CH35. Maze
Rahma opened the bag, glancing at the spot she placed the flash to make sure it was still there. When she looked up, her gaze fell on the stack of papers that lay inside an envelope. She swallowed, wondering if she should take it along with her or just leave it there. Realizing that it's better to keep both flash and papers in a safe place, she headed back to the table and picked it up before rushing back to her bag.
The envelope was big so big that it couldn't fit in the bag that she picked up. So, she opted for holding it in her hand.
Since she came out of the shower, she didn't bother to turn on her laptop and hearing whatever Maria said knowing that the woman I still cursing and shouting at someone. She doubts she'll hear anything interesting so she didn't bother.
Glancing at herself one last time in the mirror, she smiled, satisfied with her look. Since the incident that happened to Zarah, she seemed to be wearing a lot of traditional outfits more than she ever did before.
Along with the bag in one hand, and the envelope in another, she headed to the car that was waiting for her outside. She exchanged pleasantries with the driver that she had gotten close to over the weeks and gave him the address of the place Tahir sent her over the message earlier. She then placed the envelope underneath her bag and leaned back on the back chair, sighing in content when she realizes that slowly but surely, the plan is working and that she is getting closer to the truth.
All she has to do is find that Lena woman. She is the answer to all the questions she has and judging by the fight Maria had with her earlier, Lena wouldn't hesitate to help Rahma. Or at least that was what she hoped.
Rahma sighed again, massaging her temples in the process as she crossed her legs. Mubarak will find Lena for her, that she was sure of. But, it might take time and time is something she does not have.
Compared to Mubarak and Ameerah, her time is limited. She only has 7 days left, or more like 6, considering the fact that she has to be out of the country by the 13th else she'll be deported. She either returns back to prison on the 15th or she'll get caught and sent back there forcefully.
So basically, six days was all she had left.
And that scared her a lot. She knew that she had gotten far but after what happened earlier, and what she heard Maria say, it'll be a miracle if she lives till then.
Maria won't stop until someone dies, and in that case, Rahma is the one most likely.
Rahma couldn't stop thinking of the possibility of her dying or ending up in prison. She knew she should be optimistic but she knows Maria more than anyone. If the woman could frame a 12-year-old for murder, had someone almost killed by messing with their car brakes, then who says she wouldn't attempt to actually kill someone for real?
Rahma was lost in her thoughts the entire drive. She only looked up when the driver told her that they had arrived. She didn't bother to take in the name or how the building looks, she just walked right in, leaving the envelope in the car tucked under the backseat.
Her eyes did a quick round once she was inside the restaurant, noting how a decent amount of people were in there, having lunch with others. She blinked, moving her gaze as she tried to spot his familiar face. Her gaze fell on him, a couple of tables away from where she stood. So, she headed there.
"Rahma..." He smiled, "...thank you for accepting my invitation"
She smiled back, though it was forced but she doubts he saw it. If he did, he didn't react badly to it. "I was worried...." She placed her bag aside, "...I heard about the retrial. How are you holding up?"
Tahir sighed loudly, intertwining his fingers. "Let's order something first, I didn't want to start by talking about that"
She nodded in understanding. He summoned a waiter and after each going through their menus, they ordered the food they wanted. Shortly after, with no words exchanged between the two of them, the waiter came back with their orders and placed it in front of them each. And with that, they dived in.
Rahma could barely eat much though. She couldn't help the unsettling feeling she felt. It wasn't because of him. No, she had been feeling such way since she heard Maria's conversation.
Maybe she was being paranoid? That had to be it.
She played around with the food, mind drifting away thoughtlessly. Tahir noticed, but he didn't say anything at first. He simply continued eating and allowed her to keep drifting away in thoughts.
"You know what Rahma?" He spoke up, after he was done eating, snapping her from her reverie. "A piece of advice" He looked at her, all trace of lark disappearing from his features, "There are certain things you shouldn't mess with"
She blinked, her hold around the fork in her hand tightened a bit. "What do you mean?"
"I mean some people can be dangerous" His eyes drifted outside, staring across the window from the spot they sat. "...utterly, and completely dangerous to the core"
She followed his gaze, but couldn't see a thing.
"Don't mess with them. You could get hurt" He looked back at her, his shoulders tense. "No..." He shook his head, " would get hurt"
Rahma wasn't stupid. She knew Tahir had to be talking about either himself or Maria. But which could it be? Truth be told, she felt scared.
