CH42. True Face

Rahma smiled, wiping the water off her hand with a toilet paper.

Except for the change of location, everything felt like déjà vu to her. The first she met Maria after ten years and introduced herself as Rahma Turaki was in a restaurant's powder room. And currently, the same place Maria intends to end the whole Rahma Turaki charade happened to be in another powder room.

"I see you're tired of pretending" Rahma's smile turned into a small grin. She wasn't scared that Maria was finally putting a stop to the pretending and whatnot. Time was running out. It was about time they face the truth.

Maria smiled, though hers seemed to forced. "You didn't answer my question. Did you enjoy watching the hearing? Did it remind you of the past?" She raised a brow.

Rahma shrugged. "It did. But I would've enjoyed it more if you were behind bars while it happened"

Both women grinned at the other, albeit it was fake.

"That will never happen" Maria said, through gritted teeth; her smile not faltering one bit.

"Are you sure about that?" Rahma crossed her hand over her torso, "You were a little bit late..." She held out her index and thumb, leaving a small space between it, "...when sending your people over to trash my apartment. Maybe if they had arrived early, you might've gotten rid of the evidence I have against you"

"You can't prove anything with that"

Rahma's grin disappeared as her face turned stoic. "Watch me" Her eyes narrowed at Maria. "I am not the same girl you knew back then. Think twice before you think of intimidating me because it won't work"

"You can take the girl out of trash but you can't take the trash out of the girl"

"Are you talking about me or yourself?"

Maria placed her hand inside her bag, choosing to ignore Rahma. She then pulled something out. Without taking her eyes off Rahma, she threw it on the sink next to Rahma. "You forgot this"

Rahma flicked her eyes over to where what used to be her recording device sat. It barely resembled what it was when she planted it in Maria's house. Maria seemed to have hit it multiples times with something, because it looked nothing other than wires and broken metal in odd angles. Without a doubt, Maria vented her anger on the poor device.

She looked back at Maria. "That too. You're late" She shrugged, "Should've found it a day earlier, then maybe the chance of you ending behind bars would've been slim"

"You're just bluffing" Maria rolled her eyes, "If you have anything, you would've reported me since. Just as you did to my husband"

"You husband simply faced the consequence of his actions. I have nothing against him. Unlike you..." Rahma stepped closer to Maria, "...I would make sure you stay behind bars for the rest of your life" Her voice dropped. Though they were the only people in the restroom, she wanted Maria to be the only person that heard that. "You should've stayed in your country" She whispered, the same words she told her ten years ago. She doesn't know Maria's story, but judging from what Zarah told her about Maria's interest in Morocco, and the reaction she got out of her at the moment, it wasn't hard to put two on two together.

Maria doesn't look like an American. She never did. She always stood out from the people Rahma knew back then, she just never said anything about it.

And after the reaction she got out of Maria, she wanted to find out everything. To do that, she knew she had to find that Lena woman.

Maria's eyes widened for a fraction of second before it disappeared. Her whole posture became rigid as she squinted her eyes at Rahma. "You will never find out the truth no matter how much you want to"

"You don't realize how much you want something until you dream of it every single night" Rahma's lips tilted into a scowl, her voice dropping as she spoke her next words. "And trust me, there's nothing more I want than to find out the truth and put you behind bars"

"Over my dead body..." Maria clenched her teeth, "...will you find out anything"

Rahma snickered. She reached her hand out to the sink counter where she placed her bag and picked it up. Throwing Maria one last glance, she spoke. "Enjoy the hearing and that of your husband's. The next you'll attend is yours" She didn't wait for Maria's response before she walked out.

Maria glared at space, fists clenched by her side.


Tahir all but ran out, trying to spot her before she disappears again. He knew she wouldn't leave, as no one involved was allowed to leave without the court making their decision. He breathed out, his shoulder rose, then slumped as he looked around.

Yet there was no sight of her.

He pushed past the people that littered the hallway, all waiting to hear the outcome though everyone knows how it'll end. It didn't take a genius to know that. The truth is out already.

Standing by a window, he spotted her familiar figure and without wasting a second more, he rushed over to her. But, for some reason, once he was within earshot, he slowed down. She wasn't facing him, but she heard the footsteps. She didn't need to turn; she knew there was only one person who would come this far just to see her.

He stopped, unable to move another step forward. He couldn't pinpoint at what he felt at the moment exactly. Was it fear? Or longing?

She could tell when she no longer heard his footsteps that he had stopped. So, she turned around. "Tahir..." She attempted to offer him a smile, but she couldn't find it in her to do so.

How was she supposed to react to meeting her son for the first time after she left him? Especially considering the basis at which they last met? And if that wasn't enough, she testified against him although her testimony would help him more than what it was supposed to do.

That was the only reason she agreed to testify. Because her testimony might at least help clear his name. Without it, no one would ever know the truth and he might end up paying for a crime he didn't commit.

