Angel's Jealousy

A/N: Officially an unemployed member of my society, but if writing could be my employment, that would so nice.

Angel's Jealousy

Personality: Post-DMC4/Pre-DMC 5 Vergil

"Thanks, Elyon! You are the best angel out there!" Mora grinned at the angel who stood in the position of something like a brother. Blood ties were not a clear thing amongst her species, but if she had to give a human-term for the relationship between her and Elyon, that it would be a brother-sister one.

"Don't lose your soul." He bade as she waved, hand clutching her card that held the newest task.

"You too." Mora answered, and Elyon disappeared with a short puff of mist. Now that her companion was gone, Mora took a look back at her card more carefully now. It was the newest task; the newest soul to guide to the Afterlife.

Angels did not need to know directions to human destinations, because she focused on the words written on her card –knowing that it was a name of a certain place, certain street, certain city, certain country –and teleported. Her powers did not fail her, and she appeared on the walkway of a semi-busy street, a small crowd gathering diagonally in front of her. Her attention was not on the crowd, but on the one very confused and very ignored individual standing at the edge of the crowd.

"Hello, Tristan Morellis." Mora said in her friendly tone. Humans had many stories and images about Death, and it had at one point been an inconvenient obstacle in her job scope until she found out the best way to deal with newly-dead souls. "Will you come with me?"

"You can see me?" Tristan's reply was full of surprise, and even Mora had to admit that it was quite a waste to see such resplendent features sent away from this world. Still, the Master had a plan for everyone, and Mora was just a small cog in this clock. She had to turn to make things work, and she didn't want to question things more than necessary.

"I am the only one who can see you." Mora confirmed what the poor soul must have been flustering about. "I think you are smart enough to understand what has happened, right?"

"B-B-But it was all so sudden!" Tristan turned back to the crowd in horror. Humans were funny like that. Young or old; all of them always complained that their time was too short, that the death had come too sudden, without warning, had no mental preparation... All of such words had been repeated many times for Mora, but Elyon had explained to her that time was a concept that only humans understood, so it was hard for angels like them to interpret what was 'long' and 'short' in terms of time.

"I'm sorry that you died, Tristan." Mora said, something she had learnt to say after witnessing many souls freaking out and refusing to cooperate with her. "But you have to move on. I'm here to help you take the next step, to give you the courage to walk onwards."

"I don't want to! I want to go back!" Because souls didn't have a physical flesh body, they could not actually shed water. But Mora was sure that if Tristan had a physical body now, he would be leaking from the eyes –and possibly the nose.

"I'm sorry, but I won't be nice and try to coax you. We have to go, because angels are busy collecting souls, and I don't want to be accused of slacking on my job." Mora said, closing her hand firmly over Tristan's wrist and pulling with the strength of an angel.

Because neither of them possessed a true physical body, they found it absolutely easy to walk through the many obstacles in their path as Mora dragged the both of them in a beeline towards the nearest portal to the Haven, where his identity would be confirmed, and Mora would get another job done. Tristan himself was putting up some resistance, but after going through many many souls, Mora –and many other angels –had learnt that not every soul could be persuaded by words to walk through the portal by themselves. Force was sometimes needed, because human souls had emotions that made them drag their heels.

The noise of the human world did not enter Mora's ears primarily because she had little to care about her surroundings. The both of them were non-human beings now, and the only things that could touch either of them were non-human beings, which was unlikely to be found on such an innocent day.

Unfortunately, innocent was the last thing that could be used to describe the day today, because screams suddenly made Mora stop her footsteps in surprise. Her first thought was that someone had managed to catch sight of her dragging Tristan's soul away. Children were sometime the most observant humans of the lot, and strange ones were blessed with the ability to see them.

What she saw was not children staring and pointing at her, but something that made her hesitate. Demons had appeared at the end of the street without her knowledge, scattering the human crowd that had been fussing over Tristan's motionless physical body.

Mora's hesitation was less about fear but more about curiosity. Ever since the Purification War between angels and demons that concluded much earlier before Mora was created, angels were taught to leave demons alone no matter what they did. The two species stayed out of each other's path because there were honestly no gains for both sides from fighting. In fact, angels had rules that strictly forbade any actions taken against demons, because a careless hit could easily trigger another war.

Curiosity was probably not the best trait of an angel, because Mora had not seen many demons so far, and thus stood still now, waiting for the demons to come closer so that she could observe them. The last one she had met was when she had been with Elyon, and the demon had been a large dragon that decimated a whole city. Afterwards, Elyon and she had been busy bringing the many slayed souls away.

