CH45. Pointless War

It's human nature to react to shocking news in various ways.

Certain reactions are always expected. Some people react with disbelief, others in anger, while some with nothing at all.

Rahma belonged to the first. However, her reaction was expected. How else was she supposed to react to being informed that Maria, the one person that's her key to being free from prison is dead?

Disbelief. Complete and utter disbelief.

She tapped her foot on the floor, wanting nothing more than for her driver to speed up so she could get there on time. She doesn't want to believe it. No, she couldn't believe it. At least not until she sees it with her own eyes. Not until she could see Maria's pale, lifeless body. And even then she'd curse her soul for putting her in that never-ending pain.

Before the driver could completely park the car in the driveway, she threw the door open making the car stop with a screech. That didn't bother her though. She didn't care about anything at the moment. Not the fact that she could've hurt herself. Not the people that surrounded the house. Not the police that stopped them from going inside. Not the ambulance outside. And definitely, not the sight of Mubarak beside one of the police.

She rushed over to him, gulping and breathing heavily.

"Rahma!" His eyes widened when he saw her.

"Where is she? I have to see her. She can't be dead" She rushed out, her words jumbled due to the speed.

"Rahma, calm down"

"Calm down?!" She glared at him. Her shoulders rose, then slumped as she breathed out. "There's no way I'm letting that woman go to hell without suffering here first" She said through gritted teeth, eyes blaze with fury. "She can't get a free pass into hell without facing me"

Mubarak sighed, glancing at the open doors and the troop of police going in and out of the house. "You can't get in. Only Noah was as he's her only family"

"Mubarak I can't just--" She stopped midway, when four people whose faces were covered with masks stepped out of the house holding a gurney. On it laid a body, covered with a white sheet.

Her eyes followed their every move. It wasn't until the wind whooshed in the direction, sending the first half of the sheet open did she stagger. Behold, laid the body of the one person she hated more than anything in her life.

Yet, instead of dark orbs to meet hers, she met with nothing but shut lids and pale lips.

Her mouth hung open, her hand reaching out to cover it as her eyes stung with tears. It wasn't tears of pain, it was that of complete and utter anger.

"Rahma..." Mubarak called out, seeing the look on her face.

She didn't move her gaze away from the body, not when they covered Maria's face away from the reporters that happened to show up out of nowhere. She followed the gaze with her eyes until she could no longer see it.

Her fists remained clenched by her side, teeth gritted. She closed her eyes, a tear sliding down as she watched the bus that held Maria's body drive out of the house.

Before Mubarak could say a word to her, she turned around and stormed back to her car. When she got in, she only gave the driver the simple instruction to take her home, unable to utter a word more. For some reason, she didn't react when she was in the car. She still felt that intense anger yet she didn't do anything about it.

It wasn't until she arrived at Noah's apartment where she had been staying, not until she stepped into the confines of it did realization dawned on her.

Maria is dead. She's gone.

She reached her hand out, knocking over the first vase her hand rested on. That was when she snapped. The anger coped with tears blurred her vision. She broke anything in sight, anything she had her hands on were as good as ruined. The damage was supposed to calm her down but it didn't. It did the opposite actually. It only fueled her anger more.

Ameerah opened the door, internally thankful that Rahma forgot the door. After Rahma left, Mubarak called her and asked her to check up on the girl. He also mentioned the new place she lived in as Noah told him about it earlier.

She stepped into the apartment, flinching when she heard another loud crash from the living room. From the entrance, she could see the beautiful handiwork of Rahma. Her masterpiece. Broken glasses littered the ground with bits of blood undoubtedly from Rahma hurting herself without noticing it.

With slow, cautious steps, Ameerah made her way further in all the while avoiding the shards. Her gaze first fell on Rahma and to say she underestimated how she'd react would be an understatement. The anger the girl displayed was nothing compared to what Mubarak told her about. If anything, he didn't do justice to it.

Rahma sent a small vase flying in the direction of Ameerah, eyes still blurred that she didn't notice her presence.

Ameerah was barely able to dodge it before it crashed. Eyes still wide as saucers, she exhaled, "Rahma..." She called out, making the girl snap her gaze to her. "Please calm down..."

"Calm down?" Rahma laughed humorlessly, "You're telling me to calm down? Why are all of you saying that to me?" She yelled, not bothering to stop the tears streaming down her face.

