CH46. Finale: Facing Fate.
The next person she set out to meet was Noah.
She didn't call or text him to ask for his location. Instead, she opted for asking Tahir before she bid farewell to him knowing it's the last time they'll ever meet.
They might not have been that close, but the pang of pain was still there. These were people she was starting to warm up to, and possibly form a friendship with so cutting ties with them is hard. With every person she says goodbye to, the realization of what's happening dawned on her. It was a constant reminded that she would have to spend another nine years in prison, almost another decade.
Could she survive? If she does, what's the point of living again?
Sighing, she collected what she ordered from a man. He offered her a grin that she couldn't find it in her to reciprocate. She simply nodded and handed him over his money before she headed in the direction she was told.
Noah stared at nothing in particular. He didn't find anything interesting anymore. How could he? He never did all his life. Albeit he hated Maria for the decision she made ten years ago, she was always there for him like a mother. Sure enough, they don't get along, but even if it's your enemy you wouldn't wish death upon them, right?
Maria was the only person he had left, despite her flaws and all, she was always there for him. Her methods of doing such were questionable, but she did everything for him. Unfortunately, he didn't realize that till she was no longer there, beside him. It was at the moment that Noah believed in the saying people do not realize what they have until they lose it. He is a living proof of that.
An ice cream placed infront of him snapped him out of his reverie. He blinked, staring at it for a second before snapping his head to the owner of the hand. He felt a small sense of relief wash over him when his gaze fell on Rahma.
"Take it, my hand hurts from being in the same position" She offered him a small smile, making him do so too.
He nodded, taking it out of her hold.
Sighing, she found a space on the bench and sat. Her other hand held her own ice cream. She wasn't in the mood for it, and she knows neither is Noah but that could be the last time they meet, she wanted them to do something that reminded them of their relationship as kids.
After all, all they have is each other. She knew about his mother, and she was still hesitating on whether to tell him about her or not.
Noah slowly twirled the ice cream, noting it melting slowly. "I'm sorry" He uttered the two words he had been meaning to say to her for ten years.
Rahma blinked, the small smile long gone. Sure enough, being with her brother lifted her mood a bit, but the gloomy part of her was still there. She didn't know why he was apologizing exactly. Was it on behalf of Maria? Whatever the case was, she felt it wasn't right for him to apologize. If anyone should apologize between them, then it was her. "I'm sorry Noah" Her voice came out low. She had always wanted to apologize to him, and to explain herself but she never got the chance to do that. She swallowed, "I know you probably hate me but I didn't kill him" She turned around to look at him.
With Maria gone, there was no need to hide her identity anymore. They both knew the truth, so why bother to hide it again?
Noah casted his eyes down as he sighed. When he looked at her, he offered her a small nod. "I know" His voice was barely above a whisper; she could've missed it has she not been paying so much attention to him. "I never blamed you"
Judging from what he first said, she knew without a doubt Noah knew something about his father's death. And, she could ask him to testify to prove her innocence. But, she didn't. So many questions were running in her head at the moment. Would he agree? Would his testimony be enough? Could she afford to make him relive those horrid moments of his life for her sake?
Briefly closing her eyes, she dismissed those thoughts. She had already given up, she wouldn't bother to try and get help again. She looked away.
"When are you leaving?"
She exhaled lowly. "Tomorrow"
Noah turned around too, his gaze falling on two kids that we replaying around. A woman sat from afar, seemingly their mother, watching them with a grin on her face. Rahma noticed them too. She quietly watched them, unable to tear her gaze away from the ecstatic kids. The two finished their ice cream quickly during that time, seeing as it was melting already. At least, the cold delight lifted their moods a bit.
"If that incident didn't happen..." Rahma spoke up, after a couple of minutes filled with silence, "...we would've grown and be happy too, right?"
Noah smiled sadly. "Perhaps..." He sighed, " would've been happy. I don't think I would"
Her brows furrowed, "Why won't you be happy? Your father would still be here with us"
Noah chuckled lowly, refusing to say a word regarding what she uttered.
Rahma didn't push him to comment further, deciding to not prod further into that. Clearly, he didn't want to speak about it. However, there was one thing that she couldn't wrap her fingers around, she wanted to hear about it from him. There's a high chance that speaking about it will be painful for him, but her curiosity got the best of her. "Noah, can I ask you something?"
He nodded.
"What..." She fiddled with her fingers, "What was your mother like?"
For the first time that day she saw his lips curl into a smile. Albeit, there were traces of sadness in his eyes, his smile was bright as ever. "She was the most beautiful woman I've ever known. She was kind, and compassionate. Although she had been through a lot, she always smiled. Now, thinking back, she must've faked it so I wouldn't know how she had suffered. But, to be honest with you Rabia, I've always known. Granted, I was young back then, and I didn't realize the gravity of the pain but I knew she was hurting. Yet, I couldn't do anything to help her...or save her" His last sentence came out low. Without a doubt, it must've hurt him to say that.