The demons this time were not dragons; they looked more like oversized cannibal dogs with large fangs and a pack mentality as they jumped around, claws and teeth baring... and was there a person in the middle of that mess of demons?

"Are you crazy??" Tristan The Soul demanded, shaking Mora out of her curious silence. "I know I'm already dead, but let's go! I don't want to be too close to the demons! They're bad news!"

The demand from the soul she was supposed to be escorting reminded Mora of the job she had been doing. Angel's responsibilities were to ensure that newly dead souls could find their way to Haven safely. Demons were non-human beings; souls could easily be damaged –or worse still, eaten –if angels let the souls do whatever they wanted.

Tristan had no problems following behind Mora now when her hand tightened over his wrist and hurried the both of them towards the nearest portal. She made her decision quickly too, as she stood the soul in front of the portal that was disguised as part of a blank wall.

"Just walk through here, and join the queue. Tell anyone who asks that you are assigned to Mora. I will catch up with you in a short while." Mora instructed, putting her arm through the portal to show the man where he was supposed to go.

"Why aren't you coming?" Tristan asked, but took a look over his shoulder and decided that he didn't need the answer to that question because the demons had gained yardage on them in the time it took for Mora to hustle him towards the portal. "It's okay, don't answer. See you, bye."

Mora turned around once her assigned soul was safely through the portal, caution and excitement running in equal parts within her when she found that the demon crowd was close enough for her to get details down now.

The details surprised her, because in the middle of the mess of dog-like demons jumping, growling, swiping and snapping, her suspicions were confirmed when she saw a humanoid figure in blue holding his sword and swinging it expertly. The man clearly knew what he was doing, because the large crowd of demons that she had seen at the end of the street had decreased half in size by the time they had migrated to where they were now, the dead bodies of slayed demons littering the empty road.

She made sure to stay out of the way, curious now at the identity of this human who seemed brave and strong enough to face down demons without even looking fearful at all. The white hair shone nicely, and Mora decided that this guy was probably one of those 'demon-hunters'. Elyon had told her about how humans had decided to grab their weapons and go hunting demons and were actually successful in some cases. Like how guiding souls were her job, there were some brave –and foolish –humans who actually treated killing demons their job. She had never understood the thinking of those people, but it was apparent to her that she was watching one of them in the middle of his job now.

The crowd seemed to thin as Mora dodged a few flying bodies of dead dog-demons. None of the demons paid her any attention –probably because they had the same rule to leave angels alone the same way she was supposed to leave them alone too. Mora watched, waiting for the last of the demon to be finished so that she could get a clear glance of the fearless and honestly quite effective demon hunter.

That was probably not something she should have wished, because the next moment, she saw a demon launch into the figure in the middle of the crowd. Mora blinked a few times, and the images that created were consecutive ones of a body flying closer and closer to her. She didn't have the time to move, but she even if she did, she wouldn't have because the man flying towards her was a human... right?

Apparently not.

What was supposed to be a body flying through her was completely wrong as Mora found herself colliding with the obstacle, and the both of them crashed into the wall behind her. It was less about pain and more about shock that kept Mora frozen as she sat on the floor with the man lying against her, motionless.

"Hey." Mora finally shook herself back to reality, shaking the man's shoulder, and peering down only to realise that his eyes were closed. He couldn't be an angel; angels knew better than to be fighting with demons. But he couldn't be a human as well, because humans could not touch her. There left only one possibility, but Mora couldn't understand why a demon like him had been fighting with his brethren –and apparently was on the winning end save one mistake.

The sound of growls suddenly reminded Mora that she was not alone on this street along with the now-unconscious man. Looking up, Mora's heart that had been silent and calm for a very long time skipped a beat, and she tensed up, her powers forming at her fingertips before she could put a lid on her instincts.

Closing her eyes at the sight of the dog demons flying towards her in a synchronised bunch, Mora felt warmth channel through her. Light blasted behind her closed lids, and Mora forced herself to open them after a long moment of hesitation, not very surprised to find herself alone –with Unconscious Man on her lap –on the street. What that was left of the dog-demons were their ashes littering the floor, and Mora only understood what she had done on instincts moment after.

She did not even get time to freak out about her situation when light shimmered in front of her, and an image of someone very familiar appeared in front of her.

