CH41. Innocent Or Guilty
Mubarak made a move to stand up but a firm grip on his hand had him rooted to his spot. He glared at the owner, yet Noah remained unfazed.
"Don't make a scene" Noah said lowly, not moving his gaze away from the show in front of him. Unlike the others, he somehow managed to remain calm. Perhaps it was because he had nothing to do with the case.
"Don't make a scene?" Mubarak repeated his words with utter disbelief lacing his tone. "Do you even hear yourself, Noah? That's my sister!" He half yelled, gaining the attention of the people close to them. Yet, he made no move to show an ounce of care on his face. At the moment, he couldn't care less whether everyone find out that he had been plotting against Tahir from the minute he met him. And judging by Noah's reaction, he wouldn't be surprised if Noah already found out.
But how? It couldn't be from the sudden outburst.
Noah blinked, not bothered a bit by Mubarak's tone. "I know she's your sister but don't you think it'll be better if you sit and listen?" He turned to look at his friend, a brow raised in the process. "Or would you rather they throw you out?"
Mubarak glared at Noah, not relenting one bit. "She's taking a crime she didn't commit!"
"How sure are you that she didn't do it?" Noah knew how much Mubarak love his sister, anyone who knows Mubarak knows that. Since she disappeared three years ago, no one has seen her until at the moment that she suddenly shows up.
And admit to committing murder.
"Don't you dare think of claiming that my sister is a murderer, Noah" Mubarak gritted his teeth. At the moment, his anger had blinded him of thinking rationally.
Noah sighed, "I'm not implying anything Mubarak. But don't you think it'll be better to listen first, before reacting?"
Mubarak snatched his hand out of Noah's grip though he made no move to create another scene. He simply sat and watch with eyes narrowed at Tahir in slits.
Tahir didn't notice though. His whole attention was on Aisha. And that angered Mubarak more.
Aisha on the other hand refused to look at anyone in the courtroom other than the judge. She was handed the Qur'an to swear before she gives her statement. "I, Aisha Saraki solemnly swear that the evidence I shall give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" She handed the Qur'an back to them when she was done.
"You said you're here to testify that Tahir didn't kill the late victim's mother, right?"
Without blinking an eye lid, she responded. "Yes"
"Is that all you're testifying on?"
"No" She exhaled lowly. "I'm also here to testify that he is innocent of the second case he's accused of as I was with him the day it happened" She wouldn't testify for the first one, as she wasn't there. The second one though, she would. She wouldn't let him go to prison after he helped her.
"Go ahead. Tell us what happened"
23rd June, 2015.
Kano, Nigeria.
"Great work everyone. But I think we can call this a night here"
Everyone else agreed, as they stood up, each fixing their stuff so they could go home. It was already later than usual; they couldn't wait to be in the confines of their houses.
Aisha closed the folder in front of her, slinging her shoulder bag as she looked up, offering Tahir a smile. "See, I told you signing with us is a good idea"
He chuckled, shaking his head in the process. "Just say that you're lucky my boss thinks your agency is perfect for the occasion"
She hummed, not believing a word he said. It couldn't have been his boss's decision. Tahir must've convinced him to do so. Knowing him, he'd do anything he can so as to get to know her more. It was that obvious that he was interested in her. She's honestly surprised he hasn't made his move since he had known her for two years already. "Well, in that case, I better head home. Ya Mubarak would flip if I stay out any longer"
"I can explain to him why you stayed out" He offered, closing his briefcase. "It's work, nothing more"
She chuckled. "I know he's your friend, but it's actually a surprise how he doesn't know that we know each other. It must be because he doesn't know we work together now, because of this project that is"
"I didn't tell him anything because I thought you would. Besides, it's not like we're doing anything bad" He laughed, as they walked out along with the others. Slowly, everyone started making his or her way over to their vehicles.
She snickered. "He is always interested in anything I tell him, except work" She laughed, "According to him, my work talk bores him so he avoids it as much as he can"
"You'd think a detective will always be interested in details" He chuckled.
She raised a brow, yet wiped it off her face before he could see it. She never understood why he keeps saying that her brother is a detective, when he's not. Then again, when she remembers his work, she understood why Mubarak must've lied about it.
That doesn't stop her curiosity though. Why a detective of all occupations? She wonders. Why not a business man, or any other non-crime related jobs? Nonetheless, she made no move to tell Tahir the truth. She knew better than to do so.
"My brother is the laziest detective in history" She decided to go on with the flow. She then glanced at her wristwatch, "I have to get going now. Bye" She offered him a small wave before she headed over to her car. She got in, and revved the car to life, but it didn't work.
She repeated the same action multiple times, yet nothing happened. She groaned, placing her head on the steering wheel as she thought of what to do. Her car never broke down before, why at the moment?
