CH28. --And Your Enemies Even Closer

Rahma slung a veil over her shoulder. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Cold eyes met her gaze. The anger behind those orbs prominent yet she managed to conceal it with the stoic expression she had on.

She reached her hand out and picked up her phone, along with her bag that was resting on the vanity table. She turned around and walked out of the room, her stilettos clanking on the marbled floor. On normal occasions, she wouldn't have worn it but for some reason, it boosted her confidence. And she needed every bit of confidence and self-control she could muster at the moment.

"To Maria's house" She said to the driver, after she got in the back seat. She kept the bag beside her and crossed her legs, leaning back on the seat slightly. Her eyes flickered to the window, gazing at the street.

"Was it a head-on collision?" She asked the police officers. She decided to stop by their place the minute she left the hospital. She didn't want to waste any more time. She wanted to find out the truth as soon as possible.

Something about the incident simply doesn't add up for her.

The police officer shook his head, "No Ma'am. The accident happened because Attorney Zarah was over speeding"

Rahma released a small sarcastic laughter. She knew he couldn't see her expression clearly due to the spectacles and mask, but she made sure he noticed the glare, "Are you hearing yourself officer? She's an attorney. She of all people know the rules. Do you think she'd break it?"

The police officer sighed, leaning forward he rested his hands on the desk. "Ma'am, she wouldn't be the first lawyer to break the law"

"I know that. But you have to look at all the possibilities here. I mean—"

"With all due respect Ma'am, we did our job and it showed that she was over speeding. That caused the car accident. It was caused by her carelessness. Nothing else so please do not come up any falser scenarios"

A part of Rahma believed what he said. However, she knew Zarah wouldn't over speed and cause an accident. It doesn't sound like something she would do. And though no evidence points at Maria, she felt the need to check for herself. The anger in her wouldn't let her stay home and calm down first.

She needed to face Maria and find out if she's connected to what happened to Zarah by whatever means necessary.

After all, she made plans to meet Maria that day. She couldn't just call it off. Admittedly, the rational part of her thought about staying home as she knew there's a high chance she can't control her anger around Maria at the moment.

Frankly speaking, she was angry with everyone. Maria, the police, the doctors and everyone else she came in contact with. And as much as she hates to admit it, that anger was being fueled by her fear.

Without Zarah, she's at risk of ending back in jail. She might as well give herself back in at the moment. She had no connections whatsoever compared to Zarah. She's simply nothing so the chances of her finding out the truth and being freed is slim.

The sound of the car stopping jerked her out of her thoughts. When she looked around, she realized that they had arrived at Maria's house already. So, without wasting a second more she picked up the bag and threw the door open, stepping out of it hastily. The sooner she sees Maria, the better.

Unlike the first time she visited the house, she didn't wait for anyone to show her in. She held her chin up, shoulders squared, and with every stride of hers, confidence oozes. She tightened her hold around her bag's handle as she continued her strides. That helped her reign her anger in.

She pushed the door open, and walked into the house. Just like the first time she was there, the scent of incense wafted round the house. The chilly air due to the air conditioning system caressed her skin. Under other circumstances, that would've calmed her anger in but it didn't. She felt as enraged as she did a few hours ago when she saw Zarah's body.

"Where's Maria?" She asked, the minute she spotted the familiar face of the maid she met her first time in the house.

"In the living room Ma'am"

Rahma didn't wait for her to say a word more as she stormed her way to the living room. From a mere glance at her face, one could tell that she wasn't in the mood for games or anything. She was determined to get answers even if it means exposing her identity at the moment.

She only stopped when she reached the living room. Her gaze fell on Maria who sat on a couch, calmly sipping God knows what as she watched the TV. The sound of Rahma's footsteps was what got her attention away from the television.

Maria grinned when she noticed Rahma, "Rahma!" She stood up, keeping the mug on a coaster, "I thought you wouldn't come"

Rahma forced a smile on her face. She didn't care if Maria could tell if it's fake or not. It was all she could muster at the moment. "Why would you think such?" Because you almost murdered my friend? She wanted to add that, but she bit her tongue to stop herself from saying that.

A part of her found it pointless to accuse Maria of such when the woman doesn't know of her relationship with Zarah. But what if she does? One can't ever be sure in such situations. And because of that thought alone, she doubted Maria to no ends.

The woman is a good actress. She first hand knows that.

"Just..." Maria trailed off, shrugging her shoulders. "Come in" Using her hand, she gestured for Rahma to walk in.

Rahma's smile stretched as she walked past her, but it dropped the minute she wasn't facing Maria. She rolled her eyes at the nice persona Maria's feigning. She wondered how people actually believe that Maria is a nice person. Didn't they ever notice that Maria is two faced? Or did they choose to ignore it instead?