"Gabriel!" Mora pushed Unconscious Man off her lap –ignoring him falling limply on the floor –and jump to her feet to greet the angel of highest authority. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry, Mora." The angel who had made himself out to be the big brother of every angel –including her and even Elyon –hung an apologetic look on his face. "I have to punish you for killing demons and going against the rules."

"B-But I was protecting myself!" Mora protested, not even bothering to try denying the truth. "They would have harmed me if I let them!"

"Their target was the one with you." Gabriel gestured to the still-unconscious figure lying on the floor. "You might have been harmed, but you would not have been killed. I know it would have been hard, but you should have resisted your instincts and allowed yourself to get injured. We would have made a case out of your incident to set our boundaries with the demons."


"Also, you cannot deny that you were the one who sent in your assigned soul alone through the portal first while you stayed back to watch the scene. If you left this place with him, this wouldn't have happened." Gabriel added, looking no happier about her situation than Mora was. Gabriel was the angel who set and enforced the rules of angels. Gabriel's judgement and punishment were akin to their Master's judgement and punishment, but that didn't mean that he took happiness in giving out punishments to the angels he considered his younger brothers and sisters.

"I will not take away your soul, Mora. You have not committed a sin that cannot be reversed. But there must be some punishment in place for killing demons." Gabriel continued when Mora lost words for her arguments. It was true; Mora had been the one who had been curious and stayed in the human world when she could have just walked through the portal nonchalantly with Tristan and finish her job.

"W-What will you do to me?"

"You will become a human temporarily." Gabriel announced. "You will still be able to see us, but until you find your playing deck again, you cannot return to us. I'm sorry, Mora, but punishments have to be made."

"Gabriel, please!" Mora begged, but her brother was not the angel of judgement for no reason. With an expression that reflected how much Gabriel didn't actually want to do something against her, he raised his hand towards her, and a glow much brighter than before flashed. Mora had to turn her face and eyes away from the glow, but quick as it began, it ended.

As soon as it was safe, Mora turned back but there was no angel to be found.

A fearful spiral started deep from within her as she extended her hand in front of her, and tried her hand at any power she could even think of.

Nothing worked.

It was as Gabriel had said. The truth sank in.

Mora sank to her knees, weeping.


"Your name's Mora?" The words finally made her look up from the shield over her face that she had made with her hands. Her eyes hurt –the first time they felt like that. Mora had never known that crying for too long would make eyes hurt and sting. She only knew –from observing the actions of humans –that crying made eyes red and puffy, and they certainly felt like that now as she looked up at Unconscious Man, except that he was now conscious.

"Yes..." Mora answered softly. Her throat felt raw too. Her body was filled with all sorts of sensations that she had never felt before. All they reminded her of was the fact that she was now no longer what she used to be.

"My name is Vergil. Come."

Mora blinked stinging eyes up at the man who stood in front of her. He had stirred from his own unconsciousness and seemed to be doing well. Back when she had been an angel, Mora had heard from Elyon about how humans usually had major problems after they hit their head hard. But that only applied to humans... and this man named Vergil was not a human.

"But you're a demon." Mora said softly. "I can't go with demons..."

"I don't think you can go anywhere in your current state." Vergil replied, threading his hand through his hair. He honestly didn't look as if he had been unconscious just minutes ago. "Also, I am not a full demon."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a half demon. And if what I heard in my semi-consciousness was right, neither were you a human before this."

"It doesn't matter, I'm a human now." Mora fought the rising heat that was rushing up her chest again. She had cried long enough to know that this feeling was the feeling humans got whenever their tears came up.

"Dry those tears and come. I would usually leave you like this, but I cannot deny the fact that you saved me... even though I doubt I would have died even if the dogs had their way with me until I came back to consciousness." Vergil instructed in an evened tone. "Can you stand?"

If Mora still had her pride as an angel, she would have said something sarcastic back in reply. But at the moment, she was still emotionally raw and not used to her body without powers and so she climbed slowly to her feet. Her body felt heavy and clumsy. Moving her arms and feet felt as if they had weights attached to them; as if she were pulling them through thick and dense muddy waters.

"Follow me." Mora looked up from her barely-stable legs to find that the man that she had saved (without meaning to) was already walking away.

"W-Where are we going?"

He stopped a few steps away, looking back with a clear expression of expectation.

"My place. A shelter and food is the only things I will offer you in reply for having done me a favour despite the fact that I didn't ask for one. Don't even think of asking for anything more. I will only have you for as long as you can return to your original state, but I'm not helping you more than that."

