5.5 - We're The Guardians Of The Galaxy, Bitch

A/N - Sorry for the long wait but I just had to have a mental detox for a little bit but I'm back now and back to it. Hope you guys understand and I appreciate your patience.

At the time of finishing this it's officially my birthday and I'm 21, sure as shit feel a lot older. Anyways hope you enjoy and thanks for the support.


Y/N and the rest of the group minus Rocket boarded The Milano. ready to go head first into battle with Ronan. Quill and Gamora were in the front of the spacecraft whilst Y/N, Drax and Groot were in the back.

Y/N strapped himself in and commented "Rule number Four of Zombieland - Buckle Up."

"Strap in, it's gonna be a bumpy ride."

Y/N hummed in approval as he looked to his shipmates "ARE YA READY KIDS!?" Y/N yelled to the other members on board with a unbridled enthusiasm.


"We are not children, they wouldn't last out here. Ronan's men would use them as playthings." Drax said bluntly to Y/N.

"Playthings, children." Y/N said in between laughs as he pointed to Drax "Clever."

Venom then looked towards Peter "Hey Quill, you got any music that says 'Epic space fighting that may lead to imminent death.'"

"Oh hell yeah!" Quill blurted out then he hummed for a few seconds as he glanced through his musical collection before his eyes lit up on a particular record "Perfect!"


"The Bee Gees? Good choice." Y/N complimented, sending a small thumbs up in Quill's direction.

Quill glanced back to Y/N "I know right, because that's what we're gonna be doing." He around looked at everyone individually before facing forwards "Stayin' Alive!" He declared.

Gamora groaned internally "We're all gonna die." She muttered under her breath so that no one could hear.

Soon after The Milano and The Ravager ships took to the skies with their coordinates locked onto The Dark Aster, where the Infinity Stone wielding tyrant was on board.

As the ships got closer, the Ravager ships fired two ginormous orange spherical projectiles towards the Dark Aster.

"Burn, Baby, Burn!" Y/N started singing as the fiery balls hurtled their way towards the massive enemy spacecraft.

Fighters within The Ravager ships and The Dark Aster watched the scene unfold before their eyes when the orange projectiles made contact with seemingly thin air however it actually made contact with The Dark Aster's forcefield paving the way for The Milano and the Ravagers.

"Dive!" Gamora ordered, then all of the ships descended below the blazing wall that had formed, with the ships using it as a cover to hide themselves from Ronan, Nebula and the soldiers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen if anyone wants to get out now......... Well if you want to get out then you're shit outta luck." Y/N announced.

"Who needs luck when you've got skills!"

Peter looked to his left at the raccoon piloting one of the other crafts "Rocket, hurry!"

Rocket along with a few other Ravager ships flew ahead of the other ships and then began firing a bunch of heavy duty rounds into the side of Ronan's ship.

"AGGHHHHHH!" Rocket roared as he unloaded the barrage of bullets.

Almost immediately after the Dark Aster became under attack, they responded by unleashing an armada of Necrocrafts upon them who began firing at them.

"That is A LOT of fucking ships." Y/N commented as Quill was attempting to weather the storm of flying through the destruction that had began raining down upon them.

Drax held onto his seat and said "I am feeling less confident about Stayin' Alive." He commented on the hundreds or possibly thousands of ships coming their way.

"Chill out Mr Gloom and Doom, this is merely just a little obstacle." Y/N reassured the literal alien.

Rocket and the other Ravagers meanwhile had finally managed to blow a whole into the side of the Dark Aster then began flying away from the area "Quill, Yondu. Now!" He ordered.

Quill then placed some more power into the thrusters and accelerated forward towards the Dark Aster.

Gamora looks around at the demolition ensuing around The Milano and how they and the Ravagers were insanely outnumbered "There's too many of them Rocket, we'll never make it!"

"Well we won't with THAT attitude." Y/N retorts as he put his feet up, being extremely relaxed despite the current climate.

The Milano was then hit by a necroblast near the wing of a the spacecraft "That is very not good." Venom commented.

As the group was about to be overwhelmed by the fleet of Necrocrafts but back up of their own arrived in the form of Golden star shaped ships.

"Peter Quill, this is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. For the record, I advised against trusting you here."

Quill exclaimed victoriously "They got my dick message."

Y/N narrowed his eyes at Quill and asked "Oh my God! You sent them a dick pic!" Y/N then gasped and put both his hands on his cheeks.

"What!? No, that's disgusting!" Quill looked back, offended by Y/N's comment.

Denarian Saal could hear the exchange between the two and sighed in discontented "Prove me wrong."

With the help of the Nova Corps, Peter managed to pilot The Milano into the hole that Rocket and the other Ravagers had created.

The metal of the Milano screeched against the floor of the Dark Aster as Y/N, Venom and Drax were cheering and chanting pure delight whilst Quill navigated the spacecraft through the belly of the giant ship whilst simultaneously firing at the soldiers on board.

After a few seconds, the Milano came to a stop with the backseat passengers all cheering in utter joy at the escapades that they had partaken in whilst Quill and Gamora were panting in relief.

"That was fucking awesome!" Y/N chanted as he looked to Groot and Drax holding his hand to the others.

"Why are you holding your hand up?" Drax asked with confusion as per usual.

Y/N made a little 'ooh' noise and responded "It's an Earth way of showing that something's great or good. You slap another person's hand with your own."

Drax looked at Y/N strangely before slapping Y/N's hand with his own before looking very proud of himself "Being an Earther is easy." He stated happily.

"Uhhh sure it is." Y/N commented as he got out of his seat then looked at Quill who was evidently distraught about the destroyed state of The Milano, Y/N patted Quill's shoulder "I really hope you have insurance on this baby"

Quill huffed and walked ahead as Y/N smirked a little whilst Venom said "Guess he didn't have insurance."

Y/N had placed his mask on his face as the group consisting of Y/N, Peter, Gamora, Drax and Groot trudged through the Dark Aster intent on finding the genocidal Ronan.

"I can barely see." Drax complains as he squints his eyes in attempt to get a better look of the environment whilst the group continue on.

After hearing what Drax had said, Groot opens up his and released glowing particles from his body which lights their path.

Y/N had a look of amazement plastered on his features before he turned tp look at Groot "You're just a walking advertisement for Green Energy aren't you?"