She sat down on the couch Maria was occupying earlier, and Maria say beside her. No words were exchanged between the two as the news of Zarah acme up on the news again, that took a hold of both their attention. With their gazes fixated on the TV, Maria tutted.

"Such a shame really" She muttered. She then turned to Rahma, "I don't get why they keep repeating the news of her accident, they showed it earlier"

Rahma glanced at Maria, then at the TV, "Who is she?"

"Didn't you see the news earlier?" Maria's mouth fell open as she stared at Rahma incredulously.

Rahma shook her head.

"You see that woman" She pointed to the TV where a picture of Zarah was shown, "Is a well-known attorney here. Her parents were both lawyers before they passed away in an accident three years ago in a car accident. And unfortunately for her, she got involved in a car accident today too"

Rahma's eyebrows drew in as her lips tilted into an empathetic frown. "That's sad to hear. Do you think the two cases are related?"

"What? Her parent's death case and hers?"

Rahma nodded.

Maria shrugged as she thought about Rahma's words, "I wouldn't be surprised really. I mean, they should've seen it coming"

That seemed to pique Rahma's interest because she crossed her legs and turn to face Maria completely, "How come?"

"Well..." Maria sighed, "The family are well known for taking up cases against rich and powerful people. And cases like are simply like fighting with fire and well, if you fight with fire for too long...." She stared at Rahma in the eyes unwaveringly, "You get burnt"

Rahma chuckle lowly, "So they shouldn't have gone against powerful people?"

"No" Maria shook her head, "It's just stupid to against people that could ruin you in seconds"

Rahma nodded, her lips stretching into a smile, "Because they are powerful, they should be left to roam about freely after committing crimes? I don't believe that's good idea. We need lawyers like them to bring all people who commit crimes down. It's the right thing to do"

"No..." Maria tilted her head to the side slightly, gesturing to the TV again, "It's a stupid thing to do. Look how she ended for instance"

Rahma's smile faltered for that second, the anger she concealed before threatening to come out. "So her accident wasn't really an accident, was it?"

Maria's lips slowly stretched into a smirk before she shrugged, the smirk disappearing as soon as it came, "How can I know?" She chuckled, "All I know is, you should never play with fire"

Rahma's nodded, her eyes not moving away from Maria for a second as she smiled. "But I kind of like playing with fire"

"You'll get burnt then"

Rahma chuckled. "I'm more like a phoenix. I'll rise from those ashes so fire can only do so much, don't you think?" She threw a quickly glance at the TV before moving her gaze back to Maria who was staring at her sharply. "Besides, you might think you hold the fire but it can burn you too, one can never be too sure?"

"Exactly" Maria grinned, "So be careful with your words Rahma and watch your back"

Rahma smiled.


Tahir reached his hand out and picked up his new phone that had been buzzing nonstop. He had to replace the one he destroyed the day before out of anger. His gaze fell on Noah's name that flashed on the screen. With a sigh, he swiped across the screen to answer the call.

"Hello" He said, before sipping the cold water he just picked up.

"Tahir, where have you been?"

"Home, sleeping. What is it?"

"Have you watched the news man? Did you see what happened?" Noah's tone made him furrow his brows.

He placed the water bottle aside and massaged his temples. He's still a bit cranky from just waking up from sleep. "No. What happened?"

"Attorney Zarah Gwalabe got into a car accident earlier. I thought you'd know this by now"

Tahir sighed again, sitting on the bed, "Why should I know Noah?"

"So you don't care?"

"Of course I don't"

"Well you should because people will definitely suspect you" Noah couldn't help but feel enraged by how calm Tahir is being about the situation.

Tahir scoffed, shaking his head in the process, "And why would people suspect me? Like you said, it was an accident"

It was Noah's time to sigh. "Tahir, with the retrial case against you and the possibilities of her being the lawyer to handle the case, people will definitely suspect you for the sudden accident. Do you think people will believe that it's a coincidence she got into an accident a day after the retrial was filed?"

"Noah, they can blame me all they want but I'm innocent. I really don't care" Tahir could feel the headache he felt earlier resurface and all he wanted to do at the moment was take some pills and go back to sleep.

There was silence at the other end before Noah voice came, "So you didn't do it"

Tahir scoffed. He knew it would eventually come down to this, "Noah if you called me to accuse me of this, then don't call me at all" he didn't wait for Noah's reply before he threw the phone aside, not caring where it fell.

He reached his hand out and picked up the water bottle. Popping the cap open, he took gulps from it desperately needing to calm his resurfacing anger.

He didn't get it. Why is it so hard for people to believe that he's innocent?

Then again, if his friends don't believe him, then who would?


