CH29. One Step Ahead

Because @aysherh_idrissa and @mss_amee comment made my night😌

Get your popcorn and pepsi! I know what I'm saying😎


Noah stared at her as if she had grown two heads. "I can't decide whether you're being careless or stupid"

Her grin turned into a frown immediately at his words. She narrowed her eyes at him, lips curling into a slight snarl, "Be careful with how you speak to me Noah!"

He ignored her warnings. If there's one thing he's sure of having spent his entire life with her is that she won't ever hurt him. She might threaten him but that's all it'll ever be. "And the attorney?" He spoke after a couple of seconds of silence. "Did you have anything to do with her accident?"

Maria simply smirked. And though her lips made no move to answer his question, the look on her face did loud enough.

He ran his hand through his hair furiously as he paced back and forth. When he finally stopped, he looked at her with his eyes narrowed in slits, "How could you do that?!" His voice rose slightly. He knew to keep his tone down if he didn't want people to overhear them. And with his step dad just across the hall, the man can walk in at any minute once the shouts become too much.

He doesn't interfere when the two are having an argument. But, he does when it becomes too much.

His outburst didn't disturb her one bit. All she did was calmly watch him as she crossed her legs. Her thumb running across her nails lightly, "That Zarah thinks she's smart" She started, her tilting to the side slightly, "She had the audacity to storm into this house yesterday"

"Madam, we can't let you in without being notified of your appearance"

Zarah scoffed as she shook her head, "Then tell Maria that I'm here to see her. Let her know that I, Attorney Zarah Gwalabe, I'm demanding to see her and that I won't leave this place until I do so!" She said through gritted teeth as she glared at the guards, daring them to say otherwise.

She meant every word she said. If she has to spend the night there, then so be it. She won't leave without seeing Maria no matter what I'll take.

Another guards approached her, "Madam if you don't comot from here, I go use force on you o!" He threatened, reaching his hand out to hold her arm but she swatted it away.

"If you dare touch me...." She pointed her finger at him, moving her glare from the other guard to him, "...I'll sue you for harassment. Don't forget that I am a lawyer!"

The guard took a step back, but his hard glare remained unwavering. "See Madam, I don't care if you be lawyer o! Be court if you want. We go sue you for trespassing too"

She faked a wide smile, "Which is why I'm nicely asking you to let me in. I am not leaving this place until I see Maria"

The guard rubbed the nape of his neck as he tried to think of a way to get rid of her. Just then, the other guard's phone rang. When he saw the caller, he immediately answered the call, walking away from the two for some privacy.

After about a minute, he gestured for the other guard to open the gates for Zarah, claiming that Maria ordered them to let her in.

Zarah didn't waste a second before she got back into her car. With the speed she entered the house, she almost hit the guard that was claiming to sue her earlier. The unexpected speed had him jumping out of the way for her to drive in without losing his life in the course.

Zarah found a space and parked the car hastily, not caring that her parking position wasn't right. She picked up her phone and stormed into the house, pushing the maid that was sent to accompany her aside.

The minute she walked past the threshold, she spotted Maria coming down the stairs with her head up. The woman rolled her eyes when her gaze fell on Zarah's figure that stood watching her.

She tutted, shaking her head in the process. "Where did you leave your manners, Zarah?"

Zarah offered her a cheeky smile, one they both knew was fake. "I'm sorry I must've left it the same place you left yours at my parent's funeral" She knew she's being rude, but she couldn't help it. The woman had been getting under her skin for as long as she'd known her.

And back then, she wasn't even aware that she's the same Maria since there was no picture of her from the file she had gotten about Bilal Malik, Rabia's foster father's so called wife. The details on her record isn't the same one she uses currently either.

It must be the work of her current husband. He has to be the one behind it. Then that will explain why Maris owes him so much for everything he had done to her.

Maria smiled, huffing lowly. "You still haven't forgotten that?" She reached the bottom of the stairs, then walked closer to Zarah's figure.

Zarah gritted her teeth, unable to hide the anger she came with. She closed the distance between, staring right at Maria's eyes to show her that she wasn't intimidated one bit by her. "It's impossible to forget the one person that dared to laugh at me at my own parents' funeral"

Maria sighed, "Why are you here Zarah? As you can clearly see, I'm a busy woman"

Zarah gulped, her fists clenched by her side. "What did you do to that man huh?"

Maria simply stared at her, "I don't know what you're talking about"

"Nonsense" Zarah muttered. She wasn't going to fall for Maria's lies one bit. "Admit what you did to him"

Maria smiled, she enjoyed seeing Zarah irked. "Okay first..." She reached her hand out and snatched Zarah's phone out of her hands. Zarah's eyes widened as Maria glanced at the phone, "Classic lawyers trying to record a conversation" She tutted, then shook her head. She deleted the recording Zarah started the minute she left her car. "You can't trick me Zarah"

Zarah looked away, clenching her eyes shut.

