back at the past 20 years of his life since graduating from High School. The end to the touching montage was a short clip of the after-culture-festival dance that everybody attended during their last year. Rei was not surprised to find the on-screen version of himself twirling around the bonfire in the middle, changing the girls in his arms every feel seconds, laughing and grinning as he exchanged partners ever so quickly and effortlessly.

"I never knew I would be dancing with someone who would eventually become a national star back then." Mihara commented as polite applause rose from the hall, the lights turning back on. "I should have known, though, and gotten an autograph from you or a photograph of us to prove to my friends that I knew you."

"We can take photos together later." Rei suggested. "I'll take individual shots with everyone from the class, because I miss all of you."

Rei knew that his generosity would cause some troubles for his manager afterwards, but he could not bear to not take pictures with his ex-classmates for memories. His high school days were the most fondly-remembered days of his life, and Rei felt nothing but gratitude to everyone who had gone their own ways in their lives, but had come back to get together again.

Any cheer that the class could have possibly come up with was cut off by the opening of the double doors of the hall. Since the doors had closed after Rei's arrival, it had been safe to assume that no one would turn up later than Rei (Rei had purposely arrived late so that it would not cause trouble for the other guests if his fans found out about his attending the event). Curious eyes accompanied Rei's as everyone turned slightly to see if the newcomer was part of a performance lined up by the ex-student council, or just a poor latecomer who had unwittingly taken the attention of the hall.

Unwitting was not the correct adjective to describe the newcomers that appeared at the other side of the door. The men clearly knew that they were late, but the daring nonchalance wrote equally well on their faces as they stood almost in a pose-like manner, the elder twin standing square with his broad shoulders in full view. Between his hands held something like a cane, its flat tip resting easily on the floor. White hair had not changed from Rei's memories, but they were slightly longer and styled much better than usual. A navy blue open suit hung casually on the elder twin's shoulders, emphasizing his well-filled frame. He wore a simple fitting black shirt underneath the suit, tucked into a pair of reasonable pants and shoes. No accessory whatsoever was needed to draw attention to the correct places of this grown-up-version of who Rei remembered as Vergil as his sharp blue eyes scanned the hall.

Dante –true to Rei's memories –was still as different from his brother as he had been ten years ago. As opposed to his brother's casual aura of effortless charisma, the younger twin seemed almost determined to defy the norms of an event-goer. With a sleeveless tank that showed off a pair of completely well-trained arms and chest, Dante had paired it with a pair of biker jeans. The set was complete with small chains hanging from his beltline, but what took Rei's attention temporarily was the presence of a holster sitting on his waist, and guns tucked on both side of the posing man.

Rei swore that he had been made to pose in the same way Dante was doing right now before during a modelling job. The problem, however, was that Dante was not posing in front of a photographer, but a hall full of ex-classmates and ex-schoolmates.

The moment of silent surprise and shock passed quickly as Vergil realised that something was amiss with the crowd's reaction of their arrival. From where Rei stood, he watched as the elder twin took a quick look beside him at his brother, then reached over. A quick smack happened, and the younger twin exaggerated the effect from the light smack, protesting.

Vergil –as Rei remembered in all glory –ignored the younger twin's protest as well as the various eyes on him as he strolled briskly down the aisle towards the ex-President. From where Rei stood, he could not hear what was being exchanged, but there didn't seem a single inch of apology written on Vergil's face for being late as well. Dante himself was grinning in a guiltless manner as the three of them shared quick conversation.

The short talk was over, and Rei was rather surprised that instead of turning towards the class's table that they were supposed to, the two of them stepped up the stage and claimed a mic each.

"I'm not sure if you guys remember us, but we're Dante and Vergil Sparda from Class B." Dante started. "Sorry we were late; we were busy killing demons. They were lurking, and Vergil said that we'd be doing you guys a favour if we got rid of them. I took my time, because I didn't want my clothes ruined."

Just when Rei didn't think Dante's speech could not get worse, his twin brother raised the mic in a cue that he wanted to put in a few words.

"Unfortunately, this set of clothes is the most presentable that Dante has found himself. This idiot hasn't gotten the water out of his brain enough to invest in a good outfit and I absolutely refuse to lend him any of mine simply because this is Dante." Vergil continued from where his brother left off, cool blue eyes taking in every corner of the hall. "But that is beside the point. The ex-President suggested that perhaps we did something to make up for our late arrival."

