Children of Adoption

Duchess Lucianna Silvescue was the only surviving member of House Silvescue, which also happened to be one of the four founding families of the Kingdom. Rumored to have been blessed by the God of War at birth, Lucianna Silvescue had showed her prowess as the General in the battlefields during wartimes and had been handsomely rewarded appropriately when the Kingdom won the War of Territories.

Now in her late thirties, Duchess Silvescue no longer made any appearances in society, simply running her territory in the confines of her mansion and through her trusted proxies. Her people did not blame nor mind her, for she was known to be a wise and capable leader both on the battlefield, and in her territories. The lands belonging to the Silvescue Duchy were well-managed, comfortable for living and safe. Of course, the inevitable problem of poverty hung on the corner of streets less walked, but it was not common for the poor to end up dead from hunger on the streets.

It was in this context that Duchess Silvescue stood in a dark corner of an alleyway with only her maidservant accompanying her, looking down upon a pair of young boys dressed in rags. With the sun hanging behind her in the sky and her shadow casted upon the boys glaring up at her in warning, Duchess Silvescue studied their appearances.

Dirt-caked grey hair, flat blue eyes with the lights within them lost, malnourished bodies, scars and scabs from evidence of abuse and hard work caught the Duchess's attention. The older boy stood bravely as a shield in front of his younger brother, arms spread out in an open show of defense against the strange but well-dressed lady who stood in silence in front of them.

"Do you not recognize me?" She asked, no emotions spread upon her face for either of the boys to attempt at reading her expression to guess her intentions.

Wordlessly, the older boy shook his head.

"How much do you remember?" She asked again.

"What do you-" The younger boy began to ask back in rebellion, but was quickly silenced by a hand over his mouth by his older brother. There was a look of silent warning issued between the siblings, and Duchess Silvescue watched the older boy turn back to look up at her with the same level of defensiveness in his eyes, shaking his head again.

"Come with me. I cannot give you your parents back, but I can give you what you need to survive." Duchess Silvescue offered a hand to the older boy, and against the sunlight it was plain to see the battle-worn scars and marks upon her palm and forearm.

"We don't need your help." The older boy finally spoke up, rebellion heavy in his voice.

"Then take it as if you are helping me. I lost my husband and child in the War of Territories and I find myself alone and lonely within my walls nowadays. The two of you seem to be around the age my son would be if he survived." The Duchess answered evenly without missing a beat. It had been years since she had returned home from the battlefield to find that when she had been fighting on the front lines, her family -and a few nobles -had been fighting for their lives. Unlike her, they had lost the fight.

"I refuse to bow to the whims of nobility such as yourself. If you wish to adopt playthings, you will do better going further down the street." The older boy continued to balk, a strict determination glowing in blue eyes.

"How dare you speak so rudely to our Lady! Do you even know who you are speaking to?" Cindy, the Duchess's maidservant, jumped in, indignant at the manners presented to the woman who held the most power in the Duchy.

"Cindy, please." The quiet warning was paired with a quiet look before the Duchess spun back to assess the young boys.

"Fine, then. How about I hire the both of you? You work for me in exchange for food and accommodations."

The offer that had become slightly more palatable clearly held a strong hold over the young boys who probably had been barely scraping their meals. The Duchess was not sure how they had managed to survive for the past few years -considering their background -but admired the boys' tenacity anyway. It probably had taken them strong determination to stay alive, but the Duchess had yet to find the reason behind that determination.

Was it vengeance?

"We'll take it." The interruption to the conversation now came from a different party as the younger boy spoke up once again. In the short moment of silence that followed the younger brother's announcement, the sound of a loud growl from an empty stomach could be heard.

"No, we are not." The older brother answered, though his words could not drown out the sound of his own stomach's growling. "I speak for the both of us, and I do not accept your offer."

"But Verge!" The loud whine came from the younger brother who tugged his brother's arm to gain the attention of the older boy. From her advantageous height, she watched the younger boy give the pitiful puppy-eyed look that was clearly meant to bully his older brother into submission. "I'm hungry, and if we go with the old lady, we won't have to steal or scrape for food!"

"Old lady!?!" Cindy repeated with a hint of horror, and Duchess Silvescue made sure to put her arm out to hold her maidservant back just in case the young lady did something terrible against the defenseless children.

"Don't use your stomach to think." The older brother admonished in response. "She said we could work for her, but you don't know what kind of work she is asking for. We could be in a worse situation than we are in now."

