CH20. The Aftermath
3rd MARCH, 2017.
Noah blinked rapidly as he walked in to their lounge, rubbing his hand over his face to wipe off the exhaustion. But even that wasn't enough to wipe off the dark bags under his eyes. He couldn't sleep a wink last night after the nightmare and the shadow he saw. What kept him on his toes was the fact that no one saw anyone coming in or out of the house. For a second he doubted the guards, but eventually let them off the hook wanting to convince himself that he was just seeing stuff.
But he knows he wasn't.
Mubarak who was watching some show on the television looked up, a brow raised when he took in his friend's appearance. "Man, what happened to you?" He asked, picking up the TV remote and tuning the volume down. His gaze moved to his other friend who stood in front of a table beside the wine cellar, his back facing them. "You look just as bad as Tahir. What happened to you two?"
"Later man" Tahir replied before Noah could, stirring his second cup of coffee that morning. The first one helped but it didn't give him the energy he needed at the moment. He had to make a second one. "I need some energy in my system now"
Noah made his way over to where Tahir stood, fetching himself a mug to get coffee too. Just like his friend, he believes he needs caffeine in his system to keep him running throughout the day. By the time he was done making the coffee for himself, Tahir had already situated himself on one of the couches, taking gulps from the cup.
He found an empty space on the couch Tahir is occupying and sat down, bringing the mug to his lips to take a sip which eventually turned to gulps.
Mubarak sat, quietly watching his two friends wondering what happened to both of them to look like they haven't slept in years. He had never seen them that way, ever. They both were always calm and composed, not to mention obsessed with their looks. Today however, none of them looked like they cared a bit about how they looked.
Noah sighed after a couple of gulps, already feeling the surge of energy coursing through his veins. He leaned back on the couch, then looked at his friends, "The charity event is today. You coming?"
Mubarak and Tahir nodded simultaneously.
"Aunt Maria invited us personally so we have to go" Tahir said, keeping his now half empty mug on the table in front of him, "I just need to get myself together first. I can't go like this"
"You need a couple hours of sleep" Said Mubarak glancing at his phone which beeped indicating that a message came through. He then looked up, his eyes falling on Noah, "You too. You both need rest"
"Let's meet at my house later before the event starts, then we'll go together yeah?" Noah said. He doubted if he or Tahir could sleep after the amount of coffee they consumed but decided to not say a word about it. That's a problem to deal with later.
"Okay then"
"Alright man"
Rahma pulled on the straps to her black heels. She didn't want to wear it but she has to, especially since she's going to meet a lot of people that day. She then stood up from the stool, walking a couple of steps back and forth to get used to the inches. When she was satisfied that she wasn't at any risk of tripping, she sighed and fixed her veil wrapped into a hijab. With one last gaze, she picked up her clutch and walked out.
As Zarah promised, car was waiting for her outside. A different car from the one she had been using since the whole charade started. According to Zarah, it would seem suspicious if she's seen with one car all the time. How the girl got the car and how rich she is, was still a mystery to Rahma, and she refused to go down that lane of unraveling it as long as it won't cause her any harm.
She got in the back seat, asking the driver to drive off to their destination. She had to use a driver all the time since she could neither drive nor have a driver's license. And in just a month, she didn't have time to get one.
As the car revved into life and drove off, her hand reached out to touch the small device in her ear.
"You can't go there alone" Attorney Zarah said, hands akimbo. Just as most times, she arrived at Rahma's apartment a couple of minutes past 6 am. She was extra cautious in making sure that no one spotted her around the area.
"Why not?" Rahma asked from the couch she's sitting on. Lucky for her, she got to sleep after praying and she was as energized as she'd need to be that morning.
"You're going to be in a room of strangers and potential murderer, do you need more reasons?"
That shut Rahma up quickly. She didn't want to take any chances. "What do you have in mind then?" She asked. She'd go with any plan the woman has. After all, none of her plans had failed, yet.
Zarah smiled—one that made Rahma wonder if there's more than she's letting out. "I'm going there, to help you keep an eye out"
"And how will you do that? I thought you weren't welcomed there. It'll be suspicious if you show up without invitation"
"That's where you're wrong. It won't be suspicious if I show up as a waitress"
"A waitress?" Rahma laughed, ridiculing Zarah's words. "That only works in movies. But seriously, how are you going to get in unnoticed?" She chuckled, then waited for the humor to mask Zarah's expression and prove to her that she was joking. After a couple of seconds with no trace of humor lacing the attorney's expression, Rahma's smile dropped. "Wait...are you serious?"
"Dead serious" Zarah placed her hand in her bag and pulled out a black box. She turned around and handed it over to Rahma.
Rahma took it from her, opening it cautiously. Her brows furrowed when she saw the small black thing of some sort. "What's this?" She picked it up, examining it up close.
"It's a communicating device. Just put it in your ear and we can communicate while we're there" Zarah explained, picking up her bag.