Mora might have had words of gratitude that she was getting adopted if she wasn't busy staring at the being who had dropped down from the sky behind Vergil.

"Elyon!" She exclaimed happily, pushing Vergil to the side as she threw herself to the angel that she considered her bother... and fell through him completely, falling to the floor once again.

"So it's true!" Elyon exclaimed as he reappeared in front of her, squatting down to meet her at eye level. "I couldn't believe it when I heard that Gabriel had punished you, but... What happened?!?"

"I accidentally killed demons!" Mora burst into tears again, though this time was more from the relief of finally seeing someone she knew would help her out. Elyon and she were always closest with each other, and Elyon as the angel who had lived longer had always taught her things and helped her out with precious advice. Unfortunately, Elyon's presence also tended to make Mora act more childish than her age. "This guy flew into me when he was fighting demons, and I was pinned under him. The demons were jumping on me, Elyon. I was so scared!"

"You killed demons?" Elyon repeated. "You know you're not supposed to do that!"

"I know!" Mora bawled. "But I was scared! Help me, Elyon! I don't want to be a human!"

"It's too late for that, Mora." The angel that she considered her brother answered with a heavy sigh as he reached out and his hand only went through hers. "We can't touch because you're human. Did Gabriel tell you how you can return?"

"He s-said I have to find my cards..." Mora sobbed, but the tears were slowing. For some reason, she was feeling dizzy.

"Don't worry. I won't let you stay like that for too long. I'll help you, Mora, so stop crying, please." Elyon was always weak to crying girls, and Mora's tears was the only thing in the world that an angel like Elyon was fearful of.

"I'm afraid! What if I can't go home? I don't want to be a human forever, Elyon. I don't know how to be a human!" Mora rubbed her eyes, but they were surprisingly dry. Had she run out of tears?

"Don't cry too much, Mora. Your eyes are already red." Elyon tried to wipe the tears, but once more his fingers simply penetrated through her skin. The frown only deepened at their situation, as Mora's breath caught while crying and she choked.

She was suddenly aware of something loud that she hadn't realised while sobbing. In fact, it was a rushing sound so loud that it seemed to drown out all other background sounds.

"You." A hand roughly grabbed one of Mora's hands, and she looked up instinctively to see Vergil staring back down at her, the frown deeply creasing his forehead. "Have you drunk anything at all since you became human?"

"D-Drink?" Mora choked the words, but she barely heard herself. Since she had already collapsed to the floor, Mora for some reason did not feel like she had the energy to regain her height. "How do I drink?"

"You haven't been drinking and you've been crying rivers..." Vergil said. "Stop it."

"S-S-Stop what?"


"I d-don't know how to..." Mora hiccuped. "I feel sleepy..."

"You're dehydrating." Vergil replied, his hand closing tighter around hers. "Stop crying. Now."

"I told you... I don't know how to..." Mora closed her tear-less eyes and faded away from consciousness.


"Have you gotten used to things?" Elyon asked one day as Mora sat alone in Vergil's apartment, left with nothing to do.

"I didn't want to get used to, but I have." Mora admitted morosely. "Being a human is hard, Elyon. They get tired and hungry so easily. If they have to defecate to get rid of the toxin from the food they eat, then why do they have to eat in the first place?"

"They were made with defects so that Master can watch how they get past those defects." Elyon answered the standard one –one that Mora had always known in the back of her mind as a knowledge, but now was being forced to recognise and put that knowledge to use. "Do you have any idea where Gabriel might have kept your cards?"

"No." Mora leaned back into the couch that had long absorbed the musky smell of the men who lived in the apartment. "If I did, I wouldn't be here waiting for something to happen. Please tell me you have some leads for me, Elyon. I really don't want to be stuck here."

"I know." The handsome brown-haired angel answered, his thinking face hung on while he leaned against the window sill. Despite the fact that angels had always been depicted in the human world as beings with wings or floating halos, it was simply not reflective of their kind. Angels and humans looked exactly the same physically –except for the fact that normal humans could not see or touch angels at all. "You still can see me and you still have your memories as an angel, so that means that Gabriel still wants you to come back to us."

"He did say he was sorry and that he had to give me a punishment." Mora added, thinking back reluctantly to the fateful day.

"I've talked to Gabriel. He also didn't want to punish you, but he had to. We can't blame him." Elyon said. "We just have to think hard and try to think of where Gabriel might have sent your cards. He can't have sent it too far if he wanted you to come back to us."