"I Am Groot"

"I'm pretty certain that he said 'Fuck yeah, I am.'"

The group looked in awe at the light show that Groot had created, Drax then spoke up "When did you learn to do that?"

"I'm pretty sure the answer is 'I am Groot.'" Quill answered

Thanks to the the well lit spores that Groot had created, Gamora could now see a clear path "The flight deck is three hundred meters this way."

The group continued their journey towards Ronan as Drax had something he wanted to get off of his chest "I want you all to know that I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders."

"We're literally the Galaxy's biggest fuck ups, you've found your people." Y/N joked with Drax.

Drax nodded in agreement with Y/N "It is pleasing to once again have friends. You, Y/N and Venom are my friends."

Venom made a quick appearance "Thanks man."

"Yeah, thanks Drax. I'll make sure to but you a Christmas card this year." Y/N said, he could see Drax was about to ask something so just added in "It's an Earth holiday of giving and receiving a bunch of cool ass shit."

Drax wanted to pry more into Y/N's Terran culture but decided to stay on the path he was before "You, Quill, are my friend."


"This dumb tree, he is my friend."


"And this green whore, she, too..."

"Oh, you must stop!" Gamora turns on her heel to scold him however they are stopped, as the quintet hear another person jump down onto the ground in front of them.

They all turn to see Nebula attempting to halt their progress in getting to Ronan as she gets ready to battle the group but singles out her sister "Gamora, look at what you have done."

Y/N stands next to Gamora protectively and looks at Nebula "Excuse me, you're kinda in the way so if you could be a darling and move out the fucking way then I won't have to put your head on my wall." Y/N threatened the blue woman.

Nebula then snaps at Y/N "This doesn't concern you, Terran."

"Fine, fine, fine. Please continue your villain monologue." Y/N shoots Nebula an inviting arm before taking a step back.

Nebula snarls at the Terran Mercenary before reverting her attention back to Gamora "You have always been weak, surrounding yourself with this scum. You stupid, traitorous..."

Her insults were then cut off by Drax firing his Rocket Launcher at Nebula sending her flying backwards.

"Nobody talks to my friends like that." Drax declares.

Y/N clapped his hands at Drax's actions and turned to Gamora "Well if shooting your sister with a rocket launcher after calling you a green whore isn't a sign of friendship....... then I don't what is."

Venom made another quick appearance to the group "He's right, that nearly brought a tear to my eye."

"They are right. You, Gamora are my friend." Drax corrects himself from earlier.

Gamora sent Drax a miniscule smile signifying that she was grateful before ordering the four men "Head to the flight deck. I'll shut down the power to the security doors."

Quill, Drax and Groot went on ahead whilst Y/N stayed behind and spoke to Gamora, he nodded towards Nebula "Your sister is a real bitch, you know that?"

Gamora let out a small chuckle then glanced back at where her sister was and saw that she was putting herself back to her, she then pushed Y/N slightly "Now will you get out of here, the idiots need to stick together."

'Surely that doesn't include me?' Venom thought to himself.

"Ouch, I'm getting you back for that." Y/N playfully threatened.

"I'm sure you will. Now. Get.Out." she far less playfully threatened, instead almost demanded.

"Alrighty then." Y/N ran off to join the others but called out as he was going "Have fun fighting your sister!"

Gamora merely shook her head at Y/N's easy going behaviour before getting herself in the right state of mind in order to battle her sister.


Y/N, Quill, Drax and Groot went off to the flight deck where Ronan was situated however before they could they came face to face with Korath and a horde of Sakaaran soldiers.

"Star-Lord" Korath said dryly.

"And Venom, Y/N, Drax and Groot but yeah just mention him, whatever I don't care."

"Sounds like you do care." Y/N teased to which the Symbiote grunted in response.

Peter smiled at the use of his outlaw name "Finally."

A small fight took place between the group and Ronan's minions. Y/N immediately unholstered his swords and then swiped down low, cutting two Sakaaran soldiers legs clean off by the knee then grabbed their remaining bodies and threw them at other soldiers, knocking them to the ground like bowling pins.

"Noice." Venom commented.

Y/N ran at another Sakaaran soldier who tried to attack him however Y/N did a front flip over his head and whilst still in mid-air, thrusted his swords into the back of the unfortunate soldier's head with the tips of the swords coming out where his eyebrows would've been.

Y/N looked down at his handy work and said "Don't worry, eyebrows are overrated nowadays."

Y/N glanced over to how the others were doing and saw that Korath was about to do double hammer fists onto a downed Quill so instinctively ran over and did a mid air spin kick onto Korath's jaw sending him straight into a wall.

"Sorry bro, I didn't see you there." He yelled at Korath as he offered his hand to Quill to get him to his feet.

Quill then started firing at Sakaaran soldiers with his element blasters whilst Venompool went off to battle another small squadron of Sakaaran soldiers.

"Wanna run out?" Y/N asked Venom who grinned mischeviously.

"Obviously, I'd like to kill people."

Venom took control of Y/N's body and took his full form and then pounced on the hapless soldiers as he literally tore them limb from limb whilst using their loose appendages to beat the shit out of the others.

Venom grabbed some parts of Ronan's men and began munching on them "Damn, Sakaarans taste great." He said with a muffled voice before swallowing, he let out a moan of approval "Fuel in the tank."

Venom morphed back into Venompool's suit after the massacre had been carried out, he joined Quill and Groot as they all watch Drax slam Korath against the wall, holding him harshly as he grabbed a cybernetic component on Korath's head who was screaming in pain.

"Finger to the throat means death."

Drax then rips out the cybernetic part put of Korath's head causing him to drop and he slid down the wall as his body twitched on the floor after being unplugged.

Drax looked back to the trio and mildly smiled.


Y/N and Quill looked at each other then back at Drax and replied in unison ",Yeah, sorta."

Y/N went to Drax and offered some advice "If you want to do more Terran things then say something cool and clever after you kill someone." Y/N looked at dead Korath on the floor and snarled "Power's out Fuckface."

Drax looked at Y/N strangely "Your people are very strange."

The group of four then tried to head up to the flight deck however were intercepted by two squadrons of Sakaaran soldiers in straight lines.

Y/N saw the formation that they were in and chuckled "They make it too easy."

"They really do."