The Duchess took a short moment to consider the vacancies that she knew had opened up in her mansion recently. If she was being completely honest, she did not lack any manpower around her household. But it did not seem as if the boys were intending to take her hand simply just because she had offered it.

"Our butler is old, and his son has left the Duchy to marry a lady of a noble family elsewhere. One of you shall learn from him and serve me well. As to the other..." Duchess Silvescue trailed off, looking down once more at the malnourished boys and considering what she already knew of them. The boys looked weak and barely able to hold up even a fork at the moment, but she had seen their father in his prime once. Even if she could not trust her eyes now, she wagered that she could trust the strength of genes. "My household is not lacking in knights, but the addition of a young boy growing amongst their midst will teach those annoying old men a lesson. Most of them joined me in the war and whatever wives or lovers they had either left them or ran away with other men. They lost their chance to become soft, but having one of you there will bring their fatherly figures back out alright."

"I told you; we are not play things. I won't go with you just to let me or my brother become your knights' toys." The older brother answered angrily, glaring more as if the action could help convey his intentions clearer.

"Why do you think you will become a toy for my knights?" The Duchess asked in challenge. "Do you see yourself as so weak that you cannot even stand up for yourself? Or is it your brother that you do not have faith in?"

The older brother's fists clenched tighter, and she watched as the boy visibly clenched his jaw as if to prevent himself from saying anything excessively rude. She had clearly struck a nerve, and she was satisfied to have done so.

Someone's stomach growled once more –Duchess Silvescue no longer kept track of whether it was the younger or older boy.

"We're not going with you, old woman." The older boy bit out the words between tightly-clenched teeth. "Leave us alone, you hag."

Duchess Silvescue side-stepped once just to make sure that she stood in her maidservant's way just in case Cindy decided that she could no longer stand the transgression.

"What about you? Do you want to stay hidden behind your brother forever?" Duchess Silvescue shifted her attention to make eye contact with the younger brother now, who was still stuck with both hands kept pleadingly on his elder brother's arm.

"No, but I can't be away from him. Everything goes to hell when I'm alone." The young one answered honestly, and against all odds and the strangeness of the situation, Duchess Silvescue smiled.

Throughout the conversation she had still been considering whether the older or younger boy should be placed in her Knights Company, but two sentences from the young boy had helped her to her decision almost instantly.

"You won't be alone if you come with me." She offered, watching as the older brother immediately turned to his younger brother to glare in warning.

"But if Verge doesn't come, I will be alone. No matter how much food you have." The simple mind of the younger brother was a closer indicator to their actual age.

"Are you sure?" She hadn't expected that she would be baiting the boys with food, but she understood easily that the more amiable of the brothers could be baited by food. Half turning to reach into the basket that Cindy held in her hands, Duchess Silvescue grabbed the first pastry that sat on the top. "There's more where this came from."

This time, at the sight of food being waved in front of them, both stomachs growled loudly. The mouth of the younger brother began to salivate, but the older brother's eyes simply narrowed on her, aware of her cheap –but working –attempt to tempt his brother.

"Verge, please...?" The younger brother whined, wetting his lips.

"No. I'll get you something that tastes way better in the future." The older brother promised.

"But we're hungry now. Besides, I don't mind being a butler or knight or whatever. You don't have to risk getting beaten when you search for food, and we don't have to take turns sleeping to watch out for the bad guys." The younger brother kept up his whine.

"I said, no."

"How about we pretend to go with the old lady and then when we're full, we escape?" The young boy's plan was –although ingenious –probably better off being discussed behind the Duchess's back instead of right in front of her.

"Look at her; do you think she will let you escape?"

"I don't know! I just want to eat right now, Verge!" The young boy exploded, clearly giving up on trying to rationalize things with his older brother as he let go, then bravely stepped forwards. "I'll join you, old lady, as long as you give me food!"

"Smart choice." Duchess Silvescue complimented, rewarding the younger brother with the pastry that she held lightly in her hand before gently guiding him to stand beside her. It was rather clear to her that the young boy now had no further thoughts beyond completely devouring the pastry that had been passed to him –so much so that he seemed to be barely aware that he had switched sides against his brother in an instant. "What about you? Your brother has decided to join me."

"What kind of a noble are you if you go around bribing orphans with food?" The older boy challenged despite the clear look of conflict in his eyes.