"Where else am I supposed to look? I already went back to that street a million times." Disheartened Mora was basically the standard version of her by now. It had already been a month, and even though she had learnt many things about being human from the pair of brothers who weren't even fully human in the first place, Mora wanted nothing more than to go back to her life as an angel.

"Did you check him?" Elyon asked, stressing the last word with a tone of contempt.

"I did. Him and his brother both." Mora had her butt almost sliding off the couch by now, but she maintained her balance and covered her eyes with her hands. "If you start on another rant about how Vergil is the cause of my situation, don't bother."

"I don't know why you are protecting him, Mora. He is the cause of all this, and he doesn't even raise a finger to help you out! If he wasn't half-demon, I would have done him in and stopped his soul from reincarnating immediately." Elyon's anger was stroked once again –something that Mora was now used to dealing. While the both of them exhausted themselves trying to find ways to bring Mora back, Elyon had also the extra capacity to build embers of rage against a very important person who had contributed to Mora's unfortunate situation, but had done nothing to help thus far.

"He is feeding and housing me already, Elyon. If he wasn't doing that, I wouldn't have the time to search for ways to go back." Mora reminded –back to the argument that she had been using repeatedly, but still had to continue using. "And both he and his brother are half-demons, so unless you want to get stuck in the same situation as me, you can't do anything to him."

"Not directly." Elyon's reply was suspicious enough to make Mora sit back up straight on the couch, eyes wide.

"What did you do this time?"

"I blunted his sword. I hope he dies this time." Elyon answered with a guiltless grin.

"Elyon!" Mora exclaimed, jumping up to her feet. "Can you please stop doing these petty things to him? He's not going to die just because his sword is blunt; he is a half-demon who kills demons for a living!"

"But he's taking a job killing a Death Reaper today. Even we angels know not to piss Death Reapers off, and he's going to try killing one today. With a blunt sword." Elyon's smile only grew wider instead at her exclamation. "I understand that you don't want to have bad intentions against him because you don't want to bite the hand that feeds you, Mora, but you are being too nice to him. He is the bastard you made you like that, and still leaves you alone in the house. I cannot accept that for you. You deserve more."

"Elyon, please!" She rushed to the house phone, picking it up from the cradle quickly. She had been taught to make and pick up calls after she freaked out at the machine's making noises all of a sudden one day. "Have you stopped to think that if he dies, then I'm going to be thrown out on the street and be hungry? Humans need things like identity cards to survive, and I wasn't given any of those when I changed human! I'll be locked up somewhere that I can't get out from, and I won't even be able to look for my cards then!"

Not waiting to listen to her now-guardian angel's reply, Mora punched in a few numbers and waited impatiently for the call to go through. Expectedly, it did rather quickly.

"What's up, babe? Did Vergil's room catch fire again?" Dante asked, as if receiving news of his brother's room catching fire was an everyday thing. The reminder, however, made Mora remember something else that Elyon had already attempted against the man who was currently housing her, and thus she glared at the angel of her thoughts while she replied.

"Is it true that Vergil took a job for a Death Reaper today?"

"Yeah. Why? Have you turned back angel, and want to help him out?"

"No, if I were already an angel, you wouldn't see or be hearing from me." Mora answered quickly. "Are you free now?"


"Can you go down to help him? I think he might be in trouble."

The laughter that replied her was insulting, but Mora waited nonetheless for it to lighten.

"Vergil in trouble is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard, Mora babe. That guy is never in trouble when it comes to demon hunting."

Mora briefly thought back on the time she had to save Vergil from dog-demons, when she turned herself into a human just because Vergil had been knocked unconscious from a kick.

"I know you're really proud of him and whatever, Dante, but he's fighting with a blunt sword now!" Mora insisted, annoyed that her worry was being looked down upon. "Vergil's sword is super blunt now, and I'm sure it can't even slice through jelly right now. Go help him, Dante. Give him a sword or something!"

"I didn't know you cared for him so much, babe. I'll get jealous." Dante's answer was so off-topic that Mora could not help her irritated click of tongue.

"Don't worry, Vergil's a half-demon. He actually doesn't even need that sword because he's a weapon on his own. But he uses it because it's a memento from our Dad. He'll survive." Dante answered quickly upon hearing her irritation through the phone. "But if you're really so worried, I'll swing around where he said he would be going just for a look."

"Can you do it now, Dante?"

"Huh, now? I just called for another round of drinks..."

"Now, Dante." Mora said sternly. "Now. Immediately."