"Now, let's talk about the man" Maria held the phone with her for safety sakes. She didn't want to risk Zarah recording her conversation again.

"You had him beaten didn't you?" Zarah swiveled her head around to glare at her, "Were you that angry that you had him beaten to the point that he's lying in a hospital bed?" She said, referring to the same man that helped her give Maria false information about Rahma.

Maria smirked. "He had it coming the minute he decided to betray me"

Zarah nodded as she released a small sarcastic laughter, "You think scaring him into not talking to me would change anything?"

"Of course not" Maria shook her head, "But it'll let you know that whatever trick you and that girl are pulling, I'm always one step ahead of you"

It was Zarah's turn to smirk. She folded her hands over her torso, tapping her finger that had a ring on it on her arm. "So tell me Maria, how does it feel to know the truth?" She watched Maria's expression slowly morph into that of anger, "Tell me how it feels to know that Rabia would prove her innocence and that you will end up behind bars for the crime you committed"

Maria didn't try to fake a smile this time around. She didn't even bother to hide the anger on her face and tone. "That girl will go back to prison because she killed him. And trust me Zarah, I'll make sure of that"

"Not if I have anything to do with it" Zarah reached her hand out and snatched her phone out of Maria's hand. Narrowing her eyes at the woman, she spoke lowly but clear enough for Maria to hear her. "Mark my words Maria, we would prove her innocence and I'd make sure to do so no matter what it takes. And you..." She gave her a onceover, "...will end up behind bars. Countdown starts now. Enjoy everything you have while it lasts and for your information, you don't have long to enjoy all this luxury. That's a promise" She glared at Maria before she stormed out, leaving the raging woman alone in the hallway.

"So you found a way to make her end up in the hospital simply because she threatened you?" Noah's tone held disbelief in it. He knew Maria is capable of doing so many things because of this case but not to this extent. Not to the extent of hurting other people or threatening their lives, literally.

What if Zarah really died? What would she do then?

Maria simply shrugged. "She shouldn't have pushed me. And now..." She lightly caressed her knuckles with her thumb, "...that Rabia is next" Her gaze remained fixated on a wall, her thoughts wandering off.

Noah shook his head the minute those words left her mouth. "No. You will not hurt Rabia in any way. If you do, it's my word against yours, trust me" He might've allowed her to do so in the past, but he wouldn't at the moment.

Maria flickered her gaze to Noah, "Relax, I won't hurt her. For now, I'll just enjoy the show she's putting on without her knowing that I know who she really is. Like I said, I am one step ahead of her" She grinned, basking in the feeling of superiority.

Or so she thought.

Rahma laughed as she munched on the chocolate chip cookies she brought with her. She reached her hand out and increased the volume of the recording on her laptop. Her lip slowly stretched into a smirk knowing that she now has a way to listen to all of Maria's conversations without her knowing.

She made the right decision by planting the recording device in Maria's house earlier when she was there.

Rahma glanced at the clock, noting that it's been over five minutes since Maria left to answer a call. After their conversation about Zarah earlier, Maria received a call so she left her alone in the living room.

Rahma decided to use that opportunity to do what brought her to the house in the first place. She stood up from the couch and headed towards the stairs, trying to see if she could spot a familiar face around the place. After a couple of steps, she spotted the same maid that she had seen earlier. "Hey!" She called out, gaining the woman's attention.

The woman walked towards her, a small smile etched on her face, "Yes Ma'am?"

"I'm looking for Maria" Rahma made sure to smile, so that the intent behind her question won't be noted. "Do you know where she is?"

"Yes, she is in her room upstairs Ma'am. She always answers her calls there"

Rahma nodded in understanding. That was all she needed to hear. "Can you direct me to the powder room please?"

"Just go upstairs, it's the last room on your right"

"Thank you" She headed up the stairs. She stopped by each room to see if she could hear Maria's voice to know which is her room exactly, but she also made sure to look over her shoulders and be discreet of the sounds her stilettos make.

She found the room after passing by three doors. Instead of going in at the moment, she headed to the powder room and left the door slightly ajar, taking note of each sound that comes from outside.

A few minutes passed before the sound of doors opening caught her attention. She poked her head out and caught the sight of Maria leaving the room. She waited until Maria went down the stairs and the sound of her footsteps could no longer be heard before she came out of the powder room.

With slow, discreet steps, she made her way over to the room. She looked up, looking at both sides of the hall to make sure that there was no one in sight before slowly twisting the door handle and slipped into the room, closing the door shut behind her.

She didn't bother to look around the room to take note of the way everything was placed. She looked around for a place to plant the recording device. She was hasty knowing that she doesn't have much time, especially not with Maria downstairs already.

