CH47. Lost Hope
You didn't think that was the end? Did you? 😂
Trust me, you'll need chilled Pepsi for this chapter.
13th March, 2017.
New York City,
Rahma fixed her overcoat before she stepped out. She didn't want to spend her last day of freedom cooped up in the apartment Zarah booked for their return. Since Zarah wasn't there with her, she decided to stay there alone for a day. The next day, she'll be back in prison. Or as she calls it, hell.
Since she left her phone and everything money related back in Nigeria for Zarah, she didn't have anything to distract her. So, she simply spent the day going to various places. She made sure to not visit places that make her end up lost though. She kept track of her movements so she could return to the apartment later on.
Funny how she spent a whole decade in the place yet she never got the chance to go about and take in the beauty of it. She used that opportunity to do so, knowing it might be her last time.
Afterwards, when the sun set and the place became dark, she headed back home. She ordered room service food, and ate it. She was glad she didn't have to pay for such since Zarah covered all expenses. And despite how much she wanted to eat the scrumptious food knowing she won't get that in prison, she couldn't eat much. She didn't have the appetite.
So, she ate a small amount to satisfy her hunger and sat on one of the couches, thinking about everything that had happened so far and the decisions she made before leaving Nigeria.
She wasn't sure but she had an inkling that Noah might go to the apartment looking for her, hoping she hadn't left. That was why she left the note for him there. The address to his mother's apartment.
After everything he told her, that was her last present to him. She hoped that he would visit the address and meet his mother. Would he be stunned to see she's still alive? Or would he be so elated that he wouldn't care? The answer, she wouldn't find out any time soon.
Sighing, she rested her hands on her thigh before standing up. She headed to her room and took a warm shower. She wanted to enjoy every bit of luxury before she's stripped off it. Once she was done, she dressed up in a grey cardigan and black denim.
While pulling her hair into a ponytail, she heard the door bell rung. Her brows furrowed. She quickly tied it up and picked a veil, wrapping it to cover her head.
On her way to the door, her eyes darted over to the wall clock in the living room which read 00:27am. Rubbing her palm on her denim, she held the door handle and inhaled deeply. Briefly closing her eyes for a second, she exhaled and flicked them back open, at the same time, twisting the door open.
Instead of being taken aback by seeing the people there, her shoulders simply slumped slightly.
"Time's up Rabia Malik. You're coming back to prison with us as you've failed to present any valid evidence in court. You have the right to remain silent"
Without a word said, she simply extended her hands out allowing the female cop to put the handcuffs on her.
24th October, 2017.
MDC Brooklyn,
New York City, America.
The one word that describes a place no one wants to go to in the afterlife.
To Rahma though, hell was prison at first. Does she still consider prison hell? No. Unlike before, she had changed too. Changed in ways so many people didn't expect.
"You got out pretty quickly" Said a woman, taking a spot in the table of four.
The woman that was sitting beside her nodded in agreement. "She's right. I thought they'd make you spend about a week in there after what happened" She placed one of the cards in her hand amidst of the table, where other cards lay.
The third woman scoffed, intertwining her fingers together. In the process, hiding the scar that ran from her palm upwards. "Things really have changed. And so did their tactics and all"
The other person that hasn't spoken since flickered her gaze between the two card sin her hand. She clicked her tongue, knowing the conversation was about her yet she made no move to spare any of them a glance. Tapping her index finger on one of the cards for a few seconds, she picked it out and placed it on the other cards in the middle.
"Once you know how to play the game..." She trailed off, placing the last card in her hand on top of the other, " can win the game" She smirked, finally looking up to look at the three women.
The two others that were playing cards with her groaned, throwing the cards in their hands on the table seeing as she'd won.
The first one that spoke glanced at the person that won the game, "Tell me Rahma, how did you get out of the black room in two days"
Rahma's smirk remained intact as she shrugged. Since she came back, she went by the name Rahma instead of Rabia. At first, it was a hassle to get people to call her that instead of her real name, but eventually some of them got a hand of out though some still address her with her real name.
When they do call her out using Rabia, she ignores them. To her, Rabia is a weak girl that she once was. She wasn't her anymore, she was Rahma and she intended to stay the same till she takes her last breath.
Rahma sighed lowly, "I have my ways" She simply replied. She didn't feel the need to explain that her ways involved making a deal with the policewomen to give them the names of the inmates who have contraband with them and the places they hid them. Doing that alone puts her in danger because if the inmates find out, they'll try to harm her. Yet, she wasn't planning on backing down either. If she has to be selfish to get what she wants, then so be it.
The one with the scar on her turned around to look at Rahma, "Since you're done, do you want to head to the gym before our time is up?"
Rahma nodded, standing up just as the woman did the same. Without another word said to the two others left seated on the table, they walked away in the direction of the gym.
