CH49. Promises

20th August, 2018.

Bunza, Kebbi.


"An daura!"

The old women yodeled as loud as they can. Some of the teenagers and the abled old women all gathered in the veranda as the traditional masu kidan kwarya did their job. At a point, the teenagers left the floor for the old women who danced to their heart content. They opted for videotaping the moments on their phones so they could upload it on social media and remember the joy they felt at the moment.

"Ke! There's not enough meat here" Some complained by the side as their food was served to them. The woman serving them the food glanced at the plate that contain at least three meats in each before looking back at the woman.

"Kuyi haquri. I'll bring more later" She offered them a smile, then walked away mumbling incoherent stuff under her breath.

"Kunga atampha da Talatu tasa? It's fake o! It's that fake one they sell for five thousand Naira. Just look at her, forming to be a rich woman" A woman hissed from another group as they talked about every woman that passes by. They focus more on the ones that they know. They talked about them the most.

"I heard she and her husband got divorced last month" The woman beside her muttered to her friend who turned around to glance at her with wide eyes.

"Isn't he her third husband this year?"

The other woman shrugged turning around to find another woman to gossip about. Plates of food were handed over to them along with refreshments. They collected it. Once the woman that gave them the food left, they started gossiping about the shoe she wore. Apparently, it's an old version of slippers.

On another side the older women sat. From the way they were dressed, one could easily tell that they are the high society women. They had warm smiles plastered on their faces.

"Allah basu zaman haquri" One of them said making the others reply with 'Ameen'. Unlike the other groups of women, they were actually there to celebrate along with both families. They weren't there to gossip or eat food and leave.

Inside the house, the second wife of Hamisu walked towards a woman who stood talking to some of the people helping around. She tapped her shoulder, making the woman to turn. "I gave them a place to sit just as you asked. Do you want anything else?"

Lami smiled and shook her head, "Nagode. There's nothing" Her smile turned into a grin.

The second wife nodded, her expression mirroring that of Lami. "I'll go around and help the others then"

Lami nodded and watched as her current, only, co-wife walks away to help people just as she said. Lami released a sigh of relief and muttered an 'Alhamdullilah' under her breath. She couldn't be more thankful to Allah for having a co-wife like that.

Everything had been going smoothly between the two of them since the first wife left the house all of the sudden. No one has heard from her ever again. Some claim that she had gone mad but no one really knew what happened to her. She just, disappeared.

And since then, everything went back to normal in the house. Alhaji Hamisu's relationship with Lami returned back to normal. And Lami became friends with the second wife she had always been bickering with. People could barely tell that they are co-wives. Most people think they are sisters judging from the way they act.

Since the wedding started, they had been wearing matching outfits. People couldn't tell who the bride's mother is unless you really know her. They worked together and helped around to make sure that everything for the wedding goes accordingly.

Lami couldn't say anything but thank Allah for such a blessing. Indeed, He answered her prayers. She had always believed that He will bestow peace upon her household ever since Ameerah told her the real attitude of the first wife. She didn't confront her. She simply prayed and left everything in the hands of Allah. And, He answered them. Indeed, anyone who prays to Allah will get what he or she seeks for as it was said in the Qur'an.

"And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad (SAW)) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am near to them by My Knowledge. I respond to invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so they may be led alright" Surah Al Baqarah, 2:186.

Lami smiled and muttered 'Alhamdullilah' again before she turned around and continued talking to the women she was with before her co-wife interrupted.

In the secluded area where the bride and her friends stay, some of them started to yodel the minute it was announced that the knot has been tied.

"Congratulations Zawjatu Akhi" Rahma grinned, slinging her arm over Ameerah's shoulder.

Ameerah chuckling, shaking her head in the process. Her eyes met that of Juwy who simply stood there staring at her as if she had grown two heads. Ameerah chuckled lightly, raising a brow in the process. "What?"

Juwy tapped the shoulder of Zarah who's passing by. Zarah stopped and glanced at her. Juwy though hadn't moved her gaze away from Ameerah, "You see her too, right? I'm not hallucinating"

Zarah's gaze met that of Ameerah and Rahma, before the trio erupted into fits of laughter. "Of course I see her. Meya faru?"

Juwy scoffed slightly, hands akimbo. "Children of this generation!" She exclaimed, "How is this girl not shedding a single tear on her wedding day!"

This made the girls laugh at her. When their laughter died down, Zarah moved her gaze to Rahma. "Matar soja, you better cry when your time comes fa! Don't be like Ameerah"

"She will" Ameerah spoke before Rahma could get the chance to do so. "Soon to be matar soja in real life"

Rahma rolled her eyes, "Shut up" She lightly hit Ameerah.

