CH4. Journey Away From Home
Dedicated to aysherh_idrissa for being the first to vote and comment on thee last chapters😭
Miya, Ganjuwa LGA,
Bauchi State,
6th July 2007.
Rabia didn't get the chance to meet her uncle that day, and so as the following days that followed. She thought of talking to Anty Maryama instead but she knew if she tried to get out of the marriage through that woman, she might just convince Baffa to marry her off that day. The woman is that wicked.
Obviously, Anty Maryama is out of the picture.
Friday came, and lucky for her he came back home a little bit early for whatever reason only he is aware of. As usual, she brought his food to him because Anty Maryama still wasn't back from the wedding she went to.
She waited till after he ate food first, she knew how grumpy he could be when someone tries to talk to him when he's hungry. After taking out the empty plates and silver bowl they use as food warmer, she walked back to the parlor where he was leaned back on the sofa. She watched as he brought out a cigarette and light it using a lighter Anty Maryama keeps beside the TV for reasons only known to her.
"Miye ne?" He asked as he placed the cigar between his lips and drew it in before exhaling, the smoke dispersing in the air.
Rabia scrunched her nose up. She doesn't think she'll ever get used to the smell of cigar. She always found it nauseating. She sucked it in though knowing if she missed this chance to talk to him, she might never get another one again. "Baffa daman I want to talk to you about something" she said as she fiddled with her fingers suddenly nervous. The way he was staring at her as he removed the cigar from in between his lips made her feel uneasy.
"About?" he asked after a while. He put the cigar back in his mouth and took another whiff of it. This time longer than earlier.
She blinked as her heartbeat escalated, "The wedding with Dan Liti"
He sat up slowly, his eyes slightly narrowed at her, "What about it?" he asked as he dabbed the end of the cigar on a small plate, successfully extinguishing the light from it. He didn't want to enjoy the euphoric feeling the cigar give shim when the girl is clearly trying to irk him.
"Baffa wallahi I can't marry him. Dan Allah kayi haquri, anyone but--"
"Da Allah min shiru!!" he yelled all of the sudden standing up from the sitting position he was in. "Why will you not want to marry him?"
She looked down, the fear she felt slowly eating her up. She thought of apologizing and just accepting her fate but she knew she'll live a more miserable life as Dan Liti's wife. "Baffa he's a bad man wallahi. He—"
"Rabiatu leave this place kafin in miki duka wallahi! Shashasha! In fact, let me go and meet Dan Liti now, if he's willing to marry you tomorrow ashafa fatiha kawai mu huta tunda by the looks of it you want to cause trouble" he stormed out of the house in his oversize jellabiya not bothering to even put on his slippers. "Ja irar yarinya" he muttered. He wasn't kidding when he said he will head to Dan Liti's place at the moment.
She chewed her bottom lip nervously as her eyes sting with tears. She thought of what to do. Without a doubt, Dan Liti would never turn down that request. She knew that if it was up to him, he wouldn't mind getting married to her at the moment.
So she had two options now. Run or stay and become Mrs. Dan Liti Sanda for the rest of her life.
Then again she was scared to say the least. The last time she had been outside Miya was when her uncle brought her there ten years ago. She knew no one and nothing about the outside world except stories about how beautiful the city it based on the stories she heard from Baffa telling his friend whenever he returns from a vacation. She had no money with her or anything that will help her survive out there.
Marrying Dan Liti is a much better option.
But then again, she couldn't stand the thought of getting married to him without getting the urge to throw up.
She was simply in a dilemma.
She went back to her room and curled into a ball by the window. The cold chilly air made her wrap her arms around her small figure as tears stream down her face. She awaited Baffa's return and what her fate will be.
Soon enough, she heard his voice and that of Anty Maryama's as they returned home back together. She stood up and peeked outside trying to hear what they're saying. But she didn't have to do that, the way Anty Maryama raised her voice was so loud that even the neighbors heard her. "Ayiriri! Dan Liti dai bikin gobe ne!" she laughed as she clapped her hands together. She then turned to her husband, "Alhaji gaskiya this is the best solution. Had it been he refused ai ko mai angwa ka bawa" she said making him nod. The two walked inside the parlor leaving Rabia a sobbing mess.
A couple of minutes passed before Anty Maryama's friends came trooping in to celebrate the good news. It only took a few minutes for the news to spread round the village that the most eligible bachelor, Dan Liti is getting married to Malam Dalha's niece Rabia. Both the people that were happy about it and the hypocrites that came to gossip filled the house up and that made Anty Maryama force little Rabia to come out and serve them pure waters.
Rabia wiped her tears and with her head down, she started to serve the women. Some teased her, some glared at her whilst some were so engrossed in their gossip to even notice her.
"Keh I heard Hajiya Mairo's daughter is pregnant seff" Gushed one of the women that were busy gossiping amongst themselves quietly to even notice Rabia.
"Haba dai? When did her daughter get married?" the woman closed to her whispered as she placed her hand under her chin and leaned close to her friend.
The woman scoffed, "Wani aure? The girl is not married!"