He had been through that enough. Tahir had always been a victim of circumstance. Every time he planned on helping someone, some goes wrong.

Tahir didn't say a word to her. He simply stared. His expression gave no hint of what he was feeling at the moment.

"Tahir I'm so sorry" She whispered. That was all she could think of doing at the moment. She had no idea what to do to justify her action nor to cover up for all the pain she caused him. "I should've trusted you. You're my son and..." She paused, the tears streaming down her face. She looked down, covering her face with both her hands.

She simply couldn't find it in herself to look at him, knowing all the pain he must've went through because of her. If she had listened to him back then, then maybe he would've cleared his name earlier. The two would've left together and they wouldn't have any regrets between them. She blamed herself for everything. She didn't expect him to forgive her.

That was why she was taken aback when she felt him embrace her. He didn't say anything. He simply hugged her desperately needing the warmth only his mother provided.

She on the other hand welcomed the embrace with open hands, crying on his shoulder. It was all the assurance she needed though he said nothing.

There were a lot of things they wanted to say to each other. Thousands of questions that need to be answered. Apologies that needed to be said. Yet, they preferred the silent embrace of their loved one.

They'll get to the talking and working stuff out stage later. For the moment, they were both contented to be reunited again.

A mother and son. After a decade.


Mubarak couldn't hold it in anymore. The minute the break was issued, he was quick to rush over to where his mother and sister stood. The mother glanced between the two, before she left them alone knowing they needed to speak alone. While she and her husband knew what happened, they kept it from Mubarak as per Aisha's request.

It wasn't because he's Tahir's friend.

No. She felt more ashamed around him than anyone. Since they were kids, he always told her to be honest no matter what. Honestly was something that she leant from him and because of that, she always faced the consequence of her action. Although, he always helped her go through it before.

She couldn't bear to meet his gaze. How could she when she committed a crime and ran away, letting someone else take the blame? It went against everything he taught her. And that only made her feel guiltier than she was feeling at the moment.

"Ya Mubarak..."

"Did he blackmail you?"

She looked up, brows drawn in. "What?" She didn't get what he said. It wasn't what she expected at all.

He clenched his fist by his side. "Did he blackmail you to take the blame for him, Aisha?" He raised a brow, his expression oddly calm though the raging storm in his eyes gave him away.

"No" She shook her head. "Of course not"

"Just tell me the truth. You know I'll help you get out of this, right?"

She sighed. She didn't get why he was insisting on something when she clearly told him otherwise. Perhaps it was because she didn't know about his plans, or his relationship with Ameerah. She could remember her from their childhood but after everything she went through, she forgot of her existence. One of the reasons she never told Tahir about her. "He didn't blackmail me Ya Mubarak. Everything I said is the truth. Tahir really is innocent. I am the one to blame"

He closed his eyes. He had so many questions for her. About how she knew Tahir, how she became so close to him that he was willing to take the blame for her. But, one question stood out. When he flicked his eyes open again, "Why didn't you tell me?" His voice came out low, the hurt in his tone evident.

Her chin quivered, as her gaze averted his. "I was scared. I couldn't face you after what I did"

He shook his head. "It was my fault Aisha. I shouldn't have called you at the time. I should've ended the call when you didn't pick up at first. I should've made more effort into finding out the real reason you left, then you wouldn't have gone through that much pain alone"

She looked back at him, a sad smile dancing on her lips. "How were you supposed to know? Allah planned for that to happen, so there was no way we could've avoided it" She sighed, wrapping her arms around herself as her eyes sting with unshed tears. She swallowed them back, blinking back the tears, "Do you know what I told myself all these years Ya Mubarak?"

He simply stared, unable to say anything.

She sniffed, wiping the tears that slid down her cheek. "I told myself that this is a test from Allah. That Allah only tests the people He loves. And for me to be tested in this way only means that Allah loves me" She offered him a smile, though it wasn't reciprocated. "And since it was a test from Allah, how can I avoid facing the consequence, huh? That's why I came back"

Mubarak could feel tears forming in his eyes, yet he held them back.

She wiped the tears that streamed down her face and sniffed again. "Ya Mubarak, Tahir is a good man. He is innocent. He even took the blame for something he didn't do because I was too much of a coward to do that"

At the moment, Mubarak felt stupid. He felt angry at himself for hating Tahir all these years, blaming him for something he didn't do. But most importantly, he felt stupid for blaming the man that was only protecting his sister.

How could he face Tahir afterwards? How would he apologize?

He didn't focus on that though. He had more important issues to handle, and that was being there for his sister at the moment because she needed the support then more than ever. So, she pulled her in for a hug, letting her cry on his shoulder. "Let it all out Aisha. It'll be okay in shaa Allah. Your big brother is here with you throughout the way. I won't leave you this time around. I promise"

And that was a promise he'd keep.