"Ah ah!" Ameerah exclaimed, moving away from Rahma, "You're hitting me again? Me o! the wife of your elder brother!"

Rahma hissed, "Mrs. Mubarak Saraki, don't start that nonsense with me o!" She warned, and all three of them laughed.

Rahma had a smile on her face when the laughter died down. Her brother. It felt good to hear that, especially since she has two brothers now. Mubarak isn't her real brother, but she considers him as one since the fateful day that found out the truth.

4th November, 2017.

Abuja, Nigeria.

"Zarah I want to know the truth. I've been patient for a week already since I had a lot on my mind but please, just tell me the truth. You're Rahma aren't you?" Rahma asked, just as she saw Zarah preparing to head out. She couldn't hold it in anymore. They had returned to Nigeria yesterday and she had been restless to find out her answer since.

Zarah stared at Rahma for a while, before she smiled, nodding in the process. "Yes Rabia. I am"

Rahma's shoulder slumped as she sat on the couch she was closest too. She was too scared that her legs would give up on her if she continued standing. She had her assumptions since last week in the court, yet she hadn't brought it up until the moment. It had been eating her up though. Not having the answer to her questions had been eating her up slowly so was glad to finally get answers.

She blinked, keeping her gaze on her supposed childhood friend. "You've known all this while, haven't you?"

Zarah simply nodded, wordlessly.

That was what she thought. It meant that Zarah didn't just stumble across her case and decided to help her. "Why haven't you said anything to me?"

Zarah sighed, sitting beside Rahma on the couch. "Rabia, so much was going on at the time. I couldn't tell you yet"

Rahma didn't want to sound ungrateful, but there was something she couldn't keep in her. "You have no idea how much I kept beating myself up for leaving you that day. I thought you died" Her last sentence came out low.

Zarah said nothing to her. Rahma had never told her the what exactly happened to her when she left her village or why she chose to use Rahma as her new name instead of any other name. But she had a hint it has something to do with her. However, she couldn't tell her the truth because it was one of the agreements she had with Alhaji Saraki.

"What happened to you?"

Zarah sighed lowly, offering Rahma a small smile. "I honestly don't remember much from that day. All I remember is that after you ran away, I hit the other man with a stone and ran away. While doing that, I slipped and fell, then lost consciousness. When I regained my consciousness, I saw Tahir and his mother talking. I heard what they said and I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my throat. I thought they heard me, but thankfully they didn't"

"They would've helped you"

"I know that now" Zarah sighed again, "But if you were in my shoes back then you would've done the same thing, right?"

Rahma simply nodded. "What happened afterwards?"

"I lost consciousness again. When I slipped, I hit my head pretty badly. So, when I regained consciousness again, I was in a hospital, and a woman was there with me. She and her husband saved me that day while looking for their daughter"

"Wait..." Rahma stopped her, blinking, "They were looking for their daughter that day?"

Zarah nodded.

"They are Fulani, right?"

Zarah nodded again.

"Then that means they are..."

"Ameerah's birth parents" Zarah completed the sentence for her.

"Did you...did you tell them what happened to her?"

"Of course not" Zarah shook her head, "I know it would've broken their heart, Besides, I had no idea where she was at the moment so I couldn't do much to help"

"They adopted you then?"

"No. They took me to an orphanage when I got better. And that was where I met my adoptive parents who took me in"

Zarah noticed the look on Rahma's face. She could tell that Rahma was lost thinking about their surprise for Ameerah. When Rahma blinked, snapping out of her trance, her gaze fell on Zarah. She then offered her a smile to which Zarah replied with a curt nod.

"What's up with you two?" Ameerah spoke up, cutting their stare. She had her eyes slightly narrowed at them suspiciously, "You too had been acting secretive since"

Zarah and Rahma shared a look, before Rahma patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll figure out soon"

Zarah and Juwy made their way over to the bed, sitting beside Ameerah. The two girls had included Juwy in the plans since they couldn't keep her in the shadow. Her being Ameerah's friend made them consider her as one too.

Rahma still couldn't help but think of the one question that she asked Zarah after finding out the truth. It had been amongst the numerous questions she had for her.

"Did Maria have anything to do with the death of your foster parents?" Rahma asked. Amongst all the crimes Maria is being made to paid for, that wasn't among it.