"Yes, so you'd better keep your eyes open!" Dante seemed almost to be brimming with excitement –an expression that Rei had learnt from his younger times to always be wary about. What were the twins up to now?

The sound of something metallic rang loud suddenly in the hall, and Rei gasped in realization along with everyone else in the hall that the cane-like thing that Vergil had been holding to all this while turned out to be a long, thin sword. Holding the sword expertly by the grip easily, Rei was mesmerised at how deft the dangerous weapon was being twirled around Vergil's hand, at how fast the man moved, and how precise his every strike seemed. The peerless expression did not change a single time throughout the display of his abilities, but it ended as soon as he started.

Rei did not have any time to feel disappointed, because the sound of loud bangs made some screams. Shocked at the sudden loud noise, Rei looked around, and didn't take long to find the originator of the gunshots. Dante suddenly looked like a crazed murderer with his guns twirled in his hands, and then pointed it at his brother.

"Showtime." Dante shouted, then fingers pulled the triggers repeatedly.

Beside Rei, Mihara and Sayuka screamed, covering their eyes at the imminent murder.

"I told you, you'll scare the women if you do something like this." Vergil said through the mic, patting his brother on the back comfortingly. Rei blinked, then rubbed his eyes. What had... how had Vergil suddenly appeared behind Dante?

"Really?" Dante said, and this time, a click sounded. Rei blinked once more, shocked to find the stage suddenly missing of the younger twin. Vergil looked around at the confused expressions, gave everyone a quick moment to look around before pointing up.

Dante hung from the chandelier, upside down, grinning and waving to the crowd like an idiot.

Again, how had he teleported?

"Come down, Dante," Vergil's voice sounded clear through the microphone, "You're going to break the chandelier, and we don't have the money to pay for it."

"You do." Dante's answer came after a click that sounded like someone snapping his fingers. Once more, the man disappeared from the chandelier, and Rei looked back on stage to see the twins side by side once more. "That's all for today. I would have showed more, but Vergil will kill me if I break anything here."

Stunned applause occurred as Vergil marched quickly off stage, but Dante didn't seem to be satisfied with the attention on him yet. Backtrack quickly before he could get off the stage, he once more grabbed the mic.

"By the way, if you were wondering where all the bullets from went," Dante opened his palms and turned them. Bullets and shells rained from both hands, clattering to the floor noisily. "Vergil will show you murder if I really ruined anything in here with bullet holes."


"That was amazing!" Sayuka gushed. "How did the two of you do it? Was it magic?"

"Something like that." Rei watched as Dante enjoy the attention bathed upon him. The guy was simply just unchangeable –the years clearly hadn't done any damage to Dante's character at all. "Let's just say that we've picked up more tricks since high school."

"You'd better keep those tricks in if you value your life." Vergil's strict tone to his brother was familiar to everyone at the table now that the twins had joined them. As the newcomers at the table, they were obviously quickly surrounded by their classmates, and Rei found himself unable to approach them for a one-to-one catch up. Vergil quickly detached himself saying that he wanted to grab some wine, and disappeared into the crowd.

"Channelling some model-looks, are we?" A familiar voice from his side surprised Rei.

"I wasn't aware that you've managed to detach yourself from the ladies." Rei answered to Dante's shameless grin.

"I didn't want you to get too jealous that I was taking all the ladies. If you thought the lonely look was going to draw you some more fans, it didn't work." Dante teased, but Rei had gone through enough of the guy in high school to know that Dante didn't meant anything.

"How are the two of you doing? What are you doing now, even?"

"I'm honoured, Mr Superstar. You're interested in the lives of these two lowly people?" Dante continued his tease as Rei watched on helplessly.

"Dante, you and Vergil are the least 'lowly' people I know in this hall. Come on, spit it out. Have you or Vergil started a family yet?"

"I will kiss the ground if anyone even dares to turn a look over to Vergil. Me? I've had many ladies in my bed, but not in my heart. There's only one person there, and it's already too suffocating."

"You have someone in mind?" Rei asked, a little surprised. Considering what he knew of Dante's Casanova ways that had shown roots even during his schooling days, to hear of Dante having his heart sold to someone was partially surprising. Had the way-faring Dante finally met a girl to tame his rebellious heart?