When they reached there, they both prepped up. Rahma as usual tied her orange top around her waist, tying a long yard around her knuckles in case she takes things too far and try to injure her knuckles.
The other woman stood beside her as Rahma stood in front of the punching bag, and started throwing hits at it. The woman guided her just as they had been doing for the past months since Rahma returned. Rahma wouldn't admit it but she was grateful for the help she got from her. Because of that, she was able to protect herself from the people that used to step on her.
While training a group of women whom Rahma is well too familiar with passed by, throwing her nasty glares. However, that was all they did. They didn't try to attack her anymore since they did that when she first returned. It was safe to say that the woman that tried to punch her ended up with two broken knuckles. At the end of the day, they were both punished. But at least, Rahma got them to stop trying to attack her.
That didn't mean that other didn't. Some did, and just like that group of women, they got what they were looking for. Rahma didn't back down or any fights anymore, she took them head on no matter how many people were there. Countless times, she gets injured a lot too yet she does the same damage with the help of the woman with the scar.
As much as Rahma wouldn't like to admit it, the woman was like a friend to her.
Rahma stopped punching the bag, turning around to return the glare she got from the women. But that was all it ever was at the moment, a glare-off. Eventually, they walked away without causing any trouble.
Rahma smirked, then turned around to continue her workout.
She was back in the place she considers hell, but it was that of a hell due to how much she had changed. If anything she wouldn't call it a hell anymore but rather, a place to try and survive.
There are hardships. But, with every hardship comes ease.
That was what Rahma believed in. And that mindset kept her going.
"Malik!" A policewoman called out, as she stood in front of the cell Rahma shares with three other inmates.
Rahma who had just completed her prayer looked up, "Yes?"
"Step out. You have a visitor"
Rahma couldn't hide the surprise on her face. She quickly blinked and unfolded her sitting form. Trying her best to stay composed, she walked out of the cell the policewoman opened. She extended her hands and the handcuffs were placed.
She wanted to ask who visited her. She was eager to know. Though it had been months since she returned, no one visited her. She also hasn't heard anything about the people she was with back then and to say she was worried would be an understatement.
She had so many questions she wanted to be answered, so many inquiries to be made. Yet, she couldn't make them as no one visited.
Till now. Who could the visitor be?
She walked out, with the policewoman closely behind her. When they reached the visiting area, her gaze fell on a woman who sat alone in a table. The other tables in the room were filled up. Everything felt like déjà vu to her. At the moment, she had a feeling that the woman is Zarah.
She hoped it would be her. Just like the last time.
She quickened her pace and walked towards her. The woman stood up, turning around just as Rahma reached the table, the policewoman stood by the entrance along with a colleague of hers, keeping a close eye on the inmates and their visitors.
Rahma gasped, her eyes widening when she saw who the guest is.
She smiled widely. Although Ameerah wasn't the person she hoped to see, she was happy to see her nonetheless. "Ameerah..." Her smile turned into a grin.
Ameerah walked closer to her and embraced her. Rahma couldn't return the hug though, as her hands were still bound by the cuffs. When Ameerah realized that, she pulled back, chuckling slightly. "Sorry...I'm just happy to see you"
"It's okay"
The two sat opposite each other; both with grins etched on their faces.
"It's been a while" Rahma started, unable to hold herself back. "How have you been? How have all of you been? I was so worried"
Ameerah simply watched Rahma, still grinning. "We're all fine Alhamdulillah. I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier. We all had so many things we needed to fix up first"
Rahma nodded in agreement, "Don't worry about it Ameerah. Or is it Dr. Ameerah now?" She raised a brow, her grin as bright as the happiness on her face.
Ameerah chuckled, nodding in the process. "It's Dr. Ameerah" She leaned forward, intertwining her fingers as she placed her hands on the table between them. "I wrote my final exams two months ago, and I passed"
"Alhamdulillah. That's good news, masha Allah" Rahma clasped her hands together, "I'm happy for you Ameerah"
"Thank you Rahma" Ameerah sighed, her shoulders rising then slumping, "You know, after everything that happened I thought I couldn't make it. But, Tahir and Noah corrected everything they did and well, Alhamdulillah, things went back to normal. Though it took a while for me to get a hang of stuff since I'd missed so many things. Honestly Rahma, I only got to pass because of Allah. If not for Him, I don't think I would've made it"
Rahma nodded slowly in agreement, "Alhamdulillah" She muttered, "How are the others? How is Aisha and her case?" She wasn't close to the girl, she had never talked to her before yet, she felt she had to ask. It was only right considering the girl and Tahir are close. Asking about her case is similar to asking about Tahir's case.
"The deceased husband withdrew his case against her"
"He did?" Rahma blinked. She didn't think he'd do that considering it's a retrial.