A knock on the window had her jumping off her seat. With wide eyes, she turned around and looked at the source, sighing when she saw Tahir there. She opened the car door.
"What happened?" He asked.
"My car broke"
He glanced around, realizing that everyone has left already. He also knew it was late, and she lived far so getting a vehicle would not be an option. "Take my car then" He offered, putting his hand in his pocket and pulled out his car keys.
She shook her head, "No. I can't do that" She reached out and picked up her bag that she placed on the passenger seat, "I can just get a tricycle or something"
"It's past 8pm. You live far. It's not safe"
"Then I'll call Ya Mubarak"
"Mubarak isn't in town, remember?"
She closed her eyes, knowing he's right. She also can't call her driver because she's sure the man left already. "What about you?"
"Don't worry about it. I can call my driver"
She hesitated, thinking of any other options.
"Just take it. Else, you'll be stranded here"
She sighed, taking the keys out of his hand. "Thank you" She closed her car door, stepping out when Tahir stepped away, giving her enough space. "I promise; I'll have my driver return it back to you tomorrow"
He simply smiled, and waved at her before he walked away, pulling out his phone to call his driver.
She made her way over to his car, then got in. It was similar to hers so she could operate it without much problem. Placing her bag on the passenger's seat along with her folder, she revved his car to life and thankfully, it worked.
She drove out of the parking lot, then made her way over to her house. She knew it would take a while to get there due to traffic and how for some reason, their house happens to be away from a populated area. Her father always picks such areas ever since they left Bunza when he started becoming a rich man.
Instead of taking the long way round by following traffic, she decided on using a shortcut. She'd never used it before but her driver said it's easier, and since she's late, she's willing to try it.
Her phone that was inside her bag rang, she ignored it as she never answers a call while driving. However, it didn't stop, it kept on ringing. She sighed loudly, removing one of her hands on the steering on and placed it inside her bag. It was moments like that when she blames her forgetful self for forgetting her ear pod at home. It would've been easier to deal with the situation is she had it.
She couldn't reach the phone, and the tone was disturbing her. So, she moved her gaze from the road that brief second and glanced at her bag, pushing her hand to the other side, she got a hold of it. However, as she pulled the phone out and Mubarak's name came to view, she heard the cat hit something.
Or rather, someone.
She looked up immediately, with wide eyes she stopped the car with a jerk. Her loud breathing filled up the room as her hold around the steering wheel tightened. Her phone that was in her hand dropped on the floor. The loud tone, long forgotten.
She looked around, realizing that no one else was there to witness what just happened. Everyone in the neighborhood must've been in their homes by then.
The thought of checking out what she did sent chills down her spine, yet she knew she had to do it. So, with shaky hands she opened the door and stood on her wobbly legs. Using the car to steady herself, she rounded the car with slow, cautious steps and glanced what she hit.
She gasped loudly, her hand flying to cover her mouth when she saw the blood pooling around the body. Her legs gave up on her, sending her falling on the ground. She gulped looking up to see if she could spot anyone.
Her eyes met a pair of orbs that stared back at her from across the street. However, before she could ask for help, the man scrambled away leaving her to deal with mess she created.
She couldn't think straight though. Especially not after she placed her shakily hand on the woman's wrist with great difficulty to check her vitals. She was neither a doctor, nor a nurse, but her mother was one so she picked up a few things from her. She couldn't feel a pulse though and if she knew any better, she'd say the woman was...dead.
Judging from the blood that pooled around her head, there was no way she could survive that.
And that, scared Aisha more than she already was.
She didn't know what to do. She was simply in too much shock to do anything. Calling Mubarak would be a waste of time as he wasn't in town, she had no one else to call except...
She quickly stood up, using her blood covered hands to lift herself off the floor she rushed to the car and looked for the phone she dropped. When she found it, her blood stained fingers shakily swiped across the screen and dialed the number of the only person she could count on at the moment.
She pressed the phone to her ear, leaning on the car afraid that her legs would give up on her again. She waited, tapping her legs on the ground for him to pick up.
"Tahir..." Her voice was barely above a whisper, but he heard her. Still, it came out shaky.
He also heard the fear in her tone. "Aisha? Aisha, what happened to you? Are you okay?"
"Tahir...I...I did something bad" She could feel the tears streaming down her face, and the dizziness that was forming yet she forced herself to stay awake. How could she pass out after what she did?
"Where are you?" She heard shuffling from his side.
"I don't know"
"I'll check the GPS for your location. I'll be there soon, okay? Just stay calm"
Calm? She wanted to snicker. He wouldn't have said that if he knew her current predicament. Yet, she said nothing but nodded, though he couldn't see her. She was in too much shock to care.
She let the phone slip out of her hold and fell on the ground, not caring about what happened to it. She slipped on the floor too and waited. With each and every second that passed, the blood covering her hand and the body only a couple of feet away from her reminded her of what she did.