Zarah shook her head, "No. She didn't"

Rahma nodded. She had another question in mind. Actually, she had a lot of questions in mind. She just thinks them through and decide to ask the ones he's most curious about. "Why didn't you tell me that you're really Rahm right from the beginning? Is that why you decided to help me?"

Zarah sighed heavily. Her eye brows gathered in as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "That was one of the conditions I agreed to when I was hired to handle your case. Back then, I didn't know it was you until I read your files"

"So you just took my case and decided to help without even knowing me?"

"Rabia, I am a lawyer. It's my job to defend anyone wrongfully accused or treated regardless of who the person is. I took an oath"

"Who is this person that hired you? Is he the same person that had been helping me since? The one that owns that advocacy"

Zarah nodded, "I can't tell you who he is because even I don't know"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I don't know why he had been helping you" Zarah elaborated, "But, he wants to meet you today either ways so we're going to meet him"

"Now?" Rahma asked, when she noticed Zarah stand up and pick her bag.

Zarah bobbed her head in affirmation, "Yes. I wanted to tell you about it before you started asking me the questions but you beat me to it" When Zarah noticed that Rahma made no move to stand up, she rose a brow, "Don't you want to go? I can call and cancel it if you don't want to"

Rahma shook her head, standing up. "I want to. Just let me get my veil first. I'll be right back" She said, before she headed over to her room to get the veil.

When she found it and put it on, she came out and met Zarah in the living room waiting for her. Together, they headed out to the car waiting for them outside. Once inside, Rahma's lips stretch into a small smile noting the familiar face of the driver.

"Madam, welcome back" He grinned.

"Thank you" Her smile widened. She was happy to see him again under a different circumstance from the last time they met. That was the day he took her to the airport where she returned back to America.

Throughout the drive, no words were exchanged between Zarah and Rahma. Zarah knew that Rahma had a lot of her mind, so, she left her alone. She didn't want to add more to the girl's confusion. In a way, she understood how what the girl's feeling. She felt the same way the way she saw her file.

She barely got sleep that day. She stayed up late, staring at the file over and over again. Albeit, Rahma had a different surname back then, she recognized her at first glance. A picture of Rahma when she was twelve years old was in the file, the first picture that was taken when she was sent to jail.

Zarah stared at the picture over and over again. What made her more determined to win the case was knowing that there's no way Rahma did it. She wasn't capable of killing anyone. Especially not someone that helped her.

The first day she met her back in prison a year ago, she wanted to tell her the truth. Admittedly, she was hurt at first when Rahma didn't recognize her. But, she didn't blame her. It had been so long. When Rahma asked her why she wanted to help her, why she took interest in her case out of all others, she wanted to tell her the truth that instant.

But she remembered the agreement she had with Alhaji Saraki. So, she kept her mouth shut.

She had many questions for the man as well, yet she didn't ask. She wanted to wait for the right time, and the day was it.

Both Zarah and Rahma would get the answers they want.

Or more like, both Rahma and Rabia would get their answers.

The drive to Alhaji Saraki's house felt longer than ever to Zarah. She had never been that eager to go to his house until that day. So, when the car parked, it took every self-restraint in her to not jump out of the car and head in.

When she stepped out, she waited for Rahma to do so too. And together, they made their way into the house. As always, the scent of bakhoor welcomed Zarah and Rahma into the house. It calmed down a bit of their nerves.

The first person they met was his wife, who was waiting for them. She offered Zarah a smile, her gaze moving to the girl who stood behind her. The minute their eyes met, hers widened a bit. She then blinked while Rahma looked away. She didn't understand why the woman would be staring at her in such way.

Zarah noticed the woman's gaze on Rahma, so, she stood away from her since she was blocking her view.

As the woman noticed how uncomfortable Rahma looked, she blinked, moving her gaze back to Zarah. "Welcome. Let's head to the living room, shall we?"

Zarah nodded, letting the woman lead them though she knew her way already. Rahma followed closely behind them, quietly. It only took a while for them to reach the living room where Alhaji Saraki sat, along with Mubarak and Aisha, waiting for them.

Mubarak and Aisha had no idea why their father asked them to gather there. So, they did as they were told and waited to see why.

The minute the three stepped in, Alhaji Saraki stood up—his gaze fixated on Rahma. A smile made its way on his face, mirroring that of his wife's. He blinked back his tears, "Alhamdullilah" He muttered, "Finally, I can fulfil the promise I made"

Rahma moved her gaze to Zarah with her brows drawn in. "What promise?"

Zarah shrugged.

Alhaji Saraki chuckled slightly. "The promise I made to your grandmother. Welcome home Rabia. I'm your uncle, Saminu"

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