CH25. Same Old Pain

To Zaynaabuu and mss_amee. Thank you for the comments 😭😭❤️ I always look forward to reading them.

The woman pushed the door open as slowly as she could, so as to not wake up her sleeping seven-year-old. She blinked her teary eyes as her gaze fell on the boy that's sleepily soundly. His face contorted into a slight pout which shows how little problems he has in the world, or so he thought at the moment.

She swallowed thickly as she stepped in, pushing the door but forgetting to close it completely. She blinked again rapidly, willing the tears to go back the closer she gets to the bed. Eventually when she reached it, she got into the bed, beside her son and leaned on her arm, staring at him.

On instinct, she reached her hand out and pushed his hair off his forehead which had eventually grown in length. He seemed to like it though, so she didn't bother making him get a haircut. She yearned to feel some comfort by gazing at him but it wasn't enough.

She pulled him in for an embrace, feeling him move around a bit but slowly slipping back into his slumber. She cradled him to her chest, rubbing her hand on his head, caressing as the tears fall. "I love you Noah. Mom loves you so much" She sniffed, trying to hold in the sobs so she wouldn't wake you up. "You'd always be my peanut"

Maria's brow furrowed when she spotted Noah's door slightly ajar. "This boy never listens" She muttered, shaking her head as she wiped her slightly damp hands on her dress. She walked towards the door with the intention of closing it shut so the boy can sleep. However, she stopped just as she held the when she spotted the sight of the son in his mother's hold.

Maria sighed, her shoulders slumped as she felt the familiar pain in her heart resurface. Her lips tilted into a deep frown as a crease appeared between her brows.

She knew back then that the problem will eventually affect the boy, but she did nothing to stop it. And that is something she regrets up to date.

Maria sighed and used her fingers to massage her temple. Her head aches from the hours she spent, eyes fixated on the white painted wall as her thoughts went far back into the past. She shook her head furiously, as if that will erase the memories that haunts her. And in a way, she did want to forget it but how can she when the past is slowly catching up to them? How could she when she knows that sooner or later, she and Noah would go through the same old pain they felt all those years back?

Could she handle it? Yes. What she fears though is how Noah would react. If there's a way for her to take all the pain from him, she would in a heartbeat.

The sound of footsteps caught her attention first, before she felt the presence beside her. The maid smiled though the woman's eyes were not on her, "Do you want anything Aunt Maria?"

Maria rubbed her sore temples again. "No" She muttered, flickering her closed lids open, "You can go, thank you"

She tried to keep the memories away till the woman's steps faded, and she could no longer hear, see or feel her presence anymore. Then once again, the memories sucked her into its abyss that rendered her powerless. She had to give in.

"I'm sorry"

Maria's brows creased, "What are you sorry for? You did nothing"

Noah's mother sighed, closing her eyes for a brief second. Maria's supposed words of assurance only made her feel guiltier. "Yes I did. It's my fault you and Noah are dragged into this"

Maria smiled, eyes glinting with sadness. "You helped me. I owe you my life"

Noah's mother looked away, urging the tears to go back. "I know how hard it must be for you" She whispered, seeing Maria look down for a brief second. She gulped thickly, carefully picking out her next words, "—But Noah is my son, no matter what he will always be"

Maria nodded in agreement. She never for once doubted the woman. If it wasn't for her help, she wouldn't have anything she has at the moment.

The woman's eyes teared up. She took a step closer to Maria, reaching her hand out to hold Maria's hands, she gave it a small squeeze, "I know I don't have to ask you this but, it will make me feel a bit better. Just promise me if anything happens, take Noah far away from here" Her voice broke at the end, her last words coming out as nothing but a mere whisper.

Maria shook her head, her eyes filled with tears. "Why are you saying that?" Just like the woman, her words came out as a whisper. But somehow, she felt that whispering those words would make it less unreal. That it would make her believe that the woman isn't thinking of anything bad happening to her to that extent. "Nothing is going to happen to you"

The woman looked down, tears dropping as she did that. Even as she clenched the eyes shut, they still managed to escape out. She sniffed, licking her chapped lips as she tilted her head to look at Maria, "I'm sorry I brought you two into this"

"Stop saying that please, I already told you, I owe you everything I have now"

The woman smiled sadly, "I only did what I had to do. Take care of Noah for me. For us"

Maria wiped her face repeatedly. She had tried to not think of those days but it was hard. Even though she fulfilled the promise, she knew she lost something long ago that she will never get back. And for the sake of everyone, she'll take the secret to her grave. She wouldn't let Noah know of the truth, ever. It will only hurt him more. "I'm sorry Noah" She whispered, exhaling deeply, her eyes misty. "I only did what I had to do"


Tahir walked into the house, his hands by his side with shoulders slumped. After attending the event Mubarak invited him too, he left for work. To say he was taken back when he found out that Rahma owned the advocacy will be an understatement. For all he knew, Mubarak's father had something to do with it---a sponsor, Mubarak said. He didn't divulge into it any deeper after Mubarak told him that his father only invested in it, and that he was there to represent him since the old man has other work to take care of.