However before they got the chance to attack them, Groot stepped forward and roared as his arm extended into a long branch as he impaled his wooden arm into their torsos and lifted them up off of the floor slightly and began smashing them into each other and the walls, roaring whilst he did it.

He then looked back at the three guys with a prideful smile at what he had just carried out.

"Groot! You just totally stole my thunder." Y/N complained to the tree like humanoid "But I'm willing to forgive you because that was really fucking cool."

Groot looked even more proud of himself "I Am Groot."

"It's okay, apology accepted." Y/N said gratefully tapping the shoulder of Groot as he walked past him.

Groot looked back to Quill and Drax confusedly "I Am Groot?"


Rocket fired up at the Necrocrafts that were practically Kamikazes at this point as they dive bombed into the helpless city down below.

From the flight deck Ronan's authoritative voice could be heard as he warned "Xandar, you stand accused. Your wretched peace treaty will not save you now. It is the tinder on which you burn!"

With no effort, Ronan released a thick purple beam from his Infinity Stone enhanced hammer straight into the Nova Corp protective net.

As soon as the beam made contact with one of the Nova Corp ships, a huge fire erupted which caused a domino effect into the other ships which all began exploding, breaking the barrier around the Dark Aster.

"Rocket!" Denarian Saal called out to the Raccoon in desperation as his ship was being crushed.

"Hold on Saal!"

As soon as Rocket said that, he heard the pained screams of Saal whose ship exploded along with all the other Nova Corp ships disintegrated into nothingness.

Rocket looked up in horror at all the lives that Ronan had taken in the blink of an eye and updated the others of what the situation was outside "Guys, you gotta hurry. The city's been evacuated, but we're getting our asses kicked down here."

The others meanwhile were kicking a whole load of ass of even more Sakaaran Soldier Units that had tried to apprehend them, however the group managed to terminate them with ease.

"Gamora hasn't opened the door yet." Quill said standing by the door, banging on the metal of the entrance to the flight deck.

Y/N meanwhile was donning the Hadron Enforcer with the help of Drax using the brief amount of time that they had to prepare.

"How do I look?" Y/N asked Drax confidently with the heavy duty gear on his body.

"Like you........ but with large weaponry that will obliterate Ronan attached." Drax replied through gritted teeth knowing that his sworn enemy was only metres away from him.

"I'm not sure why I'm asking you about fashion from a guy who doesn't wear a shirt." Y/N states.

As soon as Y/N says that the door opens, indicating Gamora had completed her task which was soon even more evident as she blasted a hole through the roof and jumped down to join them after they had ran through the door.

"I bet you're glad that we had that good luck kiss before the fight." Y/N commented as the group reunited.

This piqued Star-Lord's attention "Sorry, you had a good luck what now?" He asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

Y/N glanced back at Peter "I told you, I have a natural charm with the women." He said with a small cocksure laugh afterwards.

Peter narrowed his eyes slightly at Y/N whilst Gamora scolded Y/N "Do you ever take anything seriously!?" She yelled as Y/N got Ronan in his sights of the Hadron Enforcer.

"NOPE!" Y/N said loudly which caught the attention of Ronan who turned around to face the group.

"Goodbye, Sweet Child O' Mine" Venom quietly vocalised as Y/M fired the Hadron Enforcer at the Kree tyrant.

The tiny missile exited the weapon and directed itself towards Ronan, time seemed to slow down as the projectile made contact with Ronan's chest and detonated creating a huge cloud of smoke.

Everyone covered their eyes instinctively as the smoke got thicker in the room however they looked up after a couple of seconds.

"You did it!" Drax exclaimed however the celebrations had to be put on hold as they could all see that Ronan was unfortunately still on his feet.

"You idiot! Why did you aim at his chest." Venom yelled towards his host.

"What! That fucking thing but him straight in the chest!"

"You should have gone for the head."

Ronan then slowly lifted his hammer in the direction of the Quintet and then swiftly shifted his hammer onto it's side and let out a low energy discharge, knocking all of the group of their feet and onto their asses.

Y/N moaned as he sat up from the floor "You dick gargling blue bitch, You've got a fucking cheat code!"

"Watch your mouth Terran!" Ronan warned as he aimed his hammer at them again.

Y/N was the first to get up to his feet and retorted "I've tried, it's completely fucking impossible."

Ronan aimed another small Bakst at the group however instinctively Y/N create two tendrils and attached them to ceiling of the flight deck, pulling himself off of the floor avoiding the attack.

Y/N then swung towards Ronan and kicked him straight in the chest, sending him and his hammer backwards.

Y/N landed on his feet as he looked at the downed Accuser with a smirk showing behind his mask "You know if that was on Pornhub, you'd find it in the 'Rough Ass Fucking' section."

Ronan growled at Venompool as he got to his feet "Stupid Terran! You're constant use of profanity shows how truly primative you really are."

"Uhhh I disagree, profanity is what I would call 'sentence enhancers', really make something more meaningful like me calling you fucking anal bead is better than just calling you an anal bead." Y/N hastily explained to Ronan.

Ronan grunted at in his mind Y/N's asinine defense of himself "You are a pitiful excuse for a living creature."

Y/N slapped his hands almost in delight "Wow, how did you know that's what I say to myself every morning?"

"I shall enjoy killing you with my bare hands." Ronan enjoyably expressed as he approached Y/N.

Y/N groaned a little as the Kree native approached "I guess we've got to be honourable and shit."

"Weaponless fighting, come on Y/N. This was like pre-powers you!" Venom encouraged.

Y/N pondered on it for a few seconds "Eh, I do miss pre powers Y/N."

"See, I knew you'd be down. Now duck."

Before Y/N could question he had to dodge the quick combinations that Ronan was producing "Ah shit fuck." Y/N exclaimed as he continued evading the punches.

"Aghhh" Ronan moaned in frustration that nine of his attacks were landing "Stop moving."

"Oh yeah, because that'll make me stop." Y/N sarcastically taunted as he replied with his fists instead landing a brutal jab to the torso followed by a hook which properly clanged Ronan's jaw making him stumble backwards.

Y/N did a crotch chop "Please feel free to suck on my dick."

Y/N's mocking only angered Ronan further who then made the executive decision to charge at Venompool who responded with a ruthless roundhouse kick directly to the side of his face with the force of the kick sending him flying backwards once more.

