
She mustered the little bit of courage she had in her and stepped out of the room, rushing to the door where she dropped her bag. She picked it up, turning around to cautiously looked around the room, wanting to make sure that there was no one else there.

Her eyes fell on a small wood, probably from one of the broken tables—without a doubt the coffee table judging by the color of it. She headed towards it and picked it up, her bag still in her other hand. She held it tightly, ready to swing it at anyone that might try to come up at her.

The apartment was eerily quiet despite the damage done to it, maybe too quiet.

Still hyper alert of her surrounding, she shoved her hand into her bag and brought out her phone; letting the bag fall on the floor again. She dialed Mr. Sagir's number, but he didn't pick up. She tried again and the same thing happened.

Sighing loudly, she dialed Ameerah's number which she had gotten earlier, but the phone was switched off. When she called Mubarak, it went straight too voicemail much to her misfortune. The three were the only people she trusted and could call, but without them, she had no one else to contact.

She groaned lightly, dropping the phone from her ear as she gulped and gave the room a once over. Her breathing came out loud, as the hair on the back of her neck stood, but she ignored it.

A certain person came to her mind, and it had her scrolling through her contact to get the person's number. She clicked on it and brought it to her ear, tapping her foot as she prayed to Allah that he picks it up.

After the fourth ring, he did.

"Noah" She breathed out, blinking rapidly as she released a small sigh of relief that he picked it up.

"Rahma?" She could hear the confusion in his voice, "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked, his words coming out a bit jumbled as he rushed it.

She exhaled, glancing at the wrecked apartment as she wondered whether it'll be a good idea to tell him or not. Then again, what other option does she have. "Can you...can you come now please?"

She heard shuffling from his end of the call, probably him getting up. "What happened?"

"Something happened" She said, keeping her voice low in case there's someone in the apartment. At the thought of that she tightened her hold on the plank.

He didn't need to ask any question more. He could detect the hidden fear in her tone though she tried to mask it but he could tell. He had his own fair share of tales about fear that he's familiar to such. "Okay I'm on my way"

She ended the call, dropping her hand by her side as she felt a bit of relief crash down on her. It was at the moment that she saw the importance of them exchanging contact when they met. Without that, she probably wouldn't have known who to call since she couldn't get a hold of the others.

She knew it would take a while for him to get there, so she decided to check the place first before he arrives. She left the phone on the couch and held the plank tighter, slowly making her way back to the bedroom.

The first place she headed over to was her laptop, the one she used to overhear Maria's conversations. Instead of the laptop she expected to see, she was met with the sight of it in pieces. It seemed as though someone hit it multiple times with whatever they used to trash the house.

She knew it was a waste of time to try and see if she could find anything from it. What could she make out of the broken pieces of what used to be a laptop? It was completely useless at the time.

She turned around with a sigh, gaze falling on the bed that was messed up. Her closet was another issue, it seemed as though someone rummaged through it wanting to find something.

What bothers her the most is how whoever came in got in. No one had her pin apart from her and Zarah. No one else so how they got in remained a mystery. The person behind it was without a doubt Maria. Who else has a beef with Rahma apart from her? Only she has the motive to do so.

It was at the moment that Rahma felt a sense of relief knowing that she hid everything important related to the case earlier. Else, the person would've gotten it and then it would've turned out badly for her.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she decided that there was nothing she could use there. Merely being there would only irk her more and she didn't want that.

So, she watched back to the living room and waited for Noah, never letting go of the plank in her hand or letting her guards down. When it comes to her life, there was no such thing as being too careful.

She could tell how long time passed because she had been super aware of her surroundings. Any sound had her looking up. To say she was paranoid would be an understatement. And with each passing minute she had herself wishing Noah would appear at the moment.

That was why when she heard the doorbell, she all but ran to it. A part of her was aware that the person behind the door might not be Noah, so she brought her plank along with her for safety reasons. She opened the door slightly, peaking out through the gap first to see the person. Her shoulders slumped as she released a sigh of relief when she saw his familiar face.

She stepped back, opening the door wide for him.

He stepped in hastily, walking past her, "What happened..." He stopped midway when his eyes fell on the apartment.

She exhaled loudly, making her way to the couch, she sat on the part that wasn't destroyed, throwing the plank away now that she no longer needed it. "This happened"

Noah raised a brow, mouth slightly ajar. "Why would you trash your apartment?"

"I didn't" She massaged her temples. "Someone broke in and did this. I came back and found it this way" She gulped, pressing her hands together as her eyes did a quick glance round the room.

"What?" His voice dropped, eyes slightly narrowed at the damage made. "Do you have any idea who did this?"