"Just do as I said. I'll explain further when we meet there"
Rahma leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes. She hoped that the plan would work out well and that she would get something that would help her. She only has 11 days left and so far, she has nothing. Just the mere thought of ending back in prison scared her to no ends.
The drive to the place where the event was going to take place was much shorter than she hoped for. And by the time the driver parked, she dreaded stepping out of the car and facing the people in there. However, she sucked in a breath and with the little bit of confidence she could muster, she stepped out.
She couldn't tell if it was a charity event or a wedding party. It's supposed be the former and not the latter. However, judging by the way everything was set up, she'd say Maria went a bit overboard on the plans they made.
It was set in an orphanage, where the money made will be donated to. Rahma made sure to make it clear to Maria that every money made will be donated to the orphanage alone, and that they both won't take a single naira from it. Maria agreed, though Rahma doubts she'd abide by it.
She walked into the orphanage which had a decent amount of people in it. Some people were outside while the majority were in, some were talking to the kids or playing with them. That was all Rahma needed to see to be sure that not everyone there is as bad as Maria and her friends. It was clear that there are sincere people there who wanted to help the children, just like her.
However, as she stopped and looked around, trying to spot Maria or any familiar face, the feeling of déjà vu dawned on her. The kids, roaming about happily as if they have no care the world, and a couple of kids who isolated themselves away reminded her of a little girl from ten years ago who spends most of her time alone instead of playing with other kids.
If she had known that her life would've turned out this way, would she have agreed to go with her foster father? If she didn't, what would've happened to her then? Would she have gotten adopted by another family, or would she be left alone till she reaches the age the orphanage will send her out since they won't let her stay there forever?
She had no answers to the questions as it won't make any different to her life at the moment. The past can't be undone. All she needs to focus on at the moment is her future. That is...if she would even have one.
Sure, if she goes back to prison she'd be released eventually. But she couldn't bear to spend more years in there. She doubts she'll live to see the day she'll be released.
She blinked, then looked at the source of the voice. A fake wide smile made its way on her lips when she saw the person. "Maria" She said, accepting the outstretched hand of the woman and shaking it.
"Finally, you're here" Maria said, a grin on her face, "Come. There are people asking about you" She didn't wait for an answer as she led her over to a group of people, presumptuously the one's Maria was referring to. Once they reached where they are, the others turned, about five people, two men and three women. "Everyone, this is the infamous Rahma Turaki, the sponsor of this event"
"It's a pleasure to meet you Rahma, we've heard great things about you from Maria" One of the women said, reaching her hand out for a handshake which Rahma accepted. The woman has a smile on her face, one that Rahma was sure it's sincere. Then again, you can never be too sure about people.
"The pleasure is mine" Rahma's smile widened. She would rather make more allies than enemies. And if smiling and acting nice would get her that, then so be it.
"I heard from a business partner than you're an activist. Apparently, you always support others for the greater good. No wonder you sponsored this event" This time, it was one of the two men that spoke. Rahma was surprised at first when he mentioned a business partner, that was until she remembered what Zarah told her about getting her an alibi. According to her, 'If some big business person creates a name for you, hardly anyone would doubt your ability. And don't worry, I'll take care of that part'. This must be what she meant.
"Not to mention she's also a business woman, she has it all" Maria said, placing a hand on Rahma's shoulder as she chuckled. This made the others, including the said girl chuckle too.
Rahma's chuckle however was sarcastic. Has it all? She has nothing thanks to whatever happened ten years ago, and she was sure Maria played a role in it. Yet here the woman is, talking about how she has it all.
Sometimes, she really doubts if the woman believes the show she's putting on. Just like her, she could be faking it.
However, if there's one thing she learnt about Maria ten years ago is that the woman has no patience. If she really knows that Rahma is faking, she would've exposed her long ago.
"Well I'd love it if you would consider working with us" One of the woman said, snapping Rahma out of her thoughts.
"Excuse me, what?"
The woman placed her hand in her bag and pulled out a card, handing it over to Rahma, "I own a women rights activist group. It's similar to what you do so I'm sure you'd love it"
Rahma took it from her, then smiled in appreciation. "Thank you. I'd check it out when I'm free" What they don't realize is the double meaning behind her words. Unlike how they'd assume she'll check it out when she has free time, she means she'll check it out when she's free from prison. Funny how one words could mean two different things at the same time.
After a while of getting to know each other and talk about business, Rahma excused herself away from the group. It wasn't that she didn't like their company, she did actually since none of them seemed to be like Maria. However, she found it tiring to stand and talk about business over and over again. She never attended school in her life so most of the things they keep saying are gibberish to her.
She bumped into someone amidst her thoughts that wandered. She wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings so it didn't come as a surprise to her. What surprised her however was the persons she bumped into, the familiar face she hoped she'd never see again.