"Man Joe Rogan, would be going crazy if he just saw that!" Y/N commented, however whilst he was talking, Ronan began making a desperate attempt to scramble over to his Power Stone enhanced weapon.

Y/N then noticed what the genocidal bastard was up to "Oh Hell to the Fucking no." He yelled out as he went to retrieve the hammer.

Ronan got to the hammer first and aimed it with the intention of delivering the most powerful blast he could with it "Die" he muttered as he got Y/N in his line of sight however before he could fire, it was interrupted by Rocket driving his ship straight through the hole of the Dark Aster.

Rocket's piloting forces the others to all take cover as the raccoon leaves devastation in his wake as he practically destroys the whole flight deck.

A few seconds after everything had settled down slightly and Peter came out from behind cover then quickly went to retrieve the unconscious Rocket from the pilot's chair.

Gamora and Drax spotted Y/N caught underneath the ship and dragged him out from the rubble, well most of him at least making the pair of them a little disturbed by the sight.

"AGHHH! I can't feel my legs." Y/N cried out as he was being dragged to safety.

"You don't have any legs." Drax voiced as he and Gamora got back to the other three.

Thanks to Y/N's ridiculously fast healing, he regrew his legs in no time whatsoever them looked at Drax "You were saying."

The group all heard the loud crashes as the Dark Aster began descending rapidly to the city below and Groot in particular saw how dire the situation was, he then made the executive decision to begin releasing branches from his entire body.

The branches were cocooning the six as Groot wanted to protect his friends which is when Rocket regained consciousness and realised what his companion was doing.

"No Groot, you can't, you'll die. Why are you doing this!? Why?" Rocket pleaded as he held onto the only friend he'd had for years.

Groot made a very tiny innocent branch and wiped the tear coming out of the Raccoon's eye then responded.

"We..... Are...... Groot"


The Dark Aster crashed straight into the city down below as the large craft skidded through the city and obliterated the infrastructure that habituated the technologically advanced planet.

Peter and Y/N were next to each other whilst the rest of the group were spread out except for Groot who had given his life for them. They all groaned as they awoke covered in grey dust and debris.

There was murmurs of hope and desire from the onlookers that hadn't managed to get evacuated out of the city who were seeing as to whether Xandar's greatest threat was indeed dead.

In the background, music could be heard, more specifically 'I've had the Time of my life' by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes whilst everyone was busy recovering.


Ronan The Accuser then emerged from the the destruction of the Dark Aster with his Power Stone amplified Hammer as he strutted out of the wreckage with evil intentions on his mind.

Rocket growled at sight of Ronan "You killed Groot!" He then rushed the Kree killer who merely swatted him away with a blast from his Warhammer.

"Behold! You're Guardians of the Galaxy!" He began with an outstretched arm towards the terrified Xandarians.

"Roll Credits" Y/N sighed out as he looked over to Drax who helped Rocket up to his feet were preparing the Hadron Enforcer whilst Ronan wasn't looking.

"What fruit have they wrought? Only that my father and his father shall finally know vengeance."

Y/N and Quill looked at each other for a brief second with seemingly the same thought on their mind as they listened to the music in the background.

"Dear Fucking Lord." Venom groaned realising the plan that Y/N had in his mind.

"People of Xandar, the time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods! Your salvation is at hand." Ronan roared as he lifted his Warhammer above his head and ready to slam it down to the ground to destroy Xandar.

"Just Remember!" Y/N started singing the male part of the song as he cut into where it was as he grabbed Quill's hand.

"You're the one thing." Quill sang the female part as he rested his stray hand on Y/N's hip whilst Y/N rested his on Quill's shoulder.

"I can't get enough of" Y/N sang as he and Quill began dancing together whilst everyone, ABSOLUTELY everyone watched as the pair were doing the Mambo just like from the movie.

"So I'll tell you something."

"What are you two doing?" The mightily confused Ronan questioned as he watched the pair dance with each other.

"Dancing and Singing" Quill replied as both he and Y/N sang the chorus of the song together as Y/N spun and let go of Quill stylishly before Peter then ran towards his Terran friend as he and Y/N performed the iconic lift of the movie.

(A/N - I have an unhealthy obsession with this film.)

"I've Had The Time Of My Life!" They sung together as Y/N put Quill back on the floor as they both cheered before engaging in a bro hug.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO IMBECILES DOING!?" Ronan screamed at the pair as they pair started doing some freestyle type dancing.

Y/N and Quill saw that Rocket and Drax had gotten the Hadron Enforcer ready "We're distracting you, you big fuckwit." Y/N said as the device that Drax was holding hummed.

Ronan turned to face Rocket and Drax with the former connecting the wires of his heavy duty weapon as Drax aimed it in the direction of Ronan's Warhammer.

The projectile made contact with Ronan's weapon releasing the Power Stone contained from within it. Y/N and Quill looked at each other then simultaneously said "I've got it!"

The pair both jumped together towards the stone and everything seemed to slow down as the pair were heading airborne towards the purple infinity stone.

Ronan also made a last ditch effort to grab the stone in order to accomplish his lifelong goal of destroying Xandar however the two Terrans managed to get their hands on the Infinity Stone first.

A huge whirlwind of purple smoke radiated around the pair as they took on the burden of the Power Stone together.

"AGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Y/N, Venom and Quill howled in pain as they both held each other's hand with the stone in between them as they both tried to wrestle it away from each other.

"GIVE ME THE FUCKING STONE, PETER!" Y/N screamed at the top of his lungs with Venom also screeching in his mind giving the Mercenary an earsplitting headache

The energy from the Power Stone caused thin purple cracks in the skins of the pair. "NO! YOU'VE SAVED ME! LET ME SAVE YOU!" Quill countered as he tried to get the stone out of Y/N's grip however the pair were both interrupted by Gamora.

"Peter! Take my hand!" She yelled to the Ravager.

The two Earth natives remembered what The Collector had shown them in his lair when they were on Knowhere. Peter slowly reached his hand out to the green assassin and she shared the burden with them as well.

Drax then came up behind Y/N and then rested his hand on his friend's shoulder whilst also letting the energy radiate through him, making him shriek in agony.

Rocket finally came up to the rest of the group and grabbed a hold of Drax's finger as the purple cracks began to make their mark on his tiny woodland body.