"Fine." The man grumbled, and she heard him telling someone to cancel the last order and that he was getting the bill. "Vergil better thank me for this."

"He won't." Mora answered knowingly. "But I'll thank you now, Dante. Thanks."

"All for a pretty lady waiting for me at home." Mora was used to the flirtatious words by the man by now. "Don't turn back into an angel yet, babe. I haven't had the chance to see an ex-angel naked yet."

"Try that, and the one whose room is on fire is going to be yours." Mora threatened lightly, but hung up the call shortly after.

She spun around to face Elyon, the words ready to burst from her lips since she had actually forgotten that she had yet to give her brother-angel a good talking to about setting Vergil's room on fire just because he had been 'angry in her stead' about her situation. Elyon had clearly not considered many things –like how setting Vergil's room on fire actually put Mora in a humanly dangerous situation, and how after the fire was put out, the man had to move to sleep in her room because Dante's room was too small, and too dirty for him to even consider moving there to sleep.

Of course, sleeping with Vergil in the room –and actually the same bed because the man wasn't gentlemanly enough to offer to sleep on the floor –had absolutely no extra meaning because Vergil was as sexual as a piece of wood. Mora as an ex-angel herself hadn't even considered the implications of sleeping with a human –or half of one –of the opposite gender until Dante's endless insinuation the day after.

"I have to go. Gabriel is calling me." Elyon seemed to know exactly what Mora had intended to say, and before she could make any attempt to stop him –not that she would be able to since she was still human and essentially had no physical way or preventing the angel's departure –the angel disappeared as quickly as he appeared every time.

"Elyon!" Her exclamation was lost when it went unheard, leaving Mora alone yet again in the apartment.

Sighing to herself even though it was a complete waste of energy, Mora stepped into her now-shared room with Vergil and changed out of Vergil's shirt that had been long enough to act as her nightgown. Dante had called it the 'boyfriend shirt', but whatever insinuation he had been trying to make had been lost on the both of them because firstly, Vergil didn't give a damn about what his brother thought about his sexuality and secondly, Mora just wanted to have as little excuse as possible to wash whatever little clothes that Vergil had picked up from a thrift store for her.

Standing in front of the mirror, Mora grimaced at the fashion that she had been forced to don on solely due to the fact that her host had not been kind enough to try picking out a fashion that was acceptable on the streets when they went to the thrift shop. In her early days as a human, Mora hadn't been aware of how she had been standing out but now that she was a month into this situation, she had recognised that the number one reason she was getting stares on the road was not because she walked between two handsome men like the Sparda brothers, but more because she was always dressed weirdly in barely-matching clothes.

Deciding that today would be the day that she would be dressed strangely no more, she moved to Vergil's side of the room and crouched at the pile of clothes that they had managed to save from the fire. They hadn't gotten around setting his room back in order, so his clothes were sitting folded on the floor a corner of her room, and now were free for her taking.

Deciding to just take his coat since he was obviously not her size, Mora stood in front of the mirror once more, this time with his blue coat settling oversized on her shoulders. It didn't matter because oversized coats were better than obviously oversized clothes. Spinning around, she made sure that the hem of the coat did not sweep the floor since she was shorter than the man, she deemed herself a sight normal enough for the streets outside the house as she gave herself one last pose in front of the mirror, hands tucked in the coat pockets.

Her hands bumped into something solid but light, and thus pulled out the item curiously from Vergil's coat pocket.

And then stared as it glowed brightly.

Mora was frozen, blinking at the golden card pinched between her fingers for a long time even as a familiar warm feeling spread throughout her slowly starting from her fingertips. Then, even as she stayed motionless, her eyes began to pick out the words that glimmered on the card.

Tristan Morellis: Reclaimed

The name struck her like a bell. It was the name of the soul she had been collecting the day she met Vergil. It was the name of the soul she had sent going into the portal first while she stupidly stayed behind.

And if she could see his name and his soul's status now on her card when normal human eyes would only see an opaque golden card... then it meant that she...

Mora breathed in, and focused on the things around her.

It didn't even take any extra effort for Vergil's clothes to float from the floor, joining where her own clothes were floating too. She had her powers back. Mora flexed the fingers on her free hand, staring in wonder. Was she really...?

A bright glow behind her made Mora turn around and the grin drew across her face immediately when she saw her favourite angel –the same one who had run away just not long ago with the excuse that he had a calling from Gabriel –appeared from the glow with a wide surprised smile.