"The kind who doesn't wish to part you from your hungry brother." Duchess Silvescue answered, reaching once again into Cindy's basket to pull out another piece before offering directly to the reluctant boy. "If I, or my people, do any wrong by you or your brother now or any time in the future, feel free to ruin me or my household with the power and knowledge we give you. I promise I will not retaliate or kick you out."

"Why us?" The older boy made no move to touch the offered food despite the fact that his younger brother had already finished the first pastry and was in the midst of pestering Cindy to provide him with another, which the Duchess gave the gesture for her maidservant to oblige easily.

"I don't know. You two look too good to be left here in the streets." The Duchess lied.

The older boy was clearly still dubious of her true intentions in approaching them, but she saw his cautious exterior finally break when he reached and grabbed the pastry from her hand –though he did not stuff it into his mouth immediately the same way his younger brother had done.

"I'm watching you, old woman." He warned with his blue eyes glowing in the shadow that she casted upon him with her figure. "The moment I sense anything wrong, my brother and I are gone and you won't find us."

"Eat up." She smiled, gesturing to the pastry still held carefully between the boy's dirty hands. His younger brother was already on his third pastry by now. "Don't worry about me finding you in the future; the two of you will come walking back to me eventually."


"Hey Verge! Watch this!" Excited Dante shouted across the training grounds, waving in an overly-exaggerated move and a wide grin spread across his face. Once it was clear that he had attracted his brother's attention, the younger brother turned back to the training dummy that he had been previously facing, drew a deep breath, raised his wooden training sword high in the air, and began to execute a series of hard and fast strikes.

Duchess Silvescue watched in silence, taking a sip from the cup of tea that had been served to her, assessing the young boy's skills as the straw began to fall from the training dummy at alarming speed.

It had taken Dante only 4 years to pick up and master the signature style of the Silvescue Knights, and based on what she had heard from her Knight Captain recently, the boy was steadily charting his own route into unknown territories of swordsmanship. While she had been pleased by Dante's progress, she could not say she was taken by surprise. Dante had, after all, inherited his father's genes.

"More tea, Your Grace?" The offer came from the polite voice beside her, and she found herself distracted by the talented boy's older brother standing close by with a pot of tea balanced between his gloved fingers. Just 4 years ago the boy had been calling her "old woman", "old lady" and "old hag", but now he was politely referring to her with a reverent "Your Grace."

"There's no need." She raised her hand in a gesture to stop the refill. "I didn't hire you to pour tea for me; that is Cindy's job."

"It is the job of the Household's butler to make sure that his master remains comfortable in a well-functioning home. That includes pouring tea when the cup runs dry." Vergil answered honestly, still not backing down.

"But you are not the Household's butler. You are appointed to be my advisor."

"I was hired and brought into the Silvescue Household to be your butler's next-in-line. Just because my job roles have expanded does not mean that I can neglect my original role." The polite deference held a hint of the strong rebellion that she distantly remembered from 4 years ago.

Duchess Silvescue took another long look at the 12-year-old boy who had changed so much, and yet changed so little, before shaking her head in her decision to give up trying to engage into another debate with the boy.

"Oy Verge! You're not watching!" Dante shouted from where he stood, having showed-off his prowess to nobody in particular since both the Duchess and Vergil had been distracted in conversation.

"You have improved leaps and bounds." Duchess Silvescue stood up from where she sat under the shade of the tree at the corner of the training ground, making sure and steady steps towards the boy. "Once you are of age, you will be the most desired knight in the whole Kingdom. As long as you know when to control that tongue of yours, noble ladies will be lining the streets outside the mansion to request you as their personal knight."

The bright grin at the compliment could rival the power of the sun, but the Duchess did not let her neutral expression change as she finally stood by the boy's side, sensing that the older sibling had joined them with the distance of a few polite steps behind her.

"But you are better than just being the most desired knight in this Kingdom." The Duchess continued, reaching down to take the training sword from Dante's hand to give it a quick study. "I was once the General of this Kingdom, the Master Swordsman of the Continent. I do not expect anything less from the child I picked up."

"Wha-What can I do then to become same as you?" Dante asked quickly, hungry to know more. In their 4 years since entering the Silvescue Household, neither of the boys had gotten the chance to watch the Duchess hold a single sword –except in the few portraits that hung the walls.