There was evident panting from the group as they struggled to maintain the energy that was flowing throughout them as Ronan looked at them with horror, not believing what was happening before his very eyes.

During the agony of holding the Power Stone, Y/N felt two hands placed on his shoulder, he carefully shifted his head behind him to see Natasha there.

"Nat?" He softly questioned the short redheaded woman.

She lifted one of her hands to the side of his cheek and smiled sweetly at him "Don't Be Afraid, Y/N." She delicately whispered before she dissipated before him.

"You're both mortal! How!?" He asked in utter disbelief.

"You said it yourself bitch" Quill started "We're the Guardians Of The Galaxy."

Ronan tried to attack them and rush them down but Y/N and Quill then opened their hands and released a violet energy in Ronan's direction with the entirety of the Infinity Stone's power consuming him.

The Kree tyrant screeched in pain as he felt the full force of an infinity stone coarse through which ultimately led to his downfall as soon as L/N and Quill delivered the fatal blow, killing Ronan.

Gamora then desperately grabbed an orb and slammed it around the Power Stone, containing it and finally removing the purple and lilac winds that surrounded them allowing them to see the rest of Xandar again.

The group began panting in exhaustion minus Y/N who thanks to his and Venom's combined healing factor, they had completely recovered in no time.

"THAT.......... Was fucking incredible!" Venom cried out in celebration as he came out of Y/N's body then gave his host as swift high five which was happily reciprocated by Y/N.

"Xandar! We have saved your fucking asses!" Y/N announced to the onlooking Xandarians, he then looked down in wondering "Fuck I've got a big Ego."

"Yeah, I have no clue why you said that. We really need to install some kind of filter in your brain." Venom teased

"Fuck you, you anus."

Y/N was then subdued by Quill and Gamora engulfing him in a hug "Holy shit, this hug is tighter than a Nun's snatch." Y/N quipped.

"We fucking did it!" Quill cheered.

"Fuck yeah we did." Y/N said slapping his two friends on the back.

"Well, well, quite the light show." A gruff and heavy voice said from nearby. The trio all turned to see Yondu along with his Ravager crew.

"Ughhh what is it with blue people ruining my day!?" Y/N yelled to the skies.

Yondu chuckled lightly "I ain't here to ruin your day Terran, but you guys have got something you need to give me before all the Nookie Nookie starts." He reminded as several Ravagers cocked their guns behind their leader.

Y/N gasped in surprise "Oh my God, we're having a threesome, suddenly this day just got a whole lot better." Y/N said in a cheerful manner however it was far less well received from Quill and Gamora who both elbowed him harshly in the ribs.

"Ok, no on the threesome. Got it, coulda just said so." Y/N complained whilst holding his ribs.

"Why would you think that was a good idea?"

"Hey there's nothing like good celebratory sex after saving a planet." Y/N said in response to the symbiote.

"Fair enough, I remember when we stole the Quinjet after New York and then went through all those women."

"You gotta reconsider this Yondu." Quill pleaded with his the blue Ravager Captain "I don't know who you're selling this to, but the only way the universe will survive is if you give it to the Nova Corps."

Yondu let out a teasing smile "I may be as pretty as an angel." He then opened up his coat and whistled, revealing his red arrow "But I sure as shit ain't one."

Quill looked at Y/N and Gamora as the two Terrans shared an extremely subtle nod towards each other which wasn't spotted by anyone else, before Quill reluctantly handed over the orb to Yondu.

Yondu smiled at the lucrative commodity in his hand "Alright boys, let's head out." He said to his crew members.

"Hey, Megamind." Y/N called out to Yondu who stopped in his tracks and looked at Venompool "Do NOT open that orb under any circumstances."

Yondu did a small nod of appreciation towards Y/N before him and the rest of the Ravagers took off in the Eclector to sell the 'orb' to their buyer.

Y/N and Quill put on mock smiles on their faces as they waved them off and once they were out of sight, Quill pulled out the real orb "Ahhhh, he's gonna be so pissed when he finds out I switched the orb."

Y/N looks down at Gamora "I told you I was a sketchy businessman." He then crossed his fingers "Never make a deal with someone who crosses his fingers."

Quill patted Y/N's shoulder "Classic Earth bargaining."

"You two are such idiots." She said as she and Quill engaged in another hug, making Y/N feel slightly like a third wheel.


Y/N shook his head and chuckled at the symbiote's comment when he saw Rocket, who was balling his small eyes out whilst holding a thin twig, and Drax comforting him as best he could.

Y/N let Quill and Gamora have their moment and went over to the cybernetic raccoon and the too-literal-for-his-own-good alien.

"Hey buddy" Y/N said sitting down in the rubble and wrapping his arm around Rocket "We'll be able to save Groot."

Rocket had a hopeful look in his eye and sniffled "Really? How?"

Y/N had a confident look on his face "A little thing I like to call gardening."


The day after, the group was invited to the Nova Corps Headquarters where the Nova Corps revealed to Peter that he was only half Terran and the other half of his heritage was of unknown origin.

"Well Quill, welcome to the Aliens club." Y/N invited Star-Lord in.

"Thanks man."

Nova Prime looked at Y/N "I must say Mr L/N, you're abilities are quite remarkable. Are you one hundred percent sure that you're full Terran?" She questioned him.

"Besides the Asshole Klyntar inside of me, I'm full Terran. My father would often tell me of how he got balls deep in my mother whilst they were drunk behind some bins." Y/N had a dreamy look in his eye and held his hands together "My parents were such romantic fuckers, literally."

Nova Prime winced a little at Y/N "Mr L/N, you may cease in your explanation, I don't wish to know more of how you were conceived."

Y/N scoffed a little "Hey you were the one who asked if I was full Terran."

Nova Prime looked at Y/N strangely before turning to the rest of the group "Your friends have arrived. On behalf of the Nova Corps, we'd like to express our profound gratitude for your help in saving Xandar. If you will follow Denarian Dey, he has something to show you."

"Thank you, Nova Prime." Quill thanked as the group followed the Denarian Dey out of the Headquarters building.

The group walked out as Denarian Dey presented to them the newest version of The Milano, Y/N proudly wrapped his arm around Quill "And k thought you didn't have insurance on this baby."

"I didn't but damn is she looking good." Quill happily said as he gazed upon his new ship.