Being the good friend he is, Tahir accompanied Mubarak so that the man won't be alone. If there's one thing, he knew about Mubarak the most is that he isn't a fan of crowded places. If it wasn't for his father's sake, he wouldn't be there.

"Where have you been?" the grumpy voice had his snapping his gaze to the source of the voice. Tahir's father, Alhaji Hamza Shagari sat on one of the couches, papers scattered on the table in front of him. His gaze wasn't on his son when he spoke. He didn't need to look to know it was Tahir who returned. Amongst all his children, he's the one who always came home late. A habit of his since he was a teenager.

The witty part of Tahir wanted him to respond with something along the lines of him being old enough to do whatever he wants, but he shut that part out. He knew no good will come out of that. It will only start one of their frequent arguments. Honestly, it had become a routine of theirs. Arguing all the time. "Out" He replied simply as he made his way into the living room. He sat a decent space away from his father, "I went to work after attending an event"

The man stopped flicking through the pages of the file in his hand. He looked up, eyes narrowed at his son, "Event?" He asked, his direct stare lacking any warmth. He then looked upwards and disparagingly shook his head, "Just make sure to not cause me any problems, you've caused me enough in your life" There was a hard edge in the man's voice that made Tahir look away.

"I'm not doing anything wrong. I never did"

"And you think I'll believe that?" His father's voice rose slightly, "You and your mother had been nothing but constant problems for me. Just one problem after another. Let me ask you something Tahir. How hard is it for you to simply be perfect like your siblings?"

Tahir chuckled bitterly, "You mean step-siblings, right? I'm sure you wouldn't call them perfect if they were Mama's children"

The old man shoved the papers aside, eyes narrowed at his son as the veins in his forehead popped out. "Nothing that comes from your mother is good"

Tahir's jaw clenched and he grinded his teeth, "Let me ask you something, do you even know where she is? Do you even care"

"Listen to me Tahir, if you ever speak or think about looking for your mother again, I wouldn't think twice about disowning you as my son" The man said through gritted teeth, his fingers clenched by his side. "If you are so worried about her, you should've left with her back then"

"I didn't know I had a choice" Tahir said, his tone dripping with sarcasm because they both knew he didn't have any choice. He was forced to stay with his father.

The man simply leaned back, still glaring at his oldest son. "You're just like her, aren't you? No wonder you turned out this way, she always had your back no matter what you did. After all the things she failed to do in her life, she should've at least raised you right"

Tahir stood up, his face and red neck from the amount of anger he tried to suppress, "Hate me all you want, insult me all you want but I'd appreciate it if you don't speak of my mother that way. She made a mistake, you both did. At least she owned up to it, what about you?" He didn't bother to hide the anger in his tone as he turned around, knocking down the glass center table that was beside him out of anger.

He ignored his father's yells, calling him back. He simply kept walking away till he could no longer hear the old man's voices. Till he was in the confines of his room.

He closed the door with a bang, making his way to a chair situated by the work-in table he has in the room to calm down. His father's words played in his head over and over like a song on repeat. And unfortunately, that only reminded him of the past.

"You are nothing but a disgrace!" Alhaji Shagari yelled, slamming his hand across Tahir's face.

Tahir's head swiveled to the side because of the contact, yet he made no move to look up or say anything to the man. He made no move to wipe the blood from the corner of his lips which he got from the smacks he received from the old man.

"Stop it!" His mother yelled, getting in between the father and son. Her shoulders rose, then fell as she breathes heavily, eyes narrowed at her husband.

"Do you have any idea what your stunt caused me? Do you plan on ruining my image simply because the elections are around the corner huh?!" The man yelled, pointing his finger at Tahir who remained rooted in his spot, his face stinging from the slap he received yet he made no move too soothe the pain.

"He told you he didn't do it! Can you just calm down!" His mother half yelled, exhausted of the constant yells and insults that had been going on for about ten minutes. She had tried to talk to the man calmly, but he was having none of it. She lost her calm the minute he slapped their son for the third time that night. All thoughts of rationally fixing the problem got thrown out the window. There's only so much a mother can take regarding her child.