Her gaze fell on the vanity table, and immediately, she rushed to it. She slipped her hand behind it, trying to see if there's enough space to place the device in there. She gulped, when she heard faded footsteps from outside. She quickly looked over her shoulder as she slipped her hand into her bag and pulled the device out.

It was big, but not big enough to be spotted early.

She quickly fixated it in the place, hands wobbling slightly when she heard the door handle twist.

She gulped, and glanced at the space that was barely enough for her hand. After a couple of seconds, it was in place.

Just as she pulled her hand back, footsteps reached her ears making her swivel around tighten her hold on her bag.

The maid from earlier came in sight, she blinked at the sight of Rahma in the room. "Miss Rahma"

Rahma blinked and smiled, masking her nervousness with the smile. "Sorry, I got lost while looking for the powder room. Which room did you say it is exactly?"

The woman nodded in understanding, "Let's go Ma'am. I'll show you the way. You can't be here. Miss Maria would get angry at both of us if she knows you're here"

"Okay" Rahma's smile widened, "Lead the way"

The minute the woman had her back towards her, she smirked.

She had successfully did what she came to do.

It was a good thing that the maid knew better than to let Maria know where Rahma had been since she didn't want to get scolded either.

And thanks to Zarah who told her how to set it up the other day, Rahma could listen to everything from her room.

"Are you sure Maria?" She muttered, putting another cookie in her mouth as she listened to Maria and Noah's conversation continue. "I think I'm the one who's one step ahead in this case" She dusted her hand off the remnants of the cookie in her hand.

She waited until she could no longer hear the two. That was when she knew the conversation had ended. Pushing the chair closer to the table, she sent the recording from the time into a flash drive to save it. When she was done, she stretched her hands and smiled. "You started this game Maria. Now I would play it according to my rules and win"

She smirked.


Rahma fixed the veil she threw on when she heard the doorbell. Her brows drew in as she wasn't expecting anyone to show up. The only person that ever visits her was Zarah and with her current predicament, it's impossible for her to be there. So, that brought her to her original question.

Who could it be?

She reached the door and held the handle, hesitating for a bit. She couldn't tell if it was a good idea to open the door or not. The person on the other side could be anyone.

The doorbell rang again.

She gulped and twisted the handle, pulling the door open slowly as he stepped back. She peeked at the other hand, lips set into a straight line to hide the bits of fear she felt. When her gaze fell on the strange man, her brows squished together further.

She didn't recall ever coming across the mane ever before. If she did, she would've recalled him. "You are..." She trailed off.

The man that seemed to be either in his early or mid-sixties offered her a small smile, the corner of his eyes squinting due to it. His greying brows didn't slant, which gave her the impression that he wasn't nervous about meeting her. Her eyes moved downcast, noting the envelop in his hand. "I'm Mr. Sagir. I live across the street" He gestured to his house with his finger.

She nodded in understanding though she didn't get why he was there. "How can I help you Sir?"

"Can we talk inside?" He started, making her narrow her eyes slightly, "I have something to tell you. And it's not something we should talk about out in the open"

She pressed her lips together, glancing around them uneasily. Flashing him a onceover, her hands tightened around the doorknob, then straightening it.

He noticed her reluctance, it made his smile widen a bit. He hoped that would ease the hesitance. "Attorney Zarah handed me something to give you" He added, gesturing to the envelope he held.

Her tensed shoulder slumped, "Zarah did?"

He nodded.

"How can I know you're telling the truth? She's in a coma, how can she give you something to give me?" She had so many questions running through her head. How could she believe that Zarah sent him simply because he said so? Maria could've sent him to kill her for all she knows.

"By now you must've planted the recording device she gave you and figured that Maria had something to do with her accident right?"

Her squished brows parted a bit as she blinked. "How did you know that?"

"Let me in and I will explain. I promise, I'm here to help"

She knew she was about to risk her life, but something in her believed him. She felt like his words were genuine, and she could tell when a person wasn't being sincere. Being in prison taught her that. So, she stepped away from the door, "Come in"

He walked in. She closed the door behind him then lead him into the living room. Gesturing for him to sit on one of the couches, she sat on the one opposite.

"Explain please" She stated, her posture stiff. She didn't want to risk anything by not being alert. "How do you know Attorney Zarah?"

He handed the envelop over to her, his warm smile still intact. "I'm just a friend"

She glanced at the envelop, then looked up at him. "A friend?" She repeated. "And you live across the street?"

He nodded.

"Keep your friends close" She muttered, watching him up close. "That's what she meant"

His smile turned into a grin. Zarah told him that the girl is smart. He now believes her since she finally comprehended the words.


Do not underestimate my characters!!!!

Oya team Maria haffa🤣🤣 Rahma don take the lead now!

What do you think will happen next? Drama drama drama!!

Lemme let yall rest sha.


Love, Jannah.

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