"Overcome your physical limitation with the power inside you." The Duchess answered as she stabbed the training sword into the ground. Blunt as the tip was, the added force of her mana made the wooden sword bury deep into concrete floor. "Your mana potential is bigger than mine. If you can realize your full potential, you can be more than what I am."

"But Captain Syke said I can only start to use my mana when I become of age, or it will destroy my body!" Dante protested. "I'll be old like you by the time I realize my mana potential."

"Dante, manners." Vergil reminded, but the Duchess simply laughed.

"That is only because Syke and many others do not have strong enough a mana pool before they become of age, and trying to use your mana before your pool is strong will stunt your potential. But your mana pool is already strong enough to rival Syke; it is time better than any for you to start injecting your mana into your swordsmanship." The Duchess answered honestly, gesturing for both brothers to stand back as she casually wrapped the fingers of both hands around the hilt of the training sword, pulling it from the floor with ease.

In a casual long dress with hem that kissed the floor around her feet and long sleeves that caught the wind with every motion, Duchess Silvescue was dressed sorely for sword training. But this did not matter a single bit as she tapped into her mana, feeling the very familiar sensation rise up through her body, into the tips of her fingers, and out to the wooden sword held gently in her hands.

A light blue aura behaving very much like fire began to coat the wooden sword as both Dante and Vergil took a step back in unison, shocked but impressed at the feeling of power that they could feel emanating from the woman who had taken them in even from their distance.

Duchess Silvescue had simply looked like a middle-aged noble lady a few moments ago when she had been enjoying her break with tea under the tree, but all that had changed and the brothers realized that before them now stood the God of War who had conquered the War of Territories on their Kingdom's behalf.

And yet, all she held in her hand was Dante's abused wooden training sword.

The Duchess made a few simple swings and casual slices through the air with her aura-sword, and though she did not make any contact with the dummy that Dante had been unleashing on, the straws fell in thick batches, creating a steady mountain of debris around the stand.

"Injecting mana into a sword is the very basic of mana swordsmanship." The Duchess held the faint hint of a smile at the corner of her lips as she turned slightly to check that the pair of brothers still stood a safe distance away, watching her with mouths agape. The Duchess never liked to show-off her prowess at swordsmanship or mana-manipulation, but for some reason she enjoyed the stunned expression on her advisor-to-be's face.

Removing one hand from Dante's training sword, the Duchess channeled more mana into her free hand, focusing on solidifying the aura that emanated from her hand.

"What the hell?" The exclamation from the younger brother was impressed at the sight of a mana-sword forming in the Duchess's free hand.

The Duchess raised the mana-sword and performed a casual flick downwards in a vertical slice, and the dummy fell cleaning apart in two pieces on the floor, signaling an end to the showcase.

"That... that was crazy! What the hell; Captain Syke could only make himself a little bit stronger and faster with mana, but you can do so much more!" Dante gushed, running back quickly to the Duchess's side the moment she turned off her mana, the mana-sword disappearing and the aura on Dante's training sword dissipating.

"That was very impressive, Your Grace. You are indeed the God of War lauded by the Kingdom." Vergil spoke reverently with a humbled bow. "Dante and I have been honored to have been graced with a showcase of your powers."

"Just a showcase?" The Duchess raised her brow in curiosity at the simple assumption from her advisor-to-be. "I didn't come out here just to have tea and show-off, Vergil."

"I was under the impression that you had only decided to take a break when you heard that Dante was training alone, and that his hard work has motivated you to reward him with a show case of your abilities." Vergil's answer was respectful and cautious.

"I have much better things to do than just that." The Duchess answered, handing over the training sword back to the rightful owner, who received it as if it had suddenly become his most precious belonging. "Go change up and grab a sword yourself, Vergil."

"May I enquire your intentions, Your Grace?"

"I know you have been learning some swordsmanship from Dante at night, Vergil. Mana-manipulation doesn't require very skilled swordsmanship at all." The Duchess began to roll up her sleeves. "Dante, go fetch yourself and Vergil more dummies."

"You're going to train us?" Dante clearly had not changed at all in the past 4 years with his direct and honest words –something that her company of knights had been very charmed by. Dante was a simple, straight-forward boy. He spoke of his true and most honest thoughts all the time, and had no hesitation speaking about anything to anyone, including the Duchess herself.