"Oh look who the cat dragged in"
Rahma's smile faltered for a second, but returned back as quick as it left. "I could say the same to you. Who invited you? I'm sure it wasn't Maria. We both know how bad your last encounter ended with her" She mocked, seeing the anger slowly making its way on the woman's face.
She's just so easy to irk.
The woman admittedly is good at changing her emotions though. Because the anger left as soon as it appeared, "Didn't she tell you?" She smirked, "She invited me"
Instead of the shocked expression she expected to see plastered on Rahma's face, the girl laughed making the woman stare at her in confusion. "And you came? She literally sent you I'm sorry, the right work to use is kicked you out, in front your friends. And you still came, because she invited you?" Rahma chuckled again, shaking her again as if she couldn't believe the woman's stupidity. Is the woman that dumb or is she just a pushover?
"She apologized"
"I'm sure she did" Rahma words might sound like she agrees with her, the facial expression and the mockery behind it proved otherwise. They both know Maria has too much pride to apologize, even if she's at fault. Just the thought of that made Rahma chuckle more.
"Sure" The woman said through gritted teeth, "Go ahead. Laugh all you want. But I promise you Rahma, I'd expose your true identity because we both know, you're faking!"
"Have you always been this presumptuous?"
"What do you—"
"You can search all you want; I won't stop you. But I can assure you that you won't find anything" Rahma voice didn't waver despite the fact that internally, she's scared of being exposed. However, showing her fear would only prove to the woman that she's right, she is hiding something. So, she hid it under the stern eyes and stoic face.
She saw the woman's lips move, wanting to say something but nothing came out.
This made Rahma smile. She took a step close to the woman, "Go ahead. I dare you" She said lowly, loud enough for only the woman to hear and no one else.
The woman—who Rahma still doesn't know her name and doesn't bother to know, narrowed her eyes at her. She took a step back, intimidated by Rahma's tall figure towering over hers, though she tried to hide it but failed woefully. "Maria is blind" She said, through gritted teeth.
Rahma shrugged, a smile plastered on her lips.
"She had never been this trusting, and suddenly she trusts you, a stranger over me" The woman continued, shaking her head. She then tutted, "Then again, why should I be surprised, she came from the dumps too. Just like you. Birds of the same feather, do flock together"
Rahma rolled her eyes, deciding that the woman had ran out of something sensible to say that she had eventually started spewing gibberish. She side stepped her, and walked away, leaving her alone to talk all day if she wants. She ignored the yells that acme from the woman behind her.
Once she couldn't hear her anymore, she sighed and her shoulders slumped a bit.
"What was that all about?'
Rahma jumped slightly from the sudden voice that came out of nowhere. She placed her hand on her veil clad ear, feeling the device that she had completely forgotten about. "Zarah?"
Rahma sighed out of relief. She looked around, wanting to make sure she didn't draw any attention to herself, "You scared me" She muttered, taking her hand off her ear.
"Sorry. Your conversation sounded heated"
"You heard everything?"
"Well not everything. But I heard some parts of it and I could tell she does not like you"
Rahma chuckled slightly, not finding much humor in Zarah's words though she knows it's true, "Said she'll find out my secrets, have any idea what she means?" A couple of people passed by her, she offered them smiles hoping that they didn't overheard her.
"No but stay away from her for now. I'll find a way to deal with whatever she plans"
Rahma nodded, then realized that maybe Zarah could not see her, so she answered, "Okay"
She didn't know where she's going, all she knows is that she's going in the direction away from people as the voices started to fade with each step she takes. However, the further she goes, the more she hears new voices. At first, they sounded muffled, that was until she reaches the end of the hallway which led to another one.
"I honestly thought it was just an illusion of the dark" Said a voice that sounded oddly familiar to her. It took a while but she eventually figured who the voice belongs to, Tahir. "I was going to dismiss it but I'm sure, I saw someone"
"It can't be an illusion if it happened to me too" This time, it's an unfamiliar voice. So, she couldn't tell who it belongs to.
"It happened to you too?" Another unfamiliar voice asked.
Silence followed afterwards, until Tahir spoke again. This time, he didn't sound as calm as earlier, "This can't be coincidence, someone must be after us. The two of us that us. No one will mess with Mubarak since he won't be easy to get"
Someone sighed, "What should we do now then? None of the guards in my house saw anyone come in or out"
"Same thing for me" Tahir agreed, "But that only means that we can't trust any of them. Someone betrayed us" She heard him sigh after saying that. "Mubarak" He called who she assumed one of the two other people, "Did you find anything on the number that texted me?"
"Someone texted you?"
"Yes. An anonymous message"
"Two days ago"
Rahma's eyes widened slightly as she took a step back, thankful that her heels do not make too much sound to attract their attention. Her brows drew in, "He got the message too?" She whispered to herself, getting more confused by everything she's finding out slowly.
What's going on?
Another late night update!
Yall let's have a tag fest now😭😭 Tag as much people as you can to read this book. If you do, I promise I'll update soon.
Love, Jannah.
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