Ameerah's grin morphed into a smile, "Well, it was obvious that my case against Tahir was over, considering it was evident he's innocent. And since I don't plan on handling any more case, the man decided to withdrew it too. Aisha had already paid for her actions islamically long ago. I guess, there was no need to go further on a case that just hurts everyone, yeah?"
Rahma bobbed her head, agreeing with Ameerah's words. "And Tahir?"
"He decided to not contest in the election. He is happy simply having Mama with him"
"Have you two patch things up?"
Ameerah sighed lowly as she blinked. "Honestly Rahma, you of all people should know that it's not easy to forget things and move on. I've forgiven him, yes, but it's going to take a while for us to get along"
Rahma understood. She was willing to support Ameerah in any decision she made. The girl was right, forgiving is easy but forgetting is not. And, it's up to the victim to figure out how they'll accept it and move on. After everything that Ameerah had bene through, Rahma believed that it would be best for her to take her time to heal and move on. "Take all the time you need Ameerah, but do heal and get back on your feet"
Ameerah smiled, "I will" She whispered, leaning back. "Mubarak sends his regards. His break is over so she has a tight schedule now, and hence, why he can't visit"
"It's okay. I'm just glad that you all are okay" There are two important people that she wanted to ask about, yet she was scared to do so. Fiddling with her fingers, she licked her chapped lips then asked, "What of Noah and Zarah? How are they?"
"They're both okay"
"That's it?" She spoke before she could think. It wasn't her fault though. She was expecting more, details, just like everyone else. "Is Zarah out of the coma? How has Noah been handling everything so far?"
Ameerah sighed deeply. "Rahma we don't know what's going on with the two. Zarah was transferred to another hospital when we went to visit her. And since then, no one has heard anything from or about her. Noah disappeared without a trace. Every now and then he calls Tahir and Mubarak, but all he ever tells them is that he's okay. Nothing else"
Rahma's brows drew in as she continued to fiddle with her fingers. She flickered her gaze away from Ameerah as her mind raced with possibilities, "I wonder what happened to them" She muttered.
27th October, 2017.
The Court of Appeals.
Rabia couldn't hide the stunned expression masking her features. She blinked, her brows drawn in deeply. Yet, she continued walking with two police behind her, leading her to the place only they are aware of. No matter how much she asks, they refuse to budge and say a word to her.
Sighing lowly, she fiddled with her thumbs as that was all the hand cuffs placed on her would allow. She gulped when they reached a door, which was opened by another police. Flickering her gaze away from the police, she looked at the now open door. She stayed rooted in her spot, unable to move.
She had overcome most of her fears in the past decade, except one. It wasn't a fear but more of an experience she never wanted to relive. She didn't want to relive that memory not even in her wildest dreams.
A light shove from behind her had her walking into the place she dreaded the most in her life.
With slow, cautious and hesitant steps, she walked in. It was much different from the one in Nigeria. At least then, she knew she wasn't involved in the case. Had it been Zarah was there with her, she wouldn't have feared the place that much. However, being alone again for the second time, she feared for her life.
She headed towards the chair that's meant for her. The same one she sat on a decade ago, in the same room. Back then, she remained stoic through despite the fact that she was scared internally. This time around, she did nothing to conceal her fear.
Why bother? The first time she knew what her fate was, she knew what would happen. This time around, she had no idea why she was there, or what would be of her at the end of the day.
She remained seated in her chair, refusing to move her gaze away from staring at space. She heard people come into the courtroom, each finding their respective positions and sitting on it. She was aware of them all, their movements and chatters that filled up the room. Yet, she refused to look up or make a move.
However, that changed when the judge walked in.
"All rise!"
Everyone stood up, including her.
While the necessary introductions were made, Rahma couldn't stop tapping her foot on the ground. She gulped when her gaze fell on the police that stood guarding every entry in the courtroom. She didn't dare look back, she was sure she knew none of the people that attended the hearing.
Her ears perked up when someone from the panel spoke up. "Today, on the 27th October, 2017, we're here for the retrial case regarding the murder of Bilal Malik who was stabbed to death in his home"
Rahma blinked furiously, lightly chewing her lips unconsciously. She gulped, hands forming into a fist.
She heard the door open again, and the sound of footsteps filled up the suddenly quiet courtroom. Yet, she didn't dare turn back.
The person walked towards her and stood beside the chair next to Rahma. This made her snap her gaze to the source, eyes widening immediately.
"Hello matar soja" The woman grinned, "It's been a while"
"Introduce yourself before the judge" The man that made the introductions earlier spoke up, making the woman glance at him. Rahma however, couldn't move an inch or close her mouth that hung open.
The woman nodded, her grin widening. "My Lord, I am Attorney Zarah Suleiman Gwalabe and I am the defendant of Miss Rabia Malik"
You. Did. Not see. That. Coming!!!
I'm sure of that.
Love, Jannah.
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