She shrugged. She does know who did it but how could she tell him that it's Maria? She's supposed to be Rahma not Rabia, even though they both know otherwise.

He should know who did it.

Noah scratched his forehead, exhaling loudly as he briefly clenched his eyes. He couldn't believe Maria went to this extent, why? That is a question he'll have to ask her once he gets Rahma to a safe place. When he opened his eyes, he sighed again. "Pack up the things that will be useful to you. You can't stay here"

"Where are we going?"

"I have a place. I don't stay there so you can" It's also the one place Maria can't get into so he's sure she's safe there, and that's all that matters at the moment.

She didn't reject his proposal. She couldn't stay in that apartment anymore and though she had the money Zarah left in her care, she wasn't sure she'd be safe anywhere she goes. After the conversation she heard between Noah and Maria, she's sure that Noah will have her back no matter what. And that was something she needed the most at the moment.

She nodded, and head to the bedroom again, pulling out a suitcase. She put all her outfits which weren't shredded in it. She didn't see the point in shredding the outfits. It wasn't like she could keep an evidence in them. It was a stupid move honestly. Nonetheless, she packed up everything she could make use of and need, making sure she left nothing important behind.

When she headed back to the living room, Noah took the suitcase from her and took it to his car while she picked up her phone and bag before following after him. She checked her phone and saw she had no missed calls from any of the people she called. None of them probably saw her calls yet.

With a sigh, she closed the door behind her and got into Noah's car. Her driver had left after he dropped her off. She made a mental note to call him the next day when she figures out where she'd stay so he can meet her there from them on since she'll be staying there till the day she'll leave.

She'll stay there for five days more. She checked her visa before she left in the morning and apparently her flight ticket back to America leaves on the 12th, and she'd arrive there on the 13th at night time due to how long the flight is. On the 14th, she goes back to prison. Or hell, as she'd prefer to call it.

Noah saw the gears in her tear turning throughout the drive, so he decided against saying anything to her and focused on reaching the apartment safely first. It was a bit far from where she stays and although Maria knows the place, he was sure she can't get in no matter how much she tries. And since he doesn't stay there until when necessary, Rahma is safe there.

He couldn't wait to get home though and ask Maria what she was thinking by doing that. He clearly told her to refrain from hurting Rahma but apparently she has other plans. God knows what would've happened to the girl if she was home when it was raided. She could've been hurt or worse.

Throughout the drive, the only sound that came from the car was that of Minshawy reciting the holy Quran. It also calmed Noah down and judging by Rahma's slumped shoulders, it does the same for her too. At a certain point, she recited it along with the man when the parts that she understood and revised came.

It calmed her down immensely to be honest.

"Allah does not burden a soul with more than it could bear" She muttered, reminding herself to stay strong and that as long as she has Allah, all of this will be history one day.

By the time they reached his apartment, she had completely calmed down. Rahma looked up, taking in the view of the place. It wasn't like her apartment, but that doesn't mean it was bad either. In a way it was better than hers. The neighborhood was nice, but quiet just like her old one. She sighed and got off the car when he turned it off, walking to the trunk of his SUV to bring out her suitcase.

She followed closely behind as he climbed the few steps that lead to the door, then opened it with a key and pushed the door open. He walked in first, switching the lights on while she followed behind. She stayed in the living room and took in the beauty of it while he disappeared somewhere with the suitcase. Everything in the place seemed to be minimalistic, though a bit dark but she was in no place to complain.

The sound of his returning footsteps had her snapping her gaze in his direction.

He offered her a small smile, "I've kept the suitcase in the guestroom for you. There's food ingredient in the kitchen if you want to cook and well, feel at home"

She smiled back, though hers was a small one. "Thank you Noah"

"No worries. If anything comes up, call me. The key is on the door so lock it up when I leave" He couldn't wait to get out and head home now that he's sure she's safe. The next thing he needed to do is meet Maria and talk. "You sure you're okay here, right? If not could find you another place..."

"It's okay Noah"

"You sure?" He simply wanted to confirm it. He knew it's nothing like her apartment but it wasn't bad either. That being said doesn't mean he won't get her another place if she wants to though the place is the safest he could think of.

She simply nodded. He offered her a small wave, then left.

She closed the door once she heard the sound of his car driving off, locking it as he had instructed. She turned around, clasping her hands together as she took in the sight of the place. Truly, it's different from her place but she would make it work for the next few days.

She walked over to the hallway he disappeared earlier, coming in contact with three rooms. Her gaze fell on the room whose door was left slightly ajar, so she walked over to that one and went in. She came in contact with her suitcase first, and that was when she realized she came into the right room.