Rahma wanted to ask him the next question in her head, but she could tell that there was more than he wanted to say about the first one so she kept quiet and waited for him to speak first.
"Soft and delicate"
"Huh?" She rose a brow.
He smiled, "Lena. Soft and delicate. That's the meaning of her name" He sighed, blinking in the process. "She's just like her name. Those two words described her more than anything. At least, that was what I thought back then. Now, I've realized that she's now delicate but rather strong. She's the strongest person I know"
Rahma nodded slowly. So Lena really is his mother.
She swallowed thickly, her next question would be harder than the last. But she needed to know. "How did she die?"
"A car accident" He replied, much faster than she thought he would. Yet, the sadness in his tone was very much evident.
"I can't imagine how you felt when you saw the corpse" Perhaps she was being insensitive by saying such words to him, reminding him of the pain he felt back then, but she needed those answers.
How could Lena be alive when she's supposed to be dead?
Noah sighed deeply. "We all feel pain seeing our parents dead, yeah?"
She nodded, though she couldn't exactly understand. When her parents died, she was too young to realize it. So, she couldn't understand the pain he's talking about.
Her nod seemed to be satisfactory enough for him. He sighed again, his shoulders slumping. "I couldn't see her though; I couldn't find it in me to do so. Since the day I was told of her death, I didn't leave my room for a whole week. How could I? I was too scared that if I go out, it'll be like accepting the reality that she's no longer with me"
"Do you regret it now? Not seeing her for the last time that is"
"Of course I do" He exhaled lowly, "Now looking back, I was...should I say a coward or stupid for doing that?" He shrugged lightly, "Mom didn't have any family members, I am all she had. And at the end of the day, I couldn't even be there for her" He clenched his jaw.
Rahma glanced at him. Though he didn't show, she could see that he wanted to break down.
He briefly closed his eyes, "I would do anything, just to see her one last time"
Rahma looked away from him. She was doubtful before, but now she knew what she had to do.
It was the least she could do for him after everything.
"I never got the chance to thank you before"
Mr. Sagir shook his head, "Don't say that. Why are you giving up now? Zarah wouldn't want that for you"
He couldn't understand why Rahma would make such a decision. Sure enough, Maria is gone but that doesn't mean so is the hopes of her ever proving her innocence. Ever since she came and asked to meet him, he knew that she was there to bid him farewell. It was evident from her expression.
So, the two made their way over to a café a few blocks away from the hospital where Zarah is. He usually visits during day time and leave at night time since a friend of Zarah's come over to stay with her then.
Rahma looked down, her lips stretching into a small smile, "Mr. Sagir she's in a coma because of me. And with Maria gone now, I don't want to make this harder on anyone. There's no point of it"
"There's still hope---"
"No there isn't" She cut him off. She wasn't trying to be rude. She just wanted to end any false hopes they might've had in the past. She swallowed, intertwining her hands that she rested on her thighs. "Mr. Sagir, I haven't known you for long but I really do appreciate all the help you've given me. However," She released a deep sigh. "It's about time I face my fate"
He wanted to say something, argue further till she agrees to not give up. However, one look from her had him keeping his mouth shut. Anyone could see the defeat on her face, and she did nothing to hide it.
She was tired of going back and forth. She just wanted it to end.
He nodded in understanding. "You're leaving tomorrow?"
"I wish you all the best then" He sighed, "Just hold on for as long as you can. One day, you will be happy. In shaa Allah"
She smiled genuinely for the first time that day. His words gave her all the assurance she needed at the moment. He didn't say much but three sentences meant everything to her. "I will. Thank you"
"I believe I speak for Zarah when I say, we're both proud of you for not giving up long ago. In all my years of being an attorney, you're the first person I've seen with such a case that remained strong for this long" He stated genuinely. He had been meaning to say that to her from the minute they met but there was never a right time, till then. He leaned forward, placing both his hands on the table between them, "You're much stronger than you give yourself credit for Rabia"
She wanted to tell him that she wasn't strong, that she's anything but. Yet, she simply nodded wordlessly. That was all she could muster up at the moment.
She pushed the door to Zarah's hospital room open, then stepped in, closing the door shut behind her. With slow, almost hesitant steps, she walked over to the bed. Placing her phone on the side table, she sat on the chair beside the bed all the while keeping her gaze on Zarah. "Hello Zarah" She muttered lowly.
Zarah's doctor told her that although the girl is in a coma, she could still hear everything around her. So, she opted to take about everything with her though she'll not get any response.