"Don't look so surprised, Rei. He's been stuck with me ever since we were born, and I can't shake him away no matter how hard I try. He's dominating his place until I get him laid and married off quickly." Dante commented, sparing no manners as a rude hand picked Rei's glass of wine out of his hand without asking, and downed the whole thing in a refreshing gulp. "Between you and me, I'm more worried about his future years. He isn't going to be walking with me much longer."

"What do you mean?" A distant alarm rang in Rei now. "Is something wrong with Vergil?"

"I didn't want to spoil the atmosphere here," Dante sighed, "but I thought you should know as our close friend."

"Why- What is wrong with him?"

"He's got this disease... It makes him weak sometimes, and he doesn't even have the strength to walk. Other times he looks perfectly fine, but when it strikes, he just goes completely limp. It's pretty dangerous at times, and the doctors say that the frequency of his relapses will occur closer and closer to each other."

Rei had never heard of something like that before, but then again, he wasn't a doctor. The furthest exposure that Rei had into the medicine industry was in a drama that he previously acted in, where he had been an ER doctor. While he couldn't remember much of the medical terms he had been forced to learn for the drama, he was sure that he had never heard of a disease as described by Dante before.

"How did he get it? Is it hereditary?"

"I don't know either... He just had it one day, and I freaked out. I thought he was going to die. He had never looked so helpless before. He was always scolding, nagging and following me around to stop me from doing stupid things. It was the first time he asked me for help, lying on the floor."

Rei immediately thought back on the always-self-confident, fearless and always-capable Vergil that he knew and remembered. Vergil had always been so capable that the two of them had always trusted him to be able to fix whatever they ruined. Vergil had nagged and scolded them countlessly, but the man had also always silently suffered punishment from the school alongside them. Rei knew that wherever Dante went, Vergil would always go like an always-worried mother hen. To hear that this mother hen was stricken with such a sickness...

"He was the one who wanted to come." Dante's voice was heavy with regret. "He must be thinking that today is the last time he can see his classmates again."

"You mean it can't be cured?"

"It's not as if it cannot be cured, but it costs..." Dante looked away, a regretful expression on his face. "The money isn't something the both of us can afford."

"How much are we looking at?"

The amount that Dante gave sounded painful, but what was more painful was the fact that the younger twin could not afford this amount even if he tried his best.

"Write me your bank account later. I will have my manager transfer the money to you." Rei decided quickly. He might have to miss a few more expensive meals, sell some personal items, and buy less clothes, but if that meant that he could save the life of his ex-classmate, much less someone as important to him as Vergil was, it was all worth it. "You make sure that he goes through the proper treatment and come back well."

"You're not serious." Dante's tone of disbelief was paired with large eyes filled with wonder.

"I'm serious. It's Vergil we're talking about. Money is nothing as long as we can save him. I'll take up more jobs and attend less parties if it means he can still be by your side in the future." Rei promised.

The glitter of wondrous surprise and unexpected shock wrote very well on Dante's face as his ex-classmate stared at him.

"Rei, I didn't know you-"

"Don't be an idiot." The harsh tone came back with a hard smack on the back of his head. Surprised by the sudden physical attack –because ever since he became a superstar there had been very little people who dared to initiate physical contact with him without asking beforehand –Rei spun around to see the man of topic with a look of clear disapproval. "The years must have made you forget that you must never trust Dante."

"But, Vergil, you..."

"I don't know what he said to you, but I don't need saving. I don't need the money, and Dante is just trying his best to get something out of you because he thinks that you owe it to him to help you discover your passion for acting and singing instead of just modelling."

"But he said you were sick, and needed the money to..." Rei's protest faded off halfway with the realization that the man who had been standing by his side had unknowingly slipped away in a quick moment. The truth sank in quickly as Rei turned fully to face the elder twin brother with a big sigh. "I am an idiot."

"The day I am sick and need your money, Rei, I will already be lying stiff in my coffin." Vergil's answer was straight-forward. "I am comforted to know that you were willing to help, but do try to remember that you're talking to Dante. If he doesn't want sleep, he wants money."

"In my defence, I haven't met the two of you in too long. I've almost forgotten what Dante is like."

"God forbid you give him enough confidence to go out being a con artist with his lies. That idiot doesn't think twice before using me for his money-making ideas." Vergil's sigh of complain was paired with the guy throwing back his entire glass of wine in one gulp. "I haven't had a day's rest since birth thanks to that guy."