"I am going to teach you and your brother, Dante." The Duchess strolled casually to where the basket of training swords had been left at the corner of the training grounds –meant for young knights and knights-in-training like Dante. "By the time I am done with the two of you, you should be able to wipe out the Kingdom's full army with just your training swords."


"Up for a drink, Lucianna?" The casual question was paired with the arrival of the well-built man in his casual clothes, a bottle of wine and 2 wine glasses in his hands as he strolled through the open doorway to her tent.

"That's General Silvescue for you, Sparda." The Duchess answered as she looked up from the map that she had been frowning upon. "And don't let anyone hear your words. The gossip will go all the way back home; your poor wife already has to deal with your sons alone – don't let her hear gossip of you inviting me for drinks and something more."

"What, so married men and married women cannot share a drink without gossip reaching the ears of our husband and wife?" Sparda chuckled as he shamelessly approached her table despite the fact that she had not issued her consent.

"We can, but walls have ears and people have poison on their lips." The Duchess rolled up the map to allow some space for her Lieutenant's wine and wineglasses. "Do you want the Duke Silvescue knocking on your door the moment you return home?"

"Your husband is a monstrosity rolled up in one." Sparda commented with another laugh. "Till this day I am surprised he didn't come running to the battlefield together with you."

"We played a game to see who would stay in the duchy to watch over Ronin. I won." The Duchess shrugged.

"It's my loss then. If the Duke was the one who won, I would be sharing raunchy stories of our wives with him instead of having to tiptoe around the God of War."

"Tiptoe?" She scoffed, accepting the wineglass that Sparda had offered her, swirling the wine. "Barging into my tent and asking for a drink doesn't seem like tiptoeing to me."

"If it was the Duke, we would be one foot in the horse-water, drunk on rum and singing songs of our wives by now." Sparda answered honestly with a shameless grin, and the Duchess once again was instantly reminded by how her husband had once belonged in the same band of mercenaries as the man who now stood in front of her, owning a fief of his own himself.

"Then thank goodness I was the one who won. A Duke and a Marquis drunk in the clouds and found hugging each other passed out in the mud would be sore news for your wife and sons."

There was soft pause as they lightly tapped their wineglasses against each other, throwing the beverage back in unison and downing the whole glass in one gulp. The sweet-sourness of the drink rushed down her throat, leaving a delectable aftertaste as she passed the wineglass back to her Lieutenant for another pour.

"Jokes aside, there has been news of an uprising back home. The aristocrats are taking the chance of you and I being gone to take action. I know you're not worried about your husband and Ronin, but things are a little different for me. My lovely Marquess has never held a sword her whole life, and the twin devils are too young to hold anything sharp without stabbing themselves first." Sparda's seriousness was the arrival of the strict Lieutenant that the Duchess knew the man for.

"You haven't taught them swordsmanship?" The Duchess asked with surprise. "Ronin began training with his father half a year ago."

"Don't compare your monster son with mine. Your entire family are monsters; who starts training children who barely mastered walking to hold swords?"

"I started around the same age." The Duchess defended simply.

"That's only because you were prophesized as the God of War the moment you were born. That's no basis of comparison."

"My husband didn't seem to see anything wrong with it. Besides, Ronin has been doing well. He will probably master basic swordsmanship by the time he grows to his father's waist, and from then on it will just be us waiting for his mana pool to grow enough to start mana swordsmanship."

"Listen to yourself bragging about your son's 'genius'." Sparda made a scowl before he took another gulp of the wine. "I can do the same: did you know that my sons have mana potential greater than anything anyone has ever seen? I even heard from a mana-assessor that Vergil's mana-pool at birth was already rivalling that of a boy near his coming-of-age. Dante loses out a little, but the two of them definitely have the potential to beat you if they started their mana training early."

"I'll gladly wait for the day they come to me for a challenge, then." The Duchess scoffed, the smirk pulling the corner of her lips at how the strict and stern Lieutenant in the day could appear as such a blindly-loving father in front of her. "I expect our sons will be as thick as thieves when we finish this god-forsaken war and go home."

"Let my babies get near you and your family of monstrous people? No thanks."

"You say it as if you are not a monster on the battlefield yourself. Are you intent on ignoring the nickname of the 'Legendary Swordsman' given to you by our soldiers?"

"It still sounds better than 'God of War' and 'Monster Duke of the Battlefield' that they've given you and your husband." Sparda retorted lightly.