"Mora, you're back!" He exclaimed, engulfing her in a large hug. "I can feel your essence as an angel again!"

"I'm back!" She was elated herself to be back to her original form, though this time she made sure to hold onto her card for dear life. Would she turn back into a human once she let it go? She didn't even want to try tempting fate as she hugged Elyon back, the two of them sharing excitement.

"Let's go and leave this god-forsaken place." Elyon urged once they had finished their hugging session.

"Wait." She stalled, looking around her. "Let me go to Vergil. I have to thank him."

"Thank him?" Elyon repeated in horror. "Why are you thanking him? He's the one who made you like that!"

"But he's also the one who got me back." Mora showed her golden card. "I found my card in his coat pocket."

"That only means that he found your card and was deliberately keeping it from you for as long as he could! He wanted you to stay with him and stay as a human! That disgusting being!" Clearly despite her regaining her form, the man was still very much upset at a certain half-demon who had been indirectly responsible for putting Mora through the whole mess.

"I don't think he did, Elyon. I haven't seen him wear this coat since the day I became human. I don't think he even knows that he had it in the first place. And you can't be more wrong. Vergil wants me to get out of the house as soon as possible. Dante is the one who likes having me around because he can spread gossip about his brother sleeping with a woman." Mora explained carefully, but the words were not sinking in.

"You don't know how crafty demons and humans are, Mora! If he is half-demon and half-human, then it only goes to show that he is twice as crafty as any average human or demon. You don't have to come up with excuses for him. I'm going to show him once and for all exactly what I think about him putting you in that horrible situation." Elyon declared heavily, and Mora knew immediately that his anger had boiled past the usual state –though she wasn't sure why at all.

"Elyon!" She exclaimed, holding his hand to stop him and glad that she was an angel now because she could stop the angel physically once again. "Don't do anything stupid! Don't forget; he's a half-demon! If you do anything to him, you're going to be the one who is going to turn human."

"Don't worry." Her brother's evil grin was unexpected and took her off her stride for a moment. "I have other ways to get to him other than just setting his room on fire or killing him directly."

"What do you mean?" Mora asked, but the angel only maintained his smile, teleporting the both of them.


Mora let go of her brother when they appeared on an unfamiliar rooftop. She could immediately sense demons in the building opposite and a lack of humans. Worse still, she sensed the presence of two half-demons inside the building as well, and there was no questioning who those two half-demons were.

"What are you thinking of doing? Dante is innocent!" Mora exclaimed. She had known that Elyon's anger was always at Vergil, but did that warrant the need to harm Vergil's twin brother too? Sure, the man had always given her suggestive and flirtatious comments but he had never acted the way he insinuated. The man knew his boundaries and was in general not a bad guy –like his twin brother despite Vergil's character flaws.

"They won't be killed; I promise you." Elyon waved his hand, and Mora was horrified to hear loud cracks from the building opposite them. The whole building seemed to shake all of a sudden as if a major earthquake had hit –but yet it was only that one single building that was shaking all by itself. Even from the outside, Mora could see the cracks and fault lines that were crawling up the sides of the building as it shook terribly.

"Elyon!" She exclaimed in horror.

"There are no humans there, don't you worry. I'm just giving them a taste of what they should not have come into contact with. They were dealing with a human version of you and they could never see me, Mora. They didn't know how powerful angels like us can be."

"You're being stupid and reckless!" She scolded unhappily and jumped to street level in front of the quaking building that was starting to crumble. Flying up quickly took no effort on her part as all as she looked in through the windows trying to find the half-demons who had found themselves trapped in a collapsing building.

She found them easily in the tenth floor, slicing through demons while attempting to stay on their feet in the quaking building. Yelling in frustration, she summoned a portal right next to both men and sent a strong gush of wind from their sides, pushing the both of them through the portal just as the ceiling crashed right into the area where the brothers stood just moments ago.

"Mora!" Vergil's voice was still calm as Mora looked down at the pair of half-demons still relatively safe on the street outside while the building in front of them crumbled to pieces.

Surprised, Mora dropped back to street level to stand in front of them curiously.

"What is this about?" Vergil declared with a huge frown. "Have you regained your powers?"

"Y-You... can see me?" Mora asked, then hurried to test out her powers, lighting a flame dancing on her palm with no problem. "I've regained my powers, but you can see me?"

"Of course. Am I not supposed to?" Vergil's answer was interrupted shortly after when Dante grabbed his brother's shoulder to grab his attention.