I haven't had a day since birth without that guy.

That had been the sentence that Vergil had always repeated whenever Rei and he went out for meals together –whenever Dante was out on the prowl for innocent girls to hit on. But in their high school days, they had sneaked out to the play area near the boys' home, then shared a couple of beers talking while Dante hit on the ladies. Rei remembered the days he spent with Vergil talking under the moon. The general sense that Rei had always gotten from the elder twin was that Vergil had long resigned himself to the role of a tired mother who simply could not let her son go, but also didn't know what to do with him anymore.

The way Vergil had adamantly followed Dante around regardless of what Dante had done to him was a perfect evidence of that.

"I know I've asked this a million times before, but why are you still by his side?" Rei could not help but ask again, because the feeling had once more struck again. When he had been younger, Rei had assumed that he would understand Vergil's feelings once they grew older –once Rei got more responsibilities as an adult. But now that Rei was a very accomplished adult with much more responsibilities to his audience, his fans, his family and himself, he still could not understand what drove Vergil to continue staying beside his brother.

"Because if I don't, he's going to kill himself for sure." Vergil's answer had not changed even after ten years of separation as the two watched the man in topic bathing in the attention of the ladies. If Dante had been a charmer in their high school days, Rei supposed that the man had only gotten much bolder and fearless. Now, there was no authority in the form of teachers and disciplinarians to hold Dante in place. The only thing keeping Dante from doing something terribly crazy was his brother's presence in the same room –constantly threatening, nagging and scolding him.

"I really don't understand how you have managed to survive with him." Rei admitted. "But pray do tell, what have the both of you been doing since graduating?"

This time, Rei was a little surprised when Vergil moved closer, his voice lower.

"Do you remember what I told you on the day of our graduation?"

It wasn't very hard to remember at all, because Vergil's words had swam in Rei's mind for many days afterwards. It was the only secret that Rei knew he had been given the honour to know about the twins, and he had kept that secret buried deep in his heart, faithfully keeping the silence to protect his friends.

"That you guys are..." Rei lowered his voice, looking around for any eavesdropping ears. "Half-demons?"

"Our father gave it to us." Vergil nodded. "When we graduated, we went looking for him. He took us back, but Dante couldn't stand the lifestyle there, so we ran away from home."

"Wait, backtrack a little. You found your demon father? Where?"

"There is only one place to find demons, Rei."

"Then where did you go after that? How did you even run away from your father?"

"He found us after a short while, but we struck him a deal. If we sent demons back to his side from this place and saved him the trouble of travelling, then we could stay."

"So... you guys are demon hunters now?" Rei asked, remembering what Mihara had said shortly before the arrival of the brothers.

"Our father prefers the term demon enforcers." Vergil explained. "The tricks that you saw on stage were what we learnt from our father."

"So... like policemen catching demons and sending back to Hell?"

"Yes." Vergil's answer was short and straight to the point. "And right now, we've got a target."

It took Rei a long moment to understand what Vergil was saying. "Here? Now?"

"Yes. You."

Rei's mind hit a wall. "What?"

"The demon's target is you. You're going to have to work with us to keep this under wraps, Rei. Dante's approaching him now." Vergil's hand on his shoulder was both a comforting and a terrifying thing holding Rei in place.

Of course, curiosity was a big problem for Rei as he scanned his eyes quickly across the crowd of people, easily spotting the head of white hair moving through the sea of black-haired heads. There was only one person who stood away from the crowds around the tables, and Dante was approaching him...

"The Student Council President?" Rei gasped.

"The real one is in China now in a business conference. This one took the opportunity of the President's last-minute meeting to come down for you. We came just in time."

"But... why am I the target?" Rei asked despite the fact that he knew the answer well.

As a superstar, it was impossible for him not to make enemies. There was always one person or the other jealous of his unstoppable rise to fame, and though Rei had done his best to make nice with every colleague that he had met thus far, it was humanely impossible to please everyone. To have someone who was jealous and envious of his success was a given, but Rei hadn't imagined that this certain someone would be serious enough to send a demon chasing after him.

"Whatever the reason, that guy isn't friendly. Either of us can usually deal with him easily, but we'd rather avoid a scene in front of a crowd like this. Can't afford to have you making news on your off-day."