Ameerah blinked, feeling bad for Rahma. "Rahma please..." She closed her eyes briefly, "Reacting this way wouldn't help you"

"Help?" Rahma asked, chuckling at the word. "Nothing, and I mean nothing can help me anymore" She clenched her teeth, eyes narrowed at Ameerah. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN WHEN THE ONE WOMAN RESPONSIBLE FOR RUINING MY LIFE IS DEAD?!" Her voice rose, yet she didn't care about it. It was the least of her concerns at the moment.

Ameerah couldn't help but tear up. She could see both the anger and pain in Rahma. It was that evident. So, she kept quiet. She knew nothing she'd say at the moment would make her feel any better.

"TELL ME!" Rahma yelled, crouching over as her voice cracked with each word she yelled out. She sniffed, face red from the anger and tears. "That woman" She pointed her hand, though at no one but they both knew who she meant, "...was the only chance I had of proving my innocence. And now what?" Her voice turned into a mere whisper as she sniffed, "She's dead. Isn't that funny?" She laughed.

Ameerah sighed and wiped the tears that formed in her eyes. As much as she didn't want to be affected, it was impossible not to. Especially not while staring at Rahma in that state.

Rahma continued to laugh, though she found no humor in the situation. "She's dead" She whispered again, "I might as well go back and hand myself over to the police" She shrugged, spitting the words out bitterly. "I spent ten years Ameerah, ten years! Praying to Allah each and every day that I'll get the chance to prove my innocence. Then I got the chance, I got only one month to prove my innocence and within this month you have no idea how much pain I had went through" She sniffed, wiping the tears with the back of her hand only for them to come streaming down more. "Do you have any idea how I felt? Do any of you have any idea what I went through?"

Ameerah looked down, unable to answer Rahma's question. Yes, she had been through a lot too but she couldn't ever measure her pain to that of Rahma. Neither could be compared. They both went through so much. No one would ever understand without being in their shoes.

"Of course you don't" Rahma shrugged, sniffing back her tears. Her fists were no longer clenched and her shoulders sagged. She pointed her finger at Ameerah, "So please" She said each word through gritted teeth as she clenched her eyes, still unable to hold the tears in, "Do not ask me to calm down because I can't" She shook her head, her legs giving up on her as she fell on the ground. "I can't calm down, not now, not ever"

Ameerah walked towards Rahma, crouching beside her she offered her a hug. It wasn't what Rahma needed but a little comfort would help. It won't lessen the pain, but the assurance of knowing that someone is there with you was more than enough.

That pain though, it was still there in Rahma and she knew it wouldn't go away any time soon.

It might last forever.


11th MARCH, 2017.


The following day after the death of Maria, Rahma shut everyone out. She was actually glad when she woke up and Ameerah wasn't there. She locked the apartment door and sat on the floor, leaning her back on a couch she simply stared out the window surrounded by the mess she created.

She had no idea where her phone was and she didn't care about that. She didn't turn on the TV either nor attempted to look for the phone. She simply sat there, only leaving the spot to drink water or pray. She didn't have the appetite to eat either.

So for the entire day, she simply sat and stared. Nothing more. Nothing less. She even slept there.

The next day she decided to do what was necessary considering she would leave the day afterwards. But, before she does that, she had a few things she needed to do.

So, the next day, when she woke up, she got dressed and tried to eat. After a few bites of her breakfast, she ditched it and opted to have water instead. Afterwards, she looked her phone and found it still inside the bag she went outside with. On her way to head out, she saw a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

She swallowed. Blinking as she saw the dull eyes that stared back at her, taunting her. She looked away, and focused on heading out. She didn't bother to fix the apartment; it was the least of her concerns that moment.

As always, her driver was waiting there for her. Unlike every other day when she offers him a smile, she just entered the car and told him where to take her after a brief greeting. He nodded, deciding to keep his mouth shut and not say a word regarding her appearance.

When the car arrived at Ameerah's place, she got off. Knocking on the door, she waited for the shuffling from the other side before the door opened and Ameerah stood in front of her. Ameerah offered her a smile, but she didn't get one. However, Ameerah wasn't offended. She knew what Rahma was going through so she understood her completely. "Come in" She ushered, stepping away to give Rahma space.

With a small nod, Rahma walked into the apartment, letting Ameerah close the door. Her gaze fell on Mubarak, who looked up when he heard her footsteps. He arrived only about three minutes before. He was there as per her request to see them both.

She sat on the couch when Ameerah offered her to sit, facing them both.