Y/N smiled a little before clapping his hands together "Well guys, it's been one fucking rollercoaster of a ride."

The other members of the Guardians looked at the Avenger sadly knowing they were parting ways "Are you sure you can't come with us?" Rocket asked whilst holding a potted up Groot.

"I'd love too, I really would but I can't go against what the readers voted." Y/N commented.

Before anyone even had a chance to get confused Venom cane out of Y/N's shoulder to explain "Don't bother trying to contemplate it, this moronic fucker thinks he lives in some kind of book."

"I do but apparently no one else can see it." Y/N said with outstretched arms.

Drax then came up to Y/N and gave him a hug "I truly enjoyed fighting alongside you and I wish to come to your planet soon." Drax informed him.

"Sure, that'd be cool but you'd have to expect strange looks. We're a pretty stupid species." Y/N advised "Keep it real, Drax."

"Keep what real?"

Y/N squinted at Drax "Your personality."

"I'm not certain you could make it fake."

Rocket and the potted up Groot then came up to Y/N who kneeled down to his level and offered a fist bump his way "Remember what I told you, he needs regular water, sun and nutrients to grow."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I got it." Rocket said confidently thinking he'd become a master of gardening in a day, his faced turned to one of sadness "It's a damn shame we never got to blow up any planets together."

"Yeah, but we'll do that next time, you crazy little furball."

"If I didn't like you, I would be biting you in the face right now." Rocket warned however he couldn't keep a straight face as he and Y/N engaged in hearty laugh for a good few seconds "Are you hundred percent sure that I can't buy your DNA off of you?"

"Maybe when I'm dead." Y/N replied

Rocket's face filled with confusion "But I thought you couldn't die."

Y/N had a prideful smile on his face "I know."

Rocket shook his head "Asshole." The two then engaged in a hug "Bye Y/N." He said as he joined Drax whilst Y/N got back to his feet.

Quill then came and immediately engulfed Y/N in a strong hug however Y/N decided to joke around as per usual "Quill, I can feel your boner."

Quill immediately let go of Y/N and punched him in the arm before letting out a small laugh "Who'd have thought that we'd have fought to save a planet side by side all those years ago."

"No one............. Except for the script writer."

Quill chucked again "By the way next time we dance I'm doing the male part."

Y/N winced at Quill's suggestion, not fully behind it "I dunno, you're not as good a dancer as me."

Quill's face lit up in friendly shock "Oh really!?" He questioned his Terran friend as Y/N nodded confidently in response "Get your dancing shoes on Y/N, because you are going DOWN." Quill said throwing down the challenge.

"Get them on? I'm always wearing them buddy boy." Y/N said accepting the challenge.

The two were about to engage in a dance off but Gamora cleared her throat making both men turn to her "As much as I would love to see you boys dance again, we should be going soon."

Quill groaned "Fiiiiiiiiiine" He then turned to Y/N "But you owe me a dance off."

"I'm gonna crush so do you wanna save the embarrassment because I will make you look like Willard from Footloose, BEFORE he could dance."

Quill gasped in horror and pointed furiously at Y/N "You take that back!"

"GUYS!" Gamora yelled bringing the two back to reality again.

"Good luck back on Earth, Y/N." Quill meaningfully said to him "I'm really gonna miss you."

"It's ok, I would miss me too, I really have a tendency to stand out amongst the crowd."

Quill glanced at Gamora then back at Y/N "Yeah, I think I'm gonna miss you a but less now." He said before joining Rocket and Drax both of who teased him for his dancing.

Gamora then went up to Y/N and enveloped him in a hug which Y/N reciprocated lifting her off her feet a little before she pulled back and gave him a kiss on the cheek "I wish you all the best in your journey back home."

"Thanks, I really would love to stay but I shouldn't really deny my people this." He said gesturing to all of him "By the way, I'm seriously digging this skirt look you've got going on."

"Yes, I'm sure I'll miss your flirtatious remarks" she said before whispering to Y/N "I think I'm gonna get a few of them from Quill anyways."

Y/N looked over at Quill who was looking at them with intrigue "Yes, I think he's a little jealous of me."

She laughed a little before confessing "I'll admit, I would've quite liked to see what we could've been." She then let out a long sigh before looking him dead in the eye "But I think that lady back on your planet could do more for you than I could."

Y/N immediately tried to stop her talking "Hey, don't talk like that. You're pretty great yourself."

She smiled brightly "I'm glad you think so, but I think you should at least try with that lady. You owe it to yourself."

Y/N pondered on her words for a few seconds and replied "I'll think about it."

"That's all any of us can do." Gamora said before rubbing his arm in a comforting way before going into her pocket and handing him a small device "That's to contact us, if you ever need us or just want to talk. We'll be there for you, just like you would for us." She said with a small smile as they hugged once more before she went over to join the others.

"Hey! Don't think this is goodbye, just a see you later." He said hopefully to the Guardians.

"I Fucking hope so." Rocket yelled back.

Venom then came out to say his farewells as the Guardians headed off to the Milano "In a bit guys, I'm so glad that I didn't eat any of you!"

"Wow, that was worst goodbye I've ever heard." Y/N said to the symbiote as he watched the Guardians board the Milano.

"Hey fuck you I'm not as social as you."

Y/N laughed as The Milano's engines started up and the spacecraft elevated off of the floor slightly as Y/N and Venom waved them off, the Milano then took off to the skies as the Guardians went off onto their next adventure.

Denarian Dey then said to Y/N "Come along Mr L/N. Let's go back inside."

Y/N did a mock salute "Sir, yes sir."


Y/N joined the Nova Corps back inside their Headquarters as he made himself comfortable and kicked his feet up.

"Has my criminal really been expunged? Because if it hasn't I'll really need to go back to Earth and get my lawyer Matt Murdock here." Y/N asked Nova Prime.

"That would be a real dick move if we went back to prison and the rest didn't." Venom added.

Nova Prime was confused by the hybrid's questions "Mr L/N, Mr Venom, do you think if you were going back to prison, we would keep you up here?"

"Uhhh yes to keep an eye on me."

Nova Prime huffed a little "Well you're half right." One of the screen that Nova Prime was at then popped up with a notification of some kind "Ah Mr L/N, please come with me, we've managed to secure you a journey back home to Terra for you."