"Stay out of this!"

"How can I when you're beating up my son?!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!"

"Don't you dare raise your hand on my son!" Tahir's mother's hand rose in the air to make her point. In the beginning, she used to tolerate the man's actions but that was something she stopped long ago.

The man scoffed, glancing at Tahir behind her then moved his gaze back to his wife, "Keep on defending him. One day, that boy will make you shed tears"

Tahir's mother didn't say anything. Her breathings came out ragged and loud as her shoulders rose, then fell. Her eyes were narrowed in slits, her face turning a deeper shade of red by the second. Yet, she made no move to say anything.

"Like mother, like son" Alhaji Hamza spat, then stormed out of the room.


"I did as you said" Mubarak said, making both his parents look at him. He however, kept his gaze on his father as his reply was directed towards him.

"Who is it?" His father asked, focusing his gaze on his nose. He made a move to take off the spectacles he has on, then placed it beside him, leaning slightly towards his son. He didn't want to miss an ounce of what the boy would say. He had been waiting for this for days now.

Mubarak shrugged slightly, "I couldn't find anything"

"What do you mean you couldn't find anything?"

Mubarak sighed, "Whoever sent the message is obviously a professional. I tried to decode it but it just keeps hitting a dead end. The person must've known what he or she is up to"

It was his father's turn to sigh deeply. He closed his face them massaged his temple. "This is what I feared" He muttered. He hung his head low, cracking his knuckles as he racked his brain, thinking of a solution. After a while, he looked up, "Who do think can decode it?" He knew there was no use of asking further. His hope diminished the minute Attorney Zarah told him she couldn't find anything. He knew how resourceful she is, which was one of the reasons she hired her for the case. The girl works with the best people when it comes to her cases, and she never fails but for her to hit a dead end—it meant there's a huge problem.

The sole reason he had Mubarak check on it was because he knew his son. One of the things that made him an exceptional detective is that he's good with computers. He can hack pretty much everything. And considering he works for the government's intelligence agency, he got access to everything he could need.

But they both failed despite their background.

It only meant that whoever is behind it might be a big hindrance to their plans. The question is, who is it?

"No one that I can think of, unfortunately" Mubarak shook his head dejectedly. He blinked, his brows drawing in, "If you don't mind me asking Baba...who was the message sent to?"

His mother snapped her gaze to her husband, who for that brief second glanced at her. The look they shared was one Mubarak couldn't decipher. The woman then blinked, ending the stare between her and her husband. "No one you should bother about" She spoke for the first time. She knew no good will come out of involving Mubarak in the case. Even she stayed out of it, knowing that it's something her husband wants to tackle alone. Involving Mubarak will only make things hard. The boy is naturally inquisitive. He wouldn't stop until he gets to bottom of it all.

And as much as they need that answer, Mubarak wasn't the right person to get it for them.

"Don't bother" She added, her eyes meeting that of her son's.

Mubarak smiled, then nodded. Although the smile didn't meet his eyes, his parents didn't notice it. "Okay Mama". He then moved his gaze to his father, "By the way Baba...the advocacy launch was a success" He watched his father up close, noting every reaction the old man gave.

The old man smiled, blinking once as he intertwined his fingers. "That's good then. I'm glad it did. The hard work paid off"

"I'm curious about one thing though..." Mubarak trailed off, noting how his father's smiled faltered a bit before he regained control—plastering that smile on his face. "How come that Rahma Turaki was announced as the owner. I never heard anything about her from you, or anyone" He paused, building up suspense at its awake. "It's like she appeared out of nowhere"

His father cleared his throat, not failing to maintain eye contact with Mubarak. "She's not known because she doesn't reside here. Besides, you can't know everyone I work with"

Mubarak nodded in agreement. Yet, he was unwilling to let the topic slid off just like that, "Where is she from by the way?"

His mother gulped. She could tell Mubarak didn't believe what they told him. "Why do you want to know?" She asked, wanting to find a way to end the conversation before it gets out of hand.

"Well, people might ask me since some people know it originally belongs to Baba. What should I tell them?"

"She's from Morocco. That's all you should tell them"

"Okay then" Mubarak didn't push further afterwards. That was all he needed to dig and find out just how credible their information is though he knows otherwise.


You're still awake? 😂😂 It's 2am!

Update while I'm sure most of yall are sleeping.

To us who stayed up watching kdrama, cheers🥂😴😂

Goodnight for real this time.

Love, Jannah.

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