"Then whose child is it?"
"Who else? Dan Liti mana"
Rabia quickly placed the plate filled with pure water in front of them before she all but ran to her scrapheap she calls a room. She couldn't hold the tears in, so, she cried. She cried as realization dawned on her on the kind of man her uncle is getting married to.
After crying for hours, the women from earlier had left. Most of them promising to come by before Subh prayers to help prepare for the wedding.
Rabia wiped her tears as she glanced out and notice how the house was quiet. Everyone has slept and she knew that without a doubt, if it's not midnight then there are only a couple of minutes left.
This was her last chance, either she packs her belonging and run away or stay and get married to Dan Liti Sanda.
She chooses the first option telling herself that she'd deal with the consequence afterwards. To her twelve-year-old self, it was much better than staying and getting married to Dan Liti Sanda.
So, she started packing up everything she'd need for the journey away from the place she'd call a home for ten years.
Rahma walked back home alone after she and Rabia went their separate homes. She had a smile on her face as she walked into the house knowing that her father isn't there. She had been trying her possible best to not cross path with him for seven years now. It was impossible because they lived in the same house but the minimized the time they meet. She knew she couldn't stare at his face for long without thinking of ways to kill him just like he killed her.
Just like he murdered her mother that day in cold blood.
She was just five then but she knew what losing a mother is. Especially when she saw what happened right in front of her eyes. Maybe if her mother hand not hit him that day she would've been six feet under along with her mother by then. He survived though, her mother should've hit harder she always thought whenever her eyes met his.
He got married only a few days after her mother passed away. Yes, he was that wicked. He showed no sign of remorse whatsoever. The woman he married though isn't like him. She never had any children so she loved Rahma as her own daughter. Unfortunately for her, Malam Saleh didn't like that which was why he kept treating her just like he treats his late wife.
Another reason Rahma despised him.
Just like her late mother, her step mother pretends as if everything is alight though she couldn't hide the red eyes and swollen face. She would've left the man long ago but she stayed for Rahma. Call her weak if you want to but she couldn't leave the girl alone with that monster.
Rahma spotted her step mother in front of the local stove they used. The woman fixed the firewood then used a locally made fan to blow the fire. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, so, she used the hem of her head tie to wipe it away.
Rahma strolled towards her, "Inna ga markaden" she said as she placed the plastic bowl beside her step mother.
The woman raised her head up and smiled at Rahma, the crease between her brows disappeared, "Thank you Rahma. Kije ki huta ko? I'll finish this"
Rahma shook her head, "A'a Inna. I'll help you" she said as she started to help Inna but the woman stopped her. She insisted that Rahma should go and rest and eventually, the girl gave in.
Rahma was in her room reciting the Quran since had to go to Islamiyya in a few minutes when she heard Malam Saleh's voice. He sounded just as he did that day. She kept the Qur'an aside and stood up contemplating on going out or not just in case but when she heard her Inna's voice raise. She didn't think twice before she moved the cotton that acted as a door and ran out of the room.
She only stopped when she stood a few feet away from them and immediately, something in her snaps. It was the feeling of déjà vu. The two were in the exact position she found him and her late mother seven years ago. The only difference this time is that he has his arms wrapped around her neck choking her.
She watched her Inna's eyes roll back as her face turned red from the lack of oxygen.
Another difference between that moment and seven years ago was that she wasn't scared of Malam Saleh. She might've feared him back then but not anymore. At the moment, all she felt towards him was hatred and nothing more.
She looked around looking for anything she could use against him only for her gaze to fall on his beer bottle which lay beside him. She ran towards it, picked it up and swung it right on his head successfully knocking him off her second mother.
She had lost a mother because of him already. She didn't plan on losing another one.
He groaned and clutched the back of his head which wasn't bleeding much to her displeasure. She contemplated on picking a pestle hitting him multiple times with it until he could no longer move but she had a mother to tend to.
She tossed the bottle away and ran to where her Inna's body lay. She knelt in front of her and helped her up while the woman coughed. "Sannu Inna" she muttered. She wanted to get up and get water for the woman but she feared leaving her alone with Malam Saleh again.
Speaking of the monster in human body, he was nowhere to be found when she raised her head to look at his body, he was gone, and so was his beer bottle. She looked around the house frantically but he was not there. He probably left to nurse his head while drowning in more alcohol.
She took the woman back to her room and stayed with her till she fell asleep. She then went out and finished the food that her Inna was preparing. She kept a bowl for Inna and ate one for herself. The one that's meant for Malam Saleh, she gave it away to beggars. She's rather let them eat than let him eat something she cooked.
She fed her Inna and sat beside her. She felt tears sting her eyes but she didn't let them fall. She had to be strong. She can't be weak anymore.
"Rahma" Inna called when she realized the look on the girl's face.
"Na'am Inna" She said as she moved closer to the woman. She blinked her eyes furiously to keep the tears back. "Do you need something? Do you want me to do something for you?"
Inna nodded, "Yes. I want you to get out of here Rahma"
Rahma's brows furrowed as her lips tilted down slightly, "What?" her voice came out low, "You don't want me to stay here with you Inna?"