Noah sighed and glanced at Mubarak who sat opposite him, "He got angry and hung up" He said, keeping his phone beside him as he shook his head. "Why can't he see that we're just trying to help them here? If everyone's against him, we're not"

"He's just stressed Noah" Mubarak pointed out. "With the retrial and we asking him questions, it must've taken a toll on him. He probably thought we're suspecting him"

Noah sighed again, rubbing his hand over his face. "But we're not"

"I know. But you know Tahir doesn't work well under stress. Besides, this retrial issue might ruin his chances of becoming a Senator and we both know, that is all Tahir ever want"

Noah nodded in agreement. He leaned forward, resting his hands on his thighs. He buried his face between his palms and released a long sigh. When he looked up, all the exhaustion he had been masking the whole day become apparent, "Plus, finding out that Rahma works with Zarah is another issue added to his list problems"

Mubarak who had looked away earlier snapped his gaze to Noah immediately those words registered in his head, "Rahma? As in the same one Tahir claims to like?"

Noah nodded, "That's the one"

"How are they working together? How did you even find out?"

"I saw them together earlier, and well, it wasn't hard to place the pieces in place. Though I know there's a chance that the two might not be working together, the odds prove otherwise" Noah left out the part that there's a 90 percent chance that Rahma is Rabia, his sister. He didn't want to conclude anything though—not until he talks to Maria because only she can clear up things and answer all the questions he has.

"Wow" Mubarak blinked, "Things aren't looking good for Tahir"

"Not one bit" Noah agreed though deep down, he knows the same applies to him.

If Rahma is Rabia for real, that changes everything.

One thing he's sure of was that there's nothing good about her return because as much as he hated to admit it, deep down, he knows that she is without a doubt Rabia.


Noah didn't bother to stop by to speak to anyone as he made his way upstairs. He went back home after spending the past couple of hours with Mubarak thinking of ways to help Tahir with everything that has been going on. However, he had been restless.

How could he sit calmly when he is yet to get the answers to the questions that had been disturbing him all day?

He didn't check the living room knowing that around that time, she's in her room. For some reason, she always stays there. Everything of hers business related and whatnot, she talks about in there. The room is basically half a room and half an office.

He didn't bother to knock or anything, he simply stormed into the room, closing the room shut behind him as he didn't want anyone to overhear that specific conversation.

When he walked further into the room, he spotted her sitting on a stool in front of the vanity table taking off her studs. She looked up and glanced at him through the mirror. She smiled, "Noah"

"You seem calm" Was the first thing he said to Maria.

She chuckled lowly, "Why shouldn't I?"

Instead of answering her question, he walked closer to her not wanting to risk the chance of anyone overhearing the conversation, "Have you heard about what happened to that attorney?"

"Which attorney?"

"Attorney Zarah Gwalabe"

"Oh...her" She nodded, removing the stud of her left ear. "Yeah I saw it. They kept repeating it too on the TV. I was with Rahma earlier when I saw it for the second time"

Noah hummed as he nodded looking away. When he finally turned to look at her, his eyes were narrowed in slits, "Rahma or Rabia?"

Instead of the shocked expression or stunned one Noah expected, she simply met his gaze through the mirror and chuckled. "You've finally figured her out"

He scoffed. He partially expected this. He knew there's no way she'd be nice to a stranger she met the first time like she treats Rahma. "Since when did you know?"

"From the very minute I laid my eyes on her in the airport" She placed the stud she removed beside the other one. Opening one of the vanity table drawers, she placed the stud in there. "Of course she didn't see me, but I did. And I knew from the minute that she's Rabia. She hasn't changed that much honestly. She still had the same fiery look in her eyes as the day I visited her back in prison"

Noah closed his eyes and scratched his eyebrows. He still had many questions for her but one stood out. "Why didn't you say anything and kept her close then?"

She smiled, turning around to look at him fully. "Haven't you heard of the saying 'keep your friends close' Noah?" She raised a brow, "And your enemies even closer"


Did you guys underestimate Maria??!?! 😂😂😂😂😎

The obessession I had with the above youtube sound track while writing this chapter and the upcoming ba😭😭 You can hear the drama in it! 🤣

Guy my persom is smart o!!!! She's not here to joke with yall!

Don't mind my exclamations🤣 I'm just too happy.

Hehhehehhe *laughs wickedly*

Things are picking up! This is one of my favorite chapters by the way 🤣😎🥂

Drama after drama go follow in the next chapter.

For now, who do you think leads the game? Maria or Rahma?

Who's reading for this?! 😌❤️ Yup, your two favorite writers are collaborating! Anticipate it, it's bomb I promise!

Vote, comment and share😭❤️

Love, Jannah.

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