However, she didn't show it. After everything she went through before, she was sure that she could take care of herself come what may. She wouldn't let herself be scared away when she had to do whatever she can to save herself. "What do you mean?"
Instead of replying, he simply smiled and shook his head, chuckling a bit. "I sounded scary, right?" He grinned, "You seem disturbed since, I was trying to be serious to see how you'd react. Don't worry about it, I was only acting and you fell for it"
She tried to shake away the unsettling feeling, and the chills she was getting. However, she wasn't scared of Tahir. She was scared of his words. Regardless of what others say, she couldn't see the ounce of evil in Tahir.
Yes, looks could be deceiving and she knows that. However, after spending a decade in prison, she had learnt a way to know whether a person is really rotten to the core or not.
In this case, she didn't believe Tahir is guilty of the charges against him.
But, that didn't answer the questions she had. She was still as curious as she was when Ameerah and Mubarak told her about Tahir.
From what Mubarak told her, he had been with Tahir for five years and he had tried every possible way to make Tahir admit the truth, and that included going to his house amidst the night to scare him. It was when he told her that she realized how similar he is to Zarah. From what Mr. Sagir told her about Zarah, the woman also went to Noah's house amidst of the night to spy on him with the help of some guy in the house who works for her.
She swallowed, deciding against commenting on what he just said. "Like I was saying earlier" She crossed her legs, "How are you holding up? Regarding the case and all?"
He sighed, pressing his lips tight into a grimace. "The first hearing is the day after tomorrow. I honestly don't know what to feel"
"Are you scared?"
He chuckled lightly, shaking his head in the process. "Of course not. People only get scared when they are guilty"
Her lips tilted into a small smile, "So you're not guilty?"
"Of course not" He shook his head, "But it's not like you'll believe me anyway"
"Why would you think such?"
"Because even the people closest to me don't believe me"
She pressed her lips into a tight line. She knew what he meant. She read about it in one Zarah's papers. To be honest, she felt sad for him. She might not know how it feels but she could only imagine having a person like that who doesn't trust him.
It must've hurt a lot. And considering his circumstance, it didn't help either.
She decided against saying anything on it. She fumbled with her fingers, not because it came along with her emotion but because she had to do it, to go along with the act she's putting on. "How did they file a retrial case when...." She paused, sighing slightly, "...the victim is dead?"
Tahir smiled, but there was nothing humorous about it. It seemed more like a bitter smile than a happy, sadistic or proud one. If she looked into a bit any closer, it almost seemed...sad.
He looked away, wondering if he should tell her that or not. Then again, if he wants her to trust him then he has to trust her.
Trust goes both ways, right?
He sighed, looking away for a bit as he tried to let the absurdness of the situation dawn on him. In a way, he understood why they could think such but did they ever bother to hear his side of the story? "Because Ameerah is also a victim. And apparently, I'm the one at fault"
Rahma knocked on the door, and waited as she heard shuffling from the inside. She tapped her foot on the floor lightly, brows creased as her thoughts kept drifting back to her conversation with Tahir. After lunch, the two parted ways. She went to the only safe place she could think of and hid the flash along with the papers.
She's sure no one would get it there.
The door opened, snapping her out of her reverie.
She smiled when her gaze fell on Ameerah, who stood by the side, opening the door wide for her. "Come in. Mubarak just arrived too."
Rahma stepped in, after offering Ameerah a nod. She walked further into the living room while Ameerah closed the door of her apartment. Rahma spotted Mubarak by the window, making a call so she decided to not say a thing to him at the moment. She instead sat on the couch, placing her bag beside her as she removed her heels. Her feet ached from it. She doesn't even know why she kept putting it on when there was no need to. Maybe it's because she wanted to experience all the luxury she didn't back then, and probably won't in the future if she ends back in jail.
Besides, the heels didn't bother her anymore as she had learnt to adjust in it, until then.
Perhaps it's the weight of the problems she had at the moment that's physically draining her. And there she thought when she puts Maria's husband in prison, her worries will begin to fade.
It didn't. It only increased tenfold.
Not only does she have to worry about Maria, but Tahir too.
Her problems never seem to end. It's an endless maze.