Y/N immediately hopped out of his seat and yelled "YEEHAW, Sweet Home Alabama." He threw his hands up in ten air and joined Nova Prime.

She took Y/N down in an elevator which then dinged as they arrived to the required level, after a minute or so of walking. Nova Prime stopped to reveal an relative big and bright white spacecraft.

"Holy shit, there's been no expense spared here!"

The head of the Nova Corps agreed with him "Exactly which is why we can't let you take it without returning it." She said in somewhat melancholy tone especially after seeing Y/N's enthusiasm.

"Well how am I supposed to get home and bring it back? Kinda defeats the objective here." Y/N laid out to the silvery blonde woman.

"Well we hired a pilot who was more than willing to take you home." She revealed to the Mercenary.

"Oh yeah, are they as good a pilot as me?" He arrogantly asked Nova Prime who just shrugged in response as Y/N clapped his hands together eagerly "So when do I get to meet them?"

Before Nova Prime had an opportunity to answer him, A female voice said to Y/N "Hey there stud."

Venom smirked as did Y/N at the familiarity of the voice "I know that voice anywhere." Y/N turned around to see a woman with long blonde locks in a form fitting red and blue outfit finished off with a golden star in the middle.

She ran up to him and jumped into his to give him a crushing hug with Y/N lifting the smaller woman off of her feet and into the air slightly, all the while both having smiles on their faces.

Y/N put her down to let go of her as she took a step back with Nova Prime looking on at the pair with a smile "I see you two are already acquainted. I won't take up any more of your time." She looked to Y/N "Mr L/N, again I would like to express my gratitude to you and your friends for protecting Xandar and please know you are welcome back at any time."

"Cheers NP, you know NP short for Nova Prime, saves so much time. Don't worry I've put it in your suggestion box." Y/N expressed his thanks for hers in his own unique way.

"I'll remember never to use that." Nova Prime shut down Y/N's idea before offering her hand "Until next time, Mr L/N."

"Please, call me Venompool." He said whilst shaking her hand before he and Carol then entered the Nova Corps ship they were borrowing

"So how's my favourite superpowered cocky former Air Force pilot?" Y/N asked his old friend as they entered the ship.

She gasped and hit Y/N in the shoulder with her fist "YOU of all people are calling me cocky."

"Yes 'Captain Marvel' I'm the cocky one when you're named after the company." Y/N mocked her playfully whilst taking his seat

She sighed with her hands on her hips "I still don't understand you."

"And you never will." Y/N held his arms out wide in an arrogant manner with Carol realising that he was still the same Y/N that she remembered.

"And Venom, how's he doing?" She asked.

Venom immediately popped out of Y/N's shoulder "Not doing too bad Danvers."

She looked at the symbiote with curiousity "Still eating people V?" She narrowed her eyes knowing she wasn't fully behind their ways of going about their business.

"What else is there for me to do!?"

"Ahhh you gross weirdo." Carol somewhat complimented in a playful way as she fiddled with the controls of the ship to get the engines started.

"Aren't you sweet?" The Symbiote smirked at the former Air Force pilot before he went back inside of Y/N's body.

"I see you two haven't changed." She commented on their behaviour.

Y/N raised his hand eagerly making a couple of 'oooh' noises as Carol nodded once "What's the in-flight entertainment?" He asked as Carol flew into the vacuum of space.

Carol thought about it for a few seconds and hummed "How about catching up with your......" She cleared her throat and then smile back at Y/N "friend that you haven't seen for years?" She offered up even though there was no real choice.

"Fiiiiiiiiiine, however don't think I'm not gonna leave a bad review of no meal or entertainment." Y/N strained out to the blonde pilot.

"Is talking to me such a chore?" She teasingly asked whilst giving him raised eyebrows.

Y/N shrugged his shoulders "Ehhh" he replied slowly.

Carol rolled her eyes at Y/N's behaviour "And here I thought talking was your favourite thing to do." She sarcastically said.

"It's up there. Along with mass murder, money and sex."

Carol widened her eyes particularly at the last one especially given their history together however her initial shock soon turned into a teasing smile that was hidden from Y/N.

Carol then changed the subject for a moment asking "So, I never got to ask. Why the hell are you even in space?"

Y/N explained to her, in graphic detail, his whole adventure about being taken off of Earth to meeting the Guardians along with the battle to save Xandar.

After Y/N concluded his story he asked Carol "Where the fuck were you anyways? I thought saving planets were your 'thing'"

"Hey! I would've helped out if I'd known besides you and the others handled it." She says d glancing over at H/C haired man.

"Ooooooh perhaps you're losing your way, maybe you're not as good as you once were." Y/N tried to goad Carol.

"I'm not even gonna respond to that." She said after puffing her cheeks out.

"You just did respond." Y/N said attempting to push even more of her buttons.

Carol shot Y/N a small glare "Are you going to be like this the whole way back?"

Y/N hummed as he thought about it for a few seconds "There's a very strong chance."

She shook her head in disapproval before deciding to ask him a question that had been playing on her mind since she saw him "Soooo.......... Have you found someone to settle down with yet?"

Y/N thought it was an odd question "Such a personal question, besides when do I ever settle down?" He asked back with a small laugh however stopped after a few seconds when she gave him a serious look.

He then gave her a serious answer "Not really, no. I mean I had a fling with this Eastern European girl not long after you left."

"Very nice"

"And just before I came up here, there was this ridiculously hot redhead who I seriously wanted to be with but couldn't." He explained.

Carol narrowed her eyes in intrigue "Was there something wrong with her?"

"Fuck no, there's nothing wrong with her. It's just that....... She's mortal."

Carol could see how much pain it caused Y/N so she wanted to comfort him. She set the spacecraft into auto-pilot before going over to her friend and giving him a meaningful hug.

"Why don't you tell me about her?" Carol invitingly said to her self healing friend, opening up her ears to listen to him.

Y/N smiled a little and for the next hour or so told Carol all about Natasha, how badass and beautiful she was, her ability quick yet dry wit and most of all how much he genuinely cares for her.

Carol listened intently to Y/N, she even felt her heart break a little for two reasons - how much Y/N cared for Natasha and also how he wouldn't look at her like he did Nat.

Y/N and Carol did stop their sincere talk after and went back to their old ways of laughing and joking just like how they did back when she was last on Earth, it was difficult to admit that they had definitely both missed each other.