"How are you holding up?" Ameerah was the first to break the silence.

Rahma shrugged. "Okay. Alhamdulillah" She couldn't say she's okay, not when she's far from it.

"Listen Rahma..." Mubarak spoke up, making both women stare at him. "...I know this seems like it won't work out but maybe we can still find a way"

Rahma shook her head, "I'm leaving tomorrow" She breathed out. "Don't bother about that. There's no point of preparing for a pointless way"

"So you're just going to give up?"

"Aren't you?" Rahma raised a brow, throwing Ameerah's questions back at her.

They were both the same in a way. They were both giving up after years they spent engulfed by anger and hatred. It was time to move on.

Except, there's no moving on for Rahma.

Rahma's lips tilted into a small, barely visible smile. "I appreciate everything you two did for me, I really do. But, this is the end"


"I want to say goodbye first. This is the last time we'll ever meet" She cut Ameerah midway. Saying those words were hard, but she had to do it.

The two shared a look. They both knew from the expression on Rahma's face she had made her decision, and nothing would change her mind. Trying to talk her out of it would be pointless.

Rahma inhaled deeply, hands folded on her laps. "I know nothing worked in our favors but at least, one of us will have a chance for a better future, hopefully" Her statement was directed to Ameerah, who looked away.

She hadn't known Rahma for long, yet she still felt that pain of knowing after everything, the girl would go back to square one.

Rahma then moved her gaze to Mubarak, "Thank you for all your help, I really do appreciate it" She tried to offer him a smile, but couldn't. "I sincerely wish both of you nothing but the best"

She stood up, taking her bag along with her. Casting them one last look, she turned around and walked out, not waiting for their reply.

While walking back to her car, she pulled out her phone wanting to text Tahir next when she saw his message. He wanted to meet. So, she asked him for a location. As she entered the car, his reply came. It was the same place they met before the hearing.

Placing the phone down, she told the driver where to take her next. She leaned back on the chair, staring at nothing throughout the drive.

She couldn't tell how much time passed before they got there. She wasn't lost in her thoughts. She couldn't think of anything actually. And she made no effort to do that. She simply stared.

When the driver parked the car in the same position he did before, she released a sigh and stepped out. From the spot, she caught a glimpse of Tahir sitting by a window. He wasn't facing her so he didn't notice her presence.

Pushing her legs forth, she walked in.

The sound of approaching footsteps caught Tahir's attention. It made him look up, his gaze falling on Rahma. Even without speaking to her, he could tell she was gloomy to say the least. The dark look on her face, the lips set into a straight line and the dark outfit contributed to the fact a lot.

She pulled the chair opposite him, and sat. "You wanted to meet?" Was the first question she asked.

He nodded, sighing in the process. "I want to thank you for believing my innocence"

"Even though you know I was working with Ameerah" She didn't see the need to hide it. Not when everything's out already.

He scoffed lightly, "We all did things we weren't supposed to" There was no point in being angry at another when they're all at fault at a point. "So, even with that, I want to thank you"

She blinked. She understood how he felt. She would've done the same to anyone who believed in her innocence, just like she did with Ameerah and Mubarak. "I really do hope you clear your name Tahir. And if you do, be thankful to Allah and enjoy it" Since she won't get that chance, she hoped he will.

At least someone will get the justice he deserves. Everything won't be pointless then. Someone is bound to fail right from the beginning, and another was bound to win.

In this case, they knew who won and who lost.

He nodded, offering her a small smile. "Thank you. I wish the same for you too"

She looked down at her folded hands, resting on her thigh. His wish was far from her reality. When she looked up, she was finally able to muster up a small smile, "Both you and Aisha will get through this. Afterwards, you can live your lives the way you want to. I really don't blame her; a lot of people would've done the same thing but the fact that she's willing to accept it now meant she's finally doing the right thing. So..." She inhaled, exhaling lowly. "...I hope you, her, Ameerah, Mubarak, and Noah can let go of the past and move on. A lot has happened but you shouldn't let that ruin everything for you"

He simply nodded. "I'm sorry about Maria" he didn't know their direct relationship, but after what the woman intended to do to her he knew they must have a past together. "She was a coward for killing herself"


Rahma knew the woman died but she made no move to find out whether it was homicide or suicide.

Yet now that she does, it didn't change anything for her.

She's dead either ways, that was all that matters.


Don't kill me. No one would update for you if you do.

For real this time, Goodnight.

Love, Jannah.

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