"So...did you meet him?" Ameerah's voice snapped her from the trance she had just been in.
Rahma glanced at her side, where Ameerah sat on the same couch she was sitting in. She nodded, offering her a small smile to mask away the exhaustion she felt at the moment. "Earlier" Her smile wavered.
"Did he admit it?" Ameerah knew there's a low possibility of him doing so, but she wanted to try every chance they got.
Rahma shook her head, exhaling lowly. "No" She blinked. "He claimed he is innocent"
"That liar!" Ameerah exclaimed, slamming her hand on the couch as she looked away. Her shoulders slowly rose then fell. "He can't keep lying for long. The truth will come out eventually" She muttered, as if she was trying to convince herself.
Rahma noticed Mubarak ending the call and approaching them from the corner of her eyes.
"Ameerah..." Her voice came out low. "Haven't you ever thought of the possibility that maybe, he's innocent?"
"What?" Ameerah's tone held disbelief, as if she couldn't believe Rahma just said that.
Rahma opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. She struggled to find the right words to use so as to not offend Ameerah.
Truth is, she was conflicted.
On one hand she really wanted to help Ameerah, and on the other she wanted to believe Tahir.
She promised to help Ameerah, and she would, by finding out the real criminal because, what of Tahir wasn't the one? What if he is really innocent of all the charges against him?
What if he was falsely accused? Just like she was.
She saw the look in his eyes when he told her what happened earlier. He simply reminded her of herself.
"What do you mean 'apparently'?" Rahma asked, brows drawn in deeply as her lips tilted into a deep frown.
Tahir shrugged, "That's what she claims"
"When did it happen?"
"Ten years ago"
"Did you know her back then?"
"No" He shook his head. "I remember trying to help her back then but..." He sighed deeply, then shrugged slightly as he rubbed his face with his hands.
While his face stayed neutral, his eyes though held this familiar look she knew very well.
Hopelessness. He had lost hope on the case.
Just like she did back then when she was accused of murder. He probably felt like there's no use in explaining since no one would listen or trust him. Just like her.
Tahir reminded her of herself in so many ways. And that was the truth behind this all.
Rahma wanted to ask what happened afterwards, she wanted him to tell her though she knew it but she couldn't bring herself to. It was clearly a painful memory for him. It had to be else he would've tried to explain himself. He would've explained what really happened.
But, after what happened when he tried to help her, he simply lost the confidence to do so. And that hurt him more than anything.
She intertwined her fingers, trying to look at all possible angles. Her eyes briefly closed as she thought of what to ask him next. Her eyes flicked open when the question came. "The trail for the late victim back then, three years ago. I'm sure Ameerah attended it right?"
He nodded.
"Did you recognize her then?"
He didn't hesitate as he shook his head. "No I didn't. It had been 7 years already then. Besides, I didn't see her face that night. I...." He paused, sighing deeply as he shook his head.
He didn't want to reminiscence what happened back then. He couldn't. That was the day he lost everything and honestly, a part of him regret trying to help Ameerah. He couldn't help but feel like if he didn't do that then maybe things would've turned out differently.
Then again, he knew otherwise. Things were already bad enough back then. It would've ended that way sooner or later.
"Same thing with the girl five years ago" He decided against completing his earlier statement. "I only tried to help but it appears bad things always happen when I try to help"
"And the girl's mother? You knew she would give a statement right?"
"Of course" He didn't ask how Rahma knew so much about the case. If what Noah said about her working with Zarah is right, then nothing was impossible to a certain extent when it came to that Attorney. He leaned forth, placing both hands on the table. "I wanted her to give a statement. She knew the truth and she was going to admit it. It would've cleared my name back then. But..."
"You hit her with your car?"
Tahir stared at Rahma, but he didn't say anything.
He made no move to explain that part. So, she stopped asking.
"Rahma how can he be innocent when even his own mother knew he did it?" Ameerah's voice rose slightly, face turning red with anger.
Rahma sighed. That is the part that hurts Tahir the most, and she knew that already. "Ameerah, do you really think she'd testify against her son?"
Ameerah swallowed, eyes narrowed as her face turned stoic. "She would if she considers me her daughter too. Else, there's no point in her adopting me" She said through gritted teeth. "I never spoke to Lami about it for ten years now, but now, I have to. She will testify against her son because it's the right thing to do"
One more update left...
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