After an unknown amount of time, sadness pranged in Carol's chest as she realised that they had arrived at their destination - Earth.

"Y/N, we're here." She called out to Y/N who was in the back of the ship playing some weird space game that they had on board.

Y/N looked out on the light blues of his planet then back at Carol "You mind taking us past the atmosphere, you know how Venom gets with fire."

"I fucking hate it!" He screamed in Y/N's head making Y/N stumble a little "Shit, sorry."

"Happily." She said as she flew the Nova Corps spaceship into the Earth's atmosphere, entering the planet which given where they were it was evidently night time.

Carol let the ship rest where it was in the sky as she and Y/N went over to the hatch that was in the bottom of the ship. They both looked at each other for a few seconds with Carol getting a little emotional.

"Awww you're sad that I'm going." Y/N said as he wiped the tear out of her eye with his thumb.

She punched his arm fairly powerfully, thinking he was teasing her again "Of course I am, I actually enjoy spending time with you."

"Hey me too, I almost forgot how good you were to have around." Y/N complimented making her smile "You know you could always come back to Earth. I'm sure Nick would love to see you and the Avengers could use a bit more femaleness, it's a bit of a cockfest at the moment."

She was flattered by Y/N's offer of wanting her to stay but she and even Y/N deep down knew she couldn't stay "I'd love to stay but you know there's people out there who need me besides I've got take this girl back to Xandar."

Y/N clicked his tongue "Oh yeah" he said with realisation "Normally I just steal stuff that I'm loaned and sell it on."

She laughed for a few seconds at his idiotic nature "Hey, next time I come to Earth, I wanna meet Natasha, she must really be something if you talk about her the way you do."

"Yeah, she really is."

"Bye Venom" she said to the Symbiote inside of Y/N's body.

Venom made his presence known as he came out of Y/N's body to talk to Danvers "It was good seeing you Danvers, I'm a bit pissed this moron hogged all of your time."

"Awww you're jealous of me." Y/N cooed at his symbiote's misfortune.

"Am not!"

"Yeah you are."

"Am not!!"

"No I really think you are."

"Am not!!!"

"Let's agree and say that you are."

Carol giggled at the tennis match of am argument between Y/N and Venom as she broke it up by resting her hand on his shoulder, she then leaned up and pecked Y/N on the cheek "I'll look forward to seeing you again."

Y/N smiled as he opened the hatch to the outside world as Venom complained to his host "How come you're the one who gets all the kisses, where's my kiss?"

"And I answer your question with a question. Who would wanna kiss someone that looks like the shit they lay roads down with?" As he sat above the exit hole.

"You bastard! I'm handsome"

"Maybe on Klyntar." Y/N teased as he looked back at Carol "See you later Danvers." He said with a two finger salute.

She waved to Y/N "Bye Y/N." Then flirtatiously waved to Venom "Bye Venom." She said in a seductive tone.

The symbiote's eyes widened "Did you see that!? Did you hear that!?"

"Nope!" Y/N said as he jumped from the spaceship into the sky as he fell back down to Earth.

Carol watched him go whilst chuckling to herself before heading back to Xandar with the Nova Corps ship, happy that she got to see her close friend again and genuinely hoping the best for him.

As Y/N fell back to down to Earth he screamed




It was the middle of the night and a woman was in the bed next to some stranger she'd met at a bar and was staring at the ceiling, seeing somehow nothing and everything at the same time. 

She carefully sat up in the bed with her only clothing was that of the bedsheet however she quickly ditched the bedsheet and went to the bathroom to freshen up a little.

The lady ran the tap a little and splashed some water on her face before looking at herself in the mirror to reveal the reflection of Natasha Romanoff looking back.

Her shoulder length red hair was all out of place, her make up was smudged showing how tired she really looked and her posture was shoddy but it was almost fitting to Natasha because her current appearance mimicked how she felt on the inside.

A mess.

She hastily changed back into her clothes that she'd worn that night, a short black dress with matching heels, then scurried out of the apartment without so much as a goodbye not that she felt even remotely guilty about that.

After getting a cab back to her temporary apartment, she stormed in through the door and kicked her heels off by the door before making her way to her bedroom and collapsing onto her bed.

She stayed in her dress and pulled the covers over her and a couple of tears strolled down her face, When she was by herself she could let her emotions go. She wouldn't dare be acting like this in front of any of the Avengers not even Clint.

She hadn't told any of them about her feelings for Y/N thinking none of them would understand, the only person she was worried that might know was Steve but he was too dense and oblivious for his own good.

She had tried to push Y/N out of her head ever since that day in the graveyard by trying to find someone else, but it was extremely difficult especially given the kind of life that she led, there was no one really she could go for other than someone else on the team.

The only thing she could think of in her bed was

'Where on Earth are you Y/N?'


After jumping out of Carol's borrowed ship, Venompool had felt multiple bones break as he smashed through a building after his body had hurtled back to his home planet.

He woke up a few seconds later and found that he had unintentionally squashed a person to death, Y/N brought both of his hands to his cheeks and gasped "Oh my God! I'm so sorry for making you into floor pizza." He slapped the bloody smear on the ground "Just walk it off!" He encouraged.

"Ughhh, Y/N you might wanna look around." Venom advised his host.

Y/N did as he was told and looked around to see he was in a tacky bar which was completely covered in blood with body parts and ash also habituating the room.

"Damn! Have I woken up in a dream or have I just set a new PB for quickest massacre?" Y/N asked out loud.

"Pretty sure it was like this when we got here." Venom asked as the pair glanced at the horrific gore surrounding them, a little jealous that they weren't the ones who created it.

"You got the last one. So thanks." A deep voice said to Venompool.

Y/N looked confused as to who was talking to him "Uhhh, yeah killin's sorta my game. You've probably heard of me, Venompool, you know legendary Mercenary."

"I know who you are. A real violent motherfucker." The voice responded.

Y/N did a wave of flattery "You charmer, but as much as I love talking to thin air. I don't need more reasons for people to think I'm crazy. So who the fuck are ya?" Y/N loudly asked.

A few seconds later, an African American man in his mid thirties dressed fully in black armed with swords, guns and gadgets came out from around the corner to introduce himself to Venompool.

"I'm Blade."




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