"I shall strive to personally train your sons myself in mana swordsmanship when they are capable enough." The Duchess announced with conviction. On her face drew a full-grown smile which was a rare occurrence that usually only showed itself around the Duke and her young son. "When they have gained reputation enough to have nicknames, we shall compare once more."

"We'll see." Sparda promised, raising his wineglass once more for a toast even though they had already cleared 3 glasses each throughout their conversation. "To a future of boys with nicknames enough to terrorize the entire Kingdom."


"Here reads the will of the ex-Duchess Lucianna Silvescue: Her position as the Head of House Silvescue shall pass to her advisor and Acting Head Vergil. The command over the Silvescue Army shall be headed by Commander Dante. Cindy the maidservant will assist the new Head as the head butler." The officiant announced to a hall full of anxious and lethargic employees, as well as the representatives of the Kingdom, the temple and various noble houses who had come to attend the funeral.

Nobody was surprised or had any protests at the will of the late Duchess: they had all witnessed the intelligence of the Acting Head Vergil when the Duchess had been bedridden with her disease. They knew of the stories of the monster-slaying expeditions that Commander Dante had completed, and they knew of how Cindy the maidservant had been by the late Duchess's side ever since the Duchess assumed her position as the Head of House Silvescue.

"Together with the ex-Duchess's will, she had entrusted me with a few more documents to which I am instructed to announce before the representatives of the Kingdom, the Crown Prince, and the representative of the temple, the High Cardinal." The officiant continued after shifting the documents that had been retrieved from a tightly-sealed document holder that had been entrusted upon the Duchy's officiant months before the Duchess had seen an end to her long life due to disease of the lungs.

The officiant shuffled the papers balanced between his fingers in order to unfold the documents to show its contents, and Vergil took the moment to cast his eyes once more over to the open coffin that sat on the raised dais. The corpse of the Duchess laid motionless there, and despite the tears that he and his brother had shared on the day she had died, Vergil felt his eyes sting with familiar warmth again.

Dante's tears had come and gone many times since the day of the Duchess's death, but Vergil as the Acting Head of the House had to maintain his composure in front of the employees as he had arranged the details of the Duchess's funeral. He had kept the tears to himself in his bedchamber when he rested at night, but everyone could see the swollen eyes of the man when he appeared the next day.

"Let it be known that the two orphans I picked up from the streets so many years are not abandoned children by heartless biological parents. I did not pick the boys up on a whim despite all that I have said throughout their lives within Silvescue's doors." The officiant read from the document as a wave of surprise came around the crowd, eyes landing on the twins standing side by side in front of the employees.

"During the..." The officiant seemed to have read a little more from the document as his announcement faded off, a look of shock quickly drawn across his face as he digested the content written upon the late Duchess's writings.

"What's wrong?" The Crown Prince demanded, frowning at the suspense that the officiant had unintentionally placed upon the audience.

"I... Nothing... The late Duchess's words are simply too... surprising." The officiant responded quickly, reclaiming his wits and clearing his throat once more.

"After the War of Territories, I, Lucianna Silvescue, came back to a disaster that had occurred in my duchy. My husband and son had been murdered, and I was told that it was because of a rebellion of the aristocrats that cornered my husband who was not skilled at politics. As many of you know and remember, I was furious and I went on a purge. Many have died at my hands, and because of my actions, many people close to me have suffered at the retaliation from my enemies. Amongst them was Marquis Sparda and his family. I was too late to save him the day his mansion burnt down, and for the longest time, I –together with everyone in the Kingdom – assumed that his family had perished with him in the fire. That was until I heard of a pair of twin orphan boys the age of Marquis Sparda's sons appearing in my duchy. When I found them, they had lost all memories of their childhood –perhaps due to the trauma they had received."

It did not take very long for the dots to connect as the men in topic exchanged alarmed glances at each other. Neither of them remembered their lives before becoming orphans on the streets and had simply assumed that their parents had abandoned them. It was an assumption that it had been their luck that the Duchess had found them, and liked them enough to adopt them. But...

"From this day henceforth, let it be known that Vergil and Dante, the talented men to which I have refused to give my surname to, are not the commoners that the Kingdom assumes them to be. Vergil and Dante Sparda, take your father's name and everything I can give to you. Become the men that my Ronin Silvescue never got the chance to become." The officiant seemed to conclude, looking up directly at the pair who stood frozen side by side. "Fulfil your father's wish for you to become men who have great nicknames." 

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