Aisha accepted the support from her brother with open hands. It had always been the two of them since they were kids after they lost their siblings. It was the two of them against the world and she'd be lying if she said she didn't wish he was there with her during the past three years.

But that didn't matter. What matters at the moment was that he was there. They'd go through it together. The right way.


Ameerah flickered her eyes close, hanging her head low in the process. She liked the silence that filled up the room as it was better than to be in the courtroom, full of people that will remind her of how she spent ten years of her life on nothing. That was why, the minute the break was issued, she stormed out.

Mubarak hasn't checked up on her, and she doesn't blame him. He had a sister to take care of. Rahma didn't show up either, yet she didn't blame her too. If anything, she preferred the silence over their presence. Because, she doesn't know whether to be feel stupid or angry in their presence.

She should've listened when the late victim's mother and the girl wanted to talk, yet she kept shutting them before they could speak. Countless time, the girl and her mother tried to speak to Ameerah, but she didn't listen. Her hate and anger towards Tahir blinded her of ever listening. Perhaps, she would've found out the truth then.

Admittedly, she was still angry at Tahir even if he wasn't guilty of any of the crimes. He still had a hand in ruining her education when he had the chance. She knows there's a high chance that she might recover and catch up but it would take long.

In a way, she still, believed that Tahir was a bad person. But it wasn't just him, Noah too. She despised those two which was why she didn't feel remorseful towards what she did to Tahir.

As for Aisha, a part of her felt angry at the girl. If only she had stepped up and confessed sooner, then they wouldn't have gotten this far on false theories.

Another, rational, part of her understood how Aisha must've felt...partially. She knew if she was in Aisha's shoes, she might've made the same mistake.

However, whether she believed her or not, she was still adamant on getting justice. She'd eventually forgive Aisha, but the girl has to pay legally.

It wouldn't have been fair to make Tahir pay when she'd let Aisha off the hook. All she wanted was for the real perpetrator to pay, and that was what she was willing to do.

Speaking of perpetrator, she has to start all over. She has to find the real person behind what happened to her and the girl. She had no leads whatsoever though. So, she felt like giving up.

It's pointless to go for war without preparing.

Her case had been so long; the real criminal might be dead already or somewhere she might never imagine. The same goes for the late victim's rapist.

Should she just give up?

At the moment seeking for justice has caused her nothing more than pain and anger. It blinded her of everything. In the course of getting justice, she became someone she wasn't.

Was this what she wanted for her life? Maybe she should just forget it and move on. It'll be hard but holding on to the pain and anger does nothing but hurt her and other people.

"Hey...are you okay?"

Ameerah quickly wiped the tear that slid down her cheek and turned around, coming face with Rahma.

Rahma offered her a small smile, tightening her hold around her bag's handle.

Ameerah looked away, then shook her head. What's the point of lying? Anyone that saw her at the moment could tell that she wasn't alright. Far from it actually.

Rahma walked towards her, setting on the chair opposite her. She sighed, keeping her bag aside. "You know, I felt the same way all the time" Her voice came out low.

Ameerah blinked, staring at her. She chuckled humorlessly. "You felt like life isn't ever fair to you"

Rahma smiled, pain shone in her eyes. "Yes" She nodded. "I don't think I've ever been lucky in my life" She chuckled lowly. "It had always been one problem after another"

Ameerah's smiled a bit. She finally felt like someone could understand her pain. "You know..." She looked up, blinking back the tears that formed. When she looked back at Rahma, she the smile was still there. "...sometimes I feel like if I didn't leave home that night, none of this would've happened"

Rahma's brows furrowed. "You left home?"

Ameerah nodded, trying to hold back the new set of tears that formed. "Maybe I should've stayed in my village, Bauchi wasn't that bad, yeah?"

Rahma's felt the world still. She knew that Ameerah was originally from Bauchi but that was all Zarah's folder said about her. There was nothing about her life before she met Lami. "How did you meet your mother then?" She had always been curious about how Ameerah ended up in Lami's care.

Ameerah stared at the space behind Rahma. A distant look taking over her features as she reminisced the past. "She saved me...or her son did? I'm not sure" She shrugged. "Then took me to the hospital" She chuckled all of the sudden, "Yesterday when I was talking to her about it, she told me she was scared at a point when one of the nurses covered me with a white sheet. She thought I had died"

Rahma clenched the end of her veil, as her eyes widened. She felt her breathing become heavier by the second. "Which hospital"

"ATBUTH" Ameerah snapped her gaze back to Rahma, one of her brows rose, "Why are you asking?"

Rahma blinked, "Rahma?" Her voice was barely above a whisper as she stared at Ameerah with wide eyes and mouth slightly ajar.


Goodnight for real this time😂

Love, Jannah.

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