"What will Dante do to him...?" Rei wasn't sure what to feel. Knowing that he was being targeted by a demon didn't give him as much fear as he thought he would have, and that was most probably attributed to the fact that the Sparda twins were now on his side –one of the approaching the demon fearlessly while the other stood beside him in a show of protection.

"Nothing you will want to know about." The honest straight-forward reply was something that Rei wasn't used to now that he had spent most of his days in the past ten years listening to people being polite towards him, not daring to tell him anything bad as if afraid to piss him off. "Just remember that the one you're seeing now isn't the actual man."

Rei didn't dare to make a reply as he watched the younger twin steer the ex-President –the demon –away from the stage to a relatively empty side of the small hall. The way that Dante was making things seem was rather natural; as if the men had something important to talk about. If Vergil hadn't point things out; if Rei didn't know who to look out for, he was sure he wouldn't have noticed Dante's casual actions.

"You once acted in this show named 'A Ghost's Whisper', did you not?" The sudden change in topic from the serious man by his side surprised Rei as he temporarily took a quick look over to Vergil to make sure that Vergil had been addressing him.

"Yes. Did you watch it?"

"One of our friends that our father sent over to watch over us loved the show. She fell in love with you, and she wouldn't believe it when Dante said that he knew you in person in High School. He almost received some lightning-infused bullets just for insisting the impossible." Vergil's answer was conversational, though his eyes seemed to still be tagging onto the disguised demon and his twin brother.

"Is my being friends with Dante something to be so shocked about?" Rei could not help but ask.

"It is Dante we're talking about. Anyone being friends with Dante is something to be shocked about; much less the nationally famous Rei Matsunaga." Vergil's answer was once more straightforward, but Rei had never expected anything else from this guy. Some people might have thought it rude, but Rei appreciated the blunt honesty more than anything. There were very few people that Rei ever trusted to say their most honest opinion even without Rei asking for it; and Vergil was on the top of that list.

"True. He always got us into trouble; no matter how big or small."

"For all that it's worth, the troubles that he led us into were also the ones that created the most lasting memories. Trouble is a word synonymous with Dante, but you just can't leave him alone to do his stupid things." The honest, heart-felt words of an older twin brother who had been watching over the man since their birth came back in reply.

Rei could not help but agree with the man –considering how he had spent a very good part of his high school days with this pair of brothers.

"Dante said you haven't met a woman yet. He said he will never settle down until you do it first." Rei asked in a casual move to bring the conversation away from the younger twin, and closer to the older one.

"How can I settle down?" Vergil's sigh was heavy. "My responsibility to watch over that idiot aside, we need to still consider the fact that Dante and I are inherently different. We cannot go through a normal dating life just like humans."

"But didn't you say that your mother was a human?"

"That's why she died early." The short answer that came back was sharp. "I do not wish the same fate for anyone else."

"Your mother's case was just an unfortunate accident." Rei wasn't sure why he was doing his best to convince the guy to love. To be rather honest, Rei had never once imagined Vergil as an attached individual. The only person that Vergil had relatively shown warmth around had been Dante. The man had always treated people of the fairer gender in a very cordial and polite way. That gentlemanly charm had attracted many girls, but none of them had caught Vergil's eyes even slightly. Rei didn't doubt Vergil's sexual preference, but at the same time, wondered if Vergil had any sort of urges at all as a half-human.

Perhaps half-demons had urges different from humans? Rei could not claim to say that he knew well.

"If it is so, then I would rather lower the risk of such an accident happening again. If Dante finds his woman, I will be glad for him, but that will not lead me closer to changing my mind." Vergil's declaration was final. "What about you? There has been numerous scandals about you and a few select female actresses and models, hasn't there?"

"They are simply rumours. Those women are close friends that I share good working relationship with. I don't think anyone has accused me of being gay when I share equally good working relationship with male actors as well." Rei answered equally bluntly. He had gone through enough to know not to let these kinds of rumours bother him, but at least his best friends deserved the truth.

"It is hard for you to have me believe that you have not casted your eyes on another woman since high school, Rei." There was no clever manoeuvring of the conversation with Vergil; the man had shamelessly implied the question that he wanted to ask; plain and simple just like that.

"I admit that I have turned my eyes towards a few of them, but my time has never been enough to act upon anything."

"A man with money and fame, but no time." Vergil acknowledged with an understanding nod, and Rei was surprised to find a brief tugging at the corner of Vergil's lips. "It must be ironic that Dante is on the opposite end of the scale. Too much time, but no money or fame. He might have a good level of infamy in certain strip clubs, but that is as far as his name goes around here."