"No" Inna shook her head as she reached her hand out and held Rahma's. "I want you to leave this house. Leave this village if you have to"
Rahma shook her head furiously, "No Inna. I can't go and leave you alone. I can't leave you here with him. You know what he did to Mama, what if he hurts you too? He is already" she rambled, her words coming out jumbled.
Inna had to squeeze her hand to snap her out of it, "Listen to me Rahma! If you don't leave this place, he'll kill you one day. I can't have that happening to you" the woman coughed again. Rahma immediately passed her a bowl filled with water but she shook her head as she used her wrapper to cover her mouth. "No I'm okay" she muttered.
Rahma placed the bowl back but that was when she noticed it. The few droplets of blood staining her Inna's wrapper from where she covered her mouth. Her gaze moved to her mouth and there she saw blood on her lips. "Inna!" she called out with eyes widened and voice shaky.
"I'm fine Rahma calm down. Please just go" she turned to look at the girl she takes as a daughter.
Rahma's eyes sting with tears again but this time she couldn't hold it in. However, only a tear slipped before she forced herself to hold it back in again. She had to be strong. She reminded herself. "inna I can't leave you" her voice breaks down.
"Rahma do you take me as a mother?"
"Of course"
"Then leave, now" Inna saw the way Rahma blinked furiously as she fiddled with her fingers probably contemplating on what to do, "Rahma if you take me as a mother then leave. Please"
Rahma looked down and wiped a fear traitorous tears that escaped.
"Please" Inna repeated before coughing.
Rahma finally nodded. "I'll go tomorrow. We'll go together right?"
"No" inna shook her head as she silently cried. She couldn't go with the girl no matter how much she wanted to. "You will go alone and you will go now before he returns kinjini?"
Rahma bit her lower lip and nodded. She leaned down and hugged her Inna tightly. She didn't want to let go, she didn't let go. Inna had to forcefully detach the little girl away from her. She raised her hand and wiped the tears streaming down the girl's face. "Go now" she pushed her away.
"Inna I promise, I'll look for help and come back for you" Rahma promised with a sudden surge of determination running in her veins.
Inna smiled despite the tears running down her face, "Toh Rahamallina. Go now kinji"
Rahma nodded and with one last glance at her step mother, she turned and walked away. She quickly ran to her room and picked out everything she'll need which consisted of a few clothes which she tied in one of her headscarves. She picked out a pure water and put it in there. She broke her piggy bank and packed everything that's in there and tied it in the wrapper she had on just like old women do.
She glanced at her Inna's room again and gulped her tears back. She walked out of the house she had known her whole life without looking back. Just as she stepped foot outside, she heard voices a couple of feet away from the place she was standing. She recognized the voices as that of her father's and his friends that he used to drink with.
"Kai idan nakoma zan kashe yarinyar nan. She hit my head hard fa" Complain Malam Saleh slurring, clearly drunk again.
"Gaskiyayou have to. She's getting out of control"
"Barta. Let me return home she'll see. Ko mamanta ban barta ba balle" he said as she held the back of his head feeling the lump Rahma gave him there, "And where is the pathetic woman now? Six feet under!" he laughed, his friends joined him.
Rahma couldn't explain the hatred she felt towards the man that had never been her father. She quickly wiped the tear that slipped out of her eyes as she narrowed her eyes at him.
That was when she made another promise to herself, she'd come back for her Inna and she will make that man pay for everything he did to her. She threw one last glare filled with hatred at him before she used the other lane and strolled to Rabia's house. She had to check on her friend before she leaves.
Just as she came close to Rabia's house, she saw her friend walking towards her with her own bag of clothes in her hand in the same manner as her. Her brows furrowed just in time Rabia raised her head and her gaze met that of her friend's.
"What are you doing here?" Rahma asked in a hushed tone as she walked closer to her friend.
Rabia shook her head, her eyes red from crying for a very long time, "Rahma I can't marry Dan Liti, he's a bad man wallahi. I'm leaving this place" she sobbed.
Rahma swallowed the lump in her throat. She felt bad for her friend. She leaned close to her and gave her a small hug, "Don't worry. I'm leaving too. Let's go together"
Rabia looked up, her nose red, "What? Why?"
Rahma shook her head and offered her a small smile, "I told you I'll go with you if you decided to leave" she said refusing to tell Rabia what she's going through. She had never told her anything knowing that Rabia was going through so much already.
Rabia didn't think much about it. The fear of being caught and that of what awaits them scared her, "Where are we going to Rahma? We don't know any place in the outside world fa" she said as Rahma led them down a path that she was sure led out of town. That path, no one uses it so she was sure no one will catch them.
Rahma shrugged, "It doesn't matter. We'll figure out a way together" she turned and offered her friend a reassuring smile. "Come on. Let's go matar soja"
She had always been the strong and optimistic one.
Okay I'm definitely done updating today😂three chapters no be joke.
I'm glad they are finally leaving that village!
Anyways, bye!
Love Jannah Mia ❤️
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