Closing the door shut, she locked it for safety reasons then proceeded to walk over to the bed and sat down.

She knew that without a doubt she'll need a minute to let everything that happened in the past one-hour sink in and process it.


Noah all but stormed into the house. He was about to head up the stairs to Maria's room when a figure in the living room caught his attention. He decided against going up and checking the living room first. When he got there, he met with the sight of Maria sitting on the couch calmly, eyes closed.

She wasn't sleeping though. That he knew of pretty much.

It was something she does and claim to be in the state of tranquility. Whatever she meant, he never bothered to find out.

What did bother him though, was that she seemed calm. Oddly calm. Terrifying calm.

He expected her to continue throwing tantrums as she did earlier in the morning. After all, her husband did get arrested and there's a 99 percent chance he'll end up in jail. If he does, his assets might be seized and that means she's going to lose half or maybe almost all the money she uses to flaunt with.

How could she be this calm?

Her calmness irked him more considering what she did to Rahma.

"What did you do to Rahma?" He asked, standing beside her sitting figure. He didn't need to elaborate; he knew she understood what he meant.

Maria exhaled deeply and loudly, drawing it for as long as she could. She never opened her eyes though. "Why is everyone asking me that today?" She asked, her tone held a hint of annoyance.

His brows furrowed, but he didn't let his confusion overtake his anger. "What are you talking about"

"Tahir" She sighed, "Unfortunately came earlier asking me questions regarding her" She flickered her eyes open, resting them on Noah. "And now you, what did that girl do to you two to make you question me like this? Did she brainwash you or something into making you think that every unfortunate thing that happened to her I'm behind it?" Her eyes bore into his.

He understood why she closed them earlier. Her eyes were red, bloodshot red. She either cried herself for hours, which would be impossible knowing her, or she is extremely furious but tried to reign in her anger.

Knowing her though, it's definitely the second option.

Noah wanted to know more about Tahir's question. What could have made him approach Maria and ask her about Rahma? Did he know what she did to her apartment?

He threw that thought out. He wanted his answers first more than anything. "Why did you have her apartment wrecked?"

Maria shrugged, "Nothing much"

Noah sighed deeply, clenching his fists by his side. There's no such thing as nothing much with her, there's always something big. "What if she was there when it happened, she could've been hurt"

She scoffed, sitting up. "Do you really think I care about what happen to her Noah?"

Noah gritted his teeth. "Aunt Maria..." It's been years since he'd said her name out loud. He had chosen to ignore her presence for years but he couldn't do that anymore. "Do not hurt her. We've already enough, don't you think?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, standing up. "Don't you dare threaten me Noah! And it's not enough until I say so"

"I'm not threatening you" He shook his head, "I'm warning you. Do not hurt her"

She chuckled, ignoring the seriousness in his tone. He couldn't do anything to her just as she can't do anything to him. He can get angry at her, and hate her for certain decisions she makes but he can't ever do anything to harm her. At least, not physically. "Let's be honest Noah, there's nothing you, Tahir, or anyone can do" Her expression turned stoic, "The girl brought this on herself and I'll make sure she sees the consequence of it"

Noah sighed deeply, tightening his clenched fist as he tried to calm himself down. He doesn't want to raise his voice at her. He had always tried to do so because despite whatever happens, she had been a mother figure to him and she's older than him, so he knows how to try and not be that disrespectful to her though she deserves it sometimes. "What will you gain from hurting her, huh?"

She didn't say a thing.

"Do you really think we have the right to blame her for whatever decisions she makes?"

She didn't reply that either.

"Whatever happens now, it's best for us to accept it and face the consequences" That's all he had ever wanted to do, right from the beginning but she wasn't having any of it. And just the thought, kills him internally. Another reason he despises her.

She struck her hand out, pointing her finger at him. "Whatever I do Noah, is for you" She said through gritted teeth.

"Stop this. I don't want any of this"

"You're just saying that" She shook her head.

"I'm not" He didn't look away from her as he uttered his next words. "Stop all of this else I'll really confess"

Her face turned stoic as her eyes narrowed. "Confess what?"

"Confess that you killed my father"

She shook her head, snickering in the process. "You wouldn't do that" She muttered, just enough for the two of them to hear. Her tone was meant to mock him, but she knows otherwise.

Noah smirked, "Try me"


Hope you enjoyed the eid😊

I didn't since I stayed home alone all day but sha sha, life goes on😂

Yall know I'm waiting for my goron Salah right? I want the money not meat😂

In case you're waiting for you meat from me, please fill in the form down below😂

I'm done now😂😂

Love, Jannah.

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