"I'm sure the two of you have made your names elsewhere that you are unaware of, Vergil. Mihara told us previously that her friend hired a pair of demon hunters that were the best of the industry –who were twins and had white hair."

"We prefer the term demon enforcers." Vergil corrected. "But I admit; the reputation that we build up in the industry is good for attracting jobs."

"There must be a woman out there looking for a bad-boy like Dante." Rei concluded with a laugh. "If my experience in fan-meetings are anything to go by; I can easily declare that this nation itself contains of many women of varying levels of craziness. I am sure one of them can fit Dante nicely."

"Pray you do not." Vergil's quick reply came. "I have craziness enough from Dante himself. Do not submit me to more torture by making me watching Dante and a crazy girl get it on. I refuse to be brother-in-law with a woman easily labelled as crazy as Dante is."

"A woman as crazy as me?" The intruding voice brought the two of them out of their own conversations, as Rei turned in surprise to find that the man in topic was back. It took him another moment to remember what Dante had been doing just moments before he had been side-tracked by the elder twin in conversation. "How do you find someone as perfect as I am? It's impossible no matter how hard you try, Rei. Save your efforts for your camera lenses."

"I assume you have dealt with our demon friend nicely?" Vergil replied in Rei's stead.

"Sure. I managed to flirt enough with a nearby cleaner lady to help clean his ashes up. Nothing to worry about." Dante's easy reply came, looking completely unfazed. The twins were looking as if they were chatting about what they had for dinner on the outside –looking so normal in their conversation despite the fact that they were talking about killing a demon.

"Are you sure there isn't anything to worry about?" Vergil's doubtful tone gave Dante a short start, but a short moment of silence passed as the two men focused on something that Rei didn't understand.

"Wow." Dante's sudden surprised tone made Rei uncertain. "Things just got serious, hasn't it?"

"It's been pretty serious since a long time ago. You were just taking your fun with that one." Vergil's answer unnerved Rei even more. The twins were sharing talk over a topic that he didn't understand, and the base instinct of Rei as a human told him that it had something to do with the supernatural-side of things.

"Really, Rei, you're pretty unlucky to be dealt with this mess on your off-day." Dante's stretch and cracking of fingers told him that something might really be wrong; except that Rei didn't know what was wrong.

"Do you guys want to tell me what's going on?"

"No worries." Vergil's comforting words should have been comforting if only he knew what was going on. "As long as you stick with us, you'll be safe."

"Yeah, but it's better if you stick by Vergil, though. I wouldn't trust me if I were you." Dante added with a nod.

"If all else fails, aim for the soft parts." Vergil followed up shortly after his twin, the advices taking turns to come from each twin.

"Remember: holy water doesn't work."

"And stay away from Dante when he's having fun. He might be the one killing you instead if he's not careful, and he is never careful when he is having fun."

"Kill me?" Rei could not help but cut in this time. He was glad that despite his pounding heart, his brain was still working and could now piece together the little puzzle pieces. The twins –being demon enforcers –were obviously warning him about an imminent demon attack on him. He wasn't sure why he was unfortunately being targeted suddenly by so many demons, but at least Rei had to breathe a sigh of silent relief that the Sparda brothers now had his back.

Even though one of the Sparda twin might accidentally kill him while having fun.

"It would be a good time to start running." Vergil adamantly refused to answer Rei's question, but instead replied with another advice.

And even though he hadn't seen either brothers in the past 10 years, Rei could not afford to question because he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing. Something was wrong, and he could feel it right in his guts. Something that had to do with demons attacking him soon.

"What do I do?" Rei turned fully to the more reliable of the twin brothers.

"Follow after me." Vergil answered simply, nodding to acknowledge that Rei was putting his trust in the both of them. "And don't look back."

Rei could only swallow his fear and words, nodding back seriously in reply before Vergil turned and began to jog for the door.

"Well, this sucks, doesn't it?" Dante laughed as he kept easy pace beside Rei. "You came for a class reunion, and half of them turned out to be demons! I swear, Rei, what would you do without us?"

That was the problem, wasn't it? Rei had no idea what he could possibly ever be without the Sparda brothers.

In fact, if he got out of this alive, Rei was never going to let these pair of brothers go ever again.

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