"Who are you talking to, Verge? Are you crazy now?" Dante asked, reflecting the usual occurrence, except that Vergil apparently wasn't 'usual' or 'normal'.

"I'm talking to Mora. You cannot see her?" Vergil asked, but turned back to Mora with a raised brow in a silent demand for an explanation.

"You're not supposed to be able to see angels. Only souls waiting to be collected should be able to see us. You couldn't see Elyon in the past... but I've turned back. You shouldn't be able to see me."

"Well, I can see you. What were you thinking; collapsing the building?" Vergil was quick to demand, and Mora raised both hands in defence quickly.

"It wasn't me! It was Elyon. He was angry at you because I found my card in your coat pocket. He thought you found the card and kept it a secret from me purposely to keep me human. I came to save the two of you before something bad happened." Mora exclaimed, then thought quickly about the angel who had been the reason behind the whole collapse of the building, looking up in hopes to catch a sight of the angry angel. "It's strange, he should be here... He hates leaving me close to you guys."

"Enough to set my room on fire." Vergil added. "I'm glad to be rid of you if I can be rid of a petty angel like him breathing down my back."

"I told you I'm sorry about him." Mora answered, then craned her neck to look up for any signs of Elyon. "Where is he?"

"Go to hell!" The exclamation came loud and honestly took them by surprise as someone launched himself at Vergil. Angel instincts worked well for Mora as she dodged the flying missile of Vergil and their newcomer, both of them crashing into the ruins of the collapsed building.

"Verge!" Dante ran after his brother, but it was clear that backup was not needed when Vergil jumped out from the wreckage himself, looking completely fine.

"Elyon!" Mora exclaimed as she ran to the unconscious man still lying in the ruins.

"That's Elyon?" Vergil asked from behind her. "Disappointing."

"What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything. He knocked himself unconscious." Vergil answered, brushing his arms off the dust from the rubble of the building.

"Then how is he a human?"

"That's his punishment, Mora." The new voice made her straighten up, turning around to see a familiar sight.

"Gabriel! What do you mean that is his punishment? There were no humans in the building, was there?"

"No, but there were demons." Gabriel answered with a shake of his head. "I kept telling him that harbouring hatred for the half-demon would put himself at risk, but he just wouldn't listen."

"Are things the same for him? Does he have to find his cards too?"

"Yes. His cards will be harder to find, because he is punished not only for killing demons, but also affording a jealousy unbecoming of angels."

"Jealousy?" Mora repeated in confusion. "Not rage?"

"Jealousy." Gabriel answered. "The rage was born from the root of jealousy."

"Jealous of what?" Mora could not understand as she attempted to touch the man, but her hand only went through the same way hers had when their situation had been reversed.

"Of him." Gabriel answered, pointing at the half-demon still waiting patiently in front of her for an explanation. "Elyon was jealous that the half-demon could spend more time with you than he ever did."

"What?" Mora exclaimed. "Why would he be jealous of Vergil for that? Vergil didn't even want me staying with him longer than I needed."

"And now that you are an angel, you're not staying." The man in topic added.

"Of course, I have no intention of staying here any longer." Mora answered quickly, looking down at the unconscious man. "But you need to take Elyon in in my place."

"What? No."

"You took care of me when I was human, Vergil. You need to do the same for Elyon. Please."

"You're forgetting the fact that he was the one who set my room on fire. I owed you for saving my life. I owe him nothing. In fact, he owes me."

"Elyon became like this because you made me human. I'm not like him and I won't set your room on fire, but if you don't agree to take Elyon in, I might do something you don't like." Mora threatened, then leaned into Vergil's personal space, knowing exactly how the man hated it. Back when she was still human, she had avoided doing as such because she knew that she needed to stay alive and unscathed for as long as she could before she found a way to regain her original form. But now that she was back to being an angel, and all powerful...

"I've heard enough from you to know your weakness. You can't harm me directly, or you might risk getting punishment for harming a half-demon like me." Vergil scoffed, and his act of being completely unaffected by her threat would be much more convincing if he didn't step away from her awkwardly.

"I can't harm you directly." Mora grinned, then walked with exaggerated calmness over to where his twin stood, still completely confused at how a man had appeared out of nowhere to tackle Vergil, and how Vergil was still talking to mid-air, addressing Mora. "But I can annoy Dante, and he will annoy you."

The look on Vergil Sparda's face in reply to her threat made her entire month of being a human completely worthwhile.

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