"I know I never got the chance to say this, so thank you and I'm sorry" She started, leaning closer to the bed. She noticed most of the injuries on Zarah's face had disappeared. They weren't severe to begin with either way. "Thank you for giving me the chance to try and prove my innocence. You know...for the past ten years of my life I prayed that someone would believe my innocence. To be honest, I had lost hope after the first few years..." She chuckled lowly, somehow finding humor in it. "Back then I believed that I would die eventually in prison before my 25 years sums up. Then I met this woman in prison. She wasn't the nicest, but amongst all the people that had helped me there, she was the nicest to me. Every time I wanted to give up, she convinces me that I'm not a coward, that I am much more than I give myself credit for. Do you know who she is?"
Rahma knew her question wouldn't be answered, yet she had to ask it.
With slumped shoulder, she continued, "Lena. Back then I really did think she was the one who would believe my innocence. She never said it, but I had a feeling that she does. And now, I find out that she was there that night. She knew everything that happened to me yet she refused to speak up" She huffed lowly, "Everything she did for me back in prison had to be out of guilt. Yet that guilt wasn't enough or her to confess and get me out of there. I honestly don't know if I should still be grateful, or if I should feel anger towards her"
She sighed deeply, moving her gaze away from Zarah to the wall behind her. "Mr. Sagir said I'm strong, but I don't feel that way. Is it wrong that I want to give up? Maria killed herself, that must be what she meant by saying over her dead body. With her gone, is it really wrong for me to give up? You think I'm now a coward too, don't you?" She raised a brow, glancing at Zarah's still face.
For the first time since she met Zarah, she really wanted her to say something. Anything. The girl had slowly become a friend of hers, someone that she could always count on. Sure enough, they haven't known each other for long, but she considered her a friend nonetheless.
"I'm sorry" She whispered, "I really did try, but it wasn't enough. You're disappointed in me aren't you? Honestly Zarah, I did try my best. Yet, I still feel like it wasn't enough. Apart from the confession you got from Maria, I got more, yet there was nothing that directly implicates her for the murder of my foster father. I hid the files so she wouldn't find them, it seemed like a good idea considering she had my apartment raided that day. She didn't think of checking the one place I'd hide it though, here" Her eyes moved to the bed.
The day she packed up the files and the recording in the flash, she came to the hospital and placed them under Zarah's bed mattress. Zarah being in a coma meant the nurses didn't bother to make her bed, therefore, no one would think of checking there. Rahma had a tough time slipping it there, considering she had to shift Zarah from her position on the bed slightly, but she did.
It was a stupid yet the safest place she could think of.
Sighing again, she looked back at Zarah. "I'm going back tomorrow, so this is the last time we'll be meeting. I really hope you get better soon. When you do, can you visit me in prison?" She chuckled slightly, "Prison becomes extremely lonely when you have no one to visit, so please do. At least, then I'll be at ease knowing you've gotten better"
She wanted to say more, yet she couldn't find it in her to speak again. She knew that if she does, she might just end up crying, and that was the last thing she wanted to do. She had cried enough.
She stayed over with Zarah for a couple of hours, before she headed back home to prepare. She wanted to prepare everything before she leaves.
And that included giving Zarah back everything she had given her. It wasn't hers from the beginning to start from.
12th MARCH, 2017.
Noah drove as fast as he can so he can reach his apartment. He wanted to meet Rahma one last time before she leaves. He didn't want the last time they meet to be in the park. There are still a lot he wanted to tell her. There's still a promise he wanted to make.
Unfortunately, work came up so he couldn't leave as early as he wanted to initially. However, the minute he finished, he left the hospital in a hurry. He had tried to call her on the way, but her phone was switched off.
When he reached the apartment, his gaze fell on the empty parking lot where her car is supposed to be. That made his eyes widen. He all but ran over to the door, opening it as fast as he can fast he made a dash into it.
He was greeted by darkness.
"No" He muttered, flickering the lights on. As the living room became illuminated by the light, he noticed that the place was oddly quiet. Every mess was cleaned up; it was as if it had never happened. The only proof was the things she broke, which she didn't replace. Other than that, she cleaned up pretty well.
He rushed to the room she had been staying in, and knocked on it a few times, calling her name. Eventually when he got no answer, he twisted the door knob open and stepped into an empty room. It was clear of everything. Even as he checked the closet, her clothes were gone.
He ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. Pulling his phone out, he tried to dial her phone again but just like the other times, it was switched off. He didn't know when her flight would leave, so he couldn't tell whether she had left already or not.
Yet, he wanted to go to the airport and check as much as he can. However, something caught his attention before he could.
Her phone laid on the bed, a sticky note attached to it. He walked over to it, and removed the note. It said;
'To Noah: This is my last gift to you. I hope you find happiness.
Underneath it is an address.
Thank you for reading Veiled ladies and gentlemen😭❤️ Last AN coming up!
Hope you like the book.
Love, Jannah.
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