She had to resist the urge to pass out. It was simply too much. She loathed herself at the mere thought of her killing someone.
How would her parents react? Could she live with herself after doing such a thing?
Such thoughts filled her head, leaving her with breathing bursting in and out. She couldn't bear to stare at the body, so she stared at nothing in particular. She simply stared, but not particularly seeing.
She had no idea how much time passed, or for how long she remained rooted in her spot. But, when she saw headlights from an incoming car approaching her she prayed with every bit of her that it was Tahir.
The car parked next to hers, and a second later, Tahir jumped out. She noticed that he wasn't alone, he brought his driver with him but the man stayed in the car.
Tahir stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, rushing over to the woman's body. He looked at Aisha, who gripped the car's door handle so tight, her knuckles turned white. However, it helped her remain standing and that was all that matters.
Tahir then looked back at the woman, and felt her pulse. He repeated the same action, before looking up again. "She's dead" His voice came out low.
Aisha's eyes welled up, sweeping her shaky hand across her forehead to wipe the cold sweat that formed. "What should I do, Tahir?" Her tone held tremors. "I...I'll go to jail for this, I know I would" She rambled, unable to get a hold of herself.
Tahir knew otherwise, but he realized that trying to talk sense into her at the moment wouldn't work. So, he did the only thing he could think of at the moment. "Nothing would happen to you"
"What do you mean nothing would happen to me? I killed someone"
"No you didn't" He shook his head, "I killed her. Not you"
"Just go home. My driver would take you there. I'll handle this"
"Tahir I can't leave you here!"
"Just go, I'll handle this. I promise"
Maybe her consciousness should've made her stay and accept her crime. It was an accident, so there's a high chance she might not be sent to prison after all. But, she didn't. Her fear made her make the decision to run away and let him take the blame for something she did. Something she later regretted.
Something that had been haunting her for the past three years. Though she fasted, and did everything required of her Islamic ally after killing someone, under Tahir's name that is, the guilt was still there...eating her up. A few days afterwards, she left.
The guilt was too much for her to bear. She knew she should've came back earlier, but she was too scared to do so. Besides, Tahir kept convincing her that he had it taken care of as the two had stayed in contact.
Yet, the guilt never left. Especially not after she heard that a retrial was filed against him.
So, without him knowing, she came back to accept her crime. She was ready to pay for it.
"Miss Aisha Saraki, do you have a witness for what you just said?"
She nodded. "The man that was there that night and the Tahir's driver that took me home" Getting a hold of them both wasn't easy, but she found a way to do it.
And true to her words, both men showed up. When asked about her testimony, they confirmed that she was telling the truth.
"Why are you showing up just now?" Ameerah's lawyer asked her, as it was her turn to question her.
Aisha gulped, turning around to look at the woman. "Because I can't live with the guilt. Neither can I live knowing that Tahir will take the blame for something I did"
"And about the late victim's case, what do you know about that?"
Aisha darted her tongue to wet her chapped lips. Exhaling lowly, she spoke. "That was the first day I met Tahir. And given the time we went our separate ways that day and the time he brought the girl to the hospital, it was impossible for him to be the perpetrator"
"And what's that time?"
"Ten minutes"
Ameerah's lawyer smirked, "A lot can happen in ten minutes"
Aisha wasn't fazed by her though, she maintained her calm expression. "Not that sort of crime"
"Do you have a witness?"
"Yes. My mother" She paused, "It was also the first day she met him. She got off work late that day so she decided to pick me up on the way back. She met him that time"
"Is she here?"
Just like the first witness, Aisha and Mubarak's mother came in.
Mubarak wanted to scream. He wanted to reach out for Tahir and asked him how he manipulated his whole family but he couldn't find it in him to do that. What stunned him most was the fact that he spent five years, trying to pick up dirt on Tahir, only for his own family to wash him off all the crimes he's accused of.
Rahma sighed, a small smile playing across her lips. She reached out and put on her glasses. Although the judge was yet to make his decision, it was clear who won the case and who lost.
She'd always known that Tahir is innocent. And the hearing just proved that.
She washed off her hand, turning off the faucet.
"Feels like old times, didn't it?"
Rahma glanced at the source of the voice through the mirror, her gaze falling on the last person she expected to see there. Maria. The hearing was adjourned for a few minutes before they'll return and hear the court's decision. So, she stepped away to visit the powder room. She smiled at Maria, though she felt anything but internally.
"Did you enjoy the hearing?" Maria walked towards her, standing at the faucet beside hers. She was facing Rahma though, instead of the faucet. Her lips stretched into a small smirk. "Rabia?"
Okay, I'm done tonight 🥺 I've tried sha.
Goodnight fr this time.
Love, Jannah.
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